FWH :: Volume #7

#641: Helian Tianxiao card in a hand

Under the black curtain of night, mountain valley is profound. 黑色夜幕下,山谷幽深。 The innumerable long swords insert in the valley densely and numerously, is similar to the jungle, the mist is quietly to surge. The ray that the distant place is often bright, illuminates by the mountain valley cliff, illuminates in Sword Formation the each and everyone incomplete complete gap. The bellow is lingering on faintly, reverberates from the clouds, mountain valley is actually a deathly stillness. 无数长剑密密麻麻插在谷底,如同丛林,雾气悄无声息涌动。远处不时亮起的光芒,照亮山谷旁的峭壁,照亮剑阵一个个残缺不齐的缺口。轰鸣声不绝于耳,从云间回荡而下,山谷却是一片死寂。 blood cultivator face of dying also maintained fierce, the in the eyes flame has actually been put out. The corpse of Silver Frost wolf sends out cold air, the blood is flowing from the wound of break, is similar to the red mountain stream. 死去的血修脸庞还保持狰狞,眼中的火焰却已经熄灭。银霜狼的尸体散发着寒气,鲜血汩汩地从断裂的伤口流淌而下,如同红色的溪水。 Sword Formation like the dry desert, greed(y) sucks in each wisp of nutrient. 剑阵就像干涸的沙漠,贪婪地吮吸每一缕养分。 The blood permeating ground, the flesh and blood melts, reveals the woods white bone little, as if the snowy mountain melting reveals the brown mountain ridge rock. 鲜血渗入地面,血肉消融,一点点露出森白色的骨头,仿佛雪山融化露出褐色的山脊岩石。 In Sword Formation many long swords cover entirely the crack, the Sword Formation of impact of Silver Frost wolf to the destruction that has are astonishing. At this time the crack on long sword, is quietly to vanish, is healing like the wound. 剑阵中不少长剑布满裂纹,银霜狼的冲击对剑阵产生的破坏惊人。此时长剑上的裂纹,正在悄无声息消失,就像伤口在愈合。 When the last crack vanishes, buzz, the long sword trembles. 当最后一丝裂纹消失,嗡,长剑一颤。 Sword blade blooming light ray. 剑身绽放淡淡光芒。 wēng wēng wēng, sword cry sound continuously, light sword lightening. 嗡嗡嗡,剑鸣声此起彼伏,光剑一把把点亮。 By the long sword, hammer backbone dry woods are white, the empty eye socket is dark. 长剑旁,一具狼头骨干枯森白,空洞的眼眶黑暗幽深。 In Sword Formation does not see the flesh and blood, the human bones wolf bone difficult minute, overlapping, overspreads Sword Formation, they are nourish this long sword jungle the rich soil. In the wind as if is also remaining neighing of indistinct Silver Frost wolf, the airborne gunsmoke actually dissipated completely. 剑阵内不见血肉,人骨狼骨难分,层层叠叠,铺满剑阵,它们是滋养这座长剑丛林的肥沃土壤。风中似乎还残留着隐约银霜狼的嘶鸣,空中的硝烟却已消散殆尽。 Upper air bird's eye view, just like backdrop crash canyon, vast eye-catching. 高空俯瞰而下,宛如天幕坠落深谷,浩瀚夺目。 In mountain valley, stars. 山谷之内,繁星点点。 Suddenly light sword works loose the soil, Zheng, just likes treasured sword comes out of the sheath, the clear and melodious sound resounds through mountain valley. 忽然一把光剑挣脱泥土,铮,犹如宝剑出鞘,清越之音响彻山谷 Ice-cold and sharp sword aura shoots up to the sky, the incisive sound from out of the blue drills into the horizon, sword aura is straight, brilliance exceptionally is dazzling, illuminates mountain valley. 冰冷而锋锐的剑芒冲天而起,尖锐的破空声钻入天际,剑芒笔直纤细,光华却异常耀眼,照亮山谷 As if sounds the fight the bugle, seems the signal fireworks of decisive battle. 仿佛吹响战斗的号角,仿佛是决战的信号烟花。 Other light sword shake off the fetter of earth, the soil blasts out the splash, slender such as the sword aura ascension of silk, faint trace continuously, countless, illuminates spacious lonesome cold mountain valley. 