FMOC :: Volume #1

#78: Wind woolpack stretch/leisurely

In sky. 天空中。 Ding Lingdang controls the Flying Shuttle Car style and her makings is exactly the same, must crudely crude, must rule by force overbearingly, must arbitrarily have many ruthless. 丁铃铛驾驭飞梭车的风格和她的气质如出一辙,要多粗暴有多粗暴,要多霸道有多霸道,要多蛮横有多蛮狠. She only uses for 0.1 second the Scarlet Flame Battle Shuttle Propulsion Glyph Array bang to the limit, the Scarlet Flame Battle Shuttle instantaneous tearing air, at the bang the speed of sound, batters in the sky, unscrupulous. 她只用0.1秒就把赤焰战梭动力符阵轰至极限,赤焰战梭瞬间撕裂空气,轰上音速,在天空中横冲直撞,肆无忌惮。 This woman has not disliked satisfiedly, operates dashing left and right of Scarlet Flame Battle Shuttle in the cloud layers to clash, revolves at the surprisingly quick incomparable speed, Li Yao as if places oneself in the difficult situation, was entrained stubbornly by one group of huge vortex, had been thrown into the hundred zhang (333 m) upper air by the ocean waves suddenly, drops to the profound seabed suddenly. 这女人还嫌不满足,操纵着赤焰战梭在云层间左突右冲,以奇快无比的速度旋转,李耀仿佛置身于惊涛骇浪之中,被一团巨大的漩涡死死拽住,忽而被海浪抛到了百丈高空,忽而又跌落到幽深的海底。 Li Yao has to hold in the arms the Ding Lingdang's waist stubbornly, a complexion paleness, if not for there is a previous generation rich car race experience, only feared that already spat including the bile. 李耀不得不死死搂住丁铃铛的腰肢,脸色一片苍白,若不是有前世丰富的飙车经验,只怕早就连胆汁都吐出来。 Ding Lingdang three minutes stopped with lightning speed, turned head to look at one, some accidents/surprises have raised the eyebrow, said with a smile: Also good, ten people sit my Flying Shuttle Car, nine at the scene faint.” 丁铃铛风驰电掣了三分多钟才停下来,回头看了一眼,有些意外地扬了扬眉毛,笑道:“还不错嘛,十个人坐我的飞梭车,有九个都是当场昏过去的。” Frequently, do some people sit your Flying Shuttle Car frequently?” Li Yao deeply attracts several tones to restore, asked unbelievable. “经常,经常有人坐你的飞梭车?”李耀深吸几口气才恢复过来,难以置信地问道。 Ding Lingdang shrugs: 丁铃铛耸了耸肩: Most starts some, but was few in the two years, my good intention is each time good to imagine to have others regulation, others like are noticed that the ghost is hiding me, does not have the meaning. Ok, did not say these, come, leads you crisply one crisp!” “最开始有一些,不过这两年很少了,每次我好心好意想带人家一程,别人都像是看到鬼一样躲着我,真没意思。算了,不说这些,来吧,带你爽一爽!” She presses Glyph Array on control bench, scoffing, cabin door opening of Flying Shuttle Car, rising cold cold wind the dance in the narrow and small cabin gets up immediately. 她按动控制台上的一个符阵,“嗤”一声,飞梭车的舱门开启,一阵凌冽的寒风顿时在狭小的座舱中狂舞起来。 Li Yao is dumbfounded, looks outward following the slit, all around is an ebullition sea of clouds. 李耀目瞪口呆,顺着缝隙向外望去,四周是一片沸腾的云海。 Do they in several kilometers upper air, actually this woman want to do? 他们可是在好几千米的高空中,这女人究竟要干什么? Ding Lingdang shows a faint smile, unexpectedly has stood from the seat, opens both hands, sway arrives at outside the cabin. 丁铃铛微微一笑,居然从座位上站了起来,张开双手,摇摇晃晃地走到座舱外面。 The Scarlet Flame Battle Shuttle both sides, two small flame profile wings, assume the streamline, is very narrow, is the wing, rather is the cosmetic bulge. 赤焰战梭的两侧,有两片小小的火焰形状翅膀,呈流线型,十分狭窄,与其说是翅膀,不如说是装饰性的凸起。 Ding Lingdang stands on left this flame wings, narrows the eye, looks at Li Yao with the provocative look. 