GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#891: They give, you did not give

Mania city, the foothold of Amway chamber of commerce. 曼尼亚城,安利商会的据点。 Looks the Magic fireworks that in the sky blasts out suddenly, after is discussing two days , the players of plan detail stare slightly. 看着天空中突然炸开的魔法烟花,正在商议两日后行动计划细节的玩家们微微一愣。 How to send the signal now? Did not say two days later starts?” “怎么现在就发信号了?不是说两天后才开始吗?” Dongdong knits the brows. 苳苳皱了皱眉。 They acted attach great importance to very much, made the preparation, but the time eventually was too short, over the two days many things had not arranged. 他们对此行动很重视,做了充分的准备,但时间终究是太短,这两天还有很多事没有安排好。 Especially city garrison on work, has not changed into the seventh regiment now person on one's own side, gives loyalty to the soldiers in empire as before is being responsible. 特别是城防上的工作,现在还没有换成第七军团的“自己人”,依旧是效忠于帝国的士兵在负责。 Let alone, the divine spell defense barrier node on city wall had not been destroyed, what the Mania city uses is most complex , the most powerful defense barrier, the node is distributed in the city, once starts, is almost indestructible. 更别说,位于城墙上的神术防御屏障节点也没有被破坏,曼尼亚城采用的是最复杂,也最强大的防御屏障,节点分布在城中,一旦启动,几乎坚不可摧。 That is most fearful, as Eternal Church Holy City, divine spell defense barrier energy terrifying, once starts, the revolt basically can fail. 那才是最可怕的,作为永恒教会圣城,神术防御屏障能量恐怖,一旦启动,起义就基本上可以宣告失败了。 Thinks work that various of present have not completed, suddenly, the players look dignified in abundance. 想到现在的各种还没有完成的工作,一时间,玩家们纷纷神情凝重。 Is it possible that...... had/left what accident?” “莫非……是出了什么变故?” Kaiser guessed. 凯撒猜测道。 I relate to hide the player in regiment, asks that what happened.” “我联系一下藏身在军团里的玩家,问问发生了什么事。” Demacia thinks, said. 德玛西亚想了想,说。 But after a while, his expression changes: 而过了一会儿,他表情微变: Action expose, the seventh regiment had/left the rebel, assistant regimental commander Bowne who we stir up rebellion was killed, big regimental commander Wolf the high-ranking officer who leads the personal guard team to capture the instigation, the surplus high-ranking officers decide to revolt ahead of time.” “行动暴*露了,第七军团出了叛徒,我们策反的副团长鲍恩被杀,大团长沃尔夫正带领亲卫队追捕策反的高级军官,剩余的高级军官决定提前起义。” Such remarks, players in abundance look one cold. 此话一出,玩家们纷纷神色一凛。 Oh no! Did that likely plan to be failed?” “糟糕!那岂不是计划很可能要失败了?” Some players worry about the said/tunnel. 有玩家担忧地道。 Demacia shakes the head gently: 德玛西亚轻轻摇了摇头: Matter has not arrived at the worst situation, Bowne has paid attention the eye, except for most trusts, outside faith most reverent several own guard captain, the high-ranking officers of other rebellious armies were not clear that some participant many, known is very limited. Therefore, we have the opportunity! Naturally, the action must be ahead of time.” “事情还没有到达最坏的地步,鲍恩一直都留了个心眼,除了最信任,信仰也最虔诚的几个亲卫队长外,其他反抗军的高级军官并不清楚参与者到底有多少,知道的很有限。所以,我们还有机会!当然,行动必须要提前了。” Cannot wait, the seventh regiment is important, concerns the following action to conduct smoothly, we must also probably plan ahead of time!” “不能等了,第七军团非常重要,关乎接下来的行动能够顺利进行,我们必须也要提前计划!” Dongdong said serious. 苳苳神情严肃地说道。 