HoweverthinksSong Qingshuskill, bright-coloredyoung girlwas happyimmediately: „Initiallyheturned the handinJin Empirefor the cloudturning over the palmis the rain, howthiscrisis will also be difficultto obtainhim!” The whole personspirit was also immediately good.
不过一想到宋青书的本事,明艳少女心情顿时好了起来:“当初他在金国翻手为云覆手为雨,这点危机又岂会难得到他!”整个人精神顿时又好了起来。SinceSong Qingshuhas had an accident, hisrelatives and friendsallraised the heart, abouthimwhether to turn danger into safety, most peopleare pessimistic, has not thought that is close to the truth that on the contrary this relatesnotthatintimate„friend”guesseswithSong Qingshu.
自从宋青书出事以来,他的亲朋好友全都将心提了起来,关于他能否化险为夷,大多数人都持悲观态度,没想到反倒她这个与宋青书关系不那么亲密的“朋友”猜的更接近真相。Bright-coloredyoung girlby the Lin'ancityvividlyattracts, looks aroundin the smalloutdoor shop of streetvivaciously, the quicknearbypersonthennoticedthisyoungfemale celestialcommonyoung girl, the womanrevealed the look that admiredlikely, the manstaredlooks at steadily.
The bright-coloredyoung girlknits the browsslightly, althoughshesomewhatwants to play all the time, butbecomes the focus of public eyes, whichheralsohas the interest that anythingwindow-shops, is digging the smallmouthsnort/hum, turns aroundthento walk.
明艳少女微微皱眉,她虽然有些贪玩,不过成为众人视线的焦点,她哪还有什么逛街的兴致,撅着小嘴哼了一声,转身便走。Becausesheused the movement artreason, nearbypersononlythought that an eyeflowerlosthertrace, the men in crowdsighedas if by prior agreement.
因为她动用了轻功的缘故,附近的人只觉得眼睛一花就失去了她的踪影,人群中的男人不约而同地叹了一口气。„Snort, smellymenonetype of the world, disgusting.”Because of mother bitter experienceseveral years ago, the bright-coloredyoung girlmayhave no favorable impressionto the man, „considers as finished, firstgoes toLouwai Towerand other poisons.”
“哼,天下的臭男人都一个样,恶心。”因为母亲前几年的遭遇,明艳少女对男人可没什么好感,“算了,先去楼外楼等西毒吧。”Ifsomepeopleobservefrom the high place, candiscover that young girl a butterfly that dances lightlyin the flowering shrubs seems to be ordinary, the Lin'ancityis one of the worldcityliveliestcities, on the street the sea of peoplewere exaggerating, butcalled it the jostle each other in a crowd is not overratedcompletely. But the young girlputs on the crowd, actuallyno onecanbump intoherbody.
若是有人从高处观察,就可以发现少女仿佛一只在花丛中翩翩起舞的蝴蝶一般,临安城是天下城最繁华的城市之一,街上人山人海夸张了点,可是称之为摩肩擦踵完全不为过。可是少女在人群中穿来穿去,却没有一个人能碰到她的身子。WhensheentersLouwai Tower, in the brainis pondering an issue: „Shouldlook for the gauze kerchiefto hoodwinktogether the face?”Her motherin the pastwasbecauseownbeautiful appearancecaused the misfortune, thereforesheyoungwas much maturer than the commonyoung girlinthisaspect.
当她进楼外楼的时候,脑中正在思考一个问题:“是不是该找一块纱巾将脸蒙起来?”她母亲当年就是因为自身的美貌导致了不幸,因此她年纪轻轻在这方面却比一般少女成熟得多。„Thisis not the heavyfestivalyounger sister, is predestined friends the thousand li (500 km)to meetseriously.”Not far awaybroadcasts a facetioussoundsuddenly, although the toneis somewhat strange, the sound is quite moving.
The news that bright-coloredyoung girlJin EmpireWanyan Zhongjie, Song Qingshuencountered difficultyinitiallytravels, A'JiuXia QingqingDongfang Muxuethesepeople of incessantlyworry, woman of Jin Empireheaded bysongBi is also beautiful facechanging colors, evengot up the thoughts of wieldingsoldierYangzhou.
