The couplechattedall the waycandidly, onlythought that the beforehandtwohuman worldfaintbarriersvanished into thin airthoroughly, Zhou Zhiruousuallyon the desolatefacealsoappeared the truehappy expression.
夫妻俩一路上开诚布公地聊天,只觉得之前两人间隐隐的隔阂彻底烟消云散,周芷若素来冷淡的脸上也浮现出了真正的笑意。Becausecomes outtoofor a long time, Zhou Zhiruobackred sleeveinstitute, Song Qingshuthenhurries totowardJia Residencehurriedly.
因为出来得太久,将周芷若送回红袖院过后,宋青书便急匆匆往贾府赶去。Looks the back that heis departing, in the Zhou ZhiruobrainthinkssuddenlyForbidden Citythatoverbearingwoman, has a headache, but also is really the enemy. Dongfang MuxuehasLan FenghuangQu Feiyanto assist, A'Jiualsohas the Xia Qingqinghelp, in the futurewill really struggle to have no advantage.
望着他离去的背影,周芷若脑中忽然想到了紫禁城那个霸道的女人,不禁头疼不已,还真是一个劲敌啊。东方暮雪有蓝凤凰曲非烟相助,阿九又有夏青青帮忙,将来真的争起来自己可没什么优势啊。Thinks the A'JiuXia Qingqingfriendship, Zhou Zhiruocannot bearsomeenvy, thoughthow can oneselffindsuchclosesisters? Said that A'JiuandXia Qingqingin the past were also the love rival of potentialwithwater and fire, never expected thatis goodnowandperson.
一想到阿九夏青青的友谊,周芷若就忍不住有些嫉妒,心想自己怎样才能找到这样一个亲密的姐妹?说起来阿九和夏青青当年也是势同水火的情敌,没想到如今却好得和一个人似的。WhoZhou Zhiruostartsto think deeply aboutsidein the husbandmanyyoung people possibleto becomeownclose comrade, whydoes not know, the Zhao Minnamejumpedsuddenly, herexpressioninstantaneouslybecomesextremelystrange, quicklyspatone: „Bahbah, howto think ofher.”Right nowmakeshernot have the interest in think deeply aboutanythinginstantaneouslyagain, was cold a faceto return to the room.周芷若开始思索丈夫身边的众多红颜之中谁有可能成为自己的亲密战友,不知道为什么,赵敏的名字突然跳了出来,她的表情瞬间就变得极为古怪,急忙啐了一口:“呸呸呸,怎么想到她了。”这下子让她瞬间没了兴致再思索什么,冷着一张脸回到了房间之中。Song Qingshutrades the Jia Baoyuappearance, returns to Jia Residencewith lightning speed, discovered that Xirenand othermaidservantsstillfall asleep, breathes a sigh of reliefsecretly, thisinfeeling relievedto lie downon the bed, in the brainhas ponderedhowcannot onlyreturns to the Golden Serpent Camprescuein the personbyJia Residencewill not be discovered the status, what a pitythinks it overcannot think ofwhat means that in additionwas busy at work an evening is too tired, unknowinglythenslept soundly.宋青书换好贾宝玉的面貌,一路风驰电掣回到贾府之中,发现袭人等丫鬟依然睡着,不由暗暗舒了一口气,这才在放心地在床上躺了下来,脑中一直思考如何才能既回金蛇营救援又不会被贾府中人发现身份,可惜想来想去都想不到什么办法,再加上忙活了一晚上太累了,不知不觉便熟睡了过去。Display of vigour and vitality, Song Qingshu on bed, ifhas a feelingto open the eyequickly, sees onlyfull of smilesto standin the bedside.
旭日东升,床上的宋青书若有所感倏地睁开眼睛,只见袭人笑盈盈地站在床边。„Does young masterawake?”Xirenwas sayingthen the planhelpsSong Qingshuwear the clothes.
“公子醒啦?”袭人说着便打算来帮宋青书穿衣服。„Does not need, Ito come.”Song Qingshuknows that shewas usually careful, worriedshenoticesoneselfphysical charactersandJia Baoyuis different, wheredaresto makehertake care of itselfto wear the clothes.
