GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#890: Rebels

Right, Sir Bowne regimental commander, Sir Wolf's regimental commander in his manor you.” “没错,鲍恩团长大人,沃尔夫团长大人正在他的庄园里等您。” personal guard said respectfully. 亲卫恭敬地说道。 Wolf is the surname of seventh regiment big regimental commander, is Bowne's immediate superior. 沃尔夫是第七军团大团长的姓氏,也是鲍恩的顶头上司。 He is the highest direction of seventh guard regiment, but, usually , if no important matter, rarely looks for Bowne, in most situations is the waving the arms about storekeepers. 他是第七近卫军团的最高指挥,不过,平日里如果没有大事,很少找鲍恩,大多数情况下都是个甩手掌柜。 Bowne nods slightly. 鲍恩微微颔首。 He and oneself personal guard looked at each other one vaguely, after the hesitation moment, said: 他与自己的亲卫们隐晦地对视了一眼,沉吟片刻后说: I understood, you outside my, I tidied up this in the past.” “我明白了,你在外面等我一下,我收拾收拾这就过去。” Has been pledged, regimental commander personal guard salutes to ask to be excused. 得到承诺,团长亲卫行礼告退。 After the opposite party leaves, the atmosphere in office enforced all of a sudden. 而在对方离开之后,办公室中的气氛一下子严肃了起来。 „Did regimental commander Sir, what the regimental commander detect? Didn't the Empire Parliament just hold the oversized conference? Possibly how suddenly also to have the matter to look for us?” “团长大人,团长是不是察觉到了什么?帝国议会不是刚刚才召开过大会议吗?怎么可能忽然又有事找咱们?” A personal guard knight somewhat worried that said. 一位亲卫骑士有些担忧地说道。 Yes, moreover now at this time, weather already late......” “是啊,而且还是现在这时候,天色已经晚了……” Another personal guard knight also said similarly. 另一位亲卫骑士也同样说道。 Bowne brow slightly wrinkle. 鲍恩眉头微皱。 He thinks, some indefinite shaking the head of: 他想了想,有些不确定的摇了摇头: „It is not clear, but...... also possibly really has the matter, the Pope front leg just walked, these Chonsongri public securities are not quite steady, but the seventh guard regiment, always also has the work of assisting public security......” “不清楚,不过……也可能是真的有事,教皇前脚刚走,这几天城里治安不太稳,而第七近卫军团,向来也有协防治安的工作……” But after thinking several seconds, he also said: 而思索数秒后,他又说道: „But since he looks for me, then I should go in any event, otherwise, even if he has not detected anything, should still detect improper.” “但既然他找我,那么无论如何我都理应去一趟,不然的话,就算是他没有察觉出来什么,也会发觉不妥的。” Then, he said to two personal guard commissions: 说完,他对两个亲卫嘱托道: Like this, after I leave, you also with the past, paid attention to that side a manor situation quietly, if over two hours I have not come out, or had what not good news, then hurried to contact with Fabbian, told him our preparation likely to present the accident, making him change the original plan......” “这样,等我离开后,你们也悄悄跟过去,注意一点庄园那边的情况,如果超过两小时我还没有出来,或者说有了什么不好的消息,那么就赶紧回来联系法比安,告诉他我们的筹划很可能已经出现变故,让他改变原本的计划……” But at this point, Bowne shakes the head, changes a statement: 而说到这里,鲍恩又摇了摇头,改口道: Not...... perhaps, if to that time , this, after I had really left late, you hurry to fan out in two groups, looks for Fabbian, another is staring at that side the manor trend, whenever anything is wrong will send the signal, notice another side carries out the emergency plan.” “不……如果真的到了那个时候,恐怕已经晚了,这样吧,我离开之后,你们就赶紧兵分两路,一个去找法比安,另外一个盯着庄园那边的动向,一有问题就发信号,通知另一边执行紧急方案。” Emergency plan?” “紧急方案?” personal guard stare slightly. 亲卫们微微一愣。 