GLD :: Volume #13

#1287: seize total victory

Ended, Wei Site was also killed.” “完了,维斯特也被杀了。” This time came hundred Drakonid King, now dies 70-80, how does this also hit?” “这次来了百位龙人王者,现在死了七八十个,这还怎么打?” damn, what Monster this human in the end is, is he Emperor Level Expert(s) is inadequate?” 可恶啊,这人类到底是什么怪物,难道他是帝级强者不成?” Even without promoting to Emperor Level realm, but still had Emperor Level battle strength.” “即使没有晋升到帝级境界,但是也有了帝级战力。” We are not the this human opponents, immediately retreats, will otherwise be annihilated surely.” “我们不是这人类的对手,立即撤退,否则必定会全军覆没。” The remaining Drakonid King complexion big changes, they know that the war projected on this degree is not impossible to win, continued to keep the words of this place, they only then by destruction fate. 剩下的龙人王者脸色大变,他们知道战争打到这种程度已经不可能胜利了,继续留在这个地方的话,他们就只有被覆灭的下场。 Their didn't expect will have this matter completely, this time drags in too many people for a destruction Human Race city, wants to punish one as a warning to others, shocks Human Race not to want act blindly without thinking. 他们也完全没想到会发生这种事,这次劳师动众就是为了覆灭人族一城,想杀鸡骇猴,震慑人族不要轻举妄动 However now is not only the plan fail, but also made contact with so many Drakonid King, the loss is serious, can say that this plan is the failure of from head to tail. 但是现在不仅是计划失败,还搭上了如此多的龙人王者,损失惨重,可以说这次的计划是彻头彻尾的失败。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! These Drakonid King although are very unwilling, but issues the order rapidly, retreats fast. 这些龙人王者虽然很不甘心,但是还是迅速下达命令,快速撤退。 But the Baili Han eye is sharp, saw the Drakonid Army trend all of a sudden: Drakonid Army must retreat.” 百里寒眼睛锐利,一下子就看到了龙人军队的动态:“龙人军队要撤退了。” Hey hey, was killed so many King by the summer, how possibly to retreat?” 嘿嘿,被夏杀死了这么多王者,怎么可能不撤退?” Continues to stay here , will be killed bright light.” “继续留在这里,也会被杀个精光。” Died 70-80 Drakonid King, results in how many years Drakonid Race to be born so many King Level.” “死了七八十龙人王者啊,得多少年龙人族才能诞生这么多王者级。” This time made Drakonid Race collapse a tooth, was memory is profound.” “这次让龙人族崩了一口牙,算是记忆深刻了。” Haha, this invades my Human Race territory fate.” 哈哈,这就是入侵我人族地盘的下场。” Numerous Baili Clan Military Officer were immensely proud of oneself, the innermost feelings had/left a foul odor, like win, they have not experienced for a long time. 众多百里氏族将领都是得意洋洋,内心出了一口恶气,像这样的大胜,他们已经很长时间没有经历过。 The past words, they are always hung to hit by Drakonid Race, oppress are unable to go out in the Human Race city, innermost feelings incomparable sullen, where has now such seize total victory , a person has not died.. 以往的话,他们总是被龙人族吊打,压迫在人族城池无法出去,内心无比憋屈,哪里有现在这样大获全胜,一个人没死。。 Also here rubbish anything, immediately the army attacks, exterminates these Drakonid Army, passes the knocking down kingfisher.” at this time, City Lord Baili Hu scolded loudly, issued the order. “还在这里废话什么,立即全军出击,剿灭这些龙人军队,通打落水狗。”这时候,城主百里虎大声呵斥,下达命令。 Heard this saying, the Baili Clan Military Officer eye of surroundings shone, beat severely don't hit a person when he's down matter they most to be an expert. 听到这话,周围百里氏族将领眼睛都亮了起来,痛打落水狗这种事他们最在行了。 Before was Drakonid Army overwhelms with numerical strength, but was actually they overwhelms with numerical strength now. 之前是龙人军队人多势众,但是现在却是他们人多势众了。 Without Drakonid King supported, how these ordinary Drakonid Army are their opponents. 