GOS :: Volume #3

#209: Full assurance

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Thump thump!” “咚咚咚咚!” Four grinding pan size iron slabs, in puddle such as War Chariot has rolled, puddle on the solid ground, the crushed stone flutters about, the iron slab has ground the place, leaves behind four long deeply gullies. 四块磨盘大小的铁块,在水潭边如战车滚过,水潭边的硬地上,碎石纷飞,铁块碾过之处,留下四条长长的深深地沟壑。 The arm and ankle area place, the locked 4000 cattys in weight heavy item, the Shi Yan body is slightly more withered, in the thin body, erupts a crazy fierce firm explosive force suddenly. 手臂、脚踝处,锁着重4000斤的重物,石岩身躯略略干瘪一些,消瘦的身躯中,骤然爆发出一股狂猛之极的刚强爆炸力。 Rampage First Sky. 暴走一重天 In acupoint, Negative Energy rolling surges, is full in all the limbs and bones, making him make power rise suddenly instantaneously one time. 穴道内,负面力量滚滚涌动,充盈在四肢百骸,让他在瞬间让力量暴涨一倍有余。 That 4000 cattys in weight heavy item, under the dragging of this wild power, although same appears heavy exceptionally, as before is actually hard the footsteps that prevents him to lead the way. 那重4000斤的重物,在这一股狂暴力量的拖动之下,虽然一样显得沉重异常,却依旧难以阻挡他前行的脚步。 Personal appearance vigorously in puddle speeds along, easily accomplished general, puddle earth-shaking that stirs, the sound is enormous. 身形矫健在水潭边一路飞驰,摧枯拉朽一般,将水潭边搅的天翻地覆,动静极大。 Although merely only then Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation base, however, his fleshly body tyrannical degree, is far from the average person can compare, in that ten thousand years of hot mountain core meditation Extreme Refining technique, has quenchinged his fleshly body once more, enabling him to adapt to the impacts of various power, can a fleshly body power better stimulation of movement. 虽然仅仅只有百劫二重天之境修为,然而,他肉身之强横程度,绝非一般人可以比拟,在那万年火山心苦修的“极炼”之术,又将他肉身再次淬炼过一遍,让他可以适应各种力量的冲击,可以将肉身力量更好的催动出来。 power that fleshly body powerful, in addition the boundary of Rampage First Sky, at this moment, in the Shi Yan body rolls, endures to compare Earth Level Warrior! 肉身强悍,再加上暴走一重天之境,这一刻,石岩身体中滚动的力量,堪比地位之境武者 By the puddle, Yang Lao, Yang Mu and Yang Meng three people, are the facial expression are all amazed, in the pupil lightning sparkles, flickers looks at that does not move to go all out galloping Shi Yan. 水潭旁边,杨烙杨幕杨萌三人,皆是神情惊诧,眸中电光闪闪,一瞬不移的望着那正卖力奔腾的石岩 In the Shi Yan body suddenly eruption power, obviously has been above their expectation, lets originally also three people of some suspicions, the whole face is surprised. 石岩身体中骤然爆发的力量,显然超乎了他们的预料,让本来还有些怀疑的三人,满脸惊讶。 Here sound is enormous, many Yang Family Warrior, hear here sound, collects from other region, looks from afar to the Shi Yan supernatural power. 这边的动静极大,许多杨家武者,听闻这边的声响,也都从别的区域凑过来,远远望向石岩的神力。 The Shi Yan calm face, in the muscle of fining ” seems containing the inexhaustible explosive force, running out of each body, he thinks full, like has the strength of not being able to cause. 石岩沉着脸,精炼的肌肉中”似乎蕴藏着无穷无尽的爆炸力,每一次身体的冲出,他都觉得酣畅淋漓,像是有使不完的劲道。 