GLD :: Volume #29

#2832: Nether God Demonic Curse, subdues devil

Has not died just right.” “没死正好。” Xia Ping touches the chin, if his originally plan these Invincible Devil completely died, gave World's Tree refining to become Life and Death Fruit completely, didn't expect their Life Force is so actually tenacious, has not died. 夏平摸了摸下巴,他本来打算若是这些无敌恶魔全死了,就全部交给世界之树炼化生死果,倒是没想到它们生命力这么顽强,一个都没死。 If this kills completely, that was really careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 如果就这样全部干掉的话,那实在是太暴殄天物了。 Happen to while their severe wound, does not have any counter- resisting force time, displays Nether God Demonic Curse, controls thoroughly these Invincible Devil. 正好趁着它们重伤,没有任何反抗力的时候,就施展冥神魔咒,将这些无敌恶魔彻底控制起来。 if this happens then, these Invincible Devil entirely are the subordinates, does he have Super thug of 108 position Invincible Devil rank, when the time comes can sweep away Hell World?! 这样一来,这些无敌恶魔就通通都是自己手下,他也有一百零八无敌恶魔级别的超级打手,到时候岂不是能横扫地狱世界?! Thinks of here, the hesitation that he also has no, condenses Nether God Demonic Curse immediately, changes into distortions Nether God rune, presents the dark-gold color. 想到这里,他也没有任何的犹豫,立即凝聚成冥神魔咒,化为一枚枚扭曲的冥神符文,呈现出暗金色的色彩。 whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!! 咻咻咻!!! The next second, these Nether God rune submerged these Invincible Devil body among instantaneously. 下一秒,这些冥神符文瞬间就没入了这些无敌恶魔身体当中 Damn, what your does in the end make to us?” 该死,你到底对我们做什么?” Stop, immediately stops to me.” “住手,立即给我住手。” Invincible Devil fine hair raise up, they feel the greatest crisis, once by these strange rune since oneself body, will have surely greatly by oneself troublesome. 一尊尊无敌恶魔汗毛竖起,它们感受到莫大的危机,一旦被这些古怪的符文进入自己身体的话,必定会让自己有巨大麻烦。 However now they have caused heavy losses to by Xia Ping, even Hell Elephant and Hellhound were hit do not have the strength to hit back, falls down spits blood, their where can also resist. 但是现在它们早就被夏平重创了,连地狱象地狱犬都被打得毫无还手之力,倒在地上吐血,它们哪里还能抵抗。 huā lā lā ~ ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~~ Shortly, these Nether God Demonic Curse submerged their soul most deep place instantaneously, is ordinary just like the parasite, pesters together with their soul, fusing together. 没多长时间,这些冥神魔咒瞬间就没入了它们的灵魂深处,宛如寄生虫一般,和它们的灵魂纠缠在一起,融为一体 Ended, ended thoroughly.” “完了,彻底完了。” Numerous Invincible Devil face thorough were green, after they feel these Nether God Demonic Curse enter oneself soul, oneself and at present this devil Fengdu soul fusing together. 众多无敌恶魔脸蛋都彻底绿了,它们感受到这些冥神魔咒进入自己的灵魂之后,自己和眼前这恶魔酆都灵魂融为一体 As if so long as an opposite party thought that can want own poor life instantaneously, even oneself have any idea, by the opposite party sensation clearly. 似乎只要对方一个念头,就瞬间能要了自己的小命,甚至自己产生任何的想法,都会被对方感知得清清楚楚。 Why however does not know, as time goes by, they are getting more and more tranquil, as if has been used to it, even had the favorable impression to Xia Ping. 但是不知道为什么,随着时间的推移,它们却是越来越平静起来,仿佛已经习惯了,甚至对夏平产生了好感。 This is the Nether God Demonic Curse terrifying place, it can the influence of unconsciously to the thought of Nether God Demonic Curse devil, the greatest promotion favorable impression. 这便是冥神魔咒的恐怖之处,它能不知不觉的影响到中了冥神魔咒恶魔的思维,最大程度的提升好感。 Moreover the time is longer, the received will influence be more serious, finally becomes the Xia Ping's faithful servant. 