Chapter 548Hinayouawake! Yourthatmasterwill not support!! Wehad no chance!!
After the dark cloudscover the sky, swallowed the ray, makingalldim, the atmosphereis depressinganddignified.
阴云笼罩天空后,吞噬了光线,让一切变得黯淡,气氛压抑而凝重。Looksfrom the high place, cansee that in the land the countlessgiantinsectsformed the black tide, toward the land , a standing tall and erectcitywells upfast.
从高处望去,能看到大地上数不尽的巨型虫子形成了黑潮,快速朝着大地上,一座高耸的城市涌去。Hardouter covering, fiercegreatpliers, sharptailthorn, abnormalbody. Alldo not conform to the normalaestheticorganto exposeoutside.
坚硬的外壳,狰狞的巨钳,锋利的尾刺,畸形的身躯.一切不符合正常审美的器官都展露在外。Compared with the commonpersonwith the insectbigten thousandtimes of greatinsects that the footcanstamp, even ifonly, makespeoplescaredsufficiently.
比普通人用脚就能踩死的昆虫大万倍的巨虫,哪怕仅有一个,都足以让人胆寒。At this moment, thesescarymonsterslike the antgather.
此刻,这些骇人的怪物如蚂蚁般聚集在一起。Is launching the impact on the landincityone after another.
一波又一波对着大地上的城市发起冲击。Placed the city in raging tideto cover entirely the scar, the firmcity wallwas in imminent danger, manyplacespresented the disintegration.
It seems like, maycollapsein the stormanytime.
“杀!”Gets hold in the hand★★★★★rankweapon——to cut the dragonlong swordasHina of battlefieldmain force, looks that under the city wallprobablyis that tidal the greatinsectwells up, killingintentis turbulent.
作为战场主力的希娜握紧手中5星级别武器——斩龙长剑,看着城墙下方像是潮水般涌来的巨虫,杀意汹涌。Wheneverthere is a greatinsectto climb up the city wall, herformalwaysfirstappearsnearby the opposite party.
每当有巨虫攀上城墙,她的身影总是第一个出现在对方跟前。Courage vigorexplodes, the long swordignites the endlessenergy.
身上血气暴发,长剑燃起无尽能量。These35meters7~8meterhighgreatinsects, were even cut the tofuto tearprobablygenerally.
The figurelike the lightning, walks randomlyin the battlefieldmost intenseplace.
身形如闪电,游走在战场最激烈处。But the soldierhero, in the fight of magnificent scene, is hardto play the decisiveeffect.
但战士英雄,在大场面的战斗中,难以起到决定性的影响。Wieldinglong sword that even ifshegoes all out, incity wallwithsoldier who shefightsshoulder to shoulderalsounder the impact of greatinsect, dropping down.
The form of bodyside, becomes fewer and fewer.
身侧的身影,变得越来越少。Sheevenwithout enough timesad, can only grip the tightlong swordstubbornly, wieldsmorepoints.
她甚至来不及悲伤,只能死死攥紧长剑,挥出更多锋芒。As the armydied in battle the quantityto increase, the defense lineempty spacealsobecomesbroad, the longcity wallgraduallyfalls to the enemy.
随着军队阵亡数量增多,防线空当也变得宽阔,长长的城墙逐渐沦陷。How longalsohas not known, whenHinais forcedonly to defend several regions, when the city walldowncastnears.
也不知道过了多久,当希娜都被迫只能防守某几个区域,城墙陷落在即之时。Suddenly, in the skythickdark cloud, exudedto wipequietlyscarlet.
突然,天空浓厚的乌云之中,悄然泛起了一抹猩红。Afterward, thatwipesseems like the red inkto drip into clear waterscarletgeneral, rapidlyspreads, the worldwas covered.
随后,那抹猩红像是红墨水滴入清水中一般,快速蔓延开来,天地都被笼罩在内。Alsoin the greatinsect of fierceattack, after the scarletrayshines, bodysuddenlyonestiff, laterbecomesmoves restlesslyanxiously.
The momenttime, draws backto goprobablytidalcrazily.
片刻时间,像是潮水般狂退而去。Suddenly, thesefierceformsthendisappearwithout the trace, onlyleaves behind the city wallfrontbuildexaggeratingcorpses.
