FSM :: Volume #16

#1510: Attempts really in a big way

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The female voice is clear, but Song Qingshu actually has no time to acclaim at this time, but deliberately considered secretly: South crown? This name is quite familiar, where has probably listened generally.” Pitifully only he thinks a half of the day also has no clue. 那女子声音清脆悦耳,可是宋青书此时却无暇赞叹,而是暗暗寻思:“冠南?这名字好生熟悉,好像在哪里听过一般。”只可惜他想了一半天也没什么头绪。 Xia Qingqing was also scared, muttered is meditating the crown southern two characters, thought that was really admitted mistakes the person? However she denied this idea quickly, she once with Yuan Chengzhi was a couple, how can also the admitting mistakes husband? 夏青青也傻眼了,喃喃默念着冠南二字,心想难道真的是自己认错了人?不过她很快否定了这种想法,她曾与袁承志是夫妻,又岂会认错丈夫? The meaning that pitifully the opposite party actually has not only stayed slightly, hears the words of female, nods then follows she to walk, but in his obvious heart also has doubts possible, goes out of the entrance time subconscious will then look at one in the future, looks at Xia Qingqing, always thought that this female a little looks familiar probably common. 只可惜对方却丝毫没有停留的意思,听到身旁女子的话,点了点头便跟着她走了,不过他显然心中也有戏疑惑,走出门口的时候下意识回头往后望了一眼,看着夏青青,总觉得这个女子好像有点眼熟一般。 Song Qingshu knits the brows secretly, with, his heart in had too the doubts quietly, no matter Yuan Chengzhi is also good, is whether that black-clothed person Murong Jingyue, even in the cape the status of that female is also a fan. 宋青书暗暗皱眉,悄悄跟了出去,他心中有太多疑惑,不管是袁承志也好,还是那个黑衣人是否慕容景岳也罢,甚至斗篷里那个女子的身份也是个迷。 „Didn't he really know me?” Detected that vacant in his look, Xia Qingqing stands there scared. “他真的不认识我了么?”察觉出他眼神里的茫然,夏青青失魂落魄地站在那里。 Nearby Bing Xue'er walks up to support her, the gentle voice asked: „Is that man Yuan Chengzhi?” 一旁的冰雪儿走上前去扶住她,柔声问道:“那个男人难道就是袁承志么?” Good,” Xia Qingqing nods, why, but he does not recognize me.” “不错,”夏青青点了点头,“可是他为什么不认我呢。” Perhaps he has oneself difficulties.” Although the Bing Xue'er first response thought of Song Qingshu, but she is good-hearted, in addition somewhat has same problem with Xia Qingqing, to not say other, but comforts in a soft voice. “也许他有自己的苦衷吧。”尽管冰雪儿第一反应想到了宋青书,不过她心地善良,再加上与夏青青有些同病相怜,是以也不说其他,只是轻声安慰起来。 And said that Song Qingshu follows behind that group, saw that they walk in the imperial palace direction, expressed admiration secretly: Actually are these people what status? Yuan Chengzhi really lost recalled pretends didn't know Xia Qingqing?” 且说宋青书一路跟在那一行人后面,看到他们往皇宫方向走去,不由暗暗称奇:“这些人究竟是什么身份?袁承志是真失忆了还是假装不认识夏青青?” „Did you send people to take me is not good casually? Why comes personally!” Saw to leave the prison range, that black clothes old man somewhat reproved that female angrily, your status was honored, how could to step in the place of prison!” “你随便派个人来接我不就好了?为何亲自来!”见离开了牢狱范围,那黑衣老者有些恼怒地训斥那女子,“你身份尊贵,岂能涉足牢狱之地!” Well?” Song Qingshu even more has doubts, must know that a moment ago these people's responses from prison, this female obvious status is honored, without thinking of just the black clothes old man of captive dares to reprove her unexpectedly, his real status is not in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) the person, but is the person in royal government? “咦?”