FWH :: Volume #7

#605: Lives to extinguish

The Ai Hui's body is unable the move slightest, when he consciousness regains consciousness gradually, makes clear the within the body condition, somewhat is immediately scared. 艾辉的身体无法动弹分毫,当他意识逐渐苏醒,搞清楚体内的状况,顿时有些傻眼。 Golden light what's the matter? 金光是怎么回事? Well, the aura is a little familiar! 咦,气息有点熟悉啊! Loulan first realized that consciousness of Ai Hui consciousness, he said all that before had hastily carefully. The Ai Hui within the body situation is complex, bystander is unable to meddle, but Loulan can help Ai Hui have many information. 楼兰第一时间察觉到艾辉意识的苏醒,他连忙把之前发生的一切仔细说了一遍。艾辉体内的情况复杂,外人无法插手,但是楼兰可以帮助艾辉掌握更多的信息。 The Loulan's language fast is not quick, specifically said each detail clearly, said own guess to give the Ai Hui reference. 楼兰的语速不快,非常清晰具体地把每个细节都说了一遍,也说出自己的猜测给艾辉参考。 After saying, Loulan was peaceful, defended in one side, the both eyes red light glittered unceasingly, frequently watches the Ai Hui's situation. 讲完之后楼兰安静下来,守在一侧,双目的红光不断闪烁,时刻关注艾辉的情况。 The Ai Hui hear Loulan's described, was suddenly enlighted, he has first locked on the goal 艾辉听完楼兰的描绘,才恍然大悟,他第一时间锁定了目标 —— Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique! 1000! ——生灭花祭术!1000块! Because Blood Plum Flower vanished does not see. 因为血梅花已经消失不见。 Ai Hui exceptionally dreaded to 1000 that this red clothed enchanting female, like conceal in the dark poisonous snake, suddenly bites one. 艾辉对1000块异常忌惮,这个红衣妖娆的女子,就像藏在黑暗的毒蛇,冷不丁就咬上一口。 Slowly calms down Ai Hui, after the brains of 1000 temporary throwing, Blood Plum Flower vanishes, in other words Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique relieves, this makes him relax inexplicably. Since Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique has been his heart big trouble. 慢慢冷静下来的艾辉,把1000块暂时抛之脑后,血梅花消失,也就是说生灭花祭术解除,这让他莫名松一口气。一直以来,生灭花祭术都是他心头大患。 Now what he needs to consider is the within the body awful aspect. 他现在需要考虑的是体内糟糕的局面。 Blood of Demonic God! 魔神之血 When Loulan said own guess and judgment, Ai Hui was suddenly enlighted, no wonder before , he thought that the golden light aura was a little familiar. Another drop of Blood of Demonic God, is the Ai Hui drop gives Demonic God Armor personally. 楼兰说出自己的猜测和判断,艾辉恍然大悟,难怪之前他觉得金光的气息有点熟悉。另外一滴魔神之血,是艾辉亲手滴给魔神铠甲 Has not thought that 1000 really have Blood of Demonic God. 没想到,1000块竟然也有魔神之血 Loulan had reminded him, Blood of Demonic God only misses a character with Blood of God, both have the possibility to be related very much. Now, was said by Loulan. 楼兰曾经提醒过他,魔神之血神之血只差一个字,两者很有可能有关。如今来看,被楼兰说中了。 But from overbearingly becomes from the golden light temperate, as well as Blood Eye of bandage, Ai Hui understands that the bandage has rescued oneself one time. 而从金光从霸道变得温和,以及绷带的血眼,艾辉明白绷带又救了自己一次。 Recalls that Ai Hui thinks that dreamland of own previous experience, is very likely. Blood of Demonic God and Demonic God Battle Armor and bandage, the three have very close relation. 回想起来,艾辉认为自己上次经历的那个梦境,很有可能是真的。魔神之血魔神战甲和绷带,三者有着非常密切的联系。 Unknowingly, the Ai Hui's thought flutters quite far. 不知不觉,艾辉的思维飘得比较远。 