Specific detail I had reached an agreement with Fabbian, you rephrased in own words that like this enough, at that time he was your highest senior officials.” “具体细节我已经与法比安商量好了,你们就这样转述就够了,那个时候他就是你们的最高长官了。” Bowne sinking sound said. 鲍恩沉声道。 Saying, he tried to find out the moment from the bosom, touched a Magic scroll, the stopper gave two people: 说着,他从怀里摸索了片刻,摸出来一张魔法卷轴,塞给了两人: This is signal Magic, once tears to pieces, purity that in three kilometers can look.” “这是信号魔法,一旦撕破,三公里之内都能看的一清二楚。” Regimental commander Sir!” “团长大人!” personal guard worried wear a look. 亲卫们面带担忧。 However, Bowne shows a faint smile merely: 不过,鲍恩仅仅是微微一笑: Relax, this is the worst case scenario, perhaps really asks me to have anything merely, extremely should not be worried......” “放心吧,这是最坏的情况,或许仅仅是真的找我有什么事,你们不要太过担心……” Calmed down, to the essential time, our more calmly, cannot expose weaknesses.” “冷静下来,越是到了关键的时候,我们就越得镇定,不能露出破绽。” Confessed after several, Bowne left oneself office. 交代了几句之后,鲍恩就离开了自己的办公室。 Arrives at outside the station, the carriage of regimental commander family/home has been waiting. 来到驻地外,团长家的马车已经在等待了。 Looks at that magnificent style carriage, Bowne deeply inspires, sat. 看着那华丽气派的马车,鲍恩深吸了一口气,坐了进去。 Unlike Bowne, the regimental commanders of seventh guard regiment are the true hereditary nobilities, a it is said ancestor and Tress family has the palace Count of blood relationship. 与鲍恩不同,第七近卫军团的团长是真正的世袭贵族,一位据说祖上与特雷斯家族有着血缘关系的宫廷伯爵。 Although the opposite party also has own office in the station of seventh regiment, but actually likes the work in own Bojue Manor. 虽然对方在第七军团的驻地也有着属于自己的办公室,不过却更喜欢在自己的伯爵庄园内办公。 Bojue Manor is located in the suburbs in Mania city, is not far from the station of seventh regiment. 伯爵庄园位于曼尼亚城的城郊,距离第七军团的驻地并不算远。 Before, the seventh army regimental commanders also liked summoning in the manor to discuss the important matter the subordinate very much, even also hosted the evening banquet frequently, invited division Captain in regiment. 在以前,第七军团长也是很喜欢将部下召唤到庄园中商议要事,甚至还经常举行晚宴,宴请军团里的各位分队队长 However, similar invitation is conducted the half of the day to one day generally ahead of time, and usually conducts in the evening, probably today worries rarely has. 不过,类似的邀请一般都是提前半天到一天进行的,且通常都是在傍晚进行,像是今天这么着急的很少有。 Why this is also Bowne and personal guard meets instantaneous vigilant. 这也是为什么鲍恩和亲卫们会瞬间警惕。 Sat boards the carriage, Bowne left the station of seventh regiment. 坐上马车,鲍恩离开了第七军团的驻地。 But two personal guard also change the clothes, fans out in two groups, a person seeks other subordinates who Bowne remains behind, a person quietly with starting motorcade. 而两位亲卫也换好衣服,兵分两路,一人去寻鲍恩留守的其他部下,一人悄悄跟上马车队。 Before Bowne arrives at the manor gate , time already to high noon. 当鲍恩来到庄园门前的时候,时间已至正午。 Noon of June, Sun has hot of some summers, Bojue Manor magnificent style as always, but can also see that many soldiers are going on patrol back and forth. 六月的中午,太阳已经有了些许夏日的火辣,伯爵庄园则一如既往的华丽气派,还能看到不少士兵在来回巡逻。 With the past, does not have any difference. 与往日,也没有什么区别。 Sir Bowne regimental commander, we arrived.” “鲍恩团长大人,我们到了。” personal guard of big group war said respectfully. 大团战的亲卫恭敬地说。 Bowne nods, went down the carriage, but the deacon in manor welcomes immediately, guides for him. 鲍恩点了点头,走下了马车,而庄园的执事立刻就迎了上来,为他带路。 