I now on the relation mercenary guild informer, making nearby three large-scale mercenary groups aid the resister of seventh regiment!” “我现在就联系佣兵公会的线人,让附近的三个大型佣兵团接应第七军团的反抗者!” Cyber said hastily. 赛博连忙说道。 I inform the underground follower in city.” “我去通知城里的地下信徒。” Dongdong also stood from the seat. 苳苳也从座位上站了起来。 I lead the remaining players to try to submerge the tower over a city gate, looked that can seize the city gate control, and destroys the nodes of these defense barriers.” “那我带着剩下的玩家试着潜入城楼,看能不能把城门的控制权夺回来,并把那些防御屏障的节点破坏掉。” Demacia added. 德玛西亚补充道。 Then, he looked again to the people: 说完,他再次看向了众人: Everyone, the action is hasty, we must stress a vigor, when necessary, do not love dearly the resurrecting coin.” “各位,行动仓促,我们也得抓一把劲了,必要的时候,别心疼复活币。” Relax.” “放心吧。” Yes, a resurrecting coin.” “就是,一点复活币而已。” Right, we come here, is witnesses the Segers history.” “没错,我们来到这儿,就是来见证赛格斯的历史的。” The players said. 玩家们纷纷道。 Good! Everyone acts separately, maintains online to relate!” “好!那大家就分头行动吧,保持线上联系!” Demacia great happiness. 德玛西亚大喜。 Does not have the issue!” “没问题!” Ok!” “ok!” Relax!” “放心吧!” The language finishes, the players exchanged black windproof coat long gown and falcon hood that beset with by the golden scepter, seems like Assassin in certain large-scale act games to be the same, very mysterious charming. 语毕,玩家们纷纷换上了镶有金色权杖的黑色风衣长袍和猎鹰兜帽,看上去就像是某些大型act游戏中的刺客一般,很是神秘帅气。 It is said that this Assassin clothing is Demacia has custom-made specially, player every that participates in this activity. 据说,这刺客服饰是德玛西亚专门定制的,参加这次活动的玩家人手一份。 Then, everyone wear the golden sleeve emblem in the right arm, and takes up the weapon of convenience action, left the foothold in abundance. 而后,大家们又在右臂戴好金色袖章,并拿起方便行动的武器,纷纷离开了据点。 ...... …… The station of seventh regiment. 第七军团的驻地。 The Wolf big regimental commander surrounded by personal guard team, stands before the camps of regiment, the facial expression is very ugly. 沃尔夫大团长在亲卫队的簇拥下,站在军团的营地前,神情很是难看。 Sees only in the camp, the chaotic piece, the empire soldiers were divided into two schools of distinguishing right from wrong, each other is slaughtering. 只见营地之中,混乱一片,帝国士兵们正分成了泾渭分明的两派,正在彼此厮杀。 And, most people's right arm wears the golden sleeve emblem, their facial expression is frantic, under the one after another high-ranking officer's leadership, with giving loyalty to fights in the guard of big regimental commander together. 其中,绝大多数人的右臂都戴着金色袖章,他们神情狂热,正在一名名高级军官的带领下,与效忠于大团长的卫队战斗在一起。 Have obviously prepared the good flag to be lifted up high by them, brandishes unceasingly. 一面面明显是早已准备好的旗帜被他们高举起来,不断挥舞。 That flag is the red, diagrams golden Scepter of Life, flutters in the breeze. 那旗帜是红色的,绘有金色的生命权杖,迎风招展。 Wolf's complexion is even more cloudy. 沃尔夫的脸色越发阴沉。 Looks that in guard that under the suppression of rebel army retrocedes unceasingly, he gets angry snort/hum one, pulled out own saber, holds up high: 看着在叛军的压制下不断后退的卫队,他怒哼一声,抽出了自己的佩剑,高高举起: My knights! Follows I, suppresses these motley crew!” “我的骑士们!跟着我,将这些乌合之众镇压!” His behind, gives loyalty to the Wolf family's golden knights holds up the weapon, follows him to join the fight. 他的身后,效忠于沃尔夫家族的黄金骑士们纷纷举起武器,跟随着他加入战斗。 