GAHRC :: Volume #7

#667: Evil spirit Dayu

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Chapter 667 evil spirit Dayu 第667章邪灵大禹 That strange fish shape of Xia Dynasty ancestor place was huge, but was actually not the monster beast. 夏朝祖地的那怪鱼身形巨大无比,但却并非是妖兽。 Besides body huge, almost does not have any magical powers different functions. 除了身体巨大之外,几乎没有任何神通异能在。 A Yang Sheng fist that therefore was swallowed rumbles, hit to explode the head of that strange fish directly, the instantaneous hashed meat blood scattered in all directions. 所以被吞进去的杨晟一拳轰出,直接就打爆了那怪鱼的脑袋,瞬间碎肉鲜血四散。 This hashed meat and blood also brought in many lakes similarly the lifeform. 这碎肉和鲜血同样也引来了不少湖中生物。 These lifeform are like that monster, is fierce fierce incomparable. 这些生物跟那怪物一样,都是狰狞凶恶无比。 Five legs, the hill-like gold/metal toad, is covered with the tentacle, probably cuttlefish one thing. 有五条腿,小山一样的金蟾,长满触手,好像乌贼一样的东西。 Various fierce fierce strange fish, lifeform probably few normal general in this lake. 还有各种凶恶狰狞的怪鱼,这湖中的生物好像就没有几个正常的一般。 Yang Sheng has not gone to manage these things, then saw to the lake surface under a depth buries the giant building under lake water, is ordinary just like backing off pyramid. 杨晟没去管这些东西,一直到了湖面之下这才看到了一座深埋在湖水之下的巨型建筑,宛若倒扣的金字塔一般。 Found the gateway to enter, in that pyramid unexpectedly seems to be underground limestone cave existence. 找到门户进入其中,那金字塔内竟然是仿佛一个地下溶洞般的存在。 Yang Sheng enters along the channel, in the limestone cave slippery incomparable, from heard an intermittent respite sound unceasingly, that sound as if can resound through across five feelings in Yang Sheng's mind general. 杨晟沿着通道进入其中,溶洞内湿滑无比,从其中不断传来了一阵阵喘息声,那声音仿佛能够穿过五感响彻在杨晟的脑海中一般。 Across the complex limestone cave, Yang Sheng then sees scene. 穿过复杂的溶洞,杨晟这才看到其中的景象。 Limestone cave most deep place is one completely with the bronze the main hall of casting. 溶洞的最深处是一座全部用青铜所浇铸的大殿。 The innumerable rope chains from extend in all directions downward, twine on a body of man. 无数索链从四面八方向下延伸,缠绕在一个男人的身上。 The man is naked the upper body, full is the fierce scar, is hanging loose the disorderly hair, covers up the entire face. 那男人赤裸着上身,满是狰狞的伤痕,披散着杂乱的头发,将整个面庞遮掩。 These dense and numerous rope chain windings in his both legs both feet, are as for the waist abdomen and neck on, above full is the numerous and diverse engraved inscriptions, once for a while the large share spiritual energy converges, changes to the electric current to blast open. 那些密密麻麻的索链缠绕在他的双腿双脚,乃至于腰腹和脖子上,上面满是繁杂的铭文,时不时还有大股的灵气汇入其中,化作电流炸裂开来。 But the man actually imitates , if unconsciously ordinary, but hears the loud respite sound. 但那男人却仿若不觉一般,只是传来粗重的喘息声。 At present this man is of Dayu three sovereigns, that surrenders in world wild water, founded Xia Dynasty first ancestor Dayu of handing down imperial power from generation to generation! 眼前这男人便是三皇之一大禹,那降服世间狂暴之水,开创了家天下的夏朝始祖大禹! Was the second son comes? “是二郎来了吗? So many years, some people came finally. ” 这么多年了,总算有人来了。” Yang Shengchen sound said: Has seen Yu king, is not Qingyuan says the wonderful Daoist immortal below, but attained Qingyuan to say later generation that the wonderful Daoist immortal inherited.” 