Sir Bowne, the master is in the meeting hall you.” “鲍恩大人,老爷正在议事厅等您。” Enters the magnificent manor, the steward of big regimental commander welcomed, salutes to Bowne respectfully. 进入华丽的庄园,大团长的管家迎了过来,恭敬地对鲍恩行礼。 But meanwhile , the maid goes forward, in the hand holds the air-to-air tray. 而同时,又有一名女仆上前,手中托着空空的托盘。 Looks at that tray, Bowne hesitated for one second, but quick defers to the old rule, takes own weapon, put. 看着那托盘,鲍恩迟疑了一秒,但很快还是按照老规矩,将自己的武器拿出来,放了上去。 Later, he under steward's leadership, went to the discussing official business hall in manor. 之后,他才在管家的带领下,来到了庄园里的议事大厅。 When Bowne enters the discussing official business hall, the big group of seventh guard regiment fought Wolf to wait for here. 在鲍恩进入议事大厅的时候,第七近卫军团的大团战沃尔夫已经在这里等待了。 This is a graceful middle-aged aristocrat who wears the wig, a magnificent clothing is very tasteful, he is standing before the window, the scenery of appreciation out of the window. 这是一位戴着假发的优雅中年贵族,一身华丽的服饰很是讲究,他正站在窗前,欣赏窗外的风景。 Notices Bowne, he shows a faint smile, turns around: 注意到鲍恩,他微微一笑,转过身来: Bowne, did you come?” “鲍恩,你来了?” Regimental commander Sir, what happened?” “团长大人,发生了什么事?” Bowne asked respectfully. 鲍恩恭敬地问道。 Saying, he looked at a board, discovered that the seat front is putting one pack of parchment. 说着,他看了一眼会议桌,发现座位前方放着一叠羊皮纸。 However, those who attract Bowne is not a parchment, but places the two kinds thing on parchment. 不过,吸引鲍恩的并不是羊皮纸,而是放在羊皮纸上的两样东西。 One, is a golden Mania gold and silver fruit. 一个,是一枚金色的曼尼亚金银果。 One, was one section dyed one side the color homespun cloth. 一个,是一截染了一边颜色的粗布。 That flash, Bowne pupil shrinks suddenly, in the heart raised suddenly a police trillion. 那一瞬间,鲍恩瞳孔突缩,心中忽然升起了一丝警兆。 Bowne, your complexion as if not too attractive...... looks like, you on the thing to this table are not strange.” “鲍恩,你的脸色似乎不太好看……看来,你对这桌子上的东西并不陌生。” Count Wolf shows a faint smile. 沃尔夫伯爵微微一笑。 Saying, his facial expression is transferring gradually coldly: 说着,他神情渐渐转冷: Bowne, what matter you have, needs to give me a confession?” “鲍恩,你是不是有什么事,需要给我一个交代?” Sir Wolf, I do not know that you are saying anything......” “沃尔夫大人,我不知道您在说什么……” Bowne covered alarmed and afraid of vision deep place, the sinking sound said. 鲍恩掩去了目光深处的惊惧,沉声道。 „, But also wants to play the fool? Has a look at the list on table!” “呵,还想装傻吗?看看桌子上的名单吧!” Wolf cold snort/hum, said. 沃尔夫冷哼一声,道。 In Bowne heart jumps. 鲍恩心中一跳。 Parchment of his subconsciousness on toward table looks, quick facial expression big change. 他下意识朝着桌子上的羊皮纸看去,很快神情大变。 On that what record is the each and every (one) name. 那上面,记录的是一个个名字。 Said accurately, is the part joins the rebellious army, plans the name of high-ranking officer two days later revolt against together. 更准确的说,是部分加入反抗军,计划在两天之后一起反抗的高级军官的名字。 And, Bowne's name, impressively. 其中,鲍恩的姓名,也赫然在内。 It is not good! expose! 不好!暴*露了! In a flash, in Bowne's heart raised the startled big wave monstrous waves. 一瞬间,鲍恩的心中掀起了惊涛巨浪。 He without hesitation, sticks out suddenly instantaneously, shouts angrily to pull out one to hide the good dagger from the sole, punctures toward Count Wolf. 他毫不犹豫,瞬间暴起,怒喝一声从脚底掏出一个隐藏好的匕首,朝着沃尔夫伯爵刺去。 However, Count Wolf responded that is quicker. 然而,沃尔夫伯爵反应更快。 Sees only his cold snort/hum one, flies a foot, trampled in Bowne's chest. 