宋青书愈发疑惑,要知道刚才从狱中那些人的反应来看,这个女子显然身份尊贵,没想到刚刚还是阶下囚的黑衣老者居然敢如此训斥她,难道他的真实身份不是江湖中人,而是朝廷里的人? Song Qingshu somewhat was strange , if in the royal government the person, why Yelu Qi and other officials have not recognized him to come, afterward thinks he was easy to accommodate, then felt relaxed quickly. 宋青书原本还有些奇怪如果身为朝廷中人,耶律齐等官员为何没认出他来,后来想到他是易了容的,很快便释然了。 This event no small matter, the Southern Song Dynasty mission was killed, the emperor is furious exceptionally, even crossed The Great Bureau of Vigilance, foreign directly to complete(ly) Yuan, ordered various temporary palaces to deploy to investigate rigorously this matter, if I a casual faction person came, perhaps had no way to save you.” Female brittle answered. “这次事件非同小可,南宋使团被杀,皇上震怒异常,甚至直接越过了大惕隐司、夷离毕院,责令诸行宫都部署严查此事,我若是随便派一人过来,恐怕没法将您救出来。”那女子脆声声解释道。 In the The Great Bureau of Vigilance surface is the organization that Liao Empire wields the imperial patriarchal clan thing, in fact was similar to the imperial city division and Jin Empire of Southern Song Dynasty wash clothes institute, Qing Empire Blood Pendant, Binding Pole Department, was a secret spy organization. 大惕隐司表面上是辽国执掌皇家宗族事物的机构,实际上却和南宋的皇城司、金国的浣衣院、清国血滴子粘杆处类似,是一个秘密特务机构。 Ministry of Justice that foreign leave finish the institute similar man (Han) family/home dynasty, Liao Empire after all is the country that Khitan people establish, the name and man (Han) of family/home dynasty some organizations is different. 夷离毕院则类似汉家王朝的刑部,辽国毕竟是契丹人建立的国家,一些机构的名字与汉家王朝迥异。 That black clothes old man also understands stake, sighed one: Falls into other person of eyes, is always improper.” 那黑衣老者也明白其中的利害关系,叹了一声:“可是落入其他人眼中,总是不妥。” The female said with a smile in a soft voice: You felt relieved that by my present position, whom must guarantee a person not to dare to say anything.” 那女子轻声笑道:“您就放心吧,以我如今的地位,要保一个人也没谁敢说什么。” Cannot treat it lightly, in the palace does not know that many people want to wait for you to make mistakes,” that black clothes old man sincere urged, this time was I was too negligent, in addition was constrained the hands and feet by the Xixia (Western Xia) person, fell into during surrounding of Yelu Qi.” “切不可掉以轻心,宫中也不知道多少人想等着你犯错,”那黑衣老者正色劝道,“这次是我太大意了,再加上被西夏人拖住手脚,才落入了耶律齐的包围之中。” In the Song Qingshu heart of hidden place moves, listening to them to talk this female is really in the palace the person, but is she palace maid or the princess or is...... the empress? 暗处的宋青书心中一动,听他们对话这女子果然是宫中之人,不过她是宫女还是公主又或者是……后妃? both sides also chatted after a while, suddenly goes separate ways, the female and Yuan Chengzhi walk in the imperial palace direction together, the black-clothed person turns around to leave toward another road. 双方又聊了一会儿过后,忽然分道扬镳,那女子和袁承志一起往皇宫方向走去,那黑衣人则转身往另一条路离开。 Nearby the imperial palace some people have done an inspection, saw that some people run to question close to one team of soldiers immediately, result that female hand raises reveals a gold medal appearance the thing, then these soldiers saluted respectfully, put their two people to enter the imperial palace. 皇宫附近一直有人巡查,看到有人靠近立马有一队士兵跑过去查问,结果那女子手一扬露出一块金牌模样的东西,然后那些士兵就恭恭敬敬行礼,放他们二人进了皇宫。 Song Qingshu deeply looked at their back one, finally pursues in the direction that the black-clothed person vanishes. After all now his in the heart the major event is the Murong Jingyue whereabouts, as for the mysterious status of that female, even the Yuan Chengzhi's news, cannot compare this matter by far. 