“不必了,我自己来。”宋青书知道她素来心细,担心她注意到自己身体特征与贾宝玉不同,哪敢让她来服侍自己穿衣服。Hearshiswords, Xirenrevealscolor of the doubts, butquickreturned tonormal: „Hot waterhas prepared, Igoto carryimmediately.”
听到他的话,袭人露出一丝疑惑之色,不过很快就恢复了正常:“热水已经准备好了,我马上去端来。”Song Qingshuwashes the faceis keeping off the line of sightintentionally, is worried abouton the face, butscratchedscratchingwith the towelon the facesuperficially, whoexpectsopens the mouthto saysuddenly: „HowIthought that the young masterthistimecame backchangesresembledprobablypersonally.”宋青书洗脸的时候故意挡着袭人的视线,担心脸上面具,只是用毛巾蜻蜓点水地在脸上擦了擦,谁料到袭人忽然开口道:“我怎么觉得公子这次回来好像变了个人似的。”
The Song Qingshuheartjumps, the sinkingsoundasked: „Whywill feellike this?”OriginallyhetodisplaysSoul Shifting (Bewitching) Great Techniqueto savemanytroublesome, isinthisJia Residence the expertis numerous, especiallyJia Shidaoalsodeeply concealed, heworried that somepeoplewill see the difference, thereforehas hesitatedmustthis.宋青书心头一跳,沉声问道:“为什么会这样觉得?”本来他对袭人施展移魂大法可以省掉很多麻烦,可是这贾府中高手众多,特别是贾似道也是深藏不露,他担心有人会看出袭人的异样,所以一直犹豫着要不要这样做。„Beforeyoung masterlike was not so desolate, gets out of bedeach timewants...... to hold the cheek of maidservantto gnawseveralrougeto be satisfactory.”Xirenis blushingto say.
“以前公子可不像这么冷淡的,每次起床都要……都要抱着丫鬟的脸蛋儿啃几口胭脂才顺心的。”袭人红着脸说道。Song Qingshuwaterfallperspiration, rumorreally not empty, inthisJia Baoyureallypowderpilegrows up.宋青书不禁瀑布汗,传言果然不虚,这贾宝玉果然脂粉堆里长大的。Dealt withtwocasually, Song Qingshuthenmustgo out, knows for sureinJia Residenceacquaintanceso many, perhapswaitsto be seen the flawagainquickly, whoknows that after hearinghe said that must go out, fooling the complexionis white: „Does not may, the masterconveys a messagespecially, said that thisdayscannotyougo out, ifyouwent out, ourthesemaidservantswere not killedare strange.”
随便应付了两句,宋青书便要出门,情知贾府中熟人这么多,再待下去恐怕很快就会被看出破绽,谁知道袭人听到他说要出去后,唬得脸色都白了:“万万不可啊,老爷特意传了话下来,说这段日子不许你出门,要是你出去了,我们这些丫鬟不被打死才怪。”Song Qingshuhas a headacheimmediately, thisrememberedJia Shidao is hehad saidlast nightsimilarwords, mainly before was, whothatassassinchief instigatorwas, has not investigated thoroughly, was worried that hewent outandmeetswhatdanger.宋青书顿时头疼不已,这才想起昨晚贾似道是和他说过类似的话,主要就是之前那个刺客主谋是谁,还没有查清楚,担心他出去又遇上什么危险。Butthinksto stay in the gardento deal with the women who onebigpile and Jia Baoyugets to know each other well, Song Qingshuwas bigger, butcannotrushhardly, first soundis too big, secondlyharmedonegroup of innocentmaidservantshenot to have the heart.
When is not knowing what to do, suddenly the gardenentrancebroadcasts a voice of man: „Precious jade, the precious jade, the Elder Brotherhasyourgoing outwave!”
