GLD :: Volume #20

#1938: If we had known does not run

huā lā lā 哗啦啦 Water not tender sprinkling of basin ice-cold on the face of Feiyi and Black Fiend Demon Bird, woke from stupor among two ancient lost species all of a sudden frozen. 一盆冰冷的水毫不怜惜的泼在了肥遗乌煞魔禽的脸上,一下子就将两头太古遗种从昏迷当中冻醒过来。 „Did you awake?” “你们醒了?” Tao Tie Tan Menglu curious looks at these two ancient lost species. 饕餮贪梦璐好奇的看着这两头太古遗种 My mother, is really Tao Tie, did not have a dream, ends ended, must be eaten.” “我的妈,果然是饕餮,不是做梦,完了完了,要被吃了。” No, I do not die, I am the hu male snake, cannot die like this.” “不,我不要死,我还是hu男蛇呢,不能这样死去。” Rescues my Old Ancestor, saves us.” “救救我老祖,救救我们啊。” Wu Wudi (Invincible) where, we do not dare to escape from prison, does not dare, hurries to catch us.” 武无敌在哪里,我们再也不敢越狱了,再也不敢了,赶紧将我们抓回去吧。” Feiyi and Black Fiend Demon Bird frighten scared shitless, today the things of escape a series of occurrence, frightened them thoroughly collapsed, they think that in now the shackles was really safe, completely no sense of crisis of survival. 肥遗乌煞魔禽吓得屁滚尿流,今天越狱一连串发生的事情,彻底将它们吓得崩溃了,它们现在觉得牢笼里面实在是太安全了,完全没什么生存的危机感。 Now escapes from prison, they know that outside world purely is Great Desolate fierce beast. 现在一越狱出来,它们才知道外面的世界纯粹就是洪荒猛兽 Before met that undying and unextinguished, Corpse Beast that even Saint could not kill even if, that were known as that Universe strongest race Gaia, really bumps into now unexpectedly even in Ten Immemorial Fiends among, was still notorious Tao Tie. 之前遇到那不死不灭,连圣人都杀不死的尸兽就算了,还有那号称宇宙最强种族盖亚,现在居然还真的碰上了即使在太古十凶当中,也是恶名昭彰的饕餮 Even their Immemorial alliance still dreads to Tao Tie, does not dare with it being a companion, because Tao Tie goes crazy, no matter many ancient lost species can swallow. 即使它们太古联盟也对饕餮忌惮不已,根本不敢与之为伍,因为饕餮发起狂来,不管多少太古遗种都能吞掉。 legend in Immemorial Era, some huge quantity of ancient lost species was eaten first-level to protect animal by Tao Tie, now becomes rare race. 传说太古时代,一些数量庞大的太古遗种就是被饕餮吃成了一级保护动物,现在都成为了稀有种族了。 it is obvious that, their these ancient lost species regarding the Tao Tie fear, can say that discussed cruel and risk, Tao Tie absolutely was Ten Immemorial Fiends second to none exist(ence). 可想而知,它们这些太古遗种对于饕餮的恐惧,可以说论起凶残和危险性,饕餮绝对是太古十凶首屈一指存在 Menglu, are you doing, has not hurried to open black, on you, I the hunger and thirst is too long, this time must win them, mounts the position of King.” 梦璐,你在干什么,还不赶紧过来开黑,就等你呢,我已经饥渴太久,这次一定要打赢他们,登上王者之位。” at this time, loli that wears the royal crown barefoot ran, sees only her to throw over emits, a pair of dark pouche, one month has not slept probably, whole body high and low emits has dispirited aura. 这时候,一个头戴王冠的luoli赤足跑了出来,只见她披头散发,一对黑眼圈,好像一个月没睡觉似的,全身上下散发出颓废的气息 She has wallowed game unable to extricate oneself, all night one month. 她已经沉迷游戏无法自拔,通宵了一个多月。 No rush, I caught two Little Thief, tries to steal my food.” “别急,我抓到了两个小贼,试图偷我的食物。” Tan Menglu called to shout. 贪梦璐叫嚷道。 What? Dares to steal Tao Tie food? Not awfully? Oneself think, when food?” “什么?敢偷饕餮食物?不要命了?还是自己想当食物?” Chong Xiaoqian curiously asked, which courage wants to have a look at is so fat, but also dares to snatch food with Tao Tie. 