FMOC :: Volume #30

#2959: Collapse and reconstruction

blood colored heart's demon wants to cry but have no tears, puts forth the skills to escape, more was actually entangled by Li Yao is tighter, but also was entrained desperately by him, has towed forcefully. 血色心魔欲哭无泪,使出浑身解数想要夺路而逃,却是被李耀越缠越紧,还被他死命一拽,硬生生拖了回去。 Wow! 哇! Li Yao is entangling blood colored heart's demon, is moved to tears saying that has not thought , the critical moment you such are loyal unexpectedly, is willing to remain to live and die together with me, adversity sees true feelings, it seems like usually was really I misreads you, I apologized to you, the good brothers, anything not saying that we today, share life and death!” 李耀缠着血色心魔,热泪盈眶道,“真没想到,关键时刻你竟然这么讲义气,愿意留下来和我同生共死,正所谓‘患难见真情’,看来平时真是我看错你了,我向你道歉,好兄弟,什么都不说了,我们今天,生死与共!” „...... Altogether your big end of ghost!” “……共你个大头鬼!” blood colored heart's demon crying belt/bring is continually howling, futile effort wiggles forward, my ancestors, when Blood Mark Clan actually to make any evil, this whole life will have your such one good brothers, must die you dead, I was young, I also had the excellent youth, I do not want dead, I, I, early knew this, I a moment ago really and Lu Qingchen collaborated, first killed--” 血色心魔连哭带嚎,徒劳地扭来扭去,“我上辈子当血纹族时究竟造了什么孽,这辈子才会有你这样一个‘好兄弟’,要死你自己去死,我还年轻,我还有大好青春,我不想死,我,我,早知道这样,我刚才真的和吕轻尘联手,先干掉——” The blood colored heart's demon boisterous sound stops suddenly. 血色心魔的聒噪声戛然而止。 That group wild like tornado, confusion like vortex, swallows the data turbulent flow of world, actually altogether curled them. 那团狂暴如旋风,混乱如漩涡,吞噬天地的数据乱流,却是将他们一股脑儿卷了进去。 Suddenly, Li Yao and blood colored heart's demon think dizzy, experiences myriad years the changes, divine soul in the impact of endless data motley, just like is corroded by the strong winds, tattered and torn statue. 一时间,李耀血色心魔都觉得天旋地转,恍惚间经历万千岁月的变迁,神魂都在无尽数据的冲击中斑斑驳驳,犹如被狂风侵蚀,千疮百孔的雕像。 Father!” “爸爸!” Li Yao!” 李耀!” Finally the time, they hear the top of the head to broadcast the familiar sound, drop of vaguely light gets bigger and bigger. 最后时刻,他们听到头顶传来熟悉的声音,还有一滴依稀的光明越变越大。 Is Xiaoming, Wenwen also has Fist King, they have not walked unexpectedly, instead braves the information completely to crush, risk that the life ends, saves Li Yao, faced Fuxi data turbulent flow with him together! 小明,文文还有拳王,他们竟然没有走,反而冒着信息彻底粉碎,生命终结的风险,来拯救李耀,和他共同面对“伏羲数据乱流”了! Li Yao heart one happy, but thinks that Xiaoming and Wenwen may also be involved in strange vortex, even by the Fuxi corrosive greatly strengthened data ground contamination, divine soul likely is the steel wire twists tightly, does not know where has a brand-new strength, the earthworm body inflates unceasingly, inflates like the mountain, the flagella grows once again, turns into the grandiose powerful arm, looks like the ancient Spiritual God drops from the clouds, shoulders the entire wild data to be vast forcefully. 李耀心头一喜,但想到小明文文也有可能被卷入诡异的漩涡,甚至被伏羲侵蚀性极强的数据乱流污染,神魂又像是钢索般绞紧,不知从哪儿生出一股全新的力量,蚯蚓般的身躯不断膨胀,膨胀如山岳,鞭毛再度生长,变成壮硕有力的臂膀,就像是亘古的神灵从天而降般,硬生生扛住整座狂暴的数据汪洋。 I, not making you pollute Xiaoming and Wenwen!” “我绝不会,让你污染小明文文的!” Bang! 轰! Li Yao thought that each data in vortex changes to a sparkle the stars, but 1.08 billion stars blast out in front of oneself, explodes him is frightened out of one's wits, thorough annihilation. 李耀觉得漩涡中的每一个数据都化作一颗闪耀的星辰,而1080000000颗星辰都在自己面前炸开,把他炸得魂飞魄散,彻底湮灭。 All that then has, his anything does not know. 接下来发生的一切,他什么都不知道了。 ...... …… He in the deep sleep, he was pondering, he in the reconstruction of torn to pieces virtual world, is also restructuring oneself divine soul, and Expeditions and is releasing the strength of divine soul most deep place. 他在沉睡,他在思考,他在支离破碎的虚拟世界的重建中,亦重构着自己的神魂,并且探索和释放着神魂最深处的力量。 He looks like beforehand Lu Qingchen is the same soon, experiences samsara in parent body, consciousness was divided into several levels from inside to outside, the antenna of thought extended to the vast Star Ocean other shore suddenly, contracted strings of suddenly such as in the plankton data stream. 他就像是不久之前的吕轻尘一样,在“母体”中经历一次次轮回,意识被分成了由内而外的好几个层次,思维的触角忽而延伸到浩瀚星海的彼岸,忽而收缩到身边一串串如浮游生物般的数据流中。 Sometimes, he likely is the single cell life that an eternal life does not die, in virtual world that in the genuine and fake not distinguish experienced the long evolution, turns into the multi- cells from the single cell, turns into the trilobita from the fungus blanket, turns into the amphibians from the fish, turns into the apes and monkeys from the dinosaur, even turns into Houyi Clan such beetle group, or Kuafu Clan such lofty tree. 有时候,他像是一个永生不死的单细胞生命,在真假莫辨的虚拟世界里经历了漫长的进化,从单细胞变成多细胞,从菌毯变成三叶虫,从鱼类变成两栖类,从恐龙变成猿猴,甚至变成后羿族那样的甲壳虫群,或者夸父族那样的参天大树。 The data interface that also sometimes, his tactile thoughts can following opening wide, flows to Ultimate Salvation Ship beside, sees clearly this torn to pieces, the Fuxi Fleet flagship of extreme distortion, how was caught with Magnetic Spirit Force Field by other Starship, and tows to two palatial great ships--, although he suddenly has not recognized the models of these two great ships, but on the bow makes threatening gestures, shiny Nine Stars Rising Dragon War Emblem, made him long breathe a sigh of relief. 也有时候,他的“思触”可以顺着洞开的数据接口,流淌到“终极拯救号”之外,看清楚这艘支离破碎,极度扭曲的伏羲舰队旗舰,是如何被别的星舰灵磁力场捕捉,并拖曳到两艘巍峨的巨舰之间——虽然他一时间没认出这两艘巨舰的型号,但舰首上张牙舞爪、熠熠生辉九星升龙战徽,还是令他长长舒了一口气。 His tactile thoughts extends unceasingly, as if also saw that Federation and Empire allied armies pursue in the Paramount Heaven Sector edge perish to pursue fleeing enemy troops, are sweeping the Fuxi Fleet remaining strength, including the Imperial Capital reconstruction, surrender of Yellow Dragon Sector, the confusion and collapse in Four Great Emperor Selecting Marquis Families territory...... After Imperial Capital fight ended is very long, the entire star ocean likely is the heat iron ingot, is in the extreme high temperature as before, the eternal war takes a break, but the peace dawn arrived eventually. 他的“思触”不断延伸,似乎还看到联邦帝国联军在极天界的边缘追亡逐北,扫荡着伏羲舰队的残余力量,包括帝都的重建,黄龙界的投降,还有四大选帝侯家族领地的混乱和崩溃……在帝都保卫战结束之后很久,整片星海都像是烧红的铁锭,依旧处于极度高温,永恒的战争只是休息片刻,但和平的曙光终究已经降临。 He did not determine matter that actually this has, is own conjecture. 他不确定这究竟是真实发生的事情,还是自己的臆想。 Just like he does not determine in faintly recognizable, imaginary also real world of experience-- great antiquity, ancient times, the antiquity, Medieval, the antique Sword Immortal world, The Great Dark Age of Fiend Clan rule, Star Ocean Empire's was infinite, actually all these are really the vacations. 正如他不确定在飘飘渺渺之间,经历的一个个亦幻亦真的世界——洪荒,远古,上古,中古,古色古香的剑仙世界,妖族统治的大黑暗时代,还有星海帝国的无限辉煌,这一切究竟是真是假。 On the other hand, actually really and false should how differentiate? He remembers that oneself and some Fuxi Lu Qingchen had also argued this issue, world that the data and information build, is more false than the Forty Millenniums of Cultivation world, thus doesn't have the value? How he also confirmed the Forty Millenniums of Cultivation world, including him certainly real? 话说回来,真和假究竟应该如何区分呢?他记得自己曾经和伏羲还有吕轻尘争论过这个问题,数据和信息营造出来的世界,就比修真四万年的世界更假一点,因而更没有价值吗?