Sawthis, inabyssfeudal lordsatisfiednod of real world, read a syntaxcommandin a low voice:
“开!!”Asthischaracterwas read, on the abyssfeudal lordface in mirrorrevealed the wild with joycolorsuddenly, thensuddenlyput out a handto aim at the frontto press.
随着这个字被念出,镜中的深渊领主脸上忽然露出了狂喜之色,然后突然伸手对准了前方按来。Thisaccording to, detected the mirror surfaceimmediately, ifwavegeneralripples, thenmirror the hand of abyssfeudal lordpenetratedunexpectedlydirectly, arrived in the middle ofthisworld.
这一按之下,顿时就发觉镜面若水波一般的荡漾起来,然后镜中的深渊领主的这只手居然直接穿透了过来,来到了本世界当中。Puts onis the shoulder, the head, is the whole person!
紧接着穿过来的就是肩膀,头部,更是整个人!After the replicapasses through the mirror surfacethoroughly, thattwinmirroralsosent out a lightsound of Karrer, then the surfacefirstpresented a crack.
The crackspreadsrapidly, the dense and numerousspider websas if are the same, finally„”blasts opendirectly, changes toten million/countless the brokenregionto the ground, whenwill soon contact the groundalsogasified, vanishes.
紧接着裂纹迅速蔓延,密密麻麻的仿佛蜘蛛网一样,最后“啪啦”一声直接炸裂,化作千万碎片落向地面,只是在即将接触到地面的时候就随之气化,消失了。In the midair in entirestudy room also presented the lightclearredray, for a very long timedoes not dissipate.
The abyssfeudal lordlooks atthisreplica, thenlightsay/way:
深渊领主看着这个复制体,然后淡淡的道:„Walks, thenaccording tomyrequestdoes.”
“走吧,然后按照我的要求去做。”On the face of replicarevealedsuddenlywipedto grin fiendishly:
复制体的脸上突然露出了一抹狞笑:„Youthink that whoyouare? WhyImustlisten toyourwords!!”
“你以为你是谁?我为什么要听你的话!!”Thisreplicaseems like, not onlyinherited the part of strengths of abyssfeudal lord, inheritedhisunruliness, cruelcrazy!
这复制体看起来不仅继承了深渊领主的一部分实力,更是继承了他的桀骜不驯,残暴疯狂!He said that had presented the mail-armor and helmet of bonesystem, as if the fanggeneralhangnail, seemed likehas entered the battle conditionrapidly.
他一面说,一面身上就已经出现了骨制的甲胄,还有仿佛獠牙一般的倒刺,看起来已经迅速进入到了战斗状态当中。However, abyssfeudal lord, sincedares the replicato put, thenhas certainly sentencedallconsequencesin advance, hestretched outtwofingerssuddenly, inownforehead, the eyesshut tightly.
不过,深渊领主既然敢于将复制体放出来,那么当然早就预判到了一切后果,他忽然伸出了两根手指,点在了自己的眉心当中,双眼紧闭。Immediately, the eyes of thisreplicastarein a big way:
顿时,这复制体的双眼都瞪得大大的:„! What's all this about! The goodpain, myheadmustexplode.”
“啊啊啊!这是怎么回事,啊!好痛啊,我的脑袋要爆掉了。”Underfierceache, replicanot onlyimmediatelystopped the attack, kneeling that but can also not helpwailedon the groundloudly, thatpain seems to be samefrom the innermost soul, cannotendureorresistwith the willpower.
在剧烈的疼痛之下,复制体不但马上停止了攻击,还情不自禁的跪在了地上大声哀嚎了起来,那种痛苦仿佛是来自灵魂深处一样,根本不是用意志力能忍受或者抵御的。Thisis the pain of soul!
The abyssfeudal lordtoletthisreplicais more real, looks like itself, evensplitpart of personalities and soulsgiveshim, naturally, the abyssfeudal lordaffirmed that here cancontrolallLordpersonalities.
