FWH :: Volume #7

#647: Wind column, mourning

He Nanshan almost cannot believe own eye, before him, beast camp remnants of defeated troops of being scarred. What remnants this is one group, He Nanshan on Divine Country war unit, has not seen the so low morale, so distressed startled facial expression. 贺南山几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,在他面前,伤痕累累的兽营残部。这是一群什么样的残兵败将啊,贺南山从来没有在神国战部身上,看到过如此低落的士气,如此狼狈惊慌的神情。 They are one flock of frightened people. 他们是一群惊弓之鸟。 In tent a peace, sound that only then the beast camp military officer sobbed. 营帐内一片安静,只有兽营将领哽咽的声音。 How Helian Tianxiao uses the beast camp to attract the attention of enemy, actually clearly cultivates the plank road to do something secretly, bores a hole through the curtain, sneak attacks behind the enemy. This plan properly speaking does not have the issue, He Nanshan, does not think any issue. 赫连天晓如何利用兽营吸引敌人的注意,却明修栈道暗度陈仓,凿穿风幕,偷袭敌人后方。这个计划按理说没有问题,就连贺南山自己,也觉得没什么问题。 However the result is actually unexpected, Divine Wolf and Silver Frost two are annihilated, does not have the life . The beast camp attacks painstakingly fruitless, can only return to the camp. Bing Ren and Kun Lun seize the chance to counter-attack, the beast camp total collapse, the casualty is serious. Bing Ren Unit and Kun Lun unit chases down, the beast camp officers disperse escape, have more than 100 people that runs away. 然而结果却是出人意料,神狼银霜两部全军覆没,无一生还。兽营苦攻无果,只能回营。兵人昆仑趁机反攻,兽营全面崩溃,死伤惨重。兵人部昆仑部一路追杀,兽营将士分散逃跑,逃出来的只有100多人。 He Nanshan is silent, in his heart raises the difficult situation, is unassuageable. 贺南山沉默,他心中掀起惊涛骇浪,难以平静。 How possible! 怎么可能! Was could it be that the ambush? May be the ambush, by Divine Wolf and Silver Frost strength, is impossible not to have the life also! Did the opposite party hide the subsequent party? 难道是中了埋伏?可就算是中了埋伏,以神狼银霜的实力,也不可能无一生还!还是对方隐藏了后手? Certainly hid the subsequent party! 一定是隐藏了后手! But, what subsequent party can completely destroy Divine Wolf and Silver Frost? 可是,什么样的后手能够完全摧毁神狼银霜 Divine Country and Heaven Outside Heaven fight such for a long time, the actual situation details of both sides already found out, elemental cultivator retreated in defeat again and again was already completely unmasked their weak. Violent Flower Blood Unit destruction , he although is startled, but can accept. 神国天外天交手这么久,双方的虚实底细早就摸清楚,元修节节败退早就把他们的虚弱暴露无遗。烈花血部的覆灭,他虽然吃惊,但还是能够接受。 Divine Wolf, one of the Divine Country six Divine Unit, the Helian Tianxiao's strength is also not but more inferior than it him. 可是神狼,神国神部之一,赫连天晓的实力比之他亦毫不逊色。 Moreover was not defeated, but is annihilated. By the Divine Wolf Silver Frost strength, even if bogged down in difficulties, can certainly find the opportunity to break through. Possibly will suffer heavy loss, but possibly is annihilated? 而且还不是被击败,而是全军覆没。以神狼银霜的实力,哪怕陷入困境,也一定能够找到机会突围。可能会蒙受重大损失,但怎么可能全军覆没? He Nanshan in the heart is panic-stricken, is the anger. He already sent for delivering a letter before to Helian Tianxiao, making him wait for the convergence of Spiritual God. Has not thought that Helian Tianxiao has not waited for them, but launched the attack directly. 贺南山心中又是惊恐,又是愤怒。他之前早就派人送信给赫连天晓,让他等待神灵的汇合。没想到,赫连天晓没有等待他们,而是直接发起了攻击。 All deployment were disrupted by the Helian Tianxiao's action, their strengths significantly were weakened. 