GOS :: Volume #3

#240: Rare treasure

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In the sand dune, is greatly positive? The essence is releasing greatly positive also the strength of hot, strong Sun continually. With greatly positive fire mixture, seems receiving the attraction of some aura, the escape exits in abundance. 沙丘中,大阳?精持续释放着大阳也火,浓烈的太阳之力。和大阳之火夹杂,似乎受着某种气息的吸引,纷纷飞逸出去。 Grand body of whole body flame winding, in a essence of ten meters place Sun, is experiencing most pitiful Fiery Flame and cold energy together to holding. 一道浑身火苗缠绕的雄伟身躯,在太阳之精十米处,正经历着最为凄惨的火炎寒力的对持。 Flame of Sun and Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, at this time, the mutual hedge in his body melts, making his body be in the boundary of ice hot twofold day, the body a while biting cold ice is cold, a while is blazing hot. 太阳之火玄冰寒焰寒力,此时,在他身体中相互对冲融化,让他的身体处于冰火两重天之境,身体一会儿彻骨冰寒,一会儿炙热难耐。 His Sea of Consciousness starts becomes some Chaos, came from massive Negative Emotions in his acupoint, some were unexpectedly uncontrolled, have welled up in abundance. 就连他的识海都开始变得有些混乱,来自于他穴道之中的大量负面情绪,竟然也有些不受控制,纷纷涌了出来。 Shi Yan does not know that had anything, but passive is withstanding all these. 石岩并不知道发生了什么,只是被动的承受着这一切。 The contest of Flame of Sun and Profound Ice Cold Flame „ occurred in his body, when two strange power attack mutually, his heart, is still actually continue absorb essence of Sun the strength of Sun! 太阳之火玄冰寒焰的较量“发生在他身体之中,在两种奇异的力量相互冲击的时候,他的心脏,却还在继续吸收着太阳之精的太阳之力! Some Sea of Consciousness Chaos, the consciousness somewhat is also fuzzy, Shi Yan somewhat loses gradually, does not know who one were. 识海有些混乱,意识也有些模糊,石岩渐渐有些迷失,不知道自己是谁了。 At the same timeNegative Emotions in his body plaster has also manifested suddenly, all sorts of Negative Emotions have welled up, fluctuated in his mind unceasinglyis making him put behind itself subconsciously, the reason fell to the enemy, the whole person will soon accidentally discharge Bedevilment. 同一时间”他身体垩内的负面情绪也发作了,种种负面情绪涌了出来,在他脑海之中不断地变幻着“让他下意识的忘却了自己,理智沦陷,整个人即将走火入魔 Under scarlet-red cloud layer. 赤红的云层下。 The grand body, whole body Fiery Flameeyes is together red, is face upwarding to roar, as to destroy Heaven Destroyer general. 一道雄伟的身躯,满身火炎双眸赤红,在仰天咆哮,似乎想要毁天灭地一般。 The terrifying roaring soundreverberates in desert unceasingly, lets be separated by dozens li (0.5km) person, purity that listens. 恐怖的咆哮声”在沙漠之中不断地回荡,让相隔数十里的人,都听的一清二楚。 What person called in the ghost?”, In desert, one line of Warrior in aimless walks these people is being travel-worn, appears quite exhausted. “什么人在鬼叫?”,沙漠中,一行武者在漫无目的的行走着这些人皆是风尘仆仆,显得颇为疲惫。 Is stature petite girls of head, frowns, looked at a while toward the distant place, suddenly calls out in alarm. 为首的一名身材娇小的少女,皱着眉头,朝着远方望了一会儿,忽然惊呼起来。 ancient Xiaomei, I thinks, the person who this roared should be your personal enemy.” The Cao Zhilan elegant face is quite strange, light say|way. “古小妹,我想,这个正在咆哮的人应该就是你的仇人了。”曹芷岚俏脸极为怪异,淡淡道。 