Chapter 1851mysteriousyoungster
After thisseeminglyordinaryname cardplacedhandinside of captain, is actually heavy, ifthousandhonored, cansee that both hands of captainare trembling.
这张看似普通的名片放在了舰长的手里面之后,却是重若千钧,可以见到舰长的双手都在发抖。Captainhesitant, immediatelytoldto the messenger:
紧接着,舰长犹豫了一下,立即对传令兵吩咐道:„InvitedMajorClaude, first mateWilliamscame.”
“去请克劳德少校,还有大副威廉姆斯过来。”Quick, twoshipboardhigh-ranking officerscame, theycrowded togetherto studyfor quite a while, determined the authenticity of thisname card.
很快的,两位舰上的高级军官就过来了,他们凑在一起研究了半天,确定了这张名片的真实性。Because ofthis timeEhrich. Feng. AlthoughLudendorffexpensive/nobleis a general, andhadin the middle of the military headquarterspower, but during heis usually chattingactuallynot to revealslightly to the attachment of power and influence, butoftentook a standin public:
因为此时的埃里希.冯.鲁登道夫虽然已经贵为上将,并且掌握了军部当中的大权,但他平时在闲聊当中却丝毫没有流露出对目前权势的眷恋,而是经常在公开场合表态:„Ipassnow not with ease, shoulderedtoomanyheavythings, nowrecalls, Imost joyfultime, iswhenCrouchezYa Town( is also hishometown) onis the second-classvisitator.”
( These wordsthoughta littlelooks familiar. Obviously the attire of big shotcompels the repertoirealsoto have a collision, hehe.)
(这句话是不是觉得有点眼熟.可见大佬的装逼套路也会撞车,嘿嘿。)Finally, Ludendorff must raise the full beardto heave a deep sigh, deepexpressionownregret.
最后,鲁登道夫还要掀着大胡子长叹一声,深深的表示自己的遗憾。In order tostrengthenoneselfinstallsto compel the persuasive power of timewords, Ludendorff'sname card that therefore the powerleans the government and people is very succinct, wishes one couldto writealltitlesunlike others, hewill only writeCrouchez( town/subdues) visitator.
为了增强自己装逼时候这句话语的说服力,所以权倾朝野的鲁登道夫的名片就很简洁,与其余的人恨不得将所有头衔写上去不同,他就只会写一个克鲁谢维亚(镇)巡查员。However, whatis different from others, onothervisitatorname cardsis printing the title of visitator , because they, only thenthispersonal history that takesactscanwrite, howeveronLudendorff'sname cardis printingthis , because heonlywantsto printthistitleto come up.
但是,和别人不同的是,其余的巡查员名片上印着巡查员的头衔,是因为他们只有这个拿得出手的履历可以写,但是鲁登道夫的名片上印着这个,是因为他只想印这个头衔上去。This was also at that time the bigmarvelous sight of Germanpolitical circle, because ofthenmedia not developedreason, thereforealso the smallrangeamong the official of certainrankspreads.
Obviously, thiscaptainhas heardthisanecdote, butto be cautious, askedexperiencemoretwoassistantsto consider in detail.
很显然,这位舰长是听说过这个逸闻的,不过为了谨慎起见,还是叫来了见识更多的两位副手参详。ButMajorClaudeisabovehas the person, dispatches the gold-plating, quickdeterminedname cardreal, the reasonis the name cardbackabbreviation: MD, is the abbreviation of Ludendorffmostself-satisfiedpen name, the person who thismatterknowswas few.
而克劳德少校则是上面有人,派遣下来镀金的,很快就确定了名片是真的,理由就是名片背后的缩写:MD,乃是鲁登道夫最得意的笔名的缩写,这件事知道的人就很少了。Then the followingmatter was very smooth, some peoplepleaseget up the warshipdirectly, the written order of big shothere, almostlooked like the imperial decreeto be the same regarding the Germansoldiers, must carry out.
