GLD :: Volume #30

#2947: Attacks Void Monster Nest

"Oh No!, Sir Evil God. ” “糟了,邪神大人。” At this time, Void Monster ran: That crowd of devil, that Lord of Hell Fengdu, has led large numbers of devil armies, killed toward our Nest, threatening, must exterminate us thoroughly.” 就在这个时候,一头虚空怪物跑了进来:“那群恶魔,还有那地狱之主酆都,已经带领大批恶魔大军,朝着我们的老巢杀了过来,来势汹汹,要将我们彻底剿灭啊。” It loudly shouts, said the information instantaneously. 它大喝一声,瞬间就将情报说了出来。 What? The big courage, we have not acted, trivial devil dares to act to us unexpectedly, simply is absurd, was too wild!” “什么?好大的胆子,我们都还没有出手,区区恶魔居然就敢对我们出手,简直是岂有此理,太猖狂了!” Evil God angrily shouted, crack cursed, the lungs exploded with rage. 一尊邪神怒喝一声,破口大骂,肺部都气炸了。 They have not acted to this crowd of devil, this crowd of devil dare to kill their Nest unexpectedly, is really as wild as the extreme, completely not their Evil God paying attention to. 它们还没对这群恶魔出手呢,这群恶魔居然就敢杀上它们老巢,实在是猖狂到极点,完全不将它们邪神放在眼里 Comes just right, I was worrying that other place can’t do anything about it look for the trouble of that Lord of Furnace, didn't expect they bring about own destruction unexpectedly, kills to visit directly courting death, does not help these idiots, how can do right by their stupidities.” “来得正好,我正愁其他地方没办法找那熔炉之主的麻烦呢,没想到他们居然自寻死路,直接杀上门来找死,不成全这些蠢货,怎么能对得起它们的愚蠢。” Said right, hasn't this matter been able to expect? That Lord of Furnace is impossible to make us complete the plan, once is known by him our plan, will run to destroy this Space-Time channel surely, preventing us to enter Hell World.” “说得对,这种事不早就能预料了吗?那熔炉之主是不可能让我们完成计划的,一旦被他知道了我们的计划,必定会跑来毁灭这条时空通道,阻止我们进入地狱世界。” Right, to prevent this point, we run from Evil Gods Universe, guards this Nest. Has us to guard here, whatever like this Lord of Furnace is how rampant, is impossible to destroy this Space-Time channel.” “对啊,就是为了防止这一点,我们才从邪神宇宙跑来,镇守这个老巢。有我们镇守这里,这样任凭这熔炉之主如何嚣张,都不可能毁灭这时空通道。” Moreover this Void Monster Nest covered entirely Evil God restriction everywhere, but also with the Evil Gods Universe link, can greatest resisting live in the suppression of Hell World source, in Nest among, we can also display 99% fighting strength. That Lord of Furnace dares to come look for trouble, that really thinks courting death.” “而且这虚空怪物老巢到处布满了邪神禁制,还和邪神宇宙联通,能最大程度的抵挡住地狱世界本源的压制,在老巢当中,我们也能发挥出九成九战斗力。那熔炉之主敢来找麻烦,那就真的是想找死了。” „If not Paragon God formidable, possibly destruction here restriction Formation, otherwise even Paragon comes to here to guard, that was really absolutely safe.” “如果不是主宰神明过于强大,可能会破坏这里的禁制阵法,否则连主宰都来这里镇守,那就真的万无一失了。” Numerous Evil God discuss spiritedly, murderous aura is steaming, they do not spare a glance to the Xia Ping's attack, instead thinks that this is a revenging golden opportunity. 众多邪神议论纷纷,杀气腾腾,它们对夏平的进攻根本不屑一顾,反而认为这是个报仇的大好机会。 Came, that Lord of Furnace came.” “来了,那熔炉之主来了。” Evil God seemed like the sensation to anything. 一尊邪神似乎感知到了什么。 Very good, making us go out to be able this Lord of Furnace, looks at him to have what three heads, six arms.” “很好,让我们出去会会这熔炉之主,看他有什么三头六臂。” On many Evil God is filling fearful murderous aura. 诸多邪神身上弥漫着可怕的杀气 ............ ………… But at this time, under Xia Ping's leads, the vast and limitless devil army arrives here, body emits has the terrifying Devil Strength, earth-shattering, links up into a single stretch. 