Chapter 564harvestingSpiritual God, newlayout
第564章收割神灵,新布局Former days after the ancientgodstatueswallowed the lord of annihilationentirehad the godbodystrength, but alsoduringtransformation.
旧日古神雕像吞噬湮灭之主整具神躯的力量后,还在蜕变之中。Li Chais unable to conclude that thisformer daysancientgodstatuecanpromotetowhatdegree.李察也无法断定这次旧日古神雕像能提升到什么程度。
But from divine naturesoulRenee'sthis timerank,canforesee, thiswavemade a bigwealth.
但从神性灵魂蕾妮此时的等级上看,可以预见,这波发了一笔大财。2Lv. 2!
二2级啊!Renee who has not stoppedtransforming, the rankrose dramatically2Lv. 2from1Lv. 7!
还未停止蜕变的蕾妮,等级从一7级飙升到了二2级!Thismotherfuckeris the battle efficiency that canresurrectunceasingly!
After having the extraordinarystrength, hewantsto ask, but alsowho?!
拥有超凡的力量之后,他很想问,还有谁?!Moreoveraccording to the presentconditionlooked,2Lv. 2 are also not the limits, when the former daysancientgodstatuedigested the strength of thatboundlessformer daysthoroughly, perhapsReneecantouch the Legendaryedge.
而且按照现在的状态看,二2级还不是极限等到旧日古神雕像彻底消化那股磅礴的旧日之力,或许蕾妮可以触碰到传奇的边缘。By that time. hahaha, heanticipatedvery much.
到那时.哈哈哈,他很期待。Thiswavewas comfortable.
这波舒坦了。When the Li Chainvestigationformer days the ancientgodstatue, closed upinseveralextraordinary that outside the sidesteepleguardedquietly.
The youngtroopsAmyRuidais crooked the smallhead, curiouslooks at the sidesteeple of collapse.
小人马艾米瑞达歪着小脑袋,好奇的看着倒塌的方尖塔。„Father, that eye of sidesteeplepeakjustvanishedsuddenly.”
“是您拿到了吗?”Thateyegivesher an extremelydangerousfeeling, duringherfightprofession, the enemy who giveshimthisfeelingare not many.
“拿到了。”Li Chanods, has not doneexcessivelyexplained.李察点点头,没作过多解释。In the meantime, the system promptresoundsquietly.
就在此时,系统提示悄然响起。„Ding~youcommanded the armyto attack and occupy a sidesteeple, gained a fightvictory of Magnificent, youobtained1 millionexperiences.”
“叮~你率军攻占了一座方尖塔,取得了一场辉煌的战斗胜利,你获得了100万经验。”„Ding~yourrankwas promoted, presentlyrank: 1Lv. 7( 120,000/6 million)”
“叮~你的等级得到了提升,当前等级:一7级(12万/600万)”„Ding~youattacked and occupied a sidesteeple, obtained the specialreward: Territorycapacity expansioncommand( strangething)”
“叮~你攻占了一座方尖塔,获得了特殊奖励:领地扩容令(奇物)”„Territorycapacity expansioncommand: After the use, canmake the territoryincrease2000Georgianopen areas, the note: Needsto prepare the sufficientresources, simultaneouslyexpands the city wall.”
“领地扩容令:使用后,能让领地增加2000格空地,注:需要准备足够资源,同时扩展城墙。”Instance that the promptsoundstops.
提示声停下的瞬间。Li Chaonlyfelt that within the bodybloodlinesdeep placegushes outjust like the rivers and streamsto roar a strength.李察只感觉体内血脉深处涌出一股犹如江河咆哮般的力量。
The whole body every inchsfleshskeletonunder the irrigation of thatstrength, becomesmore tenacious.
The entire processsoaksprobablyin the hot water, in additionenjoyed a topmassage.
整个过程像是泡在热水之中,外加享受了一场顶级按摩。Degree that did not even hateto opento the eyecomfortably.
