Tendayslater, dragonredwithoutfull-termgave birth toYangXiaokangahead of time, andwas ahead of timeonemonth of premature delivery.
十天以后,龙阿红就在没足月的时候提前生下了杨小康,并且还是提前了一个月的早产。FortunatelyLongandYangslightlyhave the wealthpotential, isconsumes the favorto spend, invitedin the pastfor the whitecourt physician who the emperorlooks atto get sickfinally, ispreserves mother and child, but the whitecourt physician is also says,saidthistimecanpreserve mother and child, on the one handis the luck, on the one handisdragonredbodyis stout.
亏得龙家和杨家这边还是小有财势的,又是耗人情又是花钱,总算是请来了当年为皇上瞧病的白御医,才算是将母子保住,但白御医也是放了话出来,说这一次能保住母子,一方面是运气,一方面是龙阿红自己身体壮健。Changes intootherpregnant women, thatdefinitelyiscorpsetwolives, butalthoughisthis, thisembryodragonredalso will be very from now on difficultto be pregnant, even the womanmost basicmenstruationwill stop.( Modern medicine, endocrine disorders)
换成其余的孕妇,那肯定是一尸两命的,但尽管是这样,这一胎过后龙阿红也很难怀孕了,甚至连女人最基本的月事都会停掉。(现代医学,内分泌失调)Meanwhile, thischildwill have in the embryoto get sick, is weakfrom the smallbody, mustrecuperatewellis good.
同时,这孩子也是会有胎里病,从小身子骨就弱,得好好调理才行。In this case, do not look that dragonscoldedtooneselfhusbandredcursed, at homewaseffective and influential word, buthasto have a deficittothissonheartinonly.
在这种情况下,你别看龙阿红对自己的丈夫呵斥大骂,在家里更是一言九鼎,可独独对这个儿子心里面是有着亏欠的。WithYangXiaoguodoes not knowin secretsaidmanytimes, felt the sincerity that ownthisis mother is unfair to the son.
私下里都和杨小果不知道说了多少次,觉得自己这个做娘的真心对不起儿子。Therefore, saw the sonknelta few wordsnot to saysheds tearssilently, dragonsomewhatbecame confusedredimmediately, quicklydrewto say the son:
所以,看到了儿子跪下来一句话不说默默垂泪,龙阿红顿时就有些慌了手脚,急忙将儿子拉了起来道:„Howto draw? Howto cry? Iswhereis uncomfortable?”
“咋拉?怎么就哭了?是哪里不舒服吗?”„Ah, do not speak, the old ladymostcould not bearpeople like you, how were youyousaidquickly?”
The abyssfeudal lordis bursting into tears saying:
深渊领主流着泪道:„Childfeltoneselfstaydailyseems likefrog in a wellhere, is not healthy, nomeans are like the average person, but alsoimplicated the parents, might as welldiedconsidering as finished.”
“孩儿觉得自己天天呆在这里像是井底之蛙,身体也不好,没办法和普通人一样,还拖累了爹娘,还不如死了算了。”dragonlistenedredby the back of the body in great surprise, the womanearis soft, hearsone„dying”characterto feel nervouson the heart.
龙阿红听了以后心中大惊,女人耳根子软,听到一个“死”字就心里面发慌。Youmakeherspurt the words of person, thatbattle efficiencyinstantaneousexplosive table, buturged the words of personactuallyto jamall of a sudden.
你让她喷人的话,那战斗力瞬间爆表,可是劝人的话却一下子就卡了壳。YangXiaoguolooked ata whileinside, is crooked the mouth saying:
杨小果在旁边看了一会儿,歪着嘴道:„Childbumped intomebefore, said that wantsto have a look at our timesto make the notarization the imposingappearance, finally your saidflip-flopso many, lookednot the appearance that permittedhimto go, naturallyfrightened the child.”
“孩子之前碰到我,说想要看看咱们这次去做公证的威风模样,结果你这一开口就噼噼啪啪说了这么多,一看就不准他去的样子,当然把孩子吓到了。”ThenYangXiaoguotook advantage of a favorable situationto draw the abyssfeudal lord:
然后杨小果乘势就将深渊领主拉了起来:„Cleveryoung, walks, the fatherleadsyouto gotogether.”