眨眼间,那些凶恶的身影便消失无踪,只留下城墙前方一具具体形夸张的尸体。Seesthis, the whole bodyis looked upbyHina that the bloodsoaks.
见到这一幕,浑身被鲜血浸湿的希娜抬头望去。In the pupilreflectsredredbright moonlight.
瞳孔中倒映出一轮绯红色的明月。Cloud layer that covers the world, at this momentprobablywas held a hole.
把天地遮盖的云层,此刻像是被捅了一个窟窿。Bloodmoon/monthshiningappearsfrom the dark clouds, all aroundcloud layerhad been compelledto leaveforcefully.
血月明晃晃的从乌云中间出现,四周的云层已然被强行逼离开来。Sees this incomparablyfamiliarpicture, the tightinnermost feelingsrelaxedslowly.
见到这无比熟悉的画面,紧绷的内心缓缓放松了下来。Sheknows,KelinerClanpassed a disaster.
她知道,克里纳族又度过了一次劫难。Because ofsimilarmatter, this month, has happened were innumerable.
因为类似的事,在这个月来,已经发生了无数次。„Hina, are youall right?”
The vocal cord the exhaustedsoundwas interrupting the Hinatrain of thought that turns the headto look, a middle-agedfemalesoldier of whole bodybloodpartlyis dependingin the city wall.
An opposite partyhandsupports the swordto come to a stopbyoneselfdiligently, but his arm of shiveringworryingthe next momentwill perhaps let loose the fightto fall down.
对方一只手撑着战刀努力让自己站稳,但其颤抖的手臂又让人担心下一刻或许就会放开战斗跌倒在地。„Head of the clanKaren, Iam good.”
“凯伦族长,我还好。”Hinasees clearly the face of opposite party, showedseveralpoints of smilereluctantly.希娜看清对方的脸庞,勉强露出了几分笑容。Butweak in tone, howis unable to conceal.
但语气中的虚弱,怎么都无法掩饰。Head of the clanKarensaw this momentsilent, laterdeep sightone.
凯伦族长见此沉默了片刻,随后长叹口气。„Is all rightwell.”
“没事就好。”Was sayinghad the extremelycomplexexpressionto lookto the city.
说着带着极为复杂的表情看向了城外。Thesefiercemonstershave vanishedwithout the traceat this moment, butinshe, thisis more fearful.
那些狰狞的怪物此刻已经消失无踪,但在她内心,这更可怕。„When the crimsonmoon/monthraises, thesegreatinsectswill postpone the attack.”
“每到绯红之月升起,这些巨虫就会暂缓进攻。”„When the crimsonmoon/monthabates, the opposite partywill stage a comeback.”
“等到绯红之月消退,对方就会卷土重来。”„Moreover, they, becomemore powerful”
The soundis especially hoarse.
声音格外沙哑。Head of the clanKarenspeaking ofthis, felt that suffocates.
凯伦族长说到此,就感到一阵窒息。Inmoststarts, shealsothinks that thesegreatinsectsarebecausedreads the crimsonmoon/monthto hide.
在最开始,她还以为那些巨虫是因为畏惧绯红之月才躲藏起来的。Knows that shesees with one's own eyesoneby the insect that shewounds, after the crimsonmoon/monthraisedseveral times, the rankpromotedLv. 15fromLv. 10.
知道她亲眼看到一只被她击伤的虫子,在绯红之月升起数次之后,等级从10级提升到了15级。She felt not wonderful.
她就感觉到了不妙。Afterwardconfirmedin every way,finallyconfirmed. Theseinsectsstopattackingsuddenly , because in the strength of absorptioncrimsonmoon/month!
随后多方证实,最终确认.那些虫子突然停止进攻,是因为在吸收绯红之月的力量!They, canbecomemore powerful!!
它们,能借此变得更为强大!!Thinks ofthis, the visionbecomesdim.
想到此,目光不由变得黯淡。„Hina, we seem to have had no chance.”
“希娜,我们似乎已经没有希望了.”Drew inthispiece unable after the distortionspace that the outside worldrelates.
被拖入这片无法跟外界联系的扭曲空间之后。Shepassedin the warevery day.
她每天都在战争中度过。Clansman, has been left overless thantwobrigades.
