GLD :: Volume #28

#2726: Flower Demon Austin

exist(ence), substitution.” 存在,替代。” Xia Ping body shakes, revolution Demon God of Truth authority's strength, is centered on his body, the surrounding area counts the hundred thousand light year to cover in this authority range thoroughly. 夏平身体一震,运转真实魔神权能之力,以他的身体为中心,方圆数十万光年都彻底笼罩在这权能的范围之内。 Immediately his figure changes to lie down in the ground slowly this young Demon, no matter appearance, figure, aura, bloodline, soul becomes exactly the same. 顿时他的身形就慢慢变化成躺在地面上这头年轻妖魔,不管是样貌,身形,气息,血脉,还是灵魂都变得一模一样。 But in the ground this skeleton was also as if swallowed by Demon God of Truth's power thoroughly, changes into Void, vanishes disappear without trace, as if at all on not exist(ence) this world general. 而地面上这具尸骸也似乎被真实魔神的力量彻底吞噬了,化为虚无,消失得无影无踪,仿佛根本不存在这个世界上一般。 „Did this replace this Demon?” “这就取代了这头妖魔了吗?” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, he discovered that Demon God of Truth's power may not only change the appearance of opposite party own figure appearance, but is thorough replaced the opposite party. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,他发现真实魔神的力量可不仅仅是将自己的身材样貌变化成对方的样子,而是彻彻底底的取代了对方。 originally this year light Demon Karmic Thread, was continued thoroughly by him, with no difficulty other change Demon cognition, even Invincible Saint is impossible to detect obtained any trick. 本来这年轻妖魔身上的因果之线,也彻底被他所承接过来,轻而易举的改变其他妖魔的认知,即使无敌圣人也不可能察觉得出任何猫腻。 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ in a flash, he discovered all of a sudden from Void deep place, countless Karma Threads transmits the huge information flow, these memory about this young Demon this whole life. 瞬息之间,他一下子就发现从虚空深处,无数因果线条传输过来庞大的信息流,这些都是关于这头年轻妖魔这辈子的记忆 although it had died, these memory actually still hide in Space-Time deep place, hides in Karma, now these memory are also inherited completely by him. 虽然它本人已经死了,这些记忆却是依然隐藏在时空深处,藏匿在因果之中,现在这些记忆也被他全部继承过来。 This!” “这!” At this moment, Xia Ping was startled, he thought that oneself extremely underestimated Demon God of Truth's power, this replaced others 's strength not to look like imagines among was so simple. 这一刻,夏平算是吃惊了,他觉得自己还是太过小看真实魔神的力量了,这取代他人的力量可不是像自己想象当中的那么简单。 Not is only figure, appearance soul changes others 's appearance, even soul memory inherited thoroughly, as if he is true Demon is common, is very familiar with Abyss World. 不仅仅是身材,样貌灵魂都变化成他人的样子,连灵魂记忆都彻底继承了,仿佛他本人就是真正妖魔一般,对深渊世界无比熟悉。 If he is not retaining oneself conscience, perhaps he thinks oneself are this young Demon Austin. 如果他不是始终保留着自己的本心,恐怕他都以为自己就是这尊年轻妖魔奥斯汀 It can be said that he now the complete incarnation is Austin, no matter bloodline, the appearance, memory, has no difference from true Austin. 可以说,他现在已经完全化身为奥斯汀了,不管是血脉,样貌,记忆,都和真正的奥斯汀没有任何区别。 Naturally character and conduct method naturally are the can’t do anything about it changes, this engraves the Xia Ping soul memory deep place thing. 当然性格方面和行事手段自然是没办法更改的,这是镌刻进去夏平灵魂记忆深处的东西。 However this does not have relationship, as a result of Demon God of Truth's power, even changed the character, other once and Demon of Austin contact will still think that is the natural matter, will not think that has any irritability. 不过这也没关系,由于真实魔神的力量,即使改变了性格,其他曾经和奥斯汀接触的妖魔也会觉得是理所当然的事情,不会觉得有任何的别扭。 This is Demon God of Truth's power. 