FMOC :: Volume #27

#2638: Unharmonious static

This is a trap!” “这是陷阱!” Retreats, we must...... Jumps out this piece of damn Star Field, jumps out this star the radiation range!” “撤退,我们必须……跳出这片该死的星域,跳出这颗恒星的辐射范围!” Help, help!” “救命,救命!” „No. 4 base, heard, please immediately direct us to the appropriate jump point, we--” “四号基地,听到了吗,请立刻指引我们到合适的跳跃点,我们——” From Four Great Families Ace Fleet mountain palatial main force Warship, has heard being panic-stricken order sound and even the praying for rescue sound. 四大家族皇牌舰队一艘艘山岳般巍峨的主力战舰上,传来了惊慌失措的命令声乃至求救声。 But this sound actually came lately. 但这声音却来得太迟了。 Before they realized oneself fall into black Abyss, the solar storm impartially sweeps away them in all supporting squadron, Starry Sky War Fort and the planet base Paramount Heaven Sector surrounding, has also made there Mental Plague, innumerable originally to Four Great Families loyal and devoted Immortal Cultivator, turned into zombie in some significance, but these zombie do not eat others' brain, changes it merely, assimilates it, infects it. 早在他们意识到自己陷入黑色深渊之前,太阳风暴就一视同仁地横扫他们在极天界外围的所有支援舰队、星空战堡和行星基地,在那里也制造了一场场“精神瘟疫”,把无数原本对四大家族忠心耿耿的修仙者,都变成了某种意义上的僵尸,只不过这些僵尸并不吃掉别人的脑子,仅仅是改变它,同化它,感染它而已。 The fifth planet base that Four Great Families Ace Fleet just left, is an end scene. 四大家族皇牌舰队刚刚离开的第五行星基地,亦是一片末日景象。 Countless people hold abnormal inflation Brain to be upon the jump, run are running Brain are rupturing on wave, the blood shoots up to the sky like the fountain, even runs the range of the artificial atmosphere and gravitational field, turns into grotesque statues in the ice-cold vacuum, turns into the black under shining of sunlight, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. 无数人捧着畸形膨胀的大脑跑来跑去,跑着跑着就“波”一声大脑爆裂,鲜血如喷泉般冲天而起,甚至跑出人造大气和重力场的范围,在冰冷的真空中变成一具具奇形怪状的雕像,又在阳光的照耀下变成黑色,灰飞烟灭 Also some people are controlling Starship, Universe Battle Shuttle and even Crystal Armor want to jump out planet to escape, actually by already consciousness the soldier, the operation tread anti-aircraft artillery has hit, is towing the big end of fly of spiral tail likely. 亦有人驾驭着星舰宇宙战梭乃至晶铠想要窜出星球逃命,却是被已经“觉悟”的士兵,操纵着地面防空炮打了下来,像是拖曳着螺旋尾巴的大头苍蝇。 Still was loyal to the Four Great Families military officers to form isolated islands, the futile effort is resisting the lowest level soldier tidal attack, in divine soul dried up with the extremely frightened dual attack, their Brain were extremely also easy to be infected, often hit is hitting the interior to present rebel, after a delay, eyes turned into the profound black, toward the back of person on one's own side, held ruthlessly the previous blade. 仍旧忠于四大家族的军官们结成一个个孤岛,徒劳地抵抗着底层士兵潮水般的进攻,但是在神魂枯竭和极度恐惧的双重侵袭下,他们的大脑也极容易被感染,往往打着打着内部就出现了“叛徒”,在一阵呆滞之后,双眸变成深邃的黑色,朝自己人的背后,狠狠捅上一刀。 “hōng!” “轰!” Does not know that was the crazy soldier is the desperate military officer has detonated on the fifth planet base the largest ammunition depots, initiated the crystal sympathatic detonation, the landslide cracks in the earth loud sound has torn the eardrum of all people, ten million tons material was thrown the sky, was the meteorite of combustion, splashed down by the heavenly daughter scatters flowers stance, started the destruction of bigger degree. 不知是疯狂的士兵还是绝望的军官引爆了第五行星基地上规模最大的弹药库,引发晶石的殉爆,山崩地裂的巨响撕裂了所有人的耳膜,数以千万吨的物质被抛上天空,又是燃烧的陨石,以天女散花的姿态溅落下来,掀起更大程度的破坏。 