GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#859: Dropping of Bento

The human state undercurrent surges. 人类国度暗流涌动。 But on the other hand, with radical opening of Segers World, the players given name is also getting more and more resounding in the mainland. 而另一方面,随着赛格斯世界的彻底开放,玩家们名号也在大陆上越来越响亮。 Especially Eve opens spark after preaching Mission, many players showed the strong interest, went to Human World, when preaching. 尤其是伊芙开启“星星之火”的传道任务之后,很多玩家对此都表现出了浓厚的兴趣,争相前往人类世界传道者。 Has the Priest Class player is very good preaching. 拥有祭司职业的玩家还是很好传道的。 Splendid treatment divine spell, can control the celestial phenomenon based on this High Level divine spell, has the extremely strong attraction regarding the average person. 不论是出色的治疗神术,还是能在一定范围内操控天象的高阶神术,对于普通人来说都有着极强的吸引力。 The former concerns own health, but the latter concerns the environment and crops crop, particularly in the countryside and suburbs, is very popular. 前者关乎自身的身体健康,而后者则关乎环境与作物收成,尤其是在乡下和城郊,很受欢迎。 In addition players careful establishment «Life Scripture», as well as raises to riff raffs attractive egalitarianism, is very naturally easy to obtain to crowd around. 再加上玩家们精心编制的《生命圣典》,以及提出来的对底层人民极具吸引力的平等主义,自然很容易获得拥簇。 Selects point the light of faith, starts to lighten in Segers Continent various places, moreover there is a trend of getting stronger and stronger. 点点的信仰之光,开始在赛格斯大陆的各处点亮,而且有愈演愈烈的趋势。 After Eternal Church starts arrests life preaching to shall be sentenced to the stake, not only the enthusiasm of players has not abated, instead surged upward. 而在永恒教会开始逮捕生命传道者并处以火刑之后,玩家们的这种热情不仅没有消退,反而更加高涨了。 Suddenly, Holy Mania Empire and across the Ayers kingdom, gushes out life preaching who is one after another inspiring and is unafraid of death in abundance. 一时间,神圣曼尼亚帝国和艾瑞斯王国各地,纷纷涌出一位又一位可歌可泣、视死如归的生命传道者。 They do not fear the might, they do not fear the oppression, they did not fear the death, they are laughing heroically, chinned up and chested out, facing the end of life. 他们不畏强权,他们不畏压迫,他们不怕死亡,他们豪迈地大笑着,昂首挺胸,面对生命的终结。 Even if were sewn on the stake column, even if were swallowed by Flame, they must be full of the fighting spirit the sound to shout that Goddess with that long live! 哪怕被钉在火刑柱上,哪怕被烈焰吞噬,他们也要用那充满斗志的声音喊出-女神万岁! One crowd of play essences. 一群戏精。 Regarding the behavior of players, Eve has been unalarmed by strange sights. 对于玩家们的行为,伊芙早已见怪不怪。 After hearing players' call, It would not being able to bear in the heart complains, long live anything actually...... is the incantation It dead or praise It. 只是,听到玩家们的呐喊后,祂总会忍不住在心中吐槽,万岁什么的……究竟是咒祂死还是赞美祂。 But in any event said, martyr for many players, the Priest player opened a front door of leaf of new century eventually particularly. 但无论如何说,“殉道者”终究是为不少玩家,尤其是祭司玩家开启了一扇新世纪的大门。 Only some deaths most can be moving. 唯有死亡最能动人。 But the martyr, will be respected by the followers naturally, was admired by the followers, yearned by the followers...... 而殉道者,天然地会被信徒们尊敬,被信徒们仰慕,被信徒们向往…… The nature, this will also let prestigious when production costs rise, prices rise too of martyr. 自然,这也会让殉道者的声望水涨船高。 