那么接下来的事情就很顺利了,一干人直接就被请上了军舰,大佬的手令在此,对于德国军人来说差不多就像是圣旨一样了,必须是要执行的。Afteron the warshipstabilizes, Feng. WuelkerfoundFang Linyanand the otherson own initiative, the complexionpalesay/way:
在军舰上面稳定下来之后,冯.威尔克主动找到了方林岩等人,面色铁青的道:„Did youscrew upallthingsknew?”
The Fang Linyanwhole faceis the appearance that compelsignorant:方林岩满脸都是懵逼的样子:„What?”
“什么?”Feng. Say/Way that Wuelkerhates bitterly:
冯.威尔克痛心疾首的道:„Did youdoa moment agohigh-profile! Me the general staffurgedtomeover and over, makingmygoodbusinessnecessary! The matter that thisIhandletimeoncespreads, thenthey will be very passive.”
“你刚才那么张扬干什么!我出发的时候参谋部对我再三叮嘱,让我行事务必要低调!这一次我办的事情一旦传扬出去的话,那么他们就会很被动了。”Fang Linyansaidstartled:方林岩愕然道:„Feng. Mr.Wuelker, youwere very low-key! youconceals identityfromGermany, travelling day and nightcatches up, has not toldanybody, why was thatadmitted toWanguo Hotelto stare?”
“冯.威尔克先生,你很低调了啊!伱从德国那边隐姓埋名,日夜兼程的赶来,根本就没有告诉任何人,那为什么一住进万国饭店就被人盯上了呢?”Feng. Wuelkeris stunned, will speak, actuallylistens toFang Linyanthen saying:
冯.威尔克愕然,正要说话,却听方林岩接着道:„Obviously, yourself are very impossibleto divulgeanywhereabouts, was that side the general staffhad/left the bigproblemobviously, divulgedyourwhereabouts, how can thisblametoyouon? In the worlddoes not havesuchtruth!”
“很显然,你自己是不可能泄露任何行踪的,那么明明就是参谋部那边出了大问题,泄露了你的行踪,这怎么能怪到你身上来呢?天底下就没有这样的道理是吧!”„Words that like thisspoke, sinceyourmaterialwere sold a cleanness, thenalsodoeslow-key, the hurryinghigh-sounding talkstrives for the strengthhelp of militarya little, otherwise, do youalsowantto complete the abovetask?”
“这样说起来的话,既然你的资料都被卖了个干干净净,还那么低调干什么,赶紧高调一点儿争取军方的力量帮忙啊,否则的话,你还想完成上面任务吗?”Feng. Wuelkerstayed, suddenlythought that Fang Linyanas ifa littledid say the truth?
Others sawFeng. Wuelker'sexpression, looks at each otherone, took a stand:
其余的人见到了冯.威尔克的表情,对视一眼,纷纷表态:„Yes, Feng. Mr.Wuelkeryoucannotagain be so suffering.”
“就是,冯.威尔克先生你不能再这么委屈自己了。”„Right, obviouslyis the mistake of general staff, whywantsyouto undertake, theymake mistakesalsotalk, youactuallymustpay with the life the price!”
“对对,明明是参谋部的错,为什么要你来承担,他们犯错也就是动动嘴,你这边却要付出生命的代价!”„Feng. Wuelker, thinks that we, FatherDukewill also betraya moment agoyour, youquitethereforewalk into a trap!”
“.”Feng. Wuelkerheardthesepeople saying that graduallyfeltownbeforehandideareallysomewhatextreme.
After hesitating, Feng. Wuelker is also concerned about face, puts out a hand saying:
沉吟了一番之后,冯.威尔克也是要脸的,一伸手道:„Youlet alone, it can be said that the absolute safety, restedhereearlier.”
