GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3095: Misses the chance?

First do not ask that I first say to you present situation simply, can find the buried treasure to look at us to have this chance!” Cheng Yu currently where also has the mood rubbish with them, hurries to open the mouth the situation that oneself discover simply told them. “你们先别问了,我先把现在的情况跟你们简单的说一下,能不能找到宝藏就看我们有没有这个机缘了!”程宇现在哪里还有心情跟他们废话,赶紧开口将自己所发现的情况简单的跟他们说一下。 Moreover also told the energy that they in this white light contained to reduce, when perhaps the energy in white light completely vanished, that this buried treasure might wait till for several hundred years later can open. 而且也告诉他们这白光中所蕴含的能量正在减少,也许等到白光中的能量完全消失,那这宝藏也许就要等到几百年之后才能够打开了。 Not! The energy in this white light is so weak!” Listened to the Cheng Yu's explanation, everyone followed to feel the energy in a that white light containing, immediately the complexion big change, in the heart also followed to worry. “不是吧!这白光中的能量都已经这么弱了!”听完了程宇的解释,大家跟着去感受了一下那白光之中所蕴藏的能量,顿时脸色大变,心中也跟着着急起来了。 The emergence of unusual brightness can say to their endless confidence and fervor. 宝光的出现可以说给了他们无尽的信心和激情。 But where they think, when they come out actually must brush past with the buried treasure. 可是他们哪里想到等到他们出来的时候却又是要与宝藏擦肩而过的时候了。 „, We will not carry, found such a can place that with great difficulty has the buried treasure, how miss like this?” In the people heart is also anxious is not good. “不会吧,咱们不会这么背吧,好不容易找到了这么一处藏有宝藏的地方,怎么可以就这样错过了呢?”众人心中也是急的不行。 Only can say all happen was too quick, they have also been in found the buried treasure in the middle of the excitement. 只能说一切都发生的太快了,他们一直都还处于找到宝藏的兴奋当中。 Now but the buried treasure had not found as if must vanish, if this changed anybody to be hard to accept! 可是现在宝藏还没有找到似乎就要消失了,这要是换了任何人都难以接受吧! Answer! Answer! What is the answer?” “答案!答案!什么才是答案呢?” Secret! Secret! What is here secret?” “秘密!秘密!这里的秘密到底是什么呢?” Five lines of spirit crystals! Why is five lines of spirit crystals?” One group of people treat in this building burning with impatience, continuously is studying such several spirit crystals in room, wants to hurry to find the answer, otherwise really came to naught. “五行灵晶!为什么是五行灵晶呢?”一群人待在这层楼中心急如焚,不断的研究着房间里的这么几块灵晶,想要赶紧找出答案,要不然就真的只是一场空了。 „Does here have the mechanism/organization that what opens the buried treasure?” Saying of Xin Hai doubts. “这里是不是有什么开启宝藏的机关呢?”心海疑惑的说道。 I have looked, in this room did not have other thing besides these spirit crystals again or is the mechanism/organization!” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. “我早就找过了,这房间里面除了这些灵晶之外再也没有别的东西或者是机关了!”程宇摇摇头说道。 He can think has thought that is in this spacious room only then such thing. 他能够想到的都已经想过了,可是这空旷的房间里面就只有这么点东西。 He also suspects in this to have what mechanism/organization, but he touched each corner of this room, has not discovered anything's mechanism/organization! 他也怀疑过这里面是不是有什么机关,但是他把这房间的每个角落都摸了一遍,根本就没有发现什么的机关! „It is not good! It is not good, the energy in this white light soon vanished!” But at this time, Dongfang Feibai loud saying. “不好!不好了,这白光中的能量快要消失了!”可就在这个时候,东方飞白大声的说道。 „Do we really want to miss this chance?” Cheng Yu started desperately. “难道我们真的要错过这个机缘?”程宇都开始绝望了。 They wasted the too much time above that sea area before, moreover they somewhat were also far from this distance of Shuicheng, is only such a does, arrived here time, evening's time almost passes by. 他们之前在那海域之上浪费太多时间了,而且他们离这水城的距离也有些远了,光是这么一搞,到达这里的时候,一个晚上的时间就差不多这么过去了。 Spent evening's time to come here, now he arrived at the energy here time this white light to be few, he careful observation, had not noticed this point before. 花了一个晚上的时间才到这里,现在他来到这里的时候这白光中的能量就已经很少了,要不是他之前仔细的观察,都还没有注意这一点。 Now but notices is also useful? 可是现在注意到了又有什么用呢? All were too late, the energy in white light vanished finally slowly! 一切都太晚了,白光之中的能量最终还是慢慢的消失了! Junior Brother Yu, you looked that unusual brightness also vanished!” Saw that the energy in white light vanishes, but means that they have no, the people despaired, but at this time Xin Hai also said. 宇师弟,你看,那宝光也消失了!”眼看着白光中的能量消失,而他们却没有任何的办法,众人都绝望了,而这个时候心海又叫了起来。 It seems like our time was white/in vain is happy one!” The white light that Cheng Yu sees in square to/clashes before the window really to receive, immediately smiles bitterly. “看来咱们这一次是白开心一场了!”程宇透过窗口看到广场上之前冲起的白光果然收了起来,顿时苦笑不已。 He has made contribution, but they as if also miss a little fate with these buried treasures. 他已经尽力了,但是他们跟这些宝藏似乎还差那么一点缘分。 Oh! Ok, Junior Brother Yu, we also know that you definitely made contribution!” Xin He is also a forced smile of face said. “唉!算了,宇师弟,我们也都知道你肯定是尽力了!”