GLD :: Volume #18

#1723: pursuit

Senior Sister Ye, we what to do?” 叶师姐,那我们怎么办?” Xia Ping travelled, did not have the pillar, many people have to place on cultivation base highest Ye Mengyao the cry for help vision. 夏平跑路了,没了主心骨,不少人只好将求救的目光放在修为最高的叶梦瑶身上。 What to do can also? Also can be inadequate with this crowd of Abyss Demon fight to the death? Hurries to run, can run is, various everyone peaceful destiny.” The Ye Mengyao ill-humored say/way, shames angry. “还能怎么办?难道还能和这群深渊妖魔死磕不成?赶紧跑吧,能跑一个是一个,大家各安天命吧。”叶梦瑶没好气道,羞恼不已。 The hope that although she will not have maintained a livelihood places Xia Ping's body, but saw that this bastard runs is quicker than anyone, throws their group of people in this place, she air/Qi not to hit one. 虽然她也没将活命的希望放在夏平身上,但是看到这混蛋跑得比谁都快,将他们这群人丢在这地方,她就气不打一处来。 This Secret Realm world is so big, where toward runs?” “这处秘境世界这么大,往哪里跑?” Has to be artificial. 有人为难道。 Runs in the direction of five fingers mountain, there has Buddhism seal that Buddhism Saint leaves behind, contain fearful purification strength, is place of seal, these Abyss Demon do not dare to approach absolutely.” “往五指山的方向跑,那里有佛门圣人留下的佛门封印,蕴含着可怕的净化力量,是一处封印之地,那些深渊妖魔绝对不敢靠近。” Ye Mengyao beautiful eyes reveals bright light, immediately made the decision. 叶梦瑶美眸露出一丝精光,立即做出了决定。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! Finishes speaking, other people also acts immediately, puts forth speed that this whole life had not achieved, runs toward Secret Realm world deep place, is separated from this crowd of Abyss Demon pursuit. 话音刚落,其他人也是立即行动,使出了这辈子都没达到的速度,朝着秘境世界深处跑去,脱离这群深渊妖魔追杀 Thinks pursuit Xia Ping's race Supreme Talent as for these originally, frightens complexion deathly white, now where is the fight time, hurries to run, will otherwise become Demon food surely. 至于那些本来追杀夏平的种族天骄,也是吓得脸色煞白,现在哪里是战斗的时候,还是赶紧跑吧,否则必定会成为妖魔们的食物 "Jié jié, stupid human, here is our Abyss Demon world, where you toward run. ” “桀桀,愚蠢的人类,这里是我们深渊妖魔世界,你们往哪里跑。” Cannot run away, obediently remains, becomes our food.” “跑不掉,乖乖留下来,成为我们的食物吧。” whatever happens/10 million do not let them run the five fingers mountain, otherwise could not go.” 千万别让他们跑进去五指山,否则就进不去了。” Pursues, immediately pursues, butchered this crowd of human.” “追,立即追上去,宰了这群人类。” Numerous Abyss Demon said with a snicker, their where will make this crowd of rare food run away, one by one speeds up own speed, pursues to the end and hit hard, crazy pursuit. 众多深渊妖魔桀桀笑道,它们哪里会让这群难得的食物逃走,一个个是加快自己的速度,穷追猛打,疯狂追杀 ............ ………… This pursuit, was for three days and three nights. 这一次追杀,就是三天三夜的时间。 although seems like now this place to be very near from the five fingers mountain, but actually does not know that is many ten thousand li (0.5 km), simply was looks at mountain run the dead horse, a group of people runs for three days and three nights actually not to arrive. 虽然看起来现在这个地方距离五指山很近,但是却不知道有多少万里,简直就是看山跑死马,一群人跑了三天三夜却还是没抵达。 And most troops by Abyss Demon pursuit lethal, becomes Abyss Demon food, rivers of blood. 其中大部分人马都被深渊妖魔追杀致死,成为了深渊妖魔们的食物,血流成河。 How pursuit I?” “怎么都追杀我?” However this moment Xia Ping is actually very depressed, because some after killed troops, most Abyss Demon as if stared at itself, being in hot pursuit, was still not lax. 