所有的部署被赫连天晓的举动打乱,他们的力量大大被削弱。 Facing this kind of rout, what to do? 面对这样一场溃败,怎么办? Although Ai Hui has not gone out, however change of light sword, attracted everybody's attention, this is the good sign. The large camp fight may be called an unprecedented victory, Divine Wolf six Divine Unit, henceforth vanishes in puff of smoke, the organization system vanishes thoroughly. 艾辉虽然没有出关,但是光剑的变化,还是吸引了大家的关注,这是好兆头。大营保卫战堪称一场前所未有的胜利,六神部之一的神狼,从此灰飞烟灭,建制彻底消失。 Fight between Divine Country and Elder Council continues these many years, this without doubt is the most magnificent war. 神国长老会之间的战斗持续这么多年,这无疑是最辉煌的一战。 Unprecedented victory, causes morale unprecedented upsurge of defense line. 空前的胜利,也使得防线的士气空前高涨。 Before constrained the dignified atmosphere, swept away. 之前压抑凝重的氛围,一扫而空。 Six Divine Unit invincible myths were broken since then, everybody then discovered that originally Divine Unit blood cultivator is also a person, will die. The confidence is built gradually, the fear to Divine Unit vanishes. In everybody mind, Divine Unit perhaps compared with them, but they are not similarly affable. 神部不可战胜的神话从此被打破,大家这才发现,原来神部血修也是人,也会死。信心逐渐建立,对神部的恐惧消失。大家心目中,神部也许比他们强,但是他们同样也不是好惹的。 Under the morale raises high, everybody invests with a more positive manner into the construction of defense line during. 士气高扬之下,大家以更加积极的态度投入到防线的建设之中。 Previous Divine Wolf bores a hole through the several points of curtain to be looked, to prevent similar situation appears again, Shi Xueman is directing everybody to expand the crack, thus strengthens the curtain. 上次神狼凿穿风幕的几个点都被找出来,为了防止类似的情况再次出现,师雪漫在指挥大家拓宽裂缝,从而增强风幕。 This project is not easy, the canyon crack year to year was corroded by the curtain, the quality of material bad rock made decent, but the remaining rocks quenching after long-time Metal Wind, the quality of material is quite hard. 这项工程并不容易,峡谷裂缝常年被风幕侵蚀,质地较差的岩石已经风化,而剩下的岩石经过长久金风淬炼,质地极为坚硬。 Even if there is Wang Xiaoshan to assume personal command, the project also needs to spend very big strength, is good only needs to expand several key points because of them then. 即使有王小山坐镇,工程也需要花费很大的力气,好在他们只需要把几个关键点拓宽即可。 Wang Xiaoshan now is busiest one. 王小山如今是最繁忙的一位。 Shi Xueman, Tie Bing Ren, Jiang Wei and Sang Zhijun and the others were discussing that the arrangement of defense line, Kun Lun Tian Feng is not interested in these, has not come to participate. Wang Xiaoshan stands in front of a sand table, on sand table clearly discernible entire defense line as well as peripheral terrain, lifelike, is exceptionally fine. 师雪漫铁兵人姜维桑芷君等人正在讨论防线的布置,昆仑天锋对这些不感兴趣,没来参加。王小山站在一座沙盘面前,沙盘上清晰可见整条防线以及周边的地形,惟妙惟肖,异常精致。 Wang Xiaoshan is listening to their discussion earnestly, often adjusts the sand table. 王小山认真听着他们的讨论,不时地调整沙盘。 Almost was Shi Xueman their voices just fell, the sand table changed immediately, turned into the appearance in their mouth. Shi Xueman Tie Bing Ren and the others, gather round sand table, one will hesitate, one will discuss intensely. 几乎是师雪漫他们的话音刚落,沙盘立即发生变化,变成他们口中的模样。师雪漫铁兵人等人,围着沙盘,一会沉吟,一会激烈讨论。 Wang Xiaoshan almost does not participate to discuss, once Shi Xueman they have the result, changes the sand table again. 王小山几乎不参与讨论,一旦师雪漫他们有结果,再改变沙盘。 