„ Fiery redday, airburning hot, vastvastdesert.
“火红的天,空气炙热,一望无际的辽阔沙漠。Oneline of 11Warrior, lead the wayin the burning hotdesertslowly, isperson of Xie Kui, He Qingmanby farhangsin the rear area, has not walkedwithXie Kuishoulder to shoulderin the same place.
一行11名武者,在炙热的沙漠之中缓缓前行,为首一人正是邪魁,何青曼远远吊在后方,并未和邪魁并肩走在一起。Comes fromTianxie FairylandseveralWarrior, has not respondedHe Qingman, gatherssideXie Kui.
来自于天邪洞天的几名武者,也没有搭理何青曼,纷纷聚集在邪魁身旁。Thesepeople, as ifknow that whocanbe the Tianxie Fairylandfuturemasterin the future, thereforein the eviltime, afterHe Qingmanhas the dispute, theseTianxie FairylandWarrior, have chosenandXie Kuiwalksin the same place, evennotcontradiction between speakingwell distributedXie Kui and He Qingman.
这些人,似乎知道谁将来才会是天邪洞天未来的主人,所以在邪期,和何青曼发生争执之后,这几名天邪洞天的武者,都选择了和邪魁走在一起,甚至没有出言调和邪魁和何青曼之间的矛盾。StaturehotHe Qingman, at this time, a persondrawsaloneinfinally, on the charmingcheek, fullisworriedbothersomely.
身材火辣的何青曼,此时,一人孤零零的拉在最后,娇媚的脸蛋上,满是烦愁。„Remembers, ifnext timeHe Qingmanwhenfacing the Yang Familyperson , to continue not to put forthfully, youmight as wellimprisonher, so as to avoidsheis in the way.” The Xie Kuilinein the front, facial expressiongloomy and cold, lowers the soundto the Tianxie FairylandWarriorinstruction that thesefollowhimto come.
“明白。”Severalpeoplenodslowly, quietlylooks atbehindHe Qingman, the lookbreakssomewhatthought-provokingly.
The He Qingmanbeautifulpupilflashes throughlow-spirited, the same sidetoherguarding, shewatches, has no alternative.何青曼美眸闪过一丝黯然,同门对她的提防,她看在眼里,却无可奈何。Atthis time, shewished one couldearlyto leavefrom the abyssbattlefield, returns toJialuo Sea Area, no longer the ginsenggatheredthis matter.
在这个时候,她恨不得早早从深渊战场离开,返回伽罗海域,不再参合此事。However, road that goes back, no onecould look, ifnowall alonereturns, inincluding the directionunclearsituation, without doubtwasextremelystupid.
然而,回去的路,谁也找不出来了,如今若是孤身一人返回,在连方向都不明的情况下,无疑是极其愚蠢的。But, brightclearly knowXie Kuiand the othersdo not haveanygoodcomplexiontoher, shealso can only choosetemporarilywiththem.
无奈之下,明明知道邪魁等人对她没什么好脸色,她也只能选择暂时跟着他们。Gradually the sand dune that oneline of 11Warrior, move toward a bulge, came from Tianxie FairylandfiveWarrior, closelyfollowsinXie Kuibehind, the order of Xie Kui, has regardedtheirmission.
一行11名武者,渐渐走向一个凸起的沙丘,来自于天邪洞天的五名武者,紧紧跟在邪魁的身后,将邪魁的命令,当成了他们的使命。SurplusseveralWarrior, belong toPenglai Holy LandandHeaven Lake Holy Landseparately, thesepeoplewere not but actually many said that alsosecretlywas followingXie Kui, hopingXie Kuicanleadthemto find the companion, canlook to leavefromthisstrangedesert.
剩余几名武者,分别属于蓬莱圣地和天池圣地,这几人倒也不多说,也都暗暗跟随着邪魁,希望邪魁能够带领他们找到同伴,能够找点从这个诡异的沙漠离开。„hōng hōng hōng!”
” In the frontsand dune1transmitsviolentrumbledquicklysuddenly.
“咻咻井!”Tornado, suddenlyformationsidepeople.