丁铃铛就站在左侧这片火焰翅膀上,眯起眼睛,用十分挑衅的眼神看着李耀 A Li Yao brain heat, a blood vessel deep place unchecked crazy impulsion wells up crazily, does not know the courage of which coming, is digging unexpectedly also up the cabin edge, crawled swayingly, stands on the right flame wing. 李耀脑子一热,血管深处一股不可遏制的疯狂冲动狂涌上来,不知哪儿来的勇气,居然也扒着座舱边缘,晃晃悠悠地爬了出来,站在右侧的火焰翅膀上。 You did not say that can ask me to eat meal?” “你不是说要请我吃饭?” Li Yao does not avoid the Ding Lingdang's look, counter-attacks with a sharper look. 李耀毫不回避丁铃铛的眼神,用更加犀利的眼神予以回击。 Ding Lingdang bathes in the Setting Sun afterglow, very said satisfied: Here environment is good, has a look at this day, has a look at this places, thought after all worries have thrown into the brain, immediately opens on the appetite greatly, can be mad eats up ten roast chickens?” 丁铃铛沐浴在残阳的余晖中,十分惬意地说道:“这里的环境还不错吧,看看这片天,看看这片地,是不是觉得所有烦恼都抛到了脑后,立刻就胃口大开,能一气吃下十只烧鸡?” Li Yao stares, looks out into the distance, immediately was moved by the scenery of several kilometers upper air. 李耀一愣,极目远眺,立即被几千米高空的景色打动。 In the vast boundless world, cloud layer like the high sea tumbling, molds just likes the Fiendgod shape, such as in Setting Sun under shining of blood, all smudged the overlapping red, most deep place thick like rouge, palest place powder like peach blossom. 辽阔无垠的天地之间,云层如怒涛般翻滚,塑造出恍若神魔的形态,在残阳如血的照耀之下,全都涂抹上了层层叠叠的红色,最深处浓如胭脂,最淡处粉如桃花。 Li Yao never knows, in the world really has tens of thousands of different red, each type red is red that soul-stirringly, then moves the person's heart string. 李耀从来不知道,世界上竟然有成千上万种不同的红色,每一种红都红得那么惊心动魄,那么动人心弦。 As the strong winds howl, the sea of this piece of red cloud also in unceasingly surges, the change, condenses, is defeated and dispersed, from differ in thousands of ways red, outlined a golden edge suddenly, as if golden fish leapt from Red Sea, transformed the wing, free ballooning. 随着狂风呼啸,这片红云之海也在不断翻腾,变化,凝聚,溃散,忽而又从千姿百态的红中,勾勒出了一丝金色的边缘,仿佛一条条金色的鱼儿从红海中飞跃出来,幻化出翅膀,自由翱翔。 Occasionally, strong winds will tear several slits the sea of clouds, looks downward by the slit, entire Floating Spear City in the Li Yao under foot. 偶尔,一阵狂风会将云海扯开几道缝隙,透过缝隙向下望去,整座浮戈城都在李耀脚下。 The city just likes opens the turtle of four limbs, calmly is lying, the building that let alone Flying Shuttle Car and pedestrian, reach to the sky turned into small building blocks. 城市恍若一头张开四肢的大龟,静静趴着,别说飞梭车和行人,就连高耸入云的大厦都变成了一块块小小的积木。 As if pulls out from this world earthliness leaves, in mammoth world, only remaining they. 仿佛从凡尘俗世中抽离,波澜壮阔的天地之间,只剩下他们两人。 All around is extremely as if noisy, the wind sound/rumor not to stop is tearing the eardrum \; As if is extremely also static, is static does not have noise of least bit common custom, can only hear each other pū tōng pū tōng heartbeat. 四周似乎极吵,风声一刻不停撕扯着耳膜\;似乎又极静,静得没有半点世俗的喧闹,只能听到彼此“噗通噗通”的心跳。 When raised the head looks, such as above the transparent great bowl general vault of heaven, the azure gradually dissipates, the curtain of night hangs down, various day of stars sprinkle like the raindrop to the cloud layers. 抬头看时,如透明巨碗一般的天穹之上,天青色逐渐消散,夜幕低垂,诸天星辰如雨滴般洒落到云层之间。 In the Li Yao heart moves, somewhat understood Ding Lingdang leads him to come here intention. 