FMOC :: Volume #30

#2957: Has to run away!

Quite fierce, the logic and ordinary of this attack cultivation divine ability is entirely different, I even analyzed many energy transfer and use formula about four dimensional space--, if were combat in real world, perhaps the attack of Fist King, can open Wormhole on Lu Qingchen directly, inducted the four dimensional space storm, thoroughly destroyed him!” “好厉害,这种攻击的逻辑和普通修炼神通截然不同,我甚至从中解析出了不少关于四维空间的能量转移和利用公式——倘若是真实世界中的战斗,或许拳王的这次攻击,就能直接在吕轻尘身上开启一个个虫洞,导入四维空间的风暴,将他彻底摧毁了吧!” Li Yao calls out in alarm. 李耀惊呼。 By far incessantly so is simple, Fist King clearly saw Lu Qingchen and just swallowed ‚the Fuxi data between has very serious mutually non- compatibility issue, therefore intentionally is used from the magic universe attacking mode, inducts another strange strength, intensifies Lu Qingchen within the body is incompatible issue, making the match fall into self-contradictorily, the condition of internal conflicts, does not use his again make a move, oneself did to collapse oneself!” “还远远不止这么简单,拳王分明是看出了吕轻尘和刚刚吞噬的‘伏羲数据’之间存在非常严重的互不兼容问题,所以才故意用来自魔法宇宙的攻击模式,导入另一种诡异至极的力量,来加剧吕轻尘体内的‘不兼容’问题,让对手陷入自相矛盾,内部冲突的状况,根本不用他再出手,自己就把自己搞崩溃了!” blood colored heart's demon made remarks. 血色心魔评头论足。 Strong, absolute, really worthily is in the legend Fist King!” “强,绝对的强啊,真不愧是传说中的‘拳王’!” Li Yao must dance with joy simply, waves the flag and shouts, was Fist King cheers in addition to cheer. 李耀简直要手舞足蹈,摇旗呐喊,为拳王喝彩加助威了。 That is natural, therefore I already know, your this fellow is unreliable, the critical moment wants Fist King make a move, but you good are good to look because of the auditorium, plays the role of cheerleader earnestly!” “那是当然,所以我早就知道,你这家伙是靠不住的,关键时刻还是要拳王出手,而你就在观众席上好好看着,认真扮演好拉拉队员的角色就可以啦!” blood colored heart's demon said pertinently. 血色心魔一针见血地说。 Two fellows were saying, simultaneously sends out hehe hehe, grinning fiendishly that the sinister plot prevails. 两个家伙说着,同时发出“嘿嘿嘿嘿”,奸计得逞的狞笑。 Lu Qingchen originally the explosion that was surged wave upon wave by within the body, explodes has a dizzy spell to increase the mouth to spit blood, only thought the vast databank and information flow that just swallowed are entirely overwhelming, momentarily will be separated from his control. 吕轻尘原本就被体内一浪高过一浪的爆炸,炸得头晕目眩加大口吐血,只觉得刚刚吞噬下去的庞大数据库和信息流统统翻江倒海,随时会脱离他的掌控。 Hears Li Yao and blood colored heart's demon again sings a duet, the countenance of villains holding sway reveals in speech and appearance, is the air/Qi results in rampage like the thunder, takes them to have no alternative. 再听到李耀血色心魔一唱一和,小人得志的嘴脸溢于言表,更是气得暴跳如雷,却拿他们无可奈何。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “轰!轰!轰!” As more and more magic Glyph Array surface, Lu Qingchen the giant of light was exploded changes beyond all recognition, must turn into torn to pieces eight claw fish simply, he under the divine soul shock, can only release the big group chaotic data and information flow from abdominal cavity on own initiative, that was just by „the Fuxi corpse that” he swallows. 