GLD :: Volume #27

#2602: How this brat lives

Right, I could not go.” “对了,我根本进不去。” Xia Ping blinks the eye, he almost forgot oneself present merely is Gaia clone, has not looked through these restriction Formation Ability, even if he wants to break open restriction Formation of this temple, that is still the impossible matter. 夏平眨巴一下眼睛,他差点忘记了自己现在仅仅是盖亚分身而已,并没有看破这些禁制阵法能力,即使他想破开这座神殿的禁制阵法,那也是不可能的事情。 If the trade goes in rashly, it is estimated that he does not compare other these Immemorial Devil to go to somewhere well. 若是贸贸然进去的话,估计他也不比其他那些太古恶魔好到什么地方去。 "forget about it, first remembers this place temporarily, after waiting to come in next time, exploring. ” “算了,先暂时记住这个地方,等下次进来之后再探索。” Thinks of here, he temporarily puts aside this mysterious temple, after all cannot make does not have any assurance the matter, otherwise that is not the treasure hunt, but was brings death. 想到这里,他还是暂时将这座神秘的神殿搁置下来,毕竟不能做没有任何把握的事情,否则那就不是寻宝,而是去送死了。 ............ ………… Suddenly, the time then passed by for a month. 眨眼之间,时间便过去了一个月。 Xia Ping also plunders Treasure in this city everywhere, in these Hell material fragments the ground plunders completely, sweeps clear, seems the general cleaning to be the same. 夏平也在这座城池到处搜刮宝物,将地面上那些地狱材料碎片全部搜刮起来,清扫一空,就好像大扫除一样。 Because of the matter of previous temple, almost attracted overwhelming majority Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost, therefore the entire city incomparable security, does not have any Monster appeared. 因为上次神殿发生的事情,几乎将绝大部分的魔孽恶鬼都吸引过去了,所以整座城池无比安全,没有任何的怪物出现。 This also causes Xia Ping, when plunders Treasure, has not received any disturbance. 这也导致夏平在搜刮宝物的时候,没有受到任何的打扰。 Naturally even if really meets Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost these Monster, he will not worry that his safety, can definitely effortless solve this problem. 当然即使真的遇到魔孽恶鬼这些怪物,他也不会过于担心自身的安危,完全能够轻松解决这个问题。 Ok, the time arrived, goes back the base.” “好了,时间到了,回去基地吧。” Thinks of here, Xia Ping regretted. 想到这里,夏平十分惋惜。 although after some time, him also sought for many Treasure, but the time was too short, was makes him search this city small part merely the region. 虽然经过这么一段时间,他也寻找了不少的宝物,但是时间还是太短了,仅仅是让他搜索这座城池一小部分的区域罢了。 The mood of however like this regretting disappeared quickly, after all his time dispatches clone to come , is also only a exploring situation, after his true body comes, does one again in a big way. 不过这样惋惜的心情很快就消失了,毕竟他这次派遣分身进来,也只是探索一下情况,等他真身进来之后,再搞一把大的。 Whiz! 嗖! Xia Ping figure twinkle, he not hesitant, city temple among that immediately returns from this place, before returning, came, this is also only the one by one turnover Demon God Ruin's access. 夏平身形闪烁,他也没有犹豫,立即从这个地方返回,回到了之前进来的城池神殿当中,这也是唯一一个进出魔神遗迹的出入口。 When he arrives at this temple, discovered many strange devil arrive at this access, majority stays in Demon God Ruins over several months devil. 而当他来到这座神殿的时候,也发现了不少陌生的恶魔来到这处出入口,大部分都是停留在魔神遗迹数个月以上的恶魔 Naturally also has with his same batch, devil that first time comes. 当然也有和他同一批,第一次进来的恶魔 However after this month Demon God Ruin's baptism, devil that as if first time came in had died above 90%, the familiar face almost vanished to disappear. 