GLSAADL :: Volume #7

#614: Gradually crazy world

No one can think, the epoch's second chapter such quick arrival, no one thinks, the content of this chapter is so explosive. 没有人能想到,新纪元第二章节会如此之快的到来,也没人想到,这个章节的内容如此劲爆。 This is shining told everyone, slaughters to compete, who can snatch the authority, who can the carrying/sustaining not still have strength. 这是明晃晃的告诉所有人,去厮杀争夺吧,谁能抢到权柄,谁就能承载无尚力量。 Said on such as the system prompt, this is unprecedented turbulent and confusion. 就如系统提示所说,这将是一场前所未有的动荡和混乱。 Perhaps raises gu word most to describe the words and expressions of this chapter. 养蛊这个词或许是最能形容这个章节的词语。 Li Cha deeply attracts the mighty waves that several tones put down reluctantly homocentric fluctuate, immediately, informs Wei the news immediately. 李察深吸几口气才勉强平复心中起伏的波澜,当下,立刻把消息告知了薇尔。 Wei listened also to realize the gravity of matter. 薇尔听完也意识到了事情的严重性。 What is the authority? The rule of the world, but now, controls the rule the opportunity to be placed in everyone at present, so long as the innermost feelings had a wee bit ambitions, was impossible indifferently regarding this. 权柄是什么?世界的规则,可现在,掌控规则的机会摆在了所有人眼前,只要内心有一丁点的野心,就不可能对此无动于衷。 She saw the chance in inside, saw the dark arrival. 她在里面看到了机缘,也看到了黑暗的到来。 Makes her feel what is heavy, they have placed the vortex at this moment. 更让她感到沉重的是,她们此刻已经身处旋涡。 Does not raise other, only Li Cha in the main plane prestige, causes countless people to peep at sufficiently. 不提其他,单是李察主位面的声望,就足以引起无数人窥视。 Sir, we need to alert immediately, this time change in situation wanted bad risk innumerable times compared with before!” “大人,我们需要立刻戒备,这次的变局比之前要凶险无数倍!” Li Cha nods slowly. 李察缓缓点头。 Immediately makes Crowe complete the protection, Dusk City has become is no longer safe.” “立刻让卡鲁做好防备,黄昏之城已经变得不再安全了。” He at that moment of real status control desert sect, Dusk City biggest insurance —— isolates in secretive of the world, had been weakened. 他以真实身份主宰沙漠教派的那一刻,黄昏之城最大的保险——隔绝于世的隐秘性,就已经被削弱。 But he pours does not have to worry many greatly, for this day, he has prepared is too long. 但他倒也没多大担忧,为了这一天,他已经准备太久了。 Present Dusk City, is capable of responding to all challenges. 现在的黄昏之城,有能力应对一切挑战。 Wei should be, Li Cha thought of anything suddenly , to continue to say. 薇尔应是后,李察突然想到了什么,继续道。 Kills the authority that god of death Psionics obtains its has, this does not represent, is eliminated the authority on the Spiritual God, is actually also sealing part of lawful rights, but isn't they able to investigate again?” “杀死神灵能得到其拥有的权柄,这不是代表着,已经被剥夺权柄的神灵身上,其实还封存着一部分权柄,只是他们自身无法再探查到?” Said they do not have the authority, because is quite deep with the authority connection, after killing the opposite party, can obtain the favor of authority?” “还是说他们本身已经没有了权柄,但因为跟权柄瓜葛颇深,杀死对方之后,能得到权柄的青睐?” Wei brow slightly wrinkle, slow sound said. 薇尔眉头微皱,缓声道。 Sir, is your meaning?” “大人,您的意思是?” Lets the fraud and lie god of explores according to my suspicion, gives him to assign a region to do missionary work, making the follower continue to pray for him. I need to know that god Psionics can otherwise from the follower, controls the authority.” “让欺诈与谎言之神按照我的猜想去探索,给他分配一个区域传教,让信徒继续为他祈祷.我需要知道神灵能否能从信徒身上,重新掌控权柄。” Li Cha long breathes a sigh of relief. 李察长舒了口气。 We can make one never wield the authority the dark night elf to obtain the authority with the aid of the follower attempt, these have controlled the Spiritual God of sect, will not idle absolutely “我们能借助信徒尝试让一个从未执掌权柄的暗夜精灵获得权柄,那些已经掌控自身教派的神灵,绝对不会闲下来” I always felt, in this is not simple.” “我总感觉,这里面没有那么简单。” Attempts with Fennas, could obtain the different harvests.” “用菲娜进行尝试,或许能得到不一样的收获。” Regarding the judgment of Li Cha, Wei never more than half point questions, she looks that with own eyes Dusk City how one step after another expands. 