The Wang Xiaoshan battle efficiency is zero, in the defense fights the function to be huge. With the Tie Bing Ren words, function of Wang Xiaoshan in position defense, at least over ten fight elemental cultivator Master. 王小山的战斗力为零,但是在防守战中的作用巨大。用铁兵人的话来说,王小山在阵地防守中的作用,起码超过十位战斗元修大师 They know that Blood of God will not give up absolutely, the following fight will be only more intense brutally, but they are confident. 他们知道神之血绝对不会善罢甘休,接下来的战斗只会更加激烈残酷,但是他们信心十足。 After the intense discussion, obtains the plan that an everybody approves finally, remaining all gives Wang Xiaoshan exactly, what is responsible for coordinating is Sang Zhijun. 经过激烈讨论,最终得出一个大家都认可的方案,剩下的活就全都交给王小山,负责协调的是桑芷君 Tie Bing Ren returns to the Bing Ren Unit camp, the mood is quite joyful, although is very laborious, but he thinks the incomparable enrichment. He comes out to shoulder the Bing Ren Unit summer beam in the innumerable question sounds, holds the post of the Bing Ren Unit head \; first, to hope to resist blood cultivator, another does not endure to see that Bing Ren Unit withers away in light of this. 铁兵人回到兵人部营地,心情颇为愉悦,尽管很辛苦,但是他却觉得无比充实。他在无数质疑声中出来挑起兵人部的大梁,担任兵人部首,一是希望抵御血修,另一个则是不忍看到兵人部就此消亡。 Bing Ren Unit that he takes over survives in name only, is one crowd of strengths mean, has not fought the recruit of experience. But now, experienced quenching of several fights, these immature facial casts become are resolutely calmer, cannot see beginning on startled of battlefield. Their manner has, psychological quality, again has hit several, they will become a number of new elite. 他接手的兵人部名存实亡,都是一群实力低微、没有战斗经验的新兵。可是如今,经历了几场战斗的淬炼,这些稚嫩的脸庞变得刚毅沉着许多,看不到初上战场的惊慌。他们举止有度,心理素质强了许多,再打几场,他们就会成为一批新的精锐。 Sees own war unit transformation with own eyes, Tie Bing Ren in the heart feels gratified and sense of achievement. 亲眼见到自己的战部蜕变,铁兵人心中充满欣慰和成就感。 Although the main forces of several fights either are Spear of Heavy Cloud, either is Canon Tower Alliance, what Bing Ren and Tian Feng are more is auxiliary, but Tie Bing Ren was well satisfied. He is confident, constantly strengthens along with Bing Ren and Tian Feng, they can play the major role. 虽然几场战斗的主力要么是重云之枪,要么是塔炮联盟,兵人天锋更多的是辅助,但是铁兵人已经心满意足。他有信心,随着兵人天锋不断增强,他们能够发挥更大的作用。 He asked Vice-unit leader: „Did Sir Kun Lun come back?” 他问副部首:“昆仑大人回来了吗?” Vice-unit leader shakes the head: Did not have.” 副部首摇头:“还没有。” Kun Lun Tian Feng wallowed Sword Formation in mountain valley for serveral days, light sword that these evolve unceasingly, regarding wholeheartedly wants to compile sword manual her, without doubt is sending out the fatal attraction. 昆仑天锋这些天沉迷于山谷中的剑阵,那些不断演变的光剑,对于一心想编纂剑典的她来说,无疑散发着致命的吸引力。 She sits by the mountain valley hillside daily, is gazing at each evolution of light sword. 她天天坐在山谷旁的山坡上,注视着光剑的每一次演变。 The birth of each new sword, makes her be in a stew. 每一把新剑的诞生,都让她为之着迷。 Not is only she, Tian Feng Unit sword cultivation almost turns out in full strength, defends by Sword Formation, perceives through meditation sword intent. Before them, is evolving like one sword manual, Any comprehension, has the greatest benefit to them. 不光是她,天锋部剑修几乎倾巢出动,守在剑阵旁,参悟剑意。在他们面前,就像一本正在演变的【剑典】,任何一点领悟,对他们都有着莫大的裨益。 Instead Sword of Thunderbolt member anything had not felt that what they walk is another path. 反而雷霆之剑的队员没什么感觉,他们走的是另外一条道路。 