身边的族人,已经剩下了不足两个大队。KelinerClansaved the innumerableyear of strengths, was consumedcleanly.
The Hinahearttrembles, fiercegrippingtightenedin the hand the long sword.希娜心脏一颤,猛的攥紧了手中长剑。Resolutesay/way.
语气坚定道。„Head of the clanKaren, wehave not lost!”
“凯伦族长,我们还没有输!”„Sirhad givenmelast night the verbal message, todaywill certainly rush!”
Under finishes speaking, head of the clanKarenhas not opened the mouth, the sound that has the strong resentmentresoundsfrom one side.
话音刚落下,凯伦族长还未开口,一个带着强烈不满的声音从侧面响起。„Be quiet!”
“住嘴!”„Alsois thinkingyourmaster?! Verbal message? You are the fighttake off/escape the strengthlaterillusion!”
“还想着你的主人?!口信?你这是战斗脱力之后的幻觉吧!”„Thisspaceis unable to connectwith the outside world, wecangive the messageoutwardthattreasure, has expiredoneweek ago!”
“这片空间根本无法跟外界连通,我们能向外传递消息的那件宝物,也已经在一周前失效了!”„Chaoticspace forcehas been cut offall, beforethatenergyturbulent flowsubsides, no onecanpass through!”
“混乱的空间力量已经阻隔了一切,在那股能量乱流平息之前,没有人能穿过!”„Hina, do not have a dreamagain, accepts the reality.”
“希娜,别再做梦了,接受现实吧.”„KelinerClan, no onecandepend upon, we can only depend uponus!”
“克里纳族,没有人可以依靠,我们只能依靠我们自己!”Hearsthisthreateningsound, head of the clanKarensighedonelightly, has not opened the mouthto refuteanything.
听到这道气势汹汹的声音,凯伦族长轻叹一声,没有开口反驳什么。Hinaturns the headto look, in the line of sight, presentedwhole bodyskinarmorto breakmost probably, the bodybigpiecewoundis also exuding the bloodstain, butvisionas beforefirm and resolutefemalesoldier.希娜转头看去,视线中,出现一个浑身皮甲破碎了大半,身上大片伤口还泛着血迹,但目光依旧坚毅的女战士。Holds up the head, looks straight ahead the eyepupil of opposite party, saidevery single word or phrase.
昂起头,直视对方的眼眸,一字一句道。„Jasmine, thatis the verbal message that Ihearwith one's own ears, Sir, will come, in any event, will certainly come!”
The anger of thatfemalesoldierinnermost feelingsrises suddenlyinstantaneously, gets angry the sound said.
那位女战士内心的怒火瞬间暴涨,怒声道。„Will come? Youonlyknewsaid,was the person?”
“会来的?你只知道这么说,可是人呢?”„Don't youknowthisdistortionspacepowerful the strength? Evenextraordinaryis unable to leave!!”
“你不知道这片扭曲空间的力量有多强大吗?连超凡都无法离开!!”„Thatdivine graceLord, has the hugeskilleven, canrip openthisspace?”
“那个神恩领主,就算是有天大的本事,难道还能把这片空间撕开了?”„Is heextraordinaryorLegendary?!!”
After angry roaring, suddenlywas also silent.
怒吼之后,突然又沉默了。Turns the headto looktoanotherdirection, the tonebrings the sadness that desperateandcould not say.
转头看向另一个方向,语气带着绝望和说不出的哀伤。„Ok, howthatdivine grace did Lordcometo be able?”
“就算,那个神恩领主来了又能如何呢?”„The god of Koboldis peeping atusin secret.”
“狗头人之神正在暗中窥视着我们。”„Continuallypowerfuldarkfemalemilitarygod, was dragged into the space of nihilityby the opposite party.”
“连强大的黑暗女武神阁下,也被对方拉入了虚无的空间之中。”„Ourarmies, onlyhad more than 1000people.”
“我们的军队,只剩下了一千多人。”„Even if there is reinforcementsat this time, stillwithout enough time.”
“就算此时有援军,也来不及了。”„And other crimsonmonthsfallsagain, thesegrow stronger the latergreatinsect, perhapswave of Charge, candestroy the Klinacity.”
“等绯红之月再次落下,那些变强之后的巨虫,或许一波冲锋,就能把克里纳城摧毁。”Was sayinglooks athersorrowfully.