Entire planet, as if burns, by the brilliance ignition of Black Sun. 整个星球,仿佛都燃烧起来,被黑色太阳的光辉点燃。 The similar scene, in already by surrounding Star Field that Four Great Families seizes, everywhere. 同样的场景,在已经被四大家族占领的外围星域,比比皆是。 Almost does not have Starship, can before responding to launch Star Ocean jump, flees this piece...... Swamp of black Sun. 几乎没有一艘星舰,能在反应过来之前展开星海跳跃,逃离这片……黑太阳的沼泽。 Although Bright Sun Plan implementation progress also less than 20%, but Four Great Families becomes Ace Fleet of organization system has not existed, the steel tide degenerates into the mud that faints thoroughly, each Starship turned into a death isolated island, each Immortal Cultivator was at or the hypnosis or in the terrified or desperate condition, lost the combat strength! 尽管“明日计划”的实施进度还不到20%,但四大家族成建制的皇牌舰队已经不复存在,钢铁浪潮彻底沦为晕开的烂泥,每一艘星舰都变成一座死亡孤岛,每一名修仙者都处在或催眠或惶恐或绝望的状态中,丧失了战斗力! Similar scene , occurred in Revolution Faction Imperial Guards and Deep Sea Fleet. 同样的场景,也发生在革新派御林军深海舰队中。 Imperial Guards and Deep Sea Fleet early are prepared, before Bright Sun Plan has not started, anchors Starship in the endoatmospheric, and closes the overwhelming majority Magical Artifact unit, there is a protection of atmosphere, from this has evaded the strong radiation and particles stream destruction of solar storm. 御林军深海舰队早有准备,在“明日计划”尚未发动之前,就将星舰停泊在大气层内,并关闭绝大部分法宝单元,又有大气层的保护,由此躲过了太阳风暴的超强辐射和粒子流破坏。 But the public communication frequency on their Starship actually completely opens wide to Wuying Ji, making the Wuying Ji will to push directly into, makes better brainwashing progress. 但他们星舰上的公共通讯频道却向武英奇完全敞开,令武英奇的意志可以长驱直入,取得更好的洗脑效果。 On before these Starship wears 1000 , the soldiers and military officers of early Empire black military uniform, looks like the arrangement neat statue, calmly is listening respectfully to your majesty emperor's instructions, in tranquil ordered, obtained unprecedented clear comprehension, on faces reveals the elusive and secretive smiling face. 这些星舰上身着1000年前早期帝国黑色军服的士兵和军官们,就像是排列整齐的雕像,静静聆听着“陛下”的“圣训”,在宁静有序中,获得了前所未有的明悟,一个个脸上流露出空灵而诡秘的笑容。 When looks into Star Ocean once more, their vision became different. 再次眺望星海时,他们的目光已经变得不同。 If before the moment, they also at Total destruction Four Great Families that worry will soon arrive at the comprehensive attack of Ace Fleet, that they have believed to oneself victory now do not doubt, was actually ready to fight, prepares Ace Fleet that 1-2 days later received to be utterly routed. 如果说,片刻之前他们还在担心即将降临的灭顶之灾——四大家族皇牌舰队的全面侵袭的话,那现在他们已经对自己的胜利坚信不疑,却是摩拳擦掌,准备在一两天之后去接收溃不成军的皇牌舰队了。 They become the glory Imperial Capital fleet first batch of member. 他们将成为荣耀的“帝都舰队”的第一批成员 They are the New Empire hero, the new humanity first ancestor, is the first batch will run out of the person who small universe goes. 他们将是新帝国的功臣,新人类的始祖,亦将是第一批冲出小宇宙去的人。 Empire long live, your majesty long live, Great Emperor Dark Star long live! 帝国万岁,陛下万岁,黑星大帝万岁! On Empyrean Terminus Star, the unsurpassed prestige energy of solar storm, sweeps across here. 天极星上,太阳风暴的无上威能,亦是席卷到了这里。 Empyrean Terminus Star has thick thorough atmosphere protection, temporarily prevented over 90% radiations, the strong particles streams and extremely low frequency electromagnetic wave, made here demented and destruction, late 12 to 24 hours perform compared with the starry sky fleet. 