FSM :: Volume #16

#1509: Meets by chance opposite is not acquainted

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Now Song Qingshu does not have the plan that acts, although Liao Empire this team of cavalries is a little troublesome, but also is a little to him troublesome, reason that does not act now , because the sound is too big, only if oneself killed those present completely, otherwise the status definitely cannot keep, after that a series of chain-reactions are he are not willing to see. 宋青书并没有现在出手的打算,辽国这队骑兵虽然有点麻烦,但对他来说也只是有点麻烦而已,之所以现在不出手,是因为动静太大,除非自己把在场的人全部杀了,否则身份肯定藏不住,此后一系列的连锁反应是他不愿意看到的。 He sighs secretly, sometimes has to envy the previous generation to read the hypertext fiction, these actor which are not a sword show/unfolds world, the violence collapses, does not need to manage what schemes and tricks, oneself are timid and hesitant in this world, somewhat loses the face of crossing over seriously. 他暗暗叹了一口气,有时候不得不羡慕前世看网络小说,那些男主角哪个不是一剑展天下,暴力破局,根本不用管什么阴谋诡计,自己在这个世界束手束脚,当真是有些丢穿越者的脸。 But Song Qingshu also understands similarly, own goal is unify the whole world, rather than in a sharp sword defeat completely world expert with the hand, must have choices every so often, weighs the advantages and disadvantages. 可是宋青书同样也明白,自己的目标是一统天下,而不是凭着手中一把利剑败尽天下高手,很多时候总要有所取舍,权衡利弊。 Now under is in the glare of the public eye to run to rescue Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er, in his opinion is not the wise choice, instead they were brought back to the prison to go, quiet at dead of night goes to rescue again. 如今众目睽睽之下跑出去救夏青青冰雪儿,在他看来绝不是什么明智的选择,反而等她们被带回大牢去了,夜深人静再去相救神不知鬼不觉。 In any case the leader of this group of cavalries is Yelu Qi, both sides have a friendship, during this, he will not feel embarrassed two females. 反正这群骑兵的首领是耶律齐,双方有一段交情,想必这期间他也不会为难两女。 After the people were seized by the Liao Empire cavalry, Song Qingshu follows on the heels quietly, to the official mansion that various temporary palaces deployed. The relevant official examined people in turn, Li Qinglu and the others naturally declared that is the Xixia (Western Xia) mission, Xia Qingqing, Bing Xue'er were said here oneself came to play, that black-clothed person what words had not said. 待众人被辽国骑兵抓走之后,宋青书悄悄跟在后面,一路到了诸行宫都部署的官邸。相关官员依次审查了众人一番,李清露等人自然宣称是西夏使团,夏青青冰雪儿则是说自己来这边游玩,那个黑衣人则始终什么话也没说。 To come most to direct is this black-clothed person who the person suspects, after his mask untied, what revealed is only an ordinary populace face, the relevant official who various temporary palaces deploy who cannot see is, finally discussed that decided first to infiltrate the prison these people, investigated the relevant background saying that person who especially that crowd said the Xixia (Western Xia) mission, they do not dare to neglect. 想来最引人怀疑的就是这个黑衣人了,不过当他的面罩被解开后,露出的只是一张普通的大众脸,诸行宫都部署的相关官员也看不出是谁,最后商议一番,决定先将这些人打入大牢,调查一下相关背景再说,特别是那群自称西夏使团的人,他们也不敢怠慢。 Song Qingshu took advantage this little while time mixed in the prison, knocked down a prison guard to pretend to be his status casually, in a while, that group of people were detained one after another. 宋青书则趁这会儿功夫混到了大牢里面,随便打晕了一个狱卒冒充了他的身份,没过多久,那群人陆陆续续被押了进来。 