Filled with the strange aura ancient times Demonic God, does not know that existed. No matter Blood of Demonic God, is Demonic God Battle Armor, is the bandage, exceptionally is mystical, is exceptionally formidable. 充满诡异气息的远古魔神,也不知道是不是真的存在。然而不管是魔神之血,还是魔神战甲,还是绷带,都异常神秘,异常强大。 Only is the bandage, has saved he several times lives. 光是绷带,就救过他好几次的性命。 Whenever at this time, Ai Hui will think about master Master's Wife. 每当这个时候,艾辉就会想起师父师娘 Light missing lingers in his hearts, the master Master's Wife voice and face smiling face, appears in his mind. The mood of irritable, is gradually tranquil. No matter the how difficult situation, being hard makes him lose the courage. After all, oneself can live now, is very lucky. 淡淡的思念萦绕在他心间,师父师娘的音容笑貌,在他的脑海中浮现。原本急躁的心情,渐渐平静下来。不管多么艰难的处境,都难以让他失去勇气。毕竟,自己能活到现在,已经是非常幸运。 Loulan does not know how Ai Hui will process, but he discovered that the Ai Hui body awful aspect seemed to be moderate. 楼兰不知道艾辉会如何处理,但是他发现,艾辉身体糟糕的局面似乎缓和了许多。 Really worthily is Ai Hui! 果然不愧是艾辉 Loulan is very happy, he always has the inexplicable confidence to Ai Hui. The Loulan's eye bends slightly, like two rounds crescent moon. However is quick he to grip tightly double fist, the eye opens the eyes in a big way, the red light flashes rhythmically. 楼兰很开心,他对艾辉总是有着莫名的信心。楼兰的眼睛微微弯起,就像两轮弯月。但是很快他就紧握双拳,眼睛睁得大大,红光有节奏地闪动。 One must record each change of Ai Hui body, to the Ai Hui reference. 自己一定要把艾辉身体的每个变化记录下来,给艾辉参考。 Ai Hui that the state of mind is steady, looks again own within the body condition, then thought that is not awful. Sometimes, matter that matter, trades a mood to visit it, is a new world. 心绪平稳下来的艾辉,再看自己体内的状况,便觉得没有那么糟糕。有的时候,事情还是那个事情,换一个心情看它,又是一个新天地。 Ai Hui starts to ponder over slowly carefully. 艾辉开始慢慢细细琢磨。 His first goal, is Blood of Demonic God. Any matter, arrives at earnestly two characters probably. This ponders over carefully, Ai Hui realizes the different thing. 他的第一个目标,是魔神之血。大概什么事情,都抵不过“认真”二字。这一细细琢磨,艾辉就察觉出一点不一样的东西。 He personally has used drop of Blood of Demonic God. 他可是亲手使用过一滴魔神之血 The within the body golden light, as if wants weakly many. It is not becomes temperate, but is the quantity wants much less. The Ai Hui sketchy feeling, the within the body golden light has drop of Blood of Demonic God probably one-fourth or one-fifth. 体内的金光,似乎要弱不少。不是变得温和,而是数量要少许多。艾辉粗略的感受,体内的金光大概只有一滴魔神之血的1或者1。 Ai Hui in the heart somewhat rejoiced. 艾辉心中有些庆幸。 If drop of complete Blood of Demonic God, it is estimated that supported less than now, already exploded the body to perish. 倘若是一滴完整的魔神之血,估计自己撑不到现在,早就爆体而亡。 After definite quantity, Ai Hui's attention centralized in golden light nature. The bandage makes the golden light from overbearing, becomes temperate reserved, but quenchings the flesh and blood the characteristics not to change. 确定数量之后,艾辉的注意力集中在金光的性质上。绷带让金光从霸道,变得温和内敛,但是淬炼血肉的特点并没有变化。 The golden light is obviously different in the Ai Hui cognition any strength, is not elemental force, is not blood spiritual power. Is good is facing terra incognita because of him, could discuss the experience to be rich. 金光显然不同于艾辉认知中的任何一种力量,不是元力,也不是血灵力。好在他在面对未知领域,谈得上经验丰富。 