FWH :: Volume #7

#602: The beast camp comes

The horizon of distant place, sun-blocking blood beast, like one group of red black dark clouds, sweeps across. 远处的天边,遮天蔽日的血兽,就像一团红黑色的乌云,席卷而来。 On the Helian Tianxiao face shows the smiling face, in him behind, the officers is the facial expression rouses, is excited cannot be bearing brandishes the fist maliciously. The strength occupies obviously superiorly, continuously is actually in unfavorable situation, everybody in the heart is very aggrieved. Until now your majesty did not have any instruction, made Divine Wolf high and low in the heart disturbed, the fear multiplied. It seems the top of the head anytime will have a straw cutter to fall, the life of difficult running away corpse separation. 赫连天晓脸上露出笑容,在他身后,将士们无不是神情振奋,激动着忍不住狠狠挥舞拳头。明明实力占优,却连续失利,大家心中都很憋屈。到如今陛下还没有任何指示,更让神狼上下心中忐忑,恐惧滋生。就好似头顶随时会有一把铡刀落下,难逃尸首分离之命。 Aggrieved and frightened promiscuous in the same place, Divine Wolf high and low every day unusual suffering, now the strong help arrives, constrains for a long time mood to erupt suddenly. 憋屈和恐惧混杂在一起,神狼上下每日都异常煎熬,如今强援抵达,压抑许久的情绪陡然爆发。 The beast camp is the Blood Unit reserve duty, each battalion is 10,000 people, blood beast that provides is the wide back bat fish. Wide back bat fish is black blood bat and devil fish union new species, it seems the devil fish that is more like can fly. It is all over the body jet black, both eyes have a red stripe to extend to the wing tail respectively, over 40 meters wingspan, is a genuine colossus. 兽营是血部的预备役,每一营为10000人,配备的血兽是宽背蝠鱼。宽背蝠鱼是黑血蝙蝠和魔鬼鱼结合的新物种,它看上去更像是能够飞行的魔鬼鱼。它通体漆黑,双眼各有一道红色的条纹延伸到翼尾,超过40米的翼展,是个真正的庞然大物。 The wide back bat fish back muscle is developed, seems very generous, is suitable to ride. 宽背蝠鱼背部肌肉非常发达,看上去十分宽厚,非常适合乘坐。 Wide back bat fish is docile, the intelligence quotient is not high, the flying speed is not fast, but the carrying capacity is astonishing, moreover flies is steady. 宽背蝠鱼性情温顺,智商不高,飞行速度也不快,但是载重惊人,而且飞行非常平稳。 If not for if the appetite of wide back bat is astonishing, it will become very splendid freight transportation blood beast. Wide back bat needs to eat massive Jade Fruit every day, is high-cost, therefore only then the beast camp will provide. 倘若不是宽背蝠的食量惊人,它会成为一种非常出色的货运血兽。宽背蝠每天需要食用大量的果玉,成本高昂,因此只有兽营才会配备。 Is military officer who the wide back bat fish carries on the back, sees tent entrance Helian Tianxiao, the control wide back bat fish, descends toward below hastily. 为首宽背蝠鱼背上的将领,看到营帐门口的赫连天晓,连忙控制宽背蝠鱼,朝下降落。 The flood that the dark cloud of blocking the sky, opens the sluice gates probably, falls in torrents under. 遮天蔽日的乌云,好像开闸的洪水,倾泻而下。 When all wide back bat fish all descend, around the camp like many a piece of black rug, was exceptionally magnificent. 当所有的宽背蝠鱼全都降落,营地四周就像多了一片黑色的地毯,异常壮观。 Four beast camp Unit Leader, simultaneously arrive in front of Helian Tianxiao, salutes respectfully: See Sir, I and others late!” 四位兽营部首,同时来到赫连天晓面前,恭敬行礼:“参见大人,我等来迟!” Helian Tianxiao satisfaction said: Came well, repairs and maintains for two days, prepares to attack a city.” 