宋青书深深地看了他们背影一眼,最终还是往黑衣人消失的方向追去。毕竟现在他心中头等大事是慕容景岳的下落,至于那女子的神秘身份,甚至袁承志的消息,都远远比不上这件事。 Who your excellency is, for a long time should also come with me.” Arrives at place, that black clothes old man stops cold -ly snorted and said suddenly. “阁下是谁,跟了我这么久也该现身了吧。”走到一地,那黑衣老者忽然停下来冷哼道。 Song Qingshu from darkness, but his status inconvenient exposition, on the face brought a silver mask. 宋青书从黑暗中走了出来,不过他身份不便暴露,脸上带了张银色的面具。 The black clothes old man is secret the look changes, actually he simply had not felt that who assumes the post aura, just dozens years of cultivating to let him is somewhat prompted by a sudden impulse faintly, to stop to shout intentionally, has not thought that some really people came out. 黑衣老者却暗暗色变,其实他根本没有感觉到任何人的气息,只不过数十年的修为让他隐隐有些心血来潮,是以故意停下来喊了一声,没想到真有人出来。 This person of martial arts is so high, I cannot feel his aura unexpectedly completely.” Looks at the opposite party obviously in front not far away, but the black clothes old man actually discovered that with amazement that place as if no one exists radically common. “这人武功何等之高,我居然完全感受不到他的气息。”明明看着对方在前面不远处,可是黑衣老者却骇然地发现那个地方仿佛根本没人存在一般。 Song Qingshu does not know that the black clothes old man is cheating him, even if knows still indifferently, he also prepared to come. 宋青书并不知道黑衣老者是在诈他,不过就算知道也无所谓,他本来也准备现身了。 Who your excellency is!” The black clothes old man whole body fine hair exploded quickly, hit 12 spirit to alert with rapt attention, defense while prepared to escape. “阁下到底是谁!”黑衣老者全身汗毛都快炸起来了,打起了十二分精神凝神戒备,一边防御一边准备好逃跑。 Song Qingshu had not replied, the figure flashes to grasp directly toward his face on, so long as takes off easy on his face to accommodate the attire, knows that he was Murong Jingyue. 宋青书并没有回答,身形一闪直接往他脸上抓去,只要揭下他脸上的易容装束,就知道他是不是慕容景岳了。 The black clothes old man saw only a flower, the hand of opposite party has arrived at front less than three cuns (2.5 cm) at present, in the heart the ghost has braved greatly, but he dozens years of pure skills, the critical time double palm quickly lifted after all, did not strive for being able to repel the opposite party, only strove for being able the hand of opposite party to put aside three chi (0.33 m), then decided to seize the chance to escape. 黑衣老者只见眼前一花,对方的手已经到了面前三寸不到,不由心中亡魂大冒,不过他毕竟有数十年精纯的功力,危急时刻双掌急忙抬起,也不求能击退对方,只求能将对方的手移开三尺,然后打定主意趁机逃跑。 Well?” Song Qingshu stroked conveniently, strokes both hands of opposite party, but in heart actually dark startled, the inner strength of opposite party somewhat seemed to be familiar, probably mixed the vitality. “咦?”宋青书随手一拂,拂开了对方的双手,不过心中却暗惊,对方的内力仿佛有些熟悉,好像是混元气。 The black clothes old man has not expected gathered a oneself dozens years of time strikes by the opposite party is easily reduced and solved unexpectedly, saw that the hand of opposite party falls, in heart desperate: ~ 黑衣老者没料到聚集了自己数十年功夫的一击居然被对方轻易化解,看到对方的手落下来,心中绝望:“罢了罢了~” Who knows that the hand of opposite party has not inserted in his head, but tore off the person skin mask on his face. 谁知道对方的手并没有插入他头颅之中,而只是扯下了他脸上的人皮面具。 Notices the opposite party to look oneself are in a daze, where the black clothes old man life and death is bald hesitates, direct figure suddenly/violently to retreat, runs away toward the darkness, but in his heart does not have the happy color, after all by martial arts that the opposite party displays, so long as wants to pursue, oneself cannot escape. 