These golden knight majority are the low level aristocrats, is powerful, after they join the fight, the average strength only then the Low Silver Rank rebellious army instantaneous pressure increases. 这些黄金骑士本身大多数都是低级贵族,实力强大,而当他们加入战斗之后,平均实力只有白银下位的反抗军瞬间压力大增。 A faint trace is chaotic, starts to appear in the team. 一丝丝混乱,开始在队伍中出现。 The action eventually was too hasty. 行动终究是太仓促了。 Although the high-ranking officers have been ready, but the soldiers are different. 虽然高级军官们早就做好了准备,但士兵们却不一样。 Even if most soldiers hold favorability to Life Church, but their many people have not been psychologically prepared of resistance. 哪怕绝大多数的士兵都对生命教会抱有好感,但他们很多人还尚未做好反抗的心理准备。 However, at this time, a young high-ranking officer stood. 不过,就在这个时候,一个年轻的高级军官站了出来。 He holds high the flag of resistance, brandishes, while angrily roars: 他高举起反抗的旗帜,一边挥舞,一边怒吼: Brothers! For equality, to be free! For a glorious pure future! Clash/To!” “兄弟们!为了平等,为了自由!为了一个美好纯净的未来!冲啊!” The language finishes, the golden ray blooms on his body, the vague fluctuation spreads together, the rebellious army morale of being covered inspires, felt that the whole body was full of the strength. 语毕,金色的光芒在他的身上绽放,一道隐晦的波动扩散开来,被覆盖到的反抗军纷纷士气一振,感觉全身充满了力量。 Is eight points of regional increases Magic Morale inspiration. 是八环的范围性增益魔法【士气鼓舞】。 Sees the appearance of that young military officer, the Wolf facial expression is angry. 看到那个年轻军官的样子,沃尔夫神情大怒。 He recognized, that is the young military officer who he once placed the great expectations, Magic-Martial double cultivates, is good at regional increasing the Magic golden knight. 他认了出来,那是他曾经寄予厚望的年轻军官,一位魔武双修,擅长范围性增益魔法的黄金骑士。 Law- ratio- secure!” “法-比-安!” He clenches jaws to say. 他咬牙切齿道。 In the vision flashes through mean, he has seized long bow in the soldier hand, tightens the bowstring, projects an arrow in Fabbian's direction. 目光中闪过一丝阴狠,他一把夺过一名士兵手中的长弓,拉紧弓弦,朝着法比安的方向射出一箭。 Brings skill brilliance arrow to project just like class/flow generally, brings the intermittent storm, across layer upon layer crowd, chest of intermediate and high level military officer. 带着技能光辉的箭矢宛若流性一般射出,带起阵阵风浪,穿过层层人群,中高级军官的胸膛。 Fabbian Captain!” “法比安队长!” The surrounding rebellious army calls out in alarm said. 周围的反抗军惊呼道。 Fabbian facial expression pain, he looks at the bowl mouth big fatal injury that the chest front had, knocks a blood, drops down slowly. 法比安神情痛苦,他看了看胸前出现的碗口大的致命伤势,磕出一口血,缓缓倒下。 However, the flag in his hands will soon tilt, another high-ranking officer stood. 不过,就在他手中的旗帜即将倾覆的时候,又一个高级军官站了出来。 He is red the eye, received the flag, brandishes, while the anger exclaimed: 他红着眼睛,接过了旗帜,一边挥舞,一边怒吼道: Brothers, charge! Revenges for Fabbian! Revenges for Commander Bowne!” “兄弟们,冲锋!为法比安报仇!为鲍恩团长报仇!” Life long live! The equality long live! Eliminates these decayed aristocrats!” “生命万岁!平等万岁!消灭这些腐朽的贵族!” With angry roaring of high-ranking officer, the soldiers of rebellious army roused the morale again. 随着高级军官的怒吼,反抗军的士兵们再次鼓起了士气。 They are red the eye, the facial expression are being fierce, at the same time shouted loudly life to long live! The equality long live!”, At the same time advancing uninterruptedly, is flushing away toward Wolf's guard. 他们红着眼睛,神情狰狞,一边高喊“生命万岁!平等万岁!”,一边前赴后继着,朝着沃尔夫的卫队冲去。 