舒服到了连眼睛都舍不得睁开的程度。Until after tenminutes, thatfeelingabates.
After Li Chaopens eyesagain, onlyfelt the strength that within the bodysurgesmakeshimfeelcanfight with the fiststo explodegiant dragon.李察再次睁开眼后,只感觉体内涌动的力量让他感觉能一拳打爆巨龙。Grows the tone, depressesillusoryfeeling that strength boostbrings, laterhad the anticipation of being filled with turn onownproperty panel.
After looking atone, the skillhas no toobigchange, the essential attributehad a bigpromotion.
The strength of yellow sand( everysecondrestored20points) to increaseten thousandfrom the original8000points( restored30pointseverysecond)
黄沙之力从原来的8000点(每秒恢复20点)提升到了1万点(每秒恢复30点)manafrom80,000points, increased the 100,000point.魔力从8万点,提升到了10万点。
The promotion of skill, only theninLv. 15, 20levels of thischeckpointscanhave, thereforepoursalsohas no extraanticipation.
技能的晋升,也只有在15级,20级这种关卡才能有,所以倒也没什么额外的期待。However the foundationattributepromotion, canmake the destructive power that heeruptsa level higher.
After under returning to normal the mood, the visionlookedtoanotherprompt, wonderfulthing——territorycapacity expansioncommand.
平复下心情后,目光看向了另一条提示,奇物——领地扩容令。On the faceshowsseveralpoints of happy expression.
脸上露出几分笑意。Thisthinks after the sidesteeplecollapses, the harveststopped, never expected that the systemgave back toheextrapleasant surprise.
本以为方尖塔倒塌之后,收获就到此为止了,没想到系统还给了他个额外的惊喜。Dusk Citybecause by the card the science and technology, the rankwas promotedless than the bigcityrankslowly.黄昏之城因为被卡了科技,等级迟迟提升不到大城级别。Territoryvacant space had almost been exhausted, seriouslyaffected the development.
领地空格几乎已经被耗尽了,严重影响到了发展。ThisstrangeWulaijust right, relieves thirstvery much.
After looking atseveral, the attentionplacedonSlevelquest.
看了几眼后,注意力放在了S级任务上。Hedoes not know,whatformthistimequest will conduct.
他不知道,这次的任务将会以什么样的形式进行。Superficially, completingthisquestisn't difficulthe to seeWindsor is not simple? Hewithopposite party'srelations, has achieved the enoughintimatecondition.
从表面上看,完成这件任务并不困难他想要见温莎还不简单?他跟对方的关系,已经达到了足够亲密的状态。Went toSoran City to find the opposite partymomentarily.
去一趟索兰城随时能找到对方。Even the words that hewants, cancalldirectlyWindsor.
甚至他愿意的话,可以直接把温莎唤来。Faith token that inhishandalsoWindsorgives.
他手中还有一颗温莎给予的信物。Previous that was usedto get rid of the lord of greed.
上次那颗,用来干掉了贪欲之主。Thinks ofthis, puts out an sealto carve the Luan Tail Flowergemfrom the system space, strokes gently the abovepatterngently.
想到此,从系统空间内拿出一颗印刻着鸾尾花的宝石,轻轻摩挲上面的花纹。Windsorto him, iskingZha the card in a hand that cangive the final word, canmakehimwhenfacing the Spiritual Godthreatens, hasenoughenergy.
温莎对他而言,是一张能一锤定音的王炸底牌,可以让他在面对神灵威胁之时,拥有足够的底气。But, the favoris not infinite, usedsomewhatwastesonthisobviously.
但,人情也不是无限的,用在这上面显然有些浪费了。Whenheponders, near the earresounds the promptagain.
在他沉思之际,耳边再次响起提示。„Ding~knightsectsensationto the aura of scarletpupil, andwithpredictedgreatly the techniquelocked the scarletpupil, withinthreedays, the scarletcoordinateswill exposeunder the bigpredictiontechnique.”
