GLD :: Volume #13

#1288: Drakonid Kill Order

Dragon God City, a main hall. 龙神城,一处大殿。 Many Drakonid Race Elder gather at this place. 不少龙人族长老都聚集在这地方。 After all the present is Human Race and Drakonid Race battle time, at war period, they is also at alerts condition, at all times is monitoring the Human Race Great Emperor's trend, preventing the opposite party to send out, making Drakonid Race lose seriously. 毕竟现在是人族龙人族交战的时候,处在战争时期,他们也处在戒备状态,时时刻刻都在监控人族大帝的动向,防止对方出动,让龙人族损失惨重。 However the atmosphere of main hall compares effortless, because this copes with a Human Race city merely, is not Holy City, therefore this is the very easy minor matter. 但是大殿的气氛还是比较轻松,因为这仅仅是对付一座人族城池罢了,又不是圣城,所以这是手到擒来的小事。 You said when this war did end?” “你们说这次战争什么时候结束?” Drakonid Race Elder said at will. 一位龙人族长老随意道。 Probably one day, day of enough solved so-called Hundred Li City.” “大概一天吧,一天的时间就足够解决所谓的百里城了。” No, I thought that was three double-hour was enough, after all this time set out hundred Drakonid King, destroyed completely a small human city, simply was a with no difficulty minor matter.” “不,我觉得是三个时辰足够了,毕竟这次可是出动了百位龙人王者,灭掉一座小小的人类城池,简直是一件轻而易举的小事。” You a little underestimated human, I thought that was the half-day time, under Human Race's revolted at risk of life, can resist some time, can Drakonid Race Army create to us troubles.” “你们还是有点小看人类了,我觉得是半天时间,在人族的拼死反抗之下,还是能抵挡一段时间的,能给我们龙人族军队造成一点麻烦。” Since the opinion is different, then we bet, looked that whose guess is correct.” “既然意见不同,那么我们就来赌一下,看谁的猜测才是正确的。” interesting, I bet together Dragon Crystal, in three double-hour break through.” 有点意思,那我赌一块龙晶,三个时辰内攻破。” zé zé, the gambling stake is big, good, I also bet together Dragon Crystal, requires quite a while the time to break through.” 啧啧,赌注不小啊,也好,我也赌一块龙晶,需要半天时间才能攻破。” Many Drakonid Elder are high-spirited, the optional direction landscape, they thought that Drakonid Race Army wins is not the major problem, the only issue is to require how much time can win. 不少龙人长老意气风发,随意指点江山,他们都觉得龙人族军队获胜不是什么大问题,唯一的问题是需要多少时间才能获胜。 They start to betting, when this is only game. 他们都是开始对赌起来,当这只是一件游戏 Report!” “报!” In at this time, spy ran hurriedly, speed is extremely quick, ran all of a sudden main hall among, sees only his present dripping with sweat. 就在这时候,一个探子匆忙的跑了进来,速度极快,一下子就跑进去了大殿当中,只见他现在大汗淋漓 „, Came, three double-hour are less than have the news to transmit, it seems like Wei Site they have broken through the Human Race city, my Drakonid Army has won, it seems like that this time was I bets to win.” “诺,来了,三个时辰不到就有消息传来,看来维斯特他们已经攻破了人族城池,我龙人军队已经大胜,看来这次是我赌赢了。” Drakonid Elder Haha laughs, because he bet within three double-hour Drakonid Army to win, in other words he was big winner, won massive Dragon Crystal. 一个龙人长老哈哈大笑,因为他赌了三个时辰之内龙人军队获得胜利,也就是说他是大赢家,赢了大量龙晶 Dammit, three double-hour was less than spreads the news, Human Race Army also spends.” 妈蛋,才三个时辰不到就传来消息,人族军队也太费了吧。” garbage human, fighting strength does not have, quite a while the time cannot block.” 垃圾人类,一点战斗力都没有,半天时间都挡不住。” Human Race seriously is good-for-nothing race, hasn't selected the person who can hit?” 