正不知如何是好之时,忽然园子门口传来一个男人的声音:“宝玉,宝玉,哥哥带你出去浪一把!”Thatperson of soundis especially big, the tone is also very uncouthly, the maidservants in roomhad a scare, cannot bearcurl the lipcontinually, mutteredonelow voice: „Dulloverlordcame.”
那人声音特大,语气又很粗鲁,屋里的丫鬟们都被吓了一跳,连袭人都忍不住撇撇嘴,小声咕哝了一句:“呆霸王来了。”„Dulloverlord?” The soundis minimum, even ifnotnecessarilycan hearinherside, butSong Qingshucultivatesnowis, the sound that even the mosquitofalls to the groundcannot escapehisear.
“呆霸王?”袭人声音极小,哪怕在她身边也不一定听得见,可是宋青书如今何等修为,连蚊子落地的声音都逃不过他的耳朵。Song Qingshuis not familiarwithDream of the Red Chamber, butsuchhas the characteristicsroleactuallyto remembervaguely, dulloverlordXuePan, the brother of Xue Baochai. Because the childhoodloses father, the widowed mothertoleratesto spoil, all day longonlyhas the game cockto gallop on horseback, enjoys the beauties of nature. Although went to school, butslightlyknowsseveralcharacters. Howeverhemost famousmatterisgreedyfamilies„coldmy dear”Liu Xianglianis much longer, had the evil thoughttohim, finallywas punchedpigheadbyothers- althoughthisLiu Xiangliannamefeminization, is actually realpuremanone.宋青书对红楼梦不算熟悉,不过这么一个有特色的角色却依稀记得,呆霸王薛蟠,薛宝钗之兄。因幼年丧父,寡母又纵容溺爱,终日唯有斗鸡走马,游山玩水。虽上过学,不过略识几字。不过他最出名的事情就是眼馋人家“冷郎君”柳湘莲长得俊俏,对他起了邪念,结果被人家揍成了猪头-这个柳湘莲名字虽然女性化,却是货真价实纯爷们一个。Was pondering that personhad walked, comes inSong Qingshuto walkondrawingoutward: „Walks, outsidehas a bureau, missedyour one person.”
正思考间那人已经走了进来,一进来就拉着宋青书往外走去:“走,外面有个局,就差你一个人了。”Song Qingshusized up the past, saw onlyhishandsomeeyebrowstar, livedactuallydignified in appearance, thisalsoinexpected, after allwas the Xue Baochaiblood elder brother, where the appearancecanmisstogoes. Whyhoweverdoes not know, hedisclosedfrom top to bottomair/Qi of dreadfulhooligan, was really whiterecklessthisgoodleather bag.宋青书打量过去,只见他俊眉星目,倒是生得仪表堂堂,这也是在意料之中,毕竟身为薛宝钗的亲哥哥,容貌又会差到哪儿去。不过不知为何,他浑身上下都透露出一丝猥琐流氓之气,真是白瞎了这幅好皮囊。NearbyXirenwas anxious, came upto hold onSong Qingshu: „Young MasterXue, the mastermayissue the strict order not to the young mastergo out, doesn't your makeusfeel embarrassed?”
A XuePaneyesbonecommontransferred the revolutionsonXiren, looked ather unable to bearshrink the body, thishehesaid with a smile: „Hi, Iconsiderwhat's the matter, relax, Ihave saidwith the maternal aunt, shehas agreed.”
薛蟠一双眼睛骨碌碌在袭人身上转了转,看得她忍不住缩了缩身子,这才嘿嘿笑道:“嗨,我当是怎么回事,放心吧,我已经和姨妈说过了,她老人家已经同意了。”XuePanXue BaochaimotherandJia Baoyumotherisblood sisters, fromLinchuanWang Family, the Elder Brotheris the currentpalaceadvance headquartersdirectsto causeWang Ziteng, thereforeXuePanshoutedJia Baoyu the femalematernal aunt.
