FWH :: Volume #7

#642: Gives the head

The sound is very small, in the noise noisy battlefield, is almost inaudible. 声音很小,在喧嚣嘈杂的战场,几乎不可闻。 However Helian Tianxiao at this time, is actually the sensation keenest time, the dangerous feeling of difficult word floats the heart. He gains ground, looks to the sky of top of the head, on the face reveals color of the doubts. 然而赫连天晓此时,却是感知最敏锐的时候,难言的危险之感浮上心头。他抬起头,看向头顶的天空,脸上露出一丝疑惑之色。 Do the reinforcements of could it be that enemy arrive? 难道敌人的援军抵达? What his first thinks is Shi Xueman's Spear of Heavy Cloud, the could it be that beast camp is solved? 他第一个想到的是师雪漫的重云之枪,难道兽营已经被解决? The direction is not right! 方向不对! If Spear of Heavy Cloud, certainly is the curtain direction catches up, how to present above own top of the head? 倘若是重云之枪的话,一定是风幕方向赶来,怎么会出现自己的头顶上方? Moreover this sound, is quite strange, seems like away from any thing...... 而且这声音,好奇怪,就像是隔着什么东西…… Suddenly stops the footsteps, raises head to look at sky Helian Tianxiao, making other officers somewhat unable to feel the brains. They do not know that Unit Leader is doing, what does the could it be that space have not to suit? Some officers gain ground, but they stare the big eye, has not seen to have anything exceptionally. 突然停下脚步,仰头看着天空的赫连天晓,让其他将士们有些摸不着头脑。他们不知道部首在干嘛,难道天上有什么不对劲吗?一些将士纷纷抬起头,可是他们瞪大眼睛,也没有看到有什么异常。 Battlefield above upper air deep place, limpid lofty. 战场上方高空深处,清澈高远。 If daytime, here is insightful just like colored glaze, but in the night, the brilliance that the top of the head stars sprinkle, penetrates it effortlessly. Wild Metal Wind floods here each inch space, they have not stopped all year long. Here cannot see the least bit cloud, will not have the collection of water vapor, wild Metal Wind entering anything of this air zone tears the smashing. 倘若是白天,这里宛如琉璃般通透,而在夜晚,头顶星辰洒落的光辉,也毫不费力穿透它。狂暴的金风充斥这里的每一寸空间,它们终年未曾停下。这里看不到半点云彩,也不会有水汽的汇集,狂暴的金风把进入这片空域的任何东西撕扯粉碎。 Only then place Cloud Whale so lords over the formidable biology of food chain peak, Expert of Le Buleng such looking disdainfully in society, can come and go in the upper air deep place. 只有座云鲸这般高踞食物链顶端的强大生物,还有乐不冷这样睥睨世间的强者,才能在高空深处来去自如。 But today, came one group of unexpected visitors. 而今天,来了一群不速之客。 Wild Metal Wind, has not brought any barrier to them. 狂暴的金风,没有给它们带来任何障碍。 Innumerable light sword, like a huge illumination school of fish, they follows thunders and flamings red raging fire, comes. 数不清的光剑,像一个庞大的发光鱼群,它们伴随轰鸣和炽红的流火,呼啸而至。 Under is the earth of length and breadth, the distant place curving horizon by the darkness and starry sky package, the field of vision here becomes out of the ordinary. The intense battlefield is not worthy of mentioning, but is one compared with the needle-tip also small luminous spot, flickers. 下方是广袤的大地,远处弯曲的地平线被黑暗和星空包裹,视野在这里变得与众不同。激烈的战场微不足道,只不过是一个比针尖还小的光点,忽明忽暗。 Bathes the gentle star splendor, light sword such as is pulling out a continuously dazzling straight light mark, is brilliant like the meteor shower. 沐浴着柔和的星辉,光剑如拉出一缕缕耀眼的笔直光痕,绚烂得就像流星雨。 The light mark seems exceptionally slender, whatever Metal Wind is wild, is still unable to pull apart them. 光痕看上去异常的纤细,但是任凭金风何等狂暴,依然无法扯断它们。 