Comes out after that ten thousand years of center of earth, this is his first time such carefree erupts power, during galloping, he as if thought that fleshly body each cell lived comingto be full vigorous life force, took to the incomparably wonderful feeling. 从那万年地心出来之后,这还是他第一次这么畅快的将力量爆发开来,奔腾间,他似乎觉得肉身每一个细胞都活了过来”充盈了勃勃生机,带给无比美妙的感觉。 This is the change of fleshly body! 这是肉身的变化! His clear realizing, after these days Extreme Refining meditation, he was gaining any advantage. 他清晰的意识到,在经过这一段时间极炼苦修,他到底获得了什么好处。 After fleshly body was quenched, the physique becomes more tenacious, the hands and feet is more flexible, Essence Qiis quick in the speed in the body rolling and vigorous, imitates, if the rivers and streams burst a dike, such as the rainbow passed through the date. 肉身被淬炼之后,筋骨变得更加坚韧,手脚更加灵活,精元在身体中滚动的速度”又快又疾,仿若江河决堤,如长虹贯日。 At this moment, he regarding the view of Profound Ice Cold Flame, the start believed in firmly. 这一刻,他对于玄冰寒焰的说法,真的开始深信不疑了。 Warrior of Ancient Times timeregarding attaching great importance to of fleshly body, goes far beyond present Warrior, looks in these Ancient Times Wu Kanlai, fleshly body is the martial arts most basic foundation, they regarding fleshly body cultivation, compared with Essence Qi precise must care aboutflower fee meditation of energy also not inferior Essence Qi. 上古时期的武者”对于肉身的重视,远远超过如今的武者,在那些上古武看来看,肉身乃是武道最为根本的基础,他们对于肉身修炼,要比对精元的凝炼还要在乎”huā费的精力也并不逊色精元苦修 Once fleshly body reaches some altitude, in the person confrontation, power that in their fleshly body eruptsthen extremely scary. 一旦肉身达到某种高度,在与人交锋中,他们肉身之中爆发的力量”便极为的骇人。 Same level Realm Warrior, fleshly body powerful that person, can easily accomplished sweep away the match generally, does not have any accident. 同等境界武者,肉身强悍的那人,将可以摧枯拉朽一般将对手横扫,没任何的意外。 Feels the change of body, the Shi Yan mind is being joyful, secret under decides the decision, after this, quenching of fleshly body, regards a oneself martial arts cultivation most essential point, will not idle in this aspect. 感受着身体的变化,石岩心神愉悦,暗暗下定决定,从此之后,将肉身的淬炼,当成自己武道修炼最为关键的一环,绝不会在这方面懈怠。 hōng hōng hōng *......” 轰轰轰*……” Imitates if War Chariot, Shi Yan flies to clash, earth-shaking that the puddle stirs, the crushed stone flutters about. 仿若一辆战车,石岩一路飞冲,将水潭边搅的天翻地覆,碎石纷飞。 He indulges in the joy of innermost feelings, with regarding satisfaction of fleshly body powerful, is quite the same as absorbed, did not remember that with the Yang Lao gambling approximately, has only wanted at this time, to clearly recognize itself well, realizes from experience the change of body earnestly. 他沉溺在内心的喜悦,和对于肉身强悍的满足之中,浑然忘我,已不记得和杨烙的赌约了,只想在这个时候,好好认清自己,认真体悟身体的变化。 Stops!” “停!” Yang Lao shouted loudly one suddenly. 杨烙霍然高呼一声。 Shi Yan awakens fiercely, flies to the body potential, stagnates suddenly, he who sweat, the whole body muscle shivers gently, looked that the Yang Lao eyes none remaining overflows to Yang, on the face is holding the surprised smiling face, slowly nod, five minutes, seven! Your boy, but also is really the monster.” 石岩猛地惊醒过来,飞冲的身势,骤然凝滞,一身汗水,浑身肌肉轻轻颤抖的他,愣愣地看向杨哦杨烙双眸精光四溢,脸上噙着惊奇的笑容,缓缓点头,“五分钟,七圈!