不过经过这个月魔神遗迹的洗礼,似乎第一次进来的恶魔已经死了九成以上,熟悉的面孔几乎都消失不见了。 Well? Wasn't this little rascal, stopped up in the access place by Rock Demon that batch of devil before? Unexpectedly hasn't died?” Had recognized Xia Ping with Xia Ping same batch of devil all of a sudden. “咦?这个小鬼,之前不是被岩石魔那批恶魔在出入口处堵住了吗?居然还没死?”有和夏平同一批的恶魔一下子就认出了夏平 Because before Xia Ping , the attitude in the base is very rampant, making many devil memory profound, they think that such rampant devil enters Demon God Ruins, that must die without doubt. 因为夏平之前在基地的时候态度十分嚣张,让诸多恶魔记忆深刻,它们认为这么嚣张的恶魔一进入魔神遗迹,那就必死无疑。 Especially also offended Rock Demon like this senior devil, that is shuts out itself dead insufficiently quickly, even before departure, it also notices Rock Demon to lead large numbers of companions, surrounded Xia Ping and other devil. 特别是还得罪了岩石魔这样的资深恶魔,那更是嫌弃自己死得不够快,甚至在离开之前,它还注意到岩石魔带领大批同伴,将夏平恶魔包围起来。 Obviously, Rock Demon wants to look for this brat to trouble, Irreconcilable that it thinks that at that time this brat must die without doubt, the reason of absolutely not having lived. 很显然,岩石魔就想找这小子麻烦,不死不休的那种,那个时候它就认为这小子必死无疑了,绝对没有活下来的理由。 But it sees that now unexpectedly this brat is still also living, but Rock Demon and other devil are actually vanishes to disappear, how to see this matter is incomparably strange. 可是它现在居然看到这小子依然还活着,但是岩石魔恶魔却是消失不见了,怎么看这件事都是无比古怪。 Right, this little rascal offended Rock Demon, was led one crowd of devil to surround by it, unexpectedly has not died.” “对啊,这小鬼得罪了岩石魔,被它带领一群恶魔包围,居然还没死。” This really has good luck ever, how in the end achieves.” “这真是命大啊,到底是怎么做到的。” Indeed is very strange, as if also vanished with companion devil that it came completely, has not come back, will not die in Demon God Ruins completely.” “的确是十分古怪,似乎和它一起来的同伴恶魔也全部消失了,一个都没回来,不会是全部死在了魔神遗迹了吧。” Damn, this disaster has not died, but also lively, instead was other devil died, is unfair.” 尼玛,这个祸害没死,还活蹦乱跳,反而是其他恶魔死了,太不公平了吧。” Numerous devil complexion are strange, they break the head to think that does not understand how Xia Ping in the end is can still survive under besieging of so many devil. 众多恶魔脸色古怪,它们打破脑袋都是想不明白夏平到底是怎么在这么多恶魔的围攻之下依然能存活下来的。 Little rascal, didn't expect you can live unexpectedly.” “小鬼,没想到你居然能活下来。” In at this time, Late Antiquity Devil walked going forward, was saying to Xia Ping: Before Rock Demon that crowd of weren't devil the plan kills you? How your does in the end live? Your these companions, Rock Demon these devil?” 就在这时候,一头远古恶魔走了上前,对着夏平说道:“之前岩石魔那群恶魔不是打算杀你吗?你到底是怎么活下来的?还有你的那些同伴呢,岩石魔那些恶魔呢?” It simply has not beaten around the bush, direct examination. 它根本没有拐弯抹角,直接询问。 completely died.” 全死了。” Saying that Xia Ping drips greatly: „ Indeed such as you said that Rock Demon these devil tried the weaponry to be bewitched the multi- potential numerous, what a pity when they want to kill me, suddenly surroundings presented large quantities of Evil Ghost, finally died under besieging of many Evil Ghost, I while their hero prevented Evil Ghost the time, seized the chance to travel. 夏平大喇喇的说道:“的确如你们所言,岩石魔那些恶魔试图仗着魔多势众,可惜就在它们想杀我的时候,忽然之间周围出现了大批恶鬼,结果就死在了诸多恶鬼的围攻之下,我就趁着它们英雄阻挡恶鬼的时候,趁机跑路了。 