An instant, thesetornadothencome, everywhereyellow sanddances in the air, sixgianttornado, coverthoroughlythisregion, the yellow sandobstructs the eye, the peoplecannot see clearly the surroundingcondition.
只是一霎,那些龙卷风便呼啸而来,漫天黄沙飞舞中,六个巨大的龙卷风,将这一块区域彻底笼罩住,黄沙遮目,众人根本看不清周围的状况。Warrior, were pulled into the tornado, was howled the yellow sand that circles in flightsayingbytheseis entangling, the bodycannot move.
“什么人?”Xie Kuicalls outone, a handletall and slendersnow whitetreasured sword, bravesfromhissleeve cuff.邪魁暴喝一声,一柄细长的雪白宝剑,从他袖口内冒出来。Thishandlesnow whitetreasured swordblows outshiningyellow light ” a Xie Kuiswordto delimitquickly, inyellow lighta littleselects the white lightdissipation, becomes an elegantarc, falls into the dead aheadinfiercely the sand dune.
The person's shadowdrilledfrom the sand dunetogethersuddenly, intheseshiningyellow light, the illnessshootsXie Kui.
一道人影骤然从沙丘之中钻了出来,在那些灿灿黄光之中,疾射邪魁。„Shi Yan!”
The Xie Kuicomplexionfirstchanges, at oncesuddenlysneers, good that „comes! Was worrying unable to findyou! Youcome outon own initiative, thisiscourts death!”邪魁脸色先是一变,旋即突然冷笑起来,“来的好!正愁找不到你!你主动出来,这是自己找死!”
The wordsfall ” the Xie Kuibody ” in a flash, shrink into the sand duneslightlysuddenly, without a trace of disappearance.
The rear area that Xie Kuivanishes, Warriorwere being stumbledto the bunchbythesetornado, thisisGravitational Fieldcircles in flight the evolutionin the desert, the territoryfieldstrength of Chaos ” madetheseWarrior unable to move1to be ablesent outto call out in alarm, the Essence Qiflow rate in bodyplasteralsobecamemore and moreslow.邪魁消失的后方,一名名武者被那些龙卷风给束绊着,这是磁殛域场在沙漠之中飞旋演变而成,域场之中的混乱之力”令那些武者动弹不得1只能在其中发出惊呼,体垩内的精元流动速度也变得越来越缓慢。
A gusthowlspreads, drawsinrearHe Qingman, as if the cool breezewas common, has evadedsweeping across of tornado, grazedin the Shi Yandirection.
一阵风啸声传出,拉在最后面的何青曼,仿佛清风一般,避过了龙卷风的席卷,也朝着石岩的方向飞掠而来。InHe Qingmaneyes, fullis the complexsentiment, actuallywithout hesitationgets ridtowardShi Yan, hergracefulsilhouettein a flash, windedgessweep acrossto come, eachwindblade edgeswift and fierceincomparable, spreads the strangehowlinvoid.何青曼的双眸之中,满是复杂之情,却毫不犹豫的朝着石岩出手,她曼妙的身影一晃,一道道风刃席卷而来,每一道风刃都凌厉无比,在虚空之中传出奇异的啸声。Meanwhile, escapesintoXie Kui in sand dune, makes usefrom the sandy soillong ago ” thathandlesnow whitelong sword, splitstogetherdazzlingyellow light.
与此同时,遁入沙丘内的邪魁,也趁势从沙土之中早头”那一柄雪白的长剑,绽出一道刺目的黄光。Clay dragon that precisebecomesby the yellow sand ” suddenlydrillsfrom the placebottom, sideShi Yan, the dirt wall that sandy soilprecisebecomes, stands erect.
一条由黄沙凝炼而成的土龙”突然从地底之中钻出来,在石岩身旁,一堵沙土凝炼而成的土墙,也随之竖立起来。„Shi Yan, myMartial Spiritcancontrol the sandy soil, here”Ikillyouto be easy as pie! ” Xie Kuisneers, „youearlydamn! Your can have what skills and abilities, obtainreassurance of Xinyan? Like the Xinyanthis kind ofbeautiful woman, only thenmythisnowTianxie Fairylandfuturemaster, will have the qualificationsto have! Youdo not match!”