说着悲哀的看着她。„Hina, youawake, ourenemies, incessantlyarethesedisgustinggreatinsects, hiddeningod of the Koboldin secret!”
“希娜,你醒醒吧,我们的敌人,不止是那些恶心的巨虫,还有隐藏在暗中的狗头人之神!”„Thatis a trueSpiritual God!”
“那是一尊真正的神灵!”„AlthoughIdo not know why the rank of opposite partydroppedso many, nowonly hasotherextraordinarystrength. But the Spiritual God, eventuallyis the Spiritual God, we, could not shoulder.”
“虽然我不知道对方的等级为何下降了这么多,现在只有超凡级别力量.但神灵,终究是神灵,我们,扛不住了。”Speaking of the lastword, the bodyalsoexudes the bloodydozensscabs unable to let his femalesoldier of bursting into tears, the eye socketis suddenly red.
说到最后一个词,身上还泛着血腥的数十道伤疤都没能让其流泪的女战士,眼眶骤然通红。Tearsdirecting current, pulls outcleartear stains.
泪水直流而下,拉出一条晶莹的泪痕。Seeminglyinexplicablefeeling sad.
看上去莫名的让人心酸。Whathopeless situation, canmake the femalesoldier who does not fear the life and deathrevealsoweakside?
什么样的绝境,才能让一个不畏生死的女战士露出如此软弱的一面?Lookshelplesslyownracewas exterminated, moreoverdoes not havehope that the least bitworks loose, could not findanyoutlet. Has not personally experienced, is unable to imaginethatfeelingisdesperate.
眼睁睁看着自己的种族被灭绝,而且没有半点挣脱的希望,找不到任何出路.没有亲身体会过,是无法想象那种感觉是何等绝望。Head of the clanKarenseesthis, closed the eyeslowly.
凯伦族长见到这一幕,也缓缓闭上了眼睛。„Perhaps, the history of KelinerClan, stopped.”
After lownan, opened the eye.
低喃之后,又睁开了眼睛。Facial featuressolemn and respectfulturns the headto look in all directions, looks in the city wall the sparseKelinerClansoldier, highsound said.
面容肃穆的转头四顾,看着城墙上稀稀拉拉的克里纳族战士,高声道。„Myclansmen, we have evening'stime.”
“我的族人们,我们还有一个晚上的时间。”„Tomorrowunder the crimsonmoonset, is the enemyfor the last timeattack.”
“明天绯红之月落下,就是敌人最后一次进攻。”„Thistime, we, could not block.”
“这次,我们,挡不住了。”Speaking ofthis, looks at the moralenotlowsoldiers, the visionbecomesespeciallycomplex.
说到此,看着士气并没有低落的战士们,目光变得格外复杂。Good is the soldier, fearless?!
多好的战士啊,何等无畏?!What a pity, opportunity that has not continuedto fightagain.
The soundis suddenly resounding.
声音骤然高亢。„Without the choice, thatmakesusgo totogether!”
“既然没有选择,那就让我们一同赴死!”„KelinerClancanbe destroyed, but the will of KelinerClan, does not submit!”
“克里纳族可以被毁灭,但克里纳族的意志,绝不屈服!”„Waiting the enemywill attacktomorrow, Iwill take the leadCharge, lets the blood of enemy, accompaniedus dead!”
The voicefalls, even if exhausted, is scarredeven if, the soldiers in city wall, eruptedfranticangry roaringas before.
话音落下,哪怕疲惫不堪,哪怕伤痕累累,城墙上的战士们,依旧爆发出了狂热的怒吼。Under the hopeless situation, no oneflinches.
绝境之下,无一人退缩。Thiswas the soul of KelinerClan, the deathis unable to obliterateit.
这是克里纳族的魂,死亡也无法将其磨灭。Hinalooks atthis, grips the back of the hand of tightlong sword the blue veinto reveal completely.希娜看着这一幕,攥紧长剑的手背已经青筋毕露。Shedid not dread the deathsimilarly, so long asthere is a need, shewill also protect the clansmanwith the life!
她同样不畏惧死亡,只要有需要,她也会用生命守护族人!In the surroundingsfranticatmosphere, deeplyinspired, restoredseveralpoints of calmness.