Can the rising prestige, be able to add legend, once own story were praised by wandering bard, the given name can quickly disseminate in the mainland, but the price, time is dies merely one...... 能涨声望,能加传说度,一旦自己的故事被游吟诗人传颂出去,名号就能迅速在大陆上传播起来,而代价,仅仅是死一次而已…… The business of this prize investment, naturally cannot let off by the players. 这种一本万利的买卖,自然不会被玩家们放过。 If said that really has what risk...... probably, was their resurrecting abilities can expose. 而如果说真有什么风险的话……大概,也就是他们的复活能力会不会暴*露了。 However, turned over the time after time player, had the rich experience early, so long as keeps changing one's goals, can avoid awkwardly. 不过,翻车了一次次的玩家,早有了丰富的经验,只要打一枪换一个地方,就能避免尴尬了。 Naturally, the secret meets expose eventually. 当然,秘密终究是会暴*露的。 But the pursue of Priest players also has the difference, so long as they completed before expose did missionary work Mission, enough meritorious service that so long as they accumulated, even in the future expose how? 祭司玩家们的追求又有不同,只要他们在暴*露之前完成了传教任务,只要他们积累的足够的功勋,就算是未来暴*露了又如何? The Priest rank has succeeded in obtaining. 祭司等级已经到手了。 Most, falls some favorability. 最多,也就是跌一些好感 What reduces favorability, except for how many true big shot, who hasn't experienced? 但减好感什么的,除了那几个真正的大佬,又有谁没经历过呢? So long as is not Demacia that type meets dead directly, falling favorability, has the possibility of rising eventually. 只要不是德玛西亚那种直接见面死的,掉落的好感,终究还是有涨回来的可能的。 The Segers Continent light on faith spreads unceasingly, but another side, underground world the remnant forces of last God of Darkness and Shadow, in death church and player strangles to death jointly vanishes into thin air...... 赛格斯大陆上的信仰之光不断蔓延,而另一边,地下世界的最后一丝黑暗与阴影之神的残余势力,也在死亡教会和玩家的联手绞杀中烟消云散…… Underground world, demon cable/search city. 地下世界,魔索城。 At this moment, in this Darkness City-State Alliance is largest, is in the underground world the largest cities, finally exchanged the Nether City-State Alliance flag. 此时此刻,这座黑暗城邦联盟中规模最大,也是地下世界中规模最大的城市,终于换上了幽寂城邦联盟的旗帜。 Once dark temple was replaced by the death temple, the new life temple also appeared in the city. 曾经的黑暗神殿被死亡神殿代替,新的生命神殿也在城中出现。 Naturally, must have players doing missionary work. 当然,也少不了玩家们的传教活动。 The death church did not limit the dissemination of Life Church, the dark church also did not have faith, therefore, the magnanimous underground intelligent lifeform attracted the Priest player who sought the promotion naturally. 死亡教会不限制生命教会的传播,黑暗教会又没有了信仰,因此,海量的地下智慧生物自然而然地就吸引了很多寻求晋升的祭司玩家。 Almost every day, can see their warm preaching form on the street in city. 几乎每天,都能在城市的街道上看到他们热情传道的身影。 However, today is different. 不过,今天却不一样。 The lively street was once seized by the solemn and respectful guard, they were placed the both sides, protected by the path. 曾经热闹的的街道被肃穆的卫兵占领,他们分列两侧,护在道路两边。 The residents gather at behind of guard, is looking around toward the city gate curiously, once for a while whispers, seems exchanging anything...... 居民们聚集在卫兵的后面,好奇地朝着城门张望着,时不时交头接耳,似乎在交流着什么…… Suddenly, demon cable/search city that big dark city wall opens slowly, the sturdy chains dangles slowly, flares out the city gate, opens wide thoroughly. 