虫小倩好奇问道,想看看哪个胆子这么肥,还敢和饕餮食物 No, I and I do not have, we passed by, passed by chance, not oneself think, when food.” “不,我、我没有,我们只是路过的,恰巧路过的,并不是自己想当食物。” Feiyi and Black Fiend Demon Bird repeatedly called the injustice, frightened the heart courage to tremble , indicating meaning that oneself simply have not stolen, if were really misunderstood by the opposite party, maybe will be really eaten by Tao Tie. 肥遗乌煞魔禽连连叫冤,吓得心肝胆颤,表示自己根本没有偷盗的意思,如果真的被对方误会了,说不定真的会被饕餮吃了。 They careful looked, saw the Chong Xiaoqian status, is renowned Black Hole Insect! 它们仔细一看,也看出了虫小倩的身份,是大名鼎鼎黑洞虫 Both ancient lost species were shaken numbly, even this should appear in formidable race that Universe exterminates before them, had nothing completely. 两头太古遗种都被震得麻木了,连这个应该早就在宇宙灭绝的强大种族出现在它们面前,都完全没什么了。 The stimulation that after all before received is really big, now has not restored. 毕竟之前受到的刺激实在是太大,现在都还没恢复过来。 What passed by, but here the bastard Master's place, you two look very strange, by ancient lost species that Master did grasp recently?” “什么路过不路过,这里可是混蛋主人的地方,你们两个看起来很陌生,难道是被主人最近抓进来的太古遗种?” Tan Menglu is staring at two ancient lost species. 贪梦璐盯着两头太古遗种 Master?! 主人?! Feiyi and Black Fiend Demon Bird scared, the heart sank immediately, felt oneself revenged uncertainly, this Wu Wudi (Invincible) subdued Tao Tie, that was Ten Immemorial Fiends. 肥遗乌煞魔禽更是吓坏了,心立即沉了下去,觉得自己报仇渺茫了,这武无敌饕餮都收服了,那可是太古十凶 Thinks it over, what is most terrifying is that Wu Wudi (Invincible). 思来想去,最恐怖的还是那武无敌 Right, your one was Feiyi, one was Black Fiend Demon Bird, remembers that my Father has said that was good food, body is huge, can eat for day.” Tan Menglu saw through two ancient lost species true bodies, her eye shone immediately, as if a little drooling. “对了,你们一个是肥遗,一个是乌煞魔禽,记得我老爸说过,都是不错的食物,身躯庞大,可以吃一天。”贪梦璐看穿了两头太古遗种的真身,她眼睛立即亮了起来,似乎都有点流口水了。 No, we are not food, is not delicious, we are not really delicious.” “不,我们不是食物,不好吃的,我们真的不好吃。” Feiyi and Black Fiend Demon Bird frightened face to be green, their didn't expect race fame was so big, got up the Tao Tie Race recipes, this simply was on the death list. 肥遗乌煞魔禽吓得脸蛋都绿了,它们没想到自己种族名气这么大,都上了饕餮族的食谱,这简直就是上了死亡名单。 Wait, Sister Menglu, first do not eat them, I thinks their hard skin and strong flesh, could when our retinues.” Chong Xiaoqian thought that this is a golden opportunity, the innermost feelings are excited. “等等,梦璐姐,先不要吃它们,我看它们皮糙肉厚的,或许可以当我们的仆从。”虫小倩觉得这是个大好机会,内心兴奋。 Because as King, how can few loyal henchmen and retinues, obviously these two ancient lost species strength formidable, is very very suitable to work as own henchmen. 因为身为王者,怎么能没有几个忠心狗腿和仆从呢,很明显这两头太古遗种实力强大,很适合当自己的狗腿 Works as the retinue?” “当仆从?” Hears this saying, Tan Menglu looks at two ancient lost species, start to talk asks: „Did I ask you, actually you two can what? Will prepare food? Will play game?” 听到这话,贪梦璐看着两个太古遗种,开口问道:“那我问你们,你们两个究竟会什么?会做菜吗?会玩游戏吗?” Prepares food? We will not eat meal are swallow directly, see anything to eat anything, does not need to prepare food.” Feiyi expressed own body is huge, sometimes planet can swallow down. “做菜?不会,我们吃饭直接就是一口吞,见什么吃什么,不需要做菜。”肥遗表示自己身躯庞大,有时候一颗星球都能吞下去。 What playing game is? Kills the enemy actually meeting, kills and burns to plunder, this matter I was most adept.” “玩游戏是什么?干掉敌人倒是会,烧杀掳掠,这种事我最拿手了。” Black Fiend Demon Bird proud say/way. 乌煞魔禽自豪道。 Hears this saying, Tan Menglu complexion gloomy gets down all of a sudden: It seems like you two when food was good, plays game not to play, prepares food will not do, that takes you to be useful.” 