GLD :: Volume #30

#2946: Lord of Hell

Also wants to sow dissension? According to your IQ also can only think that this scheme, what a pity is, is too late.” “还想挑拨离间?按照你们的智商也只能想到这种计谋了,可惜的是,已经太晚了。” Xia Ping crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 夏平负手而立。 When the Azure Lotus Hell army attacks other Hell plane(s), he is not idle, on thorough enemy camp among, subdues one by one Half-God devil directly forcefully. 青莲地狱大军攻伐其他地狱位面的时候,他也不是无所事事的,直接就深入敌方阵营当中,强行收服一个个半神恶魔 However under his order, these Half-God devil cannot expose own status temporarily, when secretly spy, only has the critical moment to appear own true identity. 但是在他的命令之下,这些半神恶魔暂时不能暴露自己的身份,暗地里当间谍,唯有关键时刻才能显出自己的真实身份 His goal is when these devil tenable joint armies, opposes devil to catch everything in one net these, subdues completely, kills their one to be caught off guard. 他的目的就是在这些恶魔成立联合大军的时候,将这些反对恶魔一网打尽,全部收服,杀它们一个措手不及。 in reality this war was doomed from the beginning the result, a lion pouncing on a hare also performed full power, he naturally cannot underestimate any opponent, even if has completely the advantage, must reduce the greatest loss, thus won this victory. 事实上这场战争从一开始就注定了结局,狮子搏兔亦尽全力,他自然不会小看任何对手,哪怕是占尽优势,也要减少最大程度的损失,从而赢得这场胜利。 Finally is very obvious, he has won, after this so-called rebellious army by defeat, has no Half-God devil to resist his ominous prestige of devil army. 结果很明显,他已经赢了,这个所谓的反抗军被击溃之后,已经没任何半神恶魔能抵挡住他的恶魔大军的凶威。 Even if some scattered resistances, but that is also only the guerrilla forces disperses bravely, is unable to cause anything to threaten. 哪怕还有一些零散的抵抗,但是那也只是游兵散勇而已,根本无法造成什么威胁。 But now the only threat, is these came from Evil Gods Universe enemy. 而现在唯一的威胁,便是这些来自邪神宇宙敌人 damned Lord of Furnace, our Sir Evil God is will not let off absolutely your, gives me just wait, quick entire Hell World will destroy, all devil will become our Evil God servant.” 该死的熔炉之主,我们的邪神大人是绝对不会放过你们的,给我等着吧,很快整个地狱世界就会毁灭,所有恶魔都会成为我们邪神的奴仆。” Black Skeleton angrily shouted. 黑色骷髅怒喝一声 Bang, after speaking these words, it explodes loudly, torn body and crushed bones, does not want dead on Xia Ping obviously, perished on self-exploding directly. 砰的一下,说完这句话之后,它就轰然爆炸,粉身碎骨,显然不想死在夏平手上,直接就自爆而亡了。 Evil God? Even if you do not look for me, I must ask you to trouble.” 邪神?哪怕是你们不找我,我也要找你们麻烦。” Xia Ping crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the vision is far. 夏平负手而立,目光幽远。 ............ ………… Several months later, entire Hell World High Grade Hell Plane was swept by Xia Ping, all Half-God devil submit to Xia Ping, millions and millions trillion devil became the Xia Ping's subordinate. 数个月之后,整个地狱世界高等地狱位面都被夏平扫荡一空了,所有的半神恶魔都臣服夏平,亿万恶魔都成了夏平的手下。 It can be said that he has become this universe era since the beginning of history first Demon King, Demon King that first ruled Hell, strength and power and influence have risen peak. 可以说他已经成为了这个宇宙纪元有史以来的第一尊魔王,第一尊统治了地狱魔王,力量和权势都已经上升到了巅峰 At this moment, the Xia Ping sensation to entire Hell World endless destiny, gathers with infinite source energy on oneself, every action and every movement seem like him to inspire infinite source strength. 