GLD :: Volume #26

#2600: The dragonfly catches the cicada canary after

Kāchā Kāchā ~ ~ 咔嚓咔嚓~~ After Frozen Demon was killed by Evil Ghost, these temporarily frozen Demonic Evil also resumed the action, their body has almost not received any injury, is still quite strong, might be considered as undying and unextinguished. 冰冻魔恶鬼们杀死之后,那些被暂时冰冻的魔孽们也恢复了行动,它们身体几乎没受到任何的伤害,依然极为强壮,堪称是不死不灭 damn!” 可恶!” Damn, these damned Evil Ghost, the son of a bitch of drop dead.” 该死,这些可恶的恶鬼,杀千刀的狗东西。” What to do right now, to limit these Demonic Evil, actually could not limit Evil Ghost.” “这下子怎么办,限制得了那些魔孽,却是限制不了恶鬼。” What to do can also, we only be able to wait for death, had no way to rescue.” “还能怎么办,我们只能等死吧,没法救了。” cry for help, immediately cry for help.” 求救吧,立即求救。” cry for help my ass, devil of this city gathered at this place, where could not find other devil to save us.” 求救个屁,这座城池的恶魔都聚集在这个地方了,哪里还找得到其他恶魔来救我们。” Numerous Immemorial Devil fine hair raise up, see this, almost despaired, they can control the action of Demonic Evil temporarily, but actually could not control the action of Evil Ghost. 众多太古恶魔汗毛竖起,看到这一幕,几乎都绝望了,它们可以暂时控制住魔孽的行动,但是却控制不了恶鬼们的行动。 originally copes with Monster, is the matter of countless sufferings and hardships, now two Monster also appear, this simply is the position that made them fall into must die. 本来对付一种怪物,都已经是千难万难的事情了,现在两种怪物同时出现,这简直是让它们陷入了必死的境地。 Moreover Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost quantity was really many, were more than dozens times to continue them, asked how this also hit. 而且魔孽恶鬼的数量实在是太多了,比它们多了数十倍不止,试问这还怎么打啊。 Among momentary, their simply was the streaming with sweat, the innermost feelings passed coolly, not knowing what to do, they were first time meet such hopeless situation, radically was a narrow escape. 一时间,它们简直是汗如雨下,内心都凉透了,不知道如何是好,它们还是第一次遇到这样的绝境,根本就是九死一生。 Really, wants to kill Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost, needs special strength to be good, ordinary strength as if cannot kill them.” Hides touches the chin in Xia Ping of hidden place, is thinking deeply about these Monster weakness. “果然,想杀死魔孽恶鬼,还是需要特殊的力量才行,普通力量似乎杀不死它们。”隐藏在暗处的夏平摸了摸下巴,思索着这些怪物的弱点。 If wants to kill these Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost, on him also has Treasure to achieve this point, that is Yellow Springs Holy Water, this Treasure purifies this world is unclean. 若是想杀死这些魔孽恶鬼的话,他身上也有宝物能做到这一点,那就是黄泉圣水,这种宝物净化这个世界一切的不洁。 Believes if these Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost touch Yellow Springs Holy Water, will unravel surely. 相信若是这些魔孽恶鬼触碰到黄泉圣水的话,必定会灰飞烟灭。 Next if his this Senior | true body in this place, within the body Hell's Golden Crow Flame thinks that is also these Monster difficult adversaries, can definitely fire the ashes these Monster. 其次若是他本尊在这个地方,体内地狱金乌火焰想必也是这些怪物们的克星,完全能将这些怪物烧成灰烬。 What a pity these Immemorial Devil do not have like this special strength, therefore their result it is obvious that. 可惜这些太古恶魔却是没有这样的特殊力量,所以它们的结果可想而知了。 Damn, is beforehand that damned Late Antiquity Devil, if not that bastard, how we will suffer such difficult position, before that several hundred Evil Ghost definitely were it provokes.” 该死,都是之前那可恶的远古恶魔,如果不是那混蛋,我们怎么会遭遇到这样的困境,之前那数百头恶鬼肯定是它招惹过来的。” Had Immemorial Devil to remember Xia Ping, gnashing one's teeth, resented, simply hates the extreme. 