没有了龙人王者撑腰,那些普通龙人军队如何是他们的对手。 Right, attacks.” “对,出击。” Exterminates this crowd of Drakonid Army!” “剿灭这群龙人军队!” Kills!” “杀!” Immediately, Hundred Li City city gate opens, countless Human Race soldier sends out, especially Baili Clan General Leaders, they push to the front, toward remaining Drakonid King pursuit in the past. 当即,百里城城门打开,无数人族战士出动,特别是百里氏族将领们,他们一马当先,朝着剩下的龙人王者追杀过去。 „It is not good, escapes quickly!” “不好,快逃!” damned Human Race, we will also come back surely.” 可恶的人族,我们必定还会回来的。” Immediately reported Great Emperor, here presented monstrous talent | Evildoer Human Race Expert(s), must eradicate as soon as possible.” “立即禀告大帝,这里出现一尊妖孽人族强者,必须尽快铲除。” Human Race Xia Ping, I remember you, in the future our Irreconcilable, this enmity absolutely irreconcilable.” 人族夏平,我算是记住你了,日后我们不死不休,此仇不共戴天。” The remaining Drakonid King complexion big changes, they not only need cope with that monstrous talent | Evildoer Human Race Expert(s) now, even must cope with Hundred Li City's Military Officer, how this can resist. 剩下的龙人王者脸色大变,现在他们不仅要对付那个妖孽人族强者,甚至还要对付百里城的将领,这如何能抵挡。 But even so, they hatred flooding the heavens, pledged in the future must lead troops surely, not only wants the slaughter to extinguish this Hundred Li City, must that Xia Ping, the Xia Ping's clansman kill thoroughly, take revenge and wipe out a grudge. 可即使如此,他们内心恨意滔天,发誓日后必定要带兵回来,不仅要屠灭这座百里城,要将那夏平,还有夏平的族人杀得一干二净,报仇雪恨 not saying anything further, they ran away to the distant place immediately, put forth the strength of eating milk, even also combustion qi and blood, for fear that oneself late one step, by Human Race Expert(s) killed. 二话不说,他们立即冲着远处逃窜,使出了吃nai的力气,甚至还燃烧气血,生怕自己晚一步,就被人族强者灭杀 „To escape? Is so simple?” “想逃?有这么简单吗?” Xia Ping reveals cold glow, even these Drakonid King not threat to other party to become Taida, but he does not plan to leave trouble for the future, becomes his enemy to die. 夏平露出一丝寒芒,即使这些龙人王者并不会对他造成太大的威胁,但是他也不打算放虎归山,成为他的敌人就必须死。 Divine Ability-- Kunpeng Step! 神通——鲲鹏步 He steps on Kunpeng Step, whole body is changing into Kunpeng, merging Void among, Manipulate qi flow, speed quickly to the degree that the naked eye does not see clearly. 他踩踏着鲲鹏步,整个人化为一头鲲鹏,融入虚空当中,操纵气流,速度快到肉眼都看不清楚的程度。 In the hand is grasping Hell's Spear, is ordinary like Hell Demon God, killed toward this crowd of Drakonid King. 手里握着地狱之矛,如同一尊地狱魔神一般,朝着这群龙人王者杀了过去。 Thump! 咚! Sees only him close to these Drakonid King side, gently is one barrel, immediately Drakonid King was pierced, like baking general, was sewn in in the midair. 只见他靠近这些龙人王者身边,轻轻便是一桶,当即一尊龙人王者就被刺穿,如同烧烤一般,被钉在半空当中 Such strength simply is the bullying, these Drakonid King are frail is ordinary like the baby, was slaughtered. 这样的力量简直就是虎入羊群,那些龙人王者脆弱得如同婴儿一般,遭到屠戮。 Nooooo, forgave us, forgave us.” 不不不,饶了我们,饶了我们吧。” Surrendered, do not kill me, whatever happens/10 million do not kill me.” “投降了,不要杀我,千万不要杀我啊。” Forgives “饶我一命,你想要什么,我给什么,我有钱,大把钱。” one by one Drakonid King was killed scared, the psychology that what courage, anything retaliates did not have, they beg for mercy unceasingly, hoping Xia Ping can forgive their dog's life. 一个个龙人王者被杀得胆寒,什么勇气,什么报复的心理都没有了,他们不断求饶,希望夏平能饶恕他们一条狗命。 