李耀心中一动,有些明白了丁铃铛带他来这里的用意。 In so absorbs the person's heart soul in front of the magnificent scene, all of this world earthliness become incomparably laughable, the huge worry also vanished into thin air. 在如此摄人心魄的壮观景象面前,凡尘俗世的一切都变得无比可笑,天大的烦恼也都烟消云散了。 Even if he turns into a disabled person, perhaps in the face of such sublime scenery, will restore the fighting spirit, the reignition confidence! 哪怕他真的变成一个废人,在这样壮美的景色面前,恐怕都会恢复斗志,重燃信心! Under shining of last wisp of setting sun, the Li Yao's face becomes red, from the heart smiles. 在最后一缕夕阳的照耀下,李耀的脸变得一片通红,发自内心地微笑起来。 Dining room is very good, roast chicken where?” “餐厅很好,烧鸡又在哪里?” Ding Lingdang pulls out a giant military backpack from Scarlet Flame Battle Shuttle behind, with a long leg check, closes the access panel, the greasy military backpack places value several Flying Shuttle Car tops surely directly. 丁铃铛赤焰战梭的后面掏出一个巨大的军用背囊,又用长腿一勾,把舱盖合上,油腻腻的军用背囊直接放在价值好几千万的飞梭车顶。 she like is conjures, pulls out the roast chicken that another wonderful greeted the nostrils fragrant from the backpack, one after another elbows and black puddings of old sauced cookery one after another, the entire box contains the rich energy the functional drink. 她像是变戏法一样,从背囊掏出了一只又一只奇香扑鼻的烧鸡、一块又一块老卤烹制的肘子、一条接着一条的血肠,还有整整一箱富含丰富能量的功能性饮料。 The Li Yao tip of the nose shrugs, deeply inspired, in the eye the fine glow four shoot: Is underground Ghost Market clever diet?” 李耀鼻尖耸动,深深吸了一口气,眼中精芒四射:“都是地下鬼市的‘鬼饮食’?” Ding Lingdang twists the mouth sidewise the big mouth, reveals two rows of snow white teeth, said with a smile: „According to the common sense, you just regained consciousness from the long-term stupor, should eat to inspect and verify the gruel side dish, greasy is such thing, good?” 丁铃铛咧开大嘴,露出两排雪白的牙齿,笑道:“按常理说,你刚刚从长期昏迷中苏醒,应该多吃点清粥小菜,这么油腻的东西,行不行?” Naturally good. 当然行。 In the Li Yao abdomen sends out thunderously , the many words, does not split the five fingers directly, has grasped a roast chicken, left and right, on and next, four have eaten clean a 3-4 jin (0.5 kg) roast chicken, kā chā kā chā, in the mouth broadcasts the meat grinder common sound, the cheek blows up high, is returning to normal instantaneously. 李耀腹中发出雷鸣,也不多话,直接叉开五指,抓过一只烧鸡,左一口、右一口、上一口、下一口,四口就把一只三四斤重的烧鸡啃了个一干二净,“咔嚓咔嚓”,口中传来绞肉机一般的声音,腮帮子高高鼓起,又在瞬间平复下去。 May calculate that lived!” “可算活过来了!” A roast chicken gets into the stomach, on the Li Yao face appeared slightly blood-color, had not given full expression has licked the grease stains of licking lips corner/horn, reached the second roast chicken the hand. 一只烧鸡下肚,李耀脸上稍微浮现出了一丝血色,意犹未尽地舔了舔嘴角的油渍,又把手伸向了第二只烧鸡。 Then was one's turn Ding Lingdang to be dumbfounded, how she has not expected Li Yao this just the patient who revived from the depth stupor, the table manners so will be rogue, have gawked the moment, light snort/hum, ripped open a roast chicken with the hand unrestrained/no trace of politeness, two hands held half respectively, was staring Li Yao, while tucked away wickedly. 这下轮到丁铃铛目瞪口呆了,她怎么都没料到李耀这个刚刚从深度昏迷中苏醒过来的病人,吃相会这么凶恶,愣了片刻,轻哼一声,也毫不客气地用手撕开一只烧鸡,两只手各持一半,一边瞪着李耀,一边恶狠狠地大嚼起来。 