忽然,魔索城那高大黑暗的城墙缓缓开启,粗壮的锁链徐徐垂下,将城门拉平,彻底洞开。 The intermittent magic beast oppression of the people sound transmits, the soldier who rows of wear the armor rode the underground world unique crawling class mount to enter the city. 阵阵魔兽的铁蹄声传来,一列列身披铠甲的士兵骑着地下世界特有的爬行类坐骑进入了城市。 Their behind, is fluttering the assorted flag, has to be the Nether City-State Alliance war hammer chess, had to be the skeleton flag of death church, had to be the Life Church scepter flag, there are all kinds, player guild flag that the design varied...... 他们的身后,飘扬着各色旗帜,有属于幽寂城邦联盟的战锤棋,有属于死亡教会的骷髅旗,有属于生命教会的权杖旗,也有更多五花八门,图案各异的玩家公会旗…… This sweeps the final dark church influence, triumphal returns to turn over to the allied armies that. 这是扫荡完最后的黑暗教会势力,凯旋而归的联军们。 In the frontline of team, is leading secluded and lonely dwarf Warriors, they are the key forces of Nether City-State Alliance army, everyone is gaining ground, throwing out the chest, is self-confident and spirited. 在队伍的最前方,是带队的幽寂矮人战士们,他们是幽寂城邦联盟军队的核心力量,每一个人都抬着头,挺着胸,自信又昂扬。 That is the joy and pride of victor. 那是属于胜利者的喜悦与自豪。 Sees them, demon cable/search city many Stygian Dwarf threw the complex line of sight. 看到他们,魔索城的不少黑暗矮人都投去了复杂的视线。 No one thinks, this once by branch clansman that they pursued, will return unexpectedly in this manner. 没有人会想到,这个曾经被他们驱逐的分支族人,竟然会以这样的方式回归。 However, the Stygian Dwarf vision has not stayed on the bodies of these compatriots is too long, the form that because they were selected by these quickly high attracted. 不过,黑暗矮人们的目光并没有在这些同胞的身上停留太久,因为他们很快就被那些高挑的身影吸引了。 That is elf, players who participated in this war. 那是精灵,是参与了这场战争的玩家们。 elves was tall, even if compared with human, can be called sufficiently selects high, when they and dwarves walk in the same place, this contrast is more obvious. 精灵们的个子本就偏高,哪怕是与人类相比,也足以称得上高挑,而当他们与矮人走在一起的时候,这种对比更加明显。 In addition their is different from the dwarf rough semblance the delicate and pretty face, as well as that in the dim underground world, is sending out light brilliance magnificent equipment, making them seem like the God's Envoy regiment that God sends out...... 再加上他们那有别于矮人粗犷外表的俊美脸庞,以及身上那在昏暗的地下世界里,散发着淡淡光辉的华丽装备,让他们看上去就像是神灵派出的神使军团…… Beautiful, noble and powerful...... 美丽、高贵、强大…… As if all happy glossaries, can use on their bodies. 似乎一切美好的词汇,都能用在他们的身上。 Naturally, if their vision was more serious was better, will have imposing manner some. 当然,如果他们目光再严肃些就更好了,会更有气势一些。 Unlike dwarf, after entering city, many elf toward street both sides beckons, while smiles, welcomed the intermittent dwarf young girl's scream. 与矮人不同,在进入城市之后,不少精灵都在朝着街道两侧一边招手,一边微笑,迎来了阵阵矮人少女的尖叫。 Shows off anything, forever is the topic that the players most like. 出风头什么的,永远是玩家们最喜欢的话题。 Especially player team frontline Calabash, is blowing the whistling, while lavishes praise to the both sides dwarf young girls, every will welcome an excited treble one time...... 尤其是玩家队伍最前方的葫芦,一边吹着口哨,一边给两侧的矮人少女抛媚眼,每一次都会迎来一阵激动的高音…… Calabash, no wonder you were not interested in elf Little Elder Sister, originally your taste such heavy?” 