对于李察的判断,薇尔从未有过半点质疑,她是亲眼看着黄昏之城是如何一步步壮大的。 Did not say exaggeratingly, the strength and influence that now Dusk City has, have surpassed the altitude that she had a dream initially cannot think. 毫不夸张的说,现在黄昏之城拥有的实力和影响力,已经超出了她当初做梦都不敢想的高度。 No one can be disobedient your will, Sir.” “没有人能忤逆您的意志,大人。” Li Cha shows neither approval nor disapproval , to continue to discuss the next situation the trend. 李察不置可否,继续探讨起今后局势的走向。 The card in a hand that now his in the hand holds are many, each is much more intrepid, but to comparing to chaotic current political situation, but also cannot say that rides roughshod. 现在他手中握有的底牌不少,每一张都强悍得惊人,但对比起混乱的时局,还称不上横行无忌。 The matter that must consider some are more. 要考虑的事还有很多很多。 On November 23, the struggle of epoch's second chapter of authority opened third day. 11月23号,新纪元第二章权柄之争开启的第三天。 A war of the world sensation, under does not have any indication, suddenly eruption. 一场轰动世界的大战,在没有任何征兆之下,骤然爆发。 The undead plane monarchy —— broken skull father, commands the countless skeleton army, to the main plane famous Lord city: Hurricane Wind City, launched the attack. 亡灵位面君主——碎颅大君,统率无以计数的骷髅大军,对主位面有名的主城:飓风城,发起了进攻。 This war causes countless people to pay attention , because this city after group star sparkle day, defends the foreword good faction Lord God, countless person's beliefs, god of —— Til justice, guards with this. 这场战争之所以引起无数人关注,是因为这座城市在群星闪耀日之后,守序善良阵营的主神,无数人的信仰,正义之神——提尔,镇守与此。 Just sect, after Til appears, the highest level strength, belongs to under its tent/account completely, obeys the transfer order. 正义教派,在提尔出现后,最为顶级的力量,全部归于其帐下,听从调令。 Did not say exaggeratingly, after Til is crashes into main plane few, but can also maintain originally prestigious Lord God. 毫不夸张的说,提尔是为数不多坠入主位面后,还能维持原本声望的主神。 Hurricane Wind City also becomes nicely defends one of the foreword faction representative cities. 飓风城也成为了善良守序阵营的代表城市之一。 But now, this city that has the huge symbolic significance, stared by undead. 可现在,这座有着巨大象征意义的城市,被亡灵盯上了。 Everyone's vision focused at this war. 所有人的目光都聚焦在了这场战争上。 The cause of this matter is also very simple, the undead Lord God —— broken skull father detected that his authority, appeared in hurricane Wind City. 这件事情的起因也很简单,亡灵主神——碎颅大君察觉到他的权柄,出现在了飓风城。 The opposite party come to demand, but was rejected by god of Til justice strongly. 对方派人前来索要,但被正义之神提尔强势拒绝了。 From this, being burning with anger broken skull father direct union three undead are the Spiritual God, the integration skeleton army, soldier/weapon front presses up to hurricane Wind City. 由此,怒火中烧的碎颅大君直接联合三位亡灵系神灵,统合骷髅大军,兵锋直逼飓风城。 This is first, directly is led to the war that by the authority, moreover defends the foreword good faction Lord God, faces directly the war of undead plane Lord God. 这是第一起,由权柄直接引起的战争,而且还是守序善良阵营主神,直面亡灵位面主神的大战。 The player in forum also participated in this grand feast, many people are the trends of minutes and seconds not bad report war. 论坛上的玩家也参与了这场盛宴,许多人更是分秒不差的汇报战争的走向。 After the second chapter opens, the live broadcast also let loose thoroughly, in dimensional plane, the main plane live broadcast also no longer has the limit incessantly. 在第二章节开启后,直播也彻底放开了,不止是在次元位面,主位面的直播也不再有限制。 Collision that the feeling that Li Cha also therefore experiences personally this world's highest level had. 李察也因此身临其境的感受到了这个世界最顶级存在的碰撞。 The sky, the bone dragon, the quiet agilisaurus, the Zombie dragon, the quiet ghost wait/etc higher undead blocks the sky. 天空,骨龙、幽灵龙、僵尸龙、幽鬼等等高等亡灵遮天蔽日。 Surface, terrifying knight, headless knight, spirit mage, Zombie, skeleton. Formed enormously and powerful, cannot see the end the sea. 