而这个时候,在夏平的带领下,无穷无尽恶魔大军抵达此处,身上散发出恐怖的恶魔力量,铺天盖地,连成一片。 Sees only entire Void Monster Nest to alert immediately, countless Evil God restriction appears in Void Monster Nest among, formed three-dimensional defense restriction Formation, simply formed Absolute Defense general. 只见整个虚空怪物老巢立即戒备起来,无数邪神禁制浮现在虚空怪物老巢当中,形成了立体的防御禁制阵法,简直就是形成了绝对防御一般。 Any enemy how attack, is hard to break through Void Monster Nest defense. 任何敌人如何攻击,都难以攻破虚空怪物老巢防御 „To cling to tenaciously? Where is so simple, since hides in Nest, that is killed by shock directly.” “想死守?哪里有这么简单,既然躲在老巢里面,那就直接震死。” Xia Ping big hand wields, immediately puts out Divine Artifact-- War Horn from the body, this is came from God of War Divine Artifact, contain terrifying the strength of sound wave. 夏平大手一挥,立即从身上拿出一件神器——战争号角,这是来自于战争之神神器,蕴含着恐怖的音波之力。 Once the name shook entire Universe Secret Realm Sound Pattern Mountain, is War Horn strength has no intention among emits to come out, erupted the strength of sound wave from War Horn, sufficiently infiltration infinite restriction Formation. 曾经名震整个宇宙秘境音纹山,便是战争号角力量无意当中散发出来的,从战争号角爆发出来的音波之力,足以渗透无穷的禁制阵法 When a War Horn sound, then meets casualty countless, just like magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, kills enemy, has no place to hide. 战争号角一响,便会死伤无数,宛如千军万马,袭杀敌人,无处可躲。 Xia Ping simply with these Evil God idle talk anything, has not acted directly outrageously, he comes to here is to exterminate Evil God, rather than to induce somebody to capitulate these Evil God. 夏平根本没有和这些邪神废话什么,直接悍然出手,他来这里是为了剿灭邪神的,而不是为了劝降这些邪神 He is grasping War Horn, immediately full power stimulates to movement this Divine Artifact. 他手持着战争号角,立即全力催动这件神器 Wū wū ~ ~ Wū wū ~ ~ 呜呜~~呜呜~~ Under the Xia Ping's full power stimulation of movement, War Horn made a sound immediately, is centered on his body, transmits terrifying sound wave by fits and starts. 夏平的全力催动之下,战争号角立即响了起来,以他的身体为中心,传递出去一阵又一阵的恐怖音波。 These sound waves formed the Laws of Grand Dao ripple, infiltrates, is ordinary like the ocean waves, goes toward Void Monster Nest come out, any restriction Formation did not resist. 这些音波形成了大道法则的波纹,渗透出去,如同海浪一般,朝着虚空怪物老巢杀出去,任何禁制阵法都抵挡不了。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Numerous Evil God complexion big change, their originally also wants to have a look at this crowd of devil to have what skill, but where wants to obtain this Lord of Furnace shameless to the extreme, unexpectedly puts out Divine Artifact to attack directly. 众多邪神脸色大变,它们本来还想看看这群恶魔有什么本事呢,但是哪里想得到这熔炉之主无耻到极点,居然直接拿出一件神器来进攻。 in a flash, hears the War Horn sound many Void Monster, they are almost including for one second cannot resist, entire soul instantaneously on disintegration. 瞬息之间,听到战争号角声音的诸多虚空怪物,它们几乎是连一秒的时间都抵挡不住,整个灵魂瞬间就崩碎了。 Aaah!!!” 啊啊啊!!!” Leader Void Monster exudes the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, they quick on tragic death in Void Monster Nest, hid in Nest internal Evil God also encountered the wound all of a sudden. 一头头虚空怪物发出凄厉的惨叫声,它们很快就惨死在虚空怪物老巢之内,就连躲在老巢内部邪神也一下子遭到了创伤。 They felt that oneself body seemed to be hit by sound pattern Laws of Grand Dao, shakes injured own Godhood inside soul, cannot bear mouth corner infiltrate blood. 