注意到对方看着自己发呆,黑衣老者生死光头哪敢犹豫,直接身形暴退,往黑暗中遁去,不过他心中却丝毫没有高兴之色,毕竟以对方表现出来的武功,只要想追,自己根本逃不掉。 However what makes him be wild with joy, opposite party in a daze stands in unexpectedly same place, without pursues his meaning slightly, where he dares to continue to stay, several vertical leap, has vanished in the dim light of night. 不过让他欣喜若狂的是,对方居然怔怔地站在原地,没有丝毫追他的意思,他哪敢继续停留,几个纵跃,已经消失在了夜色之中。 Song Qingshu has not gone to pursue the opposite party, because he knows that copes is not Murong Jingyue, but another acquaintance- Jinyang chivalrous person Xiao Banhe. Initially on Golden Serpent Congress both sides had also had to do, Xiao Banhe has also participated in the contention of Golden Serpent King, but both sides not to. 宋青书并没有去追对方,因为他知道对付并不是慕容景岳,而是另一个熟人-晋阳大侠萧半和。当初金蛇大会上双方还打过交道,萧半和也来参加过金蛇王的角逐,不过双方并没有对上。 However because initially Blood Saber Elder abducted Shui Sheng, Song Qingshu rescues on her time road and Xiao Banhe has fought, knows him and Shui Family somewhat friendship. 不过当初因为血刀老祖掳走了水笙,宋青书去救她的时候路上和萧半和交过手,知道他与水家有几分交情。 Looked that puts your horse in the Sheng'er face.” Song Qingshu read one silently, but in the heart even more is curious, this Xiao Banhe status was getting more and more mystical, in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) thinks that he is famous Jinyang chivalrous person, but wants to come now, his all sorts of behaviors somewhat are unusual, it seems like attempts big. “看在笙儿的面子上放你一马。”宋青书默默念了一句,不过心中却愈发好奇,这个萧半和身份越来越神秘了,江湖中都以为他是鼎鼎大名的晋阳大侠,可如今想来,他的种种行为都有些异常,看来所图不小啊。 Ok, first rescued Bing Xue'er and Qingqing (light green) said again.” Song Qingshu realized oneself came out to have not the short time from the firmness, was worried that that side had/left what accident, by cancelling thought of going into seriously. “算了,先救出冰雪儿青青再说。”宋青书意识到自己从牢中出来有不短时间了,担心那边出什么变故,是以打消了深究的念头。 When he changes the clothing of prison guard wants to return to the prison cell again, suddenly in the surrounding is blocked: Buddy, inside cleared, we are waiting outside.” 当他变回狱卒的服饰想再次回到牢房的时候,忽然在外围被拦了下来:“哥们儿,里面清场了,我们在外边等着呗。” The Song Qingshu brow slightly wrinkle, thought that now the Xixia (Western Xia) mission walked, Xiao Banhe was also rescued, now in except for some originally in beside the criminal, is only left over a Bing Xue'er and Bing Xue'er liangs woman, he always thought that some did not feel relieved. 宋青书眉头微皱,心想如今西夏使团走了,萧半和也被救走了,如今里面除了一些本来就在的犯人之外,只剩下冰雪儿个女人,他总觉得有些不放心。 What great person did inside have to come?” The Song Qingshu sinking sound asked. “里面有什么大人物来了么?”宋青书沉声问道。 „The northern pivot shaft dense big families' young masters arraign the criminal.” The prison guard replied at will. “北枢密大人家的公子来提审犯人。”那狱卒随意答道。 Song Qingshu actually changes color slightly, because honest north pivot shaft secret envoy Yelyu Ren first in the northwest, instead has the responsibility of Yelu Yixin acting north pivot shaft secret envoy now, the northern pivot shafts in these population will certainly not refer to Yelyu Ren outside densely first, but is Wei king Yelu Yixin! 