“叮~骑士教派感知到猩红之眸的气息,并且用大预言术锁定了猩红之眸,三天之内,猩红的坐标将会暴露在大预言术之下。”„Pleaseblockto rob the enemy of scarletpupil, gives the crimsonlord the scarletpupil.”
The Li Chaspiritinspires, after looking attwoprompts, glances the fine motion.李察精神一振,看了两遍提示后,眼波微动。„Bigpredictiontechnique? coordinatesexposition”
“大预言术?坐标暴露”Alsoisonechases downto escape the game?
又是一场追杀逃亡游戏?Is thinking when is subtle, suddencomplexionsolemn and respectfulsay/way.
正在思索其中微妙之时,罗蕾娜突然脸色肃穆道。„Master, the powerfulstrengths, are tearing the surroundingspace.”
“主人,有一股强大的力量,正在撕裂周围的空间。”„Fair, pities, benevolent.”
“公正,怜悯,仁慈.”„Iam one of them, sensationto the strength of god of knight!”
The tonebrings the unprecedenteddignity.
语气带着前所未有的凝重。„Enemyis catching up.”
“敌人正在赶来.”„Weneedto evacuatethisregionimmediately!”
“我们需要立刻撤离这片区域!”Suddenly came?
The Li Chaeyenarrows the eyes.李察眼睛微眯。CompletesthisSlevelquest, mainlyblockschasing down of knightsect?
完成这个S级任务,主要就是挡住骑士教派的追杀?Chases down, chases downthisword, makinginhismind the miraculous glowdodge, as ifthought ofanything, butthatfeelstooquickly, is hardto catch.
追杀,追杀这个词,让他脑海中灵光一闪,似乎想到了什么,但那股感觉去得太快,又难以捕捉。Deeping frown.
The split visionsees the corpses of distanttwogreatinsectssuddenly, suddenlyeyeonebright.
余光突然看到远方两头巨虫的尸体,突然眼睛一亮。Justifthatlike without feelingis clearimmediately.
腐败沼泽!What are the pursuing troops? Enemies, powerfulenemy!
追兵是什么?敌人,强大的敌人!Thison behalf ofanything, corpse, numerouscorpses!
这代表着什么,尸体,数量繁多的尸体!However, thisinsufficient.
但是,这不够。Chasing down of knightsect, is surely uncommon, ifDusk Citywith the opposite party to, mustpay withmanycasualtieswhen the time comes, is hardto estimate.
It is not cost-effective.
The Li Chavisionis even more profound.李察目光越发深邃。
The corruptswampis carrying outnow, murders with a borrowed knife, taking advantage ofchickenlaying eggsstrategy.
腐败沼泽现在正在执行的,是借刀杀人,借鸡下蛋策略。Heas ifdefinitelydoes not needwith the opposite partyhardlyjust.
他似乎完全没必要跟对方硬刚。Whycan'tmakeotherstrengthsresist the knightsect?
那些跟娜迦位面连通的位面?No, is unqualified. Heneedsoneto be ablewith the strength that the trueknightsectshakeshardly.
The train of thoughthence, took out the god of statuedwarf.
The spiritimmerses into.
精神沉浸入内。Looks above the throne, wears the magnificentwing, in the handwears the fullgemring, a handsupports the form of deep sleepon the cheek, opens the mouthin a soft voice.
看着王座之上,身披华丽羽翼,手上戴满宝石戒指,一只手撑在腮帮子上沉睡的身影,轻声开口。„UnderFamecrown, the thing of knightreligious sect'sinformer daystomyhanddrew out the heart of peeping, has usedto predict the techniqueanchorgreatlythistreasure.”
The voicefalls, the eyepupil of god of confinementdwarfopensslowly, sits the straightbodyslightly.