“乖仔,走走走,爹带你一道去。”dragonresolutelyhad not really opposedred, butsaidscruple:
龙阿红果然就没有坚决反对了,只是迟疑道:„Wemake the words of notary public, leading the sonto go is not appropriate?”
杨小果大大咧咧的道:„Whathavingis inappropriate? Youthinkto lookcarefully, theseold mendid not lead the disciples and followersto go.”
“有啥不合适的?你仔细想想看,那些个老头子的还不都是带着徒子徒孙去。”„When the time comescalled the son a standto be after death goodtowardus, what did thathave is not inappropriate?”
After dragonlistenedred, feelsseeminglyalsosomewhat the truth?
龙阿红听了之后觉得貌似还有几分道理呢?YangXiaoguorarelyunyieldingbeforeyoung married woman, leading the abyssfeudal lordto walkoutward, thento the dragonredsay/way:
杨小果难得在婆娘面前硬气一回,带着深渊领主就往外走,然后对龙阿红道:„Ah, the childbeginning of the year is 16 years old, leadshimto goto see the personnow, manypoints of rivers and lakesexperience, what of alsomadeotherstake a look atourfamily/home, turn headalsoquite made one say that tohim the wifeisn't?”
“啊呀呀,孩子开年就十六岁了,现在带他出去见见人,多点江湖经验,也让别人瞧瞧咱们家的种什么样了,回头也好让人给他说媳妇了不是?”„Youdo not know that thischildin the family/home, outsidetheseGossipchewed the root of the tongueto sayfor a long timestuffilyanythinghas, threeyears ago said that he cannot winter the day. Thisdoes not go out for a walk, cannot do a good job inodderwords to say.”
“你不知道哇,长时间把这孩子闷在了家里,外面的那些流言蜚语嚼舌根的说什么的都有,三年前就说他过不了冬天的了。这再不出去走走,搞不好更离谱的话都能讲出来。”dragonflies into a ragered, a palm of the handon the racketon the table, the pair of eyescircleopened the eyesto sayimmediately:
龙阿红勃然大怒,一巴掌就拍在了桌子上,顿时双眼圆睁道:„Whosemouthfultalks nonsensehere, the old ladyrippedhismouthimmediately.”
“谁在这里满嘴放屁,老娘马上就去撕了他的嘴。”YangXiaoguosawsuccessfullydiverted the wifeattention, makingherno longerintertwine to lead the sonto go toatthismatter, inheartsecretlyself-satisfied, thenverysimplesay/way:
杨小果见到成功分散了老婆注意力,让她不再纠结于带不带儿子去这件事上,心中暗自得意,便很干脆的道:„Walked, the hammeringalsowantsto be hard, usuallyis all right the multi-belt/bringsonto go out, didn't theserumorsstopautomatically?”
“走了走了,打铁也要自身硬,平时没事多带儿子出去,那些谣言不就自动消停下来了吗?”dragonredcoldsnort/hum, thenarrived atson'ssideto touchhishead, lookinsidereveals the ray that favoredto drown, thennods saying:
龙阿红冷哼了一声,便走到了儿子的身边摸了摸他的头,眼神里面露出了一丝宠溺的光芒,然后点点头道:„Walks, ourfamily/homepassestogether.”
“走吧,咱们家就一起过去。”A moment later, thisfamily of threerode the carriage, swaywenttoward the distant place.
片刻之后,这一家三口就坐上了马车,朝着远处摇摇晃晃的行驶了出去。AlthoughYang and his wifetwo peoplestrength is extremely powerful, butYangXiaoguoissloppyfrivolous, dragonredhot tempered, andsince childhoodcasual, usually is also smooth, will therefore experience the matternot to think, therefore the scheme of blackoverlord, looks that helplessly the son is killedat present.
杨家夫妇虽然两人都实力极其强悍,可是杨小果为人散漫轻浮,龙阿红性格暴躁,并且从小起就大大咧咧的,平时也是顺风顺水,所以遇到事儿根本就不会多想,因此才中了黑霸王的计谋,眼睁睁的看着儿子在眼前被打死。But, followedthemto board the carriagefromYangXiaokangat this moment, YangXiaokang this person of dying, evenYangXiaoguo, the dragonredentiredestiny, had the hugechange, even the entiretime lineshook!!