明艳少女正是金国的完颜重节,当初宋青书遇难的消息传开,担心的不止阿九夏青青东方暮雪这些人,金国以歌璧为首的女人亦是花容失色,甚至起了挥兵扬州的心思。Ouyang Fengis luckily calmenough, the critical momentadvises against the woman who thatcrowdnearlywent crazy, theyalsorealized that Song Qingshuis all rightby some chance, will expose the strength that hedeliberatelyhiddenahead of time. After the discussion, theydecided that sendsOuyang Fengto investigate the Song Qingshuwhereaboutsto the Jiangnan, Song Qingshuisbecause the poisoncauses the danger, butwest the Ouyang Fengnickname the poison, is the rightestcandidate.
幸好欧阳锋足够冷静,关键时刻劝阻了那群近乎发疯的女人,她们也意识到万一宋青书没事,会提前暴露他刻意隐藏的力量。经过商议,她们决定派欧阳锋到江南来查访宋青书的下落,宋青书是因为中毒导致危险,而欧阳锋外号西毒,是最合适的人选。Thatseveralwomenalsopreparedto come, but the songjadeneedsto assumein the palacebyWanyandanappearance, Daiqisimustpretend to beTang Kuobian, Wanyan Pingmusttake care of the elder sisterin the palace, Pucha Qiucaois not„person on one's own side”, finallyWanyan Zhongjievolunteersto come.
那几个女人本来也准备前来的,不过歌璧需要以完颜亶的面貌坐镇宫中,黛绮丝又要冒充唐括辩,完颜萍则要在宫中照应姐姐,蒲察秋草又算不上“自己人”,最后完颜重节自告奋勇前来。First the Wanyan Zhongjiemartial artsis good, the personis also resourceful, can the certain extent, whenOuyang Fenghelper;Secondly the Wanyan Zhongjiemother and daughtertookSong QingshuThree Corpses Brain Divine Pill , ifSong Qingshudied, mother and daughtercould not live, thereforeinthisworldmostdoes not thinkamongperson who Song Qingshudied, shewas among the bestabsolutely.
After severalfemales discussed that finallydecidedsentherto accompanyOuyang Fengto rescueSong Qingshutogether.
几女商量过后,最终决定派她陪同欧阳锋一起来救宋青书。Hears a somewhatfamiliarsound, Wanyan Zhongjiegoesfollowing the prestige, sees onlysitsclose towindowtheregood-lookingextraordinaryson of upper-class family, the joggingfolding fan, in the hand the folding fanwhite jadeis a , is shaking the hand of fan, is whiteis unexpectedly indiscreetwith the fan, such aswhite jadeis ordinary, is almost transparent. Twoappearancedreadfulold menstandin the bodyside, in the eyenonetwinkle, obviouslyis the top players.
听到一个有些熟悉的声音,完颜重节循声望去,只见靠近窗户那里一个俊俏非凡的贵公子坐着,轻摇折扇,手中折扇白玉为柄,握着扇柄的手,白得和扇柄竟无分别,如白玉一般,几乎是透明的。两个形貌猥琐的老者站立在身侧,眼中精光闪烁,显然都是顶尖高手。Wanyan Zhongjiecomplained of hardshipsecretly, soto be how skillfulbumps intothiswomanhere.完颜重节暗暗叫苦,怎么会这么巧在这里碰到这个女人。„Missadmitting mistakesperson.”Wanyan Zhongjiecups one hand in the other across the chest, turns aroundto walk, before whoknowschopstickswithout bias and without favorinsertedherbody, onsuddenly the pillar, shehas tostop the footsteps.
“姑娘认错人了吧。”完颜重节拱拱手,转身就走,谁知一根筷子不偏不倚忽然插到了她身前柱子上,她不得不停下脚步。Thatwhite jadeyoung mastertakes up the teapotto startto pour teaat a moderate pace, untilfilling to the brimjust nowsaid with a smilelightly: „If the admitting mistakesperson, how the heavyfestivalyoung ladyknows that Iam a miss.”
