GLD :: Volume #29

#2890: duplication God authority

Evil Gods Universe, Void among. 邪神宇宙,一处虚空当中 Xia Ping entered Mountains and Oceans Book world at this moment, his harvest is enormous, killed Lesser God, not only obtained the skeleton of opposite party, but also obtained Godhood of opposite party, even also refining the soul of opposite party. 此时此刻夏平进入了山海经世界,这次他的收获极大,斩杀了一尊下位神,不仅是得到了对方的尸骸,还得到了对方的神格,甚至还炼化了对方的魂魄。 It can be said that this simply is big abundant harvest, gained the infinite advantage. 可以说这一次简直是大丰收,获得了无穷好处。 Godhood!” 神格!” In Xia Ping takes Godhood that God of Tricks is leaving behind, it presents the hexagonal lozenge, as if the crystal is common, the material quality is extremely hard, he knows that this is crystallization of Grand Dao that Laws of Grand Dao concentrates, is harder compared with ordinary Divine Artifact. 夏平手里拿着诡计之神遗留下来的神格,它呈现出六角棱形,仿佛水晶一般,材质极其坚硬,他知道这是大道法则凝成的大道结晶,比起普通神器都更加坚硬。 His divine consciousness infiltrates, can the sensation to Godhood internal deep place contain infinite Grand Dao aura, inside record God of Tricks authority-- falling wisdom. 神识渗透进去,能感知到神格内部深处蕴含着无穷的大道气息,里面记载了诡计之神权能——降智 This is not simple authority, in some situation, will play the inconceivable role. 这可是不简单的权能,某种情况下,会发挥出不可思议的作用。 If wants to obtain God of Tricks authority, swallows this Godhood directly, inherited authority of opposite party on the line. 如果想获得诡计之神权能的话,直接吞噬这神格,继承对方的权能就行了。 However if this happens then, limited dead thoroughly the future development, can only take God of Tricks this road, Half-God not dim-witted that any a little future such dry/does. 但是这样一来,就彻底限制死了自己未来的发展,只能走诡计之神这一条路,凡是有点前途的半神都不会傻乎乎的这样干。 Naturally does not have Half-God of potential naturally to want, otherwise they do not have the become a God opportunity. 当然一些没有潜力的半神自然愿意,否则的话它们也没有成神的机会。 Therefore Godhood is also Treasure that many Half-God compete for crazily. 所以神格也是不少半神疯狂争夺的宝物 If before is , Xia Ping does not have the means in without swallowing God of Tricks Godhood obtains authority of opposite party, but now he concise Feathered Serpent God clone, obtains authority that Feathered Serpent God was in sole possession of: duplication. 如果是之前的话,夏平也没有办法在没吞噬诡计之神神格就得到对方的权能,但是现在他凝练了羽蛇神分身,获得了羽蛇神独有的权能:复制 Has this Ability, can duplication overwhelming majority Laws of Grand Dao, even is God's authority, this is talent and authority of heaven defying rank. 拥有这种能力,就能复制绝大部分的大道法则,甚至是神明的权能,这可是逆天级别的天赋权能 So many God among, until now only then Feathered Serpent God has such talent. 如此多的神明当中,至今为止只有羽蛇神有这样的天赋 duplication!” 复制!” Shortly, Xia Ping revolves immediately Feathered Serpent God clone, stimulated to movement authority duplication. 顷刻间,夏平立即运转自己羽蛇神分身,催动了权能复制 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ The next second, went out his sensation to own Soul Strength spreading, formed the air bubble, wrapped God of Tricks Godhood all of a sudden, formidable mysterious authority's strength analyzed God of Tricks Godhood mysteries immediately, as well as duplication this Godhood internal all Laws of Grand Dao news. 下一秒,他感知到自己的灵魂力量扩散出去,形成了气泡,一下子就包裹住了诡计之神神格,强大神秘权能之力立即剖析诡计之神神格奥秘,以及复制这枚神格内部所有的大道法则的讯息。 Five Laws of Grand Dao! 