葫芦,难怪你一直对精灵小姐姐们不感兴趣,原来你口味这么重的吗?” Looks at his frivolous appearance, looked in the dwarf these waists also to want the thick younger sisters compared with the bucket, Chopin could not bear swallow a saliva. 看着他那轻佻的样子,又瞄了瞄矮人里那些腰比水桶还要粗的妹子们,肖邦忍不住咽了口唾沫。 However, he welcomed a Calabash supercilious look quickly: 不过,他很快就迎来了一记葫芦的白眼: I said nation Elder Brother, can you have one pair to discover that the beautiful eye, in could it be your eye only saw the bucket, hasn't actually seen these petite cute girls?” “我说邦哥,你能不能拥有一双发现美的眼睛,难道你的眼中只看到了水桶,却没看到那些娇小可爱的女孩吗?” Has? Haven't I seen? Here female dwarf...... to be honest, as if be sturdier than the dark city.” “有吗?我怎么没看到?这里的女性矮人……老实说,似乎要比黑暗城粗壮许多。” Naturally has! You look there! There! There!” “当然有啊!你看那里!那里!还有那里!” Wu...... your eye is really sharp.” 唔……你的眼睛还真尖。” That not.” “那可不。” Is loli controls worthily.” “不愧是萝莉控。” Go away!” “滚!” Two players parade while bickers, is in the squad was daily, happy, is their daily portrayals. 两个玩家一边游街一边斗嘴,也算是小队里的日常了,欢欢乐乐,就是他们的日常写照。 However, is here female dwarf stature quite why subtle?” “不过话说回来,为什么这边的女性矮人身材都比较微妙呢?” Mixed a while mouth, Chopin touches the chin, looking pensive. 拌了一会儿嘴,肖邦摸了摸下巴,若有所思。 It is said is related with the climate.” “据说与气候有关。” Another side I am Invincible said. 另一边的我是无敌的说道。 Climate?” “气候?” Several people threw the curious line of sight. 几人投来了好奇的视线。 I am Invincible explained: 我是无敌的解释道: I was also listen to the dark dwarves saying that under demon cable/search Chengcheng has a flake cold ice demon crystal ore, affected the climate in this region, here be much colder than other places......” “我也是听幽暗矮人们说的,魔索城城下有着一小片寒冰魔晶矿,影响了这片区域的气候,这里要比其他地方冷得多……” Saying, he looked at several companion one eyes: 说着,他看了几个同伴一眼: „After could it be arrived here, you had not thought that changed cold?” 难道来到这里之后,你们就没觉得变冷了吗?” Cold... cold?” “冷…冷了吗?” Several people look at each other in blank dismay. 几人面面相觑。 Said that...... seems like the feeling to be a little cool.” “这么说……好像是感觉有点凉爽。” Indeed, but also said no on cold.” “的确,但也说不上冷。” But quick, they welcomed complaining of I am Invincible again: 但很快,他们就再次迎来了我是无敌的的吐槽: Nonsense, our gold, the resistance to cold, did not certainly think that cold also normal, you look at the path two sides residents, which putting on is not thicker than us.” “废话,咱们都黄金了,耐寒性当然强了,不觉得冷也正常,你们看道路两边的居民,哪个穿的不比我们厚。” What relations does that this have with the stature of dwarf?” “那这与矮人的身材又有什么关系?” Several people also asked. 几人又问道。 I am Invincible continues to explain: 我是无敌的继续解释: Weather is cold, to maintain warmth, the eaten thing heat is high, therefore is quite easy to store up the fat, the young time is good, after age gradually big, will digest the absorbancy definitely to drop, naturally put on weight.” “天气冷,为了保暖,吃的东西热量高,所以比较容易囤积脂肪,年轻时候还好,年纪渐渐大了以后,消化吸收能力肯定会下降的,自然就发胖了。” Listened to his explanation, Happy Go Lucky to be suddenly enlighted: 听了他的解释,乐天派恍然大悟: Like hair younger sisters? Is the warranty short?” “就像毛妹们一样?保质期都短?” A little that meaning.” “有点那意思。” Several players is following the team parade, while is chatting, is quite comfortable. 几个玩家一边跟随着队伍游行,一边闲聊着,颇为闲适。 