Looks unprecedented fighting spirit and war that intent in these ordinary days the careless regiment soldiers erupt, Wolf stared in a big way the eye, full was inconceivable. 看着这些平日里吊儿郎当的军团士兵爆发出来的前所未有的斗志和战意,沃尔夫瞪大了眼睛,满是不可思议。 He is not clear, these bastards were exerted black Magic that anything misled by Life Church, unexpectedly so crazy. 他不明白,这些混蛋到底是被生命教会施加了什么蛊惑的黑魔法,竟然会如此的疯狂。 Insane...... was insane!” “疯了……都疯了!” He cursed at the same time, the resistance sergeant soldier who will flush cut down, while looked to nearby personal guard. 他一边咒骂,一边将冲上来的反抗军士兵砍倒,一边看向了一旁的亲卫 Informed nearby mercenary group? Told them to assist to suppress here rebel army quickly! Also, sends the signal warning City Guard, closes the city gate! Starts the divine spell defense barrier!” “去通知附近的佣兵团了吗?告诉他们快来协助镇压这里的叛军!还有,发信号警告城卫队,关闭城门!启动神术防御屏障!” Wolf exclaimed. 沃尔夫吼道。 Outside the Mania city was based in three large-scale mercenary groups. 曼尼亚城城外常驻了三个大型佣兵团。 They accept recruiting of empire frequently, the assistance Empire Regiment enter the war various wars, although is not the empire army, but in many situations also with Empire Regiment not different. 他们经常接受帝国的征召,协助帝国军团参战各种战事,所以虽然不是帝国军队,但很多情况下也与帝国军团无异了。 Imagination that the rebel army quantity of mutiny far exceeded Wolf, the high-level regiment of revolting is also far from these on information, Wolf even suspected at this moment, the entire regiment was very possible most soldier and military officer treachery. 兵变的叛军数量远远超出了沃尔夫的想象,叛变的高级军团也远非情报上的那些,此时此刻沃尔夫甚至怀疑,整个军团很可能绝大多数的士兵和军官都倒戈了。 Although his individual strength is very strong, although gives loyalty to his family's knights average strength is fiercer than the military officers of regiment, but does not arrive at Legend, is unable to present the qualitative change eventually. 虽然他的个人实力很强,虽然效忠于他家族的骑士们平均实力比军团的军官更厉害,但不到传奇,终究无法出现质变。 Individual strength somewhat is tiny in the front of collective, facing rebellious army that as if the monstrous waves continually well up generally, Wolf's pressure is getting bigger and bigger. 个人的力量在集体的面前还是有些渺小,面对仿佛巨浪一般不断涌来的反抗军,沃尔夫的压力越来越大。 The situation, has lost control thoroughly...... 局势,已经彻底失控了…… Wolf is leading personal guard, retrocedes under the counter-attack of rebellious army unceasingly, was compelled the camp unexpectedly step by step. 沃尔夫带领着亲卫,在反抗军的反击下不断后退,竟然一步步被逼出了营地。 But in the ground, the land is been blood-stained, that is, they who the body of rebellious army stays behind lose are more serious, but the huge sacrifice, has not actually obliterated their war intent. 而在地面上,大地已经被鲜血染红,那是反抗军的尸体所留下的,他们损失更加惨重,但巨大的牺牲,却没有磨灭他们的战意。 Lunatic! This group of lunatics!” “疯子!这群疯子!” Looks at the facial expression fierce soldiers, the Wolf five senses twist, but in his pupil deep place, actually had/left a fear inexplicably. 看着神情狰狞的士兵们,沃尔夫五官扭曲,但在他的瞳孔深处,却莫名地多出了一丝恐惧。 He is not clear. 他不明白。 He is not really clear. 他真的不明白。 He does not understand that as the guards of empire, as the treatment best branch of the services, why these soldiers must rebel, why must revolt...... 他不明白身为帝国的近卫军,身为待遇最好的兵种,这些士兵为什么要叛乱,为什么要反抗…… They only needed hear of orders obviously enough, they only needed to obey obviously enough. 明明他们只需要听命令就够了,明明他们只需要服从就够了。 