薛蟠薛宝钗的母亲和贾宝玉的母亲是亲姐妹,都来自临川王家,哥哥是当今殿前司都指挥使王子腾,因此薛蟠喊贾宝玉之母姨妈。In the Song Qingshuheartsecretly rejoices, was worrying that could not find the opportunityto go out, nowthisdulloverlorddelivers, whatno matteralsohesaid is really false, immediatelyputs arms around shouldersthento go outoriginallyripegenerallytoward the mansionwithhim, leaves behind the personto stare on helplessly there.宋青书心中暗喜,正愁找不到机会出门了,如今这呆霸王送上门来,也不管他说的是真是假,顿时自来熟一般和他勾肩搭背便往府外出去,留下袭人一个人在那里干瞪眼。ActuallythisSong Qingshuwrongly accused the opposite partyactually, XuePanhas indeed asked for instructionsMadam Wang, Madam Wangalsoindeed agreed that the person who becausethismeetingallwas the son of topofficial, shealsothinks that Jia Baoyumixedripewiththatgroup of people, later was always good.
其实这倒是宋青书错怪对方了,薛蟠的确请示过王夫人,王夫人也的确同意了,因为这次聚会的人全是顶级官员的儿子,她也想贾宝玉跟那群人混熟,以后总有好处。Comes outafterJia Residence, Song Qingshuis pondering overis finding an opportunityto cast offXuePan, whoknows that onegroup of peopleand others outside, seethemto come outearly, wastwo peoplewelcomed: „BrotherJia, Xuebrother.”
从贾府中出来后,宋青书正琢磨着找个机会甩开薛蟠,谁知道早有一群人等在外面,看到他们出来,为首两人就迎了过来:“贾兄弟,薛兄。”Song Qingshulooks up, sees onlymartial-lookinguncommon, another, then the male studentfeminine appearance, is good-lookingunseemly, Song Qingshuis flabbergastedsecretly, if nothisJianghu (rivers and lakes)experiencesrichoneto seehimis a man, perhapsalsothinksat presentthisperson is dressed as a man.宋青书抬头望去,只见其中一个英武不凡,另一个则男生女相,俊俏得不像样,宋青书暗暗咂舌,若非他江湖经验丰富一眼看出他是男人,说不定还以为眼前这人是女扮男装的呢。Hedoes not know the opposite party, is worriedto expose weaknesses, followsseveralpeople of wordsto echo, Song Qingshuhas exercised a reach a high degree of proficiencysocializingskillluckily, the groupchat while walking, was quickhethento find outtwo peoplestatus.
他不认识对方,担心露出破绽,也就顺着几人的话附和而已,幸好宋青书早已练就了一番炉火纯青地周旋本事,一行人边走边聊,很快他便摸清了两人的身份。Thatmartial-lookinguncommonpersoncalledFeng Ziying, the supernatural mightgeneralVonTang'sson, VonTangShirento hold the day and daymilitaryfourtheater boxesto directto cause, was the powerful figure of palaceadvance headquarters.
那位英武不凡的人叫冯紫英,神武将军冯唐之子,冯唐时任捧日、天武四厢都指挥使,是殿前司的实权人物。CallingLiu Xianglian of thatmale studentfeminine appearance, isin the Dream of the Red Chamberoriginal workshitshalf deadthatXuePan, his fathersupervisescensorwillowChengda, the Southern Song Dynastyofficial charged with remonstrating with the emperorwas divided intothreesystematically: The stageinstitute, the palaceinstitute, observes the institute, willowChengdaobserves the member in institute.
那位男生女相的叫柳湘莲,就是红楼梦原著中将薛蟠打得半死的那位,他父亲是监察御史柳成大,南宋言官系统分为三块:台院,殿院,察院,柳成大就是察院的一把手。AlthoughLiu Xianglianlivessupple , came from the civil officialaristocratic family, butheactuallyliked the fly cuttermaking the swordsince childhood, thereforeusuallyin the military commanderjuniorswithCapital Citywalkednear.柳湘莲虽然生得阴柔,又出身文官世家,不过他自幼却喜欢舞刀弄剑,所以素来与京城中的武将子弟走得近。Alsohas toacknowledgewith the Song Qingshuvision, a Liu Xianglianmartial artsis good, at leastwalksJianghu (rivers and lakes)absolutelynot to have the issue.
