GLD :: Volume #20

#1939: sacred medicine cultivation

The time flies, all of a sudden on the past one month. 时间飞逝,一下子就过去了一个月的时间。 Xia Ping also cultivation almost one month, consolidated cultivation base thoroughly, digested Phoenix Blood fluid all energy rapidly, merging own four limbs and hundred bones. 夏平修炼了差不多一个月的时间,算是彻底巩固了修为,将凤凰血液所有的能量都迅速消化,融入自己的四肢百骸 Because obtains huge energy relationship, his Magic Power also increases successively, promoted Law Idol Realm Middle Stage peak realm impressively, was misses one step to step into Law Idol Realm Late Stage merely. 因为得到庞大能量关系,他身上的法力也是节节攀升,赫然晋升到了法相境中期巅峰境界,仅仅是差一步就能踏入法相境后期 Now his Magic Power is also more tyrannical than a big truncation before. 现在他身上的法力也比之前强横了一大截。 However within the body Hell's Golden Crow cell has not promoted many, is 9000 five million, beforehand Phoenix Blood has exhausted temporarily all stimulated energy that Hell's Golden Crow cell awakens. 不过体内地狱金乌细胞也没有提升多少,还是九千五百万颗,之前的凤凰血已经暂时耗尽了所有刺激地狱金乌细胞觉醒的能量 Naturally, has Xia Ping to suppress relationship that Hell's Golden Crow cell awakens, after all he cannot the present face Heavenly Tribulation. 当然,其中也有夏平压制地狱金乌细胞觉醒的关系,毕竟他不能现在就面临天劫 However these days he also is not only concise Magic Power, in study Martial Dao Divine Ability King's Way Killing Fist obtained from Absolute Beginning Sacred Land disciple. 不过这段时间他也不仅是凝练法力,同时也在学从太初圣地弟子身上得到的一门武道神通王道杀拳 although his Martial Dao Divine Ability are many, but learn / master Martial Dao Divine Ability , is not always bad thing. 虽然他身上的武道神通不少,但是学会一门武道神通,也总不是坏事 The so-called technique many does not press the body. 所谓技多不压身。 Moreover his incarnation countless, needs the all kinds method to conceal own true feature. 而且他化身无数,也需要各种手段掩饰自己的真正面目。 How tries King's Way Killing Fist might.” “试试王道杀拳威力如何。” Xia Ping figure flashes, appears in Mountains and Rivers Bead space broad desert among, all around desolate and uninhabited, he started to display just learn / master Divine Ability King's Way Killing Fist. 夏平身形一闪,出现在山河珠空间一处广阔的沙漠当中,四周荒无人烟,他开始施展刚刚学会神通王道杀拳 After this month, he is thorough learn / master this Divine Ability Method. 经过这一个月,他已经算是彻底学会门神通了。 in reality his learn / master Peerless Divine Ability is really many, King's Way Killing Fist also one type, under comprehending, he progresses amazingly quick, quick can full mastery. 事实上学会绝世神通实在是太多,王道杀拳也只是其中一种,触类旁通之下,他进展神速,很快就能融会贯通 Suddenly, Xia Ping displays Fist Technique in this piece of Earth, in the midair presents tens of thousands of golden Fist Seal all of a sudden, but golden Fist Seal deep place seems like contain a biography country imperial jade seal, emits has unequalled kingly way aura. 瞬息间,夏平在这片大地施展拳法,半空当中一下子出现成千上万颗金色拳印,而金色拳印深处似乎蕴含着一枚传国玉玺,散发出无与伦比的王道气息 Thump! 咚! This a fist pounds ruthlessly on Earth, rumbles all of a sudden diameter several thousand kilometers deep hole, berserk kingly way aura, becomes gold/metal yellow this piece of Earth corrosion instantaneously, as if changes into gold(en) general. 一拳狠狠砸在大地上面,一下子就轰出一个直径数千公里的深坑,狂暴的王道气息,瞬间就将这片大地侵蚀成金黄色,仿佛化为黄金一般。 Even this strength is still infiltrating Earth unceasingly, pierced several hundred kilometers place bottom, punctured the underground water course, a lot of water current welled up from underground, unexpectedly this localization for a rivers and lakes lake. 甚至这股力量还在不断渗透大地,洞穿了数百公里的地底,打穿了地下的水脉,大量的水流从地下涌了出来,居然将这个地方化为了一片水泽湖泊。 