随着越来越多的魔法符阵浮出水面,吕轻尘的光之巨人被炸得面目全非,简直要变成一头支离破碎的八爪鱼,他在神魂剧震之下,只能从“腹腔”中主动释放出大团混乱至极的数据和信息流,那都是刚刚被他吞噬下去的“伏羲的尸体”。 This time, Lu Qingchen sprouted really has drawn back intent. 这一次,吕轻尘是真的萌生了退意。 He really worthily is the entire Pangu Universe extremely rare new generation fierce and ambitious character, understands, when breaks truth that , then breaks, even if took great pains at risk of life to wrestle has swallowed the Fuxi complete data, but arrived really must give up, does not have the least bit to hesitate, instead will be massive „the Fuxi data to regard the weapon, has direct to head spurted with Wenwen toward Fist King, Li Yao, blood colored heart's demon and Xiaoming, before looking like the cuttlefish escaped, first spouts the ink of big group black paint ink black to be the same. 他真不愧是整个盘古宇宙凤毛麟角的新一代枭雄人物,深谙当断则断的道理,即便煞费苦心又拼死一搏才吞噬了伏羲的全部数据,但真到了必须割舍的时候,却也没有半点犹豫,反而将大量“伏羲数据”当成武器,朝拳王李耀血色心魔小明文文劈头盖脑喷了过来,就像是乌贼逃生之前,先喷出大团乌漆墨黑的墨汁一样。 Although Fuxi the body disappearing say/way falls, but stores up several hundred thousand years of data streams, still has the disasters unsurpassed prestige energy, Li Yao and the others is bound the pocket head helmet face by ink, as if falls into the innumerable torn to pieces virtual labyrinths, indulges broken and in the history of distortion is individually uncorrectable in 伏羲虽然身消道陨,但囤积几十万年的数据流,仍旧有着洪水猛兽般的无上威能,李耀等人被“墨汁”裹了个兜头兜脸,仿佛陷入无数个支离破碎的虚拟迷宫,沉溺于一段段残破和扭曲的历史中不可自拔 Meanwhile, the entire virtual space is shaking, collapse, annihilation. 与此同时,整个虚拟空间都在震荡,崩溃,湮灭。 This piece of virtual space, is the Fuxi thought core, after Fuxi Lu Qingchen swallows, logically turned into the Lu Qingchen lair, now Lu Qingchen is killed by Fist King all over the body lives coldly, wants to make a getaway , is incapable of maintaining the stability of virtual space, the trim space immediately becomes illusory, pale, gets down witheredly, big piece dark flaking, revealed that motley data essence, but the collisions of data and between mathematical formula, the overflow is getting more and more obvious, wrong are also getting more and more, the trim space starts burning fiercely, the butterfly that the digitization makes the ashes dances lightly, sends out the monster different wailing. 这片虚拟空间,原本就是伏羲的思维核心,伏羲吕轻尘吞噬之后,顺理成章变成了吕轻尘的巢穴,现在吕轻尘都被拳王杀得遍体生寒,想要逃之夭夭,再也无力维持虚拟空间的稳定,整片空间顿时变得虚幻,苍白,干瘪下去,大片黑暗剥落,显露出斑斑驳驳的数据本质,而数据和算式的碰撞之间,溢出越来越明显,错误也越来越多,整片空间都开始熊熊燃烧,数据化作灰烬的蝴蝶翩翩起舞,发出妖异的尖啸。 „It is not good, here must destroy, run!” “不好,这里就要毁灭,快跑!” Li Yao and blood colored heart's demon also have not experienced the so strange condition, strict, they do not have the body now, but flees in all directions in the ghost between Crystal Computer and virtual world, they do not know, once after this virtual space thoroughly collapses, they will fall to any fate, but the instinct feels that seems not the good deed. 李耀血色心魔亦没有经历过如此诡异的状况,严格来说,他们现在并没有躯壳,只是一段流窜于晶脑虚拟世界之间的幽魂,他们也不知道,一旦这一方虚拟空间彻底崩溃之后,他们会落到什么下场,只是本能感觉到,那似乎不是什么好事。 