心河也是一脸的苦笑道。 They mixed such long time in this inside, can have the harvested place truly actually only then such several. 他们在这里面混了这么久的时间,真正能够有所收获的地方却只有那么几个。 Now meets a big buried treasure with great difficulty, finally did not have, must say that in the heart not disappointed is not possible. 现在好不容易遇到一个大宝藏,最后却这么没有了,要说心中不失望是不可能的。 However, they also know Cheng Yu to find this place definitely tries. 不过,他们也知道程宇为了找到这个地方肯定是尽了全力的。 Moreover, if not a Cheng Yu person seeks for the buried treasure, at their speeds, feared that has not arrived here, this white light has vanished. 而且,如果不是程宇一个人来寻找宝藏,以他们的速度,怕是还没有到达这里,这白光就已经消失了。 Junior Brother Yu, we let us not be first discouraged! You did not say a moment ago, is this your guess? The white light vanished does not represent us unable to find the buried treasure. 宇师弟,咱们先别气馁啊!你刚才不是也说了,这都是你的一番猜测么?白光消失并不代表咱们就无法找到宝藏了。 Perhaps since this buried treasure in this Shuicheng, we also does have other means? ” Xin Luo said. 既然这宝藏就在这水城之中,那我们或许还有别的办法呢?”心洛说道。 Yes, does that white light perhaps to recruit being predestined friends person come here? But now we had arrived here, we were this buried treasure being predestined friends person, perhaps it will not let one that we ran a fruitless errand, we think again other means that could find the buried treasure also perhaps!” Xin Yun also says. “是啊,那白光或许只是为了吸收有缘人来到这里呢?而现在我们已经到了这里,那我们就是这宝藏的有缘人了,或许它也不会让我们白跑的一场的,我们再想想别的办法,或许能够找到宝藏也说不定!”心韵也开口说道。 Really is this?” Heard the words of people, in the Cheng Yu heart also raised a hope. “真是这样吗?”听到众人的话,程宇心中也升起了一股希望。 They said is not unreasonable, before the white light disappearance buried treasure is unable to open truly is only him a guess. 他们所说的也并不是没有道理,白光消失宝藏就无法开启确实只是他之前的一个猜测。 The white light has not vanished, perhaps he can also hurry to find the way to find the answer. 白光没有消失的时候,他或许还能够赶紧想想办法找到答案。 But now white light, since had vanished, then he also does not have any well anxious, can perhaps they also really find the buried treasure? 可是现在白光既然已经消失了,那么他也没有什么好紧张的,或许他们还真的可以找到宝藏呢? You said is very reasonable, since we came, that cannot this give up, I first lead you to have a look, having a look at us to that square to discover this buried treasure is at!” Cheng Yu nod has everyone preparation to leave the room. “你们说的很有道理,我们既然来了,那也不能就这放弃了,我先带你们到那广场看看,看看咱们能不能找出这宝藏的所在!”程宇点点头带着大家就准备离开房间。 Cheng Yu, waits, you look quickly!” But Cheng Yu and Xin He several people just went out, in room Xin Yao suddenly loud shouting. 程宇,等一下,你们快看!”可程宇心河几人刚出去,房间里面的心瑶突然大声的喊道。 Hears the Xin Yao sound, Cheng Yu is the heart one tight, thinks that she had an accident. 听到心瑶的声音,程宇本是心头一紧,还是以为她出事了。 But turning round comes to see Xin Yao to refer, actually discovery these seemed like one to gather the spirit spirit crystal to move suddenly. 可是回过身来看着心瑶所指,却发现原本那些似乎是一个聚灵阵的灵晶突然动了起来。 What's all this about? How do you make?” Sees this situation, Cheng Yu immediately in the heart one happy. “这是怎么回事?你是怎么弄的?”看到这种情况,程宇顿时心中一喜。 Although does not know that what is this, but it moved, that definitely is the good deed. 虽然不知道这是什么意思,但是它动了,那肯定是好事。 I have not bumped it, is they moves!” Xin Yao said. “我没有碰它,是它们自己动起来的!”心瑶说道。 „Do oneself move?” In the Cheng Yu heart has doubts, is wanting research well, is actually the sudden complexion big change! “自己动起来的?”程宇心中疑惑不已,正想要好好的研究一下,却是突然脸色大变! Goes out quickly!” Cheng Yu was saying then launches both hands to support in the room person to throw directly toward out of the door! “快出去!”程宇说着便展开双手拥着房间里面的人直接朝着门外扑去! Bang! A powerful strength upwells from these crystal stones, gave these people to directly! 轰!一股强大的力量从这些晶石上涌出来,将这些人直接给冲了出去! However is good because of this strength, although is strong, because Cheng Yu wrapped up the people with own body, the strength that therefore he withstands is most. 不过好在这股力量虽强,但是因为程宇用自己的身体将众人包住了,所以他所承受的力量是最多的。 Cheng Yu, you are all right!” Several women said in great surprise. 程宇,你没事吧!”几个女人大惊道。 All right, but was attacked by the strength!” Cheng Yu shakes the head, some corners of the mouth bloodstains, but has not obstructed greatly! “没事,只是被力量冲击到了!”程宇摇摇头,嘴角有些血迹,但是并没有大碍! You look!” Xin Mei said loudly. “你们看!”心媚大声说道。 The people looked, seeing was only only the green spooky spirit crystal initiated the dark green ray to come at this moment unexpectedly, but at the same time, the green light the place that shot from the original white light shot together! 众人一看,只见原本只是绿幽幽的灵晶此刻竟然发起墨绿色的光芒来了,而与此同时,一道绿光从原来白光射进来的地方射了出去! It in release energy!” Sees this, Cheng Yu the great happiness said immediately! “它在释放能量!”看到这一幕,程宇顿时大喜道!
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