Nearby one pile of sand change into the ashes under terrifying kingly way fist force. 附近一堆沙子都在恐怖的王道拳劲下面化为灰灰。 Compared with King's Way Killing Fist that beforehand Absolute Beginning Sacred Land disciple displays, without a doubt the Xia Ping's fist force terrifying is really many, is unable to put the together comparison. 和之前太初圣地弟子施展的王道杀拳相比,毫无疑问夏平的拳劲恐怖实在是太多,根本就无法放在一起比较。 Words that must compare, before that Absolute Beginning Sacred Land disciple was under a Feudal Vassal country young king, will have by the destruction danger anytime. 要是非要比较的话,之前那太初圣地弟子不过就是诸侯国下面的一个小国王,随时都会有被覆灭的危险。 But Xia Ping is Emperor of true Super empire, the hand grasps the millions and millions soldiers and horses, contain imposing manner terrifying Boundless, such disparity simply cannot count in. 夏平就是真真正正超级帝国的皇帝,手握亿万兵马,蕴含气势恐怖无边,这样的差距简直不可道以里计。 Reason that the disparity is so huge, is not Xia Ping comprehends incomparably thoroughly King's Way Killing Fist, is his Magic Power and strength is too purely bigger than that Absolute Beginning Sacred Land disciple formidable. 之所以差距这么巨大,并非是夏平王道杀拳领悟得无比透彻,纯粹就是他的法力力量比那太初圣地弟子强大太大。 Probably a Country real national strength disparity, a soldier many will be broad, territory vast Boundless, is shorthanded, the territory is small. 就好像一个国家的真实国力差距,一个兵多将广,领土广袤无边,一个是缺兵少将,领土小得要命。 Even if everyone is a king, but the strength still differs too far, definitely is unable mention on equal terms. 即使大家都是国王,但是实力也相差太远,完全无法相提并论 Master!” 主人!” Whiz, Azure Ox appears in front of Xia Ping. 嗖的一声,青牛出现在夏平面前。 "Oh, is Azure Ox. ” “哦,是青牛。” Xia Ping restrains oneself aura, looks at Azure Ox: how about it? How these do sacred medicine cultivate? ” 夏平收敛自己身上的气息,看着青牛:“怎么样?那些圣药栽培得如何?” Is perfect, has survived, Master can have a look.” “非常完美,已经存活下来,主人可以去看看。” Mentioned sacred medicine, Azure Ox was also very excited, guided in front. 说起圣药,青牛也很是兴奋,在前面带路。 Quick Xia Ping arrives in the medicine field that Purple Electric Odd Flower was, sees only this medicine field to cover surrounding area over a thousand kilometers, was arranged Thunderclap Great Formation by Azure Ox, communicated the dimension of thunder. 很快夏平就抵达了紫电奇花所在的药田,只见这处药田覆盖方圆上千公里,被青牛布置了一座雷霆大阵,沟通了雷之次元。 But this Great Formation core impressively is Purple Electric Odd Flower, huge Thunderclap energy waters, covers this piece of World, everywhere is Thunderclap vibration, as if formed Thunderclap sea. 而这座大阵核心赫然便是紫电奇花,庞大的雷霆能量浇灌下来,覆盖这片天地,到处都是雷霆震荡,似乎形成了一座雷霆海洋。 Huge Thunderclap energy by this Great Formation rapid refining, was changed into Thunder Liquid. 庞大的雷霆能量被这座大阵迅速炼化,化为了雷液 If mastery Thunder Element Cultivation Technique's cultivator goes to this place to conduct cultivation, can definitely progress amazingly quick, benefits, derives endless Thunderclap essence. 如果精通雷系功法的修炼者来到这个地方进行修炼的话,肯定能进步神速,获益匪浅,汲取到无尽的雷霆精华 Side also has the medicine field together, that is Five Elements vine whereabouts, covers the surrounding area 3000 kilometers. 旁边也有一块药田,那是五行藤所在之处,覆盖方圆三千公里。 Sees only the Five Elements vine to grow, the thick vine covers this region, as if changed into vine forest world, lush and green, full of vitality. 只见五行藤生长起来,粗大的藤蔓覆盖这片区域,仿佛化为了一座藤蔓般的森林世界,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。 Simultaneously this forest region is also divided into the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth Five Great region, derived rich Five Phases Elements, making this place one to suit the cultivate Five Elements Cultivation Technique's place. 