杨晟沉声道:“见过禹王,不过在下并不是清源道妙真君,只是拿到了清源道妙真君传承的后辈。” Dayu hoarse the throat was smiling bitterly two: „ Qingyuan said that the wonderful Daoist immortal does inherit? The never expected that second son has not fought these evil fellows. 大禹嘶哑着嗓子苦笑了两声:“清源道妙真君传承?没想到二郎也没斗过那些邪性的家伙。 However just right that you come perhaps, some I must unable to suppress It again late. 不过你来的正好,再晚一些我恐怕就要压制不住祂了。 Come, injects my within the body your strength, gets rid of that thing thoroughly, I was also can extricate. ” 来,把你的力量都注入我的体内,彻底将那东西干掉,我也算是能解脱了。” Yang Sheng walks, while said: These years has Sir Yu king you evil imprisoned that different in own within the body spirit?” 杨晟一边走过去,一边道:“这些年来禹王大人您一直都将那异界邪灵囚禁在自己体内?” Dayu hoarse the sound was saying: „ I fought with that fellow for a long time, but Its strength is extremely evil different, I am unable to cut to kill it. 大禹嘶哑着声音道:“我跟那家伙斗了许久,但祂的力量太过邪异,我根本就无法将其斩杀。 It wants to swallow my body, I then thwart simply, integrates own within the body it on own initiative, then takes itself to imprison the opposite party as the jail. 祂想要吞噬我的身躯,那我索性便将计就计,主动将其融入到自己体内,然后以自己为监牢囚禁对方。 And I also bundle here, borrowed the Xia Dynasty destiny to imprison the opposite party. 并且我将自己也捆在这里,借用夏朝气运来禁锢对方。 Pitifully only, should be my descendant does not make every effort to succeed, causing the Xia Dynasty destiny to be getting more and more weak, I have requested to be out of control quickly It. 只可惜啊,应该是我那后代不争气,导致夏朝气运越来越弱,我已经快要求禁不住祂了。 Luckily had you to come. 幸亏有你来了。 Your Yujiro's strength, pours into it to my within the body completely, extinguishes sufficiently kills that different to be evil. ” 你身上有二郎的力量,将其全部灌注到我体内,足以灭杀那异界邪灵。” Before Yang Sheng arrives at Dayu body, extends a hand, must pour into the strength to the opposite party within the body. 杨晟走到大禹身前,伸出一只手,要将力量灌注到对方体内。 But the next quarter, in Yang Sheng another hand three sharp double-edged swords appear suddenly, actually pricks the chest of opposite party suddenly! 但下一刻,杨晟另外一只手上三尖两刃刀猛然间浮现而出,却是猛然间刺入对方的胸口! Dayu's chest has no blood to flow, instead seeped out the black thick strength. 大禹的胸口没有任何鲜血流淌而出,反而是渗出了黑色浓稠的力量。 Dayu as if not dare to believe general looks to Yang Sheng: Why? Why do you want to kill me?” 大禹仿佛不敢置信一般的看向杨晟:“为什么?你为何要杀我?” Yang Sheng sneers saying: „ Installed actually good, you occupied Yu king the body not only, should also steal Yu king some memories. 杨晟冷笑道:“装的倒是不错,你不光占据了禹王的身躯,应该还窃取了禹王的部分记忆。 Yu king imprisons you by oneself real, now because of the Xia Dynasty destiny deterioration, is not gradually able to imprison you also real. 禹王以自身囚禁你是真的,现在因为夏朝气运衰败,逐渐无法囚禁你也是真的。 Only not right is you should not want my strength! 唯一不对劲的就是你不应该要我的力量! If only contributes my strength then to solve Yu king different of within the body to be evil, what on that day emperor also did send me to make? Samsara of casual Yin-Yang boundary was then OK. 若是只贡献出我的力量便可以解决掉禹王体内的异界邪灵,那天帝还派我来做什么?随便一位阴阳境的轮回者来便可以了。 You were too greedy, wants to absorb my strength thorough difficulty-relief is right? 你太贪婪了,想要吸纳我的力量彻底脱困对不对? If you did not say that wants my strength, is not so anxious, only said that wanted me to kill you, I will not have gotten suspicious, perhaps you sneak attacked me also to be possible not to guard suddenly. 