Xixia (Western Xia) that crowd of person treatments are best, is the neat clean peaceful rooms, the person who after all various temporary palaces deploy also worried that they are really the Xixia (Western Xia) envoys ; Room next best of Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er, attendances of many Yelu Qi ; As for that black-clothed person, was invested a normal prison cell, but he obviously and does not care, the whole person is very quiet. 西夏那群人待遇最好,都是整洁干净的静室,毕竟诸行宫都部署的人也担心他们真的是西夏使节;夏青青冰雪儿的房间次之,这其中不乏耶律齐的照顾;至于那个黑衣人,则是被投入了一个正常的牢房,不过他显然并不在意,整个人平静得很。 Hides expresses admiration in Song Qingshu that the one side watches secretly: This person but actually is really strange, does not know that actually his card in a hand is anything.” Song Qingshu wears ordinary prison guard clothes now, on the face touches intentionally gray, these are some great people, where the attention will place such on a prison guard. 躲在一旁观看的宋青书暗暗称奇:“这人倒真是奇怪,也不知道他的底牌究竟是什么。”宋青书如今身着一普通狱卒衣服,脸上又故意摸得灰不溜秋,这些都是些大人物,注意力哪会放在这样一个狱卒上面。 Besides the black-clothed person unexpected tranquility, Li Qinglu one group are also calm, after all they are the Xixia (Western Xia) envoys, only trouble is explained why slips away declares Huiyuan quietly. 除了黑衣人意外的平静以外,李清露一行人也气定神闲,毕竟他们是西夏使臣,唯一麻烦的就是解释为何悄悄溜出宣徽院。 Is Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er most is on the contrary disturbed, although Yelu Qi conveys a message in private, waited for the wind sound/rumor to cross let out them quietly, but stayed in this prison, was always worried that the midway can have what accident/surprise. 反倒是夏青青冰雪儿最为忐忑,虽然耶律齐私下传话,等风声过了就悄悄把她们放出去,可是呆在这大牢之中,总担心中途会出什么意外。 Song Qingshu is secret, is thinking a while after at nightfall, saves as soon as possible them, so as to avoid they feel alarmed and anxious. 宋青书暗暗好笑,想着等会儿入夜过后,就尽快将她们救走,免得她们担惊受怕。 In a while, an official who various temporary palaces deploy gets the person to let out Li Qinglu and the others respectfully, obviously they have verified the Li Qinglu information: This time offends the princess, we were extremely sorry, but also looks at the princess to read at this matter is an accident/surprise, be please broad-minded much.” 没过多久,诸行宫都部署的一位官员领着人恭恭敬敬将李清露等人放了出去,显然他们已经查证了李清露的信息:“此次冒犯公主,我们万分抱歉,还望公主念在这次事情是一场意外,请多多海涵。” Yelu Qi, how doesn't he come personally?” Li Qinglu cold snort/hum, her solemn princess, was closed in the natural heart to be angry here. 耶律齐呢,他怎么不亲自来?”李清露冷哼一声,她堂堂公主,被关在这里自然心中有气。 The official said awkwardly: Sir Yelyu entered the palace a Saint to go, really clone weak, making the lower official take to the princess for him the sincere apology.” 那官员尴尬地说道:“耶律大人进宫面圣去了,实在分身乏术,让下官替他带给公主诚挚的歉意。” Hears two people dialogues, Song Qingshu of hidden place almost smiles to make noise, never expected that Yelu Qi such modest and self-demanding gentleman also learned to steal acts slippery deceitfully. Li Qinglu also knows this obviously, what a pity has no alternative, can only be cloudy the face to leave. 听到两人的对话,暗处的宋青书差点笑出声,没想到耶律齐这样的谦谦君子也学会了偷奸耍滑。李清露显然也知道这点,可惜却无可奈何,只能阴沉着脸离开了。 