可是,从杨小康跟随着他们上了马车这一刻起,杨小康这个将死之人,甚至杨小果,龙阿红的整个命运,就发生了巨大的改变,甚至就连整条时间线都为之震荡!!Because, YangXiaokangis the secondarytimenode, butYangXiaoguoanddragonare redtwo people, isin the standardsurfacetime line very importantnode, theirdestiniespresent the transition, describedwitha slight move in one part that may affect the whole situationis not overrated,
因为,杨小康本人就已经算是个次要时间节点了,而杨小果和龙阿红两人,更是本位面时间线上非常重要的节点,他们的命运出现转折,用牵一发而动全身来形容都不为过,Abyssfeudal lorddo not know,hisdecisionseems like the reason, is actually the worst onechoice.
深渊领主自己都不知道,他的这个决定看似理智,其实是最糟糕的一种选择。In fact, abyssfeudal lord, if the choiceremains, thenlivesfacing the blackoverlordLu Laosi'sattacksuccess, thiswayinsteadis one of the optimal solutions.
事实上,深渊领主若是选择留下来,然后面对黑霸王路老四的袭击成功活下来,这种方式反而是最优解之一。Becausethismatterhas the probabilityto happentheoretically, although the probabilityis quite small, but the conflict that hisbehavior and time linehave is also much smaller.
因为这件事从理论上来说是有概率发生的,虽然概率比较小,而他的这行为与时间线产生的冲突也小得多。Thislooks likeHong Kongpieceinsidesmugglingtransaction, the policein the transactionarrangement the unescapable net, someironclad proofhad determined that the criminal syndicatebig shotmusttrade,
这就像是香港片里面的走私交易,警方这边已经在交易现场布置下了天罗地网,有铁证确定黑帮大佬要来交易,If the criminal syndicatebig shotled the personto come, andstarted the spot transactionthen the ambush of police.
But if heinthis timeluckexplosive table, directlyflushedunderescorting of little brother, then the policealsohad no wordsto sayafterward, can only thinkdamn the luckwas really good, reallycanhit.
可是他若在这时候运气爆表,直接在小弟的护送下冲了出去,那么警方事后也没啥话说,只能觉得狗日的运气真好,真是能打。Engages in introspectionagain, thinksat mostnext timewill arrange the ambushtimemustsendsomemanpower.
或者再反省一下,顶多就认为下次布置伏击的时候要多派些人手。But, thiscriminal syndicatebig shot, ifcancelledthistransactionbeforeembarkingsuddenly, thatpolice'sninety percent surearrangementdidcompletelynotstudiously, will thinkto havein the ghostaspectto govery muchobviously, thenstartsa series to investigate thoroughly the behavior!
The original intention that the abyssfeudal lorddoes thatis to maintain the strength, andin the beforehandadventurousworld, hehas also donerepeatedly, thereforesimplydoes not want is too many,
深渊领主这么做的本意是想要保存实力,并且在之前的冒险世界里面,他也多次这么干过,因此也根本没有想太多,Butthisfor a while is not the other for a while, before abyssfeudal lord, does not have the issuedry/does , because hehad the strength of abstention of one close behind the othersnakeat that time: The strength of destinyprotects the body, withwords of repertoiredescribed that called: The secretreceived the confusion.
但此一时非彼一时啊,深渊领主之前那么干没问题,是因为他当时有衔尾蛇之戒的力量:命运之力护体,用一句套路的话来形容那叫:天机受到了混淆。Butnow , he even ifhad the newstrength, evencompares the strength of beforehanddestiny more powerful, butstrength's of characteristicsdestinyare unique.
可是现在,他纵然拥有了新的力量,甚至比之前的命运之力更强大,但命运之力本身的特性却是独一无二的。Whatis more important, thisworldGaiaconsciousnesswildstillincomparable, unruly, had not been tamedby the space.
更重要的是,这个世界盖亚意识依然狂暴无比,桀骜不驯,尚未被空间驯服。As the saying goesgoes against heaven's willchangesto assign/life, in other words, to changeto assign/life, mustgo against heaven's will!
