GLD :: Volume #28

#2725: Demon Palace

Whiz! 嗖! Quick, many Black Hole Insect Elder's sounds then vanished, they also returned to Mountains and Oceans Book world among. 很快,诸多黑洞虫长老的声音便消失了,它们也回到了山海经世界当中 Ok, since prepared the escape route, that was also the time finds an opportunity to join Demon Palace.” “好了,既然准备好了退路,那也是时候找个机会加入妖魔殿。” Xia Ping touches the chin. 夏平摸了摸下巴。 to be honest, wants to join Demon Palace is not simple, must first be family background is pure, the coming out experience that can check, has Demon to make the guarantee to have the means to oneself. 说实话,想加入妖魔殿也没那么简单,首先就必须是家世清白,能查的出来历,有妖魔给自己做担保才有办法。 Did this ceased many harboring evil intentions joining Demon Palace. 这样做就杜绝了不少居心叵测的加入妖魔殿 Next, wants to join the Demon Palace strength and talent must enough formidable, every year wants to join Demon Palace Demon not to know to have many, but 10,000 among can join one, it is obvious that difficulty. 其次,想加入妖魔殿实力和天赋也必须足够强大,每年想加入妖魔殿妖魔都不知道有多少,但是一万个当中才能加入一个,可想而知其中的艰难。 Even if Xia Ping wants to change the become a Monster demon, joins Demon Palace, is still an incomparably difficult matter, first wants to prove own family background is pure, was impossible to achieve. 即使夏平想变化成妖魔,加入妖魔殿,也是一件无比困难的事情,首先想证明自己家世清白,就不可能做得到了。 It seems like has a plan for the present, only then kills Demon Palace Demon, the exist(ence) thorough substitution of opposite party, this can without speaking joining Demon Palace, will thus not be detected by anybody.” “看来为今之计,就只有干掉一头妖魔殿妖魔,将对方的存在彻底替代,这样就能无声无息的加入妖魔殿,从而不会被任何人察觉了。” Xia Ping remembers Demon God of Truth inheritance that oneself obtained, it very important authority is change false into reality, can change really the lie, can change into really the false status, if this happens then any Demon is impossible to detect, because this is Demon God Rank strength. 夏平想起了自己得到的真实魔神传承,它其中一个很重要的权能便是化假为真,能将谎言变化成真实,能将自己虚假的身份化为真实,这样一来任何妖魔都不可能察觉,因为这是魔神级别力量 Naturally this Ability also has the limit, character that wants to replace cannot exceed own strength, then otherwise can achieve on can’t do anything about it, this is also the Ability limit. 当然这种能力也是有限制的,想取代的人物不能超越自己的实力,否则的话那就没办法做得到,这也是能力的极限。 in reality, if can replace Half God Level Demon, that was good, does not know that saved many times, can obtain core deep place secret all of a sudden. 事实上,如果能取代一尊半神级妖魔的话,那就再好不过了,不知道省却多少工夫,一下子就能获得核心深处秘密 But in reality he is unable to achieve this point temporarily, can replace Life under Late Antiquity Realm to be even good. 事实上他暂时无法做到这一点,能取代远古境之下的生命就算是不错了。 How should find Demon Palace Demon to get rid of, thus displaces?” “不过应该怎么找到一尊妖魔殿妖魔来干掉,从而取而代之呢?” Xia Ping narrowed the eye, the to be honest Demon Palace Demon quantity very scarcely, their strength formidable, the whereabouts measures not, common Demon simply does not have the opportunity to bump into them. 夏平眯了眯眼睛,说实话妖魔殿妖魔数量十分的稀少,它们实力强大,行踪莫测,寻常妖魔根本没机会碰到它们。 He stayed ten several days time in this place, has seen many Demon that came from Demon Palace, has seen occasionally several times, goes on a trip in a hurry, has not started with enough time. 