FWH :: Volume #7

#601: Prohibiting

The jet black dim light of night, rugged rock, like the peaceful monster, crouches in hiding in the place. 漆黑的夜色,嶙峋的怪石,就像安静的怪兽,蹲伏在地。 The Caijue officers distribute scattered, like scattering circular, the circular epicenter, is Ye Baiyi that the stupor has not awaked. Ximen Caijue drifts in the Ye Baiyi's place above midair, she stares at Ye Baiyi that the stupor has not been awaking. 裁决将士错落分布,就像散落的圆形,圆形中心地面,是昏迷未醒的叶白衣西门裁决飘浮在叶白衣的上方半空,她盯着昏迷未醒的叶白衣 Passes half double-hour again, the deity heart must release to fluctuate. 再过半个时辰,天神心就要释放波动。 Deity heart...... Beast Poison Temple tosses about any fearful thing! 天神心……兽蛊宫到底折腾出什么可怕的东西! Ximen Caijue in the heart is surprised, Ye Baiyi within the body, seems dormant a fearful monster. No, present Ye Baiyi is a monster, a stupor monster. 西门裁决心中惊疑不定,叶白衣体内,仿佛蛰伏着一头可怕的怪兽。不,现在的叶白衣就是一头怪兽,一头昏迷的怪兽。 Ximen Caijue even suspected, so long as the life were threatened, the heart of that beat, can compare favorably with the heart of big dragon, may out-of-control very much. But terrifying the wild strength, loses the fetter, will cause the disastrous consequence. 西门裁决甚至怀疑,只要生命受到威胁,那颗跳动的心脏,可以媲美巨龙的心脏,很有可能失控。恐怖而狂暴的力量,失去束缚,会造成灾难性的后果。 Good, to present this step, any disastrous consequence, does not have what difference actually. 好吧,其实到现在这一步,什么灾难性的后果,都没有什么区别。 Except that will make them drag attempt of time to be destroyed. 除了会让他们拖时间的企图遭到破坏。 Ximen Caijue somewhat rejoiced that Nangong Wulian died. Can refine the deity heart so to violate the thing of convention, how the Nangong Wulian risk to overestimate is not excessive. Thinks that Beast Poison Temple refines the deity heart continuously, such scene is fearful. 西门裁决有些庆幸,南宫无怜已经死了。能够炼制出来天神心这般违背常规之物,南宫无怜的危险性怎么高估都不过分。想想兽蛊宫源源不断炼制天神心,那样的场面多么可怕。 Below Caijue officers complete silence, waits for her order. 下方裁决将士们鸦雀无声,等待她的命令。 Each of them with every effort stands straightly, but is still difficult the body of covering is scarred, the face of scorched by fire writes all over wearily, covers entirely the both eyes of blood thread to observe closely Ye Baiyi stubbornly. Only remaining 50% Caijue, seem scattered. 他们每个人都尽力站得笔直,但是依然难掩伤痕累累的身躯,烟熏火燎的脸庞写满疲倦,布满血丝的双眼死死盯住叶白衣。只剩下一半的裁决,看上去稀稀落落。 It looks like one group of remnants really! 真像一群残兵败将啊! But is such one group of people, the rare achievement that establishes, writes down the inconceivable miracle. 可就是这么一群人,立下的不世之功,写下不可思议的奇迹。 The Ximen Caijue vision has swept everybody, after tonight, does not know that many faces will vanish before her. in her heart is moved bitter and astringent, is the full pride. 西门裁决目光扫过大家,今晚之后,不知多少张面孔会在她面前消失。她心中又是伤感苦涩,又是满满的骄傲。 She asked suddenly: Recorded?” 她忽然问:“都记好了吗?” Yes!” “是!” Everybody's voice hoarse dry, like the diversiform-leaved poplar and dense bones of the dead of passing over gently and swiftly withered flaking, penetrated the limitless desert the wind. 大家的声音沙哑干涩,就像掠过干枯剥落的胡杨和森森白骨,穿透无边无际沙漠的风。 Ximen Caijue just likes the immature face of girl appears the firm ray, she like leaving the sharp sword of sheath, in hand exquisite small bow, gently a ball. 西门裁决犹如女童的稚嫩脸庞浮现坚决的光芒,她就像出鞘的利剑,手中精巧的小弓,轻轻一弹。 