In the jail that at this time the black-clothed person was at broadcast various sounds, Song Qingshu went following the prestige, sees only several officials to start to interrogate the black-clothed person, which aspect no matter after all from looked, he was the suspicion is biggest. 这时候黑衣人所在的牢里传来了各种声音,宋青书循声望去,只见几名官员开始在审问黑衣人了,毕竟不管从哪方面看,他都是嫌疑最大的。 No matter only pitifully these officials asked anything, the black-clothed person closed one's eyes to keep mouth shut, made that these officials were also hot: Impenetrably thickheaded, tortures to me, looked that your obstinate argumentative bone is hard.” 只可惜不管那些官员问什么,黑衣人都闭着眼睛三缄其口,弄得那些官员也火了:“冥顽不灵,给我用刑,看你的嘴硬还是骨头硬。” At this time that black-clothed person opened the eye finally, coldly looks at that person: I urged you not to do that finally, I was a person who you could not offend.” 此时那黑衣人终于睁开了眼睛,冷冷地看着那人:“我劝你最后别这么做,我是你得罪不起的人。” The official anger instead smiles extremely: „A captive, blustered unexpectedly here, gave me to hit ruthlessly!” 那官员怒极反笑:“一个阶下囚而已,居然还在这里口出狂言,给我狠狠地打!” In the black clothes person eyes the cold light flashes, as if somewhat cannot bear the anger in heart, in the Song Qingshu suddenly heart of hidden place one startled, from beginning to end this black-clothed person has no expression to fluctuate, from the beginning oneself also think that he is this facial paralysis face, but now carefully looks like, he estimated that was easy to accommodate. 黑衣人眼中寒光一闪,仿佛有些忍不住心中的怒意,暗处的宋青书忽然心中一惊,从头到尾这黑衣人都没什么表情波动,一开始自己还以为他就是这种面瘫脸,可如今仔细看来,他估计是易了容的。 disguise technique is actually common in Jianghu (rivers and lakes), whose appearance but must achieve to think changed/easy Rongcheng on changed/easy Rongcheng whose appearance entire world perhaps only then A'Zhu and Song Qingshu, because the Song Qingshu internal strength passes the god, but can also the luck change build, the physical characters, smell wait/etc, therefore he is pupil surpasses the teacher. In disguise technique of others as for Jianghu (rivers and lakes) were very rough, often can only change own appearance, making the enemy unable to recognize him to come, actually the appearance of person has no way changed/easy Rongcheng to turn into. 易容术其实在江湖中非常普遍,不过要做到想易容成谁的模样就易容成谁的模样整个天下恐怕只有阿朱宋青书了,因为宋青书内功通神,还能运气改变体型、身体特征、气味等等,因此他可谓是青出于蓝而胜于蓝。至于江湖中其他人的易容术就很粗糙了,往往只能改变自己本身的模样,让敌人认不住他来,却没法易容成想变成的人的模样。 „Isn't this person Murong Jingyue?” Looks at the black-clothed person, Song Qingshu even more was thinking that has this possibility, happen to now the prison guard must execute to it, can take the opportunity to probe. “这人不会是慕容景岳吧?”望着黑衣人,宋青书越发觉得有这个可能,正好如今狱卒要对其行刑,可以借机试探一下。 Stop!” In this time, the front door of prison cell is opening, the group walked from outside, is a that person of whole body binds in the cape, but can still see from his graceful slender body is a female, although was covered most probably stretch/open face by the cape, the chin that but reveals is bright and clean, the fair skin is joined to the tender and beautiful red lip, obviously is an extremely beautiful female. “住手!”正在这时,牢房的大门开了,一行人从外面走了进来,为首那人全身裹在斗篷之中,不过依然从其曼妙纤细的身子看得出是一个女子,虽然被斗篷遮住了大半张脸,但露出来的下巴光洁圆润,白皙的皮肤配上娇艳的红唇,显然是一个极为美丽的女子。 However Song Qingshu the attention is not on her at this time, but in her behind that the person of guard appearance. This person of aspect extravagant eye, the eyes are fiery, obviously the inner strength has achieved an extremely wise boundary. 