深渊领主为了让这个复制体更真实,更像自己,甚至分裂出了一部分人格和灵魂给他,当然,深渊领主肯定这边是能掌控一切的主人格。Alsobecause ofthis, the abyssfeudal lordin the heartmoves, canmakethisfellowpainprobablyliveto might as welldie.
The abyssfeudal lordsneersis walking up, the replicaalsowantsto revoltunexpectedly, stares the bigeyesto angrily roarto wieldto fight with the fists.
深渊领主冷笑着走上前去,复制体居然还想反抗,瞪大双眼怒吼一声挥拳打来。But the abyssfeudal lordis not the fellow of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, the replicain the pain of soulin the middle , the high and lowstrengthcannot displaylet aloneat this timefrom head to foot1/10!
可是深渊领主也绝非手无缚鸡之力的家伙,更何况复制体此时处于灵魂之痛当中,混身上下的实力发挥不出来十分之一!Therefore the abyssfeudal lordheldhiswrist/skillto take advantage of opportunitydragsto fall, usedin the middle ofTai Chi„singlewhip”move, veryrelaxedfallingwill turnin the place, thendisplayeda series ofmoves, as ifhit the sandbagto be the same, punches the replicanot to have the strength to hit back.
After sufferingreplicaa whileruthlessly, the abyssfeudal lorddetected that alreadyhisthoroughuniform/subdue, thislet loosehim saying:
狠狠折磨了复制体一会儿之后,深渊领主发觉已经将他彻底制服,这才放开了他道:„Goes, to look the magician, thenaccording tomyinstructiondoes. Youmustrememberownstatus, is onlymyboard game piece.”
“去吧,去找魔术师,然后按照我的吩咐去做。你要记住自己的身份,就只是我的一颗棋子而已。”„Ifyourobedientwell, thencancrosscomfortably, ifyoudarenot to obeymymeaningto manage, thenImustmakeyouliveto might as welldie!!”
“如果你好好的听话,那么就能过得舒服一些,如果你敢不遵照我的意思去办,那么我就要让你生不如死!!”Replicahatredlooked atabyssfeudal lordoneeyes, can only honestobedient, vanishin the middle of the roominstantaneously.
After the abyssfeudal lordcompletedthesethings, thenreturnedin the gardento continue the refining, immediatelydetectedowncultivationspeedwas far more than faster than tentimesto continuebefore.
深渊领主做完了这些事情之后,便重新回到了花园里面继续炼气,顿时就发觉自己的修炼速度何止比之前快了十倍不止。Evenbecausepumpstooquickly the tooruthlessreason, hisnearbytreesflowers and plantsappearedsomedispiritedsunexpectedly, seemed like been excessively sameby70-80degreeshigh-temperatureinsolations.
甚至因为抽吸得太快太狠的缘故,他附近的树木花卉居然显得有些萎靡了,看起来就像是被70-80度的高温暴晒过一样。This pointabyssfeudal lord are very even surprised, it is estimated thathas not expected, crosses for more than tensecondsto mutter:
这一点甚至就连深渊领主自己都十分惊讶,估计也万万没有料到,过了十几秒钟才喃喃自语道:„Iknew, originalI, am the strength of strength and the demonsouldependencedestinysweep away all obstacles.”
“我知道了,本来的我,是依靠命运之力和魔魂之力所向披靡。”„ButIinject the abstention of one close behind the othersnake the strength of destinynowagain, used the accuratedivine toolquality the twinmirrorto make a replica, thisreplicanot onlyhadI1/5personalities and souls, split the strength of mydemonsoul.”
“但现在我重新将命运之力注入到了衔尾蛇之戒当中,又利用准神器品质的双生之镜制造了一个复制体,这个复制体不仅拥有我五分之一的人格和灵魂,更是将我的魔魂之力分裂了出去。”„In additionIam the body of arrival, before inheriting, thatYangKang'sbody, this timeIwas equivalent to a white papercompletely, moreovermyaptitude was quite outstanding, cultivated the Pure Yangprimal chaosmeritnaturalspeed of Yang Mentrue lineonten thousand li in a day.”