只见他冷哼一声,飞起一脚,踹在了鲍恩的胸口。 Bowne only thought that a severe pain transmits, he could not bear spout a blood, flew upside down, hit on the wall, fell slowly...... 鲍恩只觉得一股剧痛传来,他忍不住喷出了一口鲜血,倒飞出去,撞到了墙壁上,缓缓滑落…… At this moment, Bowne felt that as if must break from the bone of own body within the body. 这一刻,鲍恩感觉自己身体内的骨头似乎都要散架了。 Without the means that the both sides power gap was too big. 没有办法,双方实力差距太大了。 Although he is the Upper Gold Rank knight, but Wolf is actually half Legend. 他虽然是黄金上位的骑士,但沃尔夫却是半步传奇 The next second, one row of fully-armed knights flushed, obviously is prepared early, encircles Bowne. 下一秒,一列全副武装的骑士冲了进来,明显是早有准备,将鲍恩团团围住。 But in knight, a high-ranking officer. 而在骑士之中,还有一个高级军官。 Sees the appearance of high-ranking officer, Bowne facial expression changes, subsequently is angry: 看到高级军官的样子,鲍恩神情微变,继而大怒: Andre! Is you!” “安德烈!是你!” He recognized, that is a subordinate who he trusts, one of the resistance allies also early developing, has not actually thought that the most crucial time betrayed him! 他认了出来,那是他信任的一个手下,也是最早发展起来的反抗战友之一,却没想到最关键的时刻背叛了他! Hears Bowne's angrily rebuking, the high-ranking officer facial expression is complex, in the vision flashes through a guilt. 听到鲍恩的怒斥,高级军官神情复杂,目光中闪过一丝愧疚。 He lowers the head slightly, sighs, said: 他微微低下头,叹了口气,说道: Is sorry...... Sir Bowne, my expose, but I have the family member, I must consider for the safety of family member......” “抱歉……鲍恩大人,我暴*露了,但我还有家人,我必须要为家人的安危着想……” You!” “你!” Bowne is angry. 鲍恩大怒。 He coughs up blood, while struggled to sit. 他一边咳血,一边挣扎着坐了起来。 But was subdued by the knights quickly. 但很快又被骑士们制伏。 Count Wolf looked at his one eyes indifferently: 沃尔夫伯爵冷漠地看了他一眼: Bowne, told me your informers and plans, I can forgive your life.” “鲍恩,告诉我你们的线人和计划,我可以饶你一命。” Bah! Gave up any idea of! Your this aristocrat dog!” “呸!休想!你这条贵族狗!” Bowne spat blood froth, cursed. 鲍恩吐了一口血沫,咒骂道。 The Wolf facial expression sinks. 沃尔夫神情一沉。 But quick, he sneers, said: 但很快,他又冷笑一声,说: „It is unyielding......” “还挺硬气……” But, you do not care about your life, does not know that you do care about your wife and child's life.” “不过,你不在乎你的性命,不知道你在不在乎你妻子和孩子的性命。” Count Wolf narrowed the eye, said. 沃尔夫伯爵眯了眯眼睛,说道。 Hears here, Bowne expression big change. 听到这里,鲍恩表情大变。 But the next quarter, he noticed that oneself wife was pushed by the knights crudely. 而下一刻,他就看到自己的妻子被骑士们粗暴地推了进来。 Manina!” “马妮娜!” Bowne calls out in alarm said. 鲍恩惊呼道。 He wants to struggle, but the severe wound, basic could not have moved under the suppression of knights. 他想要挣扎,但早已重伤,根本在骑士们的压制下动弹不得。 Bowne, gives you an opportunity, said your plans and conspirators, looked, in your many years took orders in my friendship, I can forgive you and your family member.” “鲍恩,给你一个机会,说出你们的计划和同谋者,看在你多年听命于我的情谊上,我可以饶了你和你的家人。” Count Wolf said. 沃尔夫伯爵说道。 Bowne facial expression fluctuates, looks to struggle. 鲍恩神情变幻,面露挣扎。 However, his wife Manina actually shouted: 不过,他的妻子马妮娜却呼喊了起来: Bowne! Do not tell him! The aristocrats are incredible! Bowne has run away successfully! I do not fear death! Do not care about my safety!” “鲍恩!不要告诉他!贵族不可信!小鲍恩已经成功逃走了!我不怕死!不要在乎我的安危!” Shut up! Shuts her mouth!” “住口!堵住她的嘴!” Count Wolf exclaimed. 沃尔夫伯爵吼道。 Listened to his words, the knights shut up with the cloth strip Manina's mouth crudely. 