This line, are Cao Zhilan, Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong and Zhai Yanqing they, they were separated, but after random walk of these days in desert, bumping into of these two teams of person extremely coincidences. 这一行人,正是曹芷岚潘哲古玲珑崔砚晴他们,原先他们被分开来了,但经过这段时间在沙漠中的游走,这两队人极其巧合的碰到了。 After the meet, they naturally gathered at one, wanted in this strange desert, Yang Family Warrior searching for how regardless, however they tried to find out, how regardless of Cao Zhilan imperial moved Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit. 相遇之后,他们自然聚集在了一起,想要在这诡异的沙漠中,将杨家武者给搜寻出来然而不论他们如何摸索,不论曹芷岚如何御动灵神武魂 Here, they likely are blind person are common, cannot seek for any direction. 在这里,他们都像是瞎子一般,根本找寻不出任何的方向。 Now Cao Zhilan also starts to be somewhat confused. 现在就连曹芷岚也开始有些迷茫了。 Now, they who feels helpless at a loss, hear the terrifying roaring sound suddenly, Cao Zhilan inductive force is keen, but also had determined from this roaring sound status this of instigator made them be popular the plaster to exert immediately. 如今,茫然不知所措的他们,突然听到恐怖的咆哮声,曹芷岚感应力敏锐,还从这咆哮声确定了始作俑者的身份这立即让他们兴垩奋起来了。 „” Looked like we can establish the goal finally! ” Gu Linglong drinks one tenderly, what does that also wait for? We kill immediately, gave to process that boy earlier.”, Pan Zhe shows a faint smile, nodded said: We came out also for sometime, light in this desert, lost for nearly a half year. Un processes earlier Yang Family odd|surplus Nie, we can also exit earlier.” “哈”看来我们终于可以确定目标了!”古玲珑娇喝一声,“那还等什么?我们立即杀上去,将那小子早点给处理了。”,潘哲微微一笑,点了点头道:“我们出来也有一段时间了,光是在这沙漠之中,就迷失了将近半年了。嗯早点将杨家的余孽处理掉,我们也可以早点出去。” Earlier exits?”, Cao Zhilan faint smile looked at Pan Zhe one not to know that you had what ingenious plan, can make us exit from the place of this desert earlier?”, I think that the breakthrough mouth on Shi Yan, the fellow should be first enters here, perhaps he knows how to leave from here.” Pan Zhe flexure scratching the head, said with a smile awkwardly: „It is not really good, does not have Cao Young Lady? I believe that by Cao Young Lady Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit, should be able to realize sooner or later in this desert anything strange......”, I do not have any confidence.” Cao Zhilan shook the head, at once complexion one positive, direction that Shi Yan is, extremely burning hot, I think that is not all people can adapt to that side high temperature. I, want to approach that same place, needs to draw support from some rare treasures, you a little discretion, do not force.” “早点出去?”,曹芷岚似笑非笑的望了潘哲一眼“不知道你有何妙策,可以让我们从这沙漠之地早点出去?”,“我想,突破口在石岩身上,那家伙应该是第一个进入这里的,说不定他知道怎么从这儿离开。”潘哲挠了挠头,尴尬笑道:“实在不行,不还是有曹小姐的么?我相信凭借曹小姐灵神武魂,应该早晚能够在这沙漠之中察觉到什么古怪……”,“我可没什么信心。”曹芷岚摇了摇头,旋即脸色一正,“石岩所在的方向,极其的炎热,我想不是所有人都可以适应那边的高温的。就连我,想要接近那一块,也需要借助些秘宝,你们都自己有点分寸,不要勉强了。” Such remarks, the people all are the complexion change. 此话一出,众人皆是脸色微变。 , Gu Linglong and other talented people secretly nodded, immediately turns head to start to tell that the respective follower, making them be carefulrashly in the front is thorough, so as to avoid cannot withstand that side Fiery Flame burning hot, was steamed stiffly by the strength of Fiery Flame. 