赫连天晓满意道:“来了就好,修整两天,准备攻城。” Yes!” “是!” Four people bow to obey an order with one voice. 四人齐声躬身应命。 Some of them look dignified, some are ready to fight to be eager to try, but nobody flinches. Before coming, they know that the approximate situation, regarding the situation of soon facing, early has the mental preparation. 他们有的神情凝重,有的摩拳擦掌跃跃欲试,但是没有人退缩。来之前,他们就知道大致的情况,对于即将面对的情况,早有思想准备。 Is the reserve duty, when sees Sir even/including to be so benign? Still greets in the camp entrance, is makes them in reverential awe. 身为预备役,什么时候见过赫连大人如此和颜悦色?还在营地门口迎接,更是让他们诚惶诚恐。 The low status of beast camp, most important mission infuses the fresh blood to Blood Unit. However these years, the Blood Unit buckle is not big, every year the beast camp can enter the Blood Unit soldier, are miserable. Most people, can only waste time the several years, then repatriates to go home. 兽营的地位低下,最重要的任务就是给血部输送新鲜血液。但是这些年,血部的折损不大,每年兽营能够进入血部的士兵,少得可怜。绝大多数人,只能蹉跎数年,然后遣返回家。 The Blood of God heaviest military exploit, can perform good deeds, can obtain the promotion, can make the family obtain the good treatment. In Blood of God, the status of serviceman is high, surpasses other professions. The family member of serviceman, can obtain giving favored treatment of many aspect. The beast camp freely is the reserve duty, but the treatment of beast camp soldier, sufficiently makes other profession blood cultivator be jealous. 神之血最重军功,能够建功立业,才能获得晋升,才能让家庭获得良好的待遇。在神之血,军人的地位非常高,远超其他行业。军人的家属,都能够得到很多方面的优待。兽营尽管是预备役,但是兽营士兵的待遇,都足以让其他行业血修眼红。 Once is unable to enter Blood Unit, was repatriated to go home, that means that all treatments all do not have. 一旦无法进入血部,被遣返回家,那就意味着所有的待遇全都没有。 On the contrary, dying in battle battleground, his families and children can still enjoy military personnel dependents' treatment. Why this is also, the Blood of God soldier often fierce does not fear in the battlefield. 相反,战死沙场,其家庭和子女依然能够享受到军人家属的待遇。这也是为什么,神之血的士兵在战场上往往悍不畏死。 In Blood of God, has the person so to give favored treatment to the opinion to the serviceman, but Emperor Saint promulgates the decree personally, does not have the vacillation. 神之血内部,不是没有人对军人如此优待有意见,但是帝圣亲口颁布旨意,从无动摇。 Therefore, when the beast camp receives the order that supports the front, they not only have not dreaded, instead public sentiment in exhilaration. They, get ready the luggage at the maximum speed, at the same night set off, travels day and night. 所以,当兽营接到支援前线的命令,他们不仅没有畏惧,反而群情振奋。他们以最快的速度,打点行装,连夜出发,日夜兼程。 On the road, four beast camp Unit Leader discussed that possible situation, conclusion that finally draws, most likely is the siege warfare. 在路上,四个兽营部首就讨论可能的情况,最后得出的结论,最有可能的便是攻城战。 Since the ancient times, siege warfare is not good to hit. 自古以来,攻城战都不好打。 The defensive side depends on complete defensive system, often can make the several fold, dozens times of enemies even be at a loss. Even if captures the city, often loses seriously. 防守方依托完备的防守体系,往往能够让数倍、甚至数十倍敌人束手无策。即使攻陷城池,也往往损失惨重。 Four beast camp Unit Leader told that subordinate pitches camp to rest, they do not dare to rest, does not attend to wearily, simultaneously arrives at the pearl air crossing defense line examination. 