这一刻,夏平感知到整个地狱世界无穷气运,和无穷本源能量都汇聚在自己身上,一举一动似乎他都引动无穷的本源力量 He knows that this is wish power of all living things, dark among endless destiny! 他知道这便是众生的愿力,冥冥当中无穷气运 Any enemy dares attack on oneself, will encounter Backlash. 任何敌人攻击在自己身上,都会遭到反噬 What Lord of Hell! 何谓地狱之主 This is not proclaims, but is the approval of countless devil, this can become true Lord of Hell, becomes Hell World among strongest, most honored exist(ence). 这可不是自封的,而是无数恶魔的认可,这才能成为真正的地狱之主,成为地狱世界当中最强,最尊贵的存在 So long as all living things approve, then Hell World's Source will then approve. 只要众生认可,那么地狱世界的本源便会认可。 However wants to obtain the approval of countless devil, that is the difficult matter, must sweep away countless devil, making countless devil submit, can achieve such matter. 但是想得到无数恶魔的认可,那是何等困难的事情,必须横扫无数恶魔,让无数恶魔都臣服,才能做到这样的事情。 Even if previous Hell Era, can achieve devil of this matter is few, few. 哪怕是上个地狱纪元,能做到这种事的恶魔都是寥寥无几,屈指可数。 But this Hell era, Xia Ping is since the beginning of history first, possibly is also only one by one. 而这个地狱纪元,夏平更是有史以来的第一个,可能也是唯一一个。 This strength, was too strong.” “这股力量,太强了。” Xia Ping pinched fist, he felt himself to obtain entire Hell World strength blessing, oneself Magic Power simply was the promotion without limits. 夏平捏了捏拳头,他感受到自己得到了整个地狱世界力量加持,自己身上的法力简直就是无止境的提升。 in the end has how powerful, he is not very clear. 到底多强大,连他自己都不是很清楚。 Before he obtained Azure Lotus Hell strength blessing, but obtains entire Hell World strength blessing now, this as if made him shoulder entire Universe strength general. 之前他得到了青莲地狱力量加持,但是现在是得到了整个地狱世界力量加持,这就仿佛让他背负了整个宇宙力量一般。 The common time, the Hell World source will not do this. 寻常时候,地狱世界本源是不会这样做的。 However this moment Hell World source felt the annihilation crisis, the sensation to other Universe enemy, to eradicate these malignant tumors, therefore in Xia Ping's body strength blessing, hoping Xia Ping can get rid of these to come from other Universe Evil God. 但是此刻地狱世界本源感受到了破灭的危机,感知到了其他宇宙敌人,为了铲除这些毒瘤,所以才会在夏平身上力量加持,希望夏平能干掉这些来自其他宇宙邪神 Also because of this, obtained the huge promotion his sensation to oneself strength, seems like the incarnation is God is ordinary, every action and every movement, every word and deed, is ordinary like God, as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced. 也因为这样,他感知到自己身上的力量得到了巨大的提升,就好像化身为神明一般,一举一动,一言一行,都如同神明一般,言出法随。 „, Exterminates Void Monster.” “出发,剿灭虚空怪物。” Xia Ping directly issued the order to many devil, he must completely eradicate Evil Gods Universe to keep Hell World Void channel, this derives the malignant tumor of Hell World, must eradicate. 夏平直接对诸多恶魔下达了命令,他要彻底铲除邪神宇宙留在地狱世界虚空通道,这是汲取地狱世界的毒瘤,必须铲除。 He can also the sensation to Hell's Source dark among Will, once oneself eradicated this Space-Time channel, killed these Evil God and Void Monster. 他也能感知到地狱本源冥冥当中意志,一旦自己铲除了这条时空通道,斩杀了这些邪神虚空怪物 Then he will obtain looking upon with favor of Hell's Source Will, obtains the reward of Hell infinite source energy, obtained the immeasurable merit general probably. 