GLD :: Volume #27

#2612: exterminating the world misfortune

Several months later. 数个月后。 Xia Ping closed up for several months in Azure Lotus Hell this base among, after is used to sense itself to promote to Late Antiquity Realm, divine consciousness and Magic Power that suddenly rises suddenly. 夏平足足在青莲地狱这处基地当中闭关了数个月时间,都是用来感悟自己晋升到远古境之后,忽然之间暴涨的神识法力 Through several months, he finally strength full mastery, thorough appropriating to oneself. 通过数个月时间,他才终于将自己身上的力量融会贯通,彻底的据为己有。 Naturally, these months within, does not have any devil dares to come to his room to ask him to trouble, even forces him to enter Demon God Ruin's devil not to have. 当然,这几个月时间之内,也没有任何恶魔敢来他的房间找他麻烦,甚至逼迫他进入魔神遗迹的恶魔都没有。 Obviously his Misfortune Demon reputation has spread over the base high and low, even entire Azure Lotus Hell High Devil heard to Xia Ping's reputation. 显然他厄运魔名声已经传遍了基地上下,甚至整个青莲地狱高等恶魔都对夏平的名声有所耳闻。 They also know that the Misfortune Demon terrifying, the avoidance, where also dares with the Xia Ping contact, the idea of their innermost feelings to be without enough time to hope this Misfortune Demon has to hide in this room among does not come out. 它们也知道厄运魔的恐怖,躲避都来不及了,哪里还敢和夏平接触,它们内心的想法就是希望这厄运魔拥有躲在这房间当中不出来。 This regarding them, was the best result. 这对于它们来说,就是最好的结果了。 Time was also up.” “时间也差不多了。” At this time, Xia Ping opened the eye, took a deep breath, he finally from closing up condition among walked, thought that is condition that the time left closes up. 就在这个时候,夏平睁开眼睛,深呼吸一口气,他终于从闭关的状态当中走了出来,觉得是时候离开闭关的状态了。 Because his Gaia clone as if feels a faint trace ominous sign, huge Misfortune Strength covered entire Azure Lotus Hell thoroughly, being mad of simply misfortune is everywhere, seizes every opportunity. 因为他的盖亚分身似乎感受到一丝丝不祥的征兆,庞大的厄运之力彻底笼罩了整个青莲地狱,厄运之气简直是无处不在,无孔不入。 Common devil cannot see such Misfortune Strength, but Gaia clone can see. 寻常恶魔看不到这样的厄运之力,但是盖亚分身能看得到。 as time goes by, he thought that such Misfortune Strength seems to be getting more and more huge, huge to seeming like have guts will put in order the danger that Azure Lotus Hell thoroughly destroys. 随着时间的推移,他觉得这样的厄运之力似乎越来越庞大,庞大到似乎有种将整座青莲地狱都彻底摧毁的危险。 Such misfortune is exterminating the world seems to be common. 这样的厄运仿佛是灭世一般。 These will Void Monster initiate attack to be inadequate to Azure Lotus Hell quickly?” “难道说那些虚空怪物很快就会对青莲地狱发起攻击不成?” Xia Ping touches the chin, before he also remembered, that Immemorial Devil Kaluke and had said the matter, present Azure Lotus Hell faces the danger that will be on the way out. 夏平摸了摸下巴,他也想起了之前那头太古恶魔迦略克和自己说过的事情,现在的青莲地狱面临着即将灭亡的危险。 However such danger does not know when will arrive, in brief the Azure Lotus Hell destiny grasps on these Void Monster, if they prepare, perhaps then Azure Lotus Hell was finished. 但是这样的危险也不知道什么时候会到来,总之青莲地狱的命运都掌握在那些虚空怪物身上,若是它们准备好的话,那么青莲地狱恐怕就完蛋了。 although Azure Lotus Hell High Devil does not know how the plan of Void Monster is, can only be the waiting, uneasy, but regarding grasped Misfortune Strength Gaia clone, can actually through observing misfortune aura, detected ahead of time the enemy's plan, when knows enemy in the end to attack. 