However, walks has not interrupted in several people of slanting rear Bento, as before continuously peaceful. 不过,走在几人斜后方的盒饭却并没有插嘴,依旧一直安安静静的。 This is the normal state of entire squad. 这已经是整个小队的常态了。 But if carefully looks, will discover, although Bento has been silent, but he looks at the vision deep place of teammates bickers fully is gentle. 但如果仔细去看的话,就会发现,虽然盒饭一直沉默,但他看着斗嘴的队友们的目光深处满是温柔。 His corners of the mouth as if have a vague happy expression, is only, that happy expression, actually takes to people probably light moved. 他的嘴角似乎带着一丝若有若无的笑意,只是,那笑意,却好像带给人一种淡淡的伤感。 Several other teammates advance while is chatting all over the country. 其他几个队友一边前进一边天南海北地聊着。 If carefully observes them, will discover, whenever they open the topic, or each other damages intentionally mutually, or is says the joke teased, the split vision will unable to bear look at Bento. 而若是仔细观察他们的话,就又会发现,每当他们开启话题,或者故意彼此互损,抑或是讲笑话调笑的时候,余光都会忍不住去看一眼盒饭 If Bento has the response, several people of corners of the mouth nonchalant clamor, if Bento had not responded, they will change a topic quickly. 如果盒饭有反应,几人的嘴角就会不经意咧咧,而如果盒饭没有反应,他们就会很快换个话题。 That feeling...... looks like several people to find the way to tease Bento happy as. 那感觉……就像是几人在想办法逗盒饭开心似的。 In most cases, the Bento facial expression never changes. 只是,在大多数情况下,盒饭的神情从未变化。 Although seems to be smiling, but is inexplicable, makes several people feel that in his heart as if brings the concern and sadness. 虽然似乎在微笑,但莫名的,却让几人感觉到他心中似乎带着心事与感伤。 „Did Captain, what in the reality meet to trouble recently? The feeling for several days, you seemed like some concerns.” 队长,最近现实里遇到什么麻烦了吗?感觉这些天,你似乎有些心事。” Calabash cannot bear ask. 葫芦忍不住问道。 Bento is startled slightly. 盒饭微微一怔。 He smiles slightly, is ordinary like the spring breeze of blowing, then shakes the head gently. 他微微笑了笑,如同拂面的春风一般,然后轻轻摇了摇头。 This time, several players really startled. 这次,几个玩家是真的惊了。 fuck/WTF !” 卧槽!” fuck/WTF !!” 卧槽!!” Captain you smiled unexpectedly, are you that Captain that I know?!” 队长你竟然笑了,你还是我认识的那个队长吗?!” Day! Captain smiled! «Kingdom of Elves» wanted the customs official's uniform!” “天了噜!队长笑了!《精灵国度》要关服了!” Bento:...... 盒饭:…… Looks at several startled for the first time teammates, his look is somewhat speechless. 看着几个一惊一乍的队友,他的神色有些无语。 I am all right.” “我没事。” He opens the mouth to say finally. 他终于开口道。 Deceived people! Captain, we do not know has died many time friendship, you for several days always not online, has not participated including the decisive battle that most likes, definitely was in the reality experiences the matter!” “骗人!队长,咱们可是不知道死过多少次的交情了,你这些天老是不在线,连最喜欢的决战都没参加,肯定是现实里遇到事了!” Happy Go Lucky shakes the head to say. 乐天派摇头道。 Such remarks, immediately wins the approvals of other players. 此话一出,立刻得到了其他玩家的赞同。 When as a «Kingdom of Elves» strongest player, Bento online long is the legend that is unable to break. 作为一个《精灵国度》的最强玩家,盒饭的在线时长一直都是一个无法打破的传说。 However, in these months, his online time was getting more and more short. 然而,就在这几个月,他在线的时间却越来越短了。 Several player clear remembering, that probably three months ago starts, time Bento of fight dropped suddenly. 