四位兽营部首吩咐部下扎营休息,他们可不敢休息,不顾疲倦,齐齐来到珍珠风桥防线察看。 When they see clearly the defense line, sucks in an cold air/Qi as if by prior agreement, before , beast camp Unit Leader that is ready to fight , the complexion changes. 当他们看清楚防线,不约而同倒抽一口冷气,就连之前摩拳擦掌的兽营部首,也不由脸色一变。 The situation compared with badness that they expect! 情况比他们预想的更加恶劣! Accompanies their, is Silver Frost Unit Vice-unit leader, Pan Fengling. Pan Fengling female student male, the stature compares the common men to want unexpectedly tall and strong sturdy, the sound is thick. Her weapon is also astonishing, is one all over the body deep blue, with her figure almost high wolf's tooth club, sends out the light white mist, chill in the air four Yi. 陪同他们的,是银霜部副部首,潘凤玲潘凤玲女生男相,身材竟然比一般的男人都要魁梧壮实,声音粗厚。她的武器也非常惊人,是一把通体湛蓝,和她身形差不多高的狼牙棒,散发淡淡的白色雾气,寒意四逸。 The Blood of God war unit equivalent is stern, the high and low between custom is quite severe. 神之血战部等阶森严,上下之间规矩极为严苛。 The beast camp is the reserve duty, Unit Leader of beast camp, status generally and middle-level key member of Blood Unit quite. Can send Silver Frost Blood Unit Vice-unit leader to accompany, has made an exception. 兽营身为预备役,兽营的部首,地位大抵和血部的中层骨干相当。能派银霜血部副部首随同,已经是破格。 Pan Fengling unemotionally, the expression is bringing arrogant, but to the description of tactical situation is actually very clear, ground is unable to attack, looks at that side, is the quicksand belt. Violent Flower Blood Unit by quicksand sluggish speed, ruinous was attacked. Moreover the opposite party battlefield constructs the Master coordination, can momentarily raise in quicksand fight tall Lang, thus displays the Bing Ren Unit superiority. In quicksand hidden trap, virtually impossible to guard against. Also faced with the attack of above Earth Fire Canon Tower.” 潘凤玲面无表情,语气带着傲慢,不过对战况的描述却是十分清晰,“地面无法进攻,看那边,是流沙带。烈花血部就是被流沙迟滞了速度,遭到毁灭性的打击。而且对方有一位战场构筑大师配合,能够随时在流沙中升起战斗高廊,从而发挥出兵人部的优势。流沙中暗藏陷阱,防不胜防。还面临上方地火塔炮的攻击。” She then said: Middle position, not suitable attack. We have been probing before, the middle position is not the most suitable attack region. Middle that Zhen Shen Peak is guarded by Tian Feng Unit, seems weakest, is just the opposite actually, that is the enemy attacks the most violent region. Below Bing Ren can support with the aid of fight tall Lang who Master Wang Xiaoshan raises. But above Spear of Heavy Cloud Earth Fire Canon Tower, can cover easily.” 她接着道:“中间位置,更不适合进攻。我们之前一直在试探,中间位置是最不适合的进攻区域。中间那座镇神峰天锋部镇守,看上去最为薄弱,实际恰恰相反,那是敌人攻击最猛烈的区域。下方的兵人能够借助大师王小山升起的战斗高廊支援。而上方重云之枪地火塔炮,也能够轻易覆盖。” According to us unceasing probe, obtained the only offensive direction for serveral days, from sky. We must first solve most place above that Zhen Shen Peak, is that Zhen Shen Peak of Spear of Heavy Cloud guarding. From the words of sky dive attack, we only need facing the attack of Earth Fire Canon Tower. Although the Earth Fire Canon Tower might is strong, but the attack frequency is not high. If no Cannon Tower Master, we already took.” “根据我们这些天不断的试探,得出唯一的进攻方向,是从天空上方。我们首先要解决最上方那座镇神峰,也就是重云之枪驻守的那座镇神峰。