The vulturesawFengat this time. Wuelkertonewas more moderate, collectedto sayimmediately:
秃鹫这时候见到了冯.威尔克语气缓和了一些,立即就凑上来道:„Before the personbyland of the polar northwas chased down, onmyheadis hit, nowis very uncomfortable, Feng. Does Mr.Wuelkertake a looktome?”
“之前被极北之地的人追杀的时候,我脑袋上被撞了一下,现在很是不舒服,冯.威尔克先生给我瞧瞧?”Feng. Wuelkerhas a mindto rejectat this time, but the vulturesaidveryclearly, tosaveyouinjured, howsuddenly can the words of thisrejectionsay? Onlycansigh:
冯.威尔克此时有心拒绝,但秃鹫说得很清楚,是为了救你才受伤的,一时间这拒绝的话怎么说得出口?只能叹了口气道:„Come, makingmehave a look.”
“来吧,让我看看。”But after helooked ata while, frowns saying:
而他看了一会儿之后,就皱起了眉头道:„YourinjuryIdo not have the meansto permanently cure, mustgo tothat sideEuropeto open the skullto take outyourbraininsideblood clotto be good.”
After the vulturelistened, immediately the eyeballstaredin a big way, immediatelyspat the mortisein the middle of the squadchannel:
秃鹫听了之后,立即眼珠子都瞪大了,立即在小队频道当中吐槽道:„FUCK!! Opens the skull, inpresentthistime!?? Ido not wantin the futuresufferby the epilepsy and mental illness!”
“FUCK!!开颅,在现在这个时代!??我可不想日后被癫痫和神经病折磨!”„Ok, Iratherenduredthisnegative effect.”
“算了吧,我宁愿忍受一下这负面效果了。”Was goodbecause ofthis timeFeng. Wuelkerthensaid:
好在这时候冯.威尔克接着道:„But, went to the words of Europe is really slow, Iestimated that youare also enduringsuffering of painnow, therefore a methodcanalleviateyoursymptomtemporarily, butdoes not know that onthiswarshiphad the thing that disposedmeto want.”
After the vulturelistened, say/way that immediatelybeams from ear to ear:
秃鹫听了之后立即笑逐颜开的道:„Canalleviateon the linetemporarily.”
“能暂时缓解就行。”Fang Linyansaidat this timesuddenly:方林岩这时候突然道:„Feng. Mr.Wuelker, does not know the treatment that youuse is the alchemycategory, is the faction of barber?”
“冯.威尔克先生,不知道您使用的治疗手段是属于炼金术的范畴,还是理发师的派系?”Originally, inthenEurope, the medicinealsohad the faction, oneschoolwasto stem from the alchemy, anotherschoolwasto stem from the barber.
原来,在当时的欧洲,医学也是有派系的,一派是起源于炼金术,另外一派则是起源于理发师。Yes, youhave not misread, trulyis a barber.
是的,你没有看错,确实是理发师。In the middle ages, the position of surgeonwas low, but the position of medical doctorwas very high, moreoverat that time after without meansto achieve the asepticenvironmentanddealt with the techniqueeffectivelyinfects, the success ratio of surgerywas extremely low- Undersuchenvironment, it can be imagined the surgeoncertainlyisextremely rare.
在中世纪的时候,外科医生的地位非常低,而内科医生的地位很高,而且当时没办法做到无菌环境和有效应付术后感染,外科手术的成功率极低--在这样的大环境下,可想而知外科医生一定是凤毛麟角。Howeverat that timebased onHippocrates„humoralism”, the bloodlettingbecame a populartreatment.
然而当时基于希波克拉底的“体液学说”,放血就成了一种流行的治疗手段。Manycelebritiesfor exampleWashington, Richard II, FrenchKingLouis15lost lifeinthis.
诸多名人比如华盛顿,查理二世,法国国王路易十五都是丧身于此。But, because of the deficiency of surgeonnumber, the bloodlettingtreatedthismatteronlyto be ableby the barberto do, because the barberhappen tohadvarioustypes of sharpsmallcutting toolson hand, cangive the customerto process the relevant issuewhile convenient.
