FWH :: Volume #7

#646: red clothed VS Sky Leaf

Blood Eye illusion seems like a tranquility. 血眼幻境看似一片宁静。 Top of the head that round scorching sun hot sun vanishes does not see, the God Blood strength was slurped completely. Worrisome golden mist, sweeps away. After having swallowed the innumerable flesh and blood, the strength that in God Blood is hard to absorb, all inducts in light sword. 头顶那轮骄阳烈日消失不见,神血的力量被吸食殆尽。令人烦恼的金色雾气,也一扫而空。吞噬了无数血肉之后,神血中难以吸收的力量,全都导入光剑之中。 Sky huge Blood Eye as before, as if silent is gazing at the earth, the beforehand red light beam vanishes does not see. 天空巨大的血眼依旧,仿佛无声注视着大地,之前的红色光束消失不见。 Under Blood Eye, Sword Embryo is sending out the astonishing power and influence. The sword that 18,000 shapes and aura vary, composes a giant spheroid, they walk randomly the chase slowly, like a huge school of fish. What is marvelous, how regardless of they walk randomly fluctuate, the Yin-Yang cut-off rule, is entirely still. 血眼之下,剑胎散发着惊人的威势。18000把形状、气息各异的剑,组成一个巨大的球体,它们缓缓游走追逐,就像一个庞大的鱼群。奇妙的是,无论它们如何游走变幻,阴阳分割线,纹丝不动。 The Sword Embryo dead center, the Ai Hui float midair, he stretches out the arms, shuts tightly both eyes. 剑胎正中心,艾辉悬浮半空,他张开双臂,紧闭双目。 The sword of all forms passed over gently and swiftly to walk randomly in his side, he firmly is attracting these sword intent like the magnet, does not have a sword to move his body. 形形色色的剑在他身边掠过游走,他就像磁铁般牢牢吸引着这些剑意,却没有一把剑会触碰到他的身体。 He is repairing the sword. 他在修剑。 Present Sword Embryo, swallows the strength of God Blood, is reborn, the might increases does not know that expands many. Sword Embryo and his regard are interlinked, is in itself also his Essence, Qi and Spirit lives, with the root a common origin, controls effortlessly. 如今的剑胎,吞噬神血之力,脱胎换骨,威力增大不知壮大多少。剑胎和他心意相通,本身亦是他的精气神所生,同根同源,驾驭起来毫不费力。 Now what is troublesome, in Sword Formation that 18,000 contained the strength of God Blood to absorb the long swords of innumerable flesh and blood. The strength of that God Blood the light sword embodiment contains, exactly is the part that Ai Hui is unable to absorb, after swallowing the flesh and blood, presents is actually another picture. 现在麻烦的是,剑阵里那18000把蕴含神血之力又吸收了无数血肉的长剑。光剑内蕴含的那一丝神血之力,恰是艾辉无法吸收的部分,吞噬血肉之后,呈现出来的却是另一番景象。 They like one crowd of bloodthirsty cruel monsters, even if inserts in the ground peacefully, killing intent soars to the heavens, will let the person fine body hair straight vertical stroke by a about point. If enters in the Sword Formation surrounding ten zhang (3.33 m), rich killing intent will even make people feel to suffocate. 它们就像一群嗜血残暴的怪物、哪怕安静插在地面,杀意冲天,靠得近一点都会让人寒毛直竖。而如果进入剑阵周围十丈之内,浓郁的杀意甚至会让人感到窒息。 Ka, in Sword Formation, resounds a slight sound. 咔,剑阵之中,响起一声轻微声音。 A light sword shape is changing quietly, the straight sword blade edge both sides adduction, appears gradually the willow leaves curve, the sword blade thickness bit by bit point thins. Initially when made the Sword Formation plan, in order to builds enough long swords in a short time, the long sword uniformly chose ordinary the most common service pattern shape. 