虽然青莲地狱高等恶魔不知道虚空怪物的计划是如何,只能是等待,忐忑不安,但是对于掌握了厄运之力盖亚分身来说,却是能通过观察厄运气息,提前察觉到敌人的计划,知晓敌人到底是什么时候进攻。 Clearly, according to misfortune aura that entire Azure Lotus Hell covers, it is estimated that quick Void Monster will launch the attack to Azure Lotus Hell, time absolutely not over three months. 很明显,根据整座青莲地狱笼罩的厄运气息来说,估计很快虚空怪物就会对青莲地狱发起进攻,时间绝对不会超过三个月。 It seems like must result in enters Demon God Ruins one as soon as possible again, if Void Monster launches the general attack, perhaps needs to travel.” Xia Ping narrowed the eye. “看来必须得尽快再次进入魔神遗迹一趟了,如果虚空怪物发起总攻的话,恐怕就需要跑路了。”夏平眯了眯眼睛。 Even he has promoted to Late Antiquity Saint realm now, grasped Creation Domain, the body is filling divine creative force aura, but facing that huge quantity, strength terrifying Void Monster, still without many assurance. 即使他现在已经晋升到远古圣人境界,掌握了造物领域,身上弥漫着造物气息,但是面对那数量庞大,实力恐怖的虚空怪物,依然没有多少把握。 Like the Large war, he is only a small sun-dried shelled shrimp, the matter that can achieve, only has the self-preservation. 像这样的大型战争,他只是一只小虾米罢了,能做到的事情,就唯有自保。 Moreover he is not Azure Lotus Hell devil, no duty and Azure Lotus Hell altogether life or death. 而且他也不是青莲地狱恶魔,没什么义务和青莲地狱共存亡。 Therefore he wants before Azure Lotus Hell had not been destroyed, hurries again exploring Demon God Ruins one time, looked that also what harvest can obtain. 所以他想趁着青莲地狱没有被毁灭之前,赶紧再次探索魔神遗迹一次,看还能得到什么样的收获。 Then he seizes the chance to sneak off, after waiting for all disasters to vanish, he again returns. 然后他就趁机开溜,等所有灾难都消失之后,他再返回。 This is under the so-called gentleman not vertical danger wall. 这就是所谓的君子不立危墙之下。 Bang! 啪! Thinks of here, Xia Ping not hesitant, opened the front door directly, walked. 想到这里,夏平也没有犹豫,直接就推开了大门,走了出去。 However this action, actually alarmed devil of entire base all of a sudden, making these monitor Xia Ping every action and every movement High Devil lose one's head out of fear, panic-stricken. 但是这个举动,却是一下子就惊动了整个基地的恶魔,让那些一直在监视夏平一举一动的高等恶魔惊慌失措,惊恐不已。 Came out, closed up for enough three months, this Misfortune Demon Fengdu must come out.” “出来了,闭关了足足三个月,这厄运魔酆都要出来了。” Has devil to shout panic-stricken. 恶魔惊恐叫嚷起来。 no way, this brat does not treat well in the room, actually comes out to do, it does not know that oneself Misfortune Strength in the end is how terrifying? To kill us to be inadequate?” 不会吧,这小子不好好待在房间里面,出来究竟是想干什么,难道它不知道自己的厄运之力到底是多么恐怖吗?难道是想害死我们不成?” Has devil crack cursed, thought how that Fengdu varies to wait right, unexpectedly also runs, doesn't this want their short remaining life? 恶魔破口大骂,觉得那酆都咋就不一直待着,居然还跑出来,这不是要它们老命吗? It is estimated that was static thinks extremely, after all it was not criminal, was impossible to detain in room among.” “估计是静极思动了,毕竟它也不是什么犯人,不可能一直关押在房间当中。” fart, this is Misfortune Demon, is world brings terrifying devil of countless disaster, is ominous symbolize. According to me, should be regarded as criminal to detain, so as to avoid harm demons as well as oneself.” 放屁,这可是厄运魔,为世间带来无数灾难的恐怖恶魔,是不祥的象征。按我来说,就应该当做是犯人关押起来,免得害魔害己。” Some devil thought that should detain this Fengdu. 恶魔觉得就应该将这酆都关押起来。 