The disobedientparents, thatsuffer the big mouthfemale genitals,
The disobedientboss, thatmustsufferbeating mercilessly of society.
The disobedientheaven, thatmustbe detested and rejectedbythe whole world!!
The abyssfeudal lordthinksoneselfdisplayed the delaying tactics, actuallydoes not know that hisdecision, is actually doomedto pay the expensiveprice!
深渊领主以为自己只是施展了缓兵之计,却不知道他的这个决定,却注定要付出昂贵的代价!On the restaurant in YangNot far away, Lu Laosiis sitting of twobuildingsindrank with flies, sitting of hishaughty, oneglass of liquoroneglass of liquoras ifdrink waterdirectlytowardbelly but in actually, but the lookactuallyappearsespeciallyindifferentlyandpure brightness.
就在杨家不远处的一处酒楼上,路老四正坐在了二楼的雅间里面自斟自饮,他大马金刀的坐着,一杯酒一杯酒仿佛喝水似的直接往肚子里面倒,可是眼神却显得格外的冷漠和清明。At this time his lookis pursuingthatcarriage that is leavingslowlyto go far away, in the woodenstaircasehas actually heard the rapidsound of footsteps, quick, a manpanted for breathto clash:
此时他的眼神正追逐着徐徐驶离的那辆马车远去,木制楼梯上却已经传来了急促的脚步声,很快的,一个男子就喘息着冲了上来:„Master, Master! Clay figurineslow said that looks atthatlittle bastardstartingcar(riage), but can also conduct as scheduled?”
“师父,师父!泥人徐说了,看着那小杂种上了马车,还要按原计划进行吗?”Lu Laosidrankoneglass of liquor, the muscle on facepit-a-pat the beat, fiercehighraised the hand to handinsidewine potaim at the groundto poundruthlessly.
路老四又喝了一杯酒,脸上的筋肉突突跳动,猛的高高扬起了手要将手里面的酒壶对准地面狠狠砸下去。He who veryobviously, resentfulnowhereventedfilled with, has been onsoon the brink of collapse, as if the Godis opposingto be the same withhim.
很显然,满腔愤懑无处发泄的他,已经处于即将崩溃的边缘,似乎老天爷都在和他作对一样。Lu Laosievenfeelsin the entireearto buzz, the position of templespit-a-patjumping, at present is also intermittentbecoming dark, saidwith the medicineshoptalk,thisis called the strokeomen.
路老四甚至觉得整个耳朵里面都嗡嗡作响,太阳穴的位置突突的跳,眼前也是一阵阵的发黑,拿医学行话说,这就叫做中风先兆。Butatthis time, the horizonsuddenlightninghas delimited! At this timeat nightfall, the flashwill soon have resulted inLu Laosi'seyesto narrow the eyesonshining.
但就在这时候,天边突然一道闪电划过!此时已经即将入夜,一瞬间就耀得路老四的眼睛都眯了起来。Then, a thunderclapby the restaurantcrack, shakes the ear of personto buzz.
然后,一个炸雷就在酒楼旁边炸响,震得人的耳朵都是嗡嗡作响。Lu Laosihurlsto the hand of groundstopssuddenly, the finger that will soon loosenalsoreceivessuddenly, closelygripped the wine pot.
路老四猛掷向地面的手突然停住,即将松开的手指也是遽然收住,紧紧的握住了酒壶。Thisalsoobtained the transformationin the wine potdestiny that the nextsecondcanmeet a cruel death- IfexactlyLu Laosi'stragic destiny.
这个在下一秒就会粉身碎骨的酒壶命运也是得到了转变--恰若路老四的悲惨命运。Whythis timeLu Laosidoes not know, since hearingthatstartling thunderclap, the brainbecomespure brightnessespeciallysuddenly.
此时的路老四不知道为什么,自从听到了那一声惊雷之后,脑子突然变得格外的清明。Revengestwocharacters, althoughstillinscribesin the hearts, can never forget, butin the middle of the chest the anger of flamingcombustionactuallysubsidesquietly, what replaces it is a calmness of as iften thousandyears of coldice.
