GLD :: Volume #22

#2163: Desperate Jacob

Right, wasn't Berdy and Mission Hall Manager Jacob had the gambling to make before? It is said also signed the Illusion Clan contract, both sides is unable to violate?” “对了,之前巴蒂不是和任务殿主管雅各布有了赌约吗?据说还签订了幻族契约,双方都无法违背?” Some people remember this matter suddenly. 有人忽然想起这件事。 Right, your such saying, I also thought, Berdy indeed and Manager Jacob signed the contract. If Berdy is unable to complete Mission, will lose the entire fortune, but must eat the bowel movement ten tons.” “没错,你这么一说,我也想起来,巴蒂的确和主管雅各布签订了契约。如果巴蒂无法完成任务的话,就会损失全部财产,还必须吃大便十吨。” My God, in this case, Manager did Jacob lose? Not only need become the poor wretch, but can also become entire Illusion Clan laughingstock? Leaves a stink for ten thousand years.” “我的天,这样的话,岂不是主管雅各布输了?不仅要成为穷光蛋,还得成为整个幻族笑柄?遗臭万年。” This also used saying that cheated several hundred hundred million, if Berdy did not win, natural justice?” “这还用说,都诈骗了几百个亿,如果巴蒂不赢的话,还有天理吗?” Manager Jacob is really miserable, even if he is Thunder Tribulation Realm great expert, the position is lofty, but is impossible to violate the Illusion Clan contract, otherwise must die without doubt.” 主管雅各布真是惨啊,即使他是雷劫境大能,地位崇高,但是也不可能违背幻族契约,否则必死无疑。” Who can want to obtain Berdy cruel to this situation, pit money and drinks water equally simply.” “谁能想得到巴蒂凶残到这种地步,坑钱和喝水一样简单。” I said that Berdy is the outstanding person phoenix, is not the common person, otherwise where dares to sign such gambling to make, you have not believed.” “我就说巴蒂是人中龙凤,不是寻常人,否则哪里敢签下这样的赌约,你们还不相信。” Is some belated actions, how before you did not say, now others are flamboyant, you blow here.” “都是些马后炮,之前你咋不说,现在人家牛逼起来,你就在这里吹。” Many person discuss spiritedly, their bitter experience to rejoice in other people's misfortunes to Manager Jacob, only if Jacob wants dead, otherwise is impossible to violate the Illusion Clan contract. 不少人议论纷纷,他们对主管雅各布的遭遇幸灾乐祸,除非雅各布想死,否则的话不可能违背幻族的契约。 Naturally they do not believe that Jacob will really commit suicide, after all lived such a long time, having boundless prospects, where is so possibly simple dies. 当然他们也不相信雅各布真的会自杀,毕竟活了这么长时间,前途无量,哪里可能这么简单就去死。 In brief, experiences this matter, Jacob was finished thoroughly, will become for all eternity laughingstock, the all kinds negative example. 总之,经历这件事,雅各布算是彻底完蛋了,会成为千古笑柄,各种反面例子。 ............ ………… at this time, Illusory World villa, that is in the Mission Hall Manager Jacob family/home. 这时候,幻界一处别墅,那是任务殿主管雅各布的家里。 At this moment many Illusion Clan Elder have surrounded this surrounding, with huge crowds of people, under the arrange/cloth the unescapable net, is ready in full battle array, preventing Jacob to escape, violates the Illusion Clan contract. 此刻不少幻族长老已经包围了这个包围,里三层外三层,布下天罗地网,严阵以待,防止雅各布逃跑,违背幻族契约。 Has need such Great Formation weaponry?” “有需要这么大阵仗吗?” Sees this, Jacob face was green, extinguished the thought that wants to escape from Illusory World thoroughly. 看到这一幕,雅各布脸蛋都绿了,彻底熄灭了想从幻界逃跑的念头。 Is sorry Jacob, my is also ordered to handle affairs, you signed the Illusion Clan contract, sacred inviolable, Saint cannot violate. This time you lost the gambling to make, must fulfill the commitment, even if died must fulfill.” “抱歉雅各布,我这也是奉命行事,你签订了幻族契约,神圣不可侵犯,圣人都不能违背。