Almost meanwhile, bow simultaneously in Caijue officers hand pulls open, bows the sending out dazzling white ray. In this precipitous jet black mountain valley, rounds plenilunes just like appear from the dim light of night water surface. 几乎同时,裁决将士们手中的弓齐齐拉开,弓身散发耀眼的白色光芒。在这个险峻漆黑的山谷,一轮轮满月宛如从夜色的水面浮现。 Bowstring that pulls open, a light arrow of white ray collection, the arrow body reappearing black mysterious pattern, aims at the sky Ximen Caijue. But their under feet, the each and everyone circular corona appears, in corona various design pattern circulations continuous. 拉开的弓弦,一根白色光芒汇集的光箭,箭身浮现黑色的玄奥花纹,指向天空的西门裁决。而他们的脚下,一个个圆形光环浮现,光环上各种图案花纹流转不休。 All light arrows simultaneously aim at Ximen Caijue. 所有的光箭同时指向西门裁决 Also is a clear and melodious bowstring moves. 又是一声清越的弓弦拨动。 Like an order, officers as if by prior agreement loosens the bowstring, the light arrow like the rain. All light arrows accurately hit Ximen Caijue, does not have fails. 就像一声命令,将士们不约而同松开弓弦,光箭如雨。所有光箭都准确击中西门裁决,无一落空。 The Ximen Caijue whole body ray rises suddenly, the qualitative ray grips the person eyes to be hard to look straight ahead like the thorn suddenly truthfully. Her petite body, covers in the dazzling blazing ray, imitates such as god. 西门裁决浑身光芒暴涨,恍如实质的光芒就像刺一样扎得人眼睛难以直视。她娇小的身躯,笼罩在刺目炽烈的光芒之中,彷如神祇。 The bowstring does not know when pulls open. 弓弦不知何时拉开。 coldly sound clear and melodious ice-cold, dignified sacred. 冷冷的声音清越冰冷,庄严神圣。 Caijue is as follows, prohibits!” 裁决如下,封禁!” Really concentrates together dazzling, as if can tear the space and time the light beam to drop from the clouds, bang in the Ye Baiyi body. The Ye Baiyi's body seemed hit hard, heavily, the back pounds in the ground. 一道凝实刺目、仿佛能撕裂时空的光柱从天而降,轰在叶白衣身体。叶白衣的身体仿佛遭受重击,重重一顿,后背砸在地面。 The corona of officers circulation, like a big net, quickly sweeps across, covers toward Ye Baiyi. 将士们脚下流转的光环,就像一张大网,倏地席卷,朝叶白衣罩去。 The deity heart of Ye Baiyi within the body seems realizes the danger, fierce beat. 叶白衣体内的天神心好似察觉到危险,剧烈跳动。 dōng dōng dōng! 咚咚咚 Each beat, likely is the heavy drum maliciously is knocked. 每一次跳动,都像是重鼓被狠狠敲一下。 To near soldier, bleeds profusely from the head at the scene. Suddenly, wipes white flame, raises from their, they shouted without enough time miserably, was swallowed by the flame. 离得近的士兵,当场七窍流血。忽然,一抹白色的火焰,从他们脚下升起,他们来不及惨呼,便被火焰吞噬。 However the fluctuation of deity heart release is no doubt tyrannical, but runs upon the big net that corona form, throughout is actually not able to break through this seems like the light light net. Light net, the sudden contraction, covers Ye Baiyi slightly solid. 然而天神心释放的波动固然强横,但是撞上一张张光环结成的大网,却始终无法冲破这张看似薄薄的光网。光网稍稍一顿,急剧收缩,把叶白衣罩得严严实实。 They entangle on Ye Baiyi, like a fishing net of illumination. 它们缠在叶白衣身上,就像一张发光的渔网。 dōng dōng dōng. 咚咚咚 The beat of deity heart, is getting more and more slow, is getting more and more light. 天神心的跳动,越来越慢,越来越轻。 Until being quietly. 直至悄无声息。 The Ye Baiyi's body, loses the backing, from airborne drops in the ground. 叶白衣的身体,才失去依托,从空中跌落在地面。 Sky Ximen Caijue, the whole body ray clears. 天空的西门裁决,浑身光芒散尽。 