天极星有厚实绵密的大气层保护,暂时阻挡住了90%以上的辐射、超强粒子流和极低频电磁波,令这里的癫狂和毁灭,要比星空舰队晚12到24小时才会上演。 Even if so, various abnormal phenomena, have indicated arrival of end. 即便如此,各种异常现象,已经预示着末日的降临。 First was various most sensitive birds, in Brain the organ of sensation magnetic field is seriously disturbed, presents ten thousand birds to soar, does not have the fly same everywhere chaotic revolutions, even the innumerable crows composed the enormous and powerful tide, battered in the tall buildings, cracks-up the glass, hit in the building, still the terrifying scene of kicking wing. 首先是最为敏感的各种鸟类,大脑中感知磁场的器官被严重干扰,出现了万鸟腾空,没头苍蝇一样到处乱转,甚至无数乌鸦组成浩浩荡荡的大潮,在高楼大厦间横冲直撞,撞碎玻璃,撞进大楼里,兀自扑腾翅膀的恐怖场景。 When these crow kicking wings, want to continue to circle in the narrow and small room, actually wave in the midair explodes the head, this nightmare picture, is doomed to make all eyewitness lifelong unforgettable. 当这些乌鸦扑腾翅膀,想在狭小的房间内继续盘旋,却在半空中“波”一声把脑袋爆掉,这种梦魇般的画面,注定令所有目击者都终身难忘。 The birds so, the beast also so, approached the forest and mountainous region Resident witnessed inconceivable mighty currents-- the mighty current that together comprised of innumerable snakes, insects, mice and ants and fierce and cruel people, cannot choose the exact way because of flurry flees from the homeland, toward the Human Race city dashed about wildly, but. 飞禽如此,走兽亦是如此,靠近森林和山地的居民们纷纷目睹了一场场不可思议的洪流——由无数蛇虫鼠蚁豺狼虎豹共同组成的洪流,慌不择路地逃离家园,往人类的城市狂奔而至。 Should unable to attend to for the beasts of natural enemy mutually again each other, actually cannot attend to itself being probable to go to where, every so often merely regarding the city all round chaotic revolutions, even bites own tail to hit the circle circle, this one after another, finally the strength uses up dead. 原本应该互为天敌的走兽们再也顾不上彼此,顾不上自己究竟要去向何方,很多时候仅仅是围绕着城市团团乱转,甚至咬着自己的尾巴打着圈圈,就这样一圈又一圈,最终力竭而死。 The massive mice gather the enormous and powerful army, dashes about wildly toward the wilderness, until the seacoast near, a dropping variance several hundred meters cliff, without hesitation the jumping down cliff, vanishes in the below black tide. 还有大量老鼠汇聚成浩浩荡荡的军队,一路朝着旷野狂奔,直到海岸边,落差数百米的悬崖,紧接着毫不犹豫跳落悬崖,消失在下面黑黢黢的潮水中。 Accepted offering sacrifices of these lives, the tide is also getting more and more violent, was getting more and more wild. 接受了这些生灵的献祭,潮水亦越来越猛烈,越来越狂暴了。 On Silver Moon Sea, an unprecedented Level Twelve strong Sea Dragon volume has taken shape, as if a giant straw of skyscraping earth, must attract all sea water to the atmosphere outside. 银月海上,一场前所未有的十二级超强海龙卷已经成型,仿佛一根摩天接地的巨大吸管,要将所有海水都吸到大气层以外去。 In the tranquil ocean, the Empyrean Terminus Star recent ten thousand years have never had super hurricane slowly stretch/leisurely has also launched its tentacle, near the Human Race city toward seacoast blooms the fiercest fang, even if not use detection Magical Artifact of meteorological bureau, looks into the distance with the naked eye in the coastal city merely, can see that the half vault of heaven turned into the shocking black, looks like a giant black spot, is swallowing three dimensional space, soon will swallow entire planet. 在宁静洋上,天极星最近万年从未发生过的超级飓风也缓缓舒展开了它的触手,朝海岸边的人类城市绽放出最狰狞的獠牙,就算不用气象局的侦测法宝,仅仅在沿海城市用肉眼眺望,都可以看到半边天穹变成了触目惊心的黑色,就像是一块巨大的黑斑,吞噬着三维空间,即将吞噬整颗星球 Such out of phase, should make all people extremely panic-stricken, dementia, total collapse. 