不过宋青书此时注意力却丝毫不在她身上,而是在她身后那侍卫模样的人身上。此人方面阔目,双眼炯炯有神,显然内力已经达到一个极高明的境界。 Really damn, how can be he!” The Song Qingshu itself/Ben thinks boundary that but oneself after the disturbance, have practiced Mount Tai collapses in before the color does not change, but now or the complexion crazily changes. “真是见鬼了,怎么会是他!”宋青书本以为自己历经风波,早已修炼到泰山崩于前而色不改的境界,可如今还是脸色狂变。 However this also he, whoever saw no wonder after all had died the person stands in the front again livingly, will shock in the extreme. 不过这也怪不得他,毕竟无论谁看到一个早已死了的人重新活生生地站在面前,都会震惊得无以复加。 Before person who this guard dresses up, withstand/top in Mount Tai by Yuan Chengzhi that Dongfang Muxue strikes to kill! 这个侍卫打扮的人正是之前在泰山顶上被东方暮雪击杀的袁承志 What previous Dongfang Muxue said is real?” The Song Qingshu itself/Ben thinks that Dongfang Muxue such said to reduce and solve the heart of Xia Qingqing revenging illusory, by one possibly makes it seek, who knows that unexpectedly really resurrected. “上次东方暮雪说的是真的?”宋青书本以为东方暮雪那样说只是为了化解夏青青报仇之心,以一个虚无缥缈的可能让其寻找,谁知道居然真的复活了。 Moreover from his step as well as breath, this time Yuan Chengzhi martial arts not only has not weakened, but also a level higher. Before this is , the effect of mixing elementary work Nirvana Dongfang Muxue mentioned. 而且从他的步伐以及呼吸来看,此时的袁承志武功不仅没有丝毫减弱,而且还更上一层楼。想必这就是之前东方暮雪提到的混元功涅槃的效果了。 Then really difficult office.” The Song Qingshu forced smile again and again, his clear remembering Xia Qingqing loved Yuan Chengzhi initially, to revenge to him various completely means that even does not hesitate to raise the tiger by the body. “这下真难办了。”宋青书苦笑连连,他清楚的记得当初夏青青是多么爱袁承志,为了给他报仇想尽各种办法,甚至不惜以身饲虎。 If Qingqing (light green) knows that Yuan Chengzhi is also living, how she will choose? 如果青青知道袁承志还活着,她会如何选择? Although in the two years he and Xia Qingqing sentiment progresses by leaps and bounds, achieves situation that the spirit meat united, but thinks the situation that initially Xia Qingqing never changed course after making a vow, Song Qingshu still in the heart lacks self-confidence. 虽然这两年来他与夏青青的感情突飞猛进,达到了灵肉合一的地步,可是想到当初夏青青矢志不渝的情形,宋青书依然心中没底。 What to do if she did choose Yuan Chengzhi?” In the Song Qingshu heart makes a determined effort secretly, or solves Yuan Chengzhi quietly, when he has not reactivated, such Xia Qingqing did not need to intertwine. Although Yuan Chengzhi now martial arts today we are no longer as we have been, but Song Qingshu must take his life self-confidently at all is not the difficult matter. “万一她选择了袁承志怎么办?”宋青书心中暗暗发狠,要不悄悄解决掉袁承志,就当他从来没复活过,那样夏青青就不用纠结了。虽然袁承志如今武功今非昔比,但宋青书自信要取他的性命根本不是什么难事。 However this thought flashes past, Song Qingshu dropped this idea quickly, after all at this time is different in those days, his own pride does not permit so the act. 不过这个念头只是一闪而过,宋青书很快就打消了这个想法,毕竟今时不同往日,他自己的骄傲不允许这般行径。 Makes Qingqing (light green) choose again one time is, couldn't could it be that I have compared trivial Yuan Chengzhi?” Song Qingshu cold snort/hum, „, if really chose Yuan Chengzhi, showed that she is never me, there is anything to be sad.” “让青青再选一次就是,难道我还比不上区区袁承志么?”