GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2047: Cuts the grass to want the root!

Struck to kill a person again, remaining was easier. 再次击杀了一个人,剩下的就更容易了。 Bundling the immortal rope is he obtains from cloud wind the hand of Kunlun Mountains, this truly is very fierce Magical Treasure. Once cloud wind even with this bunch of immortal ropes Cheng Yu's Magical Treasure taking away. 捆仙索是他从昆仑的云风手上得到的,这确实是一件非常厉害的法宝。曾经云风甚至用这捆仙索将程宇的法宝给收走了。 Now this bunch of immortal ropes refine after Cheng Yu's, in addition the Cheng Yu nine Yuan gods, the strength of Yuan god goes far beyond ordinary cultivator, under the Cheng Yu's control, the might of this bunch of immortal ropes compared with also wants powerful many in cloud wind the hand. 如今这捆仙索经过程宇的炼化,再加上程宇有九个元神,元神之力远远超过普通修士,在程宇的控制下,这捆仙索的威力比起在云风手上还要强悍的多。 Under the Cheng Yu's control, been injured Song writing quickly by this bunch of immortal ropes entangling, straight falling in ground, to his unceasing struggling, no means work loose from this bunch of immortal cable/search. 程宇的控制下,本就已经受伤的宋文很快就被这捆仙索给缠上了,直直的落在了地面上,任由他不断的挣扎,也没有办法从这捆仙索上挣脱出来。 Senior, forgives my life!” Saw Cheng Yu neat also killed Ding Wei, now arrived at own front, Song writing is afraid. “前辈,饶我一命!”看到程宇干净利落的将丁伟也杀了,现在来到自己的面前,宋文害怕了。 „Everyone should be responsible for own choice, knows the present early, regret past doings?” Cheng Yu sneers, simultaneously a sword pricked opposite party forehead. “每个人都应该为自己的选择负责,早知现在,何必当初呢?”程宇冷笑一声,同时一剑刺入了对方的眉心处。 Cheng Yu is not always a benevolent person, particularly when facing enemy. 程宇从来都不是一个仁慈的人,尤其是在面对敌人的时候。 He with this Scarlet Blood Alliance this not resentful, but some people actually must look for his trouble. Since these people made the decision initially, must look for Cheng Yu's to be troublesome, then Cheng Yu will not give them any opportunity of going on living. 他跟这赤血盟本无怨,只是有些人却偏偏要找他的麻烦。既然这些人当初做出了决定,要找程宇的麻烦,那么程宇就不会给他们任何活下去的机会。 Although this Scarlet Blood Alliance is Eastern Continent one of the four Great Sects, but what's the big deal? Are the school that Cheng Yu offends few? Moreover each is not weaker than Scarlet Blood Alliance, even also wants powerful many. 虽然这赤血盟东洲的四大门派之一,但是那又怎么样?程宇得罪的门派还少吗?而且每一个都不比赤血盟弱,甚至还要强大的多。 Junior Brother Yu, your present strength may really be more and more powerful, such strength feared that has achieved Great Ascension Late Stage the boundary of Peak?” Others processed Pengfei, has walked to Cheng Yu. 宇师弟,你现在的实力可真是越来越强大了,这样的实力怕是已经达到大乘后期巅峰之境了吧?”其他人处理了鹏飞,一直向程宇走来。 Cheng Yu smiles does not have excessively to explain, actually today's performance also somewhat stems from his own imagination. Thinks deals with six people also to need the hot phoenix to intend to help, being defeated that but without thinking of him kills these people merely. 程宇笑了笑也没有过多解释,其实今天的表现也有些出乎他自己的想象。原本以为对付六个人还需要火凤出手帮忙,可是没有想到仅仅他一个人就将这些人杀的丢盔弃甲。 Naturally, these have the help of others, if not the person who they will wound massacring. He is not possible to massacre these people completely, perhaps several people will escape. 当然,这其中也有其他人的帮助,如果不是他们将自己击伤的人给杀掉。他是不可能将这些人全部杀掉的,或许有几个人会逃掉。 However, he also truly felt that oneself strength seems to have grown, this surprises he himself somewhat actually. 