GLD :: Volume #23

#2289: Like this died

Death!” “死吧!” Five Great Elemental Clan Saint was the collective stares at Xia Ping, murderous aura was steaming, because in other three Human Race Saint Violent Poison, did not go to the manages even, must die without doubt. 五大元素族圣人都是集体盯上了夏平,杀气腾腾,因为其他三个人族圣人中了剧毒,就算不去管,也是必死无疑。 Only has present this human, temporarily without poison, most has the opportunity to escape, if can cut to kill this Human Race Saint's words, then this crowd of human will be annihilated. 唯有眼前这个人类,暂时没中毒,也最有机会逃脱,所以如果能斩杀这个人族圣人的话,那么这群人类就会全军覆没。 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~~ They about four direction bang after the left kill to come, to control Elemental Power, changes into terrifying cold glow, earth-shattering, almost covered this region. 他们从左后左右四个方向轰杀而来,操控元素之力,化为一道道恐怖的寒芒,铺天盖地,几乎是覆盖了这片区域。 Obviously, they must totally close off Xia Ping all escape routes, Void deep place contain infinite killing intent, as if at this moment surrounding area millions and millions kilometer boiling gets up, starts the energy storm. 显然,他们要彻底封锁夏平所有的退路,虚空深处蕴含着无穷杀机,仿佛这一刻方圆亿万公里都沸腾起来,掀起能量风暴。 Whiz! 嗖! In this instantaneous, Xia Ping moved, figure flashes, treads forward, is ordinary just like the ghosts and demons, with no difficulty merging Void, vanishes in the enemy's field of vision instantaneously. 就在这瞬间,夏平动了,身形一闪,向前一踏,宛如鬼魅一般,轻而易举融入虚空,瞬间就消失在敌人的视野里面。 Then he appear out of thin air outside dozens kilometers. 接着他就在数十公里外面凭空出现 What? So to be how quick?” “什么?怎么会这么快?” Five Great Elemental Clan Saint has a scare immediately, presented an intermittent space to fluctuate their distinct sensation to all around, comprehends Space Law general just like this human at present. 五大元素族圣人立即吓了一跳,它们分明感知到四周出现了一阵阵空间波动,宛如眼前这个人类领悟了空间法则一般。 Such speed quickly to the degree that their divine consciousness cannot catch, suddenly time, was separated from their attack range, all strength rumble in the vacancy. 这样的速度快到它们神识都捕捉不到的程度,一个眨眼的时间,就脱离了它们的攻击范围,所有的力量都轰在空处。 Kills!” “杀!” Xia Ping put out Hell's Spear from the body, terrifying Strength of Hell gushes out from his within the body deep place, all around is filling Nether God's Power, formidable Spiritual Domain covers, spread all over surrounding area dozens light years. 夏平从身上拿出了地狱之矛,一股恐怖的地狱之力从他体内深处涌出,四周弥漫着冥神之力,一股强大精神领域笼罩下来,遍布方圆数十光年。 This split second, Five Great Elemental Clan Immortal Saint thought that all around environment of Universe vacuum completely changed, oneself crashed into Boundless Hell among, countless Evil Ghost devil tearing and biting crazily, was utterly isolated. 一瞬间,五大元素族不朽圣人都觉得四周宇宙真空的环境彻底改变了,自己坠入了无边地狱当中,无数恶鬼恶魔都疯狂撕咬上来,四面楚歌。 Hell's Suppressing Demon Spear Second Style-- slaughter! 地狱镇魔矛第二式——杀戮 killing intent from Hell welled up from spear tip, the lance body as if appeared countless Hell script, formed Hell scripture, communicated Hell Strength of Source. 一股来自地狱杀机矛尖涌了出来,矛身似乎浮现了无数地狱文字,形成了一篇篇地狱经文,沟通了地狱本源之力 These Hell script as if live the general, rapid creeping motion, emerges spear tip, gathers together with Strength of Hell, each other mutual fusion, was born fearful slaughter energy. 这些地狱文字似乎活过来一般,迅速蠕动,涌现矛尖,和地狱之力汇聚在一起,彼此互相融合,诞生了一股可怕的杀戮能量 originally Hell's Spear is formidable weapon that Hell's Warden has, is used to murder to kill Evil Ghost, devil, even is Gods and Demons, its attack on it is obvious that. 