不过此刻夏平却是十分郁闷,因为斩杀了一部分人马之后,大部分深渊妖魔似乎盯上了自己,穷追不舍,依然不松懈。 As if no matter he hides in somewhere, so long as he reveals some traces, these Abyss Demon had the means to find itself, came in swarms. 似乎不管他躲藏在什么地方,只要他露出一些蛛丝马迹,这些深渊妖魔都有办法找到自己,蜂拥而来。 Moreover these Abyss Demon quantities are really many, enough over a hundred million heads, kill kill extremely, so long as even cut to kill these Abyss Demon time long, by countless Demon surrounding, inescapable. 而且这些深渊妖魔数量实在是太多,足足上亿头,杀不胜杀,甚至只要自己斩杀这些深渊妖魔的时间长一点,都会被无数妖魔包围,无法逃脱。 He was once saved from death several times. 曾经数次他都是死里逃生。 Damn, is not this way good, but also without arriving at the five fingers mountain, was perhaps destroyed completely by this crowd of Abyss Demon, it seems like must think that means completely annihilate this crowd of Abyss Demon are good.” 该死,这样下去不行,还没到五指山,恐怕就被这群深渊妖魔灭掉了,看来必须想个办法将这群深渊妖魔彻底歼灭才行。” The Xia Ping eye reveals cold glow, he is not the person who that type comes under attack passively does not hit back, by Abyss Demon pursuit three days and three nights, even if Buddha has the fire. 夏平眼睛露出一丝寒芒,他可不是那种被动挨打不还手的人,被深渊妖魔追杀了三天三夜,就算是佛都有火。 Whiz! 嗖! Suddenly, his mind deep place lightens divine light. 忽然之间,他脑海深处闪出一丝灵光 can’t do anything about it, since this crowd of Abyss Demon want dead, that helps them.” 没办法了,既然这群深渊妖魔想死,那就成全它们。” The Xia Ping figure twinkle, concealing gets up again, plans to arrange a trap, extinguished this crowd of Abyss Demon completely. 夏平身形闪烁,再次隐匿起来,打算布置一个陷阱,将这群深渊妖魔全部灭了。 ............ ………… On the other hand, Yin Shixing and the others also by pursuit very miserably, casualty more than half. 另一方面,印世星等人也被追杀得很惨,死伤过半。 Because they and Xia Ping escape is a direction, therefore they also saw Xia Ping by the Abyss Demon pursuit pitiful condition. 因为他们和夏平逃跑是一个方向,所以他们也看到了夏平深渊妖魔追杀的惨状。 Haha, bastard Xia Ping, gets what one deserves, unexpectedly by Abyss Demon pursuit such miserably.” 哈哈,混蛋夏平,活该啊,居然被深渊妖魔追杀得这么惨。” Some person of to rejoice in other people's misfortunes. 有人幸灾乐祸 This bastard first sneaks off, making us resist that crowd of Abyss Demon, our casualty so will not be serious.” Some person of gnashing one's teeth, blame this matter on Xia Ping. “要不是这混蛋首先开溜,让我们抵挡那群深渊妖魔,我们都不会死伤这么惨重。”有人咬牙切齿,将这件事怪罪在夏平头上。 Why that crowd of Abyss Demon have been in hot pursuit to Xia Ping, has what secret to be inadequate?” Some person of eyes flashed, thought that Xia Ping's body possibly has big secret, lets that crowd of Abyss Demon coveting over, will therefore be in hot pursuit. “不过那群深渊妖魔为何一直对夏平穷追不舍,难道有什么秘密不成?”有人眼神闪烁,觉得夏平身上可能有大秘密,让那群深渊妖魔垂涎三尺,所以才会穷追不舍。 Manages do so many do.” “管那么多干嘛。” Yin Shixing said with a sneer: In brief this matter and we have no relationship, does not want this turbid water, even if on that brat has Abyss Demon coveting over Treasure, is not we can partake, but also wants to maintain a livelihood, do not obtain Treasure that these cannot preserve, this takes road of death.” 印世星冷笑道:“总之这件事和我们没什么关系,也不要趟这一趟浑水,即使那小子身上有深渊妖魔垂涎三尺宝物,也不是我们能染指的,还想活命,就不要得到那些自己保不住的宝物,这是取死之道。” Many people are nodded, survives the most important truth in this Universe, that do not obtain these not own Treasure, otherwise that is not the fortuitous encounter, is damages purely. 