GLD :: Volume #29

#2827: Really is audacious in the extreme

Naturally divides equally.” “当然是平分。” Hell Elephant Cecilio natural saying: „ It is said that Burning Hell is also bounteous Middle Grade Hell Plane, inside has more boundless much the wealth, on that devil Fengdu also possibly has massive Treasure, these thing our so many Invincible Devil can bring the equal division. 地狱象塞西利奥理所当然的说道:“据说那燃烧地狱也是地大物博的中等地狱位面,里面有着磅礴得不可思议的财富,同时那恶魔酆都身上也可能有大量宝物,这些东西我们这么多无敌恶魔都可以拿来平分。 Naturally that Burning Hell Planar Lord position is unable to divide equally, but this does not have relationship, after waiting to obtain, we think that fair means assign this position home to return. 当然那燃烧地狱位面之主位置就只有一个无法平分,但是这点没关系,等得到之后,我们想一个公平的办法来分配这个位置的归宿。 If you do not trust this cooperation style time, we can definitely sign hell contract, restrains both sides soul, maintains absolute fair and rightness. ” 如果你们对这一次的合作方式不信任的话,我们完全可以签订地狱契约,约束双方灵魂,保持绝对的公平和公正。” It sweeps away numerous Invincible Devil one , indicating oneself are absolutely fair, does not have any selfishness. 它横扫众多无敌恶魔一眼,表示自己是绝对公平的,没有任何的私心。 Cooperation style I have no anxiety actually, even if cannot obtain any Treasure, but eradicates this scourge is also worth, but how can kill dies this brat?” “合作方式我倒是没什么疑虑,哪怕是得不到任何宝物,但是铲除这个心腹大患也是值得的,但是如何才能杀得死这小子呢?” Has the Invincible Devil sinking sound to ask: After all that devil Fengdu likely is also Invincible Realm devil, so long as were obtained the news by the opposite party, immediately travels, we are unable to catch up.” 无敌恶魔沉声问道:“毕竟那恶魔酆都很可能也是无敌境恶魔,只要被对方得到消息,立即跑路的话,我们也是无法追得上。” Its looks at Hell Elephant Cecilio. 看着地狱象塞西利奥 Haha, this does not need to be worried actually, I have thought the means that waited to arrive in nearby that Burning Hell, immediately blocks Great Formation on the start, surrounds completely Burning Hell.” 哈哈,这个倒是不需要担心,我早就想好了办法,等抵达那燃烧地狱附近,立即就启动封锁大阵,将燃烧地狱全部包围起来。” Hell Elephant Cecilio Haha laughs: „ if this happens then, how whatever that brat overturns the heavens, cannot escape from our five fingers mountains, by dire straits in Burning Hell among. 地狱象塞西利奥哈哈大笑起来:“这样一来,任凭那小子如何翻天,都是逃不出我们的五指山,会被困死在燃烧地狱当中 Moreover does not need to fear this brat half a point by our strengths, 108 Invincible Devil acts personally, that devil Fengdu merely is one, couldn't have been victorious? ” 而且凭借我们的实力也根本不需要惧怕这小子半分,一百零八无敌恶魔亲自出手,那恶魔酆都仅仅是一个而已,难道还打不过吗?” Speaking of finally, it also asked one, because so many Invincible Devil collaborate, truth that could not have been victorious. 说到了最后,它还反问了一句,因为这么多无敌恶魔联手,没有打不过的道理。 Un, you said are actually reasonable.” “嗯,你说得倒是很有道理。” Numerous Invincible Devil are nodded , indicating that approves of the Hell Elephant Cecilio words. 众多无敌恶魔都是点点头,表示赞同地狱象塞西利奥的话。 Such being the case, matter cannot be delayed, we hurry to sign this hell contract, after all that devil Fengdu maybe will obtain what news, ahead of time travels, we were really the gains do not make up for the losses, had no response while this brat time immediately killed to visit, killed his one to be caught off guard.” “既然如此,事不宜迟,我们还是赶紧签订这一份地狱契约吧,毕竟那恶魔酆都说不定会得到什么消息,提前跑路,那我们就真的是得不偿失了,还是趁着这小子没任何反应的时候立即杀上门去,杀他一个措手不及。” Saying of Hell Elephant Cecilio cruel. 