本来地狱之矛就是地狱狱卒持有的强大武器,用来弑杀恶鬼,恶魔,甚至是神魔,它的攻击可想而知了。 In addition Xia Ping has achieved Immortal Realm Late Stage, his Magic Power terrifying to without degree of boundary, this a spear compared with before him any time fearful. 再加上夏平已经达到了不朽境后期,他身上的法力恐怖到没有边际的程度,这一矛比他之前任何一次都可怕。 Bearing the brunt is Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad, it is away from Xia Ping to be recent, has not responded completely, because this a spear speed is too quickly is too quick, divine consciousness is unable to catch. 首当其冲的就是金元素族圣人帕德,它距离夏平最近,也完全没有反应过来,因为这一矛速度实在是太快太快,神识都无法捕捉。 Waits for it to discover the time, this long spear had pierced its body. 等它发现的时候,这根长矛已经洞穿了它的身体 Thump! 咚! Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad stares big eyes, pupil deep place reveals the panic-stricken, shocking, unwilling as well as unbelievable look, it definitely is unable to imagine itself unexpectedly Human Race Saint's a spear. 金元素族圣人帕德大眼睛,瞳孔深处流露出惊恐、震惊、不甘以及难以置信的神色,它完全无法想象自己居然中了人族圣人的一矛 This a spear strength is quite terrifying, contain fearful Slaughter's Power and Strength of Hell, it by oneself body, fills Pad body each place, even infiltrates soul, cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration. 一矛力量极为恐怖,蕴含着可怕的杀戮之力地狱之力,它透过自己的身体,弥漫到帕德身体的每一处地方,甚至是渗透灵魂,寸寸崩碎。 with a bang sound, Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad has no way to send out the pitiful yell, the within the body element core also crushes instantaneously, entire body breaks up like this, thorough all split up and in pieces. 轰的一声,金元素族圣人帕德连惨叫都没法发出,体内的元素核心也瞬间粉碎,整个身体就这样崩解,彻底的四分五裂 But Metal Elemental Clan Saint Pad died like this. 金元素族圣人帕德就这样死了。 Pad!” 帕德!” Wood Elemental Clan Saint Strong angrily shouted, stares to crack, it and Pad relationship are best, had known mutually several hundreds of millions years, the affection is deeper than family member(s). 木元素族圣人斯特朗怒喝一声,瞠目欲裂,它和帕德关系最好,彼此之间已经互相认识了数亿年,感情比家人还深厚。 originally it thinks that can also go on living, lives oneself to withdraw from that day of war, but its didn't expect Pad dies completely now unexpectedly, is held at present by this Human Race a spear, struggles continually can’t do anything about it. 本来它以为还能一直活下去,活到自己退出战争的那一天,但是它完全没想到现在帕德居然死了,被眼前这人族一矛捅死,连挣扎都没办法 cheap person (slut), you dare to kill Pad unexpectedly, I could not forgive you, I must make you die, let your die without a burial site Ah!!!” 贱人,你居然敢杀帕德,我饶不了你,我要让你死,让你死无葬身之地啊!!!” The Fire Elemental Clan Saint Delion temperament explodes, angrily shouted, anger upwells the crown of the head from the sole board, obviously Pad must die stimulated it enormously, making it feel unprecedented fury. 火元素族圣人德利恩脾气爆炸,怒喝一声,一股怒意从脚底板上涌到天灵盖,显然帕德得死极大的刺激了它,让它感到前所未有的怒火 Butchered him, must butcher him.” “宰了他,一定要宰了他。” Cannot make him run, starts Great Formation, rumbles the fragment him.” “不能让他跑了,启动大阵,将他轰成碎片。” Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin and Earth Elemental Clan Saint is gnashing one's teeth, their originally thinks that this action is absolutely safe, from the beginning is very indeed smooth, first was uses Five Elements Shackles to surround this crowd of Human Race Saint. 水元素族圣人瓦拉丁土元素族圣人都是咬牙切齿,它们本来以为这次行动万无一失,一开始的确很顺利,先是使用五行牢笼困住了这群人族圣人 They consumed these Human Race Saint's strength again, then they take advantage again its unprepared, makes three Human Race Saint march into death with Whirling Disaster Poison directly at present fast. 