When Wan Shenwei sees clearly Ximen Caijue, mind shock. Ximen Caijue just like the face of 7 or 8-year-old girl, presents several wrinkles at this time unexpectedly. 万神畏看清西门裁决,心神剧震西门裁决宛如七八岁女童的脸,此时竟然出现几道皱纹。 Ximen Caijue figure in a flash, from airborne crashes. 西门裁决身形一晃,从空中坠落。 Wan Shenwei appears side her quickly, catches Ximen Caijue. 万神畏倏地出现在她身边,一把接住西门裁决 Ximen Caijue muttered difficultly: Walks quickly.” 西门裁决艰难地喃喃:“快走。” Wan Shenwei eye socket flood red, the hissing ordered: Takes the wounded person and Ye Baiyi, immediately shifts.” 万神畏眼眶泛红,嘶声下令:“带上伤员和叶白衣,马上转移。” The Shenwei Unit officers rush immediately, lives the Caijue officers, the back is carrying on the back, works on still stupor Ye Baiyi, flushes away toward mountain valley outside with Wan Shenwei. 神畏部的将士们立即冲上去,把还活着裁决将士,背在背上,抓起依然昏迷的叶白衣,跟着万神畏山谷外冲去。 In their disappearance quarter, travel-worn He Nanshan is bringing elite, arrives in mountain valley. 就在他们消失一刻钟,风尘仆仆的贺南山带着精锐,抵达山谷 He Nanshan saw mountain valley to flash before the exceptionally bright ray a moment ago from afar, in the heart does not have the origin to raise the unlucky premonition, then hastily was leading the soldier in a hurry. 刚才贺南山远远看到山谷闪现异常明亮的光芒,心中没由来升起不祥的预感,便连忙带着士兵匆匆而来。 When they arrive in mountain valley, mountain valley early already nobody left. 等他们抵达山谷,山谷早已经空无一人。 He Nanshan squats on the ground, the ground also remains elemental force to fluctuate, his complexion is getting more and more ugly. 贺南山蹲在地上,地面还残留着元力波动,他的脸色越来越难看。 He does not know what Shenwei Caijue uses is any method, but he can feel one wisp to seal the imprisoned from the residual fluctuation the aura. 他不知道神畏裁决到底用的是什么手段,但是他能够从残留的波动中感受到一缕封存禁锢的气息。 Can let Shenwei Caijue the prohibiting technique that does not hesitate to expose itself also to use...... 能够让神畏裁决不惜暴露自己还要施展的封禁手法…… Does not need to think that He Nanshan also knows will only have a possibility! 不用想,贺南山也知道只会有一种可能! This is the conclusion that he most cannot find out. 这是他最不想得出的结论。 Damn! 该死! His facial color is pale, a fist pounds in the ground, the fearful strength submerges the bottom, entire mountain valley's ground like waves fluctuating turbulence. 他面色铁青,一拳砸在地面,可怕的劲力没入地底,整个山谷的地面就像波浪般起伏动荡。 Pursues!” “追!” The enemies have not walked away, hopes that own luck suffices. 敌人还没有走远,希望自己的运气够好。 However immediately the He Nanshan in the heart anger vanishes disappear without trace, the in the heart forced smile. 但是随即贺南山心中的怒火消失得无影无踪,心中苦笑。 Luck...... Own luck from the beginning rotten to the core. 运气……自己的运气从一开始就糟糕透顶。 Three Zhen Shen Peak, most under are also of closest ground, is Bing Ren Unit guarding. What Bing Ren Unit excels is the ground battle, they need to leave the ground to be near enough. Zhen Shen Peak below ground, Master Wang Xiaoshan has constructed carefully, has the trap of emerging one after another incessantly, but also built has suited the Bing Ren Unit display massively the unique terrain. 三座镇神峰,最底下也是最接近地面的那座,是兵人部驻守。兵人部擅长的是地面战斗,他们需要离地面足够近。镇神峰下方的地面,大师王小山精心重新构造过,有层出不穷的陷阱,还打造了大量适合兵人部发挥的独特地形。 On Zhen Shen Peak, the Tie Bing Ren low and deep sound resounds. 镇神峰上,铁兵人低沉的声音响起。 Does well, comes one time again!” “干得不错,再来一次!” He stands in the front line of team, about 50 soldiers. Soldiers everyone sweats profusely, puffs, but strongly exhibits the attack the posture. 