你小子,还真是怪物啊。” Ha Ha, I know that this boy is not common.” Yang Mu laughs, otherwise, great grandfather will not take the trouble, to know for certain his position, does not hesitate to consume the blood of Immortal to speculate *......” “哈哈,我就知道这小子不一般啊。”杨幕大笑,“要不然,太爷爷也不会那么费心,为了确知他的方位,不惜耗费不死之血来推测下去*……” Yang Meng adorable blinking, purses the lips the small mouth, groans saying: Really is, is a monster, why in our Yang Family, does not have a normal point person.” 杨萌可爱的眨着眼睛,撅嘴小嘴,哼哼道:“真是的,又是一个怪物,为什么在我们杨家,就没有一个正常点的人呢。” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Yang Lao shows a faint smile, the line of sight sweeps these Warrior that periphery waited and saw, raises the sound track: This is our Yang Family young blood, my Third Brother Yang Xiao biological grandson, Shi Yan *......” 杨烙微微一笑,视线扫了周围观望的那些武者,扬声道:“这是我们杨家的新成员,我三弟杨逍的亲孙子,石岩*……” Young Master Yan *......” 岩少爷*……” Young Master Yan!” 岩少爷!” Young Master Yan *......” 岩少爷*……” Surroundings these aura are calm, build valiant Yang Family Warrior, calls in abundance loudly. 周围那些气息沉稳,体型彪悍的杨家武者,纷纷大声吆喝起来。 These person of cultivation base are quite exquisite, in Endless Sea, reason that also mostly the big name, they are docile to Yang Family, besides Yang Family background , because of Yang Family each first generation, extreme powerful, is having the far ultra same level Warrior terrifying strength. 这些人修为都颇为精湛,在无尽海中,也大多名声响亮,他们之所以对杨家服服帖帖,除了杨家底蕴之外,还是因为杨家的每一代,都极为的强悍,拥有着远超同级武者恐怖实力。 These unruly generations, believe Yang Family, because of Yang Family power. 这些桀骜不驯之辈,信服杨家,是因为杨家力量 They waited and saw a while in side, approved from heart regarding the performance of Shi Yan, Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation base, is dragging 4000 jin (0.5 kg) heavy item. Actually may in the short five minutes, run seven around the sobbing puddle. 他们在旁边观望了一会儿,对于石岩的表现已从心底认同了,百劫二重天之境修为,拖着4000斤的重物。却可在短短五分钟时间,绕着泣水潭跑上七圈。 So performance, extremely dazzling! 如此表现,极为的耀眼! The Shi Yan corners of the mouth have a smile, neither arrogant nor servile, he has not urged to send to Second Sky Rampage, he believes that if he clenches teeth to urge the boundary of Second Sky Rampage, his body * in power rises suddenly inevitably once more one time, can in five minutes, run ten to continue around this puddle. 石岩嘴角含笑,不亢不卑,他并未将暴走催发到二重天,他相信,若是他咬牙将暴走催到二重天之境,他体*内的力量必然再次暴涨一倍,可以在五分钟时间内,绕着这水潭跑上十圈都不止。 Wish the gambling to concede, the boy, these three Heaven Mending Pill you receive Yang Lao to shake the head with a smile, your this boy, comes, has won my one game., Snort, my this person most is small-minded, you give me carefully, later cultivation, I will make you taste my taste *......” “愿赌服输,小子,这三枚补天丹你收起来吧”杨烙笑着摇了摇头,“你这小子,才过来,就赢了我一局。,哼,我这人最是小肚鸡肠,你给我小心一点,以后的修炼,我会让你尝尝我的滋味的*……” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, is impolite, puts out a hand to take that three Heaven Mending Pill, at once he he says with a smile: I most did not fear that this kind of is troublesome.” 