它们感到自己的身体似乎被音纹大道法则击中,震伤了自己的神格里面的灵魂,都是忍不住嘴角渗透出一丝鲜血 As War Horn resounds unceasingly, strength of simply this sound wave is wave after wave, might superimposes unceasingly, this is not one plus one is so simple. 而且随着战争号角不断响起,这音波之力简直就是一浪接一浪,威力不断叠加起来,这可不是一加一这么简单。 pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! Shortly, entire Void Nest vibrates, many restriction Formation make the Kāchā Kāchā sound, made the crack sound, then entire Nest as if had the disintegration sign. 顷刻间,整个虚空老巢都震动起来,诸多禁制阵法发出咔嚓咔嚓的声响,发出了龟裂的声音,然后整个老巢似乎产生了崩碎的迹象。 This way, this Void Monster Nest will be destroyed by War Horn surely. 继续这样下去,这虚空怪物老巢必定会被战争号角摧毁。 „It is not good, cannot, probably prevent this Lord of Furnace this way.” “不行,不能继续这样下去了,必须阻止这熔炉之主。” „The shameless villain, puts forth Divine Artifact unexpectedly, immediately prevents Lord of Furnace, we make a move to get rid of him directly.” 无耻小人,居然使出神器,立即阻止熔炉之主,我们直接出手将他干掉。” Evil God could not control again, if they do not act, is not only Void Monster Nest is destroyed, even these Void Monster will also be killed by shock while still alive. 一尊尊邪神再也控制不住了,如果它们再不出手的话,不仅是虚空怪物老巢被摧毁,连这些虚空怪物也会被活活震死。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! Finishes speaking, these Evil God step forward from Nest among all of a sudden, disperses to various places, resists the War Horn invincible might, crushes all ripple attack instantaneously completely. 话音刚落,这些邪神一下子就从老巢当中跨出,分散到各处地方,抵挡住战争号角的神威,瞬间将所有的波纹攻击全部击碎。 Their emits has the terrifying Power of Evil Gods, is filling indescribable terrifying aura, as if corrosion twisted this piece of Hell's void Laws of Grand Dao. 它们散发出恐怖的邪神之力,弥漫着不可名状的恐怖气息,似乎侵蚀扭曲了这片地狱虚空大道法则 damned Lord of Furnace, you bring about own destruction!” 该死的熔炉之主,你这是自寻死路!” Evil God angrily shouted, it grasps three zhang (3.33 m) long spear, murderous aura is steaming. 一尊邪神怒喝一声,它手持一根三丈长矛,杀气腾腾。 Began, butchered this Lord of Furnace, do not give the opportunity that he maintained a livelihood.” “动手,宰了这熔炉之主,不要给他活命的机会。” Evil God grasps long sword, the body is filling dark(ness) aura, as if can corrosion all. 一尊邪神手持长剑,身上弥漫着黑暗气息,仿佛能侵蚀一切。 mole crickets and ants, gives me dead.” 蝼蚁,都给我去死吧。” Evil God sneered, it wears the gauntlet/glove, the whole body muscle lump, the fist broken vacuum. 一尊邪神冷笑,它戴着拳套,浑身肌肉疙瘩,拳破真空。 In this moment, three Evil God assume in kind glyph, kills toward Xia Ping, as if surrounded Xia Ping, does not give Xia Ping any time and crevice of escaping. 在这一刻,三尊邪神呈现品字形,朝着夏平杀来,似乎将夏平都包围了起来,不给夏平任何逃跑的时间和空隙。 Stupid Evil God.” “愚蠢的邪神。” Xia Ping surface expressionless, he looked that did not look, in the hand put out second Divine Artifact-- Thunder God's Hammer immediately, this is Divine Artifact that found from Abyss World, came from God of Thunder. 夏平无表情,他看也不看,手上立即拿出了第二件神器——雷神之锤,这是从深渊世界找到的一件神器,来自于雷霆之神 It is said that is Paragon Rank God, its Divine Artifact Thunder God's Hammer might it is obvious that, grasped Grand Dao of Thunder, can control the world ten thousand thunder, even is the tribulation thunder. 据说那可是一尊主宰级神明,它身上的神器雷神之锤威力可想而知,掌握了雷霆大道,可以掌控天下万雷,甚至是劫雷。
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