顿了一下,古玲珑等人才暗暗点头,马上回头开始吩咐各自的跟随者,让他们小心谨慎”不要冒然在前方深入,免得承受不住那边火炎的炙热,被火炎之力给硬生生蒸死了。 After telling, Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong and Zhai Yanqing three people, dare to follow Cao Zhilan, to fire into the direction that Shi Yan was at high-speed. 吩咐完之后,潘哲古玲珑崔砚晴三人,才敢跟上曹芷岚,以高速冲向石岩所在的方向。 For a long time. 许久后。 Cao Zhilan, Gu Linglong, Zhai Yanqing and Pan Zhe four people, appear in a essence of 500 meters range Sun. 曹芷岚古玲珑崔砚晴潘哲四人,出现在太阳之精500米范围。 Is separated by 500 meters, under essence of that Sun shining of light of strong Sun, four people of bases cannot see clearly Shi Yan, does not know that actually to have anything in that together. 相隔500米,在那太阳之精的浓烈太阳之光的照耀之下,四人根本看不清石岩,也不知道在那一块究竟发生了什么。 Their follows, one person has not been daring to pursue. 他们的跟随着,已没有一人胆敢追上来。 Under such burning hot flame of strength Sun, Warrior of essence of some Earth Realm Third Sky, cannot withstand, the choice stays in abundance is freezing. 在这么炙热的太阳之炎力下,就连一些地位三重天之精的武者,都承受不住,纷纷选择停留在原地不动。 Reason that the Cao Zhilan four people dare to depend is so long, completely is because they will be they in the influence in the future operating the rudder, these four people of not only cultivation Martial Skills will be special, the rare treasure that the body will carry will be also many, draws support the mystery of rare treasure and Martial Spirit, they can stand firm in 500 meters place. 曹芷岚四人之所以敢靠的那么久,全然是因为他们乃是他们所在势力未来掌舵者,这四人不但修炼武技特殊,身上携带的秘宝也不少,借助于秘宝和武魂的神奇,他们才可以在500米处站定。 fleshly body has not experienced them who Heavenly Flame has quenchinged, even if there is rare treasure , can only 500 meters away wait and see, but cannot look like Shi Yan to be ordinary, does not draw support Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, can stand firm beyond hundred meters, has not needed to be worried about burning down of Flame of Sun. 肉身没有经历过天火淬炼的他们,即便是身怀异宝,也只能在500米之外观望,而不能像石岩一般,不借助于玄冰寒焰寒力,也可以在百米之外站定,还不用担心太阳之火的焚烧。 I cannot open the eye!”, Gu Linglong calls out in alarm, there is any thing, looks like a small Sun is ordinary, was too dazzling, my anything cannot see, does not dare to look!” “我睁不开眼睛啊!”,古玲珑惊呼起来,“那里到底是什么东西啊,就像是一个小太阳一般,太刺眼了,我什么都看不见,也不敢看!” Do not open eyes!”, Cao Zhilan cannot bear call out in alarm, „that possibility, possibly is the essence of Sun! Comes from heart of Sun the essence of Fiery Flame, the naked eye looks at carefully, in which the light of Sun will puncture the eye blindly!” “都不要睁眼!”,曹芷岚忍不住惊叫起来,“那,那可能,可能是太阳之精!来自于太阳之心的火炎之精,肉眼端详,其中的太阳之光会将眼睛刺瞎!” „The essence of Sun!”, Pan Zhe with amazement, „, if the Three God Church person in this, knows that here has the essence of Sun, to be crazy?”, Was a pity that Three God Church is busy with the deep person battles, has not participated this time in view of the motion of Yang Family. Un, this is their misjudging, if Three God Church these have Burning Sun Martial Spirit Warrior, arrived here, and had discovered the essence of here Suntheir Burning Sun Martial Spirit, will reach the inconceivable altitude!”, Zhai Yanqing closes one's eyes, cannot bear sigh with emotion. “太阳之精!”,潘哲骇然,“要是三神教的人在这,知道这里有太阳之精,岂不是要疯狂?”,“可惜,三神教忙于和冥人交战,并未参与这次针对杨家的行动。