石岩淡然一笑,丝毫不客气,伸手将那三枚补天丹取走,旋即才呵呵笑道:“我最不怕这类的麻烦。” Body * internal flow really the heart of our Yang Family, your boy is worthily hard enough.” Yang Lao smiled was approving one, at once a line of sight revolution, said lightly: Looked that enough get lost, not having the matter can do?” “身体*内流的果然不愧我们杨家之心,你小子够硬的。”杨烙微笑着赞了一句,旋即视线一转,淡淡道:“看够了都滚远一点,没事情要做么?” Warrior that nearby magnificence Xie surround, hear word one necking, embarrasedly with a smile gets out of the way from here. 旁边华些围观的武者,闻言一缩头,都讪讪笑着从这里走开。 After these people evacuate in abundance, a Yang Lao brow wrinkle, somewhat worries to say suddenly: Xia Shenchuan still in our Yang Family, you now comes, he will definitely not continue meditation to get down, he hears your news, feared that will be will seek immediately *......” 在那些人纷纷撤离之后,杨烙眉头忽然一皱,有些发愁道:“夏神川还在我们杨家,你现在过来,他肯定不会继续苦修下去,他一听到你的消息,怕是马上就会寻上来了*……” , Yang Lao deeply looks at he, boy, your truth truth, have you really been able to make Xia Xinyan that girl regain consciousness? Do not fear, even if you cannot achieve, does not have anything, Xia Shenchuan does not dare to be what kind, top oversensitively has some obstructions, the back chews the root of the tongue.” 顿了一下,杨烙深深地看着他,“小子,你实话实话,你是不是真的可以让夏心妍那丫头苏醒?你别怕,就算是你做不到,也没什么,夏神川绝不敢怎么样,顶多心中存些芥蒂,背后嚼嚼舌根而已。” Should not have the issue *......” Shi Yan to hesitate, a face said with deep veneration. “应该没问题*……”石岩沉吟了一下,一脸肃然道。 Doesn't have the issue?” Yang Lao stunned, „did you affirm? You must know, initially Xia Family person , is a that girl problem, at that time our Jialuo Sea Area three big influences sought means together, cannot rescue that person. Your great grandfather has said that only if some certain soul classes wonderful treasures, moreover must suit just in time her, otherwise cannot start from elsewhere *......” “没问题?”杨烙愕然,“你肯定?你要知道,当初夏家有一人,也是和那丫头一个毛病,当时我们伽罗海域三大势力一起寻了个办法,都不能将那人救好。你太爷爷说过,除非有某些灵魂类的奇宝,而且还要正巧适合她的,否则根本不能从别处下手*……” Shi Yan dark startled, Yang Qingdi is really fierce, it seems like should know one had Soul Gathering Bead. 石岩暗惊,扬青帝果然厉害,看来应该知道自己持有聚魂珠了。 I affirmed that *......” nodded, Shi Yan said: I have confidence to be able her to regain consciousness, because she saves me, turns into this, I naturally must make her wake up well.” “我肯定*……”点了点头,石岩道:“我有把握能够将她苏醒,她因为救我,才变成这样,我自然要让她好好醒来。” Yang Lao stared at Shi Yan to look at a while, saw Shi Yan not like the harebrained generation, this gently nodded, said: „ Good, I call person to let Xia Shenchuan. 杨烙盯着石岩看了一会儿,见石岩不像冒失之辈,这才轻轻点头,道:“好,那我唤人让夏神川来。 At once, his speaker told, then sees one person to fly away fast, goes toward nearby one grand mountain peak line. 旋即,他扬声吩咐了一句,便见一人快速飞走,朝着旁边的一座雄伟山峰行去。 What need has we to help?” Yang Lao has hesitated, said: In our Yang Family, has various scarce materials and spirit medicine, so long as you say the name, our Yang Family should majority have, even if no, will make quickly for you, does not use politely, your great grandfather leaves beforehand has confessed that at rescuing Xia girl this matter, we must fully coordinate you.” “有什么需要我们帮助的没?”