听到这话,贪梦璐脸色一下子阴沉下来:“看来你们两个还是当食物好了,玩游戏都不会玩,做菜都不会做,那拿你们还有什么用。” She thought that ate two ancient lost species. 她觉得还是将两头太古遗种吃了。 No, I will play game, plays the levers, always slid,” “不,我会玩游戏,玩得杠杠的,老溜了,” Feiyi said hastily. 肥遗连忙说道。 I and I will also prepare food, what cuisine is good, every kind mastery.” “我、我也会做菜,什么菜式都行,样样精通。” Black Fiend Demon Bird frightens scared shitless, no matter will do will not do, in brief first flickered, avoids a tribulation to say again. 乌煞魔禽吓得屁滚尿流,不管会做不会做,总之先忽悠,躲过一劫再说。 Right? How a moment ago you said can't own what?” “是吗?刚才你们怎么说自己什么都不会?” Saying of Tan Menglu a little doubt. 贪梦璐有点狐疑的说道。 a moment ago we are modest, Sir didn't expect you took seriously.” 刚才我们只是谦虚,没想到大人你当真了。” Feiyi and Black Fiend Demon Bird afraid saying. 肥遗乌煞魔禽心虚的说道。 Good, looks like your a little use now, temporarily does not serve as food, when our retinues, consider our daily lives.” Tan Menglu also thought that has the retinue to take care of itself, maybe gets out of bed does not need, all day can cross the clothes the dispirited life that puts out a hand to be waited on hand and foot. “好吧,现在看来你们还是有点用处的,暂时不用做食物,就当我们的仆从吧,照顾我们的生活起居。”贪梦璐也觉得有仆从照顾自己,说不定连起床都不需要了,整天可以过着衣来伸手饭来张口的颓废生活。 Menglu, do not pay attention to these two servants, hurries to get online, has bastard continuously in Taunt we, bringing little brothers to kill my 2-3 time at the resurrecting point, that bastard Rank I am not high, depended in game Shop bought Divine Artifact, unbridled, rampantly to not side, but also wants to remove our cities, this time we must hit to explode him.” 梦璐,别理会这两个奴仆了,赶紧上线,有个混蛋一直在嘲讽我们,带着小弟在复活点杀了我两三次,那混蛋等级没我高,就是仗着在游戏商城买了一件神器,肆无忌惮,嚣张到没边,还想拆我们的城池,这次我们一定要打爆他。” Saying of Chong Xiaoqian seething. 虫小倩气鼓鼓的说道。 What? Unexpectedly this matter, the courage was too fat, the sufficient money, imitates money to buy the equipment immediately, hits to explode him.” Tan Menglu got angry immediately, her Innate short temper, is not affable, where can bear such provocation. “什么?居然还有这种事,胆子太肥了,充钱,立即充钱买装备,打爆他。”贪梦璐顿时怒了,她天生脾气暴躁,不好惹,哪里受得了这样的挑衅。 She and Chong Xiaoqian ran back mountain valley among rapidly, asks that several fellows to do accounts. 她和虫小倩又迅速跑回了山谷当中,找那几个家伙算账。 Brother Black Fiend, now we what to do? Can run? Follows Tao Tie together, that is a king's right-hand man as dangerous as being in the company of atiger.” Feiyi trembles saying that Tao Tie was not for fear that happy will eat. 乌煞兄,现在我们怎么办?要不要跑路?跟着饕餮在一起,那是伴君如伴虎啊。”肥遗哆嗦道,生怕饕餮一个不高兴就将自己吃了。 Runs? Where runs to go , do you also want to go back the shackles that side? This place danger heavily, does not know that also many terrifying creature, is treats temporarily safely in this place, waits to understand that was clear here information said again.” “跑?跑去哪里,难道你还想回去牢笼那边去?这个地方危险重重,都不知道还有多少恐怖生物,还是暂时安心待在这个地方,等了解清楚这里的信息再说。” Black Fiend Demon Bird does not want to run, frightens the heart to have one's heart sink with disappointment, if runs, meets terrifying Monster, then they were really cool. 乌煞魔禽已经不想跑了,吓得心都凉了半截,要是跑出去,又遇到一头恐怖怪物,那么它们就真的凉了。 Feiyi regretted that resulted in the intestines to be green, was detained crisply, can live the dispirited life, but they must run, ended up is so out, but also was held by Tao Tie. 肥遗后悔得肠子都绿了,被关押起来多爽啊,可以过着颓废的生活,但是它们偏偏还要跑出来,落得如此下场,还被饕餮抓住了。
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