它们再消耗了这些人族圣人的力量,接着它们再趁其不备,用婆娑厄毒直接就让眼前三个人族圣人快速步入死亡 Finally is only remaining Human Race Saint, merely is one, they think that solves extremely simply, eats meal with drinking tea almost, who can want to be presented such accident. 最后就只是剩下一个人族圣人而已,仅仅是一个,它们以为解决起来极其简单,和喝茶吃饭差不多,谁能想得到会出现这样的变故。 This damned cheap person (slut) playing the pig to eat the tiger, making Pad lax, put in an appearance, was one puts in an appearance merely, unexpectedly held as Metal Elemental Clan Immortal Saint Pad. 该死的贱人扮猪吃虎,让帕德松懈了,一个照面,仅仅是一个照面啊,居然就捅死了身为金元素族不朽圣人帕德 Cracks a joke, how they may make this damned human Saint go on living, must kill him, his tear the body to thousands of pieces, is Pad take revenge and wipe out a grudge. 开什么玩笑啊,它们怎么可能会让这个该死的人类圣人活下去,必须杀了他,将他碎尸万段,为帕德报仇雪恨 Xia Ping simply has not paid attention to these Elemental Clan Saint's to be angry, they dare to come ambush, must prepare death, allows them to kill others, doesn't allow others to kill them?! Where on world has such truth, is really stupid. 夏平根本没理会这些元素族圣人的愤怒,它们敢来伏杀自己,就得做好了死亡的准备,难道就允许它们杀死别人,不允许别人杀死它们?!世界上哪里有这样的道理,真是愚蠢。 He grasps Hell's Spear, arrives just like Nether God, has not given them any idle time the opportunity, acts again. 他手持地狱之矛,宛如冥神降临,没有给它们任何停歇的机会,再次出手。 Hell's Suppressing Demon Spear Third Style-- creates! 地狱镇魔矛第三式——缔造! Sees only the Hell's Spear beautiful calligraphy, was ordinary like Samsara Brush, outlines paths, Void among appeared Hell World one after another, as if changed into Hell picture scroll. 只见地狱之矛笔走龙蛇,如同轮回笔一般,勾勒出一道道轨迹,虚空当中浮现了一座又一座的地狱世界,似乎化为了一幅幅地狱画卷 However these Hell picture scroll internal mountains river, each path, contain Peerless killing intent, seems connecting Hell's Source general, erupts simultaneously all Strength of Hell. 但是这些地狱画卷内部的山川河流,每一道轨迹,都蕴含绝世杀机,仿佛连接了地狱本源一般,将所有的地狱之力同时爆发出来。 Bang~~ 轰~~ Hell picture scroll steamroll get down, is ordinary like Hell scripture, each emits leaves fearfully, concentrates substance Strength of Hell, suppresses Void, seems Hell Nether God arrives general. 一幅幅地狱画卷碾压下去,如同地狱经文一般,每一副都散发出可怕的,凝成实质地狱之力,镇压虚空,仿佛是地狱冥神降临一般。 From these Hell picture scroll internal deep place, gushes out tens of thousands of says Hell sharp glow, seems countless Hell's Warden is born from Void, from Chaos time resurrecting. 从这些地狱画卷内部深处,涌出成千上万道地狱锋芒,仿佛是无数地狱狱卒虚空诞生,从混沌时代复活。 strength that this strikes is quite terrifying, stands in forefront Wood Elemental Clan Saint Strong, as well as Earth Elemental Clan Immortal Saint without warning, their body were pierced by countless Hell sharp glow all of a sudden. 这一击的力量极为恐怖,站在最前面的木元素族圣人斯特朗,以及土元素族不朽圣人猝不及防,它们的身体一下子就被无数地狱锋芒洞穿。 Dōng dōng dōng!!! 咚咚咚!!! Immediately, they send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, these contain Strength of Hell sharp glow, on infiltration soul, is ripping the fragmentation their souls directly all of a sudden, thousand warehouse hundred. 顿时,它们发出凄厉的惨叫,这些蕴含地狱之力锋芒,直接就渗透灵魂,一下子就将它们的魂魄撕裂成碎片,千仓百孔。 Two Immortal Realm peak Elemental Clan Saint falls from the sky at the scene, the within the body element core crushes immediately, all split up and in pieces. 两尊不朽境巅峰元素族圣人当场陨落,体内的元素核心立即粉碎,四分五裂
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