他在这个地方待了十几天时间,也见过多少来自妖魔殿妖魔,偶尔见过几次,也是行色匆匆,没来得及下手。 Only can go to nearby Demon Palace, waited for gains without pains?” “难道只能前往妖魔殿附近,守株待兔了?” Xia Ping knows that actually in this city, Demon Palace Branch Hall, but this city is also a Kingdom capital city, countless Demon gathers here, Surface area vast Boundless. 夏平知道其实在这座城池,就有一座妖魔殿分殿,而这座城池也算是一个王国的都城,无数妖魔都聚集此处,面积广袤无边 But this Demon Palace Branch Hall seems to be situated near Royal Palace, was covered by restriction Formation, common Demon cannot approach that place. 而这妖魔殿分殿似乎就坐落在王宫附近,被一座座禁制阵法覆盖,寻常妖魔根本就不能靠近那个地方。 Perhaps is away from hundred li (0.5 km), will immediately be interrogated by the Demon Palace guard, alert very stern. 恐怕距离百里之内,立即就会被妖魔殿的护卫盘问,戒备十分的森严。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” At this time, Xia Ping sat in tavern among, divine consciousness moves, his sensation arrived at not far away alley among, surroundings as if arranged dozens over a hundred restriction Formation, covered all around Void. 就在这个时候,夏平坐在酒馆当中,神识一动,他感知到不远处一个小巷当中,周围似乎布置了数十上百座禁制阵法,笼罩四周虚空 But this alley was blocked immediately, even if internal has any sound, outside will not pass. 而这条小巷立即就被封锁起来,即使内部发生任何的声音,都不会传到外面来。 Naturally, such restriction Formation is impossible to block his divine consciousness to spy on. 当然,这样的禁制阵法也不可能拦得住他的神识窥探。 Thump! 咚! His thought moves, divine consciousness without speaking infiltration this restriction Formation, he saw immediately Demon that more than ten are wearing black-clothed stands in this alley among, their emits have fearful Abyss aura. 他意念一动,神识无声无息的渗透这处禁制阵法,顿时他就看到了十几头身穿着黑衣妖魔站在这处小巷当中,它们身上散发出可怕的深渊气息 But the ground is lying down young Demon, at this moment it as if poured in pool of blood among, had lost Life aura. 而地上则是躺着一头年轻妖魔,此刻它似乎倒在了血泊当中,已经失去了生命气息 Is Demon Palace Demon?!” “是妖魔殿妖魔?!” The sensation to these black-clothed Demon, Xia Ping pupil shrink, his eyes can see these Demon clothing impressively is the Demon Palace formal clothing. 感知到这些黑衣妖魔,夏平瞳孔收缩,他一眼就看得出这些妖魔身上的服装赫然就是妖魔殿的正式服装。 The entire city besides Demon Palace Demon, without other Demon dares to wear such uniform/subdue, otherwise is to the Demon Palace lese majeste, heavy executes, light, then closes into the prison several tens of thousands years, the punishment is extremely heavy. 整个城池除了妖魔殿妖魔之外,没有其他妖魔敢穿这样的制服,否则就是对妖魔殿的大不敬,重则处死,轻则关入大牢数万年,处罚极重。 Also without many Demon dares to pretend to be Demon Palace members. 也没多少妖魔胆敢冒充妖魔殿成员 Interesting, is this is processing traitor? Said had the internal strife?” “有意思,这是在处理叛徒吗?还是说发生了内讧?” Xia Ping touches the chin, his also sensation to that dead young Demon impressively was also Demon Palace member, but does not know why began to kill by other Demon Palace members. 夏平摸了摸下巴,他也感知到那个已经死去的年轻妖魔赫然也是妖魔殿一员,只是不知道为何被其他妖魔殿成员动手袭杀了。 Has died?” “已经死了吗?” And black-clothed Demon start to talk said. 其中一头黑衣妖魔开口道。 Un, had died, even soul was destroyed by us, even Abyss cannot revive it.” “嗯,已经死了,连灵魂都被我们毁灭,即使是深渊也救不活它。” Another black-clothed monster Demon Dao. 