宋青书冷哼一声,“若真选了袁承志,证明她从来不属于我,又有什么伤心的。” However thinks that possibility, in his heart somewhat is still sour, decides secretly, really presented that situation with strongly to keep the side to be good her at the worst again, although some were insincere, but at least gave her the right to know...... 不过想到那种可能,他心中依然有些酸溜溜的,暗暗打定主意,真出现那种情况大不了再用强把她留在身边好了,虽然有些不厚道,但至少给了她知情权…… Well,” Song Qingshu thinks suddenly a very important matter, these year of Golden Serpent King reputations enjoy the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, Yuan Chengzhi not possible not to have listened, why didn't appear? Visits me to obtain his wife and base industry helplessly?” “咦,”宋青书忽然想到了一件非常重要的事情,“这些年金蛇王的名头风生水起,袁承志不可能没听过,为什么一直不出现?眼睁睁看着我得到了他的妻子和基业?” Naturally even if now Yuan Chengzhi came back is still useless, present Golden Serpent Camp was far more than more powerful than past Golden Serpent Camp ten times, Golden Serpent Camp had made into the monolithic bloc, now before subordinate influence various heads , the Golden Serpent Camp early man only accounted for very small part, who also recognized his former leader? 当然如今就算袁承志回来也没用了,如今的金蛇营比当年的金蛇营何止强大了十倍,金蛇营上上下下已经被打成铁板一块,如今麾下势力各处负责人之前金蛇营的旧人只占了很小一部分,谁还认他这个前任首领? Song Qingshu god little while time, that mysterious female and Yuan Chengzhi have turned around to walk out, that black-clothed person was also put, follows leisurely and carefree behind them. 宋青书愣神这会儿功夫,那神秘女子和袁承志已经转身往外走了,那个黑衣人也被放了出来,悠闲地跟在他们后面。 Well, is this female what status, so unexpectedly easy to take away the black-clothed person of significant suspicion?” Saw these official respectful attitudes, Song Qingshu even more has doubts. “咦,这女子到底什么身份,居然这么容易就将重大嫌疑的黑衣人带走?”看到那些官员恭恭敬敬的态度,宋青书愈发疑惑了。 Big Brother Yuan?” At this moment, suddenly resounds the sound that Xia Qingqing trembled, just when Yuan Chengzhi came is to walk another side, now the room that goes back just to pass by her to be, when sees the Yuan Chengzhi's appearance, Xia Qingqing first is some cannot believe that when rubs the eyes to discover oneself do not have the vertigo, finally could not bear shout. 袁大哥?”就在这时,忽然响起了夏青青发颤的声音,刚刚袁承志进来时是走的另一边,如今回去刚好会路过她所在的房间,当看到袁承志的样貌时,夏青青先是有些不敢相信,待揉了揉眼睛发现自己没眼花,终于忍不住喊了出来。 Her sound is especially towering in the silent prison cell, that group of also cannot help but stopped, the Yuan Chengzhi doubts turn around: „Is miss calling me?” 她的声音在寂静的牢房中格外突兀,那一行人也不由得停了下来,袁承志疑惑地转过身来:“姑娘是在叫我么?” Miss?” Xia Qingqing is startled, „didn't you know me?” “姑娘?”夏青青一怔,“你不认识我了?” Yuan Chengzhi sized up her one eyes carefully, the doubts said: „Should could it be that I know?” 袁承志仔细打量了她一眼,疑惑道:“难道我们应该认识么?” Xia Qingqing opens mouth close to, suddenly could not speak, before had a reunion joyful was covered by the cold ice instantaneously: Why he pretends not to know itself, because of his female, because knows the I and Qingshu matter between amn't therefore willing to recognize me?...... 夏青青张了张嘴巴,一时间根本说不出话来,之前重逢的喜悦瞬间被寒冰笼罩:他为什么装作不认识自己,是因为他身旁这女子,还是因为知道了我和青书之间的事情所以不愿认我?…… At this time the whole body bound that female in the cape opens the mouth: South crown, we should walk.” 这时全身裹在斗篷中那女子开口了:“冠南,我们该走了。”
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