人族当真是废柴种族啊,就没点能打的人吗?” One crowd of Drakonid Elder were foul-mouthed, grieved, was because Human Race lost too quickly, causing them to lose many Dragon Crystal, this was the heavy loss. 一群龙人长老骂骂咧咧,心痛不已,就是因为人族输得太快,导致他们都输了不少龙晶,这可是巨大损失。 Even they are Drakonid Race Elder, wants to obtain Dragon Crystal together, is the extremely difficult things. 即使他们是龙人族长老,想得到一块龙晶,都是极为困难的事情。 E, Elder, and is not this.” 长、长老,不、不是这样的。” That spy is sweating profusely, lose one's head out of fear: Was we lost, Wei Site they were routed by Human Race, the million Drakonid Army destruction, hundred Drakonid King were cut to kill all, did not remain.” 探子满头大汗,惊慌失措:“是我们输了,维斯特他们被人族大败,百万龙人军队覆灭,百位龙人王者被尽数斩杀,一个不留啊。” Only then several thousand Drakonid soldiers were at cost of the life to escape, other Drakonid soldiers were not captured are killed, the loss was serious, loses seriously.” “就只有数千龙人士兵拼了老命才逃回来,其他龙人士兵不是被俘虏就是被杀了,损失惨重,损失惨重啊。” What?! 什么?! Hears this saying, hall among countless Drakonid Elder is completely silent, as if even time static, even is peaceful the water drop sound of distant place to be able to hear. 听到这话,大厅当中无数龙人长老都是鸦雀无声,似乎连时间都静止下来,安静得连远处的滴水声都能听得到。 Their simply cannot believe words that own ear hears, because this was really unimaginable, Drakonid Army has not only won in three double-hour, even also wiped out by Human Race, this in what international joke. 他们简直不敢相信自己耳朵听到的话,因为这实在是太匪夷所思了,龙人军队不仅没有在三个时辰内获胜,甚至还被人族全歼了,这在开什么国际玩笑。 damned bastard, dares the cry wolf, to know unexpectedly here this is the grave offense, when executes!” Drakonid Great Elder drinks one, murderous aura is steaming, thinks that this spy possibly is the Human Race spy, here the cry wolf, knocks the morale of troops. 混账东西,居然还敢在这里谎报军情,知不知道这是重罪,当诛!”一尊龙人长老大喝一声,杀气腾腾,认为这探子可能是人族奸细,在这里谎报军情,动摇军心。 Nooooo, Elder , completely real.” 不不不,长老,是真的,全部都是真的。” That spy said hastily: I am only first spy, merely is the belt/bring the news that comes back Wei Site they to rout, other spy will also come back one after another, they can also prove words that I spoke real.” 探子连忙道:“我只是第一个探子,仅仅是带回来维斯特他们大败的消息,还有其他探子也会陆续回来,他们也能证明我说的话是真的。” Finishes speaking, outside the main hall presented several spy immediately. 话音刚落,大殿外面顿时出现了好几个探子 Report, the Wei Site rout, million Drakonid King was extinguished.” “报,维斯特大败,百万龙人王者被灭。” „The million Drakonid Race Army destruction, by the pursuit three thousand li (500 km), the skeleton was not saved.” 百万龙人族军队覆灭,被追杀三千里,尸骨无存啊。” Human Race wins by this war, to pursue retreating enemy, broken Drakonid Race 18 cities, cuts to kill Drakonid Race soldier countless continually, each region beacon rises from all directions, asking Dragon God City fast to dispatch troops to rescue.” 人族凭借这一战大胜,乘胜追击,连破龙人族十八城,斩杀龙人族战士无数,各地烽烟四起,请龙神城速速派兵救援。” one by one spy comes, comes back these news belts. 一个个探子前来,将这些消息带回来。 Main hall among countless Elder is surprised, the news that if spy has is false, the news that but so many spy have is false?! 