不过,他也确实感觉自己的实力似乎又有所增长,这倒是让他自己有些意外。 He thought that all these perhaps are within the body the merit of that nine spirit tree. He does not understand why oneself within the body will present this nine spirit tree. 只是,他觉得这一切或许都是体内的那九枝灵树的功劳。他也不明白自己的体内为何会出现这棵九枝灵树。 However he knows, this nine spirit tree unusual is not simple, it has been absorbing Spiritual Qi, does not seem to stop. Wanting that usually absorbs are less, when Cheng Yu breaks through very terrifying absorption Spiritual Qi. 但是他知道,这棵九枝灵树非常的不简单,它一直都在吸收着灵气,似乎从来都没有停止过。只是平时吸收的要少一些,只有在程宇突破的时候才会非常恐怖的吸收灵气 Junior Brother Yu, these people killed actually indifferently. How can these process with we that long fellow now? Kills does not kill?” Xin He says. 宇师弟,这些人杀了倒是无所谓。只是,那些跟了我们那么久的家伙现在要怎么处理?杀还是不杀呢?”心河开口说道。 Without Scarlet Blood Alliance this matter, they naturally cannot care about these tagalongs. However is now different, these people follow behind the buttocks, watched the matter. 如果没有赤血盟这件事的话,他们自然不会在意这些跟屁虫。但是现在不同了,这些人跟在屁股后面,把刚才的事都看在眼里。 Although they are not afraid Scarlet Blood Alliance, but does not want to be chased down by Scarlet Blood Alliance immediately. If not solve these tagalongs, they killed Scarlet Blood Alliance so many expert matters to fear that will be quick will spread over Eastern Continent. 虽然他们并不害怕赤血盟,但是也不希望马上被赤血盟追杀。如果不解决掉这些跟屁虫,他们杀了赤血盟这么多的高手这件事怕是很快就会传遍东洲了。 When the time comes, Scarlet Blood Alliance is naturally impossible to let off them for the face, that this troublesome naturally was more and more. 到时候,赤血盟为了面子自然不可能放过他们,那这麻烦就自然是越来越多了。 Your meanings?” Cheng Yu indifferently said. “你们的意思呢?”程宇淡淡的说道 My meaning massacres! Let them live, to us is not meddlesome! I do not hope that this matter is known by Scarlet Blood Alliance immediately!” Xin He says. “我的意思是杀掉!让他们活着,对于我们来说并不是什么好事!我不希望这件事马上被赤血盟知道!”心河开口说道。 We also approve to massacre these tagalongs, anything does not do, must follow we, moreover is so skillful, happen to made them see the matter that should not see, only blamed them not to assign strangely well.” Xin Hai also says. “我们也赞成杀掉那些跟屁虫,什么不做,偏偏要跟着我们,而且这么巧,又正好让他们看到了不该看到的事,怪只怪他们自己命不好。”心海也开口说道。 For our securities, we should stamp out the source of trouble!” Xin Yun also says. “为了我们大家的安全,我们应该斩草除根!”心韵也开口说道。 She is not a person of bloodthirsty, but person in rivers and lakes, involuntary, this matter passes on to them is one greatly troublesome. 她不是一个嗜杀的人,但是人在江湖,身不由己,这件事传出去对他们来说就是一场大麻烦。 Although they not necessarily are afraid this Scarlet Blood Alliance, but this Scarlet Blood Alliance, since can become this Eastern Continent one of the four Great Sects, obviously its strength also cannot be underestimated. 虽然他们未必害怕这赤血盟,可是这赤血盟既然能够成为这东洲的四大门派之一,可见其实力也是不容小觑的。 They were just about to fight with such a school, was not a good deed. 他们这些人正要跟这样一个门派斗了起来,可不是一件好事。 Only then these knows the person who truth massacres completely, even if Scarlet Blood Alliance can check this matter that perhaps is still very long later matter. 只有将这些知道实情的人全部杀掉,就算赤血盟能够查到这件事那或许也是很久之后的事了。 Perhaps had left Eastern Continent to them at that time, therefore, they cannot display any benevolence at this time. 也许到了那个时候他们都已经离开东洲了,所以,他们不能在这个时候表现出任何的仁慈。 Good! Since everyone agreed, we act!” Cheng Yu nods to say. “好!