可是,因为外科医生数量的匮乏,放血治疗这件事就只能由理发师来做了,因为理发师手边正好就有各种锋利的小刀具,可以顺便给顾客处理相关事宜。Therefore, thenAlexander IIIannounced, the barbercancarry out the exsanguinating, in addition, they have the processinglumpbody, the wart, raises the leech, pulls a tooth, alcoholanaesthesiawait/etcservices projects.
所以,当时的亚历山大三世就宣布,理发师可以执行放血术,除此之外,他们还拥有处理瘤体,疣赘,饲养水蛭,拔牙,酒精麻醉等等服务项目。Until now, the barber shopentrancewill presentrevolving the tricolorlamphouses, itis divided into the bluewhiteredthreecolors, thisalsobases onhistorically the surgery of barberto permit- Whatredsymbolis the human bodyartery, the bluesymbolhuman bodyvein, the whitemeans the bandage.
时至今日,理发店门口都会出现旋转的三色灯箱,其分为蓝白红三种颜色,这也是基于历史上理发师的外科手术许可--红色象征的是人体动脉,蓝色象征人体静脉,白色意味着绷带。Naturally, treatment result of barber is definitely poor. Becausetheirprincipal workcut hair, the surgeryisholds concurrent jobscompletely.
当然,理发师的治疗效果那肯定是不怎么好.因为他们的主业还是理发,外科手术完全就是兼职而已。Feng. After Wuelkerlistened, lightsnort/hum a sound said:
冯.威尔克听了以后轻哼一声道:„Barber, whatthing is that?”
The meaning of itdespisingtakes shape, as the saying goes the peeris an enemy, veryobviouslyFeng. Wuelkeris the gold metallurgyfaction, regardingtreatmentideaanything of barbercannot have a liking.
其轻蔑之意呼之欲出,有道是同行是冤家,很显然冯.威尔克是炼金派系的,对于理发师的治疗理念什么的都看不上。HeardFeng. Wuelker'swords, others alsorelaximmediately, vultureimmediatelyjoyfulsay/way:
“那就请赶快给我治疗吧。”Quick, Feng. Wuelkerlookedon the generalshipboarddoctor, carriedafterthemalongin the medicine kit that choseseveraltypes of medicines, will then wrap in the paper, grindingwill become the powderto mix upwith the bottle.
很快的,冯.威尔克就将军舰上的医生找来了,从他们随身携带的药箱里面挑选出来了几样药后,然后将之包在了纸张里面,又用瓶子将之碾成了粉末混在一起。Finallyobtainsunexpectedlyisa handfuliron greypowder, thenFeng. Wuelkerwill exchangeto sail upstream, with the thickinjectorin the inspirationlumen, will then be graspingto the neckgesture of vulture.
最后得到的居然是一小撮灰白色的粉末,接下来冯.威尔克将之兑上水,用粗大的注射器将之吸入管腔内,然后将之握着对着秃鹫的脖子比划。Usuallyis also fearlessfacingtremendous dangers and difficulties, evenfinishes a job the vulture that the severe wound of foot can also treatconfidently, looksthickneedle that thiscold lightsparkles, is the cold sweatstreamingunexpectedly , the thought of suddenlysomewhatflinching, cannot beargrab the Fang Linyanhandtremblingsound said:
平时面对刀山火海也毫无畏惧,甚至断手断脚的重伤也能坦然对待的秃鹫,看着这寒光闪闪的粗大针头,竟是冷汗涔涔而下,突然有几分退缩的念头,忍不住抓着方林岩的手颤声道:„Doesn't boss, Ihit? Ifelt, even ifhangsthisnegativeconditionIalso to complete the labor of duty!”