The Shi Yanfacial expressionis indifferent, standsineverywhereyellow sand, the lookiceis cold.石岩神情冷漠,就站在漫天黄沙之中,眼神冰寒冷冽。
The He Qingmaneverywherewindblade edge, heads on, hisstanding firm.何青曼的漫天风刃,扑面而来,他屹然不动。Whentothesewindedges, one by onefromhisbody, He Qingmandiscovered that everywhere the windblade edge, strokesonhisillusory image.
The Xie Kuieye pupilshrinks, discoveredwith amazementheHuanglong that uses the sandy soilpreciseto become, thatdirt wall, had regarded the goal of attack the Shi Yanillusory image.邪魁眼瞳一缩,骇然发现他用沙土凝炼而成的黄龙,还有那土墙,原来也都只是将石岩的幻影当成了攻击的目标。Shi Yantrue body, alreadydodged.石岩的真身,早就闪了出去。„Imustwith a Xie Kuialonewar, inthissand dune. Do not disturb.”
A Shi Yanbrowwrinkle, the intentionfluctuates, Gravitational Field of stealthfallsfrom the friend, will ride the wind the He Qingmantenderbody that comesto imprisoninstantaneously.石岩眉头一皱,心念变幻间,一个隐形的磁殛域场从友而降,将乘风而来的何青曼的娇躯瞬间禁锢住。At the same time, anotherGravitational FieldalsoquietlyrushesXie Kui, andunderunexpectedness, lives to restraintXie Kuiinstantaneously.
The Escaping Lightning Changesstimulation of movement, just likes a lightning ” Shi Yanfastshoots atGravitational FieldcentralXie Kui.逸电变催动,犹如一道闪电”石岩迅捷射向磁殛域场中垩央的邪魁。„Wantsmydoublefoot pedalplace, yourthisthing, does not havetomyeffect.”, Xie Kuismilescold, bodyinstantaneouslyshrankintosandy soilcentral, got rid ofGravitational Fieldrestraintunexpectedly.
“只要我双脚踏地,你这东西,对我一点效果都没有。”,邪魁冷然一笑,身子又瞬间缩入了沙土中垩央,竟摆脱了磁殛域场的束缚。Xie KuihasconstructiontwoMartial Spirit, so long asis conscientious, hecanescapeto be buriedwith ease1, only ifstrikesto executehim, otherwise, verydifficultto killhim.邪魁拥有土木两种武魂,只要脚踏实地,他可以轻松遁入土中1除非一击格杀掉他,否则,很难将他击毙。Xie Kuisilhouette, vanishedinsandy soil, buthissound, actuallyconveysfrom the earth: „Shi Yan, Iwill ripyourhead, andpreserves, will wait formeto say goodbyeXinyantime1menext timepresentsyourheadtoher”youwill say that thiscanbe very interesting? ” Shi Yanstandson the sandy soil, facial expressionis faint „ actuallyfiercelystimulates to movementnegative energy.邪魁的身影,又在沙土之中消失了,可他的声音,却从大地之中传来:“石岩,我会割掉你的人头,并且保存下来,等下次我再见心妍的时候1我会将你的人头呈现给她”你说这样会不会很有趣?”石岩站在沙土上,神情淡漠“却猛地催动负面之力。ThreehugeDevilillusion, byrichnegative energy, thesethreeDevilphantom, a appearance, is flushed awaybyWarrior that tornadorestraintlives intowardthesesuddenlypreciseswiftly.
三条巨大的妖魔幻象,突然由浓郁的负面之力凝炼而成,这三条妖魔虚影,倏一出现,就朝着那些被龙卷风束缚住的武者冲去。Shi Yanstays in same place, motionless, close your eyes, resemblesis waiting foranythingsilently.石岩停留在原地,一动不动,闭上眼,似在默默等候着什么。Stems fromhimto anticipate, Xie Kuihas not rescuedthesebyterritoryfieldrestraintcompanion! Xie Kuisneaksin the earthfast, plundersquietlytowardhisunder foot.