宋青书却微微变色,因为如今正派北枢密使耶律仁先远在西北,反而有耶律乙辛代行北枢密使的职责,这些人口中的北枢密当然不会指在外的耶律仁先,而是魏王耶律乙辛 Yelu Yixin son Yelyu Sui is also what welldoing, he this morning also the experience crossed, associates before him again wants to sexually harass Bing Xue'er instead to be punched, now thinks also to know that with the toe he came back to retaliate. 耶律乙辛的儿子耶律绥也是什么德行,他今早也见识过了,再联想到他之前想调戏冰雪儿反被揍了一顿,如今用脚趾头想想也知道他回来报复了。 Song Qingshu cannot repress again, these prison guards are just about the look changes, had been sealed up the acupuncture point fast. 宋青书再也按捺不住,那些狱卒正要色变,已经被快速封住了穴道。 Big beautiful woman, has not thought that finally you cannot escape from my palm.” Yelyu Sui is also looking at Bing Xue'er put on a high and mighty act, simultaneously and looked out greedily to nearby Xia Qingqing, Han people those words saying really well, what blessing in disguise knew non- Pok, on a great beauty, unexpectedly are many now outstandingly beautiful of acme of beauty and deportment , the heaven waited me is not really thin.” “大美人儿,没想到最后你还是逃不出我的手掌心吧。”耶律绥也正趾高气昂地看着冰雪儿,同时又贪婪了望向了一旁的夏青青,“汉人那句话说得真好,什么塞翁失马焉知非福,原本就一位大美人,如今居然多了一位千娇百媚的绝色,啧啧啧,老天待我真是不薄啊。” Xia Qingqing was not happy, hears his words is the vitality/angry, but listens to know probably the Bing Xue'er appearance, then holds her hand to ask: Who is this bastard?” 夏青青心情本就不好,听到他的话更是生气,不过听着好像认识冰雪儿的样子,便拉着她的手问道:“这混蛋是谁?” The Bing Xue'er sound such as the cold ice is ordinary: Playboys who sexually harass the gentlewomen.” 冰雪儿声音如寒冰一般:“一个调戏良家妇女的纨绔子弟罢了。” A Xia Qingqing eyeball revolution, changes the beforehand angry look suddenly, the sound said gentle: I thought but actually this young master is handsome, moreover can come and go out here at will, obviously the status is noble, saves us to go out is also easy as pie.” 夏青青眼珠忽然一转,一改之前的怒色,声音柔媚地说道:“我倒觉得这位公子俊朗不凡,而且能随意出入这里,显然身份高贵,想必救我们出去也是易如反掌吧。” Her former wanderer Jianghu (rivers and lakes) time, the itself/Ben does not press the seductress who the conventional repertoire plays a card, now slightly executes the sub-total to have words at fingertips and write with facility simply. 她以前闯荡江湖的时候,本就是个不按常规套路出牌的妖女,如今略施小计简直是信手拈来。 Bing Xue'er looked at her one eyes strangely, thinks that was not clear why she so acts like a spoiled brat the sound that sells to whine , because before , does the Yuan Chengzhi's matter cause to be deliberately bad? 冰雪儿奇怪地看了她一眼,想不清楚她为什么这般撒娇卖嗲的声音,难道是因为之前袁承志的事情导致自暴自弃? However she is also a smart person, responded quickly, was Xia Qingqing wants to deceive the prison cell this playboys mostly, then seized the chance to restrain him to escape. 不过她也是聪明人,很快反应过来,多半是夏青青想将这个纨绔子弟骗进牢房,然后趁机制住他逃出去。 That is natural, so long as you from this young master, this young master not only saves you, but also the sumptuous lifestyle is a cinch henceforth.” Yelyu Sui also happily patted striking one's chest, although he is good-for-nothing, but cannot support the family background to be good, not rare little family to flatter his father, sending in the clan the beautiful appearance female to surrender, he saw the Xia Qingqing appearance, the subconsciousness remembers the beforehand these beautiful appearance females to flatter his appearance, suddenly enjoyed extremely. “那是当然,只要你们从了本公子,本公子不仅把你们救出去,而且从此锦衣玉食不在话下。”耶律绥也得意地拍了拍胸脯,他虽然不成器,但架不住家世好,没少有小家族为了巴结他爹,派族中美貌女子来投怀送抱,他看到夏青青的模样,下意识想起了以前那些美貌女子巴结他的模样,一时间不禁极为受用。
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