五条大道法则 Xia Ping on the sensation to God of Tricks this Godhood contain five Laws of Grand Dao, is falling wisdom this authority has the relationship Grand Dao news all of a sudden. 夏平一下子就感知到诡计之神这枚神格足足蕴含了五条大道法则,都是和降智这个权能关系大道讯息。 although grasped Laws of Grand Dao can become Lesser God, but is each Lesser God merely is grasped Laws of Grand Dao, in reality this merely is the Lesser God most basic condition. 虽然掌握了一条大道法则就能成为下位神,但是不是每一个下位神都仅仅是掌握了一条大道法则,事实上这仅仅是下位神最基本的条件而已。 Peak Lesser God is grasped nine Laws of Grand Dao, low Lesser God merely is grasped Laws of Grand Dao, God of Tricks this Lesser God is medium, mediocre. 顶尖下位神掌握了九条大道法则,低等的下位神就仅仅是掌握了一条大道法则,诡计之神这种下位神算是中等,不好不坏。 Only has to control ten Laws of Grand Dao, can achieve to condense Middle God authority strength. 唯有掌控十条大道法则,才能达到凝聚中位神权能力量 „Is this Laws of Grand Dao?” “这就是大道法则吗?” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, through using authority duplication strength, he analyzed in Godhood all of a sudden all Laws of Grand Dao news. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,通过动用权能复制力量,他一下子就剖析了神格里面所有的大道法则的讯息。 He discovered, if Saint sense Laws of Heaven and Earth, condenses rune of law, then God comprehend Laws of Grand Dao, then condenses together countless rune of law, formed chains of grand dao. 他发现如果圣人们感悟天地法则,凝聚成法则符文的话,那么神明们领悟大道法则,便是将无数法则符文凝聚在一起,形成了大道锁链 Also is countless rune of law condenses together, can form Grand Dao. 也就是无数法则符文凝聚在一起,才能形成一条大道 Therefore Laws of Grand Dao were too many compared with ordinary law formidable, condenses probably all strength, had nature general transformation general. 所以大道法则比起普通法则强大太多了,就好像将所有的力量都凝聚起来,发生了质一般的蜕变一般。 Moreover Strength of Grand Dao contain the incomparable corrosion nature, can with no difficulty control ordinary law, the verbal command world, even can change Life gene, purify blood. 而且大道之力蕴含着无比的侵蚀性,能轻而易举的掌控普通法则,号令天下,甚至能改变生命基因,提纯血液 Under Grand Dao Domain covers, other Domain are unable to move, cannot display any strength. 大道领域笼罩之下,其他领域都是无法动弹,发挥不出任何的力量 Worthily is Feathered Serpent God authority, was really strong.” “不愧是羽蛇神权能,实在是太强了。” Xia Ping extremely excited. 夏平兴奋不已 His sensation to Feathered Serpent God authority duplication absolutely is Ability of heaven defying rank, this strength is not so only simple enemy's authority duplication, but analyzed opposite party strength all mysteries, knows its however, knows its reason why. 他感知到羽蛇神权能复制绝对是逆天级别的能力,这种力量不仅仅是将敌人的权能复制这么简单,而是剖析了对方力量所有的奥秘,知其所然,也知其所以然。 Therefore Feathered Serpent God so formidable, it was not only duplication other God all strength, meanwhile can the student surpasses the master, deduce formidable strength. 所以羽蛇神才如此强大,它不仅是复制了其他神明所有的力量,同时还能青出于蓝而胜于蓝,推演出更加强大力量 Often by authority's strength of Feathered Serpent God control, can display formidable might compared with derivation Master, this is because Feathered Serpent God about such Laws of Grand Dao knew that is clearer. 往往被羽蛇神掌控的权能之力,比起原主人都能发挥出更加强大威力,这是因为羽蛇神对这样的大道法则了解更加清楚。 This is strong assistance Ability, wants formidable compared with these fight type authority. 这是一种超强的辅助能力,比起那些战斗类型的权能都还要强大 To a certain extent, Feathered Serpent God is actually scholar-type God, through analyzing other power of the gods, thus appropriates to oneself strength of opposite party, full mastery, even exceeds original God. 