In the bellow, light sword starts to accelerate. 轰鸣声中,光剑开始加速。 The sword sharp friction produces flamings the red class flame becomes more brilliant, like raising the long bright red band, flap flap makes noise. Trembling that thousands light sword, thousands red raging fire, the thousands thundering collection produces, has brought the unprecedented impact on this deserted air zone. 剑尖摩擦产生的炽红流焰变得更加绚烂,就像扬起的长长鲜红绸带,猎猎作响。数以万计的光剑,数以万计的红色流火,数以万计的轰鸣汇集产生的震颤,给这片空寂的空域带来了前所未有的冲击。 . 噗。 light sword of front line penetrates the Metal Wind level, above it, is similar to bright red silk fabrics raging fire has not dissipated in Metal Wind. 最前方的光剑穿透金风层,在它上方,如同鲜红绸缎的流火金风中还未消散。 One light sword, penetrates Metal Wind, appears around it. 一把把光剑,穿透金风,出现在它四周。 Thundering and brilliant eye-catching silk fabrics of class flame trembling will of the people keeps Metal Wind, they like working night and day, the invincible army that the thousand li(500 km) climbs mountains and crosses rivers, silent completes final building up in one piece. 震颤人心的轰鸣和绚烂夺目的绸缎流焰都留在金风,它们就像披星戴月,千里跋涉的铁军,在一片沉默中完成最后的集结。 Overlapping, dense and numerous, ray such as beginning does not see the circulation, silent in chill in the air dissipation. 层层叠叠,密密麻麻,光芒如初不见流转,无声之中寒意散逸。 zhēng! 铮! ten thousand swords sounds together, vigorous sword cry resounds through the earth. 万剑齐鸣,雄浑的剑鸣响彻大地。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 light sword changes to together the Daoist believers light, lasing under. 光剑化作一道道流光,激射而下。 Top of the head sky suddenly one bright, punctures the Helian Tianxiao pupil to shrink, his heart jumps fiercely, what is that? 头顶天空骤然一亮,刺得赫连天晓瞳孔一缩,他心脏猛地一跳,那是什么? The next quarter, vigorous such as sword cry of clock resounds in the top of the head, the Helian Tianxiao's complexion changed. 下一刻,浑厚如钟的剑鸣在头顶响起,赫连天晓的脸色变了。 Careful......” “小心……” He has not reminded other people with enough time, dense sword intent presses up to his top of the head crown, in an instant his whole body fine hair straight vertical stroke, had goose flesh. 他还没来得及提醒其他人,森然剑意就直逼他的头顶天灵盖,刹那间他浑身汗毛直竖,起了一层鸡皮疙瘩。 Does not dare to have hesitates slightly, his form transforms one group of black smog, throws toward the front. 不敢有丝毫迟疑,他的身影幻化成一团黑色烟雾,朝前方扑去。 The Helian Tianxiao's brains are clear, has the means of livelihood forward! 赫连天晓的头脑非常清楚,向前才有活路! So long as breaks in the opposite party defense line, mixes up with elemental cultivator, can evade the attack that drops from the clouds. 只要冲入对方的防线,和元修混在一起,才能躲过从天而降的攻击。 Who he has not clarified above the top of the head is, but the fearful and apprehensive feeling, told him to be dangerous at this moment. Intuition that battlefield for long forms, is similar to the instinct of body, often before he has not pondered is clear, has an omen. 他还没有弄清楚头顶上方到底是谁,但是此刻心惊肉跳的感觉,告诉他有多么危险。长久以来的战场形成的直觉,如同身体的本能,往往在他还没有思考清楚之前,就有所预兆。 However he just ran out two steps, the corner of the eye jumps, stops figure urgently, on the face shows the surprised uncertain facial expression. 然而他刚刚冲出两步,眼角一跳,紧急刹住身形,脸上露出惊疑不定的神情。 Dozens swords appear in the front, when they do not know appear, actually does not have the least bit omen. 数十把剑出现在前方,它们不知何时出现,竟然没有半点预兆。 