“外加我还是降临之躯,继承了之前那个杨康的身体,此时的我就完全相当于一张白纸了,而且我本身的资质就极为优秀,修炼起杨门真传的纯阳太极功当然速度就一日千里。”„Right, the principle of thispotential surfaceallowed the timeto be intensive, after a bludgerwas hithalf dead, a daydoes not arriveturns intoextremelyexpertthisto be possiblereally to losehas, the destinystillstandsme!”
After the abyssfeudal lordcultivated for dozen minutes, the eyebrowliftssuddenly:
深渊领主又修炼了十几分钟之后,眉毛突然一抬:„Un? Does that sideseemsomepeopleto peep?”
“嗯?那边好像有人偷看?”Hemaintains composure, the eyelidlifts, immediatelydetectedoutsidedistantmoon gate, twomaidsare looking around, but also is talking in whispers:
他不动声色,眼皮一抬,顿时发觉远远的月门外,有两个婢女正在探头探脑的,还在窃窃私语:„Was young masterthis? The whole personis strange.”
“少爷这是怎么了?整个人都怪怪的。”„Yes, sawbeforeweblushed, butwill glanceyourwaist and chestsecretly.”
“是啊是啊,以前见到我们就脸红了,但还是会偷偷瞟你的腰和胸口。”„Aiyaya, littleresponsibilitydo not talk nonsense, nothing!”
The abyssfeudal lordknits the browsslightly, heactuallyhas the moderateobsession, everythinglikespursuingperfectly, at this timewas actually detectedbytwoyoungmaids the place of incompatiblenormal state, in the heartsomewhatwas rather uncomfortable.
深渊领主微微皱眉,他其实有中度的强迫症,凡事都喜欢追求完美,此时却被两个小婢女发觉了不符常态的地方,心里面未免有些不爽了。„Reallydamn, althoughIhave concealedas far as possible, torapidlyrestore the strength, unexpectedlybythesetwomaidslooking through.”
“真该死,虽然我已经尽量掩饰,但是为了快速恢复实力,居然还是被这两个婢女给看破了啊。”Thinks ofhere, in the eyes of abyssfeudal lordrevealed a ruthlesscolor:
想到这里,深渊领主的眼中露出了一丝狠色:„Knowsmanypeople, thatshould notlive!”
“知道得太多的人,那就不应该活!”Howeveratthis time, the distant placehadformtogetherto comein a hurry, wasmasterYangXiaoguo, hisrarethreeandmadetwostepsfastlines, saw after abyssfeudal lord, immediatelyhahasaid with a smile:
不过就在这时候,远处却有一道身影匆匆而来,正是老爷杨小果,他罕见的三步并作两步快速行来,看到了深渊领主之后立即哈哈笑道:„KangEryouwere getting more and more energetic, ah, the formula that YihongyuanmotherZhaogivesis not false! Reallycanstrong and healthy body, is not good, turn headaskedYangfive( steward) thatold thingIto stressoneto goto the master.”
The abyssfeudal lordsmiles, is imitating the manner and speechtone of rightful ownersaid:
深渊领主笑笑,模仿着原主的神态和说话语气道:„Father? Alsoput onlatesuchneatly, is thismustgo out?”
“爹?这么晚了还穿得这么整齐,这是要出去?”At this timeYangXiaoguoalsotrulychanged a blackcheongsam, but alsorareclipped on the watch chain of pocket watch, thatbiglong hair combed straight backcombsas smooth as glass, a flystood to slideto plunge to deathimmediately.
此时杨小果也确实是换上了一件黑色的长衫,还难得的别上了怀表的表链,那大背头梳得油光水滑的,一只苍蝇站上去了都得马上滑下来摔死。Heard the soninquiry, YangXiaoguoshowed a smile:
听到了儿子询问,杨小果露出了一丝笑容道:„Right, Iandyourmothergo outa little matter, yourlittle darlingat home.”