那么他就会得到地狱本源意志的垂青,得到地狱无穷的本源能量的奖赏,就好像得到了无量功德一般。 Once obtains such huge source energy, he can promote to Paragon Rank God immediately, achieves permanent ancient not to have the boundary, becomes Hell World and present universe first God. 一旦得到这样庞大的本源能量,他立即就能晋升到主宰级神明,达到恒古未有之境,成为地狱世界现世宇宙的第一尊神明 Such advantage simply is immeasurable. 这样的好处简直是无量的。 Therefore he is impatient wants to destroy this Void Monster Nest, hurries back to own homeland these Evil God directly, keeping their tiny step from stepping into Hell World. 所以他已经是迫不及待的想去毁灭这虚空怪物老巢,将这些邪神直接赶回自己的家园,让它们寸步都无法踏入地狱世界 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ Shortly, vast and limitless devil army under the Xia Ping's order, toward the Nest advance of Void Monster. 顷刻间,无穷无尽恶魔大军在夏平的命令之下,朝着虚空怪物老巢前进。 They are also the incomparable excitements, before these Void Monster took devil as foodstuff, they have wanted to take revenge, now was finally found this opportunity by them. 它们也是无比的激动,之前那些虚空怪物恶魔粮食,它们早就想复仇了,现在终于被它们找到了这个机会。 ............ ………… At this moment, Void Monster Nest among, this place presented many Evil God, some are Lesser God, some are Middle God, some even are High God. 此时此刻,虚空怪物老巢当中,这个地方出现了不少的邪神,有的是下位神,有的是中位神,有的甚至是上位神 Evil God emits have formidable aura, twisted this piece of Space-Time, nearby Void Monster is shiver coldly, does not dare to look straight ahead. 一尊尊邪神散发强大气息,扭曲了这片时空,附近的虚空怪物都是瑟瑟发抖,根本就不敢直视。 After all compared with Evil God, they is also only the servant. 毕竟和邪神相比,它们也只是奴仆而已。 how about it? How this Hell World's Source progresses, but also how long does the time tolerate is our Evil God true body enters? No longer by this Hell World's Source suppression? ” “怎么样?这地狱世界的本源进展如何,还有多长时间能容乃我们邪神真身进入其中?不再被这地狱世界的本源压制?” A Evil God inquiry said. 一尊邪神询问道。 Relax, was quick, several moon/month, this Hell World thorough transformation and Evolution, when the time comes, even if High God can enter Hell World.” “放心,很快了,还有数个月时间,这个地狱世界就会彻底蜕变进化,到时候就算是上位神都能进入地狱世界。” Another Evil God said with a snicker. 另外一尊邪神桀桀笑道 That was really good, that Lord of Furnace did the giant sound in Hell, as if regained entire Hell World devil, has become Lord of Hell, collected the immeasurable destiny.” “那实在是太好了,那熔炉之主可是在地狱搞出巨大的动静,似乎收复了整个地狱世界恶魔,已经成了地狱之主,收集了无量气运。” Hehe, but is final struggle, when we plan to complete, many Evil God make a move, suppresses killed dead this brat sufficiently thoroughly, making his all plans come to naught.” 呵呵,不过是垂死挣扎而已,等我们计划完成,诸多邪神出手,足以将这小子彻底剿灭杀死,让他所有计划都是一场空。” Said right, now lets this brat wild momentary, quick entire Hell World will be our it'ses in the bag, does not have any devil can survive.” “说得没错,现在就让这小子猖狂一时,很快整个地狱世界都将会是我们的囊中之物,没有任何恶魔能够存活。” This fellow was also carries out the huge trouble in our Evil Gods Universe, almost forced into the hopeless situation our Evil God, this time we must make this brat taste anything to be called desperately, anything is called the pain.” “这家伙也算是在我们邪神宇宙搞出了巨大麻烦,几乎是将我们邪神逼入了绝境,这次我们要让这小子品尝一下什么叫做绝望,什么叫做痛苦。” Evil God murderous aura are steaming. 一尊尊邪神杀气腾腾。
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