那白玉般的公子不紧不慢地拿起茶壶开始倒茶,直到倒满了方才轻笑道:“若是认错人了,重节小姐又怎么知道我是姑娘呢。”Wanyan Zhongjiewishes one could the racket the head, butsheis also clear, even if not havethisflawopposite partystillto detainherewithotherreasons, the eyeballbonecommonrevolution, will turn roundto look at the opposite partyto saygrinningly: „Sister ZhaoyourSirhasmassive, do not haggle overwith a Isuchinnocentsmall girl.”完颜重节恨不得拍拍自己脑袋,不过她也清楚就算没有这个破绽对方依然会用其他理由留住这里,眼珠子骨碌碌一转,回身望着对方笑嘻嘻地说道:“赵姐姐你大人有大量,不要和我这样一个不懂事的小丫头计较嘛。”Originallythiswhite jadeyoung masterMongoliaPrincess Shaomin, shehas been tracing the Murong Jingyuewhereaboutsthis period of time, tries the graphic solutionto fallThree Corpses Brain Divine Pill in within the body, what a pityprevioustimehas not harvestedinJin Empire, afterwardnot to have found the Murong Jingyuewhereaboutsinanotherpossibleplace, will lookto the lastplace, bumped intoelder brotherkingBaobaoexactly.
原来这个白玉般的公子正是蒙古绍敏郡主,她这段时间一直在追查慕容景岳的下落,试图解掉体内的三尸脑神丹,可惜上次在金国没有收获,后来在另一处可能之处也没找到慕容景岳下落,正要到最后一个地方去找,恰好碰到了兄长王保保。HearskingBaobao a brother-in-lawto commendtoSong Qingshu, Zhao Minrespondedinstantaneously the Elder Brotherwas deceivedbySong Qingshuruns around in circles, sheisshyisfunny, buthas not actually been angrybeyond expectation, has not punctured the truth, tacitly approved the Prince of Ruyangmansion and Song Qingshualliance.
听到王保保一口一个妹夫对宋青书称赞有加,赵敏瞬间就反应过来哥哥被宋青书骗得团团转,她又是害羞又是好笑,不过出乎意料地却没有生气,也没有戳穿事情的真相,默认了汝阳王府与宋青书的联盟。Whoknows that quicktransmittedSong Qingshuto be poisonedinYangzhouby the news that Li Kexiuand the otherschased down, Zhao Mincould not sit stillagain, temporarilychanges the followingtraveling schedule, went southdirectly.
谁知道很快就传来宋青书在扬州中毒被李可秀等人追杀的消息,赵敏再也坐不住了,临时改变了接下来的行程,直接南下。These daysSong Qingshugoes into hiding, allinfluenceno oneknows that hiswhereabouts, Zhao Minthought it overthento chooseLin'an, noted the Southern Song Dynastyroyal governmentasMongoliaenvoy, beforecompliedto return the place of Southern Song DynastySichuanto establishin the Song Qingshustatus, nowSong Qingshuis uncertain of one's fate, MongoliaregardedSouthern Song Dynasty to break a promiseunilaterally, tookno longerreturnsSichuan to coerce, forcing the Southern Song Dynastyroyal governmentto handle the murdererto helplook for the Song Qingshuwhereabouts.
The Southern Song Dynastyroyal governmentblasted out the potimmediately, the ministerswas divided intoseveralschoolsto blame each other, butZhaoGouafter allwasMonarch of the country, clear, ifcompromisedtoMongolia, ratherharmed the royal governmentface countenance, moreoverWan Sixiewashundredofficer'sheads, whichwent ahead.
南宋朝廷顿时炸开了锅,大臣们分成几派互相攻讦,不过赵构毕竟是一国之君,清楚若是就这么向蒙古妥协,未免有损朝廷颜面,而且万俟卨身为百官之首,哪是说动就动的。MoreoverSouthern Song Dynastymanymen of insight, seesMongolianow the strategic center of gravityinWesternvariouscountries, is unlikelybecause a Sichuanmade warwithSouthern Song Dynastyagain, moreoverSouthern Song Dynastydid not hateto spit the Li Kexiudomain.