Forgives?!” “饶命?!” Baili Hu and the others in sneered, Drakonid Race slaughtered the Human Race's time initially, how not to see their forgive the person clan life, initially Drakonid Race arrogant and despotic, wilderness rampage, met the Human Race's time on the way, how to see their forgive the person clan life?! 百里虎等人都是在冷笑,当初龙人族屠杀人族的时候,怎么不见他们饶人族一条命,当初龙人族嚣张跋扈,野外横行,途中遇到人族的时候,怎么就不见他们饶人族一命?! Before these Drakonid were still clamoring to want slaughter completely Hundred Li City, male killing, what female is the slave, now the potential is weak, wants to beg for mercy, where on world had this good deed. 之前这些龙人还在叫嚣要屠尽百里城,男的杀死,女的为奴,现在势弱,就想求饶,世界上哪里有这种好事。 Xia Ping has not shown mercy, grasps Hell's Spear, lives the spiritual intelligence life like harvesting Death God, cuts to kill leader Drakonid King. 夏平没手下留情,手持地狱之矛,如同收割生灵性命的死神,将一头头龙人王者斩杀。 After moment skill, complete Drakonid King gives the head all, does not have one to escape. 片刻功夫之后,全部的龙人王者尽数授首,无一可逃。 But these Drakonid elite Army, did not have the Drakonid King shield, facing Human Race King Level Military Officer, they is also only slightly big point Ant, at all is not anything. 而那些龙人精锐军队,没有了龙人王者掩护,面对人族王者级将领,他们也只是稍微大一点的蚂蚁,根本不算什么。 Was half double-hour, the million Drakonid army died bits and pieces, only then elite Drakonid of small part smelled there is something wrong, fast escaping, was separated from battlefield. 仅仅是半个时辰,百万龙人大军就死了七七八八,就只有一小部分的精锐龙人见势不妙,快速的逃跑,脱离战场 However these Drakonid soldiers escape also harmless, is not worth mentioning. 但是这些龙人士兵逃跑也无伤大雅,不足挂齿。 Won.” “赢了。” Baili Clan Military Officer is quite excited, on him also contaminated many Drakonid blood, like the one-sided war, he was really experiences too few. 一个百里氏族将领极为兴奋,他身上还沾染了不少龙人鲜血,像这样一边倒的战争,他实在是经历得太少了。 When their Human Race can treat as the dog the same as expel Drakonid Race, frightening that crowd of Drakonid is ordinary like stray dog. 什么时候他们人族能将龙人族当做狗一样撵,吓得那群龙人如同丧家之犬一般。 If such war, he hopes every day several times. 如果是这样的战争,他希望每天来几次。 Has the summer luckily, otherwise we ended.” “幸好有夏在,否则我们就完了。” Baili Hu emotionally said. 百里虎感慨道 Numerous Baili Clan Military Officer are nodded, if this war does not have Xia Ping to give full play of power and strength, even if perhaps their Hundred Li City had not been broken through, still meets the casualty to be serious, where can seize total victory like the present. 众多百里氏族将领都是点点头,这次战争如果没有夏平大发神威,恐怕他们百里城就算没有被攻破,也会死伤惨重,哪里能像现在这样大获全胜 Moreover they also seized massively from formidable weapon that Drakonid Army leaves behind, Armor wait/etc., are gains greatly. 而且他们还缴获了大量来自龙人军队留下的强大兵器,盔甲等等,算是大赚。 They incomparably grateful looks at stands in Xia Ping of distant place, respects, if God. 他们无比感激的看着站在远处的夏平,敬若神明 Immediately this news to report Holy City, believes they also waited for this news for a long time.” “立即将这个消息禀报圣城,相信他们也等待这个消息很长时间了。” Baili Hu said. 百里虎道。 Right, if Holy City's Great Emperors and Elders know that perhaps this news, will be frightened heavily.” Baili Han also slightly smiled, other Baili Clan Military Officer laugh, expression very effortless. “对啊,如果圣城的大帝们长老们知道这个消息,恐怕会被吓得不轻。”百里寒微微一笑,其他百里氏族将领都是大笑,表情十分轻松 However they also know, today Hundred Li City seize total victory , cuts to kill hundred Drakonid King's news to pass on, sweeps across entire Dragon God Continent surely, forms the giant storm. 不过他们也知道,今天百里城大获全胜,斩杀百位龙人王者的消息传出去,必定席卷整个龙神大陆,形成巨大风暴。
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