在周围狂热的气氛之中,深吸口气,恢复了几分冷静。Now, is notgoes.
现在,还不是赴死的时候。Hermissionhas not been completed, the Sirgiveshisorderis, waits forhimto arrive.
她的使命还没有完成,大人给他的命令是,等他到来。Herclansmanhad not noticed that the Dusk Cityarmytramplesthesegreatinsects, but alsowithoutseeing the god of Kobolddrops down, but alsowithoutseeingdarkfemalemartialGod, howElder Sisterwas looked to drop downhere?!
她的族人还没有看到黄昏之城的军队践踏那些巨虫,还没有看到狗头人之神倒下,还没有看到黑暗女武神,芙伊姐姐被找回来怎么能在这里倒下?!„Head of the clanKaren, mustinsist, Sir'scommitment, is more precious than mithril, will never violate!”
“凯伦族长,一定要坚持住啊,大人的承诺,比秘银还要贵重,从不会违背!”„The verbal message of Siristo letusperseveres, waits forhimto arrive.”
“大人的口信是让我们坚守,等他到来。”„So long as the Dusk Cityarmy appear here stretch of land, allwill finish!”
“只要黄昏之城的军队出现在这片大地上,一切都会结束!”„Ourhopeshave not been disillusioned.”
The voicehas not fallen, jasminefierceturning around, angryclose toHina.
话音还没落下,茉莉猛的转身,怒气冲冲的靠近希娜。Approachescontactsto the tip of the nosemutually.
The visionstares at the bastard who thisinfatuatedhas not been becoming awareuntil nowstubbornly.
目光死死盯着这个直到现在还痴迷不悟的混蛋。„Hina!! Just did Isayinsufficientlyam clear? Untildying, was swallowedbytheseinsectsuntil the soul, do youalsowantto never forgettothatSpiritual GodLord?!”
“希娜!!刚刚我说得还不够清楚吗?直到死,直到灵魂被那些虫子吞噬,你都还要对那个神灵领主念念不忘?!”„Howeven did the opposite partycome? Can healsobe victorious the god of Kobold?”
“就算对方来了又如何?他还能打得过狗头人之神?”„MoreoversidethatdamnSpiritual God, isenoughtwoextraordinary!”
“而且那个该死的神灵身边,可是还有足足两个超凡!”„Darkfemalemilitarygod, yousaid that issidethatdivine graceLord one of the most powerfulstrengths.”
“黑暗女武神阁下,你说是那位神恩领主身边最为强大的力量之一。”„The opposite partyhad been sent into exilein the nihility, whatthatdivine grace can Lordalsotake advantage of?”
“对方已经被放逐进了虚无之中,那个神恩领主还能依仗什么?”„Did not sayother, solelyistwoextraordinary, makesyourpitifulmastertremblesufficiently!”
“不说其他,单单是两个超凡,就足以让你那位可怜的主人颤栗!”„Does hedealwithwhat?”
“他拿什么来应对?”„Iknow,youmustsay your masterhas the Magnificentpast, but, thatafter allwas onlyin the past!”
“我知道,你要说你的那位主人有着辉煌的过去,但是,那毕竟只是过去!”„Nowandin the futurewill beall!”
“现在和未来才是一切!”„Youleave the territory of opposite partywith the darkfemalemilitarygod the shorttwo or threemonth, youthink, the opposite party can cope withextraordinaryinthesemonths, moreoveris the strength of god of twoextraordinaryin additionKobold?”
“你跟黑暗女武神阁下离开对方的领地才短短三两个月,你难道以为,对方在这几个月就能拥有对付超凡,而且是两个超凡外加一个狗头人之神的力量吗?”„Who is the fellow? Is he a god? It is not can the words, whyhave the strength of thisrank?”
“那家伙是谁?他是神吗?不是的话,凭什么能拥有这种级别的力量?”„Now did yousober?!”
The jasminewished one couldonce the head of bestpartnerto pry opento come to seeoneselfthis, the brainswere eaten the braininsectto eatcleanly.
茉莉恨不得把自己这位曾经最好的伙伴的脑袋撬开来看看,脑髓是不是被食脑虫吃干净了。Whytodivine graceLord, will trustthisdegreeinfatuated!