大殿当中无数长老都是惊愕不已,如果一个探子带回来的消息是假的,但是这么多探子带回来的消息难道都是假的吗?! Is impossible!” “不可能!” Drakonid Great Elder called: My Drakonid Race Army invincible, without the opponent, overwhelms with numerical strength now, the main strength threatens the border, hundred Drakonid King's strength what kind of formidable, only Hundred Li City possible destruction my Drakonid Race Unit elite, what this in the end to have? Human Race did Great Emperor make a move in secret?” 一个龙人长老大叫起来:“我龙人族军队所向披靡,没有对手,现在更是人多势众,大兵压境,百位龙人王者的力量何等强大,区区一座百里城怎么可能覆灭我龙人族精锐,这到底发生了什么?是不是人族大帝暗中出手了?” He thinks that possibly is Human Race Emperor Level Expert(s) acts, will therefore have such absurd matter, otherwise by Human Race Hundred Li City this strength, how can pursuit result in the Drakonid million Army three thousand li (500 km), does not die is captured. 他认为可能是人族帝级强者出手,所以才会发生这么荒谬的事,要不然凭借人族百里城这点力量,如何能追杀龙人百万军队三千里,不是死就是被俘。 No, makes a move to kill my Drakonid Race King's to only have one person, is not Human Race Great Emperor.” “没有,出手杀害我龙人族王者的就只有一人,并非是人族大帝。” That spy immediately said. 探子立即道 Is who does, is which Human Race drop dead does?!” “是谁干的,是哪个人族杀千刀干的?!” One crowd of Drakonid Elder roared, angry. 一群龙人长老咆哮,愤怒不已。 Name was Xia Ping, seemed like Human Race King of new promote.” “名字叫夏平,似乎是一位新晋的人族王者。” That spy shiver coldly: But that Human Race is monstrous talent | Evildoer, the battle strength terrifying, person of enemy hundred people, this Wei Site hundred Drakonid King were exterminated by him, strength terrifying Boundless.” 探子瑟瑟发抖:“但是那人族乃是妖孽,战力恐怖,一人敌百人,这次维斯特百位龙人王者就是被他一人剿灭的,实力恐怖无边。” He recalled at that time the matter of battlefield, immediately felt shiver coldly, that physique simply was the posture of Great Emperor! 他回忆起当时战场发生的事,顿时感到瑟瑟发抖,那身姿简直大帝之姿! Fart! 放屁! Drakonid Elder crack cursed: New promote Human Race King can kill my Drakonid Race hundred King, when you he was Dragon God Recovery? Cracks a joke.” 一位龙人长老破口大骂:“一位新晋人族王者能杀我龙人族百位王者,你当他是龙神复苏了吗?开什么玩笑。” He does not believe this spy words. 他根本不相信这探子的话。 „, Some numerous spy testified for me, I pledged to Dragon God.” “是真的,有众多探子为我作证,我向龙神发誓。” That spy pledged to the day. 探子对天发誓。 Numerous Elder were silent, pledged by Dragon God, this regarding Drakonid Race, simply was supreme pledged, that was impossible to lie. 众多长老都是沉默了,以龙神发誓,这对于龙人族来说,简直至高誓言,那是不可能说谎的。 Human Race Xia Ping!” 人族夏平!” At this moment, a main hall deep place long sound passed on, the temperament as if World has resonating, in main hall vibration, contain Supreme is back and forth dignified. 此刻,大殿深处一声悠长的声音传了出来,音律似乎和天地产生共振,在大殿来回震荡,蕴含无上威严。 This child must eliminate, otherwise must become Drakonid Race great danger!” “此子必除,否则必成为龙人族大患!” Numerous Drakonid Race Elder are with deep veneration, the person who because spoke was Drakonid Race Great Emperor, this was Drakonid Race Supreme ruler, was Dragon God Continent's to Expert(s). 众多龙人族长老都是肃然,因为说话的人是龙人族大帝,这是龙人族至高无上统治者,也是龙神大陆的强者 Drakonid Kill Order, removes this!” 龙人必杀令,除掉此子!” This sound passed on again. 这声音再次传了出来。 Yes!” “是!” Numerous Drakonid Elder eye reveals cold glow, this is Drakonid Race to must kill the order that human issues, even pays serious price, order that casualty countless King, must achieve. 众多龙人长老眼睛露出一丝寒芒,这是龙人族人类下达的必杀命令,即使付出惨重的代价,死伤无数王者,都必须达成的命令。
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