这次你输掉了赌约,就一定要履行承诺,就算是死也要履行。” Law enforcement Elder start to talk said, the tone is very serious, surface expressionless, impartial and incorruptible. 一个执法长老开口道,语气很是严肃,面无表情,铁面无私 Is impossible, that little bastard, the little bastard, how possibly gains over ten quickly hundred million, this among definitely has what trick, he cheated absolutely. Depending on that little bastard skill, how possibly to achieve this thing? Checks, immediately goes to that bastard to have fraud Phenomenon.” “不可能的,那个小畜生,小杂种,怎么可能这么快赚超过十个亿,这当中肯定有什么猫腻,他绝对是作弊了。就凭那小畜生的本事,怎么可能做到这种事?去查,立即去查查那混蛋有没有舞弊的现象。” Jacob flustered and exasperated. 雅各布气急败坏 We had checked, inspected from inside to outside, has not discovered any cheating Phenomenon, moreover he also is not only gains ten hundred million is so simple, but is several hundred hundred million, contract that far ultra and you sign, now he is our Illusion Clan scarlet person, by High Level highly attaching great importance.” “我们已经查了,由里到外都检查了一遍,没有发现任何作弊的现象,而且他也不仅是赚十个亿这么简单,而是几百个亿,远超和你签订的契约,现在他已经是我们幻族的大红人,被高层高度重视。” Law enforcement Elder said solemnly: Ok, the words did not say with you much, according to the contract above content, your complete net worth, the value surpasses together universal coins needs to be sealed up, will be traded, hands over in Berdy.” 执法长老沉声道:“好了,话就不和你多说了,根据契约上面的内容,你的全部身家,价值超过一块宇宙币的都需要被查封,将会被贩卖出去,交到巴蒂手里。” He waves, person begins immediately, starts to seal up the Jacob complete property. 他挥了挥手,身边的人立即动手,开始查封雅各布全部的财产。 Nooooo, this is my painstakingly, consumes for several thousand years, wealth that even over ten thousand years accumulate, you cannot seal up them like this completely, they are my, entirely is my.” 不不不,这是我辛辛苦苦,耗费数千年,甚至上万年才积累下来的财富,你们不能就这样把它们全部查封,它们都是我的,通通都是我的。” The Jacob grief and indignation, both eyes is red, immediately wants to prevent. 雅各布悲愤不已,双眼通红,当即想阻止。 , Law enforcement Great Elder wields, whips on Jacob, a Saint Level talisman come out comes, to change into the order chain one after another. 啪的一下,执法长老大手一挥,拍打在雅各布身上,一张圣级符箓杀出来,化为一道又一道的秩序链条。 The next second, entire Jacob seems like steamed rice dumpling was bundled, whole body high and low Magic Power also by thorough seal, probably lying down of insect on the ground, does not have any strength. 下一秒,整个雅各布就好像粽子似的被捆了起来,全身上下的法力也被彻底封印,好像一条虫子似的躺在地上,没有任何力量 Nooooo!!!” 不不不!!!” Jacob loudly calls out, looks at a group of people helplessly evacuates own family/home in thoroughly, oneself Space Ring inside Treasure does not let off. 雅各布大叫一声,眼睁睁的看着一群人将自己的家里彻底搬空,连自己身上的空间戒指里面的宝物都不放过。 This does not encounter the thief is so simple, simply is greedy, a screw bolt does not let off. 这已经不是遭到窃贼这么简单,简直就是雁过拔毛,连一根螺丝钉都不放过。 Beside clothes that except that on him wears, anything moved out. 除了他身上穿的衣服之外,什么东西都被搬走了。 He feels to feel like a knife twisting in the heart, like sheared the meat bloodletting general, many years of accumulation did not have, now his simply is penniless. 他觉得心如刀割,如同被人割肉放血一般,多年的积累都没了,现在他简直是一贫如洗。 Berdy, your cheap person (slut), damned little bastard, the son of a bitch of drop dead, my whole life and your absolutely irreconcilable, Irreconcilable, is waiting to me, is waiting to me.” 