In several kilometers upper air, in the cloud layer of mighty waves tumbling, on the value about hundred million bold vehicles, two people did not say a word, launched an eating meal competition of wolfing down. 在数千米的高空,波涛翻滚的云层之中,价值近亿的豪车上,两人一言不发,展开一场狼吞虎咽的吃饭比赛。 Two people do not have the least bit image, looked like two hungry ten days ten nights of ominous beasts, threw into meat mountain Rouhai, ate one's fill, after tucking up the molar, ate such as the locust to transit, resembles like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, more than half hours, greasy meat of entire military backpack, had not been eaten cleanly, entire box functional drink by two people is also drinking the brook drop not to remain, calculated carefully, two people have eaten equally matched unexpectedly. 两人毫无半点形象,就像是两头饿了十天十夜的凶兽,一头扎进肉山肉海,甩开腮帮子,撩开后槽牙,吃得如蝗虫过境,似风卷残云,不过半个多钟头,整整一个军用背囊的油腻肉食,都被两人吃得一干二净,连带着一整箱子功能性饮料也喝得涓滴不剩,仔细算下来,两人竟然吃了个不相上下。 Ding Lingdang is carrying the bottom of military backpack, made an effort to sway several, the last black pudding will sway, broke off two halves, has eaten with the Li Yao minute, looked at each other one, discovered that each other ate beaten, could not bear simultaneously grins to laugh. 丁铃铛拎着军用背囊的底部,用力摇晃了几下,将最后一根血肠摇晃出来,掰成两半,和李耀分吃了,对视一眼,发现彼此都吃得满脸花,忍不住同时咧嘴发笑。 You had not walked, why?” Li Yao asked the doubts of heart finally. “你一直没走,为什么?”李耀终于问出了心底的疑惑。 Ding Lingdang does not have the image to lick the finger very much, but also immerses in the enticement of good food, after a while, is hitting full belch: 丁铃铛很没形象地舔着手指,还沉浸在美食的诱惑中,过了一会儿,才打着饱嗝道: I waited for your three weeks, is preparing to walk, is in just before leaving previous the day, saw your brain wave activity diagram-- that is Mind-Mending Master through secret skill, outlined you during the stupor, the approximate shape of neural field deep place.” “我等了你三个星期,正准备走,可是在临走前一天,看到了一张你的脑波活动图——那是冥修师通过秘法,勾勒出你在昏迷期间,脑域深处的大致形态。” Ding Lingdang extends the make a move wrist, in red Mini Crystal Processor, jumps out a hologram piece. 丁铃铛出手腕,红色微型晶脑中,跳出一副立体图片。 For the first time looks, looks like the scarlet orange-red yellow bluish green purple, various color pigments were built one, molds mountain peak and profound mountain valley that reaches to the sky, some places likely are the volcanic eruptions, jumps projects the massive seven color magma numerous. 乍一看去,就像是赤橙红黄蓝绿紫,各种色彩的颜料被堆砌到了一起,塑造出高耸入云的山峰和幽深的山谷,还有一些地方像是火山爆发,迸射出大量七彩纷呈的岩浆。 However this, is other long-term stupors patients, very typical brain wave activity diagram.” Ding Lingdang has assigned out the second hologram piece. “而这张,是其他长期昏迷的病人,非常典型的脑波活动图。”丁铃铛又调出了第二张立体图片。 The color of this picture is much dim, the entire world as if only then the black and white two colors, all become dim incomparable, does not have the peak and canyon, looks like a deathly stillness desert, does not have the least bit vitality/angry. 这一张图片的色彩就黯淡得多,整个世界仿佛只有黑白两色,一切都变得黯淡无比,也没有高峰和深谷,就像是死寂一片的沙漠,毫无半点生气。 These two chart not Supreme One types.” Li Yao said. “这两张图不太一样。”李耀说。 