而且南宋内部不乏有识之士,看出蒙古如今战略重心在西方诸国,不太可能因为一个四川就重新与南宋开战,而且南宋也不舍得将李可秀的地盘重新吐出来。Finallyunderinfluencegambling, the Southern Song Dynastyroyal governmentcarried forward the Han peoplesince the ancient timesintelligentstalling tactics in every way, on the mouthvariouswords of praisedealt withZhao Min, in facthad no action.
最后多方势力博弈之下,南宋朝廷发扬了汉人自古以来的智慧拖字诀,嘴上各种好话应付赵敏,实际上却没有任何行动。Zhao Minclearlyknows that theiracrobatics, actuallycannot thinksuddenlywhatgoodway, shewas clear that the Southern Song Dynastyrulers and ministersdecided the victory and defeat and other fight of Li KexiuandGolden Serpent Camp, onceLi Kexiu wins, Southern Song Dynastyhad the negotiationscapital, moreoverin that caseMongoliadid not returnSichuaneven, Southern Song DynastyobtainedTwo HuaisandShandong, gainedas beforesteadilydoes not compensate;OnceLi Kexiu losses, thatdid not have the use value, when the time comeshandlescasually, bringsto receive in exchangeSichuanfromMongoliathere.赵敏明知道他们的把戏,一时间却也想不到什么好办法,她清楚南宋君臣是在等李可秀与金蛇营的战斗分出胜负,一旦李可秀了,南宋就更有谈判资本,而且那样一来就算蒙古不归还四川,南宋却得到了两淮、山东,依旧稳赚不赔;一旦李可秀了,那就没有了利用价值,到时候随便处置,拿来从蒙古那里换回四川。ButSouthern Song Dynastycould consume, Zhao Minactuallycould not consume, firstwas worried that the Song Qingshulife and death, secondlythistimeshewent abroad on a diplomatic missionSouthern Song Dynastyactuallyto independently decideasMongoliaenvoy, was Mongoliaalso possibleto affectforSong QingshutotheirWestern Expeditionimportant matters?
The timeis long, the newswill perhaps feed inkingZhangto go, Genghis Khanwill send the trueenvoysurely, also has the punishingimperial decree.
时间一长,消息恐怕会传回王帐去,成吉思汗必定会派来真正的使者,同时来的还有治罪的圣旨。Because the tripis not smooth, inZhao Minthesetwosky overheadsis agitated, comes outto relaxtoLouwai Towerfrom the embassytodayspecially, whoknows that unexpectedlybumped intoWanyan Zhongjie.
因为此行不顺,赵敏这两天心中烦躁得很,今天特意从使馆出来到楼外楼散散心,谁知道居然碰到了完颜重节。Mustknowusually, only thenZhao Minplays withothers in applauding, whoknows that previoustimeunder the general idea/carelessplantedinJin Empirefor a whileinWanyan Zhongjie, thinks that during that timetotal darknessdayindungeon, Zhao Minhated the toothitchy, althoughclosed/passherisSong Qingshu, whydid not know, shewas angry was actually Wanyan Zhongjiethatsmall girl.
要知道平日里只有赵敏将别人玩弄于鼓掌之中,谁知道上次在金国一时大意之下栽在了完颜重节手里,想到那段时间在地牢中暗无天日的日子,赵敏就恨得牙痒痒尽管关她的是宋青书,可不知为何,她生气的却是完颜重节那个小丫头。Hearsadmitting defeat of opposite party, Zhao Minslightlypleasedat the same timeis tempered with a sense of caution, previoustimemaydeceiveby this human and animalsharmlessnaiveappearance, at oncesayslightly: „Does Sirhavemassive? Excuse me, Iwas only a woman, the woman the mindwas usually young. Sir Lu, Sir He, blowsspendsherface.”
The diner in buildingwatched the fundoes not dislike the matterto be big, surroundsfromsidecheerfully, finallyhears the Zhao Minwords, ineach oneheartsraisescold air.
楼里的食客本来看热闹不嫌事大,一个个乐呵呵地从旁围观,结果听到赵敏的话,个个心中都升起一股凉气。ThisYoung Masterwhite jade was also too ruthless, such a as pretty as a flowerlittleunmarried girl, said that blew the flowerto blow the flower.