一把光剑的形状正在悄然变化,平直的剑刃两端内收,渐渐浮现柳叶般的弧度,剑身厚度一点一点点变薄。当初在制定剑阵计划的时候,为了能在短时间内打造出足够数量的长剑,长剑都清一色选择最普通最常见的制式形状。 It seems an invisible hand, constantly is revising its shape. 好似一只无形之手,在不断修改它的形状。 When the last change determined that gradually cools like the sword embryo of chamber heat, the ray is gloomy gradually, until vanishing. 当最后一丝变化确定,就像炉膛烧红的剑胚渐渐冷却,光芒逐渐暗淡,直至消失。 A black long sword inserts in the soil peacefully, sword hilt is straight, cloud shaped sword edge above covers entirely the fine pattern, sword blade light thin as paper, the long and narrow and subtle curve, making it pass the dangerous aura. What presents with the black sword blade the strong contrast is bright as snow such as the sword blade edge of silver, the sword blade edge edge light crimson, was the beast of prey just worried the game played knife and fork , the woods white fang tooth residual faint trace bloodstain after likely. 一把黑色的长剑安静地插在泥土里,剑柄笔直,云形剑锷上面布满精细的花纹,剑身轻薄如纸,狭长而微妙的弧度,让它透着危险的气息。与黑色剑身呈现强烈反差的是雪亮如银的剑刃,剑刃边缘淡淡的绯红,像是猛兽刚刚撕咬完猎物饱餐一顿后森白牙齿残留的丝丝血迹。 Another light sword is dim, the sincere straight sword blade, the one-sided operates the blade edge, just like a wave row of dark red denticle, seems the exceptionally savage bloodthirsty. 又一把光剑黯淡,厚重笔直的剑身,单侧开刃,宛如水波一排暗红锯齿,看上去异常凶残嗜血。 Sword Embryo contains 18,000 sword intent, but outside light sword quantity is also 18,000, Ai Hui thought that this possibly is not the coincidence. 剑胎蕴含18000道剑意,而外面的光剑数量也是18000把,艾辉觉得这绝不可能是巧合。 Absorption that all the strength of God Blood can absorb, nonabsorbable also inducts Sword Formation, but why haven't been able to be separated from Blood Eye illusion? Ai Hui has made many attempts, does not have any effect, until he realized that Sword Embryo and light sword quantity tallies too unanimously. 神血之力能吸收的全都吸收,不能吸收的也都导入剑阵,可是为何自己还无法脱离血眼幻境艾辉做了很多的尝试,都没有任何效果,直至他意识到剑胎光剑数量吻合得太一致。 Therefore, Ai Hui starts to cultivate sword. 于是,艾辉就开始修剑。 He in each sword intent the shape according to Sword Embryo, revises the light sword shape. He discovered that he can revise the light sword shape freely, light sword after revision, the ray is reserved, occurred subtly change that but being hard word stated. 他照着剑胎里每一道剑意的形状,修改光剑的形状。他发现自己能够自如地修改光剑的形状,修改后的光剑,光芒内敛,发生微妙而难以言述的变化。 Ai Hui black red new sword, calls the Divine sword. 艾辉把黑红色的新剑,称之为神剑。 Naturally, the distance ancient times these Divine sword, it also fell far short. However the qualities of these black new swords are extraordinary, is stronger than general heaven armament. 当然,距离远古那些神剑,它还差得远。但是这些黑色新剑的品质非凡,比一般天兵更强。 The induction between new Divine sword and Sword Embryo becomes closer, Ai Hui can controlling make them display complex a exquisiter style through Sword Embryo effortlessly. 新出炉的神剑和剑胎之间的感应变得更加紧密,艾辉可以毫不费力通过剑胎来驭使它们施展出更加复杂更加精妙的招式。 18,000, is a formidable digit, Ai Hui exceptionally is excited and excited. He knows, once completes, he obtains will be an unprecedented weapon. 18000把,是个令人生畏的数字,艾辉却异常兴奋和激动。他知道,一旦完成,他得到的将是一件前所未有的武器。 At the foot of the hill canyon, Wan Shenwei raises head, looks at sky frigid battle, on the face reveals color with amazement. 