另外一头黑衣魔道 That is good, stupid Austin, dares unexpectedly partake our Rock Demon City Branch Hall's most beautiful rose Monica, simply is to act recklessly, it does not know that is not woman it can bump. overestimate one's capabilities, that must die.” “那就好,愚蠢的奥斯汀,居然胆敢染指我们岩魔城分殿的最美的玫瑰莫妮卡,简直不知死活,它根本不知道不是什么女人它都能碰的。不自量力,那就得死。” black-clothed Demon sneered repeatedly. 一头黑衣妖魔冷笑连连 Now what to do? Must destroy the corpse and leave no trace, if this happens then, no one knows that is we do this matter.” “现在怎么办?要不要毁尸灭迹,这样一来,就没人知道是我们做这件事的了。” „It is not good, destroys the corpse and leave no trace effect that cannot achieve to punish one as a warning to others, moreover it was our developed extinguishing souls was poisonous, this poisonous without speaking, destroyed soul, will not leave any trace, how no one could find out its in the end dead.” “不行,毁尸灭迹不能达到杀鸡骇猴的效果,而且它是中了我们研制出来的灭魂毒,这种毒无声无息,毁灭灵魂,不会留下任何痕迹,谁也查不出它到底是怎么死的。” Said right, trivial Austin, does not have any backer, even if it died, there are will revenge for him.” “说得没错,区区奥斯汀罢了,没有任何的后台,即使它死了,又有会为他报仇。” But Monica, if by her is known this matter, that can send Thunderclap greatly, will burn down on us.” “但是莫妮卡呢,如果被她知道这件事,那会不会大发雷霆,将火烧到我们身上。” Relax, Monica this woman I was clear, she is that ice-cold brutal woman, even if knows that Austin died will not fall absolutely half drop of tears, her man simply like the multitude of people moving to and fro, trivial Austin was considered as anything. Monica plays him “放心,莫妮卡这个女人我清楚,她就是那种冰冷无情的女人,即使知道奥斯汀死去也绝对不会掉落半滴眼泪,她身边的男人简直是如同过江之鲫,区区奥斯汀又算得了什么。莫妮卡只是玩玩他而已” Indeed is also so, but this Austin is really unlucky, was played obviously by Monica, actually paid Life price, is really the pitiful fellow.” “的确也是如此,不过这奥斯汀真是倒霉,明明只是被莫妮卡玩玩而已,却是付出了生命代价,真是可怜的家伙。” This matter and we have no relationship, we are ordered to handle affairs, strength not formidable in Abyss World that is the original sin, was killed by other Great Demon, that is also sooner or later matter.” “这件事和我们没任何关系,我们只是奉命行事而已,实力不强大深渊世界那就是原罪,被其他大妖魔杀了,那也是迟早的事。” Walks, the nearby may soon have Demon to pass by, must as soon as possible remove this restriction Formation, so as to avoid being discovered what trick by some Demon, annoys troublesome some.” “走吧,附近可能很快会有妖魔路过的,必须尽快撤掉这禁制阵法,免得被一些妖魔发现什么猫腻,惹上一些麻烦。” These black-clothed Demon discuss spiritedly, the movement is very rapid, well-trained, several breath vanished on the lane here all committing a crime traces, even the Space-Time picture twists thoroughly. 这些黑衣妖魔议论纷纷,动作十分迅速,训练有素,几个呼吸就将这里所有的作案痕迹就弄消失了,连时空的画面都彻底扭曲。 Shortly, they vanish in this alley, leaves behind a young Demon skeleton merely. 没多长时间,它们就消失在这条小巷,仅仅是留下一具年轻妖魔的尸骸。 Whiz! 嗖! At this time, this alley over in the sky, Void twisted, silhouette only walked together, but came person Xia Ping, he arrived at this year in front of the light Demon skeleton. 就在这个时候,这条小巷上空,虚空扭曲,一道身影就这样走了出来,而来人正是夏平,他来到这年轻妖魔的尸骸面前。 Interesting, how originally still in wants to find Demon Palace Demon to replace, this dead young wasn't Demon, the best object?” “有意思,本来还在想怎么找到妖魔殿妖魔来取代呢,这头死去的年轻妖魔,不就是最好的对象吗?” Xia Ping touches the chin, he thought that tonight oneself luck is good. 夏平摸了摸下巴,他觉得今天晚上自己的运气算是不错。
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