若你不说要我的力量,不那么急切,只说要我杀了你,我还不会起疑心,说不定你突然之间偷袭我还有可能没防备。 The flaw that but now, you reveal was too big! ” 但现在嘛,你露出来的破绽太大了!” Falls along with Yang Sheng voice, his whole body vitality erupts, activates the strengths of three sharp double-edged swords thoroughly, a knife fierce revolution, almost tore Dayu's body thoroughly! 伴随着杨晟话音落下,他周身气血爆发,彻底激活三尖两刃刀的力量,刀身猛的一转,几乎彻底撕裂了大禹的身躯! Roar!” “吼!” Dayu exuded one to angrily roar, the long hair on face was blown off by the fresh breeze, revealed actually after was a full mouth black tooth to the ear root, both eyes scarlet incomparable terrifying face. 大禹发出了一声怒吼来,脸上的长发被劲风吹散,露出来的却是一张满口黑牙咧到了耳后根,双目赤红无比的恐怖脸庞。 The bone-chilling cold fresh breeze raids, Yang Sheng figure withdraws suddenly, before his body, that void unexpectedly towering blasting open, revealed space fissures. 凛冽的劲风袭来,杨晟身形猛然间后撤,他身前那片虚空竟然突兀的炸裂,露出了一道道空间裂痕来。 In Yang Sheng eyes revealed the dignified color. 杨晟的眼中露出了凝重之色。 This does not control the space, the strength of this fellow has even achieved the tearing space rank! 这已经不是操控空间了,这家伙的力量甚至已经达到了撕裂空间的级别! Past Dayu took himself to imprison evilly this as the cage spirit, even also added on Xia Dynasty the strength of destiny to suppress together. 昔日大禹以自身为牢笼囚禁这邪灵,甚至还加上了夏朝的气运之力一起镇压。 Pitifully the later generation descendants did not only make every effort to succeed, cause the Xia Dynasty destiny deterioration. 只可惜后世子孙不争气,导致夏朝气运衰败。 Very possibly in the previous generation of shoes last of the ten Heavenly Stems, or is he just wielded the throne the time, Dayu has not then been able to suppress that spirits evilly. 很可能在履癸的上一代,或者是他刚刚执掌皇位的时候,大禹便已经无法镇压那邪灵了。 Wish made happier, unconscious isn't such death that you die good? But you actually want dead is more painful, why bother come?” “原本想要让你死的痛快一些,就这么不知不觉的死难道不好吗?可你却偏偏想要死的痛苦一些,何苦来哉呢?” Evil spirit Dayu opens mouth to laugh, his these rope chain cracking one after another one after another, the jet black strength winding above, is ordinary just like the tentacles of innumerable waving. 邪灵大禹张嘴大笑着,他身上那些索链一个接着一个的接连崩裂,漆黑的力量缠绕在其上,宛若无数舞动的触手一般。 His chest and belly section that by that black strength is also agglutinated by the wound that Yang Sheng tears, seeming fundamentally is ordinary on does not have any damage. 他胸腹部那被杨晟所撕裂的伤口也被那股黑色的力量所粘合,好似根本就没有任何损伤一般。 The next quarter, twines the black strength rope chain to twine to go toward Yang Sheng innumerably, just like blotting out the sky to fall in torrents generally. 下一刻,无数缠绕着黑色力量索链向着杨晟缠绕而去,宛若铺天盖地一般倾泻而来。 Yang Sheng figure does not draw back, the hand pinches the seal secret art, the law celestial phenomenon erupts thousand zhang (3.33 m) Dharmakaya to come directly, that huge body tore that Xia Dynasty ancestor directly forcefully! 杨晟身形不退,手捏印诀,法天象地直接爆发出千丈法身来,那巨大的身躯直接将那夏朝祖地给硬生生撕裂! On three sharp double-edged swords carries the boundless point to cut to fall, then disrupts under Yang Sheng's blade just like tentacle general black cable/search Lian one after another. 三尖两刃刀上携带着无边的锋芒斩落,那宛若触手一般的黑色索链在杨晟的刀下接连碎裂。 