Sword Embryo is also good, the thunder is also good, is the brand-new strengths. 剑胎也好,雷霆也好,都是全新的力量。 Facing the unknown, bold suspicion, the careful attempt, combs carefully, this is the Ai Hui's experience. 面对未知,大胆猜想,小心尝试,细细梳理,这就是艾辉的经验。 He is trying the stimulation of movement golden light, however the golden light is entirely still. 他尝试着催动金光,然而金光纹丝不动。 Ai Hui did not think the accident, the bandage weakened the golden light destructive power, but the Blood of Demonic God equivalent was very obviously high. Perhaps enters Demonic God Battle Armor, can transfer the golden light? What a pity now his finger cannot move, is unable to say a word, after this guess can only , confirms again. 艾辉不觉得意外,绷带削弱了金光的破坏力,但是显然魔神之血的等阶很高。或许自己进入魔神战甲,能够调动金光?可惜现在他连一根手指头都动不了,无法言语,这个猜测只能以后再验证。 Since the golden light is unable to stimulate to movement, Ai Hui attempts to stimulate to movement another two strengths. 既然金光无法催动,艾辉就尝试着催动另外两股力量。 The Sword Cloud stimulation of movement is very smooth, is almost his intention moves, Sword Cloud passes through the body. Usually, Sword Cloud passes through the body he almost to have one's wish any place of control body, but he is still not at this moment able to move. 剑云催动很顺利,几乎是他心念一动,剑云贯体。平日里,剑云贯体他几乎可以随心所欲控制身体的任何地方,但是此刻他依然无法动弹。 Living Wood Branch the source vitality can also stimulate to movement, but same, receives the invisible hindrance. 生木枝所化的本源生机也能够催动,但是同样,亦受到无形的阻碍。 Arrives here, Ai Hui had determined that the Blood of Demonic God equivalent, at least is not lower than Sword Cloud and source vitality. 到这里,艾辉已经确定,魔神之血的等阶,起码不低于剑云和本源生机。 The golden light flees in all directions in Ai Hui within the body freely, is the chief criminal. Before his body, Sword Cloud and source vitality can achieve an approximate balance, now the golden light enters the body, fled in all directions everywhere, immediately was in chaotic situation. Sword Cloud seems is threatened, the thunder flashes unceasingly, the destruction aura made the person palpitation. But the source vitality like cleaning up mess, follows on the heels unceasingly, repairs the body that Ai Hui is damaged. 金光在艾辉体内自由流窜,是罪魁祸首。之前他的身体,剑云和本源生机能够达到一个大致的平衡,如今金光入体,到处流窜,顿时鸡飞狗跳。剑云好似受到威胁,雷霆不断闪动,毁灭气息令人心悸。而本源生机就像收拾烂摊子般,不断跟在后面,修复艾辉受损的身体。 Three entirely different strengths, each other are not accommodating. 三种截然不同的力量,彼此不相容。 Differs not greatly actually not cross-eye elemental cultivator like three strengths, the tangled warfare becomes one group. 就像三个实力相差不大却不对眼的元修,混战成一团。 The vitality abundant source vitality, is full of the ruinous thunder, unknown Blood of Demonic God... 生机盎然的本源生机,充满毁灭性的雷霆,未知的魔神之血 Ai Hui in the heart moves suddenly. 艾辉忽然心中一动。 The source vitality represents living, the thunder represents extinguishing... 本源生机代表“生”,雷霆代表“灭”… In his mind, jumps out five characters suddenly, Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique! 他的脑海中,突然跳出五个字,【生灭花祭术】! The Ai Hui's spirit inspires suddenly! 艾辉的精神陡然一振! Receives for a long time Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique The threat, Ai Hui has spent many times in this above, in addition no matter Flower Servant or Flower Host, he has experienced. Right Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique, He has his understanding. 