Hehe, you think that these High Devil don't want to do this? The issue is this consequence who can undertake, wants to act to Misfortune Demon, must withstand the Misfortune Demon terrifying strength.” 呵呵,你以为那些高等恶魔不想这样做吗?问题是这个后果谁能承担得了,想对厄运魔出手,就得承受厄运魔的恐怖之力。” Has High Devil Hehe one, sneered. 高等恶魔呵呵一声,冷笑不已。 Indeed, I have also listened to similar matter, some as if High Devil propositions detain that Fengdu, detains Azure Lotus Hell seabed Prison among, permanent seal. “的确,我也听过类似的事情,似乎有高等恶魔提议将那酆都关押起来,关押进去青莲地狱的海底监狱当中,永久封印 didn't expect just spoke these words, on road that it goes home, as if its personal enemy does not know where jumps, the halfway among ambush, made into the severe wound it at the scene, almost died. 没想到才刚刚说完这句话,在它回家的路上,似乎它一个仇人不知道从哪里就跳出来,半路当中埋伏,当场就将它打成了重伤,差点就死了。 Even this also merely is a start, for several days seemed like it to encounter the all kinds mildew to transport, did not walk on the road is struck by lightning suddenly, does not know the rock where came crashed from the upper air, pounded it half dead, moreover before drank water, the difference choked not to have half life. ” 甚至这还仅仅是个开始,这些天似乎它遭遇到了各种霉运,不是走在路上忽然之间被雷劈,就是不知道从哪里来的岩石从高空坠落,将它砸得半死,而且之前喝口水,都差呛没了半条命。” devil that I know, right? these raise hand to approve also encounters the every large or small misfortune, although that High Devil is not hapless, but also was almost done the life unable to take care of oneself.” 可不是吗?那些举手赞成的恶魔也是遭遇到了大大小小的厄运,虽然没有那高等恶魔那么倒霉,但是也是被搞得生活差点不能自理。” Experiences this matter, had no devil to dare to mention this matter again, even Fengdu this name becomes these High Devil among taboos, can only replace devil that the name cannot raise with that.” “经历这件事,就再也没有任何恶魔敢提这件事了,甚至酆都这个名字都成为了那些高等恶魔当中的禁忌,只能用那个连名字都不能提的恶魔来代替。” no way, this is Fengdu so really weird? Can't raise the name?” 不会吧,这酆都难道真的那么邪门吗?连名字都不能提起?” Naturally is not so exaggerating, if has evil intent about him, even if did not say, will have invisible Misfortune Strength to cover own body.” “当然也没这么夸张,但是若是对他心存恶意,即使不说出来,都会有无形的厄运之力笼罩自己的身躯。” Damn, this Fengdu how such abnormal, who also dares to move it, Wudi(Invincible)?” 尼玛,酆都咋就这么变态,谁还敢动它啊,岂不是无敌了?” Hehe, if not such terrifying, how to make such big difficulties and hardships in Era of Devils and Gods, even Demon God plants in this Misfortune Demon, is listed as taboo creature.” 呵呵,如果不是这么恐怖的话,怎么会在魔神时代都闹出这么大的风风雨雨,连魔神都栽在这厄运魔手里,被列为禁忌般的生物。” Numerous devil discuss spiritedly, heard numerous gossip | Eight Trigrams, although many news are also devils adding details while telling a story. The baseless and irrational concoctions come out, but their where also obtained the genuine and fake at this time. 众多恶魔议论纷纷,听到了众多的八卦,虽然不少消息也是恶魔们添油加醋。胡编乱造出来的,但是这个时候它们哪里还分得出真假。 They know that Misfortune Demon Fengdu indeed is extremely terrifying creature, exist(ence) that High Devil does not dare to provoke enough, do other things also need to say?! 它们只是知道那厄运魔酆都的确是极其恐怖的生物,是连高等恶魔都不敢招惹的存在那就够了,其余的事情难道还需要多说吗?! Such rumor also made Xia Ping's reputation smellier, resounded through the entire base, was known by countless devil. 这样的谣言也让夏平的名声更加臭了,响彻整个基地,被无数恶魔知晓。
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