听了他的话,骑士们粗暴地将马妮娜的嘴用布条堵了起来。 Manina!” “马妮娜!” An anxiety of Bowne face. 鲍恩一脸的焦急。 But the next quarter, he noticed that in own wife's vision flashed through one to renounce. 而下一刻,他看到自己妻子的目光中闪过了一丝决绝。 Seeing only her is unprepared while the knight, suddenly struggled, hits toward the long sword in knight hand on, along with tittering a dull thumping sound, the long sword pierced her chest. 只见她趁着骑士不备,忽然挣扎了起来,朝着骑士手中的长剑上撞去,伴随着噗嗤一声闷响,长剑刺穿了她的胸膛。 The blood sprayed place instantaneously. 鲜血瞬间喷洒了一地。 Manina!” “马妮娜!” Bowne stared in a big way the eye, the facial expression was fierce. 鲍恩瞪大了眼睛,神情狰狞。 Manina slips into slowly. 马妮娜缓缓滑到。 She wū wū several, are unable to speak, but looked that has the boundless tender feelings to Bowne's vision. 她呜呜了几声,无法说话,但看向鲍恩的目光却带着无限的柔情。 Bowne understood her vision. 鲍恩读懂了她的目光。 In that vision, brings the comfort and encouragement. 那目光中,带着安慰与鼓励。 Then, she heavy closed the eye. 而后,她沉沉地闭上了眼睛。 aaaahh-!” 啊啊啊-!” Bowne angrily roars, the facial expression is sorrowful, erupts the unprecedented strength, shook off knight's control instantaneously. 鲍恩怒吼一声,神情悲痛,爆发出前所未有的力气,瞬间挣脱了骑士的控制。 Sees only his fist to knock down a knight, then seizes the long sword of opposite party, punctures toward Wolf. 只见他一拳将一名骑士打倒在地,然后夺起对方的长剑,朝着沃尔夫刺去。 Wolf cold snort/hum, pulls out the long sword conveniently, Bowne who will stick out suddenly cuts down again. 沃尔夫冷哼一声,随手抽出长剑,将暴起的鲍恩再次砍倒。 This time, he has not hesitated, a sword cut Bowne's head. 这一次,他没有迟疑,一剑斩下了鲍恩的头颅。 As a Bowne many years of senior official, the personality of his very clear opposite party, the wife died, the child runs away, perhaps this assistant regimental commander will be will not say the Life Church information absolutely again. 作为鲍恩多年的长官,他非常清楚对方的性格,妻子死了,孩子逃走,这位副团长恐怕是绝对不会再说出生命教会的情报了。 Dark red blood spraying, until that moment of death, Bowne's vision has the infinite anger as before. 殷红的鲜血喷射,直到死亡的那一刻,鲍恩的目光依旧带着无穷的怒火。 His head tumbles on the ground, eyeball suddenly/violently Tu, is staring the sky. 他的头颅滚落在地上,眼珠暴突,瞪着天空。 But his body but actually, pours with wife's corpse in the same place slowly softly. 而他的身体则缓缓软倒,与妻子的尸首倒在一起。 But Count Wolf will catch the bloodstain white gloves to take off, throws the ground, orders to say to the knight: 而沃尔夫伯爵将染上了血迹的白手套脱下,扔到了地上,对骑士命令道: Hangs their heads in the camps of regiment, warns others against following a bad example!” “将他们两个的头颅挂在军团的营地中,以儆效尤!” Did not need to wait to discover other rebel again, first grasped to say the fellows on these lists again, a multi- belt/bring knight, do not let the person run.” “不用等着再找出别的叛徒了,先把那些名单上的家伙抓起来再说,多带点骑士,别让人都跑了。” The knights salute respectfully, dragged out the corpse. 骑士们恭敬行礼,将尸体拖了下去。 Betrays Bowne's high-ranking officer facial expression to be complex. 背叛鲍恩的高级军官神情复杂。 He awed looked at a Count Wolf, struggled the moment, exchanged a disturbance of face: 他敬畏地看了一眼沃尔夫伯爵,挣扎了片刻,又换上了一脸的忐忑: Group...... regimental commander Sir, now, can you let off my family member now?” “团……团长大人,现在,现在您能放过我的家人了吗?” Wolf looked at his one eyes, without speech. 沃尔夫看了他一眼,没有说话。 The high-ranking officer is even more disturbed. 高级军官越发忐忑。 He is preparing to say anything again, actually suddenly a chest pain. 