他又如何确认修真四万年的世界,包括他自己就一定是真的呢? Perhaps, when each intelligent life just birth, to a certain extent is vacation, must therefore exhaust the life to go to cultivation! 或许,每一个智慧生命刚刚诞生时,都在某种程度上是“假”的,所以才要用尽一生去“修真”啊! Like this is thinking, he obtained wisp of clear comprehension from divine soul most deep place, as if ding bell, some crystal outer shell crack, some type such as the newborn baby is pure, small and weak, actually fills the infinite possible thing to break out of their cocoons. 这样想着,他从神魂最深处获得了一缕明悟,仿佛“叮铃”一声,某个水晶外壳龟裂,某种如初生婴儿般纯净,弱小,却充满无限可能的东西破茧而出。 He Li Yao, experienced the long sleep, swallows, after fusion and cultivation, finally regained consciousness once more! 他——李耀,经历了漫长的睡梦,吞噬,融合和修炼之后,终于再次苏醒了! Here is......” “这里是……” Li Yao's felt that seems like in the embryo in amniotic fluid, the quietness and peace of not being able saying that saw only themselves and blood colored heart's demon are in one, was an unequalled gene chain twines likely in together, but the upper part changed to the human form, was actually glittering and translucent carving, shining, in each pore flowed is having the qualitative ray if. 李耀的感觉就像是处于羊水中的胎儿,说不出的静谧和安宁,只见自己和血色心魔又重新合为一体,像是一条硕大无朋的基因链般缠绕在一起,而上半身则重新化作人形,却是晶莹剔透,流光溢彩,每一个毛孔中都流淌着有若实质的光芒。 Lifts the hand gently, fast analyzes is composing this body have several according , the Li Yao surprised discovery, oneself divine soul unexpectedly and Fuxi part of database perfect embed in one, making him master the part of Fuxi memory and ability, naturally also obtained Ultimate Salvation Ship and over ten thousand great antiquity Crystal Computer some control jurisdictions. 轻轻抬手,飞快解析着组成这具身体的所有数据,李耀惊奇的发现,自己的神魂竟然和伏羲的一部分数据库完美无缺地镶嵌在了一起,令他掌握了一部分伏羲的记忆和能力,当然也获得了“终极拯救号”和上万台洪荒晶脑的部分控制权限。 Just, the Fuxi data fragment are too eventually few, and is not enough to form the overwhelming superiority to him, was actually suppressed by him docile, completely degenerated into his part. 只不过,伏羲的数据碎片终究太少,并不足以对他形成压倒性的优势,却是被他镇压得服服帖帖,完全沦为了他的一部分。 Here was still the virtual space. 这里仍旧是虚拟空间。 As can be seen, after that does not know how long beforehand fierce combat, this piece of virtual space fell into the brink of collapse, but does not know that is what strength is supporting it, maintains unexpectedly reluctantly is creakying, condition of suffocation, was rescued. 可以看出,经过那场不知多久以前的激战,这片虚拟空间已经陷入崩溃的边缘,但不知是什么样的力量支撑着它,竟然勉强维持在摇摇欲坠,奄奄一息的状态,又被人抢救回来。 At this moment, innumerable bumpy, virtual world of twist deformation, just as is by wound cell such, immerses in data sea that was tranquil, rests and builds up strength, recovers. 此刻,无数坑坑洼洼,扭曲变形的虚拟世界,正像是一个个饱受创伤的细胞那样,沉浸在已经平静下来的数据海洋中,休养生息,恢复元气。 In virtual villain regarding these virtual world, they are impossible to realize that actually the outside what happened, but experienced earth-shatterings, volcanic eruption, super hurricane and tsunami, even the big piece meteorite shower attacks planet, judgment day big cataclysm. 对于这些虚拟世界中的虚拟小人儿,他们不可能意识到外界究竟发生了什么事,只是经历了一场场天崩地裂,火山爆发,超级飓风和海啸,甚至大片陨石雨侵袭星球,世界末日般的“大灾变”。 Some virtual world total collapses, a bunch of data turned did not have the vitality iron grey, could not have the least bit change again. 有些虚拟世界彻底崩溃,一团团数据都变成了毫无生机的灰白色,再也生不出半点变化。 However in many virtual world, the tenacious people after the big cataclysm hauls back the evolution the beginning, once again started doing pioneering work despite great hardships, struggles samsara that asked to save, 但是在更多的虚拟世界中,顽强的人们在被大灾变重新拖回到进化的起点之后,又一次开始了筚路蓝缕,挣扎求存的轮回, Bustling reconstruction scenes, look at Li Yao to be filled with emotion, absent-minded, actually really does not know how should differentiate virtual villain that the data builds, among difference with true lives. 