Tie Bing Ren shakes the head reluctantly, junior apprentice sister to sword art wallows nobody to be clearer than him. Has not thought that junior apprentice sister sword cultivation under is also a mold carves. Zhen Shen Peak nobody left who Tian Feng is responsible for guarding, Tie Bing Ren sends the Bing Ren Unit soldier to go to maintain. Because if nobody guards to maintain, causing Zhen Shen Peak to crash to crush and injure the allied force, that pleasure was big. 铁兵人无奈地摇头,师妹剑术的沉迷没人比他更清楚。只是没想到,师妹手下的剑修也是一个模子刻出来。天锋负责驻守的镇神峰空无一人,还是铁兵人兵人部士兵前去维持。倘若因为无人驻守维持,导致镇神峰坠落砸伤友军,那乐子就大了。 junior apprentice sister is outstanding sword cultivation, is actually not qualified Unit Leader. 师妹是一位杰出的剑修,却不是一位合格的部首 Tie Bing Ren knows, if not for if because of him, on junior apprentice sister not front, her thoughts on sword art, to war unit not any interest. Has this reason , is he cruel enough to castigate? 铁兵人知道,倘若不是因为他,师妹也不会上前线,她的心思都在剑术上,对战部没有任何兴趣。有这个原因在,他怎么忍心苛责? He notes Vice-unit leader to start to speak but hesitate, in the heart moves: Has the matter?” 他注意到副部首欲言又止,心中一动:“可是有事?” Vice-unit leader looked at around one, sees nobody, lowers the sound: „The Tian Xin City's messenger came, he said that must see you.” 副部首看了一眼周围,见没有人,压低声音:“天心城的信使来了,他说要见您。” Tian Xin City? 天心城 Tie Bing Ren in the heart jumps, the facial expression has not changed, in the eyes raises wisp of haze. 铁兵人心中一跳,神情没有变化,眼中升起一缕阴霾。 Vice-unit leader is heavyhearted, said in a low voice: „The opposite party is the secret comes, the subordinate does not dare to make others know.” 副部首忧心忡忡,低声道:“对方是秘密来的,属下不敢让别人知道。” Tian Xin City sent the messenger at this time, intention why? 天心城这个时候派信使来,意图为何? Moreover, now the defense line commanding general is Shi Xueman, the Tian Xin City's messenger does not pay a visit Shi Xueman, actually first looks for itself, Tie Bing Ren smells an unlucky aura. 而且,如今防线的主将是师雪漫,天心城的信使不拜见师雪漫,却先来找自己,铁兵人嗅到一丝不祥的气息。 Where is person at?” “人在哪?” Waits in your tent.” “在您的营帐等候。” Duanmu Huanghun as usual, drinks up elemental force soup that Loulan boils, arrived at for serveral days his place of sitting in meditation well satisfied. Actually Loulan's elemental force soup, to present Duanmu Huanghun, the effectiveness is almost zero, but he still each does not fall, each bowl must struggle! 端木黄昏和往常一样,喝完楼兰煮的元力汤,心满意足来到这些天他的静坐之地。其实楼兰的元力汤,对现在的端木黄昏来说,效用几乎为零,但是他依然每顿不落,每碗必争! Except for the elemental force soup nutritious effect, the Loulan's elemental force soup flavor is the world unsurpassed delicacy. Wallows is unable to extricate oneself, may not only have Duanmu Huanghun, Fatty is also so, they for remaining some Tang Di, win to be red in the face frequently. 除了元力汤滋补的效果,楼兰的元力汤味道是人间无上美味。沉迷其中无法自拔的,可不仅仅只有端木黄昏,胖子亦是如此,两人经常为了剩下的一些汤底,争得面红耳赤。 Other person energy flows the saliva, is only envying looks on, that is big shot’s war! 其他人只能流着口水、羡慕地旁观,那是大佬的战争! Duanmu Huanghun was happy, he has won today, has drunk half bowl, thought of the Fatty breathless appearance, his mood inexplicably joyful. 端木黄昏心情不错,今天他赢了,多喝了半碗,想到胖子气急败坏的模样,他心情就莫名地愉悦。 Became including Fatty such trash Master, Duanmu Huanghun in the heart was quite not feeling well. 胖子这样的渣渣都成大师了,端木黄昏心中相当不爽。 What talent the talent and don't the mortal widen the disparity to call? 