其他光剑纷纷挣脱大地的束缚,泥土炸开飞溅,纤细如丝的剑芒升腾而起,丝丝缕缕,不计其数,照亮空旷寂冷的山谷 Organing from frail incisive like awl, rapidly becomes vigorous low and deep, just likes battle drum hōng lóng. 啸音从单薄尖锐如锥,迅速变得雄浑低沉,恍如战鼓轰隆 mountain valley shines like the daytime. 山谷亮如白昼。 Thundering and ray of distant place honey-comb heavy artillery, at this moment become not worthy of mentioning. 远处蜂巢重炮的轰鸣和光芒,此刻变得微不足道。 light sword continues to rise, they pass through mist, they have flown the mountain ridge, they pass through the cloud layer, below mountain valley restores profound cold and still jet black one piece, bang Mingyuan of honey-comb heavy artillery is inaudible. They are still continue rise, seems must puncture the Vault Of Heaven curtain of night, stars hug with distant place. 光剑继续上升,它们穿过雾气,它们飞过山岭,它们穿过云层,下方的山谷重新恢复幽深冷寂漆黑一片,蜂巢重炮的轰鸣远不可闻。它们还在继续上升,好似要刺破苍穹夜幕,和远方的星辰拥抱。 Similar to raindrop light sword, submerges the upper air deep place, submerges wild Metal Wind. 如同雨点的光剑,没入高空深处,没入狂暴的金风 They draw graceful arcs, top Metal Wind to go forward. 它们划出一道道优雅的弧线,顶着金风前进。 Makes wild Metal Wind that one dreads rub sword aura, arouses flamings the red flame. Ordinary elemental cultivator is unable to step in upper air deep place, here is the life forbidden area, wild Metal Wind has the fearful might. 令人畏惧的狂暴金风摩擦剑芒,激起炽红的火焰。普通元修根本无法涉足高空深处,这里是生命的禁区,狂暴的金风拥有可怕的威力。 However light sword is accelerating, is going against Metal Wind and flamings the red flame, starts to accelerate! 然而光剑在加速,顶着金风和炽红火焰,开始加速! They cut Metal Wind, the terrifying sonic boom blast out in Metal Wind, goes with the wind. 它们斩开金风,恐怖的爆音在金风之中炸开,随风而去。 Similar to the bloodthirsty crazy shark school of fish, resists sky over the battlefield, that is their hunting for execution ground. 如同嗜血疯狂的鲨鱼群,抵挡战场上空,那是它们的猎杀场。 Thousands light sword grips. 数以万计的光剑一头扎下。 The Fatty's body is shivering, the fat shakes looks like the wave. 胖子的身体在颤抖,肥肉抖得像波浪。 He thinks after one become Master , will again not be afraid, when he sees Helian Tianxiao to be irresistible, gradually when toward oneself approach, the fear is unable to contain to well up, fills the whole body, 他本来以为自己成为大师之后就不会再害怕,可是当他看到赫连天晓势不可挡,一步一步朝自己逼近时,恐惧无法遏制涌上来,弥漫全身, The Helian Tianxiao surface sinks like the water, carefully, speed, although is not quick, but is similar in this world not to have anything to block his step! 赫连天晓面沉如水,一步一个脚印,速度虽然不快,但是就仿佛这个世界上没有任何东西能够阻挡他的步伐! Fatty in the heart flood fears and despairs, he thought that he cannot block Helian Tianxiao . The fire of honey-comb heavy artillery must hit each time shortly day after day, will fly high to pat the powder by him. Fatty fire that tries all him to think, is unable to prevent the Helian Tianxiao moment. 胖子心中泛起恐惧和绝望,他觉得自己真的挡不住赫连天晓。蜂巢重炮的炮火每次眼看就要击中赫连天,都会被他凌空拍散。胖子尝试过所有他能想到的炮火,都无法阻挡赫连天晓片刻。 Helian Tianxiao like the god of death that walks from the hell, approaches toward Fatty step by step, the death also in step by step approached toward Fatty. 赫连天晓就像从地狱走出来的死神,一步步朝胖子逼近,死亡也在一步步朝胖子逼近。 The Helian Tianxiao's eye is solemn and deep, is passing fierce killing intent. 赫连天晓的眼睛冷峻、深沉,透着狰狞的杀意 The Fatty's body trembles uncontrolled, face whiten. 胖子的身体不受控制地哆嗦,脸色苍白。 