杨烙沉吟了一下,又道:“在我们杨家,有着各类稀缺的材料和灵药,只要你提出来名字的,我们杨家应该大多数都有,就算是没有,也会很快为你弄来,不用客气,你太爷爷离开之前交代过,在解救夏丫头这事上,我们要全力配合你。” Shi Yan shakes the head with a smile, does not need anything, so long as gives me a secluded secret room then.” 石岩笑着摇头,“不需要什么,只要给我个僻静的密室即可。” Yang Lao is astonished however, has thought that told to Yang Mu, goes to No. 1 sacred mountain, looks for a best crystal room.” 杨烙讶然,想了一下,才对身旁的杨募吩咐,“去一号神山,找一间最好的晶室。” Good *......” the Yang Mu stride to depart. “好*……”杨幕大步离去。 Your great grandfather at this time not in Yang Family, Immortal Sacred Scripture of family on him, after he returns, so long as you drip into Immortal Sacred Scripture blood essence, even if were recognizes the ancestor to return to the birth family. Immortal Rebirth Secret Art of family, above Immortal Sacred Scripture, so long as your blood essence drips into, can gain Immortal Rebirth Secret Art *......” Yang Lao to think from Immortal Sacred Scripture, said: These days, you first Xia Xinyan regaining consciousness.” “你太爷爷此时不在杨家,家族的不死圣典在他身上,等他返回之后,你只要将精血滴入不死圣典,就算是认祖归宗了。家族的不死重生诀,也在不死圣典之上,只要你精血滴入,就能从不死圣典获取不死重生诀*……”杨烙想了一下,道:“这段时间,你先将夏心妍给苏醒了。” Un, my clear(ly) from “嗯,我明自 *...... ” *……” Yang Lao!” long time, in surrounding mountain peak, does not project together Divine Light suddenly, plunders fast, heard that Shi Yan that boy did come back?” The Xia Shenchuan person has not approached, roaring sound has then made a sound. 杨烙!”不多时,周围一座山峰之中,骤然射出一道神光,快速掠来,“听说石岩那小子回来了?”夏神川人尚未靠近,怒吼声便已响了起来。 The body is together tall, wears the crest must white the old man, decides in the Shi Yan body advance party suddenly, his eyes like the electricity, stares at Shi Yan snort|hum saying: „Is your boy Shi Yan?” 一道身子颀长,头戴羽冠的白须老者,霍然在石岩身前站定,他双眸如电,盯着石岩哼道:“你小子就是石岩吧?” Shi Yan smiles awkwardly, nodded. 石岩尴尬一笑,点了点头 Snort, unnecessary rubbish I not to say.” Xia Shenchuan coldly snorted, you, if cannot regain consciousness Xinyan, I naturally can ask you to trouble, but if Xinyan can wake up, the past matter, I then treated as have not occurred. So long as I she wake up, other anything can, no matter *......” “哼,多余的废话我也不说了。”夏神川冷哼一声,“你要是不能将心妍苏醒,我自然会找你麻烦的,但如果心妍能够醒来,以往的事情,我便当作没有发生。我只要她醒来,别的什么都可以不管*……” I will definitely make her wake up well!” Shi Yan facial expression one positive, said: I have the full assurance *......” “我肯定会让她无恙醒来!”石岩神情一正,道:“我有十足把握*……” Full?” “十足?” Full!” “十足!” Xia Shenchuan slightly is surprised, does not understand that Shi Yan is why confident, but, saw that Shi Yan is so self-confident, in his heart faintly were also many some anticipations, nodded, snort|hum said: Completed the matter said again.” 夏神川略显惊讶,不明白石岩为何那么有信心,不过,眼看石岩这么自信,他心中也隐隐多了些期待,点了点头,哼道:“把事情做好了再说。” Two grandfathers, arranged.” Yang Mu in a cliff place of mountain peak, the speaker shouted loudly: Younger Brother Yan, you can come.” “二爷爷,安排好了。”杨幕在一座山峰的峭壁处,扬声高呼:“小岩子,你可以过来了。” Walks, I lead you to go to experience.” “走吧,我带你进去见识见识。” Yang Lao nods with a smile, grabs Shi Yan, flew suddenly. 杨烙笑着点头,一把抓着石岩,骤然飞了出去。 ...... ……
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