而且时间越长,受到的影响就会越严重,最后就成为夏平的忠实奴仆。 Simultaneously Nether God Demonic Curse contain Hell's Golden Crow's Strength of Bloodline, they also by Hell's Golden Crow's strength corrosion, will also be being been transforming Hell's Golden Crow's servant slowly. 同时冥神魔咒蕴含地狱金乌的血脉之力,它们也会被地狱金乌的力量侵蚀,慢慢转化成地狱金乌的眷属 in reality let alone these Invincible Devil, even if Demon God Rank devil is hard to resist the influence of Nether God Demonic Curse. 事实上别说这些无敌恶魔了,哪怕是魔神级别恶魔都难以抵挡住冥神魔咒的影响。 Good.” “不错。” Xia Ping is very immediately satisfied, after this fought the Burning Hell danger is completely relieved, entire Azure Lotus Hell devil was unified by oneself completely. 夏平顿时很是满意,经过这一战燃烧地狱的危险算是彻底解除了,整个青莲地狱恶魔都被自己全部统一。 He at this moment is true Lord of Azure Lotus Hell, in the hand has 108 position Invincible Devil, that simply can sweep away all, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Wudi(Invincible). 此刻的他才算是真真正正的青莲地狱之主,手上有一百零八无敌恶魔,那简直是能横扫一切,纵横无敌 If this strength were brought by him to present universe, perhaps is peak race. 若是这股力量被他带到现世宇宙的话,恐怕又是一个巅峰种族 After all Human Race so far words, has nine Invincible Saint merely , compared with Azure Lotus Hell is very much bad, does not need to mediate Abyss World to compare. 毕竟人族目前为止的话,也仅仅是拥有九尊无敌圣人而已,和青莲地狱相比都差得很远,更加不用说和深渊世界比。 Naturally is Azure Lotus Hell High Grade Hell Plane words is hard to contend with Abyss World merely, Abyss Demon that it is said Abyss World at least 3000 achieve Invincible Realm, can be a worthy opponent present universe by this strength. 当然仅仅是青莲地狱一个高等地狱位面的话还是难以和深渊世界抗衡的,据说深渊世界至少有三千个达到无敌境深渊妖魔,凭借这股力量就能匹敌现世宇宙 However strength also not only by the Invincible Realm Saint's quantity, but must have a look at the Divine Artifact quantity. 不过实力也不仅仅是靠无敌境圣人的数量,还得看看神器的数量。 Sometimes formidable Divine Artifact can be a worthy opponent dozens Invincible Saint, even can make over a hundred Invincible Saint be at a loss. 有时候一件强大神器就能匹敌数十位无敌圣人,甚至能让上百位无敌圣人束手无策。 But Human Race then depends on several Divine Artifact strength, can stand erect in Universe peak, resists the attack of Abyss Demon. 人族便是靠着数件神器力量,才能屹立在宇宙巅峰,抵挡住深渊妖魔的袭击。 although Human Race cannot kill these Abyss Demon, but these Abyss Demon do not want to break through Human Race's defense, is can maintain the aspect at balance condition reluctantly temporarily. 虽然人族杀不死这些深渊妖魔,但是这些深渊妖魔也别想攻破人族的防御,勉强算是能将局面暂时维持在平衡状态 Master.” 主人。” At this moment, one by one Invincible Devil was saying to Xia Ping submissively, they also know oneself are completely not this formidable devil Fengdu opponent, already can’t do anything about it resistance. 此时此刻,一个个无敌恶魔都是对着夏平拱手道,它们也知道自己完全不是这位强大恶魔酆都的对手,已经没办法反抗了。 Meanwhile was affected by Nether God Demonic Curse, they have to acknowledge Xia Ping in the Azure Lotus Hell position. 同时受到冥神魔咒的影响,它们也只好承认夏平青莲地狱的地位。 However even so, their innermost feelings a little are also irritable, after all before them, each one is Invincible Devil, belongs to Overlord Level devil on Azure Lotus Hell, under where will accuse falsely. 不过即使如此,它们内心也有点别扭,毕竟它们之前个个都是无敌恶魔,在青莲地狱上面是属于霸主级恶魔,哪里会屈人之下。 Now was forced to submit to Xia Ping, it is obvious that sullen of their innermost feelings. 现在被迫臣服夏平,可想而知它们内心的憋屈了。 However Xia Ping does not care, as time goes by, they will be sincerely convinced slowly. 