地狱象塞西利奥凶残的说道。 Such being the case, this matter I complied.” “既然如此,这件事我答应了。” in addition my one, that devil Fengdu indeed is very dangerous, controlled mysterious strength that kills other Invincible Devil, this matter impossible ignores fellow to continue exist(ence).” “加我一份吧,那恶魔酆都的确是很危险,掌控了杀死其他无敌恶魔神秘力量,这种事不可能放任这家伙继续存在。” Said right, such Invincible Devil is extremely dangerous, who can guarantee oneself will not offend this Invincible Devil Fengdu, this brat or the present died were quite good, everyone will feel at ease.” “说得对,这样的无敌恶魔太过危险,谁能保证自己不会得罪这无敌恶魔酆都,这小子还是现在死了比较好,大家才会安心。” Signing contract, this devil Fengdu was too dangerous, that brat died we to rest calmly and steadily.” “签订契约吧,这恶魔酆都太危险了,那小子死了我们才能睡得安稳。” Numerous Invincible Devil are nodded, they comply with together pursuit devil Fengdu, not only to obtain on this devil Fengdu most valuables and money. 众多无敌恶魔都是点点头,它们之所以答应一起追杀恶魔酆都,不仅是为了得到这恶魔酆都身上大部分的财宝。 Also is because this fellow was too dangerous. 同时也是因为这家伙太危险了。 Because even if here strongest Invincible Devil Hell Elephant Cecilio, can’t do anything about it can kill Invincible Devil that wants to escape, can cause heavy losses at most. 因为哪怕是这里最强无敌恶魔地狱象塞西利奥,也没办法能杀死一尊想逃跑的无敌恶魔,顶多是能重创而已。 However this devil Fengdu actually yes, any Invincible Devil hears this news not to feel comfortably. 但是这恶魔酆都却是可以,任何无敌恶魔听到这个消息都会觉得不自在。 As Invincible Devil already exist(ence) that was familiar with itself not dead, where tolerated to bear such threat exist(ence), even if to not obtain Treasure, they must eradicate such threat. 身为无敌恶魔早就习惯自己是不死的存在了,哪里能容忍得了这样的威胁存在,哪怕不是为了得到宝物,它们也得铲除这样的威胁。 Very good.” “很好。” Hell Elephant Cecilio slightly smiled, smooth of such its actually didn't expect this conference progress, simply is passing of all does not have any objection, can see the threat of that devil Fengdu from this. 地狱象塞西利奥微微一笑,它倒是没想到这次的会议进展的这么顺利,简直是全体没有任何异议的通过,从这就可以看得出那恶魔酆都的威胁了。 Even if they have not met with devil Fengdu, but still thinks that this brat vanishes in Hell among. 即使它们未曾和恶魔酆都见面,但是也想这小子消失在地狱当中 Does "Oh, want to kill me? Does not need to go to Burning Hell troublesome, I in this place, although killed me to be good. ” At this time, the sound passed from in the midair together. “哦,想杀死我?不用那么麻烦前往燃烧地狱,我就在这地方,尽管来杀我就行了。”就在这个时候,一道声音从半空当中传了出来。 This sound is ordinary like thunder from a clear sky, shakes all Invincible Devil to shock instantaneously. 这一阵声音如同晴天霹雳一般,瞬间就震得所有的无敌恶魔震惊起来。 What devil?!” “什么恶魔?!” All Invincible Devil have a big shock, is unbelievable raises the head, sees silhouette that in the midair presents. 所有无敌恶魔大惊失色,都是难以置信的抬头,看到半空当中出现的一道身影 Also is beyond control they is not shocking, after all so many Invincible Devil accumulation here, other devil without speaking infiltrate this convention centers, had not actually been found by any Invincible Devil unexpectedly, this is the inconceivable matter. 也由不得它们不震惊,毕竟这么多无敌恶魔聚集此处,居然还有其他恶魔无声无息潜入这个会议中心,却是没被任何无敌恶魔发现,这是何等不可思议的事情。 If such exist(ence) conducts the assassination action, then they may be killed several?! 