这便是真实魔神的力量 so that's how it is, this is Immortal Realm Flower Demon.” 原来如此,这是一头不朽境花魔。” Xia Ping touches the chin, at this moment he also understands this year light Demon Austin strength, its main body is Flower Demon, is Abyss World strange flower/spend thus birth Demon. 夏平摸了摸下巴,此刻他也明白了这年轻妖魔奥斯汀力量,它的本体是一头花魔,乃是深渊一株天地奇花从而诞生的妖魔 This Demon is good at attracting the strength, the body can emits have the all kinds unimaginable fragrance, can with no difficulty obtains other Demon favorable impressions, the appearance is also simultaneously long extremely delicately and prettily. 这种妖魔擅长魅惑之力,身上能散发各种匪夷所思的香气,能轻而易举的获得其他妖魔好感,同时样貌也长得极为俊美。 Some people will say, Abyss Demon race countless, the appearance is also all sorts of strange and unusual, aesthetic appreciation that simply has not unified. 有的人会说,深渊妖魔种族无数,长相也是千奇百怪,根本没有统一的审美。 However Flower Demon is different, it captures the Ten Thousand Clans life by the smell, flavor sense of touch exceeds all, can the with no difficulty captive countless opposite sex favorable impression. 但是花魔不一样,它是凭借气味俘虏万族生灵,味道这种触觉超越一切,能轻而易举的俘虏无数异性的好感。 Therefore, its with no difficulty obtained the Rock Demon City Demon Palace Hall Master daughter Monica favorable impression, two on such smooth to become section becomes male girlfriend. 所以,它轻而易举的就获得了岩魔城妖魔殿殿主女儿莫妮卡的好感,两个就这样顺利成章的成为了男女朋友 Even also relies on Monica relationship, it joined Demon Palace, becomes Demon Palace in which member, the although position is not very high, but also crosses smoothly. 甚至还凭借莫妮卡关系,它就加入了妖魔殿,成为妖魔殿的其中一员,虽然地位不是很高,但是也过得顺风顺水。 Moreover there is a help of Monica, he is also has a meteoric rise in Demon Palace, crosses to get great fortune, is very natural. 而且有莫妮卡的帮忙,他在妖魔殿也算是平步青云,过得风生水起,很是潇洒。 However after this matter other Demon Palace Demon know, each one is the envy, thinks that this Austin is pretty boy Demon, but depends on the woman high-rank. 不过这件事被其他妖魔殿妖魔知道之后,个个都是嫉妒不已,认为这奥斯汀不过是小白脸妖魔罢了,只是靠着女人上位。 Tonight therefore, some big character incite killer of some Demon under to the Austin pain, killing of its without speaking in alley among. 所以之今天晚上,有些大人物就指使一些妖魔奥斯汀痛下杀手,将它无声无息的杀死在一条小巷当中 although Austin is good at attracting the strength, but as Flower Demon, its fighting strength actually not formidable, was not other Demon opponents, result one puts in an appearance completely by killed. 虽然奥斯汀擅长魅惑之力,但是身为花魔,它的战斗力其实并不强大,完全不是其他妖魔的对手,结果一个照面就被灭杀了。 Really is the pitiful fellow, because the strength is insufficient, soaks woman that should not soak, finally was cool, but this brat's status also happen to suits.” “真是可怜的家伙,因为实力不够,泡了个不该泡的女人,结果就凉了,不过这小子的身份也正好适合。” Xia Ping touches the chin: Could rely on the status of this person , to promote itself rapidly in the Demon Palace status, can thus inquire the information about Abyss.” 夏平摸了摸下巴:“或许能凭借此人的身份,快速提升自己在妖魔殿的身份,从而就能够打探出来更多关于深渊的情报。” to be honest he thought that this Austin status indeed is good, because is Flower Demon relationship, Innate on very small and weak, does not have the father not to have mother, does not have any backer, lets the person to humiliate. 说实话他觉得这奥斯汀的身份的确是不错,因为是花魔关系,天生就十分弱小,又无父无母,没有任何的靠山,任人欺凌。 Therefore it has no friend, all day long socializes in all kinds Demoness among, by other formidable male Demon pursuit, was travelled frequently everywhere. 所以它没有任何朋友,终日只是周旋在各种女妖魔当中,又经常被其他强大的男妖魔追杀,到处跑路。 