However now, in these ordinary days in front of the aristocrat the atmosphere in the soldier who does not dare to have, dares to quarrel to their sword at this moment unexpectedly! 然而现在,这些平日里在贵族面前大气都不敢出的士兵,此时此刻竟然敢对他们刀剑相向! Wolf was vacant. 沃尔夫茫然了。 Naturally, he never knows, actually the soldiers from an ordinary family want anything. 当然,他永远不知道,平民出身的士兵们究竟想要些什么。 He does not know, the treatment that oneself think is good, regarding many soldiers, can actually maintain the warm and sufficient condition merely. 他不知道,自己所认为的待遇好,对于很多士兵来说,却仅仅是能维持温饱。 He does not know, the strict hierarchical system, the contradiction between aristocrats and civilians, has laid down in the army, but until now because of the great power of aristocrat, but was depressed that's all. 他更不知道,严格的等级制度,贵族与平民之间的矛盾,早已在军队之中埋下,只不过一直以来都因为贵族的强大力量,而被压下罢了 When the new law issues, when the family and good friend of soldiers were affected, when discontented ferments in the heart suddenly, how long anger saved did not know, finally eruption. 而当新的法令下达,当士兵们的家庭和好友被波及,当不满在心中急剧酝酿的时候,积攒了不知道多久的愤怒,终于爆发。 But at this time, Life Church arrived, making them see beautiful new world in another description, making in their hearts burn a new strength, a new faith...... 而这个时候,生命教会到来,让他们看到了另一个描绘中的美丽新世界,让他们心中燃起来了一股新的力量,一股新的信念…… Does not know the army why fights, has the ideal with one, has the faith army, is completely different. 一支不知为何而战的军队,和一支拥有理想,拥有信念的军队,是完全不一样的。 Blocks them! Blocks them quickly!” “挡住他们!快挡住他们!” Wolf lifts the saber to exclaim. 沃尔夫举着佩剑吼道。 The rebellious army presses on step by step, his surrounding knight are getting fewer and fewer, although the individual is powerful, but looks after in the key point of archer 反抗军步步紧逼,他周围的骑士越来越少,虽然个体实力强大,但在弓箭手的重点“关照” Next, even he, still in the time after time standard keeps off is exhausted. 下,就算是他,也在一次次格挡中疲惫不堪。 mercenary group?! That three damn mercenary groups?! Why hasn't arrived?” 佣兵团呢?!那三个该死的佣兵团呢?!为什么还没有到?” He is red the eye to ask. 他红着眼睛问道。 Regimental commander Sir, should be quick!” “团长大人,应该快了!” The personal guard knight said. 亲卫骑士说道。 But just a saying ended, he hit a target the head by a streams arrow, falls to the ground softly. 而刚一说完,他就被一道流矢射中了脑袋,软软倒地。 Klein!” “克莱因!” Looks aristocrat personal guard that falls to the ground, a Wolf facial expression pain. 看着倒地的贵族亲卫,沃尔夫神情一痛。 He is red the eyes, clenches jaws saying: 他赤红着双眼,咬牙切齿道: Damn rebel army! Damn Life Church!” “该死的叛军!该死的生命教会!” Deeply inspires, the vision from more gathers in more rebel armies to sweep, in Wolf's look flashed through an unwilling drawing back intent. 深吸了一口气,目光从越聚越多的叛军中扫过,沃尔夫的眼神中闪过了一丝不甘的退意。 His breaking by biting lip, no longer insisted, but holds up the long sword order saying: 他咬破嘴唇,不再坚持,而是举起长剑命令道: Retreats! We retreat!” “撤退!我们撤退!” With his order, the personal guard knights are protecting him, starts to flush away toward the camp outside. 随着他的一声令下,亲卫骑士们护卫着他,开始朝着营地外冲去。 However, at this time, the intermittent hoofbeat, the collision sound of sound of footsteps as well as weapon mail-armor and helmet, transmitted distantly. 不过,就在这个时候,阵阵马蹄声,脚步声以及兵器甲胄的碰撞声,遥遥传来。 Wolf looks hastily toward the origin of sound, sees only another direction, above the land, swings the intermittent dust. 