The honey-comb heavy artillery rhythm starts becomes flurried, that is struggling that has no place to go wild beast to be on the verge of death. 蜂巢重炮节奏开始变得慌乱,那是无处可逃的野兽濒死的挣扎。 Was dying? Was dying? 要死了吗?要死了吗? The Fatty head buzzes, he has not even noted, two rounds fires do not even have striking velocity slow Helian Tianxiao. Like this preliminary wrong, has not appeared on him. 胖子脑袋嗡嗡作响,他甚至没有注意到,有两轮炮火甚至没有击中速度缓慢的赫连天晓。这样的低级错误,从来没有出现在他身上过。 The breath starts becomes difficult, air/Qi cannot breathe heavily, Fatty thought the palm that resembles not being able to see blocks his throat, he feels to suffocate. 呼吸开始变得困难,气都喘不过来,胖子觉得好像有一只看不见的手掌扼住他的喉咙,他感到窒息。 In the field of vision the Helian Tianxiao's form becomes fuzzy. 视野中赫连天晓的身影变得模糊。 Was dying...... 要死了吗…… A sound in his mind twittering. 一个声音在他的脑海中呢喃。 The Helian Tianxiao corners of the mouth appear the brutal smiling face, opposite Qian Dai attacks disorderly, obviously the opposite party has become confused. Other honey-comb heavy artilleries from collect to come in all directions, is these tower cannoneer(s) is not according to the circumstances wonderful, hurries to support. 赫连天晓嘴角浮现残酷的笑容,对面的钱代攻击凌乱,显然对方已经慌了手脚。其他的蜂巢重炮从四面八方汇集而来,是那些塔炮手们见机不妙,赶紧来支援。 What a pity...... 可惜了…… Helian Tianxiao in the heart shakes the head secretly. This time fire is no doubt lively, but cannot withstand scattered in disorder, already did not have the least bit a moment ago the power and influence of salvo. 赫连天晓心中暗自摇头。此时的炮火固然热闹,但是散乱不堪,早就没有半点刚才齐射的威势。 Qian Dai is the tower cannoneer(s) inspirational figure, including the soul confusion and frightened, what storm other people can raise? 钱代塔炮手的灵魂人物,连灵魂都混乱、恐惧,其他人又能掀起什么风浪? Made powder several fires continuously, Helian Tianxiao went forward three zhang (3.33 m). 连续拍散几道炮火,赫连天晓又前进了三丈。 At this moment, the vision of entire battlefield all collects on him, everywhere fire and thundering, becomes his accompaniment. The opposite elemental cultivator's vision is full of the fear and despair, the blood cultivator's vision is wild with joy and worship. 此刻,整个战场的目光全都汇集在他身上,漫天的炮火和轰鸣,成为他的伴奏。对面元修的目光充满恐惧和绝望,身后血修的目光是狂喜和崇拜。 They can not help turn very quiet. 他们都情不自禁屏住呼吸。 But a side in trial of waiting death, but another side in cheering of waiting victory. 只不过一方在等待死亡的审判,而另一方在等待胜利的欢呼。 Suddenly Helian Tianxiao footsteps, he gains ground fiercely, the vision rises suddenly. 忽然赫连天晓脚步一顿,他猛地抬头,目光暴涨。 Opposite near at hand Qian Dai does not know when the whole body ascends the light flame, the white flame is very pale, seems pale and weak. Why however does not know, the Helian Tianxiao's heart is actually suddenly one tight. 对面近在咫尺的钱代不知何时浑身升腾起淡淡的火焰,白色火焰很淡,看上去苍白而无力。但是不知为何,赫连天晓的心脏却是骤然一紧。 Waits for Wait! 等! Helian Tianxiao notes the eye of Qian Dai. 赫连天晓注意到钱代的眼睛。 Eye that a pair of cavity has not been angry, like opposite does not have the good-for-nothing of soul. 一双空洞得没有丝毫生气的眼睛,就像对面是个没有灵魂的行尸走肉。 But, this moment this cavity atheistic eye, actually stares is staring at itself. 可是,此刻这双空洞无神的眼睛,却直勾勾地盯着自己。 The Helian Tianxiao's moral nature raises unexpectedly a chill in the air. 赫连天晓的心底蓦地升起一股寒意。 He looks at opposite Qian Dai helplessly, suddenly the body anteversion, left leg half Qu, the mouth mumbled slightly, the eye stared to visit him. 