It can be said that this Flower Demon Austin has been notorious, in reality it is not Rock Demon City Demon, but runs over this place to seek asylum from other place. 可以说,这花魔奥斯汀早就是臭名昭著了,事实上它本身也不是岩魔城妖魔,而是从别的地方跑过来这个地方避难的。 However didn't expect, it, even if goes to this place, is still difficult to escape eventually dies. 但是没想到,它即使来到这个地方,也终究是难逃一死。 Pitifully this fellow position was too low, absolutely does not have the qualifications to contact too many information.” “可惜这家伙地位太低了,根本就没资格接触到太多的情报。” Xia Ping regrets to say. 夏平惋惜道。 originally he also wants to seize the chance to understand that attacks the present universe information about Abyss, but this Flower Demon Austin purely is a straw bag, all day wants to be a womanizer, holds the woman thigh, basic is not interested in this matter. 本来他还想趁机了解一些关于深渊进攻现世宇宙的情报,但是这花魔奥斯汀纯粹是个草包,整天就是想沾花惹草,抱女人大腿,根本对这种事情不感兴趣。 Therefore he is unable to obtain any useful information from Austin memory among. 所以他也无法从奥斯汀记忆当中得到什么有用的情报。 Flower Demon strength seems not such simple.” “不过花魔力量似乎也并非是这么简单。” Xia Ping touches the chin, his incarnation is Flower Demon, naturally is not only changes the appearance of opposite party is so simple, inherited Flower Demon bloodline and strength. 夏平摸了摸下巴,他化身为花魔,自然不仅是变化成对方的样子这么简单,同时也继承了花魔血脉力量 He discovered that Flower Demon seems like Abyss special flowers, is the flower of Abyss, its emits has the infinite special fragrance, to All Heavens and Myriad Clans' Life, including Demon, has the fatal attraction. 他发现花魔似乎是深渊一种特殊的花朵,乃是深渊之花,它散发出无穷特殊的香气,对着诸天万族的生命,包括妖魔,都有着致命的吸引力。 This strength originally incomparable formidable, if utilizes appropriately. 这种力量本来无比强大,如果运用妥当的话。 However this Flower Demon Austin wasted own talent very much obviously, is used to pick up the little girl merely. 但是很显然这位花魔奥斯汀浪费了自己的天赋,仅仅是用来泡妞。 On world has six feelings, the sense of hearing, the vision, the sense of taste, the sense of smell, the sense of touch, as well as sixth sense, each feeling was very important, constituted the Life sensation world essential factor, if can control six senses of touch, that can control all Life.” 世界上有六种感觉,听觉,视觉,味觉,嗅觉,触觉,以及第六感,每一种感觉都无比重要,构成了生命感知世界的要素,如果能控制六种触觉,那就能控制一切生命。” Xia Ping narrowed the eye, he thought that at this moment seems like the immersion to utilize Flower Demon within the body bloodline strength, as if at this moment, world myriad things smell in his control among. 夏平眯了眯眼睛,他觉得此刻自己似乎沉浸在运用花魔体内血脉力量,似乎这一刻,世间万物的气味都在他的掌控当中 Moreover such smell, Time Law, Space Law, Creation Law, World Law is unable restraint, to infiltrate each piece of Space-Time even, everywhere. 而且这样的气味,就算是时间法则,空间法则,造物法则,世界法则都无法束缚,渗透每一片时空,无处不在。 Interesting, is this smell world?” “有意思,这就是气味的世界吗?” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, is very excited, he controls the smell to breathe probably general, the world countless smell in own control among, can make him control at will. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,无比兴奋,他操控气味就好像呼吸一般,世间无数气味都在自己的操控当中,能让他随意控制。 This is the joyful smell, the sad smell, the painful smell, the dirty smell, the exciting smell...... the countless smell interweaves mutually together, that side will form the smell world. 这是喜悦的气味,哀伤的气味,痛苦的气味,肮脏的气味,兴奋的气味……无数气味互相交织在一起,那边会形成气味的世界
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