但是夏平也不在意,随着时间的推移,它们会慢慢心服口服的。 As if destruction many places.” “似乎破坏了不少地方。” Xia Ping looked at surroundings, although a moment ago he and fights of many Invincible Devil are not for a long time, destruction that however creates are extremely astonishing, the surrounding area counts the hundred thousand light year to be hit tattered. 夏平看了看周围,虽然刚才他和诸多无敌恶魔的战斗并不是很长时间,但是造成的破坏是极其惊人的,方圆数十万光年都被打得破破烂烂。 If were initial Azure Lotus Hell, perhaps had been hit to explode, however Azure Lotus Hell at this moment was actually the incomparable reliability, even by destruction some mountain range, can’t do anything about it were still injured to its basis. 如果还是当初的青莲地狱的话,恐怕早就被打爆了,但是此刻的青莲地狱却是无比的牢固,即使被破坏了一些山脉,也没办法伤害到它的根本。 Restoration.” “恢复吧。” in a flash, Xia Ping consciousness communicated Azure Lotus Hell's Source, split second inspired huge Strength of Source. 瞬息之间,夏平意识沟通青莲地狱的本源,一瞬间就引动了庞大的本源之力 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ Immediately, earthshaking moves, mountain range surges, river gallops, the vicissitudes...... were several time of breath, the surrounding area count the hundred thousand light year to return to the original condition merely, as if the a moment ago anything matter has not happened is the same. 当即,大地震动,山脉涌动,河流奔腾,沧海桑田……仅仅是几个呼吸的时间,方圆数十万光年就恢复了原状,仿佛刚才什么事也没发生过一样。 What?! 什么?! Saw this, Hell Elephant Cecilio and other Invincible Devil pupil shrink, the look showed the shocking look, each other looked at each other one, was unbelievable, this simply was the miracle. 见到这一幕,地狱象塞西利奥无敌恶魔瞳孔收缩,眼神露出了震惊的神色,彼此对视一眼,都是难以置信,这简直就是神迹。 Even if they have achieved Invincible Devil realm, but is unable to achieve this matter. 哪怕它们已经达到了无敌恶魔境界,但是也无法做到这种事情。 After all destruction always creating is simpler. 毕竟破坏总是比创造更加简单。 Lord of High Grade Hell Plane, Master is Lord of High Grade Hell Plane.” 高等地狱位面之主,主人已经是高等地狱位面之主了。” Invincible Devil could not bear call, it recalled the countless year memory, thinks all of a sudden can achieve this thing only had High Grade Hell Plane Paragon. 一尊无敌恶魔忍不住叫了起来,它回忆起无数年的记忆,一下子就想到了能做到这种事的唯有高等地狱位面主宰 Only had Azure Lotus Hell's Source acknowledgment devil, can achieve this type like the God same matter. 唯有得到了青莲地狱本源承认的恶魔,才能做得到这种如同神明一样的事情。 No wonder hits us like the son simple.” “难怪打我们像儿子一样简单。” Hell Elephant Cecilio and other Invincible Devil suddenly realize, they also know that finally why Xia Ping has not promoted Demon God Realm obviously, but can actually the effortless steamroll they. 地狱象塞西利奥无敌恶魔恍然大悟,它们也终于知道为何夏平明明没有晋升到魔神之境,但是却可以轻松碾压它们。 That is because the opposite party has become Azure Lotus Hell's Ruler. 那是因为对方已经成为了青莲地狱的主宰 Master as Azure Lotus Hell, can transfer entire Azure Lotus Hell's Source strength momentarily. 身为青莲地狱主人,就能随时调动整个青莲地狱的本源力量 Their although is Invincible Devil, controlled Life and Death Law, but how can resist entire High Grade Hell Plane's Source energy, this faces strength of entire nature general probably, was impossible to defeat. 它们虽然无敌恶魔,掌控了生死法则,但是如何能抵挡住整个高等地狱位面的本源能量,这就好像面对整个大自然的力量一般,是不可能战胜得了的。 The most important thing is they place in Azure Lotus Hell among, battles at this brat's home game, isn't this courting death?! 最重要的是它们身处在青莲地狱当中,在这小子的主场作战,这不是找死吗?!
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