既然大家都同意,那咱们就行动吧!”程宇点点头道。 He naturally is the approval stamps out the source of trouble, these people came with the relations that he has no. Let them with such long not act is very to them the face, is they are not tactful, but must follow they. 他自然是赞同斩草除根的,这些人本来跟他就没有任何的关系。让他们跟了这么久没有出手已经是很给他们面子了,是他们自己不识趣,还要一直跟着他们。 If this changed others, saw that they followed on the heels have killed them immediately. 这要是换了别人,看到他们跟在后面早就在第一时间将他们杀了。 Like Xin Hai said that must blame to blame them not to assign well! Because this world is so, expert is to revere! Own strength was bad, who died also no wonder! 就像心海说的,要怪就怪他们自己命不好!因为这个世界就是如此,强者为尊!自己实力不济,死了也怪不得谁! „It is not good! They came toward us, run!” In the place to Cheng Yu murder is not very far place, several scout sudden complexions change, hurries to prepare to escape. “不好!他们朝着我们过来了,快跑!”就在离程宇杀人的地方并不是很远的地方,几个探子突然脸色一变,赶紧准备逃跑。 They know that this matter did time in a big way, but they discovered this secret, they will not definitely let off oneself. 他们知道这一次的事搞大了,而他们发现了这个秘密,他们肯定是不会放过自己的。 In their hearts has had a ray of hope, because they were so long with these people, they had not actually come out to look for their troubles, in their hearts thought that perhaps this they will not act time. 只是,他们心中一直带着一丝希望,因为他们跟了这些人这么久,他们却一直没有出来找他们的麻烦,他们心中觉得或许这一次他们也不会出手。 However now sees that these people flushed toward them, they know hope thorough failing in own heart. 但是现在看到这些人朝着他们冲了过来,他们就知道自己心中的希望彻底的落空了。 These people were really terrifying, Scarlet Blood Alliance Great Ascension Late Stage Expert was not their opponents, their like this young underling where was their opponents. 这些人实在是太恐怖了,连赤血盟大乘后期高手都不是他们的对手,他们这样的小喽罗哪里又是他们的对手。 At this time, except for escaped has no other idea. 这个时候,除了往死里逃已经没有任何别的想法了。 Now wants to run, was too late!” At this time, Cheng Yu suddenly appeared in the front of these people. “现在才想跑,是不是太晚了!”就在这个时候,程宇突然就出现在了这些人的面前。 Senior forgives! The seniors forgive! Our anything had not seen, your Sir has massive, put us!” Sees Cheng Yu to appear, the idea that they revolt against does not have, kneels on the ground directly begs for mercy to say. “前辈饶命!前辈饶命!我们什么都没有看到,您大人有大量,放了我们吧!”看到程宇出现,他们连反抗的想法都没有,直接就跪在地上求饶道。 Who do you are send?” Cheng Yu light asking. “你们是谁派来的?”程宇淡淡的问道。 We ....... we passed by!” Scout trembling saying. “我们.......我们只是路过而已!”探子战战兢兢的说道。 It seems like you do not treasure the only opportunity!” Saying that Cheng Yu coldly. “看来你并不珍惜自己唯一的机会!”程宇冷冷的说道。 I...... we are the part of great bear gate people!” Scout complexion one white, hurries to say. “我......我们是天罡门的人!”探子脸色一白,赶紧说道。 „Does part of great bear school you do?” Cheng Yu treated in Eastern Continent was so long, naturally knows that the part of great bear gate was also one of the Eastern Continent four Great Sects. “天罡门派你来干什么?”程宇东洲待了这么久,自然知道天罡门也是东洲大门派之一。 However, actually he has been very curious these scouts to follow they for anything. 不过,他一直很好奇这些探子跟着他们究竟是为了什么。 Senior, our part of great bear gate does not have other meaning, the gate Lord to allow us to understand the whereabouts of senior.” The scouts quickly said. “前辈,我们天罡门没有别的意思,门主只是让我们了解前辈的去向而已。”探子急忙说道。
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