从天空俯冲进攻的话,我们只需要面对地火塔炮的攻击。地火塔炮的威力虽然强劲,但是攻击频率不高。如果不是有一名塔炮大师,我们早就拿下。” Pan Fengling coldly snorted, obviously regarding wanting the beast camp supports, felt that is somewhat discontented. She not minces matter her disaffection, but thinks, if breaks through the pearl defense line, the behind vast stretch of flat land, the merit is bigger. Her expression slows down, having several points to encourage saying: This is also your opportunities. So long as there is an enough manpower, the intensity of defense penetration is enough, can break through the Earth Fire Canon Tower defense line. So long as captures Zhen Shen Peak that Spear of Heavy Cloud guards, remaining two Zhen Shen Peak, completely insufficient are the worries. The pearl defense line can take at one fell swoop.” 潘凤玲冷哼一声,显然对于要兽营支援,感到有些不满。她毫不掩饰自己的不满,但是想到如果攻破珍珠防线,后面一马平川,功劳更大。她的语气放缓,带着几分鼓励道:“不过这也是你们的机会。只要有足够的人手,突防的强度足够,就能够突破地火塔炮的防线。而只要拔掉重云之枪镇守的镇神峰,剩下两座镇神峰,完全不足为虑。珍珠防线可以一举拿下。” Four beast camp Unit Leader observe pearl defense line each detail carefully, has to acknowledge that Pan Fengling said that was only the possible attack way. 四位兽营部首仔细地察看珍珠防线每一处细节,不得不承认,潘凤玲所言,是唯一可能的进攻路径。 And seems quite prudent beast camp Unit Leader said respectfully: Sir said is extremely, I and others discussed again.” 其中看上去比较持重的兽营部首恭敬道:“大人所言极是,我等回去再商量一下。” Pan Fengling coldly snorted: Do not harm attack time.” 潘凤玲冷哼一声:“不要误了进攻时间。” finished speaking turns around to depart. 说罢转身离去。 She Yu stares at that in crystal to drop Blood of God staring long time, she has not thought that your majesty will grant drop of God Blood unexpectedly. 佘妤盯着水晶中的那滴神之血凝视良久,她没有想到陛下竟然会赐予一滴神血 Your majesty has not granted God Blood, even if Sir Chi Mo Gui, has not obtained so the generous treatment. One are just a seed, can obtain your majesty to look upon with favor unexpectedly, grants the so unsurpassed halidom, She Yu felt one like having a dream. 陛下从来没有赐予过神血,哪怕红魔鬼大人,都未曾得到过如此厚遇。自己只不过是一名种子,竟然能得到陛下垂青,赐予如此无上圣物,佘妤感觉自己就像在做梦一样。 God Blood, is the blood of god, the Blood of God unsurpassed halidom. 神血,是神的血液,神之血的无上圣物。 About God Blood, is spreading many fables. Some said that initially generation of Emperor Saint, are the god only descendants . The gods only know that Cultivation Era will soon finish, oneself are doomed fallen, then bestows next ten drops of God Blood, blesses the posterity. Also some fables, God Blood is ten thousand years of evil spirit purest essence and blood, otherwise, since how can preserve? blood spiritual power has as if also verified this point. 关于神血,流传着许多的传说。有的说,初代帝圣,是神祇的后裔。神祇知道修真时代即将结束,自己注定陨落,便赐下十滴神血,保佑后人。也有的传说,神血是万年厉鬼最纯正的精血,否则的话,如何能保存至今?血灵力似乎也印证了这一点。 No matter God Blood once stemmed from the god only evil spirit, does not have what significance today. 然而不管神血曾经出自神祇还是厉鬼,于今天都没有什么意义。 However She Yu knows that each drop of God Blood, contains the inexhaustible strength. Reason that your majesty can promote Grandmaster, dominates the world, perceives through meditation the God Blood secret, strengthens the God Blood unsurpassed strength. 但是佘妤知道,每一滴神血,都蕴含无穷无尽的力量。