The shape very ordinary sword, is sending out the gloomy red light, like just took from the stove. They start to rotate turning round, like one flock of flexible sea-monsters, the mutual chase, constitutes a circular sword curtain. 形状很普通的剑,散发着暗淡的红光,就像刚从火炉中取出来。它们开始滴溜溜转动,就像一群灵活的游鱼,相互追逐,构成一个圆形剑幕。 The aura of obscure difficult word sends out, the circular sword curtain surrounding space becomes slurred, 晦涩难言的气息散发开来,圆形剑幕周围的空间变得模糊不清, 3 Yin 3 Yang Great Sword Rings! 三阴三阳大剑环】! The sword curtain Yin-Yang takes turn, fluctuates erratically. Compared with coping with Song Xiaoqian 3 Yin 3 Yang Great Sword Rings, In front of Helian Tianxiao 3 Yin 3 Yang Great Sword Rings Big several fold, if before just liked a leafed door, now is a wall. 剑幕阴阳交替,变幻不定。比起对付宋小歉的【三阴三阳大剑环】,在赫连天晓面前的【三阴三阳大剑环】大了数倍,如果说之前犹如一扇门,现在就是一面墙。 Helian Tianxiao does not shock in the change of sword curtain, but in these as if heat on light sword, feels a wisp of familiar aura. 赫连天晓并非震惊于剑幕的变化,而是在这些仿佛烧红了的光剑上,感受到一缕熟悉的气息。 blood spiritual power aura. 血灵力的气息。 It is not right! Compared with a blood spiritual power higher-order strength...... 不对!是比血灵力更高阶的力量…… Your majesty! 陛下! Helian Tianxiao quickly grasps the meaning of something, on the face the scarlet sheds cleanly, dark green white as a sheet. Any blood cultivator, dreads to Emperor Saint's is the instinct of brand mark in blood. Even if Helian Tianxiao, if your majesty must take his life, except for stretching out the neck to treat unites, he cannot make any other responses, even cannot give birth to the heart of least bit revolt. 赫连天晓一个激灵,脸上血色褪得干干净净,苍白如纸。任何一位血修,对帝圣的畏惧是烙印在血液里的本能。哪怕是赫连天晓,倘若陛下要取他的性命,除了引颈待戮,他做不出任何其他的反应,甚至生不出半点反抗之心。 However quick, Helian Tianxiao responded that your majesty was obviously impossible, that had a possibility, the halidom! 但是很快,赫连天晓反应过来,陛下显然不可能,那只有一个可能,圣物! Who arrived God Blood? 谁得到了神血 How to have God Blood to reduce to the hand of elemental cultivator? 怎么会有神血沦落到元修之手? The lightning of innumerable thoughts in his mind passed over gently and swiftly, he forces himself to calm down, not to think these times now. The split vision of corner of the eye glimpses, several cold brightness flash before, the feeling of heart once more raising danger. 无数念头在他脑海中闪电掠过,他强迫自己冷静下来,现在不是想这些的时候。眼角的余光瞥见,几道寒光闪现,心头再次升起危险之感。 Several shapes such as sword aura of crescent moon, interlocks to flutter about, the electricity shoots, but. Their arcs are complex, as deep as a well, impressively are Ai Hui's 6 Dao Moon! 几道形如弯月的剑芒,交错纷飞,电射而至。它们的弧线复杂诡异,难以捉摸,赫然是艾辉的六道月】! Damn! 该死! The bone palm that Helian Tianxiao vision cold, black fog covers flies high a racket. 赫连天晓目光一冷,黑雾笼罩的骨掌凌空一拍。 Exactly is six sword aura staggered instances, a formidable strength comes, six sword aura immediately collapse and fly away. 恰是六道剑芒交错的瞬间,一股强大的力量汹涌而至,六道剑芒顿时崩飞 Strikes to go well obviously, the Helian Tianxiao heart actually downward sinks, he knew a moment ago his worry to become true. The enemies certainly are the arrived halidom! A moment ago that six sword aura, obviously to his blood spiritual power pressure system effect. 明明一击得手,赫连天晓心却往下一沉,他知道刚才自己的担忧成真。敌人一定是得到了圣物!刚才那六道剑芒,明显对他的血灵力有压制效果。 