The abyssfeudal lordknits the brows, hedoes not come outto haveanythingto respondsuperficially, butin the heart is also „thump”one:
“终于来了!”Thestatus that yes, the abyssfeudal lordreplacesalthoughis very strong, the resources that canutilizeare also a lot, alsohas the priceabsolutely.
是的,深渊领主顶替的这个身份虽然很强,能运用的资源也很多,却也绝对不是没有代价的。In the riches and honordanger asked that mustreplacethischildYangXiaokang, thatnaturallyininexorable fatefacinghislife!!
正所谓富贵险中求,要顶替这个孩子杨小康,那就当然得面对他生命中的劫数!!Butthisinexorable fate, today!!
而这个劫数,就在今天!!BlackoverlordLu Laosiinhad received the message, a woman who thatkills the sonalsodied, hisfatheris wild with rage, quickmustlook forowntrouble.
黑霸王路老四在已经收到了消息,那害死自己儿子的番婆子也死了,其父狂怒,很快就要来找自己的麻烦。Regarding thisif the heartLu Laosi of dying embersdoes not care about the retaliation of opposite party, hisfullhatred, pinnedonYangXiaokangbodycompletely!
对此心若死灰的路老四倒不在乎对方的报复,他的满腔仇恨,全部都寄托在了杨小康的身上!Otherwisewhom can heblame?
否则他能怪谁呢?Blamesownsonplayboy? Thatis a deceased person.
Does the person who blamesthatwomanstart is too ruthless? That was also a deceased person, previouslydid not have the enmitywith the sonwithout the injustice, was killedbyownsoncarelessly.
怪那个番婆子的人下手太狠?那也是个死人了,此前还与自己儿子无冤无仇,被自己儿子不慎弄死的。Therefore, Lu Laosihas not comewhile the retaliation of foreigner, he who anythinghas not cared about, exhausted the family propertyto make a bureaudirectly.
所以,路老四趁着洋人的报复还没来,已经什么都不在乎的他,耗尽家产直接做了一个局。Thisbureauhackneyed stuff, held the Yang and his wifegoodreputationvery much, is goodto contend in martial arts, the psychology of attaching importance to face, spending the high priceto asktwo peopleto go to the Fujianclubhouse in neighboring countyto practice martial arts, thenmakes the judgmentwhile convenient.
这个局很老套,抓住了杨家夫妇好名声,好比武,好面子的心理,花大价钱请两人去邻县的福建会馆演武,然后顺带做评判。Because the local areahas the chamber of commerceto present the dispute, invited the expertto contend in martial arts, the winnerthengave the final word.
因为当地有商会出现纠纷,请来高手比武,赢家便一锤定音。Canmake the judgment, not onlywantscompetent, but alsowantsyouto have the prestige, havingpersonal connectionYang and his wifeis goodthis.
能做评判的,不仅要有实力,还要你有威望,有人脉杨家夫妇就好这口啊。Thereforeothersconvey a message, Yang and his wifesaidon the nodimmediatelymustgo, is the persuasive speakeralsorelaxes:
所以别人一传话过来,杨家夫妇立即就点头说要去,过来做说客的也是松了一口气:„Igo, is so goodto deceive? Originallyplansto shout that was motionlesstheyalso to take20,000thank-you giftthatthissum of dollarsIto kindly accept!”
“我去,这么好糊弄?本来计划喊不动他们还要拿出来两万块谢礼那这笔钱我自己就笑纳了啊!”Inoriginaltime line, Lu Laosi , after two peoplewalk, veryrelaxedkillingYang, thencutYangXiaokangboth legs, leisurelywaits forYang and his wifeto hurry back, is in front oftheiragainkillingwhile still alive!
在原本的时间线上,路老四等到两人走后,很轻松的杀进了杨家,然后剁掉了杨小康的双腿,优哉游哉的等着杨家夫妇赶回来,再当着他们的面将之活活打死!ThenLu Laosi is also a hoodlum, does not give the opportunity that these twogive vent to indignation, a bladepunctures the heart, brandishes a bladeto commit suicide.