山脚下的峡谷,万神畏仰着头,看着天空惨烈的厮杀,脸上露出骇然之色。 He has experienced many fights, but does not have a fight, the fight that can with his top of the head sky over occurred places on a par. Has a look at the She Yu tyrannical performance, he deeply rejoiced that he led away She Yu. Otherwise, Shenwei Caijue only feared that is unable to live fleeing. 他经历过很多战斗,但是没有一场战斗,能够与他头顶上空正在发生的战斗相提并论。看看佘妤强横的表现,他深深庆幸,自己引开了佘妤。否则的话,神畏裁决只怕无法活着逃离。 The red form, like wisp of unpredictable smog, the murderous intention flashes before. 红色的身影,就像一缕捉摸不定的烟雾,举手投足间,杀机闪现。 Sky suddenly dark such as night, dark cloud billowing thunder rolls and lightning flashes, the glorious weather, dyes the expansive sky suddenly suddenly suddenly scarlet, suddenly sky avalanche, ever-changing. 天空忽而黑暗如夜,忽而乌云滚滚电闪雷鸣,忽而风和日丽,忽而猩红染长空,忽而天空崩塌,变幻无常。 In the information said that what She Yu practice is Confusing Star God With Smoke Demon Dance. Confusing Star God Can confuse the enemy mind by the illusion, the genuine and fake, strange unpredictable. It is in Blood of God many secret art is obscurest one of the abstruse secret art, until now only then two practice succeeds, She Yu is one of them, but another, is Blood of God unsurpassed existence, Emperor Saint. 情报上说,佘妤修炼的是【星神惑】和【烟魅舞】。【星神惑】能以幻象迷惑敌人心神,真真假假,诡异难测。它是神之血诸多法诀之中最为晦涩深奥的法诀之一,迄今为止只有两人修炼成功,佘妤便是其中之一,而另一位,则是神之血无上的存在,帝圣 Also Confusing Star God, Emperor Saint to the She Yu favor, thinks throughout her talent is outstanding. 也正是【星神惑】,帝圣始终对佘妤青眼有加,认为她天赋出众。 Present She Yu, by Confusing Star God With Smoke Demon Dance, In one crowd of Master, round trip free. 如今的佘妤,凭借【星神惑】和【烟魅舞】,在一群大师之间,来去自如。 These Master strengths, makes Wan Shenwei feel panic-stricken. And several people of strengths, are less inferior than him. Must know, when entire Five Way Heaven most flourishing, the strength can with few that he places on a par, is side tyrants. 那些大师的实力,也让万神畏感到惊骇。其中几人的实力,比他都毫不逊色。要知道,整个五行天全盛之时,实力能够和他相提并论的屈指可数,无不是一方豪强。 He sees several today unexpectedly! 他今天竟然见到好几位! What is more fearful, other Master strengths are also not as good compared with him, far ultra general Master. In them any, sufficiently holds the post of Unit Leader. 更可怕的是,其他大师的实力比他也不过略逊一筹,远超一般的大师。他们之中的任何一位,都足以担任一部部首 But here, they are only ordinary one. 可是在这里,他们只是普通的一员。 Light of Master! 大师之光 Is this Light of Master? 这才是大师之光吗? Wan Shenwei in the heart has a fear inexplicably. He does not understand that before the Madame Ye that fierce character, how all hopes and chips, all detains on Light of Master. 万神畏心中莫名生出一丝恐惧。他之前不明白叶夫人那么厉害的人物,怎么会把所有的希望和筹码,全都押在大师之光上。 Now sees so the terrifying lineup, he understands. 现在看到如此恐怖的阵容,他才明白过来。 Nobody can prevent Madame Ye! 没有人可以阻挡叶夫人 Trembles from his coccygeal vertebra blasts out, his body can not help shiver. From the beginning, Madame Ye is showing her strength, Wan Shenwei is very clear, this woman how callous and blood and iron. Now she had the long-awaited sharpest blade, conceivable, prevents all is put down before her. 一丝战栗从他的尾椎炸开,他的身体情不自禁颤抖。