GLD :: Volume #23

#2290: dumbstruck

This, cracking a joke?!” “这,开玩笑吧?!” Raindrop Saint rubbed own eye, does not seem to be able to believe fact that own eyes see. 滴水圣人揉了揉自己的眼睛,似乎不敢相信自己眼睛看到的事实。 Before he also planned that made a Xia Ping person run alone, but he brought up the rear, even if were at cost of the life, must make Xia Ping that has not been poisoned only go on living. 之前他还打算让夏平一个人独自跑路,而他一个人断后,即使拼了老命,也得让唯一没有中毒的夏平活下去。 Like this they will have the take revenge and wipe out a grudge opportunity, is insufficient to be annihilated. 这样他们才会有报仇雪恨的机会,不至于全军覆没。 Reason that by doing so, is not because he has the mighty sentiment, is really has no alternative the matter, does not make such sane choice, those present no one can go on living. 之所以这样做,不是因为他有伟大的情操,实在是不得已而为之的事情,不作出这样理智的抉择,在场的人没有一个人能活下去。 However he has not thought, oneself just shouted these words, Xia Ping assumed an awe-inspiring pose, speed to the make the blood boil degree, makes a move first to hold quickly dead Metal Elemental Clan Saint. 但是他万万没有想到,自己才刚刚喊出这句话,夏平就发威了,速度快到令人发指的程度,一出手就首先捅死金元素族圣人 Then is left over four Elemental Clan Saint violent angers, as if must act out of desperation, appearance that besieges jointly. 接着剩下四个元素族圣人暴怒,似乎要狗急跳墙,联手围攻的样子。 Also has not waited for him to be anxious, does not have, when four big Elemental Clan Saint act crazy, Fengdu this guy is actually starts to act crazy, a spear holds dead Earth Elemental Clan Immortal Saint and Wood Elemental Clan Saint. 又还没等他紧张起来,也没有等到四大元素族圣人发飙,酆都这厮却是自己开始发飙,一矛捅死土元素族不朽圣人木元素族圣人 Three big immortal peak Saint died like this, does not have the strength of resistance. 三大不朽巅峰圣人就这样死了,毫无反抗之力。 to be honest, if he is not and these Elemental Clan Saint has fought, solely is the scene that the present sees, he also thinks that these Elemental Clan Saint are smuggled goods | rip-off. 说实话,如果他不是和这几个元素族圣人战斗过,单单是现在看到的场景,他还以为这些元素族圣人都是水货呢。 Otherwise where so will be simple to be held. 否则的话哪里会这么简单就被人捅死。 No, this is not cracking a joke , is not having a dream.” “不,这不是开玩笑,是真的,也不是在做梦。” Golden Wind Saint swallows the saliva, dumbstruck. 金风圣人咽了咽口水,目瞪口呆 Before he also planned that makes Xia Ping help take revenge and wipe out a grudge in the future, naturally he is also such a saying, without report too high hope, after all opposite party but Five Great element Saint collaborates, where is so good to kill, is so good to revenge. 之前他还打算让夏平日后帮助自己报仇雪恨呢,当然他也就是这么一说,也没有报太大的希望,毕竟对方可是五大元素圣人联手,哪里是这么好杀,这么好报仇的。 However his didn't expect, shouted absolutely such a few words, Fengdu Saint put out long spear to hold three. 但是他万万没想到,才喊出这么一句话,酆都圣人就拿出长矛捅死了三个。 The paralysis, that is Immortal Saint, has Immortal Body formidable Saint, fearful Monster that even remaining cell can regenerate, cruel awfully. 麻痹,那可是不朽圣人啊,拥有不朽之躯强大圣人,即使剩下一颗细胞都能再生的可怕怪物,凶残得要命。 Even if these Elemental Clan Saint want to kill itself, not by own strength, but depends on Universe strange poison Whirling Disaster Poison, can therefore kill them. 就算这些元素族圣人想杀死自己,也不是凭借自己的实力,而是靠着宇宙奇毒婆娑厄毒,所以才能害死他们。 But now Fengdu Saint unexpectedly as fearful as this degree, does not draw support from what poison, held directly three Elemental Clan Immortal Saint, cruel resulted in in an awful condition. 可是现在酆都圣人居然可怕到这种程度,根本不借助什么毒药,直接就捅死了三尊元素族不朽圣人,凶残一塌糊涂 When Immortal Saint small and weak to this degree, can be killed at will. 什么时候不朽圣人弱小到这种程度,能够被人随意打杀了。 