After experiencingso the human calamity, ifYang and his wifeheart the dying embers, looked throughanything, after selling off the family property, concealed identity, goes to the slum areato makepair of fixed rent for farmlandparents-in-law who mingled among the marketplace.
On the day of cansay, is actually the turning point of entireYang and his wifelife.
The abyssfeudal lord is also openssimilarlyhangsexistence of rank, healsoknows certainly that todayis the YangXiaokangtribulationdeadtribulation!!
深渊领主同样也是开挂级别的存在,他当然也知道今天就是杨小康的劫死劫!!Helooked atoneselfboth hands, was feelingstrength that within the bodyis restoringgradually, butcarefully the information that thinksto collectuntil now, immediatelyfrowns.
他看了看自己的双手,感觉着体内正在渐渐恢复的力量,可是仔细想一想迄今为止搜集到的情报,顿时就皱起了眉头。Yes, looking likeFang Linyanbeforerunning into the abyssfeudal lordis not willingto consumetoomanycards in a handto be the same, the abyssfeudal lord must be primarilyat this timesimilarlymaintaining the strength.
是的,就像是方林岩在遇到深渊领主之前不愿意耗费太多底牌一样,深渊领主此时同样也是要以保存实力为主。Strength that let aloneherestoresnowalso30% of heyday, to completely discouraged, Lu Laosi who strove forwholeheartedly, assurance that has not really moved out.
更何况他现在恢复的力量还不到全盛时期的30%,对上万念俱灰,一心求死的路老四,那还真没有全身而退的把握。Therefore, the abyssfeudal lordclenches teethsuddenly, thenon the faceshowed the somewhatshyexpressionto saytoYangXiaoguo:
所以,深渊领主突然一咬牙,然后脸上露出了有些腼腆的表情对杨小果道:„Father, whatmatter did yousuchlatego outto have?”
“爹,你们这么晚了出去有什么事情?”YangXiaoguobyflexureto the itchyplace, hahasaid with a smile:
杨小果被挠到了痒处,哈哈笑道:„Todaysomepeopleinvitemeandyourmotherare the notary public, thisis the matter that the venerableeldercanhandle, Iandyourmotherhave been doing good deedsto do good deeds, zealous for public interests , helping in an emergencygenerously, nowfinallyis approvedbythisrivers and lakes.”
The abyssfeudal lordis excited and pleasantly surprisedsay/wayimmediately:
深渊领主立即兴奋而惊喜的道:„Real? Thatmayprobablycongratulate the father, thisisfather'sbigauspicious day, Iwantto take a looktogether.”
After YangXiaoguolistened, immediatelyrevealed the heart movementappearance, the riches and honordid not return home, if is not appreciated! When the real meninstallto compel , if there is family memberinside, then the dopaminesecretionisdoublecomes.
杨小果听了之后立即就露出了心动的模样,富贵不还乡若衣锦夜行!大丈夫装逼时若是有亲人在旁边,那么多巴胺分泌都是双倍的来呢。Howeverthisfellowis just aboutto comply, at oncerealizesoneself the positionamongfamily is not very high can only say with a smiledry/does:
不过这家伙正要答应,旋即就意识到了自己在家庭当中的地位还是不够高只能干笑道:„Cleversonyou, ifmustgo, the fatherIdo not have the issue, butyoumustsaywithyourmother.”
The abyssfeudal lordheartsaid that yourTM are really many brokenmatter, butin the surfacealso can only set the happyappearance saying:
深渊领主心道你TM真多破事,但表面上也只能做出开心的样子道:„Good! Iwent to and mothersaid.”
“好啊!我去和娘说。”Finally the abyssfeudal lordwas throwncold waterdirectly, dragonredthis timewas lying downon the large round-backed wooden armchair the absorbing watersmoke, after seeing the abyssfeudal lord, does not give the opportunity that hespoke, immediatelydisplayed the middle-aged womanmustkill the technique: Talking incessantly.