嗯,这是他们的失算,如果三神教那些拥有炎日武魂武者,来到了这里,并且发现了这里的太阳之精“他们的炎日武魂,将会达到不可思议的高度!”,崔砚晴闭着眼,也忍不住感慨起来。 Cao Zhilan has not replied, releases Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit quietly, wants to realize that side condition. 曹芷岚没有答话,悄悄释放出灵神武魂,想要察觉那边的状况。 However, her Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit lets loose, immediately discovered from that essence of Sun, spreads an extremely violent spiritual fluctuation, that spiritual attack swiftly and fiercely, just likes the thunderclap is ordinary, follows the induction of that Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit directly, falls into the Cao Zhilan mind. 然而,她的灵神武魂才放开来,立即发现从那太阳之精之中,传出一股极其猛烈的精神波动,那精神攻击凌厉之极,犹如霹雳一般,直接顺着那灵神武魂的感应,落入曹芷岚的脑海。 Python!”, Cao Zhilan could not bear put out a blood graceful tender body distressed retreat several steps, elegant face flood red, screamed: „ Do not let loose the Mental Energy induction! In that essence of Sun has strangeness!” “喽蟒!”,曹芷岚忍不住吐出一口鲜血“曼妙的娇躯狼狈的后退了几步,俏脸泛红,尖叫道:“不要放开精神力感应!那太阳之精中有古怪!” leaf!” “噗叶!” Puchi!” 噗哧!” Pan Zhe and Gu Linglong, simultaneously put out a blood, body also distressed retreat, the complexion ugly. 潘哲古玲珑,同时吐出一口鲜血,身子也狼狈的后退,脸色难看之极。 Generation Yanqing with amazement, must release her who Mental Energy induces, hurried honest. 砚晴骇然,才要释放精神力感应的她,急忙老实了下来。 Cao Zhilan said that slowly, that Pan Zhe and Gu Linglong then afterward caused heavy losses, in that flash of Mental Energy release, by strange thing attack in essence of Sun, was injured immediately. 曹芷岚只是说慢了一句,那潘哲古玲珑便随后被重创,在精神力释放的那一瞬间,被太阳之精内的奇异事物攻击,当即受伤。 Careful! Do not release Mental Energy to induce again, do not continue to open the eye, looks at one, immediately closes one's eyes, so as to avoid by that light of Sun dazzling blindly eye!”, Cao Zhilan hurried reminder. “小心点!千万不要再释放精神力感应,也不要持续睁开眼睛,看一眼,就马上闭眼,免得被那太阳之光给炫瞎了眼睛!”,曹芷岚急忙提醒。 „It is not good!” Zhai Yanqing drinks suddenly tenderly. “不好!”崔砚晴突然娇喝起来。 What's wrong?”, Pan Zhe urgently asked. “怎么啦?”,潘哲急问。 Stone, Shi Yan came!”, Di Yanqing cannot bear retreat, on him, full is Fiery Flame, but also somewhat strange cold energy, this, how is this matter?”, What?” After Cao Zhilan three startled, cannot bear open the beautiful pupil finally. “石,石岩过来了!”,狸砚晴忍不住后退,“在他身上,满是火炎,还有,还有些古怪的寒力,这,这到底是怎么一回事?”,“什么?”曹芷岚三惊之后,终忍不住睁开美眸。 In the line of sight, grand silhouette, under shining of light of dazzling Fiery Flame, comes together rapidly in his body, the escape leaves scarlet-red and gloomily blue two Fiery Flame, the scarlet-red Fiery Flame burning hot is turbulent, gloomily blue Fiery Flame ice cold biting cold, these two Fiery Flame flood his whole body, resembles the hand still intensely to struggle. 视线内,一道雄伟的身影,在炫目的火炎之光的照耀下,飞速前来在他身体之中,飞逸出赤红和幽蓝两种火炎,赤红火炎炙热汹涌,幽蓝火炎冰寒彻骨,这两种火炎充斥他全身,似手还在激烈的斗争着。 