“头儿,我不打了可以吗?我觉得哪怕是挂着这负面状态我也能做好本职工作啊!”Fang Linyansees thatisaerobicisfunny, will speak, Feng. Wuelkerisonegripped! The vulturesent outimmediately„” a sad and shrillpitiful yell! The whole persontwitches the eyesto turnwhite, butactuallydoes not dareto move the least bit.方林岩见状又是好气又是好笑,正要说话,冯.威尔克已经是一针扎了下去!秃鹫顿时发出了“啊”的一声凄厉惨叫!整个人都抽搐着双眼翻白,可是却又不敢挪动半点。
The mouth of vulturehas startedto inhale the cold airfiercely, thenpainfulsay/way:
紧接着,秃鹫的嘴里已经开始猛吸凉气,然后痛苦的道:„Pain!! The goodpain, thatplaceto look like the gunpowderto be lit was the same, seemed like injecteda lot ofmagmato go, Oh, whyImustreceivesuchsuffering!!”
“痛!!好痛,那地方就像是火药被点燃了一样,又像是被注射了大量岩浆进去,天哪,为什么我要受这样的活罪!!”Feng. After Wuelkerfires off, has not actually been idling, buttook a drinking glassto come, singedsingeingwith the fireininsidedirectly, thenaccording to the pinhole of vulture, thismade the passing clouds and flowing waterto be adept.
冯.威尔克一针打完之后却也没闲着,而是拿了个水杯过来,直接用火在里面燎了燎,然后按在了秃鹫的针孔上,这一手做得行云流水娴熟至极。Separateda whileheto tear off the drinking glass, immediatelysawin the middle of that pinhole of vulturewas attracteda lot ofdark-redblood, butin the middle of the bloodalso many black-coloredcapillaries, lookedmake some people scalp tingles.
Obviously, Feng. Wuelkerthisprofited from the cupping glasstechnique of Chinato make, sufficientlyproofthisfellowself-glorificationlived for fiveyearsinChina, was skilled to the Chinese culture is not very a lid.
The vulturecould not sendat this time the sound, the whole personsat down exhaustedon the chair, was in a state ofhalfstupor, others looked that hisconditionwaspresents„weak”.
秃鹫此时则是连声音都发不出来了,整个人都瘫坐在了椅子上,陷入了半昏迷的状态,旁人看他的状态则是呈现出“虚弱中”。At this timeothertwoGermanmilitary doctorscameto inspectto the vulture, thentoldFang Linyanand the others, said that has controlleditssymptom, thenput worries aside and built up one's healthto be good.
The vulturealsoin the middle of the squadchannelsaidweaklyownpresenthas no important matter, the lifevaluealsoinrestorescontinually, rests for about an hour on the line.
秃鹫也是在小队频道当中虚弱的说自己现在没什么大事,生命值也是在持续恢复中,休息一个小时左右就行。At this time after Fang Linyantheyenter the world, bustled about for almost45hours, in this periodalsounderwent very intensivefight, buton the warship of Germanyobviouslyis„safe area”existence, thereforetheyafterobtainingpermitted, thenwent to the restaurantto dine.
The Germans were also a veryactualnationality, Fang Linyan their group of peoplehelpedspecial envoyFeng of military headquarters. Wuelkerwithdrawsfromchasing down of land of the polar north, the shipboardGermansoldiersthereforealsorespectedaboutthem, put outfood that received cordially the distinguished guest.
德国人也是个很实际的民族,方林岩他们这帮人帮助了军部的特使冯.威尔克从极北之地的追杀当中脱身,舰上的德国军人因此也对他们十分尊重,拿出了款待贵宾的食物。For example the Germanfamousgood foodapple pie, the typereaches11types of sausagesmuch, finallyreturned a crispskinDazhuelbow, is the hardvegetable/dishmeatvegetable/dishguarantees all one wants to eatcompletely, eatsFang Linyantheyto be greedy, while convenientagainwithFeng. Wuelkerbumpsclinks glasses, the drinking to heart's contentMunich beer, the atmosphereis quite warm.