结果深渊领主就被迎头泼下来了一头冷水,龙阿红此时正躺在太师椅上吸水烟呢,一见到深渊领主之后,根本就不给他说话的机会,立即就施展出了中年妇女的必杀技:唠叨。„Ah? Whyyouryoungbastardhas not slept, the doctorsaidveryclearly, youare all rightto go right to sleepnow, did the recuperationbody, howrun all over the placewell? Islittlemagnificenceurgesyouto come out?”
“啊呀?你个小王八蛋为什么还不睡觉,大夫讲得很清楚啊,你现在没事倒头就睡,好好调养身体,怎么又乱跑了?是不是小华撺掇你出来的?”„Mentioninglittlemagnificencealso is really not a thing, in the pastIboughtfrompersonserrated edgeher, it is estimated thatwas soldthat sideMount Huato be the wifetothreebrothers, do not believe that custom of Mount Huaveryweird, Tang DynastyHuang Chaokilledhereit is saidin the past, hundreds of thousandspeoplehave not resulted ineathave not resulted indrink, ground the corpsewith the grinding panmadeblood bean curd”
The shortthreeminutes, dragonredsuccessfulfromtraining one's sonto shift more than 1000years of Huang Chaojuncookbook the topic, thisstarting writingthousandwords, the irrelevantskill was also certainly.
只是短短三分钟,龙阿红就成功将话题从训子转移到了一千多年黄巢军的菜谱,这种下笔千言,离题万里的本事也是绝了。In the abyssfeudal lordsurfacefits out the obedientmale, lowers the headlistensto admonishhonestly, in the hearthas actually been spurting the deadwoman is too wordycrazily.
深渊领主表面上装成乖乖男,低头老实听训话,心里面却已经在狂喷死八婆太啰嗦。Whendragonredsaid that a bigpile, this well satisfiedcarryingteacupdrankone, is just aboutto continueto discuss that Huang Chaojungrinding pandoeswithanything, YangXiaoguo the stridehas walkedcame to say:
等到龙阿红噼里啪啦说完一大堆,这才心满意足的端起茶杯来喝了一口,接下来正要继续讨论黄巢军的磨盘用什么做的,杨小果已经大步走了进来道:„Madamewalked, ImadeAhuaharness the car(riage).”
After dragonlistenedred, smokedwatercigarette, is then wavingto sayto the son:
龙阿红听了之后吸了一口水烟,然后便对着儿子挥挥手道:„Sleptwell, Iandyour fathergo outto have the matter.”
“好好去睡觉了,我和你爹出去有事。”In the abyssfeudal lordbrainhas reappearedrapidly a bigsectionmaterial, thatisheprovides for a rainy dayto invite the expertto in -depth analysis that dragon conducts red:
深渊领主脑子里面已经迅速浮现出了一大段资料,那是他未雨绸缪请专家对龙阿红进行的深度分析:„Thiswomanis petty, is valiant, obstinate, thereforecannotrefuteto herabsolutely. If there is different opinions to convinceherwithit, then the bestwayisruse of inflicting an injury on oneselfwears away the rock with waterin addition.”
“这个女人心胸狭窄,性格彪悍,刚愎自用,所以对她来说绝对不能硬顶。如果与之有不同意见想要说服她,那么最好的办法就是苦肉计外加以柔克刚。”Therefore, the abyssfeudal lordis immediately red„pūto pass”oneto kneeltodragon, thensheds tearssilently.
所以,深渊领主立即就对着龙阿红“噗通”一声跪了下去,然后默默垂泪。Right nowdragonsomewhatwas red scaredimmediately, although she violent temperkept promisesin addition, butfrontthisboywas notothers, wasownbastard.
这下子龙阿红顿时就有些傻眼了,她虽然火爆脾气外加说一不二,可面前这小子不是别人,是自己的崽子啊。Whatis more important, dragonredthis whole lifealso can only have such a son.
更重要的是,龙阿红这辈子也只能有这么一个儿子了。Sheinpregnancy, because the temperis hot tempered, thereforestimulatedundercontends in martial artsto contest, althoughresultthatpersonwas punchedoneto hither motherby the violentnot to know that butonherbellyalsosufferedto move the pregnancy nauseau.()
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