话音落下,侏儒之神禁闭的眼眸缓缓睁开,微微坐直身体。Is staring at the eyepupil of opposite party, canfeelvicissitudesancientaura.
凝视着对方的眼眸,能感受到一股沧桑古老的气息。Had spied ongreatexistence of river of destiny the Li Chainexplicablesensationtothis, becamemore powerful.李察莫名的感知到这位曾经窥探过命运之河的伟岸存在,变得更加强大了。
The strength of opposite party, is recovering.
对方的力量,正在恢复。Thisto him, is an excellentnews.
“我感知到了”„The bigpredictiontechnique of god of knight, althoughdoes not have the great strength of sun god, butalsoforeseeshimto wantsufficiently.”
“骑士之神的大预言术虽然没有太阳神的强大,但也足以预见他想要的。”„Former daysancientGod the return, makingvariousGodfall into the endlessfeartheyto be afraid.”
“旧日古神的归来,让诸神陷入了无尽的恐惧他们在害怕。”Speaking ofthis, the corners of the mouthfloat off for severalpointsto ridicule.
说到此,嘴角浮起几分嘲弄。„Everyoneknows that the epochwill soon arrive, but, thesesitexistence above god positionhigh, howpossible, whateverdid lag behind the shrine?”
“所有人都知道新纪元即将到来,但是,那些高坐神位之上的存在,又怎么可能任由自己被拉下神坛?”„Those with vested interests, will never possibly give awayownbenefit.”
“既得利益者,永远不可能让出自己的利益。”Raised the headslightly, staresvoidfor a long time, sighedfinallylightly.
„ Onecrowdin the fish that in the witheredbasinstruggles, in any eventturns over/stands up the jump, isfutile. „
“一群在干枯水池中挣扎的鱼,不论如何翻身跳跃,都是徒劳无功。“Said that looks atLi Chalooking pensive, slowsound said.
说完看着若有所思的李察,缓声道。„Whatneedsmeto make, Li Chayour excellency?”
“需要我做什么,李察阁下?”Li Chahas not commentedto the words of opposite party, the altitude that the god of dwarfstands, has overshot the upper limit that hehas been ableto touchnow.李察并未对对方的话语有所置评,侏儒之神所站的高度,已经超出了现在他能触及的上限。Returnsto the proper business.
回归到正事上。„UnderFamecrown, can helpmelord of openingcorruptingin that spacefissure of Dusk Cityfront, shiftsto the corruptswampin?”
The god of faint smiledwarfsaid.
侏儒之神似笑非笑道。„Have the fraudandliegod of been stationed in the corruptswamp? The lion of greedis bornby the greedauthority, in your hands”
“欺诈与谎言之神已经驻扎在腐败沼泽了吧?由贪欲权柄诞生的贪欲之狮,也在你手中”„Youare the planwithcorrupting the Lordstrength, resists the god of knight?”
“你是打算用腐烂之主的力量,对抗骑士之神?”Li Chaslowsound said.李察缓声道。„Right, the corruptswampneedsto swallow a hugestrength.”
“没错,腐败沼泽需要吞噬更多更庞大的力量.”„The thing of former daysIobtaincanbe the bait, in additionunder the fraud of Tailongcrownandgreedlion in the seduction, makestwosidesslaughtersufficiently.”
“我得到的旧日之物可以作为诱饵,加上泰隆冕下和贪欲之狮的欺诈于诱惑,足以让两方厮杀。”To the lord of corrupting, Li Charobbed the rottenauthorityfromhishand.
对腐烂之主而言,李察可是从他手中抢夺了腐烂权柄。Thistramplesitsface countenancewithout doubtruthlesslyin the place!
A mortaldaresto peep at the Spiritual Godunexpectedly the authority, andsuccess.
一个凡人竟然敢窥视神灵的权柄,而且还成功了。Thisletskeep aloof, howcontrolslord of the bottomless trench's333 rd corrupting to endure!