巴蒂,你这个贱人,该死的小畜生,杀千刀的狗东西,我这辈子和你不共戴天,不死不休,给我等着,给我等着。” Jacob shouts oneself hoarse, fierce, he achieved the extreme to the Xia Ping's hatred, simply wished one could to put to death this bastard nine generations, his tear the body to thousands of pieces, can vent the hatred of innermost feelings. 雅各布声嘶力竭,狰狞不已,他对夏平的恨意达到了极点,简直恨不得诛杀这个混蛋九族,将他碎尸万段,才能发泄自己内心的恨意。 „The second content of contract, loses the contract, must eat shit one ton, might as well hit the next day day, now you complete this contract, we will have the specialist to guard, little eats one not to calculate that completes.” “还有契约的第二项内容,输掉契约,必须吃翔一吨,隔日不如撞日,现在你就完成这个契约吧,我们会有专人来看守,少吃一口都不算是完成。” Law enforcement Elder surface expressionless, announced the performance bond's second content. 执法长老无表情,宣布执行契约第二项内容。 Wait, this matter I in cracking a joke, what eat shit one ton, this matter I will not acknowledge absolutely, was too absurd, kills me not to eat, making me eat this type of thing, might as well makes me die.” “等等,这种事我是在开玩笑的,什么吃翔一吨,这种事我绝对不会承认的,太荒谬了,打死我也不会吃,让我吃这种东西,还不如让我去死。” Hears this saying, Jacob face was green, lose one's head out of fear. 听到这话,雅各布脸蛋都绿了,惊慌失措 If the time can flow backwards, he hopes that this matter will never happen, kills him not to sign this stupid contract, does to become for all eternity laughingstock. 如果时光能够倒流的话,他希望这件事永远不会发生,打死他也不会去签订这个愚蠢的契约,搞得自己成为千古笑柄 Now is too but late, on world simply does not have the regret after the fact to eat. 可是现在已经太晚了,世界上根本没有后悔药可以吃。 Signed the Illusion Clan contract, even if died must complete, this may be beyond control you, this was the iron rule, Saint cannot violate.” Law enforcement Elder murderous aura is steaming. “签订了幻族契约,就算是死了也要完成,这可由不得你,这是铁律,圣人都不能违背。”执法长老杀气腾腾。 Come, Jacob Elder, relax, we added the hot pepper sauce above.” “来吧,雅各布长老,放心吧,我们在上面加了辣椒酱。” One crowd of law enforcement officials start to talk said. 一群执法人员开口道。 „The additional your younger sister's hot pepper sauce, thinks that the hot pepper sauce can eat? Immediately rolls to me.” “加你妹的辣椒酱,以为加了辣椒酱就能吃吗?立即给我滚。” "Ah, stop, your crowd of devil, stop, I do not eat, do not eat, Wū wū...... ” Jacob complexion is fierce, goes all out to struggle, tries to resist. “啊,住手,你们这群恶魔,住手啊,我不要吃,不要吃,呜呜……”雅各布脸色狰狞,拼命挣扎,试图抵抗。 However does not have any use, side has the law enforcement officials to go forward immediately, the stopper, this scene simply was heard forcefully sad seeing burst into tears. 但是没有任何用处,旁边有执法人员立即上前,强行塞了进去,这种场面简直就是闻者伤心见者流泪。 After waiting finished eating one ton to fly in circles, originally is high-spirited, eyes on the top of the head, proud and arrogant Jacob, the look thorough was ashen, aura is dispirited, lies down on the ground, motionless. 等吃完了一吨翔之后,本来是意气风发,眼高于顶,心高气傲雅各布,眼神彻底灰白了,气息颓废,躺在地上,一动不动。 He revealed one to be turned by several hundred men generally, have guts heart such as the feeling of dying embers. 他露出一副被几百个男人轮了一般,有种心如死灰的感觉。 If some people approach, but can also hear him in mutter to oneself: I ended, ended thoroughly, I am eat shit one ton person, was trash, impurity, the dung beetle...... does not have any woman can with one once eat shit one ton man together, my fame, my woman did not have, did not have entirely, I was good-for-nothing......” 如果有人靠近的话,还能听到他在喃喃自语:“我完了,彻底完了,我就是个吃翔一吨的人,就是个废物,杂质,屎壳郎……没有任何女人会和一个曾经吃翔一吨的男人在一起,我的名气,我的女人没了,通通都没了,我就是个废柴……”
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