他正准备再说些什么,却忽然胸口一痛。 Lowers the head looked, a section of sword blade penetrated oneself chest, punctures from the back. 低头一看,一截剑锋穿透了自己的胸膛,是从背后刺出来的。 That is stands in his back knight. 那是站在他背后的骑士。 He opens mouth, looks at a loss to Wolf, but sees, is actually an indifferent face. 他张了张嘴,茫然地看向沃尔夫,但看到的,却是一张冷漠的脸。 Then, his body one soft, falls to the ground slowly. 而后,他身体一软,缓缓倒地。 In last second of consciousness, what he hears is such a few words: 在意识的最后一秒,他听到的是这样一句话: My most hateful rebel, hangs the body of this fellow.” “我最讨厌叛徒,将这个家伙的尸体也挂起来。” Then, high-ranking officer anything does not know. 然后,高级军官就什么都不知道了。 Regimental commander, his family member?” “团长,那他的家人呢?” Some knights asked. 有骑士问道。 Killed.” “都杀了。” Wolf said careless. 沃尔夫漫不经心地说道。 Right, outside with that small tail, chopped.” “对了,还有外面跟过来的那个小尾巴,也剁了吧。” He also added. 他又补充道。 ...... …… Time one minute/share one second of past. 时间一分一秒的过去。 Remains results in personal guard not to wait till the news in the station, has not waited till the so-called warning signal. 留守在驻地得亲卫迟迟没有等到消息,也没有等到所谓的示警信号。 „Did Guirbert, regimental commander Sir really say?” “吉贝尔,团长大人真的这么说?” His side, minute/share of Captain Fabbian of regiment is frowning, asks. 他的身旁,军团的分队长法比安皱着眉头,问道。 Yes, regimental commander Sir said that if sees the signal, start emergency plan.” “是的,团长大人说了,如果看到信号,就启动紧急方案。” The personal guard knight said. 亲卫骑士说道。 Fabbian nods, paces in the room back and forth. 法比安点了点头,在房间内来回踱步。 After the moment, he looked at the time, the facial expression is even more anxious: 片刻后,他又看了看时间,神情越发不安: Some too long......” “有些太久了……” The facial expression struggled the moment, under seemed like decides anything to be determined, his sinking sound said: 神情挣扎了片刻,似乎是下定了什么决心,他沉声道: „It is not good, we cannot wait, now on change plan, start emergency plan.” “不行,我们不能等了,现在就改变计划,启动紧急方案。” Doesn't wait? However...... did not have the signal......” “不等了?但是……还没有信号……” personal guard is stunned. 亲卫愕然。 Does not wait! Such long, but also does not have the news, definitely was meets to trouble, perhaps troubled greatly, we had possibility expose very much, perhaps even/including with past Yu Ergen has encountered the mishap.” “不等了!这么久了,还没有消息,肯定是遇到麻烦了,恐怕还是大麻烦,我们很有可能暴*露了,说不定连跟过去的于尔根已经遭遇不测了。” We do not have the time to hesitate, does not have the qualification to bet, must prepare for the worst!” “我们没有时间犹豫,也没有本钱去赌,一切都要做最坏的打算!” Fabbian said. 法比安说道。 Then, he said to the personal guard order: 说完,他对亲卫命令道: Guirbert, the preparation, we start to carry out the emergency plan.” “吉贝尔,准备吧,我们开始执行紧急方案。” But...... Sir Fabbian, what is the emergency plan?” “可是……法比安大人,什么是紧急方案?” Some personal guard doubts. 亲卫有些疑惑。 Plans expose, the action is ahead of time, immediately revolts!” “计划暴*露,行动提前,立刻起义!” Fabbian said. 法比安说道。 Saying, him takes a new Magic scroll from the office, opens the window to rip open him. 说着,他从办公室拿出来了一张新的魔法卷轴,打开窗户将其撕开。 The eye-catching ray blooms on the scroll. 夺目的光芒在卷轴上绽放。 Next quarter, a glare from day, along with grating long cry. 下一刻,一道强光从天而起,伴随着刺耳的长鸣。 Bang, giant fireworks blooms on the backdrop. 轰隆一声,一朵巨大的烟花在天幕上绽放。 At this moment, even if in the Mania city, sees clear. 这一刻,哪怕是远在曼尼亚城中,都看到一清二楚。
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