这让高高在上,主宰着无底深渊第333层的腐烂之主如何能忍!In addition after the crimsonmoon/monthraises, the situationchanges, regarding the lord of corrupting, thatdoes not calculate a wisp of authorityawfully, the functionimmediatelybecameobvious.
再加上绯红之月升起后,局势大变,对于腐烂之主而言,原本那并不算要命的一缕权柄,作用立刻变得明显了。Perhapsthiscritical moment, manystrength, cango on living.
这种关键时刻,多一丝力量,或许就能活下去。Possiblyhowto let offDusk City.
The lord of knightpeeps at the scarletpupil, itsreasononlyfeared that greatlyis also bad.
骑士之主窥视猩红之眸,其原因只怕也大差不差。FamousSpiritual God in defendingforewordgoodfactionwithoneevil reputation in the abyssin the evilgod who hands down, the bitter experiencein the corruptswampwhat happened?
一个在守序善良阵营之中都鼎鼎有名的神灵跟一个在深渊之中恶名留传的邪神,在腐败沼泽内遭遇会发生什么事?Whatbafflesboth sidesto discuss itselfto wantvery muchfriendly, whathad, found the commonenemytogether?
难倒双方会很和气的探讨自己要什么,发生了什么,一起找到共同的敌人?Thismotherfuckerfirstnot hittingto be strange the dogbrain.
这他娘的第一时间不把狗脑子给打出来才怪。Even if the opposite partywantsto live in peace together, the corruptswampishishome game, the the fraudandliegod and greedlion, mascot that does not bringto look.
就算对方想要和平相处,腐败沼泽可是他的主场,欺诈与谎言之神和贪欲之狮,可不是拿来看的吉祥物。Butthisplan biggest problem is, the logiccould convince, operating the difficultywas enormous.
但这个计划最大的问题在于,逻辑说得通,操作起来难度极大。TwoterrifyingSpiritual Godhaveability that raises the table, heneedsto findenoughstrengthbalanceopposite party.
The god of dwarfas ifknows that Li Chais worrying aboutanything, slowsound said.
侏儒之神似乎知道李察在担忧什么,缓声道。„Corruptswampplane, alreadywith the undergroundworldconnectionfusion that youcontrol, the main planeregularstrength, has affectedthatplane.”
“腐败沼泽所处的位面,已经跟你掌控的地下世界连接融合,主位面的规则之力,已经作用到那个位面了。”„Existence above Spiritual Godis unable to arrive.”
“神灵之上的存在无法降临。”„Moreoverthatplanespaceare weak, is unable to holdexistence above Legendary”
“而且那个位面自身空间薄弱,无法容纳传奇之上的存在”Li Chahesitates.李察迟疑。„Opposite party, ifdestroys the corruptswamprecklessly.”
“对方如果不顾一切摧毁腐败沼泽.”„Has the ruleprotection of main plane, the opposite partyis impossibleto destroyforcefully!”
The god of dwarfexplainedpatiently.
侏儒之神耐心解释。„The main planerule, iscreates the worldgodto set, in forbidding the Spiritual Godto enteris similar toone, only thenthumbthick or thinhollowiron pipe, youwantto force in the fist, is impossible, only ifyouhave the strength that the iron pipeexplodescrowded.”
The god of assuredwords of dwarf, makingLi Chabe reassured.
侏儒之神笃定的话,让李察吃了颗定心丸。So long asno onecanraise the table, the planis then feasible!
只要没有人能掀桌,计划便可行!At that momentalsono longerstops over, afterexpression of gratitude, the train of thoughtreturnswithin the body, after opening eyes, immediatelyorders.
当下也不再多逗留,道谢过后,思绪重新回到体内,睁开眼后立刻下令。„Allarmieswithdraw the eternalplacestandbyimmediately.”
“所有军队立刻撤回永恒之地待命。”„extraordinaryremains behind the corruptswamp.”