The Shi Yancorners of the mouthbring back a cruelcurve, the doublepupilominouslightdodgesto pass.石岩嘴角勾起一个残忍的弧度,双瞳凶光一闪而逝。HowwhateverXie Kuiimagines, absolutelyunexpectedShi Yanhas formedSea of Consciousness, incertainrange, anylifefluctuationcannot escape frompeeping at hisDivine Sense!
任凭邪魁如何想象,都绝对预料不到石岩已形成了识海,在一定范围之内,任何生命波动都逃不出他神识的窥视!Heinsandy soil , if not crop up, Shi Yancanrealizehisposition, verydifficultto clutchto put to deathhim.
他在沙土之中要是不冒头,石岩就算是可以察觉到他的位置,也很难将他揪出来诛杀。However, ifhewantsto get rid ” thattoShi Yan to crop up, thishas then given the Shi Yanopportunity.
不过,若是他想要对石岩出手”那就必须冒头,这便给了石岩机会。„hōng hōng hōng!”, In the sandy soiltransmits the dull thumping sound, in the under foot of Shi Yan, earthawlssuddenlyis raised.
The Shi Yanbodywas not steady ” has swayedin the peak of earthawl, suddenlyplunderedin a direction.石岩身子不稳”在土锥的顶端摇晃了一下,突然朝着一个方向掠去。In the sandy soil, the Xie Kuirapid traverse1sneakstoward the Shi Yantemporary lodging, and other Shi Yanbodiesfall, thensuddenlysticks out suddenlyfrom the sandy soilstrikes, killshisdirectbang.
The peopleare in the midair, inShi Yantwo, hand imprintsfastprecise, but ” has not stopped overon the sandy soil, Seal of LifeandSeal of Deaththensmelttogether.
人在半空中,石岩两手之中,一块块手印快速凝炼而出”还未在沙土上落脚,生印和死印便熔炼在一起。Seal of Life and Deathdirectbangdownwardsecure!生死印直接轰向下安!„Bang!”
The terrifyingexplosionrumbledsound, soon the temporary lodgingwill transmitfromShi Yan.恐怖的爆炸轰鸣声,从石岩即将落脚之地传来。Distressedsilhouette, inthisexplosive sound, was flownby the directbangtogetherdirectly, thatsnow whitelong sword, duringSeal of Life and Deaththiscrazystrikescruel and fierce ” hitlets goto depart.
一道狼狈的身影,在这爆炸声中,直接被直接轰飞了出来,就连那雪白的长剑,也在生死印这一狂猛暴击之中”被打的脱手飞出。Shi Yan that silhouettedrops, the big handextends, graspsthishandleto be the Xie Kuilong swordaccurate, Escaping Lightning Changesdisplays, the electricityfires intoXie Kuigenerally.身影落下的石岩,大手一伸,精准地握着这一柄属于邪魁的长剑,逸电变施展,电一般冲向邪魁。
The Xie Kuicorners of the mouthfullare the blood, inthisSeal of Life and Death under strikesfully, hisfleshly bodyis damaged, if not for the whole bodyhaseartharmorto protect, underthisSeal of Life and Deathstrikes, hisfive main internal organs (entrails)will be broken.邪魁嘴角满是鲜血,在这生死印的全力一击之下,他肉身受创,若不是周身有土甲护住,在这生死印一击之下,他五脏六腑都会被震碎。Saw with own eyes that the Shi Yanlightningfliesto shootto come „ Xie Kuigenerallyto wantone's old tricksheavy, wantsto escapehurriedlyonce more into the earth.
眼见石岩闪电一般飞射而来“邪魁又要故技重施,急忙想要再次遁入大地之中。Muststep the sandy soilin his footthat moment, the Shi Yanlightningplundersgenerally, the left legsteps onabove the right foot of Xie Kui, Xie Kuimustescapeinto the earth, suddenly the feelingright footsoletransmits a pain of tap web.
就在他一只脚才要踏上沙土的那一刻,石岩闪电一般掠来,左脚踩在邪魁的右脚之上,邪魁才要遁入大地,突然感觉右脚脚掌传来一阵锥心的痛苦。Hewantsto escapeinto the sandy soil, discoverythatfoot, stubbornlywas actually nailed fastby the thinsword.
