GLD :: Volume #22

#2165: Early Antiquity Saint

Lawrence City most center, stands and waits for a long time in one occupies a land area of the Surface area broad Ancient castle, this is also the region of entire Lawrence City most core, Saint Sofia lives in this place. 劳伦斯城中央,伫立在一座占地面积广阔的古老城堡,这也是整个劳伦斯城最为核心的地带,圣人索菲亚就是居住在这个地方。 In addition, many Lawrence Clan important members also distribute in castle surroundings building. 除此之外,许许多多劳伦斯家族的重要成员也分布在城堡周围建筑里面。 At this moment, under the leadership of Emma, Xia Ping entered this Ancient castle among. 此刻,在艾玛的带领下,夏平进入了这座古老的城堡当中 Goes, many Lawrence Clan people saw Xia Ping. 一进去,不少劳伦斯家族的人就看到了夏平 Looks quickly, isn't that Berdy? How to come our Clan headquarters?” “快看,那不是巴蒂吗?怎么会来我们家族总部?” „Didn't you know the recent matter? Berdy achieved a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering great accomplishment, gained several hundred hundred million, now becomes the Illusion Clan favorite, even Family Head summoned specially.” “难道你不知道最近发生的事情吗?巴蒂可是做了一件惊天动地的大事,赚了几百个亿,现在成为了幻族红人,连家主都特意召见。” damn, before Berdy was a small role, who can bully, didn't expect now unexpectedly experience(d) a reversal of fortune.” 可恶啊,之前巴蒂不过是个小角色罢了,谁都可以欺负,没想到现在居然咸鱼翻身了。” Yeah, the person is really exasperating, why isn't I settles on by Family Head?” “哎,人比人真是气死人,为什么不是我被家主看中?” Perhaps after this Berdy really soared, becomes Lawrence Clan Elder also to have the possibility very much.” “恐怕从此之后巴蒂就真的是一飞冲天了,成为劳伦斯家族长老也是很有可能的。” People discuss spiritedly, is envies the envy to hate, before their didn't expect, small character that look down upon radically, experience(d) a reversal of fortune, grows into the role that they can only envy now unexpectedly all of a sudden, the change was really quick. 众人议论纷纷,都是羡慕嫉妒恨,他们没想到一个之前自己根本看不起的小人物,现在居然一下子咸鱼翻身,成长为他们都只能嫉妒的角色,变化实在是太快了。 Quick, under the leadership of Emma, Xia Ping arrived at this Ancient castle most deep place main hall among, this place has no habitation, seems like Clan Forbidden Area, anybody can not approach at will. 很快,在艾玛的带领下,夏平来到了这座古老城堡最深处的一座大殿当中,这个地方没有任何人烟,似乎是家族禁地,任何人都不得随意靠近。 Because this is Lawrence Clan Family Head dwelling place, Saint in it place. 因为这是劳伦斯家族家主居住的地方,圣人所在之地。 Lord Family Head.” 家主大人。” at this time, Emma stands outside the main hall start to talk said. 这时候,艾玛站在大殿外面开口道。 Emma, comes in now.” 艾玛是吧,现在进来吧。” The sound passed from main hall deep place together , the front door of palace also opens automatically. 一道声音从大殿深处传了出来,啪的一下,宫殿的大门也随之自动打开。 sōu sōu!! 嗖嗖!! Xia Ping and Emma two people walked directly, sees only woman that is wearing the white long skirt appears before them. 夏平艾玛两人就直接走了进去,只见一个身穿着白色长裙的女子出现在他们面前。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” in a flash, the Xia Ping fine hair raises up, feels this white long skirt woman to bring the greatest threat to oneself at present, her appearance as if Emma is somewhat similar. 瞬息之间,夏平汗毛竖起,感受到眼前这个白色长裙女子给自己带来莫大的威胁,她的样貌似乎和艾玛有几分相似。 However the strength is entirely different. 但是实力却截然不同。 She stands in same place, the true body as if can see one group of fuzzy shadows, is centered on her body, the surrounding area the space within hundred meters twisted, all around space as if some feelings of collapse, countless Dimension space distortion. 