Ding Lingdang nods: 丁铃铛点头: Doctor told me, that was because you just fell into the stupor, neural field world also relatively active reason, desert when, your neural field world also slowly will turn for a long time into a deathly stillness--, but I always thought somewhat strangely, because your neural field world active degree, wanted fierce hundred times compared with the normal people simply, moreover I thought faintly somewhat look familiar, therefore......” “医生告诉我,那是因为你刚刚陷入昏迷,脑域世界还相对活跃的缘故,等到年深日久,你的脑域世界也会慢慢变成一片死寂的沙漠——可我总觉得有些古怪,因为你的脑域世界活跃程度,简直比正常人都要剧烈百倍,而且我隐隐觉得有些眼熟,所以……” She raps several on virtual keyboard that Crystal Computer projects, has assigned out the third brain wave activity diagram. 她在晶脑射出的虚拟键盘上敲击几下,又调出了第三幅脑波活动图。 This chart is also same as first, seven colors variegated, full of vitality, spark four shoot. 这幅图又和第一幅一样,七彩斑斓,生机勃勃,火星四射。 Has a look, what difference this chart and first do have?” Ding Lingdang stares at the Li Yao's eye to ask. “看看,这幅图和第一幅有什么不同?”丁铃铛盯着李耀的眼睛问道。 Li Yao contrasts for a long time carefully. 李耀仔细对比了半天 Two charts have certainly very big difference in the details, but the color is equally brilliant, the fluctuation is equally fierce, disclosed that a blood puts together imposing manner, making the person look is in high spirits, blood boiling. 两幅图在细微处当然有很大的不同,但色彩一样绚烂,波动一样剧烈,都透露出一股血拼到底的气势,让人一看就精神振奋,热血沸腾 „Is this also my brain wave activity diagram?” “这也是我的脑波活动图?” Ding Lingdang shook the head, revealed the truth: 丁铃铛摇了摇头,揭开谜底: No, this was I plied some connections, joined the army to do, was the military's acquired brain wave activity diagram on some soldiers of having fought many battles, but when collection...... These soldiers are in the most dangerous battlefields, is slaughtering reckless, spells with the Fiend Beast blood!” “不,这是我托了一些关系,从军中搞到的,是军方在一些身经百战的士兵身上采集到的脑波活动图,而在采集时……这些士兵都处在最危险的战场上,正在不顾一切地厮杀,和妖兽血拼到底!” Li Yao has gawked, has identified carefully two brain wave activity diagrams, cannot see too many differences. 李耀愣了一下,将两幅脑波活动图仔仔细细又辨认了一遍,还是没能看出太多的差别。 Does not have to think oneself when swallowing the Ou Yezi memory, the neural field activity is so crazy, unexpectedly is bathed in blood to slaughter when with the soldier is the same. 没想到自己在吞噬欧冶子记忆时,脑域活动这么疯狂,居然和战士浴血厮杀时一样。 Perhaps is such crazy neural field activity, causing Pineal Gland to tear, making his Actualization Quotient plummet. 或许就是这么疯狂的脑域活动,导致松果体撕裂,令他的灵根开发度骤降。 In the Ding Lingdang eye full is the color of appreciation, said: 丁铃铛眼中满是赞赏之色,道: Sees your brain wave activity diagram, I know, although you fell into the stupor, however in the inner world, you are slaughtering as before reckless! Therefore I changed the mind, is determined to wait again for one month, was really waited till by me, what kind, how next step plans to walk, but also plans to enroll this year the college entrance examination?” “看到你的脑波活动图,我就知道,你虽然陷入了昏迷,但是在精神世界里,你依旧在不顾一切地厮杀!所以我改变了主意,决心再等一个月,果然被我等到,怎么样,下一步打算怎么走,还准备参加今年高考吗?” Naturally!” “当然!” Li Yao replied without hesitation, has grasped firmly the fist gently, making bunch of blue veins appear from the arm gradually, looks like signs of the dragon that within the body is dormant, revives entirely! 李耀不假思索地回答,轻轻攥住了拳头,让一束束青筋从手臂上逐渐浮现,就像是体内蛰伏的一条条大龙,统统苏醒过来!
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