Song Xiaoqian Silver Frost Unit...... 宋小歉银霜部…… He quickly awakens at this time, why Silver Frost Unit has not attacked the flank of enemy. On his face reveals grieved color, Silver Frost Unit only feared that has been annihilated. 他此时才幡然醒悟,银霜部为何迟迟没有进攻敌人的侧翼。他脸上露出惨然之色,银霜部只怕已经全军覆没。 Is away from the sword curtain, Qian Dai already face up but actually, remaining tower cannoneer(s) have become confused obviously. tower cannoneer(s) do not have the least bit to prepare to the sudden support, even forgot to seize the chance to harvest their lives. 隔着剑幕,钱代已经仰面而倒,剩下的塔炮手显然慌了手脚。塔炮手们对突如其来的支援没有半点准备,甚至忘了趁机收割他们的生命。 Unbearable, is really unbearable! 咫尺天涯,真是咫尺天涯啊! Helian Tianxiao is instead tranquil, when he realizes the God Blood aura on light sword, he then knows that this war does not have the least bit odds of success again. Interpine School fiercest sword cultivation has a person, Ai Hui! 赫连天晓反而平静下来,当他察觉到光剑上的神血气息,他便知道此战再无半点胜算。松间派最厉害的剑修只有一个人,艾辉 Is Ai Hui? Certainly was, except for Ai Hui, but who can also? 艾辉吗?一定是了,除了艾辉,还能有谁? Helian Tianxiao does not know God Blood where Ai Hui obtains, but he knows that has Ai Hui of strength of God Blood, is not six Divine Unit can contend. 赫连天晓不知道艾辉是从哪里得到的神血,但是他知道,拥有神血之力的艾辉,再也不是六神部能够抗衡的。 Can cope with Ai Hui's, only then your majesty, or has She Yu of strength of God Blood similarly. 能够对付艾辉的,只有陛下,或者同样拥有神血之力的佘妤 The Helian Tianxiao in the heart sigh with emotion humans affair is variable. 赫连天晓在心中感慨世事无常。 The sky of top of the head, the light such as rain gets down, the earth was illuminated. 头顶的天空,光如雨下,大地被照亮。 Helian Tianxiao in the heart sobbed, thought that the good fortune made the person. Only poor, yes, is only poor, oneself succeeded. Was only a pity that the enemy is also one group of honourable matches. 赫连天晓心中唏嘘,觉得造化弄人。只差一点,是的,只差一点,自己就成功了。只可惜,敌人也是一群值得尊敬的对手啊。 sword light is similar to the waterfall drops from the clouds, incisive neighing absorbs the person heart and soul, just like anomalous sword aura of broken Broken Porcelain piece, has the special aesthetic sense. 剑光如同瀑布般从天而降,尖锐的嘶鸣摄人心魄,宛如破碎瓷片的不规则剑芒,有着特殊的美感。 He does not know that this is Ai Hui homemade Broken Porcelain Sword . 他不知道这就是艾辉自创的【碎瓷剑】。 However now Broken Porcelain Sword The meteorology is entirely different, before was sword aura that Broken Porcelain pieced together becomes, but the present is the mighty current waterfall of Broken Porcelain constitution, dropped from the clouds, covers the surrounding area several li (0.5km). 但是如今的【碎瓷剑】气象大不相同,以前是碎瓷拼凑而成的剑芒,而如今是碎瓷构成的洪流瀑布,从天而降,笼罩方圆数里。 Has no place to hide, has no place to go. 无处可躲,无处可逃。 Helian Tianxiao looks at sword aura to submerge within the body of officers desperately, blood column winds shoot. The pitiful yell sound is lingering on faintly, the each and everyone familiar form drops down, rivers of blood, incarnadine his field of vision. 赫连天晓绝望地看着剑芒没入将士们的体内,一道道血柱飙射。惨叫声不绝于耳,一个个熟悉的身影倒下,血流成河,染红了他的视野。 He begins suddenly supinely, laughs loudly. 他忽然仰起头,放声大笑。 Ha Ha Ha, Ai Hui, can the strength of God Blood be easy-to-use? Your elemental cultivator dead end, divine cultivation is in the future!? Is?” 哈哈哈,艾辉,神血之力可好用?你们元修穷途末路,神修才是未来!是不是?