Brother Fengdu was really strong, really merely was Immortal Saint? With us is the same species?! Three immortal peak Elemental Clan was Saint held like this?” 酆都兄真是太强了,真的仅仅是不朽圣人吗?和我们是同一个物种的?!三尊不朽巅峰元素族圣人就这样被捅死了?” Dark Flame Saint does not know that said any good, now most awkward is he, before also at confession things to do after death, but also wants to give Xia Ping own complete Treasure, hoping the opposite party can look after own later generation. 暗火圣人都不知道说些什么好,现在最尴尬的就是他,之前还在交代后事呢,还想将自己的全部宝物交给夏平,希望对方能照拂一下自己的后辈。 After all he also has many worries about can’t do anything about it to get rid. 毕竟他还有许许多多的牵挂没办法摆脱。 Now but Treasure has not handed over, Xia Ping sticks out suddenly launches an attack, kills the four directions greatly, held three Immortal Saint, split second reversed the entire aspect. 可是现在身上的宝物都还没交出去,夏平就暴起发难,大杀四方,捅死三尊不朽圣人,一瞬间就扭转了整个局面。 He thought that the matter really changed is too quick, a little cannot respond. 他觉得事情变化得实在是太快了,都有点反应不过来。 Raindrop Saint, Golden Wind Saint and Dark Flame Saint three big Human Race Saint merely are the shock is stunned, but remaining also living Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin and Fire Elemental Clan Saint Delion actually frightens the urine. 滴水圣人,金风圣人暗火圣人三大人族圣人还仅仅是震惊错愕,而剩下还活着的水元素族圣人瓦拉丁火元素族圣人德利恩却是吓尿了。 Their full fury vanish with three big immortal peak Saint death. 它们满腔的怒火都随着三大不朽巅峰圣人死亡而消失。 a moment ago their also four people time, the opportunity and this human Saint contend, even very big opportunity kills this damned human. 刚才它们还有四个人的时候,还有机会和这人类圣人一较高下,甚至还有很大的机会将这可恶的人类杀死。 Suddenly but, without them responded, the person on one's own side was held three, the paralysis, this also hits my ass, has bullies the person like this? 可是眨眼之间,没等它们反应过来,自己人就被捅死了三个,麻痹,这还打个屁啊,有这样欺负人的吗? At present this human is Early Antiquity Saint, camouflages the Immortal Saint appearance to plot against them intentionally?! 难道眼前这个人类近古圣人,故意伪装成不朽圣人的样子来暗算它们的?! to be honest, they have to suspect that at present the this human Saint's strength, common Immortal Realm Saint where possible formidable to be in such degree, this is impossible. 说实话,它们也不得不怀疑眼前这个人类圣人的实力,寻常的不朽境圣人哪里可能强大到这样的程度,这根本不可能。 Escape! 逃! Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin and Fire Elemental Clan Saint Delion looks at each other one mutually, saw each other drawing back intent, to this time, had had no way to contend with these Human Race Saint. 水元素族圣人瓦拉丁火元素族圣人德利恩互相对视一眼,都看出了彼此的退意,都到了这个时候,已经没法和这些人族圣人抗衡了。 If there is not travelled, perhaps met on the step dead three Immortal Saint footsteps. 如果还不跑路的话,恐怕会步上死掉三个不朽圣人的后尘。 But has not waited for their two starts to travel, Xia Ping acts again, figure flashes, appear and disappear from time to time, escapes into Void, is ordinary like lightning, immediately appears in front of two big Immortal Saint. 可还没等它们两个开始跑路,夏平再次出手,身形一闪,时隐时现,遁入虚空,如同闪电一般,立即出现在两大不朽圣人面前。 The Hell's Suppressing Demon Spear fourth type- destruction! 地狱镇魔矛第四式-毁灭! long spear changed into Vortex state-of-art, among momentary seemed like the speed of flow of space and time changes, Void twisted, terrifying Strength of Hell gushed out from long spear internal deep place. 长矛尖端化为了漩涡,一时间似乎空间和时间的流速都发生了变化,虚空扭曲,一股恐怖的地狱之力长矛内部深处涌出。 countless Hell script gushes out, as if emits has the destruction aura, came from destruction Hell scripture, fearful killing intent pierce Void. 