长期受【生灭花祭术】的威胁,艾辉在这上面花了不少功夫,加上不管是花奴还是花主,他都经历过。对【生灭花祭术】,他有着自己的理解。 Lives to extinguish, represents two most violent conditions, seems defeats the purpose. 生灭,代表两种最极端的状态,看上去南辕北辙。 However Ai Hui actually knows that lives to extinguish the relations, extremely abstruse subtle. If analogies, he will think of Han Li's Yin-Yang, but lives to extinguish is abstruser than Yin-Yang. 然而艾辉却知道,生灭之间的关系,极为深奥微妙。倘若类比的话,他会想到韩笠的“阴阳”,但是“生灭”比“阴阳”更加深奥。 For example Yin-Yang the place of coexistence in world, although is rare, can find. But lives to extinguish the place of coexistence, actually nobody knows. 譬如在天地间“阴阳”共存之地,虽然罕见,还是能找到。而“生灭”共存之地,却无人知晓。 Lives to extinguish is two clearly opposite conditions, wants to knead together them in the same place, needs a medium. Only the unusual medium, can these two clearly opposite conditions, link! 生灭是两种截然相反的状态,想要把它们捏合在一起,需要一个媒介。只有非同寻常的媒介,才能把这两种截然相反的状态,联系在一起! Without any hesitates, the Ai Hui's goal, falls on Blood of Demonic God. 没有任何迟疑,艾辉的目标,落在魔神之血上。 This bold unusual idea, making Ai Hui palpitate with excitement. Theoretically, own idea absolutely does not have the issue, may be called ingenious. 这个大胆异常的想法,让艾辉怦然心动。从理论上,自己的这个想法完全没有问题,堪称巧妙。 But, how can distinguishing right from wrong, the mutual conflict three mixes in the same place? 可是,如何才能把泾渭分明、相互冲突的三者糅合在一起? Ai Hui remembers 1000 to plant the Blood Plum Flower picture to oneself suddenly. 艾辉忽然想起1000块给自己种下血梅花的画面。 His spirit moves, essence and blood! 他精神一动,精血! What has to contain own essence and blood? Has! 有什么蕴含自己的精血?有! Bandage! 绷带! Almost was the Ai Hui's idea just gave birth, entangles leads in his stretching. The bandage like clever White Snake, drills into within the body from the Ai Hui's finger. 几乎是艾辉的想法刚刚生出,缠在他身上的绷带动了。绷带就像一条灵巧的白蛇,从艾辉的手指钻入体内 Ai Hui's stupor, to defense line sky, Ping to increase one point of haze. 艾辉的昏迷,给防线的上空,平增一分阴霾。 But this moment three war unit, could not attend to other, the nerves of all people highly are tight. Sun-blocking blood cultivator arrives, meant that the true decisive battle, will soon start. 可是此刻三个战部,已经顾不得其他,所有人的神经都高度紧绷。遮天蔽日的血修抵达,意味真正的决战,即将开始。 Earth Fire Canon Tower on Zhen Shen Peak, all changes into the honey-comb heavy artillery. 镇神峰上的地火塔炮,全都换成蜂巢重炮。 Sturdy bright red gun tubes, point to the sky densely, barrels of Snow Melting Rock pour into Fire Pond, the air becomes scalding hot. Fatty back and forth inspects, inspects each Cannon Tower carefully, to guarantee when fight will not have any problem. 一根根粗壮鲜红的炮管,森然直指天空,一桶桶雪熔岩倒入火池之中,空气都变得灼热。胖子来回巡视,仔细检查每一座塔炮,以确保战斗时不会出现任何问题。 The honey-comb heavy artillery is the child and mother Fire Pond structure, what Cannon Tower use is mother Fire Pond, six child Fire Pond. This quantity, can guarantee the time of honey-comb heavy artillery sustained attack, can shorten the time of arrangement position. The function of child Fire Pond except for supplements Snow Melting Rock for mother Fire Pond, but can also strengthen the might of honey-comb heavy artillery. 