他站在队伍的最前方,身后大约50名士兵。士兵们每个人都是大汗淋漓,喘着粗气,但还是竭力摆开进攻的姿势。 Tie Bing Ren heavily treads unexpectedly one step, the metal palm makes a fist, a fist rumbles! 铁兵人蓦地重重踏出一步,金属手掌握拳,一拳轰出! After the mask, resounds startling thunderclap: Kills!” 面具后响起一声惊雷:“杀!” 50 Bing Ren soldiers simultaneously the steps clash the fist, in the mouth call out: Kills!” 50名兵人士兵同时踏步冲拳,口中暴喝:“杀!” Giant fist glow, like build astonishing and wild overbearing incomparable attacking a city awl, regardless of any thing keeps off before it, must be rumbled crushes. 一道巨大的拳芒,就像体型惊人又狂暴霸道无比的攻城锥,无论什么东西挡在它面前,都要被轰得粉碎。 The fist glow in airborne had insisted five breaths slowly annihilate. 拳芒在空中足足坚持了五息才缓缓湮灭。 Tie Bing Ren long puts out the one breath, shouted, the aura that put out really congealed like the sword, he received the fist slowly. In him behind, the soldiers lean this way and that sit down exhausted place. 铁兵人长长吐出一口气,呼,吐出的气息凝实如剑,他缓缓收拳。在他身后,士兵们东倒西歪,瘫坐一地。 Already prepared good elemental force soup in the one side, delivered to front of these soldiers. After having supplemented elemental force soup, the soldiers are in high spirits much, their revolution circulatory cycle, digests elemental force in elemental force soup. 早就在一旁准备好的元力汤,送到这些士兵面前。补充了元力汤之后,士兵们精神振奋不少,他们纷纷运转周天,消化元力汤内的元力 Tie Bing Ren reveals the gratified color, the strength progress of soldiers is fast, far exceeds his anticipation. Difficult practice, with extremely sufficient provisioning, lets these new military recruits, the progress is amazingly quick. realm of soldiers, promoted a big truncation compared with before all. 铁兵人露出欣慰之色,士兵们的实力进步非常快,远远超出他的预期。艰苦的修炼,和极其充足的物资供应,才让这些菜鸟们,进步神速。士兵们的境界,无不比之前提升一大截。 Thinks before , he was still worrying that Ai Hui plunders other war unit actions, does not have to think one also profit. The elemental force soup material is that side Shi Xueman sends, elemental force soup formula, is Loulan sends. 想想之前他还在担心艾辉搜刮其他战部的举动,没想到自己也跟着受益。元力汤的材料是师雪漫那边送来的,元力汤的配方,也是楼兰送来的。 Also really has complied with that: You eat the meat I to eat the soup. 还真的应了那句:你吃肉我喝汤。 So extravagant life, but also is really the unprecedented first time. 如此阔绰的生活,还真是破天荒的第一次。 Tie Bing Ren cannot help laughing. 铁兵人哑然失笑。 Really is fierce, if this fist appears in the battlefield, the enemy cannot block.” “真是厉害,这一拳如果出现在战场,敌人挡不住。” The clear cold belt joyful sound from behind is conveying slightly. 清冷带着微微欣喜的声音从身后传来。 Tie Bing Ren turns around, clothing floating junior apprentice sister maps the field of vision, he somewhat is out of sorts slightly. He responded immediately that shook the head saying: I also can only collect 50 people, compared with the Ai Hui Sword of Thunderbolt more than 200 people, falls far short.” 铁兵人转身,衣衫飘飘的师妹映入视野,他微微有些失神。他马上反应过来,摇头道:“我还只能汇集50人,比起艾辉雷霆之剑的200多人,差得远。” Kun Lun Tian Feng shakes the head: „Does senior apprentice brother why improperly belittle oneself? The tower system tactical rules are Ai Hui create after all, he transfers 200 people, is nothing unusual. senior apprentice brother takes time, certainly can also achieve this figure.” 