不少人都是点点头,在这个宇宙生存最为重要的道理,那就是不要得到那些不属于自己的宝物,否则那不是奇遇,纯粹就是祸害而已。 „Did Senior Sister Ye go to somewhere?” “不过叶师姐什么地方了?” Some people found that Ye Mengyao vanishes to disappear. 有人发现叶梦瑶消失不见了。 „It is not clear, turmoil of war, by Abyss Demon pursuit, Junior Sister Ye was missing, but her strength is tyrannical, the destiny is prosperous, will not be easy dead.” “不清楚,兵荒马乱的,在被深渊妖魔追杀的时候,叶师妹就失踪了,不过她实力强横,气运昌隆,不会那么容易死的。” Yin Shixing regretted very much, if he can treat side Ye Mengyao, maybe has a life and death experience together, at that time pursued twice the result with half the effort?! 印世星很是惋惜,如果他能待在叶梦瑶身边的话,说不定就有一段生死与共的经历,那时候追求起来岂不是事半功倍?! Walks quickly, there is Abyss Demon to kill, hid quickly.” “快走吧,又有深渊妖魔杀来了,快躲藏起来。” Some spy yelled. 探子大叫道。 Hears this saying, the Yin Shixing and the others rapid action, one after another hides. 听到这话,印世星等人迅速行动,纷纷躲藏。 ............ ………… But at this time, numerous Abyss Demon are in pursuit Xia Ping. 这时候,众多深渊妖魔正在追杀夏平 damn, is really mouse same human, then how will hide, a general idea/careless, was escaped by him, actually on that bastard to have what Treasure, why can avoid our tracing momentarily?” 可恶,真是个老鼠一样的人类,怎么那么会躲,一个大意,又被他逃跑了,那混蛋身上究竟有什么宝物,为什么能随时躲避我们的追踪?” Has Abyss Demon flustered and exasperated, is very discouraged. 深渊妖魔气急败坏,很是气馁。 Its originally thinks pursuit small human, but is a very easy matter, was pursuit three days and three nights, they still had achieved nothing, instead they were killed many companions, the loss was serious. 本来以为追杀一个小小人类罢了,不过是手到擒来的一件事,可是追杀了三天三夜,它们依然一无所获,反而它们被杀了不少同伴,损失惨重。 Do not worry, this Secret Realm world is our Abyss Demon territory, that brat hides skill indeed is fierce, how long but can hide, will be grasped eventually by us.” “别担心,这个秘境世界就是我们深渊妖魔地盘,那小子躲藏功夫的确是厉害,但是能躲多久,终究会被我们抓起来的。” Has Goat Horned Demon said with a sneer. 羊角魔冷笑道 Why High Lord wants our pursuit this small and weak human, moreover can capture alive?” “不过为什么主上要我们追杀弱小人类,而且还是要生擒?” Has the cow horn demon doubts to say. 牛角魔疑惑道。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Side has Abyss Demon angrily shouted: This is High Lord Will, you also dare to guess, wants to refuse stubbornly? High Lord makes us make anything to make anything, as for having what intention, is not we can guess and suspect.” 旁边有深渊妖魔怒喝一声:“这是主上意志,你还敢揣测,是想死不成?主上让我们做什么就做什么,至于有什么用意,不是我们能揣测、怀疑的。” „Is is.” “是是是。” Many cow horn demons frighten half dead, repeatedly nod(ded), timid, does not dare to question again. 不少牛角魔吓得半死,连连点头,唯唯诺诺,不敢再质疑。 chief, that human appeared in front three thousand li (500 km) about one mountain valleys, moreover he as if received a big injury, was unable to run again is far.” 首领,那人类在前面三千里开外一处山谷出现了,而且他似乎受了不小的伤势,已经无法再跑多远了。” Has the spy Demon return, is very excited. 探子妖魔回报,很是兴奋。 Pursues, this time cannot make him escape absolutely, ambush from all sides, I must make him be unable to escape even with wings.” “追上去,这次绝对不能让他逃跑了,十面埋伏,我要让他插翅难飞。” Demon chief loudly shouts. 妖魔首领大喝一声。 countless Abyss Demon rushes crazily, transits like the locust. 无数深渊妖魔都是疯狂冲上去,如同蝗虫过境。
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