The skin does not save, hair does Jiang attach? They must before the virtual space collapses completely, first found the data interface, runs away! 皮之不存,毛将焉附?他们必须趁虚拟空间完全崩溃之前,先找到数据接口,逃出去! Lu Qingchen is actually quickly their one step, after on own initiative spout about 50% Fuxi data, finally restored to the absolute control of divine soul, the giant of light to bloom like the lotus flower slowly, splits six stream of light, followed six data interfaces respectively, fled! 吕轻尘却是快他们一步,在主动喷涌出大约一半的“伏羲数据”之后,终于恢复了对神魂的绝对掌控,光之巨人如莲花般冉冉绽放,分裂成六道流光,分别顺着六个数据接口,窜了出去! ...... …… In real world, regarding the Fuxi Fleet core-- five big Supreme War Fort and Ultimate Salvation Ship, the intense flames of war were still continuing. 在真实世界中,围绕着伏羲舰队的核心——五大至尊战堡终极拯救号,激烈的战火仍在持续。 Although Fuxi Fleet overwhelming majority Starship falls into strange unbending, besides raising other most High-Level Spiritual Energy Protective Shield, comes under attack silly passively, does not know how to launch the swift and fierce counter-attack, but five big Supreme War Fort Ultimate Prosperity High Master to oversee, has certain independent combat ability separately, can the negative impact drop to Fuxi collapses lowly. 虽然伏羲舰队的绝大部分星舰都陷入诡异的僵直,除了升起最高级别的灵能护盾,傻乎乎被动挨打之外,就不知道如何展开凌厉的反击,但五大至尊战堡分别有一名至善上师坐镇,算是拥有一定的独立作战能力,能够将“伏羲崩溃”的负面影响降至最低。 But attack threatening, but is scarce limited to the ammunition, soldier exhausted wait/etc. reasons, penetrates to the Fuxi Fleet battlefield core, has reached the exhausted limit, naturally the impossible one breath bang to explode five palatially such as mountain super Starry Sky War Fort. 而进攻方虽然来势汹汹,但受限于弹药紧缺,士兵疲惫等等原因,一路突入到伏羲舰队的战阵核心,也达到了筋疲力尽的极限,自然不可能一口气轰爆五座巍峨如山岳的超级星空战堡 Therefore, both sides fell into clumsy deadlock temporarily, looked like two has preyed for three days three nights, the exhausted ominous beast, each other was looking angrily, sent out the loud respite. 因此,双方暂时陷入了笨拙的僵持,就像是两头搏杀了三天三夜,筋疲力尽的凶兽,彼此怒视着,发出粗重的喘息。 Naturally, compares being powerful Federation and Empire allied armies, cuts off the contact with Ultimate Salvation Ship, a group of people without a leader Fuxi Fleet, is obviously more distressed, including five big Supreme War Fort bridges, Five Great Ultimate Prosperity High Masters likely by the honeybee of magnetic field intense disturbance, all round the chaotic revolutions, was thrown into confusion, does not know not to know what to do. 当然,相比于气势如虹的联邦帝国联军这边,和“终极拯救号”断绝联络,群龙无首的伏羲舰队,明显更加狼狈,包括五大至尊战堡的舰桥,五大至善上师都像是被磁场强烈干扰的蜜蜂般,团团乱转,手忙脚乱,就是不知如何是好。 Five Great Ultimate Prosperity High Masters, really has that person, naturally is not „the envoy of god, but is Fuxi mixes carefully, most formidable is also the most loyal puppet, has made the precise transformation including their Brain, theoretically should with Ultimate Salvation Ship on control central, maintain the contact of maximum intensity. 五大至善上师,确有其人,当然不是什么“神的使者”,而是伏羲精心调制出来,最强悍也是最忠诚的傀儡,包括他们的大脑都进行过精密的改造,理论上应该和“终极拯救号”上的主脑,保持着最高强度的联络。 