她站在原地,真身似乎只是能看到一团模糊的影子,以她身体为中心,方圆百米之内的空间都扭曲了,四周的空间似乎都有塌陷的感觉,无数次元空间扭曲。 Without a doubt, this woman is Immortal Saint is not so only simple, perhaps her cultivation base has exceeded Immortal Saint realm, achieved Early Antiquity Saint realm. 毫无疑问,这女子不仅仅是不朽圣人这么简单,恐怕她的修为已经超越了不朽圣人境界,达到了近古圣人境界 It is said achieved the boundary of Early Antiquity Saint, has started to comprehend Universe Source law, with Immortal Saint strength the difference between Heaven and Earth, formidable hundred times continues, at all is not exist(ence) that Immortal Saint can compare. 据说达到了近古圣人之境,已经开始领悟了宇宙本源法则,和不朽圣人的实力天差地别,强大百倍不止,根本不是不朽圣人能比拟的存在 Sometimes 100 Immortal Saint not necessarily can promote to Early Antiquity Saint realm, because wants to achieve this realm, not only needs the abundant accumulation, needs the formidable perception, as well as chance. 有时候一百个不朽圣人都未必有一个能够晋升到近古圣人境界,因为想达到这个境界,不仅需要雄厚的积累,同时也需要强大的悟性,以及机缘。 Xia Ping can defeat, even killed Immortal Saint with the aid of Samsara Brush wait/etc. Magical Artifact, but coped with Early Antiquity Saint to have nothing to grasp, if really began, perhaps shortly can kill. 夏平击溃,甚至借助轮回笔等等法宝杀死不朽圣人,但是对付近古圣人就没什么把握了,要是真的动起手来,恐怕顷刻间就能将自己杀死。 Master, careful, this woman is not very simple, it is estimated that achieved Early Antiquity Saint realm.” 主人,小心点,这个女子很不简单,估计是达到了近古圣人境界。” at this time, the Azure Ox's sound also transmits, reminded: „ To promote to the boundary of Early Antiquity Saint, must comprehend Space Law strength thoroughly, such character simply is the myth. 这时候,青牛的声音也传递过来,提醒道:“想晋升到近古圣人之境,就必须彻底领悟空间法则力量,这样的人物简直就是神话。 Early Antiquity Saint can merging Void among, the common person unable anytime and anywhere attack to his main body, the a fist bang in the past, projects on the place of Void. 近古圣人能随时随地融入虚空当中,寻常人根本无法攻击到他的本体,一拳轰过去,也只是打到虚无之处。 After all such myth character, comprehended Space Law, the thought moved, immediately can shuttle countless Dimension space, escape over a hundred light years, concealing in dimension deep place, is unable to attain. 毕竟这样的神话人物,领悟了空间法则,意念一动,立即能穿梭无数次元空间,远遁上百光年,隐匿于次元深处,根本无法企及。 But if opposite party attack you, can actually be away from countless Dimension space, the a fist bang kills to come, to kill people in invisible, such disparity is enormous, but hardly counts in, Immortal Saint by fighting strength also can only pull on shoes to Early Antiquity Saint. ” 但是如果对方攻击你,却是能隔着无数次元空间,一拳轰杀而来,杀人于无形,这样的差距极大,几乎不可道以里计,论战斗力而言不朽圣人也只能给近古圣人提鞋。” Space Law?! 空间法则?! Xia Ping narrowed the eye, although he also knows that the Early Antiquity Saint strength was above the imagination, but also didn't expect achieved this realm to need to comprehend Space Law unexpectedly thoroughly. 夏平眯了眯眼睛,虽然他也知道近古圣人的实力超乎想象,但是也没想到达到了这个境界居然需要彻底领悟空间法则 Comprehended Space Law Early Antiquity Saint, is unable to imagine formidable to what situation. 领悟了空间法则近古圣人,都无法想象强大到什么地步。 Sofia Lord Family Head, before this is me, with you have mentioned a Lawrence Clan clansman, he is extremely intelligent, is talented, can be Lawrence Clan may make the material.” 索菲亚家主大人,这位便是我之前和你提起过的一个劳伦斯家族的族人,他聪明绝顶,才华横溢,算得上是劳伦斯家族的可造之材。” Emma introduces Xia Ping to present white-clothed woman Sofia immediately. 