Also luckily Rock Demon their fighting strength formidable, quite, won time for my escaping fierce, otherwise I also possibly died in that group of Evil Ghost subordinates. 也幸好岩石魔它们战斗力强大,也比较凶猛一点,为我的逃跑争取了一点时间,否则我也可能死在了那群恶鬼手下了。 Therefore , in although Rock Demon that crowd of Evil Ghost surfaces seems like very cruel, but the critical moment is very reliable, from this point they is also good devil. ” 所以说,虽然岩石魔那群恶鬼表面上看起来十分凶残,但是关键时刻还是很靠得住的,从这一点上它们也算是不错的恶魔。” Hears these words, numerous devil: „......” 听到这些话,众多恶魔:“……” Good my ass! 不错个屁 They were listen, this bastard can live, was luck is purely good. 它们算是听出来了,这混蛋之所以能活着,纯粹是运气好。 When Rock Demon and other devil tried to kill it, unexpectedly some large quantities of Evil Ghost appear, must know that this city does not know was swept clear many by devils, has become the safest city, surroundings almost does not have Evil Ghost and Demonic Evil. 岩石魔恶魔试图杀死它的时候,居然有大批恶鬼出现,要知道这座城池不知道被恶魔们清扫了多少遍,早就成为最安全的城池,周围几乎没有恶鬼魔孽 However accidentally, possibly Space Crack opens somewhere, perhaps these Evil Ghost and Demonic Evil run over from other cities, will let enter devil of this place to have the danger. 但是偶然之间,也可能某处空间裂缝打开,那些恶鬼魔孽或许从其他城池跑过来,才会让进入这个地方的恶魔发生危险。 Such matter to be honest had not discovered for a long time, but unfortunately, such millions and millions 1 probabilities happen on Rock Demon and other devil unexpectedly, simply was the first prize. 这样的事情说实话已经很长时间没发现了,可好死不死,这样亿万分之一的概率居然就发生在岩石魔恶魔身上,简直是中了头奖。 Also as a result of impediment of Evil Ghost, makes Rock Demon and other devil can’t do anything about it kill this brat. 也正是由于恶鬼们的阻挡,才让岩石魔恶魔没办法杀死这小子 After all compared with Evil Ghost, this brat's threat is only child's play. 毕竟和恶鬼们相比,这小子的威胁只是小儿科罢了。 But Rock Demon and other devil to maintain a livelihood, uses the whole body skills, prevents these Evil Ghost, this desperate action was actually thoroughly cheap this effect. 可偏偏岩石魔恶魔为了活命,施展浑身解数,阻挡那些恶鬼,这样拼命的举动却是彻底便宜了这效果 Finally it is obvious that, this brat by anyone fine, unexpectedly while Rock Demon prevent Evil Ghost the time sneaks off, other devil facing the entanglement of Evil Ghost, is unable to withdraw. 结果可想而知,这小子被谁都精,居然趁着岩石魔们阻挡恶鬼的时候开溜,其他恶魔面对恶鬼的纠缠,也根本无法脱身。 Finally it is obvious that, Rock Demon and other devil also completely died, even side this brat more than ten companions also died a tragic death in this place, is only remaining its one lives. 结果可想而知,岩石魔恶魔全死了,连这小子身边的十几个同伴也惨死在这个地方,就只是剩下它一个活下来。 My mother, this God rather is unfair, why makes this bastard live, other devil actually died, this in the end what bullshit luck. 我的妈,这老天爷也未免太不公平了吧,为何就让这个混蛋活着,其他恶魔却是死了,这到底什么样的狗屎运啊。 Their mouth corner twitches, thought that Rock Demon and other devil died too injust, was too hapless. 它们嘴角抽搐,觉得岩石魔恶魔死得太冤,太倒霉了。 „Do you name?” “你叫什么名字?” Some Late Antiquity Devil curiously asked, its eyes flashed, instinct thought that this devil is a little unusual, so many devil died, only has this brat to live, proved sufficiently this devil was unusual. 有的远古恶魔好奇问道,它眼神闪烁,本能觉得这头恶魔有点不同寻常,这么多恶魔死了,唯有这小子能活下来,就足以证明这个恶魔的不同寻常了。 Such devil also has the qualifications to make them know the name. 这样的恶魔也有资格让它们知道名字。 Fengdu.” 酆都。” Xia Ping slightly smiled. 夏平微微一笑
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