The evil spirit Dayu whole body black air/Qi surrounds, shortly will also rise suddenly unexpectedly over a thousand zhang (3.33 m), is ordinary just like the demon god. 邪灵大禹周身黑气环绕,顷刻间竟然也暴涨上千丈,宛若魔神一般。 The body lower part of two people in the middle of that great lake, the upper part still have surfaced above. 两个人的身躯下半身还在那大湖当中,上半身已经露出了水面之上。 In three sharp double-edged swords along with Yang Sheng hand cut to fall one after another, the evil spirit Dayu whole body does not have black cable/search Lian thoroughly, the giant storm that blade potential sweeps across is common just like the tsunami. 伴随着杨晟手中三尖两刃刀接连斩落,邪灵大禹周身已经彻底没有黑色索链,那刀势席卷起来的巨大风浪都宛若海啸一般。 But at this moment, in the middle of Yang Sheng great lake actually transmits an intermittent fierce vibration. 但就在这时,杨晟脚下的大湖当中却传来一阵阵剧烈的震动。 Bronze big cauldrons depart from that rises suddenly against the wind, changes to the number hundred zhang (333 m) size, pounds to fall one after another! 一口口青铜大鼎从那下面飞出,迎风暴涨,化作数百丈大小,接连砸落! Yang Shengpi flies a big cauldron, is a big cauldron overhead raids. 杨晟劈飞一口大鼎,又是一口大鼎当头袭来。 That big cauldron contains the strength of Nine Provinces destiny, the strength of carries is inconceivable simply. 那大鼎蕴含九州气运之力,所携带的力量简直难以想象。 The Nine Provinces destiny did not represent the Xia Dynasty destiny, even if Xia Dynasty deteriorated, but the strength of Nine Provinces will not deteriorate. 九州气运不代表夏朝气运,哪怕夏朝衰败,但九州的力量也不会衰败。 After stepping into the Yin-Yang boundary, Yang Sheng strength has an qualitative to sublimate. 踏入阴阳境之后,杨晟的力量早就已经有了一个质的升华。 Time that the law celestial phenomenon continues was longer, and changes for thousand zhang (3.33 m) Dharmakaya. 法天象地所持续的时间的更长了,并且变化为了千丈法身。 However the strength of this Nine Provinces cauldron was too simply strong, Yang Sheng who pounds directly withdraws step by step, both hands registered permanent address cracks, the large share blood drops, is incarnadine the great lake. 但是这九州鼎的力量简直太强了,直接砸的杨晟步步后撤,双手户口崩裂,大股的鲜血滴落而下,将大湖染红。 Yang Shengshuang refers to gathering the point to the forehead deva-eye, in an instant the deva-eye opens, the flash surrounding space stagnated to be the same probably. 杨晟双指并拢点向眉心天眼,刹那间天眼张开,一瞬间周围的空间好像都陷入了停滞一般。 The next quarter, the radiant eye-catching god glow erupts, passes through the nine tripods directly, flew that nine tripods complete bang, above the entire great lake the blustery, instantaneous angry wave is dreadful! 下一刻,璀璨耀目的神芒爆发而出,直接贯穿九鼎,将那九鼎全部轰飞了出去,整个大湖之上风起云涌,瞬间怒浪滔天! Arrived the Yin-Yang boundary, Yang Shengcai is can expose Qingyuan saying that truly the wonderful Daoist immortal inherits the true prestige to come. 到了阴阳境,杨晟才算是能够真正展露出清源道妙真君传承真正的威能来。 However that evil spirit Dayu actually opened the mouth fiercely, that big mouth opened a completely unreasonable situation unexpectedly, seemed swallows the day to bite general, swallowed the strength of deva-eye unexpectedly directly forcefully. 但是那邪灵大禹却猛的张大了嘴巴,那大嘴竟然张开到了一个完全不合理的地步,好似吞天噬地一般,竟然直接将天眼之力硬生生吞噬。 Yang Sheng complexion changed. 杨晟的面色变了变。 The prestige of deva-eye is rare, to pinnacle strong great power can, contain the strength source purely, may pass through fully for nine days ten places. 天眼之威是少有的,单纯到了极致强大威能,内含力量本源,足可贯穿九天十地。 