太古恶魔想起了夏平,咬牙切齿,愤恨不已,简直是怨恨到极点。 Don't by me from this place going out alive , otherwise wanted that Late Antiquity Devil short remaining life surely, Father and his Irreconcilable, Irreconcilable.” Several Immemorial Devil also thought of this point. “别被我从这个地方活着出去,否则必定要了那远古恶魔的老命,老子和他不死不休,不死不休啊。”几个太古恶魔也是想到了这一点。 Because the matter is impossible is so skillful, these Evil Ghost usually do not appear, when they want to extinguish that Late Antiquity Devil appears, is that bastard is up to mischief surely. 因为事情不可能这么巧的,那些恶鬼平常不出现,就在它们想灭了那远古恶魔的时候出现,必定是那混蛋搞鬼。 Now they also meet the regret to result in the intestines to be green, one time was up to mischief merely, unexpectedly lets they fell into such probably die the boundary. If we had known that Late Antiquity Devil has such method, will kill them not to provoke. 现在它们也会悔得肠子都绿了,仅仅是一次搞鬼而已,居然就让它们陷入了这样的必死之境。若是早知道那远古恶魔有如此手段,打死它们都不会去招惹的。 However now says these words is also late, on this world may not have the regret after the fact to eat. 但是现在说出这些话也已经太晚了,这个世界上可没有后悔药可以吃。 Said that these words are useful, these Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost kill, spelled with them, I do not believe that cannot kill these Monster.” Numerous Immemorial Devil gnashing one's teeth, the innermost feelings made a determined effort. “说这些话有什么用,那些魔孽恶鬼又杀上来,和它们拼了,我就不相信杀不死这些怪物。”众多太古恶魔咬牙切齿,内心发狠了。 So-called lives to the guts wickedly, was compelled this situation, they are also ready for any sacrifice, at least must draw some scapegoat. 所谓恶向胆边生,被逼到这种地步,它们也豁出去,至少也得拉一些垫背的。 Before coping that mysterious Late Antiquity Devil, waited for them to have the opportunity to live is leaving said again, if can’t do anything about it is living departure, all things were the empty talk, did not have the significance. 至于对付之前那头神秘远古恶魔,还是等它们有机会活着离开再说吧,若是没办法活着离开,一切事情都是空谈,毫无意义。 ............ ………… After a double-hour, earthshaking trembles, everywhere in confusion. 一个时辰之后,大地震颤,满地狼藉。 These Immemorial Devil are extremely also fierce, combustion qi and blood, was at cost of the life, how whatever they struggle, puts together completely under full power, can kill over a hundred Evil Ghost and Demonic Evil, but also merely was so. 这些太古恶魔也极其凶猛,燃烧气血,拼了老命,但是任凭它们如何挣扎,拼尽全力之下,也能杀死上百头恶鬼魔孽,可也仅仅是如此了。 Under so Monster surrounding of quantity, Ability that they have almost not resisted, was cut to kill all. 在如此数量的怪物包围之下,它们几乎没有抵抗的能力,被尽数斩杀一空。 Even if kills several hundred heads, is still only a drop in the ocean, at all is not anything. 即使杀死数百头,也只是沧海一粟罢了,根本不算什么。 No, perhaps cannot say. 不,或许也不能这么说。 Even under the condition of such a narrow escape, still two Immemorial Devil ran, one is Dragon-horned Demon, its Treasure is extremely numerous, the method is many. 即使在这样九死一生的状况之下,也有两头太古恶魔跑了出去,其中一头便是龙角魔,它身上的宝物极多,手段繁多。 The critical moment, it puts out an demon treasure from the body unexpectedly, instantaneous self-exploding, explodes a bloody road all of a sudden, blows off nearby Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost, then it sneaked off while this opportunity rapidly. 关键时刻,它居然从身上拿出一件魔宝,瞬间自爆,一下子就炸出一条血路,将旁边的魔孽恶鬼炸飞,然后它就趁着这个机会迅速开溜了。 Another Immemorial Devil seems like Hidden Kill Demon, its Ability and Shadow Demon have the wonder of equally good results from different methods, but has difference essentially, its talent Divine Ability is invisible, merging Void deep place, without speaking, has extremely powerful space talent Divine Ability, is not Shadow Demon can compare. 