几个玩家清楚的记得,那就是从大概三个月前开始,有一次战斗的时候盒饭突然掉线了。 After that as if in some time, he will drop one time in the game. 从那之后,似乎没过一段时间,他都会在游戏里掉线一次。 It is not normal! 不正常! This is not absolutely normal! 这绝对不正常! Right! Bento eldest child you, if has what difficulty, must with us say that do not visit me in the game not much, in the reality is a little energy.” “没错!盒饭老大你要是有什么困难,一定要和我们说啊,别看我在游戏里不怎么样,现实里还是有点能量的。” Chopin also said. 肖邦也说道。 In his facial expression full is the worry. 他的神情中满是担心。 But several other companions, echoes: 而其他几个同伴,也纷纷附和: Yes, before Captain you under line each time gets together has not gone, possibly is not quite clear, this fellow are very many in the big shot who in the reality knows......” “是啊,队长你之前的每次线下聚会都没去,可能不太清楚,这家伙在现实里认识的大佬贼多……” Several players talked, talked to Bento, but, is listening to their talk, Bento did not answer as before. 几个玩家你一言我一语,向盒饭搭话,只是,听着他们的谈话,盒饭依旧不答。 Captain! Are we also the brothers? The brothers should not share joys and sorrows, unite ; Shares joys, shares sorrows ; One place is in difficulty, help came from all sides?” 队长!我们到底还是不是兄弟?兄弟不是应该同甘共苦,团结一心;有福同享,有难同当;一方有难,八方支援的吗?” Calabash could not bear finally, some said discontentedly. 葫芦终于忍不住了,有些不满地说道。 Right! Has anything to tell us! Always do not bury at heart.” “对啊!有什么事告诉我们啊!别老埋在心里。” I am Invincible also said. 我是无敌的也说道。 Looks the appearance that everyone that clear worries about, the Bento smile disappeared. 看着大家那真切又担忧的样子,盒饭的笑容浅浅消失了。 His vision flashes through complex, then pushed to mix with moved, but has the smile of apology: 他的目光闪过一丝复杂,然后又挤出来了一个夹杂着伤感、无奈以及带着歉意的笑容: Was sorry, I...... could draw back the roaming after a period of time.” “抱歉了,我……过一段时间可能就要退游了。” Draws back the roaming?!” “退游?!” Several players shouted with one voice, in the sound full is incredible, the flash even captured the attention of dwarves. 几个玩家异口同声地喊了起来,声音之中满是不可置信,一瞬间甚至吸引了矮人们的目光。 „It is not...... Captain, how you think that draws back the roaming?!” “不是……队长,你怎么会想到退游?!” Yes, why thinks that draws back the roaming?” “是啊,为什么想到退游?” Really was in the reality encounters the problem?” “真的是现实里遇到麻烦了吗?” Economy? Health? Other?” “经济?健康?还是别的?” The teammates talked at once, for a while was excited. 队友们七嘴八舌,一时激动。 Looks that their explodes the appearance that boils, the Bento facial expression flashes through a helplessness. 看着他们那炸开锅的样子,盒饭的神情闪过一丝无奈。 His vision has swept the long team, sweeps resident who that both sides have surrounded, sweeping the demon cable/search city that is close the black construction, sighed gently: 他的目光扫过长长的队伍,扫过那两侧围观的市民,扫过魔索城那鳞次栉比得黑色建筑,轻轻一叹: Is sorry......” “抱歉……” I possibly......” “我可能……” His words have not said. 他的话并没有说完。 In several player stunned lines of sight, saw only the Bento vision to lose the appearance suddenly, the whole person fell from the mount all of a sudden...... 在几个玩家愕然的视线中,只见盒饭的目光忽然失去了神采,整个人一下子从坐骑上跌了下去…… He dropped again. 他再次掉线了。 But this time, has not landed for a long time again...... 而这一次,许久都没有再重新登陆…… 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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