如果这样的存在进行暗杀行动的话,那它们岂不是可能会被杀死几个?! one by one is the fine hair raises up, is nervous and uneasy, whole body round of cold. 一个个都是汗毛竖起,如芒在背,全身发寒。 What devil? Don't you want to kill my? a moment ago I listened to you to discuss for quite a while.” “什么恶魔?你们不是想杀我的吗?刚才我听了你们讨论半天。” in the midair that said that silhouette crosses the hands behind the back to stand, condescendingly, is overlooking numerous Invincible Devil. 半空当中那道身影负手而立,居高临下,俯视着众多无敌恶魔 You are devil Fengdu!” “你是恶魔酆都!” And Invincible Devil Khilai cannot bear scream one, it stares big eyes, is staring at in the midair silhouette stubbornly. 其中一尊无敌恶魔克希莱忍不住尖叫一声,它瞪大眼睛,死死盯着半空当中身影 What?! 什么?! All Invincible Devil are awakens, simply is unbelievable, devil Fengdu that their didn't expect this want to kill completely appears before them unexpectedly. 所有无敌恶魔都是惊醒过来,简直是难以置信,它们完全没想到这个自己想杀死的恶魔酆都居然出现在它们面前。 Moreover this swaggering, appearance of unbridled in many Invincible Devil conference among, this is what kind of audacious in the extreme, is what kind of unseemly behavior recklessly, radically not their paying attention to. 而且还这样大摇大摆,肆无忌惮的出现在诸多无敌恶魔的会议当中,这是何等胆大包天,是何等的肆意妄为,根本就是不将它们放在眼里啊。 Which devil must know, even if Invincible Realm devil, knows that their these devil collaborate, will sleep on pins and needles, even frightens at the same night runs away, does not dare to stay. 要知道哪一个恶魔,哪怕是无敌境恶魔,知道它们这些恶魔联手,都会寝食难安,甚至吓得连夜逃窜,根本不敢停留。 However this devil Fengdu is actually good, not only without escaping, instead also the appearance without any scruples before them, this radically is so arrogant that no-one else matters, is provoking, this provokes Ah! 但是这恶魔酆都倒是好,不仅没有逃跑,反而还毫无顾忌的出现在它们面前,这根本就是目中无人,是在挑衅,这是挑衅啊! one by one Invincible Devil innermost feelings deep place cannot bear gush out underestimated fury, when their these Invincible Devil were despised this situation, really did not fear that they do kill people inadequately?! 一个个无敌恶魔内心深处就忍不住涌出一丝被小看的怒火,什么时候它们这些无敌恶魔被人小看到了这种地步,真的不怕它们杀人不成?! Right, I then am Fengdu.” “没错,我便是酆都。” Xia Ping appears in front of these Invincible Devil directly, does not conceal own status, because after obtaining Azure Lotus Hell's Source blessing, his battle strength unprecedented formidable. 夏平直接出现在这些无敌恶魔面前,毫不掩饰自己的身份,因为得到了青莲地狱本源加持之后,他的战力前所未有的强大 Even if facing 108 position Invincible Devil, he will not have the meaning of slight fearing, instead within the body Hell's Golden Crow Bloodline boiling got up, gushed out infinite fighting intent. 哪怕是面对一百零八无敌恶魔,他也不会有丝毫的惧怕之意,反而体内地狱金乌血脉沸腾起来,涌出了无穷的战意 emits of unequalled Demon God imposing manner from him came out, covered the surrounding area several tens of thousands light years regions. 一股无与伦比的魔神气势从他身上散发出来,笼罩了方圆数万光年的区域。 Very good, since you are Fengdu, that dies, happen to saved the distance of going to Burning Hell, now butchers you here.” Hell Elephant Cecilio angrily shouted, its emits has berserk grand strength, first making a move, kills to come toward the Xia Ping bang, speed wonderful quick incomparable. “很好,既然你便是酆都,那就去死吧,正好省了去燃烧地狱的路程,现在就在这里宰了你。”地狱象塞西利奥怒喝一声,它身上散发狂暴巨力,第一个出手,朝着夏平轰杀而来,速度奇快无比。
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