陛下之所以能够晋升宗师,称霸天下,正是参悟出神血的秘密,汲取神血无上力量。 Will your majesty bestow God Blood unexpectedly, could it be that your majesty broke through the God Blood bamboo fence? 陛下竟然会赐下神血,难道陛下已经突破了神血的藩篱吗? This thought flashes past in the She Yu mind, after she these brains of distracting thoughts throwing, when is your majesty matter one's turn her to guess? 这个念头在佘妤脑海中一闪而过,她紧接着把这些杂念抛之脑后,陛下的事情什么时候轮到她来揣测? Her attention places on God Blood, she is full of the gratitude in the innermost feelings to Sir Shuisheng. If there is any thing to restrain Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique, God Blood is not the only answer, but certainly is the best answer. She placed hopes in the deity heart before, because does not dare to expect God Blood, that is the halidom. In the blood spiritual power system, unsurpassed existence. Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique again strange mysterious, is unable with the God Blood comparison. 她的注意力重新放在神血上,她在内心对水生大人充满感激。如果说,有什么东西能克制生灭花祭术,神血不是唯一的答案,但一定是最好的答案。她之前寄希望于天神心,因为不敢奢望神血,那可是圣物。在血灵力体系之中,无上的存在。生灭花祭术再诡异玄奥,也无法和神血比拟。 Can only worry is withstand the God Blood strength. 唯一的担忧是自己能不能承受神血的力量。 Strength of God Blood implication is overbearing and vast, the average person takes, will explode the body to perish at the scene. All previous Emperor Saint, can perceive through meditation mystery, only then contemporary Emperor Saint! 神血蕴含的力量霸道而浩瀚,普通人摄入,会当场爆体而亡。历代帝圣,能够参悟其中奥秘的,也只有当代帝圣 She Yu did not strive for being able to perceive through meditation the God Blood mystery, only strove for being able to bear the impact of God Blood. 佘妤不求能够参悟神血的奥秘,只求能够承受神血的冲击。 Bestows along with God Blood, absorbs the attainment of God Blood, looked from the handwriting that is your majesty writes personally personally. Each character She Yu in attainment firmly in the mind, skillfully, carefully has estimated many. 神血赐下的,还有一些吸收神血的心得,从笔迹上看,是陛下亲自手书。心得上的每个字佘妤都牢牢记在脑海里,滚瓜烂熟,仔细揣摩过许多遍。 She knows her opportunity, only then one time, so golden opportunity, if have not been able to succeed, that is vanishes in puff of smoke to consider as finished. 她知道自己的机会只有一次,如此绝佳的机会,倘若自己还不能成功,那还是灰飞烟灭算了。 took a deep breath. 深吸一口气 Her in the eyes appears the color of resolution, she is very clear and definite, when her destiny, arrived transition. 眼中浮现坚定之色,她无比清楚而且确定,她的命运,到了转折之时。 Seals the God Blood crystal, was thrown in the entrance by her. 封存神血的水晶,被她丢入口中。 kā chā. 咔嚓 The crystal had not expected that hardness, instead the loosen like the ice piece is crisp, was bitten easily. 水晶没有预想中的坚硬,反而像冰块一样松脆,轻易被咬碎。 A wisp of aura following the throat, submerges within the body. 一缕气息顺着喉咙而下,没入体内 On She Yu pale face, suddenly the color of reappearing pain. 佘妤苍白的脸上,骤然浮现痛苦之色。 The inexplicable aura, from her body, spreads to all around. Near foot ground, silent, changes to the powder powder. They do not disperse, but like the gang is the wave, slowly fluctuating. 莫名的气息,从她的身体,向四周扩散。脚边的地面,无声无息,化作齑粉。它们并不飞散,而是像帮是水波一样,缓缓起伏。 The invisible fluctuation floods the room, twists slowly. 无形的波动充斥房间,缓慢地扭曲。
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