从某种程度上来说,羽蛇神其实是学者型的神明,通过剖析其他神明的力量,从而将对方的力量据为己有,融会贯通,甚至是超越原本的神明 Also because of this, countless Evil God dreads this Feathered Serpent God, rather pays all price, kills this Feathered Serpent God, otherwise they were finished. 也因为这样,无数邪神才如此畏惧这羽蛇神,宁愿付出一切代价,也得将这羽蛇神干掉,否则它们就完蛋了。 Five Laws of Grand Dao?” “五条大道法则吗?” Xia Ping discovered that was half day skill, God of Tricks this Godhood five Laws of Grand Dao is succeeded by duplication merely, thorough merging Feathered Serpent God clone among, in which authority was naturally also grasped by Feathered Serpent God clone. 夏平发现仅仅是半日功夫,诡计之神这枚神格的五条大道法则都被复制成功了,彻底融入羽蛇神分身当中,其中的权能自然也被羽蛇神分身掌握。 Meanwhile he regarding the comprehension of Laws of Grand Dao also familiar. 同时他对于大道法则的领悟也更加的熟悉。 From Half-God direct breakthrough , to promote to High God also possibly has.” “从半神直接突破,晋升到上位神也不是没有可能。” Xia Ping pinched fist. 夏平捏了捏拳头 If before is, he does not have such confidence, after all comprehends Laws of Grand Dao is not such easy matter, but after there is Feathered Serpent God authority, we should sharpen ourselves with others'experience. 如果是之前的话他没有这样的信心,毕竟领悟大道法则也不是这么容易的事情,但是有了羽蛇神权能之后,他山之石可以攻玉。 So long as he can find enough many Godhood, can from Godhood among duplication massive Laws of Grand Dao, then these Laws of Grand Dao merging own each clone among. 只要他能找到足够多的神格,就能从神格当中复制大量的大道法则,然后将这些大道法则融入自己的每个分身当中 After all each clone is actually a person, clone understood, other clone naturally can also understand, wisdom and cultivation experience between clone and clone can transmit. 毕竟每个分身其实都是一个人,一个分身懂了,其他分身自然也能懂,分身分身之间的智慧和修炼经验是可以传递的。 He altogether has nine clones, including main body words, then on the equivalent to ten people. 他一共有九个分身,包括本体的话,那就相当于十个人。 So long as each clone grasps ten Laws of Grand Dao. 每个分身只要掌握十条大道法则 When Xia Ping promotes High God from Half-God, nine clones and main body fusing together, can control over a hundred Laws of Grand Dao instantaneously, thus promotes High God. 夏平半神晋升到上位神的时候,九个分身和本体融为一体,就能瞬间掌控上百条大道法则,从而晋升到上位神 If, each clone grasps 100 Laws of Grand Dao exaggeratingly, works as all clone fusion, can grasp over a thousand Laws of Grand Dao, even possibly promotion to Paragon Rank God. 如果更夸张一点的话,每个分身掌握一百条大道法则,那么当所有分身融合的时候,就能掌握上千条大道法则,甚至可能晋升到主宰级神明 Naturally this is also under the ideal situation, can achieve. 当然这也是理想的情况之下,才能做到。 First issue is, this Universe among may not have so many Godhood to be able by your duplication and sensibility, after all Godhood quite precious Treasure, is more precious than Divine Artifact, is not good to obtain. 首先的问题就是,这个宇宙当中可没有那么多神格可以被你复制和感悟,毕竟神格可是相当珍贵的宝物,比神器都还要珍贵,可不是那么好得到的。 Moreover words that promotes, needs to accumulate huge source energy. 而且晋升的话,也需要积累庞大的本源能量 If source energy is insufficient, then at process among failure of promotion, failure one time, the opportunity of then again not having promoted, can only in dire straits in Half-God Realm among. 如果本源能量不够的话,那么就会在晋升的过程当中失败,失败一次,那么就再也没有晋升的机会了,只能困死在半神境当中 Therefore must be extremely careful the promotion to God Realm, cannot easily attempt. 所以晋升到神明境必须慎之又慎,不能轻易尝试。
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