这样的异相,原本应该令所有人都极度惊恐,精神错乱,彻底崩溃。 But Resident on innumerable Empyrean Terminus Star, actually as if heard a summon of mysterious sound. 但无数天极星上的居民,却仿佛听到了一道神秘声音的召唤。 This sound made their innermost feelings tranquil, condensed the unprecedented thought that making them realize that beyond the tiny life some great mission, gradually turned into ants in the literal sense them--, so long as the great mission can be completed, their tiny lives momentarily can sacrifice, for Empire, for ant colony! 这声音令他们内心宁静,凝聚出了前所未有的意念,让他们认识到了渺小生命以外某种宏大的使命,渐渐把他们变成了字面意义上的蝼蚁——只要宏大的使命可以完成,他们渺小的生命随时可以牺牲,为了帝国,为了蚁群! Countless people sway go out of the room and refuge shelter, raised head to look to cover entirely black spot Sun, was accepting the baptism of black light wave steadily, even if the retina were burnt down completely, endured gladly. 无数人摇摇晃晃地走出房间和避难所,仰头看着布满了黑斑的太阳,目不转睛地接受着黑色光波的洗礼,纵然视网膜被完全烧毁,亦是甘之如饴。 Almost all occupies Immortal Cultivator and Immortal Cultivator the High-Level lackeys in surface city, was covered by the Wuying Ji will, does not turn into the abnormal monster, is the patient who fully suffered the radiation, or zombie of spirit. 几乎所有居住在地表城市中的修仙者修仙者高级狗腿子们,都被武英奇的意志笼罩,不是变成畸形的怪物,就是饱受辐射的病人,或者精神的僵尸 Lives in a underground 200-300 meters to 20,000-30,000 meters deep place on the contrary primitive man, the situation must be slightly good. 反倒是居住在地底两三百米到两三万米深处的“原人”们,情况要稍微好一点。 The atmosphere is the single layer protection, the thick rock is the double most solid protection cover, the intense radiation and particles stream are also very difficult to penetrate over ten thousand meters thick earth's crust instantaneously, even if penetrates, often also the failure must look awful. 大气层是第一重保护,厚实的岩石是第二重最坚实的保护壳,再强烈的辐射和粒子流也很难瞬间穿透上万米厚的地壳,即便穿透,往往也衰竭得不成样子。 Therefore, when entire Paramount Heaven Sector and Empyrean Terminus Star expert, ultra expert, expert and expert lackeys certainly fall into Mental Plague cannot extricate oneself, these lowly the underground primitive man can also enjoy the moment unexpectedly the sobriety. 于是,当整个极天界天极星的绝强者、超强者强者强者的狗腿子都陷入精神瘟疫不可自拔时,这些最“卑贱”的地底原人竟然还能享受片刻的清醒。 Bright Sun Plan needs to become effective with the aid of the brilliance of Sun, but does obeisance Immortal Cultivator benevolent government bestows, 90% underground primitive man this whole life have not seen the genuine sunlight has been any appearances, are very naturally difficult to be corroded by Bright Sun Plan, this type is well-known I awake alone the condition, simply is a speechless satire. 明日计划”需要借助太阳的光辉才能生效,但是拜修仙者的“德政”所赐,90%的地底原人这辈子都没见过真正的阳光是什么样子,自然很难被“明日计划”所侵蚀,这种“众人皆知我独醒”的状态,简直是一种无言的讽刺。 Naturally, Wuying Ji plan originally, had not considered these underground primitive men. 当然,在武英奇原本的计划中,本来也没有将这些地底原人考虑在内。 In any case they are the weed and ants, cannot change anything unable to affect anything radically. 反正他们都是杂草和蝼蚁,根本改变不了什么也影响不了什么。 Regardless of soberly confuses now crazily, in following nature and man-made disaster and commodity deficient, their being doomed dead end, even if acts as the Civilization advance the fuel, cannot raise, even if a small spark. 无论现在清醒还是迷狂,在接踵而至的天灾人祸和物资匮乏中,他们注定死路一条,就算充当文明前进的燃料,都掀不起哪怕一朵小小的火花。 Empyrean Terminus Star underground, in Gold Crystal Tower. 