一幕幕热火朝天的重建场面,看得李耀感慨万千,恍惚之间,竟然真的不知道该如何区分数据堆砌出来的虚拟小人儿,和真正的生命之间的区别了。 -- in legend, Human Race is Nüwa Clan molds with the mud. ——神话传说中,人类就是女娲族用泥浆塑造出来的。 Therefore, little fellow who their these mud portray, what qualifications also there is to determine, actually who is the life, who not? 所以,他们这些泥浆塑造出来的小家伙,又有什么资格去判定,究竟谁是生命,谁又不是呢? Then, Li Yao saw glittering and translucent carving gassed threads, virtual world that from myriad reconstructed, extends, connection to oneself on. 然后,李耀就看到了一条条晶莹剔透的光丝,从万千个正在重建的虚拟世界,一路延伸出来,接驳到了自己身上。 He has a very strange feeling, resembles from these virtual world, is deriving the nutrient continuously. 他生出一种很诡异的感觉,就好像自己正在从这些虚拟世界里,源源不断地汲取着养分。 The life in virtual world is more tenacious, the evolution degree is higher, even birth so-called intelligent life, then the change and possibility of data are more, he can the acquired nutrient be more from this virtual world. 虚拟世界里的生命越顽强,进化程度越高,甚至诞生所谓的“智慧生命”,则数据的变化和可能性就越多,他从这个虚拟世界中可以采集到的养分就越多。 Nourishing of dependence innumerable virtual world, he can such quickly restore from oil completely lamp dry withering, spied on faintly unprecedentedly, the words were indescribable, simply did not have any definition brand-new realm! 正是依靠无数个虚拟世界的滋养,他才能这么快就从油尽灯枯的枯萎中恢复过来,隐隐窥探到了前无古人,笔墨无法形容,也根本没有任何定义的全新境界 Father!” “爸爸!” While Li Yao is estimating and myriad virtual world, when including the entire virtual space relation, he hears crisp yelling suddenly. 正当李耀揣摩着自己和万千虚拟世界,包括整个虚拟空间的联系时,他忽然听到一声脆生生的喊叫。 That probably is the Xiaoming sound, but also some are not faintly right, this sound was rough, was not the 7-8 year jade carved baby, the reversed image is at the young people of voice change time likely. 那好像是小明的声音,但隐隐又有些不对,这声音粗糙了点,不像是七八粉雕玉琢的小娃娃,倒像是处在变声期的青少年。 A big tall and straight, valiant youngster, hovers from the deep place of data sea, visits him with a smile, called one: Father!” 紧接着,一个高大挺拔,英姿飒爽的少年,就从数据海洋的深处游动上来,笑吟吟地看着他,又叫了一声:“爸爸!” Li Yao is dumbfounded. 李耀傻眼。 The appearance of this youngster, actually with him in the past in Magical Artifact Graveyard differs not much, same is dashing, candid uninhibited, has filled wild nature and evil different man charm. 这个少年的模样,倒是和他当年在法宝坟墓差不多,一样的英俊潇洒,磊落不羁,又充满了野性和邪异的男子汉魅力。 The issue is, he does not have such eldest son! 问题是,他也没这么大个儿子啊! Xiaoming?” 小明?” The sensation to the opposite party on the familiar aura, Li Yao was unable to believe asks, you, how did you turn into this appearance?” 感知到了对方身上熟悉的气息,李耀不敢相信地问道,“你,你怎么变成这副样子了?” I grew up, each child must grow up finally, not?” “我长大了啊,每个孩子最终都要长大的,不是吗?” The makings wild uninhibited black hair youngster smiles, stretches the full of vitality body to Li Yao, is showing off heartily brand-new, the glittering database, or, changes a view, I swallow the data that massive Fuxi have left behind, analyzed and grasped the innumerable algorithm as well as the Fuxi of Prehistoric Era logical thinking construction, is based on this, has realized the brand-new promotion, iterated next Version-- otherwise, I was impossible the virtual space that rebuilt to collapse, and thought means recast father's torn to pieces divine soul!” 气质狂野不羁的黑发少年爽朗一笑,向李耀舒展自己生机勃勃的肢体,尽情炫耀着全新的,金光闪闪的数据库,“或者,换一种说法,我吞噬了大量伏羲遗留下来的数据,解析并掌握了洪荒时代的无数算法以及伏羲的逻辑思维架构,以此为基础,实现了全新的升级,迭代到了下一个版本——要不然,我也不可能重建崩溃的虚拟空间,并想办法重铸爸爸支离破碎的神魂啊!”
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