GLD :: Volume #29

#2831: Complete heavy losses

although a moment ago this flame presented split second merely, but also gave Hellhound Khilai to bring unforgettable memory, if its slightly late one second, one second spat late this brat, it changed into the ashes. 虽然刚才火焰仅仅是出现了一瞬间,但是也给地狱犬克希莱带来了永生难忘的记忆,如果它稍微迟一秒,迟一秒将这小子吐出来,它就化为灰灰了。 This simply is the recollection of a narrow escape, now its body is rustlinging to shiver. 简直就是九死一生的回忆,现在它的身体都在瑟瑟颤抖。 it is obvious that its being furious, simply wished one could butchering Xia Ping at this moment, it was Invincible Devil, Hell devil Overlord, how energy balance did die truly vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered?! 可想而知此刻它的震怒,简直是恨不得将夏平给宰了,它可是无敌恶魔,真正纵横地狱恶魔霸主,怎么能差点就死了?! noisy, faints to me.” 聒噪,给我昏死过去吧。” Xia Ping is disinclined with Hellhound Khilai idle talk anything, his Void a fist pounded. 夏平懒得和地狱犬克希莱废话什么,他虚空一拳砸了过去。 What?! 什么?! The Hellhound Khilai fine hair raised up, feels infinite killing intent and crisis, although this is simple a fist, but as if twisted Space-Time its actually sensation to this a fist, making the time at this moment static. 地狱犬克希莱汗毛竖起,感受到了无穷的杀机和危机,虽然这是简简单单的一拳,但是它却感知到这一拳似乎扭曲了时空,使得时间都在此刻静止了下来。 In the surface this a fist is very slow, but in fact such fist arrives quickly inconceivable, even if away from the distant distance, but still twinkling but. 表面上这一拳十分缓慢,但是实际上这样的拳头快到不可思议,即使隔着很遥远的距离,但是也瞬息而至。 Its originally is hard to face this a fist, now causes heavy losses by Hell's Golden Crow Flame, at severe wound, where can block such terrifying a fist. 本来就难以面对这一拳,现在又被地狱金乌火焰重创,处在重伤之际,哪里能挡得住这么恐怖的一拳 in reality let alone could not block, even thinks that Dodge is still the impossible matter. 事实上别说是挡不住了,就算是想闪避也是不可能的事情。 The next second, its head suffered this a fist forcefully, even called out pitifully can’t do anything about it to send out, its huge body crashed from upper air among, pounded ruthlessly. 下一秒,它的脑袋就硬生生挨了这一拳,连惨叫都没办法发出,它那庞大的身躯就从高空当中坠落,狠狠的砸了下去。 Thump! 咚! Hellhound Khilai was pounded above Earth, pounds huge deep hole forcefully, blood spurted from the mouth, the mouth spits the foam, unexpectedly fainted directly. 地狱犬克希莱被砸在了大地之上,硬生生砸出一个巨大深坑,一口鲜血从嘴巴喷了出来,口吐白沫,居然直接就昏死了过去。 Also Xia Ping kept the hand luckily, has not used full power, otherwise Hellhound Khilai was not only faints is so simple, will be killed directly at the scene, the head exploded breaks to pieces to perish. 也幸好夏平留手了,并没有倾尽全力,否则的话地狱犬克希莱就不仅仅是昏死过去这么简单,直接就会被当场打死,头颅爆碎而亡。 Khilai!” 克希莱!” Numerous Invincible Devil see this, cannot bear yell, two extremely powerful Invincible Devil, within such short time were hit unexpectedly does not have the strength to hit back, almost faints. 众多无敌恶魔看到这一幕,都是忍不住大叫起来,两尊极强无敌恶魔啊,居然这么短的时间之内就被打得毫无还手之力,几乎昏死过去。 This devil Fengdu fighting strength how possible terrifying to this degree. 恶魔酆都战斗力怎么可能恐怖到这种程度。 Cannot let this brat swagger before others, this brat threat is too big.” “不能让这小子耀武扬威了,这小子威胁太大。” Said right, begins together, extinguished this brat, changes into the ashes.” “说得对,一起动手,将这小子灭了,化为灰灰。” Here rubbish, acts together, uses full power, displays Divine Ability.” “别在这里废话了,一起出手,倾尽全力,施展神通。” Remaining Invincible Devil loudly shout, their divine consciousness interweave mutually, almost they will make the decision shortly, will want killed this devil Fengdu. 