However this parasitic in Dayu within the body evil spirit actually evil different, his strength should not be the space, does not swallow, but is the assimilation. 但是这寄生在大禹体内的邪灵却更加的邪异,他的力量应该不是空间,也不是吞噬,而是同化。 Dayu wants to take oneself body to imprison him as the cage, finally gradually was actually assimilated by him, occupied the body, even can also urge the strength of nine tripods. 大禹想要以自己的身躯为牢笼禁锢他,结果却被他逐渐同化,占据了身躯,甚至还能够驱使九鼎之力。 So thorny strength God must remove it before the empty fusion no wonder. 这般棘手的力量怪不得天帝要在虚界融合之前将其除掉。 Otherwise waits for him to go out of this piece of the world that hard to deal with. 否则等他走出这片世界那将更加的难缠。 This evil spirit can assimilate any strength, therefore he wanted Yang Sheng to pour into the strength to his within the body before, hit is also the meaning of assimilating Yang Sheng strength, but was seen through an affair by Yang Sheng. 这邪灵能够同化任何力量,所以他之前要杨晟将力量灌注到他体内,打的也是一个同化杨晟力量的意思,只不过被杨晟所拆穿。 But Yang Sheng has not actually thought, strength of opposite party own deva-eye actually can also assimilate. 但杨晟却没想到,自己的天眼之力对方竟然也能够同化。 Although after stepping into the Yin-Yang boundary, the prestige of deva-eye consumes Yang Sheng to undertake completely, but he actually does not want to consume the strength with this thing mutually, god knows the background of opposite party deep. 虽然踏入阴阳境后,天眼之威的消耗杨晟完全承担得起,但他却也不想跟这东西互相消耗力量,天知道对方的底蕴有多深。 Strength of restraining deva-eye, Yang Sheng extends a hand, one handful of pale yellow spring water is rippling. 天眼之力收敛,杨晟伸出一只手来,其中一捧昏黄的泉水在其中荡漾着。 The water of that dwelling place of the dead pays attention to enter in the middle of the great lake completely, in an instant the entire great lake changed to the nether world dwelling place of the dead, is flooding boundless death intent! 那九泉之水全部关注进入大湖当中,刹那间整个大湖都化作了幽冥九泉,充斥着无边的死意! The hydration of dwelling place of the dead makes rope chains evil spirit Dayu to twine, Yang Sheng whole body vitality erupted the pinnacle, in the hand points on three sharp double-edged sword condensed, just like opening day, crazily cut toward evil spirit Dayu. 九泉之水化作一条条索链将邪灵大禹所缠绕,杨晟周身气血爆发到了极致,手中三尖两刃刀上的锋芒凝聚,宛若开天,疯狂的向着邪灵大禹斩来。 The Nine Provinces cauldron is still shelling in the surrounding unceasingly, suppressing, but Yang Sheng actually only attacks does not defend, depends on 89 profound merit to defend completely. 九州鼎还在外围不断的轰击着,镇压着,但杨晟却只攻不守,完全靠着八九玄功来防御。 The evil spirit Dayu's four limbs are cut off by Yang Sheng as for the head, but has black strength old feelings remain after a severed relationship, is unable thoroughly to eliminate. 邪灵大禹的四肢乃至于脑袋都被杨晟所斩断,但互相之间却有黑色的力量藕断丝连,根本就无法彻底消灭。 Reviews Yang Sheng actually the mouth that was pounded by the Nine Provinces cauldron to spit the blood, northern heavens rock scales presented the faint trace fissure. 反观杨晟却已经被九州鼎砸的口吐鲜血,身上的玄天磐鳞甲都出现了丝丝裂痕。 Useless, cannot kill by your strength my.” “没用的,靠你的力量是杀不死我的。” Evil spirit Dayu opens mouth, taunt looks to Yang Sheng. 邪灵大禹张开嘴,嘲讽的看向杨晟。 Yes? My strength cannot kill you, the strength of but in addition Yu king?” “是啊?我的力量杀不死你,但加上禹王的力量呢?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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