天才和凡人不拉开差距叫什么天才? Therefore he decides to continue to enhance Blue Flowers entangles The might, lets Fatty such goods, knows anything the appealing to heaven talent! 所以他决定继续提高【青花缠枝】的威力,让胖子这样的货色,知道什么才叫天才! Properly speaking, he just comprehended Blue Flowers entangles Is his peak, wants to go forward again one step, it may be said that the ratio ascends to heaven also difficultly. However, he actually excellent goals perceive through meditation for him. 按理说,他刚刚领悟的【青花缠枝】已经是他的巅峰,想要再前进一步,可谓比登天还难。不过,他却有一个绝佳的目标供他参悟。 Some people salute to him along the way unceasingly. 沿途不断有人向他行礼。 Sir Duanmu!” 端木大人!” Master Duanmu!” 端木大师!” His acting with constraint politeness returns a courtesy, comes his demeanor of aristocratic family to be impeccable. 他矜持礼貌地回礼,出身世家的他风度无可挑剔。 However quick, can't his brow micro observe pressed, today's person these many? 但是很快,他的眉头微不可察一蹙,今天的人怎么这么多? Usually in he comes time, although here occasionally can see the person, but never has these many people. Takes a broad view to look, continuous, the words that does not know, Duanmu Huanghun also thinks which lively holiday view scenic spot one enter. 平日里他来的时候,这里虽然偶尔能见到人,但是从来没有这么多人。放眼望去,络绎不绝,不知道的话,端木黄昏还以为自己走进哪个热闹的节日观景点。 He notes keenly, in many manpower is raising the bamboo basket. 他敏锐注意到,不少人手上提着竹篮。 But without exception, in the bamboo basket is empty. 但无一例外,竹篮里空无一物。 Proceeds, the person are getting more and more. 往前走,人越来越多。 Unhappy disappearance of Duanmu Huanghun in the heart, what replaces it is the thick doubts, are these people doing? 端木黄昏心中的不快消失,取而代之的是浓浓的疑惑,这些人在干嘛? In front of him is a steep slope, after the steep slope, was his place of these days perceiving through meditation. The Duanmu Huanghun aural acuity is keen, after he hears the steep slope, transmits the noise the sounds of people. 他面前是一座高坡,高坡后,就是他这几天参悟之地。端木黄昏的耳力敏锐,他听到高坡之后,传来喧嚣的人声。 in his heart is even more curious, steps onto the steep slope, after seeing clearly, for a while is startled however. 他心中愈发好奇,走上高坡,看清楚之后,一时怔然。 Not far away wind column is sending out the light ray, gentle tranquil. Under the wind column, is the continuous crowd, some are an expert to do obeisance to kotow, some take the thing in bamboo basket, suspends carefully, consecrates before the wind column. 不远处的风柱散发着淡淡的光芒,柔和宁静。风柱下,是络绎不绝的人群,有的在行拜叩首,有的把竹篮里的东西取出来,小心地摆好,供奉在风柱前。 The offering is all kinds, wild beast that some just caught, some have not picked the leaf the azure wild fruit, war unit grain ration. 供品五花八门,有的是刚捕捉的野兽,有的是没有摘叶的青野果,还有战部的口粮。 Before the offering, is inserting branch of ignition, or soaked the straw bundle of pine oil, the incense and candle wound around. 供品前插着点燃的树枝,或者浸了松油的草把,香火缭绕。 Before palatial wind column, the people who worships are tiny. 巍峨的风柱前,祭拜的人们渺小。 They mumbled, held up the wine pot in hand, before raising one's wine cup the water sprinkled the incense and candle, sprinkles in the breeze. 他们念念有词,举起手中的酒坛,把酒水洒落香火前,洒落在微风中。 Today first seven, fellow seniors, eat.” “今天头七,各位前辈,都来吃点吧。” Battlefield not anything good thing, but also please do not shut out.” “战场没什么好东西,还请不要嫌弃啊。” Eats, must eat.” “多吃点,一定要多吃点啊。” Seniors feel relieved to rest, the remaining fights give us.” “前辈们放心安息,剩下的战斗交给我们。” sounds endlessly , Tingfeng has the letter. 声声不息,听风有信。
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