艾玛立即向眼前的白衣女子索菲亚介绍夏平 Interesting.” “有意思。” In at this time, this white-clothed woman smiles, as if to detect anything at present: Merely is Return to Truth Realm, unexpectedly can detect that this Senior | true body some mysteries, it seems like you not only obtained the giant fortuitous encounter, is in itself also talented, Innate Talent is astonishing.” 就在这时候,眼前这白衣女子轻轻一笑,似乎察觉到了什么:“仅仅是归真境而已,居然能察觉出本尊的一些奥秘,看来你不仅是获得了巨大奇遇,本身也才华横溢,天资惊人。” Her both eyes eyeball seems like contain infinite mysteries, is ordinary like laser, high and low sizes up Xia Ping, as if looks at thoroughly Xia Ping all corners, understands clearly all secret. 她一双眼睛似乎蕴含着无穷奥秘,如同激光一般,上下打量夏平,仿佛将夏平上上下下所有角落都看得一干二净,洞悉所有秘密 Anything is unable to hide before her. 任何东西都无法在她面前隐藏。 The Xia Ping fine hair raises up, feels the greatest threat, immediately wants to begin to counter-attack, but suppressed, his strength to Phaseless Mask has the self-confidence very much, will not expose own details. 夏平汗毛竖起,感受到莫大威胁,当即就想动手反击,但是还是强忍了下来,他对无相面具力量很有自信,不会暴露自己的底细。 Really, after scanning moment skill, white-clothed woman then no longer probes, as if thinks already to Xia Ping knowing things like the back of one's hand. 果然,扫描了片刻功夫之后,白衣女子便不再试探,似乎自认为已经对夏平了如指掌 After all in her eyes, only Return to Truth Realm Junior is not really worth mentioning, the disparity was really far, probing gave the huge face. 毕竟在她的眼里,区区一个归真境小辈实在是不值一提,差距实在是太远了,试探一下已经算是给了天大面子。 Berdy, heard that you do want to obtain the treasure house to guard this position with the aid of Lawrence Clan strength?” 巴蒂,听说你想借助劳伦斯家族力量获得宝库守卫这个职位?” white-clothed woman Sofia start to talk said. 白衣女子索菲亚开口道。 Yes, Lord Family Head, heard that this position is a lucrative position, can obtain many advantage.” “是的,家主大人,听说这个职位是个肥缺,能得到很多好处。” The Xia Ping honest acknowledgment said. 夏平老实承认道。 chuckle, you are actually direct, speak frankly, does not have scruples the benefit, actually frank person.” white-clothed woman Sofia chuckle smiles, people like you are not the upright honest generation, is greatly deceitfully the greatly wicked person. Which person however no matter you are do not have relationship, so long as is my Lawrence Clan person, naturally can be blessed.” 咯咯,你倒是直接,直言不讳,丝毫不顾忌利益,倒是个直爽的人。”白衣女子索菲亚咯咯一笑,“你这样的人不是忠厚老实之辈,就是大奸大恶之人。不过不管你是哪一种人都没关系,只要是我劳伦斯家族的人,自然就能得到庇佑。” Words among she shows the enormous self-confidence, what person no matter Berdy is, she can control, not because of other, because of the Wudi(Invincible) strength. 话语当中她展现极大的自信,不管巴蒂是什么样的人,她都能掌控,不是因为别的,而是因为无敌的实力。 Comprehended Space Law Early Antiquity Saint, can effortless pinch all conspiracy. 领悟了空间法则近古圣人,能轻松捏死一切的阴谋家。 Stirring up her was not happy, extinguished enemy, is blows the tone the matter, with no difficulty. 惹得她不高兴,灭了敌人,也就是吹口气的事,轻而易举 Naturally can gain the big advantage, must pay big price.” “当然能获得多大的好处,就得付出多大的代价。” white-clothed woman Sofia looks at Xia Ping: Hears you to be extremely intelligent, if you can complete me to give you this matter, then makes you treasure house to guard is not the impossible matter.” 白衣女子索菲亚看着夏平:“听说你聪明绝顶,如果你能办妥我交给你这件事,那么让你成为宝库守卫也不是什么不可能的事。”
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