他眼睁睁看着对面的钱代,忽然身体微微前倾,左腿半屈,嘴里念念有词,眼睛直勾勾看着他。 Goes on living...... Goes on living......” “活下去……活下去……” The Helian Tianxiao's aural acuity is very keen, the distance of both sides is also very near, he hears clearly. 赫连天晓的耳力很敏锐,双方的距离也很近,他听得清清楚楚。 Goes on living? 活下去? He has gawked, next quarter pupil contraction. 他愣了下,下一刻瞳孔收缩。 Opposite honey-comb heavy artillery loudly spout the dazzling flame. 对面的蜂巢重炮轰然喷涌出耀眼的火光。 The intense dangerous feeling covers his whole body quickly, the flame of honey-comb heavy artillery spout does not flaming bright bright red, but is the strange paleness. 强烈的危险感倏地笼罩他全身,蜂巢重炮喷涌的火光不是炽亮的鲜红色,而是诡异的苍白。 Helian Tianxiao exudes the sharp cry, the both eyes blooming monster different red light, the whole body gushes out black mist, the black fog of right palm is heaviest. The black mist is rich, the color is richer than the ink, sends out the revolting stench, the faintly visible blood light turns wells up. 赫连天晓发出尖利的叫声,双目绽放妖异的红光,浑身涌出一层黑色雾气,右掌的黑雾最重。黑色雾气浓郁无比,颜色比墨汁还要浓郁,散发出令人作呕的腥臭,其中隐隐可见血光翻涌。 Helian Tianxiao's right palm flesh and blood melts, reveals the dense bones of the dead, on his face the facial expression is strange, combines the pain, to enjoy and destroy all crazy. 赫连天晓的右掌血肉消融,露出森森白骨,他的脸上神情非常奇怪,混杂着痛苦、享受和毁灭一切的疯狂。 This is his genuine Assassin's mace! 这才是他真正的杀手锏! The Divine Wolf officers stare the big eye, reveals the color of shock, they almost cannot believe their eye. 神狼将士们瞪大眼睛,露出震惊之色,他们几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Blood ghost! Divine Witch! 血煞!神巫 Sir Unit Leader unexpectedly is Divine Witch! 部首大人竟然是神巫 Divine Wolf obviously is Divine Guard war unit, who can think that Unit Leader can be Divine Witch unexpectedly? 神狼明明是一个神卫战部,谁能想到部首竟然会是一位神巫 The palm and pale fire that the black fog covers hit maliciously in the same place, the black fog pale flame, seems is having the monster different aura. 黑雾笼罩的手掌和苍白的炮火狠狠撞在一起,无论是黑雾还是苍白火焰,看上去都带着妖异的气息。 In the expectation heaven frightening moves the explosion of place not to resound, zī zī zī, like the sheet iron that on the flesh lump of drop blood places the heat, the fat is mixing the moisture content by the sound of baking. 预想中惊天动地的爆炸没有响起,滋滋滋,就像滴血的肉块放在烧红的铁板上,油脂混着水分被烧干的声音。 The next quarter, erupts the sad and shrill scream suddenly. 下一刻,陡然爆发出凄厉的尖叫。 In the black fog, innumerable phantom in the struggling tuck dive, examine carefully then can see in phantom the distortions facial features. They like surrounded ghost, send out sad and shrill calling out. 黑雾之中,无数虚影在挣扎翻腾,细看便能看到虚影中一张张扭曲的面容。它们就像被困住的幽魂,发出凄厉的嚎叫。 Calls out obviously does not have the sound, actually seems an awl penetrates the forehead. 明明嚎叫没有声音,却好似一把锥子穿透脑门。 All people subconsciously grasp ear, has not actually affected. 所有人都下意识地抱住耳朵,却没有丝毫作用。 The Duanmu Huanghun complexion big change of sky, tattooing light explodes in his, innumerable Blue Flowers entangle to spew out, forms a huge green rattan ball, protects firmly him. 天空的端木黄昏脸色大变,一点青光在他脚下爆裂,无数青花缠枝喷涌而出,结成一个巨大的青色藤球,把他牢牢护住。 The Sword of Thunderbolt luck is quite good, they just struck the going well far wind, but even so, nearly Sword of Thunderbolt out-of-control. 雷霆之剑的运气比较好,他们刚刚一击得手远飙,不过即使如此,险些雷霆之剑失控。 Other people cannot withstand, almost all honey-comb heavy artilleries stop thundering. 