The voicefalls, severalpoints of extraordinaryholds the chest to beimmediately.
The armyrapid integration, fliesat the maximum speedin the direction of spacefissure.
紧接着,军队快速整合,以最快的速度朝着空间裂痕的方向飞去。Saw that Li Chaleavesrapidly, without the plan of stay, thattwolong-awaitedplayerwas somewhat anxious.
见到李察迅速抽身,没有停留的打算,那两个等待已久的玩家有些急了。„Azure Moundbig shot.”
“青丘大佬.”Li Chahearsshouting of opposite party, thisfocusesinthem.李察听到对方的呼喊,这才把注意力放在他们身上。Urgessitting down the lion of greedto approach, lowers the headto overlooktwo people.
“你们应该知道,我占领了一个位面。”„Thisplanehas experienced a war, has a hundred things to do.”
“这个位面经历过一场大战,百废待兴。”„If the dragontoothassociationis interested inparticipating in the development of thisplane, in the futurewith the Dusk Citytrade, cancontact the presidents of farmountainassociation, hisIDis.”
A previousmaleSingaporewar, the after name of thatplayerassociationpresidentinforms the opposite party, Li Chanothesitant, turns aroundto leavedecisively.
把上次雄狮城一战,那个玩家公会会长的名字告知对方后,李察没有犹豫,果断转身离开。Seeshismovement, the middle-agedplayeropens the mouthhastily.
看到他的动作,中年玩家连忙开口。„The Azure Moundeldest child, youcould rest assured that weto the knightsectwill not discloseyourinformationextraordinarybodydies, is the sidesteepleguards the strengthbehavior!”
“青丘老大,您放心,我们不会向骑士教派透露您的信息这次超凡身死,全都是方尖塔守卫力量所为!”Li Chahearsword, turned the headto look attwo peopleoneeyeswith a smile.李察闻言,转头笑着看了两人一眼。„The army of god of knightwill soon arrive, yougo backas soon as possible.”
“骑士之神的大军即将到来,你们还是尽早回去吧。”„Moreover, the troublesomedragontoothassociationhelpsmewelcome the playerto comeEllplaneto do business, jointly developinformation transmit.”
“另外,麻烦龙牙公会帮我把埃尔位面欢迎玩家前来经商,共同开发的消息传递出去。”„Thissafeplane, canbecome the transactionstopover stations of allplayers.”
“这个安全的位面,可以成为所有玩家的交易中转站。”„The planecoordinates, the president of farmountainassociation, will informyour.”
The voicefalls, Li Chaurged the lion of greedto vanishin the opposite partyline of sight.
话音落下,李察驱使着贪欲之狮消失在了对方视线中。Two peoplehearthissaying, was shocked, savorshas gotten back one's composurefor a long time.
两人听到这话,都愣住了,品味许久才回过神。Thathairpaleold personsomewhatsays with emotion.
那位头发苍白的老人有些感慨道。„Association president, Azure Moundthischess, walkedsomewhatwonderful.”
The middle-agedplayernodsslowly.
„ Insightfulplayersshouldbe ableto look at the planevalue, let aloneisAzure Mound
“中转。”„Good communications.”
“交通便利。”„Connectsentiremain plane.”
“连接整个主位面。”„The planestrategic value, maybe much higher than muchhisvalue!”
“位面的战略价值,可比其本身的价值高得多得多!”„OnceEllplanebecomes the trade place of playerpreferred, not difficult to imagine, thatwill have the prosperousscene. ButAzure Moundstrength, will welcomeagainrises suddenly.”
“一旦埃尔位面成为玩家首选的交易场所,不难想象,那会出现何等繁荣的场面.而青丘的力量,也将会再次迎来暴涨。”Is sayingsomewhatunwillingly.
说着有几分不甘。„Thisis we want to do”
“这本是我们想做的啊”On the hairpaleoldfacereveals for severalpointsto smile bitterly.