从一开始,叶夫人就在展现她的强硬,万神畏很清楚,这个女人是多么的冷酷和铁血。现在她拥有了梦寐以求的最锋利的刀,可以想象,阻挡在她面前的所有一切都会被扫平。 He as if sees the fresh blood stream full earth, Madame Ye stands in the pool of blood looks back gently smiles. 他仿佛看到鲜血流满大地,叶夫人站在血泊中回首温柔一笑。 He has fought a shiver. 他打了个寒战。 Good, the person of dying, will think that many unexpectedly... 好吧,一个将死之人,居然想那么多… Wan Shenwei self-ridicules smiles, is calm. Perhaps today this mountain valley, is he buries the place of bone, but also at the worrying later matter? What later this world turns into, to a deceased person, what relations there is? 万神畏自嘲一笑,心情平静下来。今天说不定这山谷,就是他埋骨之地,还在操心以后的事情?以后这世界变成什么样,对一个死人来说,有什么关系? Is relaxed, he looks at the fight of sky with great interest. 心情放松下来,他津津有味地看着天空的战斗。 She Yu mood at this moment, was inferior she displays is so calm. Light of Master was unexpectedly successful! Only is this news, lets bring the huge impact on her. But fights with Master that draws a charge freshly, she does not have the least bit mental preparation. 佘妤此刻的心情,远不如她表现出来的那么镇定。大师之光竟然成功了!光是这个消息,就让对她带来巨大的冲击。而和新鲜出炉的大师交手,她没有半点思想准备。 After experience initial flurry, she also starts becomes calm, her heart actually in little downward sinks. 经历最初的慌乱之后,她也开始变得沉着,她的心却在一点点往下沉。 Master that Light of Master trains, strength far ultra general Master! 大师之光培养出来的大师,实力远超一般的大师 These Master styles, might extraordinarily big. Several back and forth, She Yu realizes the special place, elemental force. These Master elemental force structures are at variance with ordinary elemental cultivator, she starts even is unable to distinguish, the opposite party uses which elemental force is Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth. 这些大师的招式,威力出奇地大。几个来回,佘妤就察觉出特别之处,元力。这些大师元力结构异于普通的元修,她开始的时候甚至无法辨别出,对方用的到底是金木水火土哪一种元力 When she discovered that opposite party elemental force is Five Elements all prepares unexpectedly, after is over a hundred moves. 等她发现,对方的元力竟然是五行皆备,已经是上百招之后。 Five Elements all prepares, She Yu thinks arrived Mu Shou Association chaos elemental force. Mu Shou Association is the Blood of God mortal enemy, the hatred of both sides even can trace for several hundred years ago, She Yu naturally knew about chaos elemental force. 五行皆备,佘妤到了牧首会混沌元力牧首会神之血的死敌,双方的仇恨甚至能追溯到数百年前,佘妤混沌元力当然非常了解。 She does not have first to discover that the opposite party is Five Elements elemental force, naturally is unable to contact with Mu Shou Association chaos elemental force. When she responded that immediately realized this brand-new elemental force, has certainly the close relation with chaos elemental force. 她没有第一时间发现对方是五行元力,自然无法和牧首会混沌元力联系起来。等她反应过来,立即察觉到这种全新的元力,和混沌元力一定有着密切的联系。 In rumor, before relations of Madame Ye and Mu Shou Association, is very close, afterward had a falling out. 传言中,叶夫人牧首会的关系之前很紧密,后来闹翻了。 In a flash, She Yu mind relay excessively innumerable thoughts, but after her quick these brains of distracting thoughts throwing, a moment ago slightly was distracted instant, on her were many a scar. 一瞬间,佘妤脑海中转过无数念头,但是她很快这些杂念抛之脑后,就刚才稍稍走神刹那,她身上就多了一道伤痕。 The blood awakens her within the body killing intent, the beautiful pupil is dense. 