无数地狱文字涌出,似乎散发出毁灭的气息,来自于毁灭的地狱经文,一道道可怕的杀机洞穿虚空 This is compared with a moment ago two type more fearful Divine Ability might. 这是比刚才两式更加可怕的神通威力 No!” “不!” Fire Elemental Clan Saint Delion screamed one, it saw that this long spear bang killed to come, spear tip produced fearful Vortex, Void twists, immediately thought the fine hair raised up. 火元素族圣人德利恩尖叫一声,它看到这长矛轰杀而来,矛尖产生可怕的漩涡,虚空扭曲,顿时觉得汗毛竖起。 It thought that this long spear bang kills, produces fearful Devouring Power, this strength contain the tyrannical attraction, is almost absorbing from body its soul. 它觉得这根长矛轰杀过来,产生可怕的吞噬之力,这股力量蕴含着强横的吸引力,差点将它的灵魂都从身体吸纳出去。 The fear that is unable to suppress gushes out from its innermost feelings deep place. 一股无法抑制的恐惧从它内心深处涌出。 Thump! 咚! Fire Elemental Clan Saint Delion is unable to respond, this long spear pierced its head directly, destroyed all energy to spread instantaneously its whole body, infiltrated body each corner. 火元素族圣人德利恩无法反应过来,这根长矛就直接洞穿了它的脑袋,一股毁灭一切的能量瞬间蔓延了它的全身,渗透身体的每个角落。 with a bang sound, its body crushes immediately, the within the body element core also explodes to break to pieces, even within the body deep place soul is also defeated and dispersed entirely, was shaken changed into atomic condition, destroys cleanly, belonged to Void deep place. 轰的一声,它的身体立即粉碎,体内的元素核心也爆碎开来,甚至体内深处灵魂也通通溃散,被震得化为了原子状态,毁灭得干干净净,归入了虚空深处 Delion, death! 德利恩,死! Also is left over one.” “还剩下一个。” Xia Ping turns around, Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin of looks at distant place. 夏平转身,看着远处的水元素族圣人瓦拉丁 human, is waiting to me, my Elemental Clan will not let off your.” 人类,给我等着,我元素族是不会放过你的。” Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin angrily shouted, contain the infinite hatred, pupil deep place was revealing meaning of renouncing simultaneously. 水元素族圣人瓦拉丁怒喝一声,蕴含着无穷的恨意,同时瞳孔深处露出了决绝的意味。 Bang~~ 轰~~ In an instant, it chose self-exploding unexpectedly, entire body crushes, produced fearful destruction power, covered the surrounding area million kilometer, destroy the heaven and exterminate the earth. 刹那之间,它居然选择了自爆,整个身体都粉碎开来,产生了可怕的破坏力,覆盖了方圆百万公里,毁天灭地 Sees that Raindrop Saint and the others backs up rapidly, avoids this self-exploding might. 见状,滴水圣人等人迅速倒退,躲避这次自爆威力 Xia Ping revolution Darknorth Body Protection Art, arrives in such explosion the complementary waves, all explosion might close to his body, were swallowed rapidly, vanishes cleanly. 夏平运转北冥护体功,抵达这样爆炸的余波,所有的爆炸威力靠近他的身体,都迅速被吞噬,消失得干干净净。 Really is resolute, didn't expect also escaped by it.” “真是果决,没想到还是还被它逃了。” Xia Ping feels Void deep place to transmit an intermittent strange fluctuation, when Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin self-exploding, its body flies away immediately together soul. 夏平感受到虚空深处传来一阵阵诡异的波动,在水元素族圣人瓦拉丁自爆的时候,它身体立即飞走一道灵魂 Such speed is too quickly is too quick, simply is quicker than light speed, merging Void, with no difficulty is separated from this place, is unable to pursue. 这样的速度实在是太快太快,简直比光的速度还快,融入虚空,轻而易举的脱离这个地方,根本无法追上去。 Obviously, Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin is quite resolute, rather self-exploding body, gives up oneself all Treasure, must escape from this place. 显然,水元素族圣人瓦拉丁极为果决,宁愿自爆身体,放弃自己身上所有宝物,也要从这个地方逃出去。 Is a negligence, made Varadin run. 仅仅是一个疏忽,就让瓦拉丁跑了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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