头发苍白的老人脸上露出几分苦笑。„Association president, thismatteralsoonly thenAzure Moundfirstdid not saycompetentlyseizesplaneto need the powerfulstrength, evenseizedplane, do weattract the playerwithwhat? Alsosafeguards the safety of playerwithwhat?”
“会长,这件事也只有青丘能干先不说占领一个位面需要多强大的力量,就算占领了位面,我们拿什么来吸引玩家?又拿什么保障玩家的安全?”„Howlaterruns into the competitorto solve? Theseissues, so long asthere isonenot to solve, thismatteris hopeless.”
“以后遇到竞争对手如何解决?这些问题,只要有一个没解决,这件事就没戏.”„Wants the trade center that builds everyone to approve, thisneeds the incomparablystrongstrength and influence.”
“想要打造一个所有人认可的交易中心,这需要无比强大的实力和影响力。”„Takes a broad view attens of billionsplayers, even if thesetopbigassociations, is unable to place on a parthatfellowwithAzure Moundin the influence and strength, is a pureanomaly!”
The smart peopleare many, but, knows that does not represent to achieve.
聪明人并不少,但是,知道不代表能做到。Let the dragontoothassociationdothismatter, onlyfeared that the woolusesnot to have, whopays attention tothemiswho?
The middle-agedplayersighedlightly.
中年玩家轻叹了口气。„Inaturallyknow, butsomeare unwilling”
“我自然知道,可还是有些不甘心啊”Adjusted a mentality, after restoringto be calm, thenopens the mouthagain.
调整了一下心态,恢复冷静后这才再次开口。„After going back, immediatelycontacts the presidents of thatfarmountainassociation, then, conducts the depthto investtoEllplane, ifAzure Moundreallywantsto buildonetotrading market of completeplayers, wecannotmissthisopportunity!”
“回去以后,立刻跟那位远山公会的会长联系,接下来,对埃尔位面进行深度投入如果青丘真的想要打造一个面向全部玩家的交易市场,那我们不能错过这个机会!”ThatisAzure Mound, thisbig shotmustwork, by the strength of opposite party, the success rateis enormous.
那可是青丘,这位大佬要做事,以对方的实力而言,成功概率极大。Theymustthinkwell how the dragontoothassociationshouldparticipate inthisgrand feast.
他们要好好想想,龙牙公会该如何参与这场盛宴了。Li Chahas not focused onat this timeto the words that intwoplayersspoke.李察此时没有把注意力放在对两个玩家说的话上。Allow the playerto participateto the development of Ellplane, hehas the ideaearly.
让玩家参与对埃尔位面的开发,他早有想法。Thismatterhedoes not do, sooner or laterwill haveover the player, eventhesepowerfulindigenous peoplewill also meddle.
The playersthrough the trading markettrade of forum, convenientareconvenient, but30highhandling charges, lethave the player of largetransactionto shrink back at the sightsufficiently.
The handling chargereceives, butitemvalue, is not the selling price.
手续费收的可是物品本身的价值,不是售价。Wantsthroughto evade taxescheaply, from the startno way.
想要通过便宜逃税,压根没戏。Thereforetolots ofplayers, hasunder the practicallineto trade the demand.
所以对于大量玩家而言,是有切实线下交易需求的。OnceEllplanebecomestrading market of playerfirst choice, canbring the bigbenefit?
一旦埃尔位面成为玩家首选的交易市场,能带来多大的利益?Even ifonly then1/10, no, 1%peopleparticipate, is extraordinary.
哪怕只有十分之一,不,百分之一的人参与进来,就了不得。Thiswas equivalent tohimto graspcities that hadover a hundred milliontransient population.
这相当于他掌握了一座拥有上亿流动人口的城市。Howeverthistentative plan, is doomedto require the longtimeto realize.
The issueare much more.
问题多得数不清。Buthad not vainly hoped for,hasanythingto distinguishwith the salt fish.