The He Biwengfigureflashesthento open the big handto grasptowardWanyan Zhongjie, Lu Zhangkeinstantlyhas not actually left, insteadridiculeswas saying: „Princess, such attractivecheekblewspendsto be rather a pity, might as wellgivemeto processher.”鹤笔翁身形一闪便张开大手往完颜重节抓去,鹿杖客却没有立即动身,反而讪笑着说道:“郡主,这么漂亮的脸蛋儿刮花了未免太可惜了,不如将她交给我处理吧。”Zhao Minknows that thisLu Zhangkebecomes second naturelasciviously, in the heartloathesgreatly, will speakto scold, actuallythinks that suddenlyinitiallyinJin EmpireWanyan Zhongjie at the scene that sideSong Qingshuwandered, immediatelychanged the mind: „Good, so long asyou can holdher.”赵敏知道这鹿杖客好色成性,心中不由大为厌恶,正要出言呵斥,却忽然想到当初在金国完颜重节在宋青书身边转悠的场景,顿时改变了主意:“好啊,只要你能抓得住她。”„Good!”Lu Zhangkeis delighted, immediatelyhas high moraletowardfightingin the circleswoops.
“好叻!”鹿杖客喜出望外,顿时斗志昂扬地往战圈中飞扑过去。Although the Wanyan Zhongjiemartial artsis good, but can that the comparisoninyoungonegeneration, wherebe the opponent of Xuanming Two Eldersthismartial arts worldold people?完颜重节武功虽然不错,但那只是在年轻一辈中比较而已,哪里会是玄冥二老这种武林耆老的对手?Whatis luckyisLu Zhangke, because the lasciviousreasondelayeda while, has not actedwithHe Biwengtogether, gaveWanyan Zhongjiea slim chance of survival.
万幸的是鹿杖客因为好色的缘故耽搁了一会儿,没有与鹤笔翁一起出手,给了完颜重节一线生机。Mustknow that Xuanming Two EldersoverawesJianghu (rivers and lakes), very bigreasonwill betwo peoplecollaborates the mightto increasedoubled and re-doubled, evenZhang Wujisuchtop playerwill be hardto deal with, butparents, ifwill separate, althoughas beforewill beinJianghu (rivers and lakes) the master class, will actually be well below the mightjointly.
要知道玄冥二老之所以威震江湖,很大原因是两人联手威力会成倍增加,连张无忌那样的顶尖高手都难以应付,可二老如果分开,虽然依旧是江湖中一流高手,却远远不及联手的威力。Solelyiscultivating of He Biwengis, high enough to has not formed the steamrolltoWanyan Zhongjie the advantage, Wanyan Zhongjieaims at a crevice, suddenly the figureflashes, bytoward the entranceescapedcompared withquick the time of speed of a moment agodisplaying.
单单是鹤笔翁的修为,并没有高到对完颜重节形成碾压的优势,完颜重节瞅准一个空隙,忽然身形一闪,以比刚才表现出来的快了一倍的速度往门口逃去。In this yearloses facein front ofZhao Mina lot, He Biwengthought before , whatbumps intoisSong Qingshusuchanomalybut actually, ifthistimeincluding a little girl unable to hold, whichlater can also raise the headbefore the princess, thenloudly shouts, pursuedtoward the entrancefiercely.
这一年来没少在赵敏面前丢脸,鹤笔翁心想以前碰到的是宋青书那样的变态倒也罢了,若是这次连一个小丫头片子都抓不住,以后哪还能在郡主面前抬起头来,遂大喝一声,猛地往门口追了过去。Andsaid that Feng Ziying, XuePanand his party of accompanytooto be under many, the Song Qingshuline, had not found the opportunityto sneak off, unknowinglyhad arrived at the Louwai Towerentrance.
且说冯紫英、薛蟠一行人随行手下太多,宋青书一路行来,都没有找到机会溜走,不知不觉已经来到了楼外楼门口。Severalpeoplestandthereare cheerful and lively, happen tobumped intoWanyan Zhongjieto pinchwisp of fragrantwindto hit.
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