是不是?” Finally two are „” he shouts oneself hoarse, the facial features are fierce. 最后两句“是不是”他声嘶力竭,面容狰狞。 sword aura is similar to the raindrop under. 剑芒如同雨点而下。 The black fog fierce tuck dive of Helian Tianxiao whole body, inside whins, squeal to be lingering on faintly, they resist sword aura strongly, but sword aura seems in heat the butter of iron sword insertion freeze, effortlessly. 赫连天晓周身的黑雾剧烈翻腾,里面哀嚎、尖叫声不绝于耳,它们竭力抵挡剑芒,但是剑芒就好似烧红的铁剑插入冻结的牛油之中,毫不费力。 pū pū pū , the blood splash blooms. 噗噗噗,血花绽放。 He has not escaped, even if he is capable of escaping. Throws all people in this, oneself stray cur escapes likely, lives on last legs in this world? 他没有逃跑,即使他有能力逃跑。把所有人丢在这,自己像个丧家之犬逃跑,苟延残喘地活在这个世界? Then dying was more painful than! 那比死亡更痛苦! in his heart whether there is regret completely, the corrupt merit advances recklessly to cause to be annihilated, he does not have the face to live. in his heart also feels relaxed, they have made contribution, the victory is near at hand, the good fortune makes the person. 他心中有无尽的悔意,贪功冒进导致全军覆没,他也没脸活下来。他心中也有释然,他们已尽力,胜利近在咫尺,造化弄人。 The thorough hostile camp, actually dies under the strength of God Blood, satirized. 深入敌营,却死在神血之力之下,多么讽刺。 Helian Tianxiao laughs wildly: God Blood, is really my Blood of God! How pure my Blood of God!” 赫连天晓狂笑:“神血,果然是我神之血!多么纯正的我神之血!” He stands upright stubbornly, the whole body innumerable blood holes, the blood flows. 他倔强地挺立,全身无数血洞,鲜血汩汩而流。 Companion who the field littered with corpses, almost suddenly, around him has not stood again. The ground whinning sound quietly, the form of twitching also gradually is gradually motionless. On their bodies, nearby ground, inserts full light sword. 尸横遍野,几乎眨眼间,他周围再也没有站立的同伴。地上哀嚎声渐悄,抽搐的身影也渐渐一动不动。他们的身体上,旁边的地面,插满光剑 When he sees, light sword in the greed(y) absorption blood and flesh and blood, Helian Tianxiao first is one dull, laughs loudly: Ai Hui, you are divine cultivation! Slurps the flesh and blood, our generation people! Well good! My Divine Country monopolizes, is just round the corner!” 当他看到,光剑正在贪婪地吸收鲜血和血肉,赫连天晓先是一呆,紧接着放声大笑:“艾辉,原来你已经是神修!吸食血肉,我辈中人!好好好!我神国一统天下,指日可待!” Slurps the flesh and blood, that certainly is blood cultivator! 吸食血肉,那一定是血修 Even if in Divine Country, only then these few practice are specially cruel overbearing cultivation method blood cultivator, needs to slurp the flesh and blood. 即使在神国,也只有那些极少数修炼特别残忍霸道功法血修,才需要吸食血肉。 Originally Ai Hui is blood cultivator! 原来艾辉血修 Helian Tianxiao smiled the tears nasal mucus to flow, he thought that this was too incredible, was too laughable. 赫连天晓笑得眼泪鼻涕都流出来了,他觉得这太荒诞了,太可笑了。 Loulan that goes all out to catch up with hears Helian Tianxiao's to laugh wildly, he thought suddenly this person is a little pitiful, gives birth to a compassion, the person of dying...... 拼命赶来的楼兰听到赫连天晓的狂笑,他忽然觉得这个人有点可怜,生出一丝恻隐之心,将死之人…… The consciousness starts becomes fuzzy Helian Tianxiao is awakened by the sudden sound, his self-excitation has the last ample force, opens the eye. 啪,意识开始变得模糊的赫连天晓被突如其来的声音惊醒,他强自鼓起最后一丝余力,睁开眼睛。 Before him, is fluttering a discharge of silt character. 在他面前,飘着一排沙字。 You guessed mistakenly!” “你猜错了!”
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