其他人更是不堪,几乎所有的蜂巢重炮都停止轰鸣。 Where the Helian Tianxiao behind Divine Wolf officers also very to go, in them many person mouth and nose ear hole has faint trace bloodstain continuously. 赫连天晓身后的神狼将士也好不到哪里去,他们之中不少人口鼻耳窍有丝丝缕缕的血迹。 When puts on the brain demon sound to vanish, Helian Tianxiao whole body black fog, almost disappearance half, 当穿脑魔音消失,赫连天晓浑身的黑雾,几乎消失一半, Helian Tianxiao one dull, almost cannot believe the present result. 赫连天晓一呆,几乎不敢相信眼前的结果。 Blue Flowers entangles a ball to rupture everywhere light rain, the Duanmu Huanghun facial expression is pale, in the eyes reveals the deep fear, but more is actually angry, he said fierce: Your unexpectedly blood tree ugly face lump practice blood ghost!” 啪,青花缠枝球爆裂成漫天光雨,端木黄昏神情苍白,眼中流露出深深的恐惧,但是更多的却是愤怒,他厉声道:“你竟然用血树鬼脸瘤修炼血煞!” People who has gotten back one's composure, all with amazement. 回过神的众人,无不骇然。 In the past erupted the blood disaster, the big forest infection blood poison, turned into the blood tree. These blood trees slurp the elemental cultivator flesh and blood, and turns into the burl their souls. The facial casts of these burl taking the form of humanity, they twist unceasingly, as if in painful whinning. 当年爆发血灾,大片森林感染血毒,变成血树。这些血树吸食元修血肉,并把他们的魂魄变成树瘤。这些树瘤形似人类的脸庞,它们不断扭曲,仿佛在痛苦的哀嚎。 Afterward Divine Country also specially sent out massive Divine Sacrificial, went to regional blood forests, surpassed Ghost Face Burl lump inside soul. 后来神国还专门派出大量的神祭,前往各地的血森林之中,超度鬼脸树瘤里面的魂魄。 Divine Country, thinks that the Ghost Face Burl lump is really brutal. 就连神国内部,也认为鬼脸树瘤实在过于残酷。 Divine Country the action, obtains many praises, was regarded as the Divine Country magnanimous performance. 神国的这个举动,得到许多的赞扬,也被视作神国大度的表现。 No one has thought that Helian Tianxiao uses the Ghost Face Burl lump practice blood ghost unexpectedly! 谁也没想到,赫连天晓竟然用鬼脸树修炼血煞! Thump! 咚! A dull thumping sound, captures the attention of audience. 一声闷响,吸引全场的目光。 Loses the consciousness Fatty face up but actually, face white as a sheet, the heavy honey-comb heavy artillery pounds on the ground, the soil flies upwards. 失去意识的胖子仰面而倒,脸白如纸,沉重的蜂巢重炮砸在地上,泥土飞扬。 Helian Tianxiao pulled the corners of the mouth, smiling face could not say strange fearsome. His time whole person seems loses massive moisture contents, on the face has layer upon layer the wrinkle, however both eyes red light even more monster different. The body all smiling face of right hand, only remaining arms. 赫连天晓扯了扯嘴角,笑容说不出的诡异可怖。他此时整个人好似失去大量水分,脸上生出层层皱纹,但是双目的红光愈发妖异。右手的皮肉全都笑容,只剩下根根手骨。 He has not argued, at this time, any Ghost Face Burl lump was the minor details. 他没有争辩,这个时候,什么鬼脸树瘤不过都是细枝末节。 The most threatening enemy has dropped down, what but also there is able to prevent them? 最有威胁的敌人已经倒下,还有什么能够阻挡他们? Kills!” “杀!” The Helian Tianxiao's sound is dry, is actually the crazy bloodthirsty. 赫连天晓的声音干涩沙哑,却是疯狂嗜血。 Other Divine Wolf officers seem to be awakening from a dream, cheers loudly, is similar to tidal flushes away toward the position. 其他神狼将士如梦初醒,轰然欢呼,如同潮水般朝阵地冲去。 Won! 胜利了! The Helian Tianxiao ear moved, on his face reveals doubts the facial expression. 赫连天晓耳朵动了一下,他脸上露出一丝疑惑的神情。 Um? What sound? 嗯?什么声音?
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