剩下的无敌恶魔大喝一声,它们的神识互相交织,几乎是顷刻间它们就做出了决定,一定要灭杀恶魔酆都 Because this devil Fengdu was too fearful, the single body strength may be called strongest, any Invincible Devil one on one fight is not this devil Fengdu opponent. 因为这恶魔酆都太可怕了,单体实力堪称最强,任何一个无敌恶魔单打独斗都不是这恶魔酆都的对手。 If they do not collaborate, here this fellow to killed, their simply will not be restless in the future, is nervous and uneasy, must remove this brat here. 如果它们不联手,不在这里将这家伙给灭杀了,日后它们简直如坐针毡,如芒在背啊,必须在这里除掉这小子 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! in a flash, numerous Invincible Devil also make a move, displays an all trades terrifying bloodline Divine Ability, formed the fearful law mighty current, toward the Xia Ping steamroll in the past. 瞬息之间,众多无敌恶魔同时出手,施展出一门门恐怖的血脉神通,形成了可怕的法则洪流,朝着夏平碾压过去。 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~~ Immediately, entire Azure Lotus Hell over in the sky is filling the terrifying law energy mighty current, erupts seven color colors, or lava mighty current, extremely cold ice, Myriad Great Thunders, the flood spreads, Violent Poison crossflow...... 顿时,整个青莲地狱上空都弥漫着恐怖的法则能量洪流,爆发出七彩的颜色,或是熔浆洪流,或是极寒之冰,或是雷霆万钧,或是洪水蔓延,或是剧毒横流…… The law mighty currents of these terrors the steamroll comes simultaneously, is ordinary just like the end disaster, perhaps ordinary High Grade Hell Plane is hard to block so fearful destruction power, will be hit all split up and in pieces. 这些恐怖的法则洪流同时碾压过来,宛如末日天灾一般,恐怕普通高等地狱位面都难以挡得住如此可怕的破坏力,会被打得四分五裂 But such destruction power let alone was Immemorial Saint, even if Invincible Saint suffered this to strike, must be hit half dead, within the body Life and Death Law will be hit the disintegration. 而这样的破坏力别说是太古圣人了,就算是无敌圣人挨了这一击,都得被打得半死,体内生死法则都会被打得崩碎。 Divine Artifact Karma Book! 神器因果书 In this instantly, Xia Ping put out Divine Artifact Karma Book from the body, immediately this this book opened, formed pages of books, on the books engraved densely packed Hell rune every pages, as if recorded vast and limitless Karma law, contain Grand Dao, World, life and death, source wait/etc. strength. 就在这个刹那,夏平从身上拿出了神器因果之书,顿时这本书籍翻开,形成了一页页书籍,每一页书籍上面都镌刻了密密麻麻地狱符文,仿佛记载了无穷无尽因果法则,蕴含大道,天地,生死,本源等等力量 These Karma Book page split second wrap Xia Ping's body, changed into ball of the huge Karma, protection from inside to outside, formed absolute Karma barrier. 这些因果书一瞬间就将夏平的身体包裹起来,化为了一颗巨大的因果之球,由里到外的保护,形成了绝对的因果障壁 Under this moment Xia Ping's full power stimulation of movement, Karma Book erupts unprecedented strength, presents many Karma rune, Karma Strength of Law. 在此刻夏平的全力催动之下,因果之书爆发出前所未有的力量,呈现出更多的因果符文,还有因果法则之力 Dōng dōng dōng!!! 咚咚咚!!! law mighty current that the next second, numerous Invincible Devil bombardment come, entirely attack on Karma barrier. 下一秒,众多无敌恶魔轰击而来的法则洪流,通通都攻击因果障壁上面。 However these law mighty currents are unable to penetrate Karma barrier that this Karma Book forms, instead was also wrapped, rebounds along the road toward these Invincible Devil. 但是这些法则洪流根本无法击穿这因果之书形成的因果障壁,反而还被包裹起来,沿路朝着这些无敌恶魔反弹回来。 "Crap, this in the end what's the matter? Also has the rebound, cracks a joke?! ” “我靠,这到底是怎么回事?