天极星地底,金晶塔内。 I am the universe.” “朕即宇宙。” Wuying Ji divine soul surged limit, stretched almost entire Paramount Heaven Sector with the aid of the strength of star, under trillion people of divine soul resonating, he also obtained unprecedented clear comprehension, never so clearly believes that this point-- he was Sun, he was the universe, his victory was the victory of Human Race Civilization, his future is the Human Race Civilization future, he was the Human Race Civilization highest will, no, he was Human Race Civilization itself! 武英奇神魂激荡到了极限,借助恒星的力量舒展到了几乎整个极天界,在亿万人的神魂共振之下,他亦获得了前所未有的明悟,从未如此清晰地相信这一点——他就是太阳,他就是宇宙,他的胜利就是人类文明的胜利,他的未来就是人类文明的未来,他就是人类文明的最高意志,不,他就是人类文明本身! Hehe hehe, hehe hehe!” “呵呵呵呵,呵呵呵呵!” The sensation trillion people are feeding back meaning of submitting to and respect to his divine soul deep place, Wuying Ji are also inflate in the extreme, he instills into to trillion people of that vice- pictures and wild information flows, repeatedly is instilling into with the hypnosis he, made him to own existence and mission, believed in firmly. 感知着亿万人反馈到他神魂深处的臣服和崇敬之意,武英奇亦是膨胀到无以复加,他灌输给亿万人的那一副副画面和一道道狂暴信息流,也在反复灌输和催眠着他自己,令他对自己的存在和使命,深信不疑。 Bright Sun Plan progress already over 30%, moreover passed the most difficult part. 明日计划”的进度已经超过30%,而且已经度过了最艰难的一部分。 Four Great Families Ace Fleet falls into the confusion thoroughly, within the 3-5 day is impossible to restore the organization system, but Four Great Families already does not have, not to dare to send the reinforcements to enter at this moment by Paramount Heaven Sector that black Sun covers. 四大家族皇牌舰队彻底陷入混乱,三五天之内根本不可能恢复建制,而四大家族既没有、也不敢派援军进入此刻被黑太阳笼罩的极天界 Imperial Guards and Deep Sea Fleet methodically awakening, the quick loyalty will also be promoting a new stair, can launch to receive to Four Great Families Ace Fleet. 御林军深海舰队也在有条不紊地“觉醒”中,很快忠诚度又将提升一个新的台阶,就可以对四大家族皇牌舰队展开接收了。 Even if Lei Chenghu has non- feudal official's heart, but the Seven Seas Star Field chaotic situation at least takes ten days of half a month to be able the sweep trace, waited for that time, regardless of Thunderclap Fleet did jump, brand-new „the Imperial Capital fleet under his personal control, will rise above Star Ocean! 即便雷成虎有不臣之心,但七海星域的乱局至少要十天半个月才能收拾干净,等那时候,无论惊雷舰队跳不跳过来,全新的“帝都舰队”将在他的亲自统御下,崛起于星海之上! Does not have any strength again, can prevent him. 再没有任何力量,能够将他阻挡。 Does not have any strength again, can prevent the revival of Human Race Civilization! 再没有任何力量,能够阻挡人类文明的复兴! Wuying Ji immerses during trillion people of divine soul resonating heartily, immerses prostrating oneself and in call letter that sound, in countless people give loyalty to him, immerses in the magnificent great music movement. 武英奇尽情沉浸在亿万人的神魂共振之中,沉浸在无数人对他效忠的膜拜和呼号声中,沉浸在辉煌宏大的乐章之中。 However...... 然而…… Is broad in this imposing manner, from ancient to the future great music movement, will actually resemble to dope two small static. 在这气势恢宏,从亘古到未来的宏大乐章中,却似掺杂了两个小小的杂音。 The music movement is the so smooth harmony, therefore appears these two static especially is then grating, as if like ridiculing him. 乐章是如此流畅和谐,因此便显得这两个杂音格外刺耳,仿佛像是在讥笑他一样。 Un?” “嗯?” Black Sun opens the eye slightly, to that named Li Yao the dust, threw the severest ray. 黑色太阳微微睁开眼睛,向那颗名为“李耀”的尘埃,投去了最严厉的光芒。
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