昆仑天锋摇头:“师兄何必妄自菲薄?塔式战法毕竟是艾辉所创,他调动200人,不足为奇。师兄假以时日,一定也能达到这个数字。” Tie Bing Ren asked: How does junior apprentice sister progress?” 铁兵人问:“师妹进展如何?” The Kun Lun Tian Feng expression is passing worriedly: „It is not very smooth, is my issue. Ai Hui's Sword of Thunderbolt, has abandoned the sword art aesthetic sense and mystery completely, I am very difficult to convince itself.” 昆仑天锋语气透着苦恼:“不是很顺利,是我自己的问题。艾辉的雷霆之剑,完全摒弃了剑术的美感和玄妙,我很难说服自己。” The Tie Bing Ren comfort said: junior apprentice sister does not need to worry, allows nature to take its course on the line.” 铁兵人安慰道:“师妹无需着急,顺其自然就行。” The Sword of Thunderbolt tactical rules, bring enormous shock to them, makes them have the heart of imitation. Ai Hui does not hide contraband in this point, gives everything one has to give. However Sword of Thunderbolt is Ai Hui forms according to Sword Tower after all specially, how Bing Ren Unit and Tian Feng Unit use the tower system tactical rules, but must tried to find out by Tie Bing Ren and Kun Lun Tian Feng. 雷霆之剑的战法,给两人带来极大的震撼,也让他们生起效仿之心。艾辉在这一点上并不藏私,倾囊相授。但是雷霆之剑毕竟是艾辉专门根据剑塔而组建,兵人部天锋部如何利用塔式战法,还要靠铁兵人昆仑天锋自己摸索。 The progress of Tie Bing Ren wants to be smoother, can direct 50 soldiers. Kun Lun Tian Feng has almost not progressed, she is not the war unit backbone family background, the tactical quality is inferior to Tie Bing Ren. 铁兵人的进展要顺利一些,已经能够指挥50名士兵。昆仑天锋则几乎没有进展,她本身就不是战部骨干出身,战术素养不如铁兵人 She is very traditional sword cultivation, sword art early has also formed. Moreover Sword of Thunderbolt sword cultivation, in her opinion, simply does not have the qualifications to be called sword cultivation. 她是非常传统的剑修,剑术也早已经成形。而且雷霆之剑剑修,在她看来,根本没有资格称为剑修 But, the Sword of Thunderbolt strength is quite astonishing. 可是,偏偏雷霆之剑的战力极为惊人。 Kun Lun Tian Feng in the heart is quite puzzled, she is by no means blind the tenacious person, she even thought that if given time, Sword of Thunderbolt that sword cultivation, has possibility thorough substitution traditional sword cultivation very much. 昆仑天锋心中极为纠结,她并非盲目固执之人,她甚至觉得,假以时日,雷霆之剑的那种剑修,很有可能彻底取代传统的剑修 Does sword art have the restoration, can decline? 剑术还有没有恢复,又要没落了吗? She is very confused. 她很迷茫。 However is quick they not to have the mood to place on this, Jiang Wei came. 但是很快两人就没有心情放在这上面,姜维来了。 Tie Bing Ren loses one's voice to call out in alarm: Ai Hui stupor? What's the matter?” 铁兵人失声惊呼:“艾辉昏迷?怎么回事?” Kun Lun Tian Feng could not bear look at senior apprentice brother, she little noticed that senior apprentice brother was so rude. senior apprentice brother to Ai Hui, regards as important, also extremely cares really! 昆仑天锋忍不住看了一眼师兄,她很少看到师兄如此失态。师兄艾辉,真的非常看重,也真的非常关心啊! The Jiang Wei complexion is not good: Has not known that is sudden, Loulan is diagnosing.” 姜维的脸色也不好:“还不知道,非常突然,楼兰在诊断。” Tie Bing Ren is preparing and Jiang Wei has a look together, the sad and shrill warning resounds suddenly. 铁兵人正准备和姜维一起去看看,凄厉的警报陡然响起。 Three people stare, the subconsciousness looks toward the Divine Wolf Unit camp that sucks in an cold air/Qi as if by prior agreement, the complexion big change. 三人一愣,下意识朝神狼部营地看去,不约而同倒抽一口冷气,脸色大变。
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