以宋青书的眼光也不得不承认,柳湘莲一身武功还不错,至少行走江湖完全没有问题。„The Jia Shidaoinfluenceis really huge.”Song Qingshulooking pensive, hedoes not certainly thinknaivelytheseyoung people have a common goalmerelyin the same place, definitelyis the respectivefamilyis the familyelders of samecampallowsthemto communicate.
The Jia Baoyufatheris the pivot shaftsecret envoy, XuePanfatherXueextremeis the ginseng/partakeknows the politics, the Feng Ziyingfatheris the general, the Liu Xianglianfatherissupervises the censor, the army, politics and official charged with remonstrating with the emperorsystemhastheirpeople......贾宝玉的父亲是枢密使,薛蟠的父亲薛极是参知政事,冯紫英的父亲是将军,柳湘莲的父亲是监察御史,军、政、言官系统都有他们的人……„IorderedonebanquetsinLouwai Tower, wego toinsidethatto drinkchat.”Feng Ziyinglaughs, drawsseveralpeopleenormously and powerfulto gotowardLouwai Tower.
“我在楼外楼订了一桌酒席,我们去那里边喝边聊。”冯紫英哈哈大笑,拉着几人浩浩荡荡往楼外楼而去。At this time the Lin'ancitysomewhere, a bright-coloredmovingyoung girlis sizing up the livelymetropoliseverywhere, cannot bearsigh: „The Lin'ancityis livelier than the Jin Empireliveliestcity.”
此时临安城某处,一个明艳动人的少女四处打量着繁华的都市,忍不住感叹道:“临安城比金国最繁华的城市还要繁华。”Nearbytall and powerfully built, the old maneyelid of tallBideepset eyesjumpedjumping, cannot bearsay: „Sister-in-law/Little auntpaternal grandmother, the Song peoplehated to the marrow of the bonesaboutJin People/golden person, youropens the mouthsilentonJin Empire, invited troublecarefully.”
The bright-coloredyoung girlcurls the lip: „Havinganythingis goodto fear that the Song peoplewere the weak and incompetentsheep, gavethemtencouragenot to dareto moveme.”
The bigold manhehesaid with a smile: „Yue FeimayalsobeSong people, in the pastwas nothitsyourcryingfatherto shout mother.”
The bright-coloredyoung girlis at a loss for wordsfor a while, long timefrom now onsnort/hum: „PastXiang Yuhadmodel/patternto increasenot to needGaixiato suicidefinally, now the Song peoplehadYue Feinot to needto get rid of one's capable subordinates, proved the Song people incompetent, sooner or later the day of thisexcellentlandscapewereourbiggold/metal.”
The bigold mancheekpulled outpulling out, saiddepressed: „Yourthisgirlis mindless, Song Qingshuthatboyis uncertain of one's fate, howto feel that youdon't worry?”
The bright-coloredyoung girlsaid with a smile: „BecauseIbelievehim, healsohas the skillintelligently, can definitely turn bad luck into good.”
明艳少女笑道:“因为我相信他啊,他那么聪明又那么有本事,肯定能逢凶化吉的。”Bigold manactuallyfaceworried look: „Ido not haveyou is so optimistic, the poison of Golden Devil Flower, Idid not determine whether to reduce and solve.”
The bright-coloredyoung girlthenreveals the color of accident/surprise: „Couldn't the solemnwesternpoisonsolvecontinually?”
The bigold mansaidproudly: „Inthisworlddoes not have the poison that the old mancould not solve, butthisGolden Devil Flowermyonlyhearsits name, needspersonallyto seehas been ableto make the correctjudgment...... this, Ifirstnosed the news, youarrived at XihuLouwai TowerI.” The whiteshadowflashes, immediatelydisappearingform.
The bright-coloredyoung girllookssecretlyis flabbergasted: „Westernpoisonis really immeasurably deep.”At onceon the faceappearsfinallywisp of worried look: „Surnamed Song, youmayreallynot have an accident, Iandmy motherthis whole lifemaycount onyou.”
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