In other words, from Ultimate Salvation Ship secretive data and information flow, easiest through the Fuxi Fleet tactical chain, the direct invasion and controls their neural field. 换言之,来自“终极拯救号”的诡秘数据和信息流,也最容易通过伏羲舰队的战术链,直接侵入并控制他们的脑域 Sound that Great God Fuxi, actually you how, heard you most faithful servant?” 伏羲大神,您究竟怎么了,听到您最忠实的奴仆的声音了么?” At this moment, five Ultimate Prosperity High Master above bridge, were inserting dozens crystal cable Brain, was extremely begging their response of Spiritual God devotionally, the desire Spiritual God directed the direction that they won. 此刻,五名至善上师正在舰桥之上,将大脑插上了数十根晶缆,万分虔诚地乞求着他们的神灵的回应,乞求神灵指引他们胜利的方向。 The summon of continual most of the day, Ultimate Salvation Ship the direction is empty throughout, looks like piece of silent Abyss, has not transmitted the word. 连续大半天的呼唤,“终极拯救号”的方向始终空空荡荡,就像是一片沉默的深渊,没有传来只言片语。 The bonus is five is brainwashed by the depth, reverent Ultimate Prosperity High Master, facing the silent control central and enemy crazy cannon fire, gives birth for several points dispirited and feeling of vacillation. 饶是五名被深度洗脑,虔诚至极的至善上师,面对沉默的主脑和敌方疯狂的炮火,都不禁生出几分颓丧和动摇之感。 At this moment-- 就在这时—— Five big Supreme War Fort Mainframe Crystal Processor send out pī pā separately the sound of rupturing, golden flowing light surges from the Crystal Computer deep place, flood into the Five Great Ultimate Prosperity High Masters neural field deep place following crystal cable crazily. 五大至尊战堡主控晶脑分别发出“噼噼啪啪”的爆裂之声,一道道金色流光从晶脑深处涌动出来,顺着晶缆疯狂涌入五大至善上师脑域深处。 Great God Fuxi?” 伏羲大神?” Five Ultimate Prosperity High Master are wild with joy, is you, you heard the most reverent servant's summon finally!” 五名至善上师欣喜若狂,“是您吗,您终于听到了最虔诚的奴仆的呼唤!” Right, I am Fuxi!” “没错,我就是伏羲!” Their neural field deep places, broadcast the sound that a Dao Heart sharp fire singes separately, now, retreats, retreats, retreats not at any cost, matter that we then must handle, in less than too many military strength, soldier expensive essence inexpensive many, so long as removed to be OK five big Supreme War Fort!” 他们的脑域深处,分别传来一道心急火燎的声音,“现在,撤退,撤退,不惜一切代价撤退,我们接下来要做的事情,用不了太多兵力,兵贵精不贵多,只要将五大至尊战堡撤出去就可以了!” But......” “可是……” The slightly strange sound and communication method, making five Ultimate Prosperity High Master simultaneously stare, some confused say/way, Great God Fuxi, how your sound turned into this, your aura,--” 略显怪异的声音和沟通方式,令五名至善上师同时一愣,有些迷茫道,“伏羲大神,您的声音怎么变成这样,还有您的气息,也,也——” Does not wait for them to respond, five gold/metal blasts open ruthlessly, changes to millions of gold threads, almost pierced each brain cells of five Ultimate Prosperity High Master. 不等他们反应过来,五道金芒狠狠炸裂开来,化作千千万万的金丝,几乎洞穿了五名至善上师的每一个脑细胞。 less nonsense, this is brand-new I, now, performance order!” 少废话,这就是全新的我,现在,执行命令吧!” That sound roared. 那声音咆哮道。 Five Ultimate Prosperity High Master after fierce shivering, from the eye, the nostril, the earhole and corners of the mouth overflow the pale golden blood. 五名至善上师在一阵剧烈的颤抖之后,从眼睛,鼻孔,耳孔和嘴角都溢出淡金色的鲜血。 Their eyes instantaneous smashing, in condenses instantaneously, became and was entirely different a moment ago, was even more mechanical, even more was frantic. 