地表,恐怖骑士,无头骑士,幽灵法师,僵尸,骷髅.形成了浩浩荡荡,看不见尽头的海洋。 The terrifying army quantity, making one have a liking for one to send coldly on the whole body. 恐怖的军队数量,让人只是看上一眼就浑身发寒。 Goal —— hurricane Wind City that the undead army attacks, the city wall highly about hundred meters, the innumerable Saint light bless, the defense instrument in city wall almost gave to push the army, the back dense and numerous arrow tower magic tower was as numerous as the hairs of an ox. 亡灵大军进攻的目标——飓风城,城墙高度近百米,无数圣光庇佑,城墙上的守城器械几乎把军队都给挤了下去,背后密密麻麻的箭塔魔法塔更是多如牛毛。 The sky, the angel, griffin, Pegasus was cut off the line of sight, the holy aura scatters the land. 天空,天使,狮鹫,飞马阻隔了视线,圣洁的气息散落大地。 With becoming dark decayed, undead of pale deathly stillness, formed the incomparably sharp contrast. 跟成为黑暗腐朽,苍白死寂的亡灵,形成了无比鲜明的对比。 At first sight comes up, is evil is colliding with the ray. 乍一看上去,邪恶在跟光芒碰撞。 But under at this moment the chaotic situation, who is evil who is bright, who can talk clearly? 但在此刻混乱的局势下,谁是邪恶谁是光明,谁又能说得清楚呢? The broken skull father who wants to ask for the authority follows the just god who is not willing to return the authority, who stands in a bright side? 想讨回自己权柄的碎颅大君跟不肯归还权柄的正义之神,谁又站在光明的一方呢? The world the right and wrong black is never white, but together fine ash. 世界从来不是非黑即白,而是一道精致的灰。 This war all fights is more exaggerating than and crazy than Li Cha has seen. 这场战争比李察见过的所有战斗都要夸张和疯狂。 Even if he had also once faced directly the Spiritual God, but retained the two Spiritual God of overwhelming majority strengths to use the war that all means started, heard as before terrified. 哪怕他也曾直面过神灵,但保留了绝大部分力量的两个神灵动用一切手段发起的战争,依旧悚然听闻。 The angel and bone dragon, these high-grade armies, look like the cannon fodder to be common in the battlefield, the died in battle quantity could not count. 如天使、骨龙,这些高等级的军队,在战场上就像是炮灰一般,阵亡的数量根本统计不过来。 Even if extraordinary, even is the Legendary powerhouse, in this big tangled warfare, will seem tiny. 哪怕是超凡,甚至是传奇强者,在这种大混战之中,也会显得渺小。 Once dares to crop up, will encounter enemy craziest counter-attack. 一旦敢冒头,就会遭到敌方最为疯狂的反扑。 The war of hurricane Wind City, seems like the second chapter bugle, less than two days of time. 飓风城之战,似乎是第二章节的号角,不到两天时间。 Second, the third god fights the eruption. 第二场,第三场神战爆发。 All reasons, all are the struggles of authority. 所有的缘由,全都是权柄之争。 Each war, a huge vortex, is involving the vision and energy of countless person probably. 每一场大战,都像是一个巨大的漩涡,牵扯着无数人的目光和精力。 Regardless of the subjective desire how, the magnanimous player were forced to participate. 不论自己主观意愿如何,海量玩家被迫参与了进来。 Becoming hits the battlefield is small water splash. Cannon fodders. 成为了打战场是一朵朵小水花,又或者.炮灰。 When the situation becomes fills startled big wave, the form that is throwing over the dark cloak, arrived in Soran City quietly. 局势变得充满惊涛之际,一个披着暗色披风的身影,悄无声息的抵达了索兰城 The appearance of opposite party, is the average not wonderful middle-aged woman, the wax yellow complexion and corner of the eye densely covered wrinkle, let it enters the city the time even cannot attract the defense soldier to look at one. 对方的外貌,是平平无奇的中年女人,蜡黄的脸色和眼角密布的皱纹,让其入城的时候甚至没能引来守城士兵多看一眼。 This middle-aged woman has not travelled by the carriage, but in the Lord path vanguard following city, arrived in Soran City slowly the crowd collect most crowded place. Desert church. 这位中年女人并没有搭乘马车,而是顺着城内的主道路前行,慢悠悠的来到了索兰城内人群聚集最密集的地方.沙漠教堂。 Under the dark grey cape, that muddy eye sees the instance of church, became sharp. 暗灰色的斗篷下,那双浑浊的眼睛见到教堂的瞬间,变得锐利了起来。 Key, really in this “钥匙,果真在这” Ross has not deceived me.” “萝丝没有骗我。” () () () () …… ……
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