However, a different Fiery Flame body, his motion is free, and like the lightning, fires into the speed of people getting quicker and quicker quickly. 然而,不同的火炎袭身,他却行动自如,并且快如闪电,冲向众人的速度越来越快。 Along with grazing of his body, came from essence of surrounding Flame of Sun Sun, bunches, just liked fire Yun Yiban followed. 随着他身躯的飞掠,来自于太阳之精周围的太阳之火,一簇簇的,犹如火云一般跟了上来。 These bunches of Flame of Sun, why do not know, seems receiving the attraction of his body, along with grazing of his body, twines fast. 那些一簇簇的太阳之火,不知道为何,仿佛受着他身体的吸引,随着他身体的飞掠,也快速缠绕而来。 Heading on the strength of Fiery Flame, world-shaking, as if must burn down the ashes to be ordinary the entire world. 扑面而来的火炎之力,惊天动地,似乎要将整个世界焚烧成灰烬一般。 When to eyes stabbing pain incomparable that moment Cao Zhilan realized that two feared must unable to endure, not slightly hesitant, Cao Zhilan turns head suddenly, at the maximum speed flees, „ removes!” 待到双眸刺痛无比的那一刻“曹芷岚才意识到两眼怕是要吃不消了,没有丝毫犹豫,曹芷岚突然回头,以最快的速度逃离,“撤!” Pan Zhe also treated says anything, actually suddenly discovered that Cao Zhilan vanished instantaneously. 潘哲还待说些什么,却突然发现曹芷岚已瞬间消失了。 The handsome face suddenly changes, he does not dare to say anything, distressed followed in Cao Zhilan behind, not awfully flees. 俊脸骤然一变,他也不敢多说什么,也狼狈的跟随在曹芷岚身后,不要命的逃离开来。 Di Yanqing and Gu Linglong, although is unwilling, wants to keep a war, but saw with own eyes that the even war list most first ran away before Cao Zhilan, they had also realized is not wonderful, after Pan Zhe, leaves hurriedly. 翟砚晴古玲珑,虽然心有不甘,想要留下来一战,但眼见连战榜最靠前的曹芷岚都先逃了,她们也都意识到了不妙,在潘哲之后,也急忙离开。 Finishes!” “毕!” Meanwhile. 与此同时。 One handle length two meters, width half meter scarlet-red such as the great sword of hot crystal, the escape from that essence of Sun comes out suddenly! 一柄长两米,宽半米的赤红如火晶的巨剑,骤然从那太阳之精之中飞逸出来! On this scarlet-red great sword full is plain Fiery Flame Symbols, above sword body, but also has an only blood red eye, in flash that great sword escape comes out, in the blood red eye above great sword sword body, releases the scarlet evil light suddenly! 这赤红的巨剑上满是古朴的火炎符号,在剑体之上,还有着一只只血红的眼睛,在那巨剑飞逸出来的一瞬间,巨剑剑体之上的血红眼睛之中,突然释放出猩红的邪光! An evil incomparable spiritual fluctuation, clears away quickly from that scarlet prosperous crystal great sword, this evil spirit fluctuates, just liked sweeps across death vortex of life, wanted to give the record to seize life force of all lives. 一股邪恶无比的精神波动,倏地从那赤红火晶巨剑之上涤荡开来,这邪恶精神波动,犹如席卷生灵的死亡漩涡,想要将一切生灵的生机都给录夺。 Pursues Cao Zhilan and Pan Zhe one line of that say|way crazy grand body crazily, releases the flash of evil spiritual fluctuation in that handle great sword, suddenly stopped, in eyes appears the confused color. 狂追曹芷岚潘哲一行人的那道疯狂的雄伟身躯,在那柄巨剑释放出邪恶精神波动的一瞬间,突然停了下来,双眸之中显现出迷茫之色。 He points at Blood Vein Ring that on wears, when does not know gets up, releases scarlet such as the gloss of blood unexpectedly, on scarlet bloody glow in blood eye with that handle great sword complements each other, astonishing similar! 他手指上佩戴的血纹戒,不知何时起,竟也释放出猩红如血的光泽,和那柄巨剑上血眼中的猩红血光相得益彰,惊人的相似!
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