鲜血唤醒她体内杀意,美眸森然。 Is Blood of God earliest a number of seeds, she can live today, does not know that experiences many time life and death. In any event, she must go back the Ye Baiyi belt! 身为神之血最早的一批种子,她能活到今天,不知道经历多少次的生死。无论如何,她都必须把叶白衣带回去! figure in a flash, is similar to a wisp of red smoke, the ghosts and demons appear in front of Master, the slender jade refers to seems like is incapable of selecting gently. 身形一晃,如同一缕红烟,鬼魅般出现在一位大师面前,纤纤玉指看似轻柔无力点出。 She Yu this finger seems like does not have the least bit smoke anger, however in opposite party in the eyes is actually another scene. 佘妤这一指看似没有半点烟火气,但是在对方眼中却是另一番光景。 The surroundings suddenly become jet black, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, what makes his with amazement is, his all sensations were sealed up unexpectedly! The corner of the eye glimpses a ray suddenly suddenly but swiftly, him blows up whole body elemental force hastily, cuts maliciously toward that ray. 周围骤然变得漆黑,伸手不见五指,更让他骇然的是,他所有的感知竟然都被封闭!眼角忽然瞥见一点光芒忽倏而至,他连忙鼓起全身元力,狠狠朝那点光芒斩去。 Hit! 击中了! The touch that the blade transmits, making him relax, so long as can the anti- under enemy strike, the companion will catch up. 刀传来的触感,让他松一口气,只要能抗下敌人一击,同伴就会赶来。 The luminous spot explodes suddenly, the dazzling dazzling ray blooms, under does not guard, he is white at present a piece, anything cannot see. 光点陡然爆裂,耀眼刺目的光芒绽放,毫无防备之下,他眼前白茫茫一片,什么都看不见。 It is not good! 不好! Makes any response without enough time, his body stiffens suddenly, a throat finger thick or thin blood hole, braves the blood impressively outward. 来不及做出任何反应,他的身体陡然僵住,喉咙赫然一个手指粗细的血洞,汩汩地往外冒血。 She Yu takes three wounds as price, the one breath kills five Master continually, shocks the audience! 佘妤以三道伤口为代价,一口气连杀五名大师,震撼全场! People on the scene, complexion all ugly exceptionally. 在场众人,脸色无不难看异常。 The Fu Sisi complexion is pale, since they go out to form Sky Leaf Unit, they sweep away all obstacles. Place visited, easily accomplished, has not run into any match, let alone the losses of five Master, this is first. What is more awful, this is in the situation that she leads. 傅思思的脸色铁青,从他们出关组建天叶部,他们所向披靡。所过之处,摧枯拉朽,没有遇到任何对手,更别说五位大师的损失,这还是头一遭。更糟糕的是,这还是她带队的情况下。 The kids regain that many cities, until now sends has not damaged. 小宝收复那么多的城池,至今毫发未损。 She Yu, so is unexpectedly powerful! 佘妤,竟然如此强悍! Under is in the glare of the public eye, She Yu looks calm, on the fine charming face, approached the corners of the mouth to be many a careful bloodstain, increased several points of monster different. Her tongue licked gently has added scar, smiled, character and style ten thousand types. 众目睽睽之下,佘妤神情自若,精致妩媚的脸庞上,靠近嘴角多了一道细细的血痕,更增几分妖异。她舌头轻轻舔了添伤痕,嫣然一笑,风情万种。 The beautiful pupil is flashing crazy killing intent, the bright red clothes are similar to the flowers that is in full bloom, flutters with the wind, flap flap makes noise. 美眸闪动着疯狂的杀意,鲜红的衣裳如同怒放的花朵,随风飘扬,猎猎作响。 She aspirates such as blue, sound gentle like water. 她吐气如兰,声音温柔如水。 Your do not want to walk.” “你们一个都别想走。”
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