同时这座森林区域也分为金木水火土五大区域,汲取了浓郁的五行元素,让这个地方成为了一个适合修行五行功法的地方。 Azure Ox also arranged Five Elements Spirit Gathering Array in this place, auxiliary turnover Void deep place Five Phases Elements, making vitality / origin qi of this place is richer. 青牛也在这个地方布置了一座五行聚灵阵,辅助吞吐虚空深处五行元素,让这个地方的元气变得更加浓郁起来。 If plants other spirit medicine in this place, has complementing one another effect. 如果在这个地方栽种其他灵药的话,也有着相辅相成的效果 Good.” “不错。” Xia Ping saw this, the eye shone, was very satisfied. 夏平看到这一幕,眼睛都亮了起来,很是满意。 Perhaps if oneself refining these sacred medicine, such effect, had not been centered on these sacred medicine, arranges Great Formation, changes into the special medicine field. 如果自己炼化了这几株圣药的话,恐怕都没有这样的效果,以这些圣药为核心,布置出一座座大阵,化为特殊的药田。 This approach of sacred medicine maximum benefit, can obtain the large revenue continuously. 这样才是将圣药最大利益化的做法,能够持续不断的获得巨大收益。 Besides the Five Elements vine and Purple Electric Odd Flower, other sacred medicine were also arranged appropriately by Azure Ox one by one. 除了五行藤和紫电奇花之外,其他圣药也被青牛一一布置妥当。 For example Void grass, this is the growth in Void deep place, derives special sacred medicine that Void energy grows. 比如虚空草,这是生长在虚空深处,汲取虚空能量而成长起来的特殊圣药 Therefore it gives numerous Black Hole Insect to handle, regarding them, the Void grass can be the daily tonic, ordinary time these grass will grow, in they occupy nearby immortal mansion. 于是它交给众多黑洞虫打理,对于它们来说,虚空草算得上是日常补品,平常时候这些草会生长在它们居住洞府附近。 Void grass that however achieves the sacred medicine rank, is quite rare. 不过达到圣药级别的虚空草,还是比较罕见的。 Therefore, these Black Hole Insect are glad to accept to consider the work of Void grass very much, they also planned that continuation makes the Void grass multiplication live, grows the prairie that a big piece of Void grass forms. 所以,这些黑洞虫很乐意接受照顾虚空草的工作,它们还打算继续让虚空草繁衍生息,生长出一大片虚空草形成的草原。 Dī dī 滴滴 In at this time, Xia Ping's body communication made a sound, is contact number that Sect Master Zhu Xian makes, he puts through immediately. 就在这时候,夏平身上的通讯器响了起来,是掌门朱贤打过来的联络电话,他立即接通。 Sect Master, does not know that what matter has?” 掌门,不知道有什么事?” Xia Ping asked. 夏平问道。 Before has said with you, wanted you to be responsible for host new promote disciple trial, this time you and several Elder acted together, escorted for new promote disciple, so as to avoid had what accident/surprise.” “之前已经和你说过了,要你负责主持新晋弟子试炼,这次你和几位长老一起行动,为新晋弟子保驾护航,免得出现什么意外。” Sect Master Zhu Xian start to talk said. 掌门朱贤开口道。 Got it, my in the past.” “明白了,我这就过去。” Xia Ping also remembers the matter that beforehand Sect Master mentioned immediately, oneself have grown is exist(ence) of Elder rank, should put in the contribution of certain extent for Sect. 夏平也立即想起了之前掌门提到的事情,自己已经成长为长老级别的存在,也应该为门派付出一定程度的贡献。 Whiz! 嗖! He explained Azure Ox several words, encouraging Azure Ox to continue trying hard, then figure flashes, then left the Mountains and Rivers Bead space. 他交待了青牛几句话,勉励青牛继续努力,接着身形一闪,便离开了山河珠空间。 However Xia Ping just left from Yan Huang Peak, flies toward the Sect main hall, then he saw Su Ji on the road, Jiang Yaru, Chu Rong and Yu Qiqi four people, they as if also and Xia Ping is the same direction goes forward. 不过夏平才刚刚从炎黄峰离开,朝着门派大殿飞去,接着他就在路上看到了苏姬,江雅茹,楚蓉鱼七七四人,她们似乎也和夏平是同一个方向前进。
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