他想要遁入沙土,却发现那一只脚,被细剑给死死钉住了。„Runs? Continuesto runtomelooks?”, Shi Yaneyesis ruthless, whole faceis cruel, is staring at the eviltime, sneersto say.
“跑啊?继续跑给我看啊?”,石岩双眸狠厉,满脸残忍,盯着邪期,冷笑道。„You! You!”, Xie Kuicomplexionbig change.
“你!你!”,邪魁脸色大变。Hisright footwas being stepped onby the left leg of Shi Yanas beforestubbornly, thathandle came from hissnow whitelong sword, firstwas a swordpierced the left leg of Shi Yan, thensewedabovehisposterior crus, theirleft leg and right foot1was connectedbythathandlesworddirectly.
他的右脚依旧被石岩的左脚死死踩着,那一柄来自于他的雪白长剑,先是一剑刺穿了石岩的左脚,然后才钉在他后脚之上,两人左脚和右脚1直接被那一柄剑串联了起来。In order tolimithimescapes into the sandy soil, Shi Yanthissword, did not hesitateto linkhisright footto giveto pierce!
“轰轰!”Had been connectedXie KuiandShi Yan of twofeetby a sword1face-to-face, the powerturbulenteruption in body, the fists and feetquarrels, the rainstormgeneraljunctionstrikes.
被一剑连接了两只脚的邪魁和石岩1面对面,身体之中的力量汹涌爆发,拳脚相向,暴雨一般交击。Thathandlelong sword, is connectingtheirtwofeet, the Shi Yansole on, suppresses the demonstubbornly, thatfoot, makinghim unable to move!
那一柄长剑,连接着两人的两脚,石岩脚掌在上,死死的压住邪魅,的那只脚,令他动弹不得!Meanwhile, Petrification Martial Spiritstimulates to movement, Shi Yanwhole bodyis hard, if the iron, RampageSecond Skyappearsagain, in the bodyplasterpowerrises suddenlyinstantaneouslyonce moreonetime.
与此同时,石化武魂催动起来,石岩浑身坚硬若铁,暴走二重天再次出现,体垩内力量瞬间再次暴涨一倍。„hōng hōng hōng!”, Hand imprints, explodebetweenShi YanandXie Kui, the Xie Kuiwhole bodyspills overpaleyellowrays of light1twoto have the hand imprint, formsmarvelousripplein the chestsurface, is used for the hindranceto resist the bombardment of Shi Yan.
The Shi Yanfacial expressionis fierce ” releasesRampageSecond Skywildpowerheartily, in the chest of Xie KuicontinuousmakesSeal of LifeandSeal of Death, withmoststaunchcrazyfiercepower, givesto destroyXie Kuialldefenses.石岩神情狰狞”将暴走二重天的狂暴力量尽情释放,在邪魁的胸口接连不断的打出生印和死印,用最为刚烈狂猛的力量,将邪魁所有的防御都给摧毁。Petrification Martial Spirit ” Extreme Refiningquenches the body, powerful of Shi Yanfleshly body, is far fromXie Kuicancompare!石化武魂”极炼淬体,石岩肉身之强悍,绝非邪魁所能比拟!In the boundary of RampageSecond Sky, poweralsofarultraXie Kui that hecanuse, suchfight1Xie Kui of short distanceradicallywas devastated, does not haveanystrength to hit backsimply.
在暴走二重天之境,他可以动用的力量也远超邪魁,这么近距离的战斗1邪魁根本就是被蹂躏,简直没有任何的还手之力。„Explodes!”, Shi Yanrave, Seal of Life and Deathoverlaps „ bombardmenton the Xie Kuihead.
“爆!”,石岩狂吼一声,生死印重叠“轰击在邪魁脑袋上。Excellenthead of Xie Kui, underthisstrikes, explodesto break to piecesthoroughly, the skull and bloodsplash, died a tragic deathtogetherat the scene.邪魁的大好头颅,在这一击之下,彻底爆碎开来,头骨和一起鲜血飞溅,当场惨死。
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