***In the placetheirtwentykilometers away fromFang Linyan,
在距离方林岩他们二十几公里外的地方,In the middle of a bighouse,
一处大宅子当中,Thishousehasat this time the typicalShanghaitimestyle, is primarilyChinese type, actuallyinincreasemanythings of westernizationindetail,
这一处宅子拥有此时典型的申城时代风格,以中式为主,却在细节上添加上许多西化的东西,For example the classic orders of Europe, consist mainly of the wind chimes, the characterreplaced the traditionaltile of Chinato work aswait/etc.
比如欧洲的古典柱式,以风铃,人物取代了中国的传统瓦当等等。Cansee that the above of housesuddenlypresentedgiantsevenglowstarillusions, becausesevenin the astrologiesandvariouslegends is a number that contained the mysteriousstrength, for exampleoneweeksevendays, Goduses for sevendaysto create the world, sevencolors, sevennoteswait/etc.
可以见到宅子的上方突然出现了一个巨型的七芒星幻象,因为七在星相学和各种传说当中都是一个蕴藏了神秘力量的数字,比如一周七天,上帝用七天缔造世界,七种颜色,七个音符等等。Therefore, sevenglowstarrepresentativesismysterious, eternal.
所以,七芒星代表的就是神秘,永恒。Naturally, the localresidentisignorestothesesevenglowstars, was shieldedin the visiondirectly.
当然,本土居民对这七芒星乃是熟视无睹,直接在视觉上被屏蔽了。Alsohas the rayto flash, lay downon the bedyoungsteropened the eyesuddenly, sat.
紧接着又有光芒一闪,一个躺在了床上的少年突然睁开了眼睛,坐了起来。Thisyoungstercomplexionis somewhat pale, looks at the figure is also quitethin, evenon the cheekboneis exudingazure, thislooksis the congenitally deficientbodyweaksymbol.
这个少年脸色有些苍白,看身形也是颇为瘦削,甚至颧骨上都泛着青,这一看就是先天不足身体虚弱的标志。But after the youngstersits, immediatelycovered the mouthdoomto cough, inhisthroatexuded the neighingsound of pollution, listenedto make the lifehave the rendingfeeling.
After hearinghiscoughsound, outsidethreemaidservanthalf stepswalkedimmediately.
听到了他的咳嗽声后,外面顿时有三个丫鬟快步走了进来。Can look attheirconditionto have the preparationearly, takes the spittoon and towel, takes the medicine and lukewarm water, anotheristo walk up, fondles the back of youngster, massageitsrowlacks the holewhile convenientandgathersvalleyXue.
看得出来她们对此状况早有预备,一个去拿痰盂和毛巾,一个去拿药和温水,另外一个则是走上前来,抚拍少年的背部,顺带按摩其列缺穴和合谷穴。Tossed aboutsome little time, the cough of youngsterstoppedfinally, butat this timehehas been sweating profusely, obviouslyitbecamewhatappearanceweakly.
折腾了好一会儿,少年的咳嗽终于停了下来,而此时他已经是满头大汗,可见其虚弱成什么样子了。However, the look of youngsterhad changed, becomingice-coldandself-confident, wavesto makethreemaidservantsget down.
但是,少年的眼神已经变了,变得冰冷而自信,挥手就让三个侍女下去。Oldthatsomewhatholdsto favorto be tender, quicklybeckons with the hand saying:
年长的那个有些持宠而娇,急忙摆手道:„Thatis not good, the madame said that young masteryou, as soon ascoughswe to insidewait.”
The youngsterare staring atherimmediatelyearnestly, did not speak, butthatlookhas becomeveryfearful.
少年顿时认真的盯着她,也不说话,只是那眼神已经变得十分可怕。Thisyoung girlis even old, that is still otherrelativetwo, in fact is also only21 years old, was so staringbythisyoungsterstubbornly, immediatelysomewhatcould not withstand, immediatelycried, thencovered the faceto run.
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