他们的眼眸瞬间粉碎,又在瞬间重新凝聚起来,变得和刚才截然不同,愈发机械,却也愈发狂热。 Yes, Great God Fuxi, your decree, is our lives!” “是,伏羲大神,您的旨意,就是我们的生命!” Five Ultimate Prosperity High Master categorical say/way. 五名至善上师斩钉截铁道。 Meanwhile, Ultimate Salvation Ship deep place, in Giant Divine Weapon servicing shop. 与此同时,“终极拯救号”深处,巨神兵的整备车间内。 That powerful golden color must Giant Divine Weapon work loose all fetters and fuel packing pipelines steadily suddenly, sat straightly. 那台威风凛凛的金色长须巨神兵忽然挣脱了所有束缚和燃料填充管线,直挺挺坐了起来。 shuā! 唰! Above the head of Giant Divine Weapon, gathers a band of light ring-like Crystal Eye to glisten suddenly, projects the Lu Qingchen violent anger, but unwilling vision. 巨神兵的头颅之上,汇聚成一条光带的环形晶眼骤然闪亮,射出吕轻尘暴怒而不甘的目光。 Li Yao once felt strange why this Giant Divine Weapon Spirit Mansion also has not been the cockpit, actually that must select what method to control, is the remote is inadequate? 李耀曾经奇怪,为何这台巨神兵并没有“灵府”也就是驾驶舱,那究竟要采用什么方式才能驾驭,难道是远程遥控不成? The answer is very simple, this Giant Divine Weapon does not prepare for Human Race, but underwent the transformation of changing beyond all recognition, breaks through non- Nascent Origin was unable to control Giant Divine Weapon limit, is the steel of Fuxi preparation fights the body specially! 答案很简单,这台巨神兵根本不是为人类而准备,而是经过了面目全非的改造,突破了“非元婴不能驾驭巨神兵”的限制,专门为伏羲准备的钢铁战躯! When necessary, Fuxi can own master database shift to this Giant Divine Weapon, turn into itself to suppress the real world Giant Divine Weapon the body. 必要的时候,伏羲可以将自己的主数据库“转移”到这台巨神兵里,把巨神兵变成自己镇压现实世界的躯壳。 Is only a pity it to consider everything, has not calculated that Li Yao's dreadful with bearing patiently of Lu Qingchen, finally at own home game, carries under collaborations of these two Human Race, including this careful preparation Giant Divine Weapon, turned into the Lu Qingchen spoils of war. 只可惜它千算万算,还是没算到李耀的猥琐和吕轻尘的隐忍,最终在自己的主场,载在这两个人类的联手之下,连这台精心准备的巨神兵,也变成了吕轻尘的战利品。 pī pā pā! “噼噼啪啪! Giant Divine Weapon Mainframe Crystal Processor blows out the data mighty currents of a series of being dazzled, makes Lu Qingchen has understood clearly this named thoroughly arrival Giant Divine Weapon all performance. 巨神兵主控晶脑爆出一连串眼花缭乱的数据洪流,令吕轻尘彻底洞悉了这台名为“降临者”的巨神兵的一切性能。 kā kā kā kā!” 咔咔咔咔!” Arrival the right arm splits suddenly, the change and combines, turns into a super revolving unexpectedly super Crystal Railgun, the flood dragon electric arc makes threatening gestures between the steel and crystal, is ready. “降临者”的右臂忽然分裂,变化和重新组合,竟然变成一门高速旋转的超级晶磁炮,蛟龙般的电弧在钢铁和晶石之间张牙舞爪,蓄势待发。 Lu Qingchen has aimed at bridge direction the muzzle. 吕轻尘将炮口对准了舰桥方向。 So long as an artillery gets down, he can pierce entire Ultimate Salvation Ship, a bridge bang pulp, aligned array supercomputing System bang torn to pieces that over ten thousand great antiquity Crystal Computer compose, accelerates the collapse of virtual space. 只要一炮下去,他就能洞穿整艘“终极拯救号”,将舰桥轰个稀巴烂,同时也把上万台洪荒晶脑组成的阵列式超级计算体系轰个支离破碎,加速虚拟空间的崩溃。
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