蜂巢重炮是子母火池结构,塔炮使用的是母火池,六个子火池。这个数量,既能保证蜂巢重炮持续攻击的时间,也能够缩短布置阵地的时间。子火池的作用除了为母火池补充雪熔岩,还能增强蜂巢重炮的威力。 Each Fire Pond is guarded by three soldiers, in addition Lord tower cannoneer(s) and vice- tower cannoneer(s), each honey-comb heavy artillery needs 20 people. 每个火池由三位战士驻守,加上主塔炮手和一位副塔炮手,每座蜂巢重炮需要20人。 On Spear of Heavy Cloud guarding Zhen Shen Peak, enough 100 honey-comb heavy artilleries, along mountain massif, layer upon layer arrangement, splendid sight. This is the unprecedented Cannon Tower position, however can block the enemy, everybody lacked self-confidence. 重云之枪驻守的镇神峰上,足足100座蜂巢重炮,沿着山体,层层布置,蔚为壮观。这是史无前例的塔炮阵地,然而能不能挡住敌人,大家心里都没有底。 The strict pressure that sun-blocking blood beast, creates is also unprecedented. 遮天蔽日的血兽,带来的严压力也是前所未有的。 The siege warfare is one twists the meat field, first needs is not the war unit quality, but is the war unit quantity. Enough quantity, is not very difficult to attack and capture to have tight security the fort. 攻城战就是一个绞肉场,首先需要的不是战部的质量,而是战部的数量。没有足够的数量,是很难攻克防守严密的要塞。 The reinforcements quantity of enemy is astonishing, they could fight the battle of attrition. 敌人的援军数量惊人,他们已经打得起消耗战。 But these volume huge blood beast, make everybody feel the intense threat. Any has the military officer of common military knowledge slightly, can realize that these colossi the following fight, will bring to them greatly troublesome. 而那些体积巨大的血兽,则让大家感受到强烈的威胁。任何一位稍有军事常识的将领,都能够意识到,这些庞然大物将会接下来的战斗,给他们带来大麻烦。 Is perturbed including Fatty in the heart, does not know that the honey-comb heavy artillery can keep off. 胖子心中七上八下,不知道蜂巢重炮能不能挡下来。 In the surface, naturally unavoidably taunted to various blood cultivator types, the Fatty beforehand timid problem changed much, but the mouth damaged poisonously is actually intense. However Spear of Heavy Cloud tower cannoneer(s) also eat this set, to the utmost cunningly sinister, often stirred up laughs intermittently, the tight atmosphere that Fatty scolded relaxed many. 表面上,自然免不了对血修各种冷嘲热讽,胖子以前胆小的毛病改了不少,可是嘴巴毒损却是变本加厉。然而重云之枪塔炮手们偏偏还吃这一套,胖子骂的极尽刁钻毒辣,不时惹起阵阵哄笑,紧张的气氛松弛许多。 Anxious , is not only Fatty, other people are also critical situation. 紧张的不光是胖子,其他人亦是如临大敌。 Shi Xueman cannot attend to defending outside the Ai Hui's tent, the tactical situation is critical, she assumes the Zhen Shen Peak center personally. Canon Tower Alliance now could not have applied, Tingfeng that but Xiaoshan (small mountain) commands elite, has prepared momentarily support. 师雪漫顾不上守在艾辉的营帐外,战况危急,她亲自坐镇镇神峰中枢。塔炮联盟现在还派不上用场,但是小山统率的听风精锐,已经作好随时支援的准备。 The time little passes in the air of coagulation. 时间就在凝固的空气中一点点流逝。 Before the fly annoyed person agitated scout, vanished does not see, the opposite tent was quiet, like the ominous beast of being dormant, conserved strength the waiting to attack. 之前苍蝇般惹人烦躁的探哨,消失不见,对面的营帐沉寂,就像蛰伏的凶兽,养精蓄锐等待出击。 Two sky later early morning, the sky is slightly bright, Sun has not raised, the blood cultivator tent starts to move restlessly, can hear neighing of blood beast indistinctly. 两天后的清晨,天微微亮,太阳还没有升起,血修营帐开始躁动,隐约能听到血兽的嘶鸣。 The fight, must start. 战斗,要开始了。
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