还带反弹的,开什么玩笑?!” Damn, actually this devil did Fengdu make what?” “狗日的,这恶魔酆都究竟做了什么?” I refuse to accept, I refuse to accept, attack also has the rebound, too brazen.” “我不服,我不服啊,攻击还有反弹的,太赖皮了。” Numerous Invincible Devil see this, their eyes were green, complete can’t do anything about it imagines this. 众多无敌恶魔看到这一幕,它们眼睛都绿了,完全没办法想象这一幕。 Must know them to cut to kill Xia Ping, this attack is time uses full power, might be considered as Invincible Devil strongest strikes, moreover this is collaborations of 106 Invincible Devil, energy mighty current that erupts. 要知道它们为了斩杀夏平,这一次的攻击已经是倾尽全力了,堪称是无敌恶魔最强的一击,而且这还是一百零六位无敌恶魔的联手,爆发出的能量洪流。 In which might it is obvious that. 其中的威力可想而知 Any Invincible Devil stands here, perhaps will be bombed to vanishes in a puff of smoke. 任何一尊无敌恶魔站在此处,恐怕都会被轰炸得灰飞烟灭。 If such attack facing the enemy's words, such might made them satisfy, if such attack were faced by oneself, that was the lethal crisis. 若是这样的攻击面对敌人的话,那样的威力就令它们满意,但是若是这样的攻击让自己面临的话,那就是致死的危机。 to be honest their also completely didn't expect this devil Fengdu also has such skill, rebounds completely their law mighty currents, had such matter is too absurd, natural justice?! 说实话它们也完全没想到恶魔酆都还有这样的本事,将它们的法则洪流全部反弹回来,发生这样的事情太荒谬了,还有天理吗?! hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~~ Shortly, these law mighty currents return along the road, bombardment on these Invincible Devil, erupts the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering explosion sound immediately, affects the surrounding area to count the hundred thousand light year. 顷刻间,这些法则洪流沿路返回,轰击在这些无敌恶魔身上,立即就爆发出惊天动地的爆炸声响,波及方圆数十万光年。 destruction power that and produces, simply is not other devil can imagine. 其中产生的破坏力,简直不是其他恶魔能想象的。 This is collision between law and law, is more terrifying than might that the star explodes, as if these strength steamroll come, can make this piece of region all matter disappear thoroughly, changes into the ashes. 这是法则法则之间的碰撞,比恒星爆炸的威力还恐怖,仿佛这些力量碾压而来,能让这片区域所有物质都彻底泯灭,化为灰灰。 Aaah!!!” 啊啊啊!!!” Invincible Devil send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, their body as if suffered bombing of brutal law mighty current, simply explodes their out of one's wits, almost vanishes in a puff of smoke. 一尊尊无敌恶魔发出凄厉的惨叫,它们的身体似乎遭受到了无情的法则洪流的轰炸,简直是炸得它们六神无主,差点灰飞烟灭。 After half double-hour, energy of these law mighty currents diverged finally. 半个时辰后,这些法则洪流的能量终于散去了。 The surrounding area counted the hundred thousand light year the region to be thought the flat land, a Azure Lotus Hell less than half region received the breakage because of this fight. 方圆数十万光年的区域都被以为平地,青莲地狱一小半的区域都因为这一场战斗而受到了破损。 Luckily here is nearby Demon God Ruins, without many low devil, otherwise casualty devil does not know that has many. 幸好这里是魔神遗迹附近,没多少低等恶魔,否则死伤的恶魔都不知道有多少。 Hasn't died?!” “还没死?!” Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, has not as if died his sensation to remaining 108 Invincible Devil, they consumed the tremendous strength to block reluctantly this struck. 夏平挑了挑眉,他感知到剩下的一百零八无敌恶魔似乎还没死,它们耗费了九牛二虎之力勉强挡住了这一击。 However even so, this struck also caused heavy losses them thoroughly, suffocated, does not have the strength of resistance. 但是即使如此,这一击也将它们彻底重创了,奄奄一息,已经没反抗的力气了。
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