报仇二字虽然依然铭刻在心间,永不能忘,可是胸膛当中熊熊燃烧的怒火却悄然平息,取而代之的是一种仿佛万年寒冰似的冷静。Hisbreathbyrapidslowlybecomesmustbe gentle, separated for enoughmore than tenseconds, thenhearsLu Laosisay/wayevery single word or phrase:
他的呼吸由急促慢慢的变得平缓,隔了足足十几秒钟,便听到路老四一字一句的道:„Terminationplan, makingthat side the Fujianclubhouseact in a playto make the complete set, makesthemfirstself-satisfiedall of a sudden.”
“终止计划,让福建会馆那边做戏做全套,就让他们先得意一下子吧。”Lu Laosi'sdisciplestunned, immediatelybows saying:
路老四的弟子愕然了一下,立即就躬身道:„Yes, Imanageimmediately.”
After the discipleleft, fellstoodslowlyonchairLu Laosi, spatto exhaleslowly, was sayingtodistant placeYang Jiain a low voice:
等到弟子走掉了以后,跌坐在了椅子上的路老四缓缓站起来,徐徐吐出了一口气,对着远处的杨家低声道:„Our mattershave not ended! YangXiaoguo!”
***Made the decisionin the abyssfeudal lord, modifiedYangXiaokangmensal linesignificantlyat the same time,
在深渊领主做出了决定,大幅度改动了杨小康的命运线的同时,Fang Linyantheirhereprogressarerelativelysmooth.方林岩他们这边的进展还是相对顺利。Whysaidrelativelysmoothly? Thenisbecause here theyrun up tolaboriouslycomeactuallyto come up empty-handed, the reasonwaschiefPhilip of mental asylumhere, did not go to the mortal world in Shanghaiyesterday evening.
为什么说相对顺利呢?便是因为他们辛辛苦苦跑到这边来却扑了个空,原因就是疯人院的院长菲利普根本就不在这里,昨天晚上就去了申城的花花世界。However, althoughPhilipescapesby luck, actuallysuccessfullyfoundLymanthisfellow, becausethisboydrank a dead drunkdirectly, the process that will therefore kidnapnotstartleddoes not have the danger, is smoothincredible.
不过,虽然菲利普侥幸逃过一劫,却成功找到了莱曼这家伙,并且因为这厮直接喝了个烂醉,所以将之绑架出来的过程都无惊无险,顺利得都令人难以置信。Thisis a whole bodyis sending out the blondeguy of wine tasteandstink, and hairis very exuberant, chestwooland so onwas needless saying that the fine hair on armcanhitvolume.
Obviously, throughbeforehandunderstood the material that candiscover, Lymanthisfellowisone„talented”, extremely arrogant, andbackstagealsoveryhardfellow.
很显然,通过之前了解到的资料就能发现,莱曼这家伙乃是一个“才华横溢”,狂妄,并且后台还很硬的家伙。„Talented”this point, the matter that turns over the handlingPhilipscrews up to lookfromhimrepeatedly.
Very hardas for the backstage, thatisthisboyscrews certainly up the matterto needPhilipto clean uprepeatedly, cancontinueto mixin the presentposition.
After some peopleLymancaught the riverside, directlyoncrudeaccording to nearbyriver water, Lymanwill certainly soberfrom the hangover, strugglescrazily!
一干人将莱曼抓到了河边之后,直接就粗暴的将之按在了旁边的河水里面,莱曼当然从宿醉里面清醒了过来,疯狂挣扎!Whatis accidental/surprisedishisstrength is quite not weak, will hold downhisvulturefallingto flyall of a sudden, buthehas fallen into the numerousencirclements of legendarysquadat this time, onlyinsistedalmost30secondswere hitto fall face down.
After onepressed for an answer, knows, originally before Lymanthisboy , was not only a senior officer, inGurkha, Sikkimand otherplacesattendedseveralwars, topursue the stimulationhas hit the blackfist, selectedto kill12peoplein the undergroundabattoir in Mumbaionly.