另外一头太古恶魔似乎是隐杀魔,它的能力阴影魔有着异曲同工之妙,但是却有着本质上的不同,它的天赋神通便是隐形,融入虚空深处,无声无息,有着极强的空间天赋神通,不是阴影魔能比拟的。 By this Ability, Hidden Kill Demon also calculates one of the on strongest assassination devil. 凭借这种能力,隐杀魔也算的上最强的暗杀恶魔之一。 Therefore, it also while this opportunity, uses oneself talent Divine Ability, escapes with Dragon-horned Demon fast, other Monster cannot catch up with these two Immemorial Devil. 所以,它也趁着这个机会,利用自己的天赋神通,和龙角魔快速逃跑,其他怪物也是根本追不上这两头太古恶魔 However even this, these two Immemorial Devil is still seriously injured, received the serious injury, soul caused heavy losses, within the short time does not dare to appear in this place again. 不过就算是这样,这两头太古恶魔也是身受重伤,受到了严重的伤势,灵魂都重创,短时间之内都是不敢再次出现在这个地方了。 Unexpectedly has not died, actually pitifully.” “居然没有死光,倒是可惜了。” Xia Ping wants to rush, will be left over two Immemorial Devil to kill, cut the weeds and eliminate their roots, but thought over a strength, oneself merely are Middle Antiquity Realm peak Saint, wants to kill Immemorial Saint is a impossible matter. 夏平很想冲上去,将剩下两头太古恶魔杀了,斩草除根,但是掂量了一下彼此之间的实力,自己仅仅是个中古境巅峰圣人罢了,想杀死太古圣人还是一件不可能的事情。 Moreover he now is also only Gaia clone, the body does not have main body so many secret treasure, is hard to create too big destructive power to Immemorial Devil. 而且他现在也只是个盖亚分身,身上并没有本体这么多秘宝,难以对太古恶魔造成太大的杀伤力 If goes out rashly, might plant in these two Immemorial Devil, thinks it over, he decided does not want act blindly without thinking is quite good. 若是贸然出去的话,很可能自己都会栽在这两头太古恶魔手里,思来想去,他决定还是不要轻举妄动的比较好。 These Immemorial Devil died, as if these Evil Ghost and Demonic Evil must leave, it seems like was also the time must make a move, otherwise ran by these Monster.” “不过这些太古恶魔死去,似乎这些恶鬼魔孽也要离开了,看来也是时候要出手了,要不然就被这些怪物跑了。” Xia Ping touches the chin, the death that escapes escaping that dies the sensation to all around Immemorial Devil, nearby basically does not have any devil exist(ence), he did not mind that at this moment exposes own Ability. 夏平摸了摸下巴,感知到四周太古恶魔逃的逃死的死,附近基本上没有任何恶魔存在,此刻他也不介意暴露自己的能力 Moreover these Demonic Evil and Evil Ghost are exist(ence) of nothing wisdom, simply speaking, is some idiots, will only defer to own instinct action. 而且这些魔孽恶鬼都是没有任何智慧的存在,简单来说,就是些蠢货,只会按照自己的本能行动。 Such creature, if there are to restrain their Ability, then copes, actually was quite simple. 这样的生物,若是有克制它们的能力的话,那么对付起来,其实就相当简单了。 It can be said that he happen to can while these Monster weak times acts, obtains without labor fisherman's profit. 可以说,他正好可以趁着这些怪物虚弱的时候出手,坐收渔翁之利。 Bang~~ 轰~~ Gaia Domain! 盖亚领域 in a flash, is centered on Xia Ping's body, the surrounding area several million kilometer covered Gaia Domain, covered this piece of Void each corner. 瞬息之间,以夏平的身体为中心,方圆数百万公里都是笼罩了盖亚领域,覆盖了这片虚空的每一处角落。 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ Is the flash, hundred thousand Demonic Evil, over ten thousand Evil Ghost in Gaia Domain covering among. 仅仅是一刹那,十万魔孽,上万头恶鬼都是在盖亚领域的笼罩当中 Also without and other Monster wants to understand that in the end had anything, immediately Gaia Domain strength grasped Xia Ping within the body Gaia space among these Monster all of a sudden entirely. 还没等这些怪物想明白到底发生了什么,顿时盖亚领域力量一下子就将这些怪物通通都抓进去了夏平体内盖亚空间当中
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