但没有梦想,跟咸鱼有什么区别。Brings the armyto returnto the Klinacity.
带着军队返回到克里纳城。At this moment, is connecting the spacefissurefront of corruptswamp, the spacefissure that large quantities ofgreatinsectsfromdistant placeracingto come, thendoes not return tostepping into that fillbloody.
此刻,连通着腐败沼泽的空间裂痕前方,大批大批的巨虫从远处奔来,然后头也不回的踏入血腥弥漫的空间裂痕。Under the strongattraction of goldenfruit, thesegreatinsectsare one by one crazy.
在黄金果实的超强吸引之下,这些巨虫一个比一个疯狂。Li Chastays, speeds upflying, passed through the fissurefrom the top of the head of greatinsect, latermakesallarmiesreturn to the eternalplacestandbyfromcorruptswamp the gate of space.李察停留,加快飞行,从巨虫的头顶穿过了裂痕,随后让所有军队从腐败沼泽的空间之门回到永恒之地待命。
After the armyleaves, the sideonlyhasdarkfemalemartialGod who had not transformed, 2Lv. 3, 20levels of youngtroopsAmyRuida, 20levels of darknessbitesoul- Kritios, in addition2Lv. 4, fromLegendarymerelyone pace the lion of greed.
军队离开后,身边只剩下了还未蜕变完的黑暗女武神,二3级的罗蕾娜,20级的小人马艾米瑞达,20级的黑暗噬魂者-克里托斯,外加二4级,距离传奇仅仅一步之遥的贪欲之狮。In addition, is swallowing the Lord God of bodyandAncient Tree of God's Evil of chaosgodevilheartgreed.
此外,还有正在吞噬贪欲之主神躯和混沌神孽心脏的神孽古树。Sur-non-essential personnel——fraudandliegod of Tailong.
外加编外人员——欺诈与谎言之神泰隆。Finally, Lv. 18Hinaalsoinrow.
The femalesoldierjasmine of thatLv. 15KelinerClan, Li Chahas not madeitstay behind.
那位15级克里纳族的女战士茉莉,李察没有让其留下。Looks atsidenumerouspowerfulextraordinary, the Li Chamoodis especially carefree.
看着身边众多强大的超凡,李察心情格外畅快。Inthiseachhero, ishesubduespersonally.
这里面的每一个英雄,都是他亲手收服的。one step after anotherwalks, when oneself, have savedunknowinglyjustentered《Glorious Era》, has a dreambackground that cannot think.一步步走来,自己不知不觉中,已经积攒下了在刚刚进入《光辉纪元》之时,做梦都想不到的底蕴。In the heartfelt the sense of achievement.
心中充满了成就感。In the meantime, kācha~ a clearsoundfromconnecting the greatinsectplanespacefissureconveys.
就在此时,咔嚓~一声清脆的声音从连通巨虫位面的空间裂痕传来。Li Chaturns the headto look,caninducetolighthonestauradissipatesin the sky.李察转头看去,能感应到一股光明正直的气息在天空逸散。Fair, pities, honor, heroic
The knightrulesfloat offin the mindquietly.
The Slevelquestpursuing troops, came.
S级任务的追兵,来了。Li Chagets hold in the hand the god of statuedwarf.李察握紧手中侏儒之神雕像。Is excited.
情绪高昂。„UnderFamecrown. Canstart.”
“法姆冕下.可以开始了。”the next moment, the god of statuedwarfblooms the endlessray.下一刻,侏儒之神雕像绽放出无尽光芒。At the same time, inmummyHeroGrey whoin the Dusk Citycity wallinspects, suddenlydiscovered, the line of sightend, thatpiecemakesitfeel the greatestthreat, graduallybecomespalein the sky of unceasingcrack, latervanishedin the line of sight.
The skyrestored the pastpeace.
天空恢复了往日的安宁。Rottenaura that the surroundingsfill, alsodissipates.
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