为什么会对一个神恩领主,痴迷信任到这种程度!Firstdid not say that the genuine and fake of thatverbal message, even, canallwantto reposeon the opposite party?
Do the opposite partyhavethatstrength?
对方有那个实力吗?Thisirritateshertodivine graceLord that has not metquite.
这让她对那个未曾谋面的神恩领主极为恼火。Why the opposite party, havewhatcharm to let the talent of KelinerClan, worships blindlyto fall into the hopeless situationalsoto cherish the impracticalfantasyas before?
凭什么啊?!Shereallycannot think through!
她实在想不通!InKelinerClanastalentsoldier who ranks among the best, the innermost feelings of jasmineareextremelyproud, from infancy to maturity, withoutmanypeoplecanenterhereye.
身为克里纳族之中数一数二的天才战士,茉莉的内心是极度骄傲的,从小到大,都没有多少人能入她的眼。Alsoonly then the talentcompared withherHina, has obtainedherapproval, andregardsitfor the bestpartner.
也只有天赋比她强出一线的希娜,得到过她的认可,并且视其为自己最好的伙伴。Butunexpectedly, oneselfonly are also the bestpartner, after going outtimeone, changed.
变得让她难以理解。Works to divine graceLord, it can be said thatrepays the opposite partyto assistthemto relieve the curse the benevolence.
对一个神恩领主效力就罢了,可以说是报答对方协助他们解除诅咒的恩情。Butsheactuallysubmitted towillingly, nohesitates.
但她却心甘情愿的臣服了,没有一丝迟疑。Thisletsregard the opposite partyforher of good friend, is hardto acceptthismatter.
Can the Hinasotalent, howsubmit todivine graceLord?希娜如此天才,怎么能臣服一个神恩领主?ButHinatothatdivine graceLordnearly the worshipto the Spiritual God, keepsherfromunderstanding.
而希娜对那个神恩领主近乎对神灵的崇拜,更让她无法理解。Although the opposite partyoftenmentionedDusk Citywithher„brilliancedeeds”, butin her opinion, theseso-calledscoreswere the boast of thatdivine graceLordorcheat.
虽然对方经常跟她说起黄昏之城的“光辉事迹”,但在她看来,那些所谓的战绩不过是那个神恩领主的吹嘘或者哄骗罢了。Because of something, Hinahas not experienced, butobeyedpersonto say.
因为有些事,希娜也没有亲历过,只是听从身边的人说的。Heardfromsidepopulationmerely,accepts as true, is simply laughable.
仅仅从旁人口中听说,就信以为真,简直可笑。Sheregarding the deceit of divine graceLord, buthas profound understanding, thesenotslightlycredibility, full mouthlie, even the opens the mouthslaughtergod, the silentenslaves the giant dragonshamelessgeneration, has left behind the extremelynegative effect on her.
她对于神恩领主的狡诈,可是深有体会,那些没有丝毫可信度,满口谎言,甚至张口屠神,闭口奴役巨龙的无耻之辈,给她留下过极为负面的影响。Even if the opposite partyreallyhas the skill, shedoes not think that canmakeHinabe willingto submit tobyownability, mostlywas the method.
就算对方真的有本事,她也不认为能靠自身能力就让希娜心甘情愿臣服,多半是手段了得。Those whomakeherbe burning with anger, looks atHinathisappearance, in a short timewill not awaken.
更让她怒火中烧的是,看希娜这个样子,短时间内是不会醒悟的。Ifthere is an opportunity, shemustinterrogatethatdivine graceLord!
如果有机会,她一定要质问那个神恩领主!Shewantsto have a lookactually, what the opposite partydepends onisanything, canmakeHinaesteemthisdegree!!
她倒是想看看,对方到底凭的是什么,能让希娜推崇到这种程度!!Inplane that thispiece of bystanderis unable to find out by secret inquiry, KelinerClanlicksto arrive at the woundsilently, is gazing at the crimsonmoon/month on sky, waits for the enemyto launch the finalattackwhen the moonset.
在这片外人无法探知的位面,克里纳族默默舔抵着伤口,注视着天空上的绯红之月,等待着敌人在月落之时发起最后的进攻。Meanwhile, in the letter/believesduring the suspicion, is waiting for the arrival of thatDusk Citycontrol.
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