沃尔夫连忙朝着声音的来源看去,只见另一个方向,大地之上,荡起阵阵尘埃。 Quickly, hires the cavalry in large numbers, Class mercenary form that as well as equipment varies, appeared in his line of sight. 很快,大批的雇佣骑兵,以及装备各异的职业佣兵的身影,出现在了他的视线里。 Three various flags, flutter in the mercenary team. 三面各不相同的旗帜,在佣兵的队伍中飘扬。 That is three large-scale mercenary groups stationed in another direction. 那是驻扎在另一个方向的三个大型佣兵团。 At this moment, they caught up finally. 这一刻,他们终于赶来了。 Sees the mercenaries form, Count Wolf the great happiness. 看到佣兵们的身影,沃尔夫伯爵大喜。 Tim! Finn! Maximillian! Supports quickly! Suppresses these rebel armies!” “提姆!芬恩!马克西米利安!快来支援!镇压这些叛军!” He shouts greatly. 他大喊道。 That is the names of three mercenary group regimental commanders, they are riding a horse, catch up in the strongest side. 那是三个佣兵团团长的名字,他们正骑着马,赶在最强方。 Wolf finishes barely the words, saw that three regimental commanders lift the cross crossbow in hand suddenly, toward the direction of him and personal guard knight, shoots without hesitation. 只是,沃尔夫话音未落,就看到三名团长忽然抬起手中的十字弩,朝着他和亲卫骑士的方向,毫不犹豫地射过来。 Whiz whiz several, three personal guard knights are killed violently at the scene. 嗖嗖几声,三位亲卫骑士当场毙命。 Count Wolf is stunned, subsequently is angry: 沃尔夫伯爵愕然,继而大怒: Bastard! Are you doing? could it be do you also want to rebel?! could it be you forgot that I to the reward that you did pay?!” “混蛋!你们在干什么?难道你们也要叛乱吗?!难道你们忘记我给你们支付的报酬了吗?!” Largest mercenary group regimental commander, is the leaders of three mercenary groups, hunting dog Tim Station. 规模最大的佣兵团团长,也是三个佣兵团的首领,“猎犬”提姆站了出来。 He received the cross crossbow in hand, looks at Count Wolf and his personal guard unemotionally, said lightly: 他收起了手中的十字弩,面无表情地看着沃尔夫伯爵和他的亲卫,淡淡地说: Wolf Your Excellency, very sorry, the rebellious army left ahead of time compared with you higher commission, therefore...... we give loyalty to them now.” “沃尔夫阁下,很抱歉,反抗军提前出了比您更高的佣金,所以……我们现在效忠于他们。” Wolf gawked staring, then gets angry shouts: 沃尔夫愣了愣,然后怒喝道: Bastard! Raises not the ripe hyena! How many golden pound did they give your? I have three times!” “混蛋!养不熟的鬣狗!他们给了你们多少金镑?我出三倍!” No, price that Wolf Your Excellency, they pay, you cannot give.” “不,沃尔夫阁下,他们出的价钱,您给不起。” The mercenary group regimental commanders shake the head gently. 佣兵团团长轻轻摇了摇头。 Count Wolf was mad smiles: 沃尔夫伯爵被气笑了: Absurd! Can one group of civilians, how much money have?! Tim, you open a price! Our Wolf families are very rich!” “荒谬!一群平民而已,能有多少钱?!提姆,你开个价吧!我们沃尔夫家族有的是钱!” I have said that they give, you could not give.” “我说过了,他们给的,您给不了。” Tim shakes the head gently. 提姆轻轻摇了摇头。 Wolf's facial expression instantaneous ugly/difficult to look at: 沃尔夫的神情瞬间难看了下来: What did they give you? Two million golden pound? Three million golden pound?!” “他们给了你们什么?两百万金镑?还是三百万金镑?!” Not......” “不……” Tim shakes the head again gently. 提姆再次轻轻摇了摇头。 He puts out a section of golden sleeve emblem to wear to the right arm on, while said solemnly and respectfully: 他一边拿出一截金色的袖章戴到右臂上,一边肃穆地说: They give, is the equality and freedom, will be a glorious future......” “他们给的,是平等与自由,是一个美好的未来……” Wolf stagnates slightly, for a while startled. 沃尔夫微微一滞,一时愕然。
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