一番逼问之后才知道,原来莱曼这厮之前不仅是一名资深军官,先后在廓尔喀,锡金等地参加了多次战争,更是为了追求刺激打过黑拳,在孟买的地下角斗场里面单挑杀死过十二个人。This, has the sopowerfulpersonal historyno wonder, the backpresentssomebacker is also not strange.
这就难怪了,有着如此强悍的履历,背后出现某个靠山也是不奇怪的。Butalso after Lymanwas hitfalls face down, is the hoodlum, the neckoneverysaid:
而莱曼被打趴下之后也是光棍,脖子一挺就道:„Youmustask that anything asked that onlystrove fordo not sufferme, givingmyhappilywas good.”
“你们要问什么就问,只求不要折磨我,给我个痛快就好了。”Thereforequick, theyobtaineda series ofmaterials.
于是很快的,他们就又获得了一系列的资料。Originally the mattermustmentionfrom the history of formermental asylum, in the pastthatcamethisplaceto build the missionary in churchis not an average person, isimportant member who Domingosent, is calledAlphonsoDotter.
It looks like the Buddhismto haveVajrayana, Zen, Pure Land Buddhismwait/etc, the interior of Christianity is also the factionstands in great numberssimilarly, involutionserious.
就像是佛门有密宗,禅宗,净土宗等等,基督教的内部同样也是派系林立,内卷严重。AlphonsoDotterbesidesbeing skilled indoctrine, similarly is also a gold metallurgymaster, thisis skilled in the refine the pill of immortalityto be the same with the taoist priest, is actually manymissionariesmust the class, theyare proficient in many languages, the medical skill, otherwise, convincedpeople in foreign landto believe inGodwithwhat?
阿方索多特自身除了精通教义之外,同样也是一名炼金术士,这就和道士精于炼丹一样,其实是很多传教士的必须课,他们精通多种语言,医术,否则的话,拿什么来说服异乡的人们信奉上帝呢?WhenAlphonsoDotterarrived athorseTingyihere, depends uponhisalchemyknowledge, detected that hereunexpectedlyisrarespecialminerals, is called the scarletgauzewith the terminology of alchemy.
当阿方索多特来到了马停驿这里的时候,依靠他的炼金术知识,发觉这里竟然是一处罕见的特殊矿产,用炼金术的术语叫做猩红之纱。ButFang Linyantheythenclosely examinethisgadget the further information, Lymansaid that the laborcultural levelis very low, onlyknowsithowevernot to knowitsreason why.
但方林岩他们接着追问这玩意儿的详细情况,莱曼就表示劳资文化水平很低,只知其然不知其所以然。In this case, AlphonsoDotterassembleshandinsideresources, in the surfacebuilds the churchhere, is actually finds the wayto minethisrarescarletgauzemine.
在这种情况下,阿方索多特就调集手里面的资源,表面上是在这里修筑教堂,其实呢是想办法开采这座罕见的猩红之纱矿场。Whatis more important, AlphonsoDotter'sbehavioractuallyhas the selfishness, hehas not actually reported the scarletgauzeto the church the matter, will wantpersonalto occupy, andwill succeedhas concealed others.
更重要的是,阿方索多特的行为其实是有私心的,他其实并没向教会上面汇报猩红之纱的事情,想要将之私人占据下来,并且成功的隐瞒过了其余的人。However, AlphonsoDotter'sbehavioralsobrought to the attention of otherfactions, andstartedto conduct the investigation of certain extent, therefore, AlphonsoDotterbuiltinlatera halfyear dead in the church.
但是,阿方索多特的行为也是引起了其余派系的注意,并且开始对此进行了一定程度的调查,所以,阿方索多特在教堂修筑好之后半年内就死掉了。Amongthistwoactuallyhas the causal relation, becauseAlphonsoDotterstabilizedheregot downandbuilt on a large scale the construction, was paid attention tohereby others, thenfound the wayto assassinatehim.
这二者之间其实是有因果关系的,因为正是阿方索多特在这里安定了下来并且大兴土木修建,才被其余的人关注到这里,然后想办法暗杀了他。Whyas forclaimed that to the outsideis the acute illnessdies, is becausethisis the churchdispute, toavoidfollower'sinternalbeliefvacillates, thereforeboth sidesverytacitdoes not reveal to the public the truth.
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